Jafar vs. Nagasiti 3

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#36 of Commissions

Nagasiti and Jafar's battle continues!

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Nagisiti lays in the ruins of the arena, her silver skin unmarred by the dust resting all around her. Her breasts rise and fall as she lays on the ground, Jafar's hand against her face. "N... no... I can... still win..." she breathes, gripping onto the ground.

Jafar's wide grin never leaves him. "Oh, is that so, oh great Nagisiti? By all means, show me that you are capable of more than being my punching bag and I can-what!?"

She grabs onto his wrist and flings him away. Her speed and strength are quite prodigious. A moment later, the shining silver woman leaps forward towards him, shoving the genie against the ground, pinning him down herself.

"Bravo!" Jafar grunts, struggling underneath her. "But where is your theatricality? What is power without putting on a bit of a show, hm?"

"What kind of show?" Nagisiti asks, leaning in close to him.

That's when she feels the prodding member press up against her. His giant cock rubbing up in between her thighs. The powerful muscle twitches and pushes her, and the powerful woman lets out a squeak of delight at the feeling and his control of it. "Y... you are quite masterful..." she sighs.

"What more is there to do for all eternity but perfect my skills in all things?" Jafar says. "Now, why don't you get a chance to see what it's actually like to be in the presence of a god!"

With that, he flexes his muscles, making her grip falter, and then he grabs her arms, rolling her over onto the ground. His cock rests between the two of them. "This little game is only just beginning, sorceress. I think it's time you show the world how much you really can endure!"

"I-Impossible!" she croaks. "How did you-?"

Jafar stands up, holding a hand out towards her, his grin never leaving his face. "Oh, my power exceeds yours only because you limit yourself to the limits of human knowledge."

He grabs her wrist, squeezing hard. With a yank, he brings her up to her knees, grabbing her by the cheeks.

With that, he shakes his hips, his cock tapping against her cheek. With a twist of her arm, she gasps, only to feel the head of the thing press up against her lips.


"You've trained your body to be so large and powerful," he says. "Most human women would die to have my cock... well, they would die by having my full-sized cock, the fragile things they are. Let's see if you're better than that!"

Holding onto her arm, he grasps onto her other one, lifting it up, a foot pushing against her legs to keep her down. Now so pinned by him, she can do nothing but take that massive member as he thrusts his hips forward.

Nagisiti's mouth opens wide, her body reflecting red in the silveryness as he pushes himself closer, thrusting and grunting into her with no heed for her well-being. If she's worth keeping around, she'll take it like a champ.

She coughs and spits as she takes on the massive dong. Her cheeks puff out from the exertion, and then thick meat sliding down into her makes her throat bulge.

But she can handle it well, as her throat constricts around the thing, not by any reflex, but by her own actions. The genie chuckles. "Oh, yes. That's the body of a mortal woman, indeed, but one that can endure my fucking." he closes his eyes, thrusting his hips into her with pleased grunts and groans. The delight of having such a powerful and sexy opponent being able to jerk him off from inside his body is a delight he never thought he would experience in all of his years. So, the actions urge him to go further, to go deeper, and to slap his balls right up against her face.

Jafar pants, laughing as he bounces onto her, sticking that dick all the way deep into her. Nagisiti grips onto his arms, letting out low groans herself, staring into his yellow eyes, challenging him, even though he is in the driver's seat now.

But all good things must come to an end, and with the best throat fucking of his life following such an intense battle, Jafar cannot help himself but let go--let go of her arms and to let his cum shoot out into her.

Again her cheeks puff, filled with his hot cream, but his cock and his cum explode out of her face, golden goo running down along her cheeks and down her chin as he stumbles back, oozing from the excess stuff that he tried to fill her with.

Nagisiti doubles over, rubbing her throat, coughing up more of his sperm.

"Very good," he says, his smile so wide as to show off all of his teeth. "Now, I shall fuck you here and now, and I shall claim you as my slave!"

Wiping her chin, Nagisiti picks herself up. "I'll show you who is a slave, Jafar," she growls, gritting her teeth and clenching her fists.

The genie's cock rises up once more, his arm underneath the giant, dripping thing for support. "Very well, then, use that energy as I plow you senseless, woman!"