Revenge on a courier (1998/9)

Story by Skipai on SoFurry

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#1 of 1998-2019 Stories

An otter gets revenge on a courier that has annoyed him.

Revenge on a Courier

by Skipai

The story is copyrighted to the author above. This story contains watersports and scat actions. If you are not of the age to read it or against such actions then please stop now.


John paced up and down the room, paws around his back, the thudding on the floor as he moved from one end of the room to the other, his eyes frowning as he twirled around, paw coming up and looked at his watch and stopped. His chest coming out and in slowly, trying to keep the anger within himself as he felt his primal instincts burning deep within, trying to get out.

He remembered the phone call and played it back in his head from this morning....

Woman: Hello and welcome to Megastar Fast couriers. My name is Kate. How may I help?

John: Hello. I called to enquire about a parcel that should've come to me last week on your 5 star next day delivery. I like to know when I am getting it?

Kate: Do you have your number?

John: FG-5670-5332

Kate: Just a moment.... *music came on followed by ridiculous ads about how they won some reward for best service* Ah, yes. It should be with you by noon sir. We apologise for the delay.

John: Erm. Thank you, but about that refund on next day delivery charge? I mean. It's taken you a week to send me this package.

Kate: Please hold. *More irritating music...* We are sorry sir but our contract states that we're not allowed to give any refunds at all. You have to get that from our drivers who deal with the order themselves.

John: Okay. I ask him when he gets here....

He stopped and looked out of the window and saw nothing at all coming down his driveway to his den and turned back away from the light and looked at the clock that had just past 5pm. It was too much for the otter that returned back to padding up and down the room, his anger slowly brewing as the ticking in the room echoed loudly in his head.


Josh lit a cigarette, pressing the lighter into the thin white stick and sucked in hard, before blowing out the smoke from his nose and replaced the lighter back into the socket on the dashboard. He had one final job on for the day and wanted to get it over and done with. He didn't like to deliver to this person, mainly due to the long distance out of the city, which he took preference anyway, even if a parcel had next day written on it. He blew out more smoke as he saw the small place coming up ahead, growing bigger as he got near to it.


John watched from his window, looking at the cloud of dust coming nearer with each passing second and he clenched his paws into tight balls and growled softly, the window misting up from his breath. Moving a paw up, he swipes at the frosted up window, wiping it away and turns around, making sure not to be seen from the window, looking at the clock again as it began to chime 6pm. Taking a deep breath in, John closed his eyes and took a few long deep breaths, fighting his anger back within himself. 'No, my friend, we shall get our revenge. A quick death is too nice for this one. I have other plans....'


The van pulled up with a crawl before it stopped and stood there with its bright yellow colouring and with the red lettering obstructing the view of the window. John watched and waited for the knock at the door as his ears twitched hearing the door open and close, with shuffling of paws outside. He never blinked once as he didn't see the fur walk past his window but heard another door being opened and with a few moments closing again. Taking a deep breath as he heard more shuffling paws against the ground outside.


John's head jerked around and frowned. Listening to the pounding on his door and he moved away from the wall and padded out into the hall slowly, looking at the thick wooden door looming up to him as his anger began to raise through him, the ancestry instincts burning into each of his nerves. Placing his paw around the door handle, he opened up the door and saw a rather annoyed fox on the other side.

"About time you opened that. I need you to sign for this but my pen has ran out." His head motioned down towards the box on the ground and the clipboard was thrusted forwards into John's paw.

Fighting back hard now, he took a few breaths through clenched teeth and nodded. "Fine. I go sign this. Bring the box into the front room for me." He turned around and padded off down the hallway to the kitchen and began to look for a pen.

Shaking his head, Josh muttered something and bent down, dug his claws into the box and lifted it up and came into the den and looked about and saw a door to his right. He pushed it open with the box and looked about the room. It was tidy, with 3 chairs, slightly worn but looked comfortable, a small coffee table lay in the middle next to the fireplace, which had a blue rug resting near the base of the fire. Deciding to put the box on the coffee table he moved around the settee and dropped it on there and looked about, before looking at the clock. Calling out. "Anytime you could get that signed. I am off duty now and need to get home!"


John heard the words as he leant over the large wooden table, his paws clinging to the side as his claws sank into the wood and began to scrape deep lines underneath. He looked at the clipboard and the pen beside it and picked it up, moved it towards the paper and stopped, his paw quivering with anger and then threw the pen away and got back up again and snatched the clipboard with his paw and stormed off to meet the courier.

Joshed blinked as he saw the otter come in and threw the clipboard at him. The muzzle was back and barred and he took a step back from the unexpected sight.

"You are worried about being late going home when I should've had this package a week ago!!" John growled out, his formed blocking the door.

Josh nodded slowly. "You have to expect that living so far out from the city." He looked at the clipboard and back up again. "Hey, you haven't signed for this box."

John not moving nodded. "No, I haven't... I've decided to sign for it another way." Josh's ears blinked and he heard the front door close in the hallway and lock and he began to shake slightly, the cigarette in his muzzle slowly slipping out and hanging there.

"W-what do you mean....?" He blinked and then frowned. "I ain't letting you do nothing, so let me go now..." He frowned and shouted back, coming towards John threateningly.

John watched Josh come towards his and frowned more. "You're not leaving here at all." He lifted up his left paw as it began to shimmer blue. Josh stopped and blinked before stepping back a few steps. John just looked at him and grinned. "You see. You made a big mistake getting on my bad side. I paid /you/ to deliver that on time. You failed in that and so..... It's time you learnt a lesson....."

Josh began to shake and look about towards the glass window and padded to it, before he reached there however, he felt a chilling sensation to his back as a blue-ish reflection hit the walls and he fell backwards in pain, rifling through his entire body. Growling he tried to get up again but couldn't as his muzzle lay bare, froth building up around his black lips. Darting his eyes to the otter coming towards him he snarled. "Let me go you little fuck."

John frowned. "Oh no. This I've been waiting to do for ages. I only have problems with my packages from you. No one else..." He knelt down and grabbed Josh's shirt, digging in his claws and ripping it away, buttons flying about the room as he continued to tear at the fabric. Josh lay there unable to move and closed his eyes tight, trying to move his arms but found that they were not listening to his commands.

The otter looked at his belt and began to unbuckle it, whipping it out and throwing it away behind him as he continued to look at the white furred chest and carefully, began to unzip and pull off the trousers, glad that this one liked to walk bare pawed so no messing about with shoes. He looked at the frowning fox and bared his teeth. "I know what you are thinking but yiffing you would be too kind for you. I have other plans..." He placed his paws on the white firm chest and closed his eyes, as they began to shimmer blue again, cursing it's power through the fox who blinked and stared open eyed at the otter in shock to the feeling of something liquid flowing through him.

His head looked down, seeing his chest slowly shrinking and getting thinner and thinner. Moving his eyes to the sides he saw that his arms were doing the same thing as well as his legs. Whimpering slightly, he looked back to the otter and pleaded with a whine for him to stop. After the third whine though he found that he couldn't close his muzzle at all as the muscles began to stiffen, becoming hard. Only his eyes continued to look about and blink.

John continued to keep his paws on the now flat body, removing all of the insides from the fox. No bones, organs were present in this smaller version of him. Josh stared as he began to see his erect fox cock begin to change, getting fatter and rounder as his piss-slit opened up to make a tube like shape, staying upright. Carefully the strange sensation through his body ceased and John opened his eyes and released his paws from the white flat chest and looked at the fox. "Well, well. You ready to be used?" He moved his head to the side and smirked. "Tough if you ain't..."

Josh blinked and looked on as he saw the otter move over him, before kneeling down, his knees to the side of him as he looked up to that grin on the otters face and shivered, only feeling the sensation in his head and his stiff erect cock. John slowly began to move his paws forwards, wrapping his paws about the round head of the fox, his fingers spread out around the back as he lifted it up slowly, before putting his other paw on the muzzle which tingled for a moment, making Josh twitch his nose and licked about inside of his muzzle seeing no teeth at all and shuddered as his wet tongue explored the soft flexible gums that had no bone at all.

After finishing changing the fox's muzzle, John closed his eyes and his whole clothing vaporised in a blue flash showing Josh his semi erect cock poking out from within his sheath. The head glistened slightly but there was another smell to the fox as he blinked seeing the dried yellow encrusted urine on the head and shaft. He tried to gag at the smell but no such reflex came at all, his throat muscles gone leaving a thin tube in it's place with just the lining. John pulled back on his sheath, exposing his throbbing cock and slowly taking hold of it, he aimed the head to the open muzzle and pushed his head in slowly.

Josh felt the hot moist otter cock head begin to slip past his tight leathery lips, the salty sour taste washed over him as his tongue brushed past the tip, but it soon began to grow on him slowly as he licked about the otter cock as he felt more of it sliding into his warm moist muzzle.

John stopped with his cock halfway in Josh's muzzle and removed his paws from his head and began to work on finishing the rest of the job. Moving downwards into a squatting position and lifting up his tail. He slowly moves a paw underneath him, wrapping his paw about the hot thick fox cock and grinned feeling a sudden suck come from his muzzle as he did so. Sliding the fingers up to the wide round tip and slipping his paw into the wide round hole, he smiles at the pool or pre inside and pulling his wet sticky fingers out, running them over the rim of Josh's cock before moving to his tail hole and doing the same.

Josh continued to look at the otter's brown furred belly, with a hot throbbing cock stuck halfway in his muzzle and continued to lick, finding the horrible taste now being replaced by a more likeable pre, dripping out to his waiting tongue. John moaned slightly and eased himself down against the big fox cock, making it press against his tail hole and still holding it, he continued to apply pressure, feeling his muscles slowly beginning to give way as it opened up, sliding tightly over the head and down the textured side. He rolled his eyes as he felt the fox's muzzle apply some more pressure again, sucking in more of his cock, the hot air blowing on his belly fur made him smile.

Letting go of the fox cock, he begins to push more of the length into his tail hole looking down at the head still attached to his throbbing hard member. Grabbing one leg and one short arm. He begins to tie them up into a knot while doing the same with the other, making more of Josh's cock slide deeply into John's tail hole. He looked down and smiled evilly. "I bet you thought when you woke up this morning that you wouldn't end up being a diaper now, did you?" He saw the horror in the fox's eyes but laughed, moving his paws over to the back of his head and began to move in and out of Josh's tight muzzle slowly, arching his back, feeling the cock stuck up his arse rubbing against his prostate gland.

"Ooooooh... Now this is what I call a diaper..." John moaned as he continued to thrust into Josh's muzzle, the fox lapping up whatever pre squirted out as the otters head went into the tight throat tube and back out again to the moving living tongue. Josh couldn't do anything at all but accept it, feeling nothing underneath his back as he felt his body wrapped about the otters groin and rump, his tail hanging down loosely at the back, wagging slightly to the thrusts of the otter, which had increased.

Josh felt all of the ridges of the hot slimy cock moving in and out of his muzzle and blinked feeling something new hit him. It was a slight stinging sensation from down below but couldn't put his mind onto it as he felt another hard thrust move into his muzzle. Slowly he could feel something hot, wet and hard sliding down inside of his piss slit as something else began to press at his head before doing the same thing. His mind was taken off from that thought as he felt the otters head begin to grow in size before stream after stream of salty ottercum came into his muzzle in which he swallowed or found it to just drip down his throat and into is empty middle. John's eyes were closed tight as he chirped loudly, bent nearly double backwards with the hot nose of Josh pressed against his tummy fur.

With a few more squirts, Josh felt the orgasm begin to slowly die down as he sucked out the rest of the ottercum from the hard and sensitive cock thinking that was all of it and the end was near. With a last swallow he felt himself being pushed away but stopping at the middle again and the strange stinging of something moving down inside his cock continued. John reopened his eyes and panted, before licking his nose and scritching behind the fox's ears. "Good diaper...."

Josh blinked to that remark but couldn't do anything at all right now. He felt the head inside of his mouth again begin to widen and expected another blow of ottercum but instead he received something salty but it was hot, more watery and his eyes opened wide as he realised just what was being emptied into his muzzle. Unable to do anything apart from swallow the yellow substance that flowed down his throat and into his middle, feeling the back begin to peel away from his front as the otter pee continued to fill him up as the first pieces of scat pushed through his cock splinter and rested in the urine-cum vat.

Josh felt the onslaught of piss slowly drying off as it trickled down his throat; the taste was still there resting on his tongue as he licked the ottercock clean. His own cock still burned with something though as he felt the otter begin to untie his arms and legs and slowly he moved his paws over to his head and gently began to slip of the muzzle from his member with a wet plop and rested on the floor as he knelt down again.

Josh looked up at the otter and could feel that he was already beginning to slide off his own member with a sloppy noise. Moving to the side of the fire and getting a box of tissues, the otter began to wipe his rear end and dropped the dirty pieces of tissue onto the fox's chest. The smell overpowering as Josh tried to breath through his hole in his muzzle but finding it making no difference. Seeing the otter finish and getting up, stretching and looking down he smiled again which sent some fear and anger through Josh's mind. "You know what happens to dirty diaper's don't you?"

Moving to the side and kneeling down again he slowly lifts Josh's head up and slowly begins to fold him in half. Josh stared open eyed at the scat covered cock of his coming nearer to his muzzle and slowly he felt it moving in, the foul taste making him want to vomit but again with nothing there inside of him to comply with his minds request, he couldn't pull out from the revolting thing. He felt his nose press against his balls and smelling his own musky scent close up and slowly let out some air from his nose, washing his warm breath over them.

John went back to the flat arms and legs and wrapping them around the fox, before tying it into a tight ball, he picked up the bundle and padded off to another room, the sound of Josh's insides of the otter's waste rubbing against his walls while the sick taste filled his muzzle, made his mind feel faint. Soon though, the otter came to a small waist high box with a lid and began to push Josh into it slowly, tight plastic began to wrap around the tight small bundle, over his muzzle and nose, blocking off the air before Josh found himself fully covered and sealed before falling a small way into a dark compartment. His last memories slowly fading away with the foul taste of otter scat in his muzzle. John turned around and padded out of the room with a relieved smile on his face, stopping at the door and turning around. "That's what happens to dirty diapers and couriers who misplace my order or arrive late..." He smirks, turns around and pads around the corner out of sight.