Inner City Fun, Chapter #3

Story by forsakenwerewolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Inner City Fun

Chapter #3

Charley and Paul sat at the club laughing heartily as they talked about Tara and Charley's sister Denise, having been nearly a month since the night Charley and Tara had become mates. Paul had fully accepted them being mates, though he had taken Tara to get birth control that following day. Charley had found out that Paul had proposed to Denise, finding it quite interesting to be mated to his future brother in law's niece.

Charley nearly spat out his drink as he heard a scream from the back of the club, followed by a very happy sounding whiny. "It's a good thing we haven't opened yet, by the sound of that scream Charlotte wont be able to walk for a good thirty minutes." He and Paul both shared a chuckle, knowing their equine DJ had yet again made their lead bartender cum too hard.

"She normally wakes up well in time before we open up fully, Zander knows how much I hate having to bar tend in her place." Paul said as he sipped at his water, before looking at the time. "It's almost eight thirty...what do you think is taking Tara so long?" He asked, knowing his niece still spent a lot of her time roaming the large park the city boasted.

Charley shrugged knowing that Tara was free spirited when it came to some things, looking to the time for a moment. "She said she'd be here by nine thirty...and we both know she can take care of herself." He shuddered for a moment at the thought of her angry, hearing Paul say something softly. "Yeah...I remember my dad talking about her mother..." He shivered again. "Remind me not to piss her off..."

Tara walked along the lit paths of the park, the hood of her jacket giving her a clear view while it kept her face hidden. She was wearing steel toed combat boots and her normal tight fitting black jeans, keeping Ol' Betsy sheathed under her zip up hooded jacket. She smiled as she watched a pair of lovers dip into a more secluded part of the park, knowing there was a tiny cleared area on the other side of those trees. She sighed as she leaned back against a lamp post, feeling her small backpack press into her back as she bared her weight onto it. Her eyes scanned the area around her, having loved it that her eyes stayed permanently catlike now. She saw a few of the cops that roamed the park at night, having memorized their faces long ago. She chuckled as she saw one she now knew was a shifter, seeing him glance in her direction before he moved after a dealer. "Ah well at least Joseph aught to get that one....the idiots stupid to be peddling under a lamp post...." She said as she watched the dealer bolt, knowing he was screwed since he had an equine shifter after him.

Tara moved on after watching a few more cops show up and haul the dealer off, knowing Joseph would keep at work in the park for now. She checked the watch on her wrist and smiled as she was it was eight forty five, still having plenty of time to make it to the club. She neared the bathroom she had used the night she had first met Charley, a smile coming to her lips as she looked around. She noticed a few couples and singles moving through the park, before she noticed a familiar brute watching her from a darker area. She made sure the move so he would know she saw him, before she made a few nervous movements of looking around. She moved back away from him and into the trees behind the bathrooms, making her movements show as much nervousness as she could. She went towards the area that was still off limits, thankful that city workers still hadn't finished their work.

The brute moved after the girl, remembering what she had done to him. His movements turned from slow and gentle to nearly primal after reaching the darkness of the trees. He wanted revenge on the little bitch that had dared to tazer and then kick him, following the path she had taken into the construction area. He caught a glimpse of the girl in the moon light as she turned a corner, smiling at the nervousness in her movements. "Yeah you little know you're mine tonight..." He said to himself as he started to walk faster, nearly running after her. He did start running as he heard a sobbing whimper, knowing it had come from the girl. "Your mine bitch!" He said loudly, knowing they were far enough from the normal area's of the park now.

Tara let out the sobbing whimper and then smiled as she heard what he said. "Oh no.....someone help me please..." She said in her most desperate voice, knowing like him that no one would hear it. She moved just off the side of the path and hooked her foot onto a branch, before launching herself up into the tree. She didn't have to wait long, hearing his heavy boot steps coming at a near run. She quickly slipped a hand into her backpack and pulled out her painters air filter and goggles, before hearing him slow as he moved under her.

"Where'd you go little bitch...I'm gonna fuck that little pussy of yours tonight, and no ones gonna be able to save you...." He said as he looked around, not seeing his prey where she should have been. He turned quickly as he heard something land behind him, catching a glimpse of his prey aiming a nasty looking spray can at him. He never had time to react as the riot grade pepper spray reached out at his face, making him cry out in pain as it hit his eyes and then sprayed into his mouth. He stumbled back as he grabbed his face, trying to get the burning substance from his flesh. He tripped over his own feet and yelled out as he fell back, knocking himself cold as he head smacked the hard concrete pathway.

Tara laughed as she watched him knock himself cold, putting the spray can back into her backpack. "Well...what to do with him now?" She said as she pulled out her two pairs of heavy duty handcuffs, being very thankful for the internet now as she eyed a park bench. "Your big ass won't be out too long...better move quick.." She grunted as she dragged him over to the bench, straining to roll him onto it. She moved quickly to latch the military issue cuffs onto him and then the bench, hooking his wrists to one side before she hooked his ankles to the other side. She smiled evilly as a thought came to mind, moving to dig into her backpack for something she had planned to give to Sherri. She pulled out the foot long strap-on and smiled, before quickly moving to strap it over her hips. She checked her watch and smiled, knowing she would have to text her uncle and Charley soon to tell them she would be a few minutes late. She quickly took off the goggles and breather mask stuffing them back into her backpack, before pulling out a large condom. "Well I was gonna give her this with her present...but I doubt she would of used it on her girl anyway.

The brute woke up to searing pain in his eyes and mouth, along with something hard smacking against his lips. He opened his bleary eyes and saw something that looked like a dick slapping at his mouth, jerking his arms and legs to find them tightly chained to the bench he was on. Fear rang out through him as he saw the girl holding a terrible looking tazer. It was only inches from his now uncovered crotch, he could feel the hairs raise around his shaft as he heard the zapping sound. "No...please...." He begged as fear and pain killed any form of tough guy act he may have tried to use.

"Good....I see you're awake now. You had me worried you'd put yourself in a coma, and I wouldn't want that." Tara said as she moved down his body to where she'd pulled down his pants. "I'll be nice and give you two choices..." She said as she looked at him, the hood still over her head as she talked. "One is a very very horrible way to die, pepper spray does such horrible things when you spray it into someones rapidly burns and rips apart their intestines causing the person to bleed out." She smiled evilly as she watched him gawk at her in pure terror. "The other is something you've no doubt done to other women, and tried twice to do to me..." She pulled a small tube of lube from her pocket and dribbled it over the condom covered strap-on, watching as he put two and two together. "Do you want to die tonight mighty rapist?" She asked in a very cold tone, sticking the cattle prod to his shaft, but not triggering it. She watched him shake his head as tears streaked down from his eyes. "Then spread your legs like a good little bitch!" She commanded him, pushing into his shaft with the prod harder. She watched him quickly spread his legs as she heard a sob come from him, before shoving at his knee with her free hand. "Further you little bitch or I'll cook your dick like a hot dog!"

After a moment he had spread his legs well wide enough for her, Tara slowly moved between his legs. "Now if you clamp your legs shut or try and stop me....I use this on your family jewels..." She said as she pulled the prod from him, before making it crack and ark. She watched him sob and nod his head, before she put the prod back to his limp shaft. "Now be a good little bitch and keep yell or scream and I'll just have to kill you..." She said coldly as she used her hand to guide the strap-on to his rear, pushing it between his cheeks until she felt his legs tense. "Ah I found my prize..." She said before she bucked her hips some, hearing him grunt. "Ah your ass is nice and tight I see...I'm gonna have to fuck you good, little bitch!" She wasted no time as she started to buck her hips into him, fucking his ass like he would have her.

It wasn't long until she was hammering into him with just over half of the massive strap-on, listening to his sobs and grunts of pain as he was raped. He wanted nothing more then to clamp his legs shut, put the prod pressing painfully into his shaft kept him as still as he was. He felt her stop as something vibrated against his thigh, looking down to see her texting one handed on a cell phone.

Tara slipped the phone back into her pocket, before giving a few more good hard thrusts into his rear. She pulled free and watched as his tensed body went limp, giving her a moment to pull his pants back up. "Now my little bitch....a cop is going to find you here soon, and you are going to tell him every horrible thing you've done and tried to do to women in this park." She crackled the prod over his still limp shaft for a moment. "Because if you don't....if I ever see you in this park again, or find out you lied and got out of it...." She smiled down at him evilly as she flipped her hood back, revealing her feline head. "I will find you and kill you slowly....making you eat your own dick and balls before I rip out your heart...." She said as she watched him tremble, knowing the hulking rapist was scared. She could smell the urine that was now soaking his pants. "Now be a good little bitch and do as I've told you..." She flipped up her hood and walked away, listening to his sobs as she took off the strap-on.

Joseph leaned on a lamp post happily awaiting the end of his shift, before jumping away and nearly pulling his gun as someone jabbed a finger into his lower back. He looked down and sighed as he saw Tara standing there, with her hood flipped back and a wicked smile on her face. "What have you been up to this time?" He asked, knowing that grin normally meant some poor fool had tried to rob her.

Tara smiled and handed him a wallet, watching his face turn confused for a moment. "Remember how you warned me that there was a few rapes in the park?" He watched his face pale some. "No I haven't killed anyone....good gods man I'm not that much like my mother!" She said in an almost scolding tone. "I think you aught to go look in the construction area, where their putting in all those nice new pathways and fountains and crap." She said as she gave her most innocent smile, watching as he raised a brow. She started to walk away from him, turning back for a second. "Oh yeah....bring your hand cuff keys....and don't tell my Uncle Paul..." She added before turning and starting to run towards the club, already fifteen minutes late.

Joseph looked at the wallet and sighed, knowing his easy night was now about to get complicated. "Tara....if only your mom knew how much like her you'd turned out....She'd be proud." He moved off toward the construction area, praying he wouldn't have to call for an ambulance this time.

Charley watched as it hit ten fifteen before Tara came into the club, panting from running most of the way no doubt. He watched her slip behind the bar and dig into her backpack, pulling out something that made Sherri light up with joy. He watched them talk for a moment before Tara moved over to him, leaning down to catch her in a hug. "I hope you haven't made poor Joseph work too hard tonight..." He said, knowing Tara had taken to making the poor equine cop work hard at explaining some of the perps he had gotten hold of recently.

"He won't have to work as hard after tonight...I promise." She said as she slipped a few strands of her raven black hair away from her face and behind her ear, hearing him sigh. "Enough of that though...I'm not going back to the park for a while." She said, smiling up at him. "What are you gonna get me for my birthday next week?" She asked as she saw him tap his chin.

"I don't know..." He said as he tapped his chin, before smiling down at her. "I might have gotten a week off of work...and I might have rented us a secluded little beach house..." He didn't get to finish before Tara jumped up into his arms, her mouth latching onto his. He broke their kiss as his phone vibrated, watching as Tara looked down at her own pocket. He opened his phone and smiled over at Paul after reading the text message: "We're slow enough take her home."

A half hour later Tara ran into her room, her body shifting forms as she almost literally tore her clothes from her body. She turned and smiled as she watched Charley kick off his boxers, his canine shaft tapping his stomach as he moved toward her. She moved up onto her bed and smiled as she looked back over her shoulder at him, swaying her furred rear as she flagged her stub tail. "Does my big hunky wolf want to try it this way tonight?" She asked as he moved onto the bed behind her, craning her neck to catch his maw in a kiss as he leaned over her.

"Have you taken you pill today?" He asked as he got to watch her nod rapidly, his large paw like hands moving to her feline hips. "Good..." He aimed his large shaft and pulled on her hips, while he thrust his own forward. They both moaned loudly as he thrust his entire shaft into her, his knot slapping against her soaked folds as his tip pushed through her weakened cervix. He held himself there until she started to rock her hips, signaling him that she was still ok. As he started to thrust in and out of her tight body she started to purr deeply, making him yip and pick up his pace. "Cheater...." He let go of her hips and leaned down over her again. Only of his large hands went to tease and pinch her nipples, while the other moved between her gyrating thighs.

Tara's purring missed a beat as she mewled out, feeling his clawed finger assault her clit without mercy. "!" Her body started to shudder as an orgasm slammed through her, causing her to pant as his hands never stopped their work. She moaned, mewled, and grunted as he picked up his pace, feeling his growing knot slap and grind against her folds.

Charley whimpered and yipped as she purred, feeling her clenching and milking walls vibrated against his shaft as his hips slammed into hers. He knew he wouldn't last long, the club having kept the both busy the last two nights. He yipped as she started to thrust her hips back against his, while his hands went into overdrive on her clit and nipples. After what seemed like an eternity, his knot slipped past her folds to swell inside her tunnel. He started to slam into her with short powerful thrusts, her purring missing a beat as his knot lodged itself against that certain spot.

Tara purred hard as another orgasm crashed through her body, feeling his knot pressing against her g-spot as he suddenly stopped. She arched her back and let out a bobcat scream as he howled above her. She felt every powerful surge of seed push through his shaft, before it sprayed out against the back of her womb. After what seemed like an eternity they both fell over onto their sides, afterglow glazing their eyes as they panted for breath. She craned her head back and licked his muzzle lovingly, a rumbling purr starting from her as he wrapped his arm around her. "I love you Charley..." She said as she purred, feeling his still hard shaft and his seed within her.

"I love you too Tara..." Charley said, before yipping as another shot of seed shot into her. He heard her giggle as she stopped purring. "Here in a little bit want to go for round two?" He asked as he bucked into her lightly, hearing her mew as he knew his knot was rubbing her g-spot.

"Yes....and then a shower and a change of sheets...." She said before tilting her head to the side, catching his tongue and kissing him lovingly as best they could. She knew this was going to be a long and very fun night, not to mention the fact she'd be walking funny when she woke up....