(C) His Doll 2 - Doovan

Story by XP_Author on SoFurry

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#11 of Commissions

A commission from an anonymous person. They wanted a sequel to the first 'His Doll' story. Well, here it is. Ibran gets himself a new playmate, a big, blue, fuzzy dragon guy. Turns out, the dragon was a little excited when he died, and Ibran's magic makes a certain part of him come back to life... in a way.

His Dolls - Doovan

By XP Author

Ibran yawned as he woke, once again wondering just why he kept the magic frame on the wall that streamed the light of day into his bedchambers. The gray-furred wolf was in no hurry to get out of bed. He was quite comfortable laying between the two lovely ladies beside him. To one side was a fellow wolf, his lovely wife Beth. To his other side was an adorable otter, Michelle. Both girls had their heads resting against his shoulders, laying still as death. Which made sense for corpses, preserved by his unique kind of magic.

He leaned over to kiss Beth on her forehead. "Good morning, my love." He then turned to look at Michelle. The otter was much smaller than his other 'dolls.' Brown fur covered her lithe frame, with no hair atop her head, just the same fur as the rest. He kissed that smooth scalp as well. "Good morning to you, too." He spoke, as always, to each of his lovers as if they could respond. He knew they could not, dead as they were, but he held full conversations with them in his mind. He chose to live this fantasy, allow himself to be lost to it, even if he knew it was just that, a fantasy. He was happy this way, and in his mind, so were each and every one of his 'dolls.' His lovers.

He gently rolled each girl onto their back so he could sit up, stretching a little as he let out a yawn. His back popped a few times as he did so. Magic did wonders to keep him young, but at times, he felt his near two centuries of age. Once out of bed, he turned to the two women in his bed. "Michelle, I think it's time we get you back to how you where when I found you." He slid his arms under the otter and lifted her up. She was much lighter than any of the other dolls. "I'll see you later, Beth." With that, he turned and carried the otter out of his bedchambers and down the hallway, to his workshop. He gently set her down upon one of the many long medical tables in the room, shifting her arms to lay at her sides.

He had acquired Michelle a few weeks ago, and she had quickly become one of his favorite new additions to his collection of lovers. Beth would always be his true love, but there was something so appealing about the small woman before him. He gently rest his hands upon her belly. "Let's get you fixed up, my dear." He closed his eyes and focused his mind, feeling the energy of the universe flowing around him. He directed that energy through him, through his hands, into the body of the woman in front of him, mending her back to the way she was upon the moment of her death.

He had found the otter in one of the caves leading into his lair, dead by a trap he laid to catch adventurers such as her. Suffocated within an air-tight field of magical energy. He had many such traps laid out like this, and it was how he collected nearly all of his lovers. She had clearly been new to the adventuring thing, not only with her being so young, he guessed maybe 20, but also her gear was cheap and lacking. He was also delighted to have found she was a virgin upon his first time with her. Restoring her back to the point of her death would renew that aspect as well.

Just as Ibran was finishing with his spell, one of the paintings on the wall shifted its view, flashing red at the edges. He turned to look at it. The view upon it had shifted from one of the sun coming over the mountains to a dark cave. Most of the view was obscured by a cloud of green gas that filled the cave. One of his traps had been set off. "Oh. It seems another has come." He looked down at Michelle, stroking his hand along her scalp gently. "I wonder if it is someone coming looking for you."

He watched the viewing painting. The gas dispersed quickly within the cave, the flashing red shifting to flashing green, signaling it was safe for him to enter it. He saw a single figure remaining in the cave, someone clad in heavy armor slumped on the ground unmoving. "I'll be back soon, Michelle. I've got to go retrieve our new guest." He leaned down to kiss her lips gently, then grabbed the black robe dangling from the hat rack near the door. He threw the cloth over himself to cover his nakedness as he walked down the hallways towards the cave.

Once he arrived, he stared down at a very unusual sight. One he had never seen before. Slumped face-first onto the ground was a tall, furry blue dragon. His armor was shiny, clearly expensive, an equally impressive long sword dropped to the ground at his side. Ibran tilted his head a little. "I've never caught a dragon before, let alone a furry one." He crouched down to slowly roll the man onto his back. It took some effort on the part of the skinny wizard. The dragon was muscular, and though it was not to a gargantuan level, the armor still added a significant weight to his already well-built body. Bright red eyes stared up at the ceiling, unblinking in death. A quick check confirmed that he was indeed dead, not just unconscious. Ibran was not sure the gas worked against dragons, but apparently it did.

Ibran nodded down at him. "Alright, my newest friend. You will need a name. Something more draconic than what I normally pick." He thought about it as he drew an arcane sigil in magical energy upon the ground. "How about Doovan? That sound good?" Naturally, he got no response. "Alright. Doovan it is." He finished with the sigil, then activated it. Reality bent and shifted around him and the body in dizzying motion as impossible colors surrounded them both. In an instant, they had moved, out of the cave and now in his workshop. Doovan now also lay on one of the long medical tables. Ibran let out a breath, taking a moment. Teleportation spells were not his specialty, and took a bit out of him, but it was certainly easier than trying to cart a fully armored warrior back up here on his own.

The wolf looked down at the dragon laid before him. "Alright, my new friend. Let's get you out of this heavy stuff. You won't be needing it around here, trust me." He smiled and hummed to himself as he reached out and started with the gauntlets and upper arms. The armor was slid off easily enough, tossed to the side unwanted. Next, he reached to unbuckle the straps at the sides of the chest armor. Once loosened properly, he lifted the man up a little, grunting from the effort, so he could slip the metal and leather off of his torso. One it was finally up and over the man's head, he dropped the upper half of the suit to the floor with the rest, the thing clanging loudly as it hit the stone. "Ugh... wish you adventurers didn't wear such heavy stuff."

Doovan's torso was still covered, but now only by a simple cloth shirt of brown that hung loose. The lower half was thankfully less armored. The boots were still quite heavy, each hitting the floor with a loud THUD once slid off of the man's clawed feet. The rest was much easier to slide off, and soon he was left in just the cloth shirt and matching trousers. "There. Isn't that so much better? Now you can breathe... well, so to speak." He chuckled at himself as he worked at untying the little strings that kept the man's shirt closed at the sides. "Sorry, you'll have to get used to my gallows humor."

The shirt was far easier to remove than the chest armor had been. Once off, the man's fuzzy chest was revealed to him. He was indeed quite muscled. Ibran had seen larger muscles, but they always seemed ridiculously out of proportion once they got to a certain size. Doovan was perfectly within his proportions, at least as far as the wolf was concerned. Defined tone of his pecks and biceps, along with his shapely abs. He ran his fingers along the muscles, feeling them both hard and soft at the same time. "Very nice. You kept yourself in very good shape."

As he moved around to the other side of the table, he caught sight of Michelle. "Oh... I'm sorry. I forgot to introduce you to each other. Doovan, this is Michelle. Michelle, this is Doovan, our newest addition. I'm sure you'll get along well." He looked up at the dragon's face. "She can watch, right?" He smiled and pat the man's cheek. "I didn't think you'd object." He continued his work, unbuckling the dragon's belt and slipping it free of the loops. He gripped at the waist and pulled the trousers down, revealing the dragon's package. And what a package it was. Even limp, the dragon's impressive shaft hung several inches larger than most. Larger even than Ibran himself, he had to admit.

The wolf trailed his fingers against the long shaft, the flesh near black in color. "Well. This is quite a surprise." He lifted the shaft to find a set of heavy balls hanging under in a fuzzy blue sack. "Bet you were the friend of many a woman back home with this guy. Probably a few men, too." He chuckled and moved to stand beside the man's chest again. "Well, let's get to preserving you properly first. Then we can have our fun." Like before with Michelle, he touched into the energy of the universe flowing around him. He channeled it through him, through his hands, and into the body laying before him. As expected, the dragon took quite well to the magic cast upon him. Those of draconic blood tended to have more of a connection to magic than most others, even if they could not wield it themselves.

Once the spell was cast, Ibran let out a breath. "There you go, my new friend. You are now preserved to remain as you are." He pat the man's cheek again, then ran a hand through the short, dark hair atop his head. "Welcome." He glanced down at the body, then had to do a double-take. The dragon's already impressive member now stood rigid between his legs. The wizard flinched his hand away, then quickly pressed it to the man's neck. There was no pulse, so he had not accidentally revived him somehow. That could only mean one thing. "Did... you die this hard?" His magic could only restore a body to how it was the moment of death. If the dragon was indeed at full mast when his heart stopped, it would return to that state now. It had never happened before with the other males, so this was something new.

He had to touch it. His fingers gently wrapped around the shaft, now standing at over 8 inches in length. "My goodness." There was no throbbing or pulsing feeling to the cock in his hand, and the flesh was cool with death, but he remained hard. "This is something else." Ibran's own cock had grown hard at such a display. He could not help but stroke his own shaft with his free hand while his other stroked the dragon's. There was a slight texture to the dark shaft in his hand, veins more obvious than most under it, with a pointed tip much like his own.

His eyes glanced again at Michelle. He smiled as he got an idea. "Would you like to join us, my dear?" He pat the fuzzy blue belly as he stepped around the table, then over to the otter. He leaned down to give her lips a soft kiss. "C'mon. Let's get you two even better acquainted." He slid his hands under her small body and lifted her up, carrying her across the room to Doovan. He gently set her down belly-to-belly with the man, letting her legs straddle his hips. He brought their faces close, as if they were kissing one another. "I knew you'd get along with each other."

He could not help but make comparisons between the two. She was barely 5 feet tall, while he was several inches over 6. She was small and lithe, while he was thickly muscled, though both quite fit. Her head was bare of hair while his had a mess of short black. Her fur was a woody brown, his a dark blue, like the ocean. He slid his hand down the thigh of Michelle, down to her calf, feeling the soft fur and flesh under his touch. Eventually, his touch reached her ankle. He took hold of it, along with the other, and slowly dragged her down the dragon's body, until her rump touched the rock hard cock. He chuckled softly. "She's a bit insatiable."

He let his hand slid down to the otter's feet, gently running his fingers along the soles to the arches. He then slid his touch down to the dragon's ankles and feet, feeling the difference. Hers were dainty little things, with tiny toes. His were much larger, bigger than Ibran's even. The long toes were almost more like talons, with sharp claws at the tip of each. He ran his fingers along those claws, feeling just how sharp they were. He would have to blunt those each time he restored Doovan, or risk cutting himself or his other dolls when they played together. For now, he was just content to give the man's feet a kind of gentle massage, pressing thumbs against the arches.

The wolf's gaze kept returning to that shaft, and Michelle's rump pressed firmly against it. He smiled softly. "I think she wants you." He had never had the chance to have one of his male lovers truly make love to another doll, as they were always left limp after the restoration. This dragon opened so many new possibilities. There was no way he would be able to take such a shaft himself, of course. While he could hasten his healing, he was no master of it, and the effort would leave him in quite a bit of pain for some time. His other lovers, however... his dolls. They were beyond the reach of pain, living only in pleasure and love in his mind. Plus he could just restore them from nearly anything, back to perfect condition.

He walked around to the side of the two again. "I think she'll need a little help, though." He nudged over a low bench seat next to the table, one he usually sat upon when he just wanted to talk to the doll on the table. This time, he got up to stand on it, giving him an extra few feet in height over the table. He decided he needed to invest in those new medical tables that could adjust their height. Later. For now, his attention was on the otter and furry dragon beside him. He reached down to gently take hold of Michelle's waist and lift her off of Doovan's chest. He dragged her back along him, sliding her sex against the furry blue abs, until her shapely rear again bumped against the shaft.

He lifted the girl up, until she hovered just above the pointed tip of the hard cock waiting for her. "Are you ready?" He smiled at her. "Okay." Gently, he lowered her down, the tip touching, then piercing between her lips. Lower she went, until something caught for a moment. Ibran gasped as he remembered her restored virginity. "OH! I'm so sorry! I hope that didn't hurt too much!" He held her where she was for a moment. "You good?" A moment later, he continued to lower her again, allowing her to take more and more of the shaft into her tight pussy. He new from experience just how tight it was, and looked at the dragon. "Yeah, she's something else."

The lower he let the otter slide down, the deeper the dragon got into her. Soon, there was a visible bulge against her belly. Soon, the tip of the dragon's cock hit deep, with only two thirds of him fully inside of her. Ibran bit his lip. "Mmm... you love that, don't you? Big dragon cock stretching you out like this." He could clearly see just how much her tight pussy was gripping around that cock, even without her reacting. It spread those lips wide, but he knew she loved it. He knew she loved being taken deeper than this, too. He had done it himself.

He looked at Doovan. "Are you ready for a real treat, my new friend? Watch this." He started to raise Michelle up, only to drag her down again, letting the tip strike deep inside of her. Then again. And again. He watched her arms and legs bounce about, her small tits jiggling slightly each time he help her ride the dragon's cock down until he struck deep. He bit his lip as he dragged her down again, harder this time. Once more, and he felt it was close. One last time, and the dragon pierced through her cervix, penetrating up into her very womb. Her hips sunk deeper onto him, until she rested against his lap, her belly bulged outwards noticeably where his cock embedded into her. "Ah, that is so damned sexy to see!"

His own cock was throbbing now as he watched two of his lovers fuck like this. It was a real treat he had never been able to enjoy before. He let go of Michelle, who was now held upright by the shaft impaling her pussy. He took hold of her hand, bringing it closer to his cock. He wrapped her fingers around the shaft, letting her rub him. "Yeah... it's really hot to watch you two like this." He looked up at her. "Are you sure?" Then he just grinned. He looked at Doovan. "Let's do it!"

He climbed up onto the table, straddling the dragon's legs and pressing his chest right up against Michelle's back. His arms wrapped around her, but his hands rubbed against the man's belly instead of hers. "You want this, too? Might get a little messy, you okay with that?" Of course he was. Unfortunately, the dragon would never against be able to release his load, something Ibran would loved to have seen and tasted, but such was the nature of dolls.

The wolf pushed Michelle down, lowering her head down to Doovan's chest and forcing her ass to raise. He lifted her thick tail a little, and got a lovely view of the black cock still impaled deep into her. He bit his lip again, even as he positioned his own tip at her other hole. "Here we go" He pushed forward, letting out a loud moan as the pointed tip of his cock slowly spread the tight hole. "OH... gods... This is going to take some effort!" He pushed forward harder, spreading her little by little around him. His tip slipped inside, then another inch after that. He could feel the dragon's hard shaft through her flesh, rubbing against the underside of his own cock. It was a new, but definitely not unpleasant feeling.

Deeper he pushed into her, until his own hips met hers. "By the gods, you are so damned tight!" He had to wait a moment once he was fully inside of her cool ass, or else he felt he would cum right then and there. Slowly, he dragged himself back before pushing deep again. He grunted hard as his hips started pumping back and forth. With every thrust, his balls slapped against the base of the dragon's cock and Michelle's stuffed lips. He leaned himself down to hold both Michelle and Doovan, panting heavily against both. "AH... I can feel your cock rubbing against mine through her! God, it's so massive!" It was definitely the largest the wolf had ever seen, let alone felt rubbing against his own.

His knot started to swell at the base of his shaft, making thrusting deep into the otter harder. He tensed himself up as he thrust harder, reaching down to take hold of the dragon's hands and clench them. "C'mon, love. You want me to tie you, right?" He let out a louder cry of pleasure as he finally shoved the knot into Michelle's tight ass. He gripped Doovan's hands tight, squeezing him tight. "I'm... I'm gonna cum..." He panted heavily. He felt the pressure rising too much to hold back.

With another loud cry of pleasure, he fell over the edge. His cock twitched and jerked, blasting his load deep into the girl's ass. Wave after wave of cum filled her tight hole, pouring his heated love into her. He collapsed forward soon after, panting heavily, his head hanging over the otter's shoulder. He squeezed the dragon's hand gentler this time. "Thanks... for the help there. That felt... amazing." He leaned up, managing to just give the man a soft kiss upon his cool lips.

He let himself rest atop the two like this for some time, until his knot had started to finally shrink enough for him to pull out without hurting himself. When he did, a small stream of his seed followed with him, running down to the dragon's cock. He chuckled softly. "Sorry about that. I did warn you it might make a bit of a mess." He slid off of the table unsteadily, using the bench as a step stool to get down. He then slowly pulled Michelle off of the massive cock still lodged within her. Her pussy stayed gaped wide even after the rod had been slipped out. "I'll just have to restore you again later." He rested her on her own tble again, folding her arms across her belly. "You rest for now." He looked back at the dragon. "As for you... I think you need to meet Beth..."

* * *

Ibran grunted as he set Doovan down on his bed. He had done the same trick to transport him to the bedroom, but getting him on the bed was still something he had to do himself. Though the dragon was much lighter without his armor, so at least there was that. Not that he minded having the dragon's body pressed against him while he moved him. "There you go." He motioned to the wolf still on the bed. "Doovan, this is Beth, my wife. Beth, this is Doovan, the newest addition to our ever-growing family."

Ibran climbed onto the bed then, just as naked as the two waiting for him. "What do you think, Beth? You want to feel him inside you?" He chuckled to himself, knowing her answer before he even asked. He nudged the dragon to roll over so he was on top of the gray furred wolf. "So eager! Don't worry, so is she." He reached between the pair's legs, grabbing hold of the dragon's shaft and helping him to position himself better. Once the tip was lined up, it slid into Beth's pussy, along with several inches. "Yeah, he's pretty big, but I know you can take it."

He sat back and just watched the two, smiling to himself. Even if they could not move on their own, it was quite a site to watch his wife get stuffed by the big cock. Enough that his own was reaching full hardness again. He moved closer to the two, shifting Doovan's tail up and out of the way to expose the fuzzy blue butt hiding under it. It was quite well toned, and firm under his grip. "Oh, don't worry. I know you'll like this, too." He slid the tip of his cock against the man's rear. With a quick spell he mastered LONG ago, he was able to slide more easily into the tight hole without need for lube of any kind. That spell came in quite handy.

Ibran let out a loud groan as he slid deeper, spreading the dragon's hole slowly around him. It was a very snug fit, feeling the tightness of the cool inner tunnel around him. "Mmm... that's it. Take it while you give it to her!" He pushed further, sliding deeper and deeper, until his hips met the man's butt, his balls again slapping against the dragon's larger fuzzy sack. He would have to look into a spell to allow his dolls to be able to cum. He so wished to see those heavy balls empty into his wife right now.

Instead, he satisfied himself by pumping his hips and fucking the man. He did not start out as gentle as he had with Michelle, knowing the dragon could take it. When he felt his knot starting to swell, he grabbed hold of it, not wanting to tie the dragon right now. With his other hand, he reached down to stroke against his wife's cheek. He groaned loud, his pace picking up quickly. The sound of his hips slapping against Doovan's ass echoed around him.

When he felt the pressure rising, he did not hold back. He squeezed around his knot, grabbing hold of Doovan's shoulder with his other hand. "Here it comes!" He let out a louder cry of pleasure as he came, pumping his hot cum deep into the cool ass of the large man under him. It took everything he had to not shove forward and stuff his knot into him. Even before he was done, he had to pull back to keep himself from tying the man, squirting several more shots of cum onto the fuzzy butt and tail and back under him.

Ibran panted softly, sitting back on his haunches. "Ha... ah, you're... you're a lot tighter than I thought you would be, my friend." He patted Doovan's rump gently. "Sorry I doubted you." His cock still twitched, even after it had finished spurting. He was far from done, of course. After catching his breath, he crawled around to where the pair's heads were. Beth was not as small as Michelle was, so her head was much closer to Doovan's.

He rubbed his shaft gently against her cheek, smearing a little of his mess into her fur. "Go on, love." He tilted her head to the side, sliding his tip past her beautiful lips. He let out a long moan as he felt her tongue against the base of his shaft. "You've always had such a good mouth." He closed his eyes as he pushed deeper, until his still swollen knot was at her lips. He started to pull back then, only to pump forward once more, fucking her face in a slow but steady pace.

His other hand again reached out, this time to touch the cheek of the dragon. "C'mere." He leaned forward, pulling the man's head closer to give him a deep kiss. He used his tongue to part the cool lips, sliding into the mouth to taste him fully. He let out a moan into the man's mouth, both from the kiss and the attention his wife was giving him. It was not long before his cock was twitching again. This time, he pushed harder, until his knot stuffed into Beth's mouth. She had taken it many times, and he could she could handle it.

His arm reached up to hold onto the dragon while he thrust himself down Beth's throat, feeling the tightness around his tip. A moment later, he came again, blasting his seed down her throat and into her belly. He had to grip at her ear to keep her head in place his hips were thrusting so much with each blast he gave her. He pulled back from the kiss, panting yet again. "She's... so good at this..." He let Doovan go back to resting against Beth. He had to use both hands to open her mouth to pull out, careful not to hurt her jaw in the process. When his knot popped free, the rest of him came soon after, spurting another bit onto her face. "Ah... sorry."

Ibran leaned back again, only to look at Doovan. "Oh, you want to taste, too?" He smiled. "Sure... but don't blame me if your jaw hurts in the morning." He chuckled to himself as he shifted positions, his balls dangling over Beth's messy face. "You might get a little more messy down there, too."

* * *

Several hours later, Ibran lay in his bed, his wife on one side, Doovan on the other. Both dolls had been given several loads of his love over the last few hours. Beth leaked a little from her now very gaped pussy and ass, and Doovan from his less gaping ass. He had also given both a several hefty loads to swallow. Neither minded, of course. Now he was just laying between them, completely spent.

Beth's head rested gently against his chest, his hand gently stroking through her lovely hair. "Yeah, I think he's a good new addition, too. I knew you'd love him." He looked then to the dragon. After hours of use, the black shaft had finally started to wilt. It would return to hardness again once Ibran cast the spell to restore him, of course, but for now, he let the dragon rest. That cock had gotten a lot of use today. "You, my friend, are also quite welcome. I'm sure the others will love you, too." He leaned over to again give the man's lips a soft, lingering kiss. "For now... I'm exhausted."

The wolf leaned back against his pillow, his wife's head on his chest, his new lover resting beside him. There was a room full of more lovers for him, and there were always new people coming by, looking to claim the bounty on the mad wizard's head. There were always new lovers coming. His life was definitely a strange one. A twisted fantasy of death and love he allowed himself to be lost in. He would not change it for anything.

* * *