Clinical Trial & Error

Hey, only took me half a year to write a new story. Standard disclaimer applies; lots of adult material, don't view if you're not of legal age in your state, province, or country, etc. etc. There's, uh...lots more kinks in this one, so take a look at...

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Making Ends Meet

Disclaimer/warning/what-have-you: 18+, of course; the following is unabashedly several paragraphs of gay smut, and it pretends to be nothing besides. It includes kinks which may or may not be your thing, so check the tags before you read. The...

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A Pet's Revenge: Chapter One

Eight AM, Saturday morning. The city of Richland, Washington stirred from the slumber of early morning. Richland was a small town, but it was bustling with college students, brilliant scientists, and plenty of high schoolers. One such high school...

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Dead Reign: Bipolar (Part 1)

Journal entry 15, 7/4/14 It's deathly quiet for once. And of all the days, too. The past three months have been nothing but a blur to me, And yet, I still remember that first day as if it were yesterday. Everyone around me just dropped dead, all at...

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