The Gate Of Anuwyin chapter 1

Story by gillian on SoFurry

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I'm new to this website and have an urge to post some stories this is my first time writing a story hope you readers like it leave some comment sorry for my bad grammar thanks - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- --- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- - - - - * * *

  • - # The Gate Of Anuwyin ## Chapter: 1 it was raze's birthday and he knew he can't change the fact that now he is 20he thik about him getting to college and stuff and he knew that his parent's has high expectation for him. raze was an ordinary teenage boythat live in town name burg.raze was whining to himself about his anoying cousin that he hated. his entire family knows that raze was actually gay he tried to cover it up by dating a girl but he soon broke up.he just can't pretend that he love her and she soon knew that he was just fooling with her he let out a big sigh comimg out trough his mouth and walked to the living room he knew that the moment he step in every body will shout happy birthday to him raze wasn't anti social or anything but he sure hated his relative. they keep teasing him and calling him a queer because he's gay. "hey little brother, having any fun with your birthday?" it was his older brother dustin he was the only one that he trusted he know that his family hated him for being gay but his oder brother dustin is the only one who except it and comfort him. he loves his older brother more than anything in the world. raze was so deep in thoought that he didn't reply his brotheris getting irritated that his little brother ignoring him "hey!!" he shouted in raze's ear "hey are you nut's i can get a heart attack you know"raze said grumpily "that's wath you get for ignoring me"he knew that raze was thinking about something by the expresion of his face."what are you thinking?" dustin say while staring at his little brother "I just thought that im now 20 and i needed to go to a college but there wasn't any good college around here and i don't wanna leave you" raze said in a low voice it sound kinda like he would brake up into tears "oh, i promise i will not leave you maybe if you go to college i will find a job near your place and so that i can live with you in the dorm"dustin said with a big smile in his face. seeing that smile raze didn't worry about anything anymore he just want to hug his brother "i love you"raze said while hugging his brother "i love you to raze, but now don't you have a party to attend?"dustin ask raze completely forgot about his birthday and the crowd that were waiting in the living room 'catch ya later than dustin he said" as he run to the living room raze took extra precaution so he wouldn't be shock and get a heart attack he stuff his ear with some cotton bud(my family is driving me nut's ) he said in his mind. as he finished putting some cotton bud in his ear blocking any sound from getting trough his ear he walked slowly as he entered the room. he could see that every one is shouting but he couldn't hear a thing (it's a good thing i took extra precaution) raze was a bit odd he liked to talked with himself in his mind. as he saw that the shouting has stopped he took the cotton bud out of his ear. the party was reather dull every body just sit there and stare at the clock waiting for the time to go home. his parent's tried to cheer the mood with some game's but it failed, they played stick the donkey tail . one of his little cousin was chosen to be it, he walked around the room with a nail that pierces a ribbon that was colored brown, his cousin accidentally pierce the nail to raze's arm"oouch"he said while blood began pouring out from his arm. his parent's treated his wound while his cousin was laughing at him. then everything went sillent again (such a stupid game) he though to himself finally it's 9 o clock every body gave him present and got home. but raze liked one of his guest it was his grandfather he was a sweet old man when he was little he liked to stay on his grandfather house and at night they make a bonfire and his grand father put him on his lap while telling stories about magic, war, adventure and dragon's he liked the stories a lot. he was thinking to himself again about his childhood. "hey raze i hope ya like it, it's the only thing that i have to give to ya!" raze quickly stop thinking to himself and say thank you to his grandfather after all of that awkward moment's he just wanted to take a bath and get to sleep. he slowly get upstair to his room next to his parent's and his brother. he throw all of the present and took a quick nice bath. but he get curious about his present and wanted to opened it all. he get out of the bathroom naked while he's still wet and sit at the side of his bed unwrapping all the present. he gets an X-box from his parent's and a laptop from his cousin he feel quite happy finally it's time for him to unwrap the gift that his grandfather gave him he could tell that it was something quite big and judgjing from it's weight it could be a book a really thick book. he unwrap the packet and found a strange looking book on his lap. he could see that it was beautifully decorated with carving of vines in the edge of the book, and in the middle there were a big gem. it shine bright blue as light of the lamp hit it. but the strange thing was that it was mostly blank in the front page there were only a few writing about the journey of a young wolf traveling in a world called Anuwyin. he looked at the back of the book and found an odd writing (who is the name of the young traveller?) it said the word's are printed boldly and there were a strange aura eminating out of the writing. he suddenly feel a irresistible urge to write his name despite that he knew that something would happen if he write his name. but his hand suddenly just move by itself writing his name on the blank space under the question (the name of the young traveler is raze) as he wrote his name on the book, flashes of light was coming out from the book the book pages began to glow and it started to float magically "Raze the young traveller i hereby let you in the world of Anuwyin" the voice said raze was looking a little bit confuse as he heard that a voice of a man coming out of the book. suddenly his room was covered with the strange light that were eminating from his book suddenly his body begin to glow he started to feel hotter and hotter from every passing second he tried to scream from the pain but he can't hear his voice . the light begin to glow brighter and brighter and blank. he fell unconscious every thing was dark there was nothing only pitch black. he was scared as he think about his family and his loving brother dustin. "hello,.. are you dead?" he suddenly hear someone's voice, he tried to answer but nothing come out of his mouth. splash he could feel cold water hitting his face making him waking him up. he stared at the sky it has two moon that was shining beautifully . "so your not dead that was a relieve" as raze hear the same voice that he heard calling him before a warm hand gently help drag him and positioning him to sit leaning to a tree. the hand was furry and it feel very warm. but he noticed that he his body had change. his body was now covered by a thick fur colored grey but the fur in his stomach and some part of his body were white. "can you speak?.. can you hear me?"i heard someone asking me question again."yes i can speak and yes ican hear your voice" i replied to him i noticed that the sound is somewhat very deep and strong so judgjing by that i knew that he was a male. i turn my body around to see a tiger standing and staring at me, his fur was orange with black stripes, his tail was long and slender. "do you have a name?" "of course i do.. my name is raze"i said looking at him." so raze my name is van by the way, why are you here and naked in spirit forest?" he asked me with a soothing tone "I can't remember" i said, it's true i can't remember why was i here in this strange land. he grab something out of his bag, the tiger was wearing some kind of tunic decorated whit shining green scale and a cargo pants."Here use this i hope it fit's" he said while throwing a pair of shirt and pants. i quickly get up and wear them amazingly they fit."So do you have a house?" the tiger said with a curious tone "no" i answer him "so do you want to stay at my place?" he said smiling at me "okay" i said because I don't know where else would i go if he doesn't show up and help me.. "so let's go then, the sun is going down fast" van said, i tried to move but i can't my feet felt numb. when i tried to take a step i fell down "ouch" it really hurt's my but is becoming more sensitive he thought to himself. then he feel a strong arm lifting him up carrying him."I guess I have to carry you home then" he said while looking at me. his smell was very good , it kinda help raze relax. while van was carrying him home he fell asleep in van's arm. (this is the best birthday ever) he said to himself while he's asleep. he kow from now on thing's will get more interesting for his live hope you reader's enjoy it ^_^