Archmage, Part 3

Story by Aqueous on SoFurry

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#3 of Archmage

All characters are still copyrighted by me, so please don't copy without asking. :)

Also, if you don't start with part 1 then you probably will be confused.

Archmage, part 3

We step through the threshold back into the real world. The moment I walk through, my balance shifts and I find myself falling backwards. Scrabbling for a grip, I tumble backwards out of my bedroom door and into the hallway.

My head violently thumps against the wall. I think I've got some kind of concussion, because I'm hurting like I never have before. It isn't even that bad, it just has never hurt there before.

I look down behind myself and realize that I've grown a tail that would reach the ground, were I not leaning against the wall rubbing my head with it sprawling sideways. It's based where my tailbone used to be, and it starts out about 5 inches in diameter and widens to about 6 inches out grows to 7 inch, and then tapers to a point as it gets to the floor. At least I know why I lost my balance.

My legs seem stronger now, but I feel like my natural stance has changed to digitigrade. My tail and legs have congruent patterns, brown and black splotchy horizontal lines, and my feet now have three toes with a claw extending off the tip of each one.

The whack on my head has woken me up some more, snapping me out of my milk-induced euphoria and back down to earth. I sit there, looking at the scales on my arms, my legs, my tail... I don't even know how I got my pants up. I nick my tail, and just now notice that I've grown prominent claws at the end of each finger.

I guess I was too busy massaging her dorsal fin in our embrace to take the time to look at them.

I see that my flailing has left several gashes through the newly painted walls, along with a gouge through the door in the shape of a crescent moon if you turn it to look like a U.

Shariykah's leaning over me, hands on her knees and smiling a big toothy smile, full of those pristine, sharp teeth. Her tail sways to and fro gently behind her.

"I guess I should've told you," she smirks, "that my sanctum is based in the astral plane. Thoughts hold more sway there, especially for something like you. If you think your balance should be at a certain angle, it will be. The physical world is not so forgiving."

I don't even make eye contact. That knock on the head seems to knock the reality and imminence of the situation into my head, and it's becoming more and more overwhelming the more I think about it. I'm going to see this face for the next thousand years. The next hundred thousand. Twenty million years from now, I'll still be with this woman. She'll likely always be better than me. I realize that I will grow to see every last one of my friends die.

But not Shariykah.

I'll see all of my loved ones die of old age, and I'll still have eons to go.

But she'll still be there.

The nature of my existence has fundamentally changed, and it was here, now.

Eyes gazing off into infinity, I breathe "Oh, my god."

Still she stands above me, her smile having shifted from amused to reassuring.

"This is all really happening, isn't it?"

I take her hand, and she hoists me up. I look down at my tail again. The pants are torn, there are gashes through the door, and I'm a snake. I have to hold on to her hand to stand, with the whole balance-change thing.

I put my hand over her shoulder, and smile. If I have any grain of determination, I've got to embrace this path.

She cheerfully adds, "Do you want to go for a walk? You'll feel better afterward."

I glance down at my ripped pants. "Sure, but let me get some new clothes on..."

She looks down at my pants and chortles. "I guess we're going to update your wardrobe soon."

I nearly fall again, just trying to get over to my closet. "Um... would you mind picking something out for me? I don't have that much to pick from."

She looks down at me with a worried frown. "Okay."

She looks through my wardrobe, finding a set of 1969 jeans and a tee shirt with the slogan 'Grabbin Pillz' on it.

After handing them to me, she strides over to the door and surveys the damage that my flailing claws inflicted upon those poor, innocent walls. I watch as she puts her hand over the gouges, and slides along the length it. As every part that goes under her hand, it looks as good as new as it comes out the other side. She proceeds to do this to the rest of the marks I've made, along with the jeans my tail has torn through.

She walks back over, and giggles at me trying to figure out a way to fit my tail into my jeans. It's not going well. She takes the pants from me as I stare at her, confused. She pulls the fabric between the back pockets apart and a new, fully stitched hole forms. Perfectly tailored, it's just wide enough for my tailbase with a snap connecting the waistband.

"Don't worry, we can go through and change all the rest of your pants later, at least until you know how to do it yourself. Let's go, it's nice outside!"

I nod whilst staring into infinity, still rubbing the bump on my head. I shift my gaze back into her brilliant white smile, and reflect one back.

In the end, I'm just glad my clothes and shoes still manage to fit comfortably. Maybe she enchanted me or something.

"So, you're telling me you've decided to go through with all of it? You know it's not too late. A lot of people get this far, and If they back down I either put them back to their human form or, upon request, leave them anthropomorphic to live out the rest of their life."

I'm holding her arm while we're walking. I'm stumbling every few minutes by now, but it's feeling more and more natural, having the tail and all. It's a hot day outside, but with my new body I feel more comfortable in the heat of the day. I wouldn't have thought that I'd inherit the cold blood, but I guess I was mistaken. Maybe this means I can go without food for a long time too, like real snakes. Oh, well.

I look down, still getting used to walking on my new claws. "I'm sure. What kind of person would I be if I -whoa- I turned down an opportunity to help the world? This is a little bit bigger than joining the Peace Corps or the Red Cross, you know?"

"All right," she says doubtfully, "let's see how you fare when your training starts."

About halfway through our walk, I've acclimated to the tail. She was right, it seems. If it's easier for me to figure out how to get used to a completely different body in about fifteen minutes, I'm sure that some other skills should be easier to pick up.

We return to my house, and at this point it's only 3:00 in the afternoon.

"So..." I scratch behind my head, quizzically looking at her, "How do I begin?"

"Well, you're going to need some intensive training in energy manipulation and awareness of self. Both of those can be mastered through meditation. With your new mind, you'll still have to do this for long periods at a time."

She opens up her hot pink handbag, and rifles through it. She curses under her breath, "Where the hell did I put..."

I'm about to ask her if she can just scry it, or magic it up out of thin air, whatever she's looking for, but she exuberantly exclaims, "Ha!" She pulls out a brass door knocker, and hands it to me. It's not all that ornately detailed, and it's kind of rusty.

I stare at it for a moment. "Erm... What is this for?"

She waves her hair a bit, acting up the arrogant part. "I, for your benefit, have personally enchanted a key for you."

"I think you're mistaken, it looks like a knocker..."

"No, silly. Put it up against a closed door and knock with it."

I look at her, then the knocker, then her again. It doesn't feel like it has energy coursing through it, nor is it glowing. With a reluctant sigh, I hold it up to the bathroom door and knock three times. The light under the door turns to black.

"Ah. I see. So, you've given me the key to your private sanctum. Most girls won't even give me their number."

She chuckles. "I can't imagine why, maybe you should ask them for it. Talking to them period would be a good idea, rather than shying away to video games and the corner seats of class. Hell, the only reason you talked to me was because I was a shark."

I roll my eyes, and get back on topic. "How much time should I spend per day?"

"Well, you could technically be doing magic by next week if you spend two-hundred hours per week in meditation."

I stare at her, flabbergasted for a moment, and begin to laugh. "Really, how many?"

She just looks at me, straight-faced. "I'm not joking. Do you think this would be easy? Time goes on ten times longer in there. You need about 4 hours per day real time."

I stare into infinity, and then shake myself back down to earth. "Wow. Well, I guess I've got to start somewhere. What if I go hungry?"

"You're a snake now, metabolism and all. You can get away with eating once every two days. Forty hours without food will be, at least in terms of hunger, like the time between lunch and dinner for you. We've got time now, so let's get cracking!"

For twenty hours, she's been sitting here watching me. She's sitting, making sure I concentrate. For twenty hours, I sit there, completely motionless.

During the first hour, I was fidgeting. I got angry at every little thought that flowed through my head, distracting me.

By the third hour, I was completely calm. Nothing mattered. Everything was soothing. The sound of the constant drizzle in her sanctum's jungle became therapeutic.

By the tenth hour, I'd achieved a state of happiness. I wasn't tired, and nothing distracted me. No more meaningless thoughts came to me, and on top of it I felt like I gained the benefit of sleep without actually sleeping.

By the twentieth, I'd achieved some state of bliss. Everything was right with the world. I was one with everything around me, and I could begin to feel. I could feel the energies of these things around me. They weren't distracting, they were just... there. They flowed through me. I could feel Shariykah. She was there, meditating right next to me. There, contemplating in complete silence of mind and body, I could feel her very essence. It was powerful.

I lost count of the hours. I'm guessing Shariykah didn't.

Now, quite some time later, she begins to stir. I open my eyes and look at her. I feel as if I've just woken from a deep sleep, only without the grumpiness or the grogginess that generally accompanies it.

"I guess I've found a time slot, then. I guess can do this every night!"

It's eight o'clock. My parents stopped by briefly and noted that they were going to spend the weekend in our mountain cabin, and they'll be back in a couple of days. They've had enough stress, what with my dad working in the OR and maintaining three houses, and my mom trying to cope with her old mother's sicknesses, and they've decided that they're taking the weekend.

Shariykah and I are lying on the sofa watching some Hugh Grant romantic comedy, me holding her to my chest as we both watch. I'm passively stroking her arms, her skin continually most as if she's just dried off from a swim or shower. Some enchantment, no doubt. Regardless, her skin felt like heaven against my already smooth scales, warm yet softer than the finest silk. I kiss her neck now and again, and she starts swishing her tail back and forth. I want to take this to the next level, but I want to do her proud first. I decide to take the initiative, once the movie's over of course.

The movie finishes, and we both pry ourselves from the couch. She gazes at me, and drapes her arms over my shoulders. Her head moves in closer, and I begin to feel my hemipenes begin to slide out of their home. She cranes her neck down and her snout meets with mine, and our tongues engage in their own kind of dance, weaving, twisting, and sliding around each other.

Oh, god. I love her taste, I love her personality, I love her body, I love everything about her and yet I feel undeserving.

I break the kiss, and look into her eyes. "I'm going to make you proud. I'll be practicing magic before the weekend is out."

I go into our fridge, and bring out the remainder of our honey baked ham, and three CLIF bars. I bring my multivitamin tablets, and a case of bottled water from our garage. Shariykah is watching me while I do this, a bewildered look on her face.

Having gathered my supplies, I slowly approach her. I put my hand on her shoulder, and look into her eyes. "I'll see you about noon tomorrow."

She stares for a minute, then laughs. "Eight O'clock? That's going to be about... one-hundred and sixty hours of intensive practice. You're gonna come out of there in about one hour and say you're enlightened."

I gaze into her eyes, motionless.

"Fine, damn. You want to go on a discipline binge, be my guest. Meditation isn't everything, though. I'll sleep in your bed, then. You don't have to be so dramatic, and somebody's got to feed these cats and dogs."

In my feeling of determination and premature enlightenment, I've completely forgotten that there's nobody else here to feed our pets.

"If you want to do this, at least show me where you keep the dog food!"

"Heh," my drama having been abruptly sucked away, "I guess I may have been a little hasty there. The dog food's in the cupboard under the right-hand side of the counter, next to the back door. If the phone rings, just let them leave a message. I'll just go now, before I lose my nerve."

"You do that." She chuffs an over-exaggerated sigh, and stalks off to our kitchen.

"Feel free to help yourself to anything in our fridge!"

"Go on! Get moving!" I can hear her laughing to herself in the next room. With no more excuses, I take my supplies and mentally steel myself as I step through the door.

It's about one-hundred hours in. I don't know how I know, but I know. Maybe it's part of how my brain's wired now. I'm one with the universe, and I can feel every part of myself. I can feel my own heartbeat, and I know I can control it. I can pick out every part of my metabolic processes. I'm aware of my hormone productions, my kidney's filtering process, the production of each sperm in my testes, the peristalsis of my intestines, and the absorption of the meat therein, every minute reflexive movement from the end of my snout to the tip of my tail.

Almost all of my supplies are gone, having stopped for several minutes every so often to partake. I've taken off all of my clothes, finding them unnecessary in the solitude and beauty of the sanctum.

It's about one-hundred forty hours in. I can feel the energies of the plants growing and the insects buzzing around the grotto. I've become aware of the minute differences between the water that's dripping from the end of a vine to the life force of a bee that's buzzing in the foliage. I've come to identify with the plants themselves, their simple lives of stationary contentment.

It's almost the end of my time here, and I've begun trying to manipulate the energies in the forces that be. It's not quite meditation anymore as much as it is hard concentration. I try to take the energy from the droplets of water and move them toward myself.

Gradually, ever so slowly, the energies come to gently flow to where my thoughts guide them.

Time's up. I feel refreshed, and open my eyes once again.

It's none too soon, and stomach is sore from hunger. Even with metabolism going at minimum capacity, 3 CLIF bars and some ham gets you only so far, even when you're already a reptile.

Once again, I go back to the real world. I'm rubbing my sore tail from sitting so long in a position that was less than ergonomic. I guess I'll find out how to keep it comfortable eventually.

Shariykah is there on the couch. She's wearing one of those Japanese kimonos made of silk with the flowers and trees on it, and she's petting my dogs while watching a fashion show. "Morning, sunshine! I didn't know the next Buddha enlightened himself in the buff."

I don't even look down, I just facepalm. I'd forgotten to put my clothes back on.

"Don't feel embarrassed! I slept without clothes too if it makes you feel any better." She giggles, and adds, "Do you mind? I'd like to see what you've been up to."

"Not at all." By now I've moved my tail in front of my body to cover up my genital slit. Nothing's there, but the principle remains.

I feel the probing in my mind. It's almost familiar now, as familiar as a mind probe can get, anyway.

"Hmm... you think you've got it all figured out. It is amazing that you sat there thus far, but with your new wiring you've just made more mental progress than most people do in their entire lives. Show me how you would move energy, then."

"All right," I say with a somewhat cocky attitude. "I got this."

She closes her eyes just before I close mine. Already I can feel the energies moving around me. I take some of it from my own blood and try to focus it into my own hand. It's like a vacuum, so when I focus that which is in my blood into my hand, the energy from the earth itself comes and replenishes it. The gentle building...

"No, no! It's not all peaches and cream like that. I mean, sure, if you want to cast some ritual spell for some right or another, but that's not going to help you in combat or on the fly. You need to give it some oomph!"

I glare at her, and she blushes. I say, however sulking, "Way to pop my bubble. I just spent over a week in there... I think." There's a pause whilst she seems to suppress a laugh. "Fine, show me some 'oomph'."

She stares at me, an evil little smile forming on her face. Immediately, all of my energy is pulled from me, and I'm on my knees in agony. She flicks her finger, and it's back into me tenfold, and I begin lightly glowing. She sets me back to normal, and didn't even get off the couch.

"Wow... I'd call that oomph. Although, please don't ever do that again. That first thing you did."

She chuckles, and then mocks sorrow. "Oh, all right. I'll be good. I can show you how to have some oomph though, and we can put it to good use."

She'd told me to put some clothes on, and now we're driving out to the gorge in our town. She's changed into a short denim skirt and a black tank top with the word 'Sinner' written across the bust. We're silent for the majority of the drive, until she realizes that I'm just leaning on the dashboard, losing myself in her beauty.

"What?" She glances at me as I keep staring at her, suppressing a nervous laugh "What?! Why are you looking at me like that for?"

"Oh, I'm just admiring the way the sun shines off of your wonderful skin."

She smiles at the compliment, and reaches over and strokes my cheek. Her hands are so soft... I'm glad she isn't using her claws. She turns back to the wheel and continues driving.

It's a pleasant drive as we head up there, but hazy as all hell. It's common for my city, sad as it may be. She pulls out what I know to be some kind of sigil. I know that if she looks at this while an amount of energy is in her, it'll be redirected by her subconscious to wherever it was programmed to send it.

"If all goes well here today, the air quality will be pure or close to it by tomorrow," she says as we begin our hike to the top of one of the surrounding hills. "This sigil will take care of that. For now, we get to have a walk."

I realize very quickly that having a body with much more potential doesn't mean that I'm instantly in shape. The fact that it's about one-hundred Fahrenheit outside doesn't help at all. I'm huffing and puffing by the time I get to the top, and it takes longer to cool down when you don't have any sweat glands. After I recover, I survey the area around me. We're in a clearing of a largely dead forest upon a plateau. It's expected, as the heat is generally too much for the plant life this time of year.

I stand in awe of the natural beauty of the land, the rolling golden hills and the mountains in the distance. "It's so beautiful up here! I don't know why I've never come up out here before!"

I turn to Shariykah, and while I've taken the time to look at the area she's been taking her clothes off.

"Now's the time to get that little extra oomph you need."

She has her bra off and in one hand, as her other arm is covering up her otherwise exposed breasts. Her skirt's off, and her lace panties are the only thing between me and the divine treasure I experienced yesterday. She's gazing at me without blinking, and smiling in that you-know-what's-coming way.

She's really good at surprise sex, it seems, and I'm not one to argue. Who am I to question when the woman of my dreams has a goddess' body and starts coming on to me in the middle of the forest?

I immediately begin becoming hard, my unused hemipenes sliding out of their home. I begin pulling off my shirt, followed by my shoes and shorts. The only thing keeping me from being completely naked is my boxers, as are her panties with her.

She slowly walks over to me, tail swishing from side to side whilst revealing those voluptuous breasts and begins pulling down my last remaining undergarment. Once it's off, my red, throbbing, tapered, 9-inch hemipenes are revealed. She presses her nose up underneath them and inhales a deep breath, and shudders as she lets it out. "It's been so long since I've had the pleasure of doing this."

"Lucky me..." I say playfully, but I really mean it. I've never had a blowjob before, but here she was volunteering.

Shariykah flicks her tongue over the tips, sending a rocket of pleasure up my spine. I let out a long, pleasured moan as she gives a long lick, from the base to the tip of my right shaft, followed by an equally sensual, slow lick up the left. She opens her mouth and takes the head of the left inside, wrapping her tongue around applies just enough suction to make me start bucking slightly.

She pushes it further in, slathering my entire shaft with her warm saliva, and moves to my right. Again, she brings her head down and bobs her head as I let out a groan of satisfaction. She pulls off of the cocks, and our eyes meet. She shoots me a sexy grin, and proceeds to hold both of my penises together as she takes them both into her mouth.

I'd expect this to hurt from her razor sharp teeth, but she really knew what she was doing. I melted into a state of bliss as she continued pleasuring me. The feel of her strong, fleshy tongue massaging my stiff lengths was enough to make me feel weak-kneed, and I let out a long, drawn-out moan. I can feel myself leaking precum, and she eagerly sucks it down as it comes. My peak's rising, and she must've noticed the throbbing building up because she pulled off before I tipped over the edge.

"Mmmm... As much as I love your taste, I need you inside me now."

I can smell her arousal. I know what I need, and I know I'm going to get it. The woman I love is an immortal, beautiful, and she's begging me to fuck her.

"Are you ready?" she asks in a sultry voice, as she stands up.

"I've never been more ready for anything."

She proceeds to slowly remove her panties, revealing her wet, sweet-scented sex. She gets down on her hands and knees, and raises her tail, presenting herself doggy style. I note that she still has her sigil, and has it in front of her.

"Fuck me now, and use both."

She sounds desperate. Not being one to disappoint, I don't hesitate to line up my slickened hemipenes to her treasure, and push just the tips into her sex. She gasps, already being stretched just from the dual heads. She lets out a long, drawn-out moan as I gradually sink more and more of myself into her tight, moist depths.

I let out a groan of pleasure as I hilt fully within her, all 9 inches of 2 separate cocks buried deep within her holy of holies, my tail underneath my legs as they themselves are spread. We really do look like animals at this point, I'd wager, but I could care less. I stay there a moment, letting her acclimate to the tight fit. My hands keep themselves busy rubbing her sides, around the base of her dorsal fin and up her sexy tail which is unceremoniously draped over my left shoulder. Every inch of her is so soft, the dampened sense of touch from my scales makes her skin feel so smooth... there are no words to describe.

"It feels so good..." she says, somewhat absently.

Her passage is so hot and is dribbling lubricants, like those I indulged in during my transformation, just as my cocks begin dribbling out a steady stream of precum. I draw myself slowly out of her until only the tips remain inside, and she gasps as I press them back into her tight confines.

Her warmth feels good on so many levels... adding to the pleasure, and being cold-blooded the contentment in warmth takes the feeling to a whole new level.

There are no words between us now, just those animalistic instincts telling me to keep going. I'm sure she's feeling the same, as she's leaning back into and grinding over my crotch as best she can. I take my cue and begin.

I begin slowly sliding in and out of her, hearing her moan in ecstasy as I begin slowly mating her. Her soft, clenching passageway is my entire world right now; nothing else matters as I slowly rut her like an animal. Each thrust generates a fountain of pleasure for both of us.

I lean down over her as I begin humping her faster. My mind drifts to all she's done for me. She'd brought me out of my mediocre life, and I'm infinitely grateful. She turns her head and faces me, and we lock muzzles in a backwards kiss as I keep thrusting my shafts into her stretched vagina. "I love you so much," she manages.

I love the feeling of leaning over her. She is a piece of art, delicate and beautiful, and yet she has enough power to raze the city if she so wishes. The whole situation is astoundingly arousing.

I stop thrusting, and look into her eyes. "I want to see your face when I finish. There's nobody else on this earth I'd rather be with right now than with you."

She gazes into my eyes, loving yet lustful smile not breaking for a moment. "I'll do anything for you, love."

I pull out of her as she flips over, and I mount her in the missionary position. Her sex is already tight again by the time I push my tips into her needy, swollen sex. Her smell is unbelievable. Her scent lies thick, virtually tangible in the air. It's sweet, and chocked full of pheromones, clouding my mind with lust. I can vaguely feel the energies in my body both compounding in my internal testes and flowing to her.

I begin thrusting again, looking into her loving eyes. She still has that sigil in one hand. She gazes into my eyes as I begin to pound into her again and again. It must've looked silly, a shark and a snake, but if the onlooker could feel what I feel there'd be only envy.

My stamina in my new form is double to compensate for my dual lengths, so I win out in the end having double the pleasure from just about all contact. Her vagina is beginning to clench tighter and faster as I begin spurting precum inside her faster. Her tongue is lolling out the side of her mouth as she's being fucked silly, lost in the pleasure of it all.

Not slowing for a moment, I lean down as far as I can, supporting myself with one hand as I bring up her head with the other. She manages to refocus on me once more.

I can say this over and over, and it'll be just as true each time. "I love you Shariykah... I want this to last forever."

She smiles and pulls me the last of the distance into a kiss that shook the pillars of heaven. Still I thrust, going full blast into her hot depths. We're both moaning as our strong tongues wrestle with each other, exchanging our saliva. God, I love her taste. I pull away, and I notice her gasping and moaning with every thrust.

Finally, she tips over the edge, letting out a wail of pleasure that could likely be heard for several miles. Her passage clenches tighter, than tighter still. It's so hot, in every definition of the word. Her juices come splashing out between my dual lengths, and that extra clenching begins my descent into orgasm.

My thrusting gets more erratic and feral as I draw nearer and nearer. Finally, I let out a yowl of pleasure as everything I am, my life-energy having been compounded through the continued focus and need suddenly explodes forward. I bury myself in her depths, up to the hilt and hold it there, back arched and mouth open in ecstasy. My reptilian semen is pumped out into her awaiting treasure and with it, all of the energy that had been stored during our copulation. It pumps and pumps, my hot cum coating her entire insides with my essence, and still she pumps her own.

At our peak of overlapping orgasm, she looks at her sigil as my energy crashes through her, and I can feel a wave of energy explode out around us. I'm still locked in place since my orgasm. The only sound is the sound of our tails both thumping sporadically and heavily against the ground behind us. All at once I slump over on top of her. She's warm and soft. I snuggle against her, spent.

I give her a kiss as I'm still buried within her, albeit not quite as hard. I notice that the once-dead grass under us has become green and alive again, as have most of the plants in our immediate vicinity. We're on one little island of life on this hill.

"That," she said matter-of-factly, "is how you give your energy some oomph." It's true, the raw pushing of the energy with my mind worked far faster than the gentle coaxing that I was trying before.

We lay there for a time. Nothing seems to bother us, it seems. The insects that would normally come and bite us seemed to pass around us, going on their merry little way. I felt somehow drained, though, and upon request I got to replenish my energies with hers.

As I did yesterday, I fed straight from her breasts as she held me close and murred in pleasured satisfaction. I must have been suckling there for ten minutes before we went anywhere, must her and me. It didn't take as long this time, but I continued just out of love for her and her milk.

Finally, I pull away. I kiss her square on the lips, making sure she got a taste of her own milk. When she tastes it, she cradles my head against her own, licking around the inside of my mouth for traces of the sweet treat.

"Well," she inquires, "are you going to look at the fruit of your labors?"

We stand up, surveying the surrounding area. I'm not quite sure what to look for, but she mentioned something about smog. I notice that the air smells noticeably cleaner, and there's no haze through the entire valley.

"I did this?" I ask through a state of disbelief, "by having sex with you?"

"We combined our energies, and both rode the climax to the point where focus on a sigil would become as effective as shooting a fly using a cannon... provided you hit."

I begin gathering my clothes, still shocked at the fact that I could fix the surrounding atmosphere just like that. I'd continue training still, and become even better at it.

I ask her, "Did the molecules of smog disappear?"

"No, they converted to clean, natural air, along with some water for humidity. I figured we'll help out some of that water crisis too."

"Well," I say with a knowing grin on my face, "It's going to be fun saving the world with you here."

The hike back down to her car is largely uneventful, save for the fact that I can't take my eyes off of her swaying tail as she walks in front of me.

The drive home is pleasant, and we both wonder what the upcoming days hold in store for us.

If you liked, favorite. If you thought it was hot, cum. If you read it, vote. Please comment either way :)

I hope you enjoyed part three. Also, a shout out to Toumal and GryphonWings, both of whom helped me a lot in the making.

Again, a single favorite or 5/5 makes my day.