Squad Goals - Ch22

Story by Veronica Foxx on SoFurry

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#28 of Comm - For Dreixes

April visits Kaliya in the border collie's new condo, and they show off the alterations that they have both had before having some fun time with one another.

**The Squirrel and the Hound

By: VeronicaFoxx

For: Dreixes**

"Oh, wow, the virtual tour really doesn't do this place justice," the squirrel observed as she stepped through the door into Kaliya's condo.

It was called a studio in the listings, but April had never heard of a studio apartment with separate bedrooms, and Kaliya had four of them. She supposed that having the living room and kitchen areas open plan let them qualify it as one. It also had two bathrooms, one with a garden tub and the other with a waterfall shower, both big enough to fit at least six people (or just Charlene and Shodan together). What the virtual walkthrough had lacked was the sense of space that the place provided. Visiting in real life gave some indefinite feeling of vastness that the VR environment simply couldn't replicate. Everything in the whole apartment that she shared with Shodan could have fit into one of the bedrooms comfortably. A little bit snugly but still with enough room for the huge hyena to move around. The place was far from bare, though, despite the border collie having minimal belongings of her own.

Felicia had gone so far as to purchase bookshelves, sofas, piles of cushions, pillows of all kinds, some padded block things and wedges, and more carpets and blankets than seemed absolutely necessary. Kaliya had taken some of the wedges, stretched a blanket across them, and created a little pillow nest beneath the improvised fort over in front of the enormous window wall that gave a view out over the city. It had a shaded balcony as well, with an awning wide enough to protect it from anything but rain coming in sideways, also stocked with plenty of soft, snuggly seating and low tables. The place would have been impressive and intimidatingly empty if left unfurnished; with the furniture that the bunny had provided, it was surprisingly comfortable and cozy aside from the ridiculously high ceilings. If she kept her eyes from wandering upwards, it was more of a maze of soft things, and she was rather tickled by the number of stuffed animals that were strewn about the place.

There was also a lonely dog bed with a few chew toys, food and water bowls, and a black and white stuffed canine on it. Everything aside from the stuffed animal was very obviously used, and the fact that they were set apart from everything else gave it the feeling of a shrine or something. April decided that discretion was the better part of valor.

"How did any of you manage to afford a place like this?" she asked instead.

The border collie tucked her ears and tail as she shut the door, though the tip of it wagged vigorously between her legs. "Felicia... has a lot of money, and she wanted to try and make things up to me. She went a little... well, a lot overboard."

"I can see that." April let her eyes wander upwards again, taking in the sheer emptiness in the ceiling area. "I'd love to have somewhere like this, especially if I could get some equipment installed up there, just some things to scurry around on. That's one thing I prefer about America over back home. There's plenty of places close by where there's trees that you can just climb around in so long as you don't destroy the environment and even enormous parks inside the cities. Back home, you have to get outside the cities to get any real open space. Everything's so tightly packed and crowded! That's one thing that I think the US most definitely has up on the UK."

The dog's tail came out and started to wag a bit harder. "I could get some stuff put in, if you want. I have a remodeling budget. I've never had a remodeling budget. Or a budget for pretty much anything except surviving week to week. Everything's so... very different now. Here. Charlene said she'd move herself and Felicia in if and when I felt comfortable with it, but I'm really enjoying just having the space to myself right now and letting them visit often. I'd love it if Shodan and you could come visit more often, too, but I know it can be hard with you living a state away."

"Well... I'm sure we can manage that. At the very least, I can." Kaliya led her over to one of the loveseats and curled up on one side with the squirrel on the other. A kettle had been set out with cups and a sugar bowl and tea biscuits, and April savored the scent of Earl Grey steeping in the pot. "Shodan's been working extra hard lately to make up for my... drop in income since... everything. Taking on the position as team manager will let me claim a percentage of income from any tournaments, thankfully, but I've had to dig into my savings with my streaming career cut rather short. I do have much more free time these days, though."

Kaliya offered a sympathetic whine and slid over to hug an arm around April's shoulders, then set about serving the tea. April leaned in against her, snuggling close. There was a kinship between them that was beyond blood or water. They were both submissives, both enjoyed pain to a point, and had both been through something traumatic. The border collie had rather more than just a single incident on her own list, but it was something they shared, and she had helped at least as much as the therapist in helping the squirrel get past things. Having someone who knew what it was like, who had taken it as hard as Kaliya and April both had, made a big difference. And the border collie was an amazingly, incredibly strong woman on top of that.

With all the things that had happened in the canine's life, it was almost impossible that she remained a functional member of society. And as much as Kaliya might argue otherwise, she was functional, if just a bit quirky. And quirky in the good way rather than the "if you can't handle me at my worst" kind. It took her time to warm up to people, but she became quite fully invested once she had, and she only asked that they accept her boundaries. April was perfectly willing to pay that price for the honor of being considered a friend.

"So... do you mind if I ask... how things are now?" the squirrel inquired, happy to drop the subject if it seemed to be a touchy one, but the border collie's tail thumped against the couch cushions despite her pinned ears.

"Oh, it's... it's really, really nice. When we got home, Charlene took me to the bottomless district, to a place called the Knot Hole. It was, um... It was nice. We met a really, really big male named Charlie. He wants to share me. I'm not sure if I want that or maybe just to have fun with him every now and then. He's a real... well, he's very alpha, if you understand what I mean by that."

The squirrel made a considering noise as she sipped at her tea. "Something like Shodan? With a very strong personality that makes you feel safe without being overbearing or forcing their machoness on you?" At the border collie's nod, she smiled. "I have had a good bit of experience in dealing with preds, you do know. I've certainly dated enough of them. It was something that pretty well immediately attracted me to Sho to begin with. And not to change the subject, since I'm really very interested in how that all went, but I'm also very curious about the transition, if you don't mind discussing it."

"Oh, of course. Did you want to see?"

April grinned and set her cup on the table as the border collie wiggled out of the knitted skirt that she wore along with her sweatshirt. The border collie was almost always in extremely casual clothing, which reminded the squirrel that they had a shopping trip scheduled. She knew that Felicia would enjoy the buying as much as they both would enjoy forcing Kaliya to model for them, and they were going to make absolutely certain that the woman had some stunning ensembles before they got through with the trip. For now, though, there were more important things to consider. Like the surprisingly wet, plump fortune cookie between the lupine's legs.

"Wow, that's... juicy. Are you coming into heat?"

The border collie sat sideways on the loveseat facing April, with her paws together and knees butterflied apart, putting her plump, glistening spade on plain display. "Actually, I'm just coming out of it. The hormone changes put me into it for the first few weeks, and it just ended two days ago, but they said not to be surprised if I'm... leaky for the first month or two while my body settles and figures out my cycles. But speaking of changes... down there... what about you? Did you go through with things?"

It was the squirrel's turn to blush, the insides of her ears reddening. "Oh. Yes, I did. I suppose it's my turn for show and tell, then."

April hooked her thumbs beneath the band of her shorts and paties to work them down her legs before adopting a pose similar to the border collie's. Kaliya was the first person aside from Shodan to see her since the surprisingly minor surgery that had altered her genitals. She used her fingers to spread her lips so that the bitch could better see the changes, the missing inner petals and the distinctly absent bud that should have adorned the top of her cleft. Instead, there was a small metal disk, a sensor/receiver about the size of a thumb tack head, that covered that spot. Connectors trailed from it down the burrow that her clitoris had formerly occupied, attached to the nerve endings that were all that remained of her pleasure nubbin. The flesh between her vulva was otherwise smooth and bare with only a pair of thin white scars to show where her inner labia had once been.

"Wow. Did it hurt? That seems like it would hurt. Can you still orgasm and all?"

"Oh, it did hurt some for a few days, but a lot less than you'd think. The Paulies do amazing work. I'm all healed up, got the go ahead from them, and we had sex for the first time since the operation last night. It was... surprisingly intense. The little button here lets Shodan control pleasure or pain, off or on, and I wanted it off for our first time. When it's on and turned to pleasure, I can have orgasms like normal (or even better than normal), but with it off, it still feels good. Just not nearly as good. It's like... Well, like having a nice, thick cock, or clit in Shodan's case, shoved down your throat. That kind of good. It let me focus more on the overall sensations rather than just getting to cum, which included having more focus on everything else. Let me tell you, when she started whipping my pussy, I really felt it, and a lot more clearly than ever before. I don't think I orgasmed, exactly, but I certainly reached some kind of peak at least a few times during."

"Do... do you mind if I...?"

Kaliya trailed off, uncertain of fully asking the question, and it just made April grin. The border collie was so very sensitive to others because of her own sensitivities, and would tend not to speak rather than say something upsetting. The squirrel scooted down so that she could drape her legs across the canine's lap, her head propped on against the arm of the loveseat, making herself completely available for exploration. Kaliya glanced at her, then down at her splayed groin, then back up at her and smirked. Dipping a finger downward, she slipped it into her own juicy spade, sinking it in up to her knuckle before pulling it free to trace along the tender pink of the squirrel's flesh. It was light, tender, almost ticklish. Pretty much the exact opposite kind of touch that she was used to, but it was more exploratory than sexy, and April suddenly had a moment of clarity.

"Have you ever been with another girl?" she asked. She saw the dog's ears tuck backward but not flatten entirely, and she realized it was something more. "Have you ever been with a non-canine female before?"

That got Kaliya's ears tucked in tight against her skull. "I've... seen porn. Canines are... a bit different than other mammals. We have a clit and all, it's just..."

By way of further explanation, the border collie used her fingers to spread her own sex, showing the inner pink shading to red at the lower center and almost to white near the tip. April could see the urethra, a bit back from the pointed end, with the slight divot leading towards the point to naturally channel urine, but there wasn't a clitoris as far as she could see. At least until Kaliya gave the pointed end of her fortune cookie a few squeezes, rolling it between finger and thumb. The flesh began to redden and pulse slightly, and the urine groove began to swell outwards. It was rather incredible.

"It's all hidden away!" the squirrel exclaimed, delighted at the discovery. "You know, I've been with a few canine femmes, and I never really considered why they liked it so much when I licked along there. That makes so much more sense now."

Kaliya grinned at her, then licked her lips as she seemed to think twice about whatever it was that she wanted to do. There was always a hesitancy to the border collie that was highly endearing, though it usually vanished once she was certain of what was allowed and where boundaries lay.

"Go ahead, love," April encouraged her. "You did let me tie you up and have my way with you, so I think turnabout is fair play. Whatever you want to do. Just be aware that I can't really cum for you."

The canine let out a soft murr-growl, licking at her lips hungrily this time. She rolled forward onto all fours, already half over the squirrel, and the two steps that it took her to cover April fully were somehow slinky and predatory and shy at the same time. She slid a hand behind the squirrel's neck and bent her head down to drag fangs ever so lightly across April's throat, sending a shiver down the arboreal rodent's spine. The dog's other hand traced its way across her bust, teasing and ticklish against the undersides of her breasts, then along the curve of her stomach and down between her legs. Kaliya let out a slight "wurf?" of surprise at finding the squirrel wet, and April giggled.

"Just because I can't cum doesn't mean I can't get excited, silly girl."

The border collie offered a sheepish grin then gave her a gentle but passionate kiss as two fingers were worked past her entrance to dig in deep. The border collie's thumb pressed against the metal sensor button while the figures curled within her. She knew what Kaliya was aiming for, and while it wasn't going to get her revving the way it once had, it did still feel quite pleasant, especially when Kaliya began to stroke her fingers in and out. Up top, her teeth began to nibble, working their way down to pin one of April's nipples between them, tugging and pinching. The squirrel arched with a gasp, which became a soft squeal when the dog quickly opened her jaws and snapped them down to squeeze her breast flesh between them. The fangs dug in, not quite enough to really hurt but with a definite discomfort that was somehow not at all unpleasant. She would most definitely have to mention that to the hyena.

And then the blunt nails that had been so gently digging at her inner walls and against the space where her clit had been dug in. She was still sensitive down there; it wasn't as if everything had been numbed. Her pleasure center had been removed, but full sensation still remained. And the not-quite-pain pushed her up further off of the cushions. If not for the arm sandwiched between them, her stomach would have been rubbing against the border collie's. Then Kaliya was suddenly off of her, leaving her to fall back against the loveseat and pant, staring around in wonder as she tried to find the woman. The border collie had pulled back to her own end of the couch, crouched in a feral sitting position, licking at her lips with a hungry look in her eyes.

"Anything I want?" she inquired, a partial growl in her voice. "Charlene and Felicia set up a playroom, if you really want to do this."

"Oh, Kaliya, I'd love to. If you're comfortable with it. Don't feel obligated on my account. I can try and work up some fierce dominance, if you'd prefer."

The canine snickered at the squirrel's "fierce dominance" face, but April was far from offended. She was happy to see the dog both taking initiative and having the confidence to want a more dominant role. She rolled off the couch and shucked out of her remaining clothing, leaving herself nude for the bitch, who eyed her from the other end, looking her over from head to toe. She herself felt far more confident, though she probably wouldn't have done this kind of thing with anyone that she didn't feel such closeness with. She felt more in control with the modification that had been done to her, and it gave her a better ability to be open. By way of demonstration, and to tease the border collie, she did a quick pirouette in place and ended with her back facing Kaliya, then spread her legs and bent over. With her hands on her knees and her tail arched up high against her back, her denude slit was exposed to the bitch once more.

The border collie let out another soft growl, hungry, and crawled forward across the loveseat once more. Two paces yet again, and then April had a hot, wet tongue lapping vigorously between her legs. She let out a soft coo, enjoying the attention, feeling the wide, thick muscle swipe between her folds and dig its way past her entrance. April really enjoyed being able to really feel the way it moved inside her, each ripple and roll and wiggle. It made her far more aware of her body as a whole in this kind of situation, especially when the dog began nibbling up along her spine. She stood more upright, pressing back against Kaliya until the border collie stood resting her head atop the squirrel's, arms wrapped lightly around the smaller female's waist. It was lovely.

April let Kaliya guide her as they moved towards one of the bedrooms, only one of which had been included in the tour. That had been the gaming room, set up with eight fully tricked out VR rigs, two of which were built to support extra-large individuals. The squirrel supposed that the bunny had been planning for the future, providing extra rigs for guests or perhaps for new members of Charlene's little harem. It wouldn't really be all that surprising to see their polyamorous relationship expanding to include others. Maybe that male wolf that Kaliya had liked so much. The squirrel would have to ask about meeting him as well, after discussing things with Shodan of course.

And then there was the playroom. April was rather surprised; she had expected far more equipment. There were a few pieces of bondage furniture, a sex swing, and a wall dedicated to varous floggers, whips, paddles, and some things that she wasn't sure about. She was directed towards a large ring that stood upright, perpendicular to the ground, supported by a square-shaped frame. Holes cut through the metal ring coincided with the corners of the square, and ropes fed out of the holes to support restraining straps. It was odd that the ropes didn't appear to connect with the square, though. Clamps held the ring in place where it touched all four sides, but the ropes came from the "corners" of the ring. It seemed a bit odd.

She let Kaliya put the padded straps around her wrists and ankles, then a motor reeled them in until she was stretched out inside the ring, hands and paws pointing towards the corners of the square. Then the clamps were released, and the reason for the ropes not connecting to the square was suddenly revealed. A light push sent April arcing forward and down, her legs swinging back and up, the ring rotating on the horizontal axis. It made nearly a quarter turn before the weight of her lower body began to correct it, turning her into a pendulum that set her to rocking back and forward. It was slightly anxiety-inducing at first, but the squirrel started to find it fun after the second or third pass. She'd have to see if they could get something like this at home, though she had no idea where they might put it.

The border collie, meanwhile, had been picking out some things. The pendulum motion didn't let April get a very good idea of what they were. When Kaliya stopped her motion, she was not, however, surprised to find that one of the items was a collar with a tail restraint. She lifted her chin and kept her tail as close to her back as it would go as the padded leather was slipped around both. Then the ropes were adjusted with the motorized controls so that she was centered in a more balanced way. It let the ring spin freely this time so that she completed a full revolution before the border collie brought her to a halt.

Then she felt something very different between her legs. It tingled and made her muscles tighten, sparking her nerves in a way that nothing had before. It dragged along her slit and dipped into her entrance making her vaginal walls contract around it, which only tingled her all the more.

"What on earth are you doing?" she wondered, and the border collie brought a thin glass wand with a bulb tip up to display.

"Electric wand," Kaliya explained with a grin. "Don't worry, it's rated not to interfere with any implants except for artificial muscle. You don't have any, right?"

"No, not at all. I've never tried one of those. It's certainly interesting."

"Oh, it is. It stimulates nerves and muscle tissue. It can do a lot of things. It said that it wouldn't interfere with any nerve-override implants, but I figure we should start with low settings and test things. Do you like it?"

"Ooooh, yes, let's take this thing for a test drive! So long as you're sure it won't short anything out."

"That's what the manual says: only if you have artificial muscle. But like I said, we'll start with low settings and work our way up so you can tell me if anything feels wrong."

"Then what are you waiting for?"

The border collie leaned in to nip at her throat and the tip of the wand began to stroke up along her inner thighs, from the knee of one up and across her groin and down the other. It was still a low-intensity, pleasant tingling that felt quite nice, but then the border collie dipped it inside her and began slowly increasing the intensity. She was pretty sure that it would have driven her quite easily over the edge before her operation, and even now the tip of the wand was putting out a rather intense pleasure. The length of it had her tunnel tingling, but the bulb at the end of it was where things were most concentrated, somewhere up towards the entrance to her womb. It set her legs to trembling, her inner walls to quivering, and her stomach to quaking. It was the first time since the operation that she almost regretted having it done, but she knew that it would only take a quick message to her lover to have her implant turned on.

Instead, she enjoyed the sensations that the magical wand was giving her, and she knew that she must be absolutely dripping onto the border collie's hand. Then the impulse changed. Instead of stimulating her nerves, it began directly stimulating the muscles of her vaginal walls. It was almost like a cramp but lacking the pain. She felt her muscles clenching and squeezing without having any control over it. Her pelvis thrust towards the border collie's hand and her knees flexed inwards, as much as the bonds would allow them to, while her stomach tightened in an attempt to curl her. It was strange, but not unpleasant, especially when Kaliya changed the settings again. She felt ripples of contractions stroke upwards from her entrance towards her cervix, and the pleasure impulses struck again.

If she could have orgasmed, she most definitely would have. Each time the wave of muscle hit the end of her tunnel, a burst of pleasure shocked into her. She would have been riding a rollicking sea of orgasmic bliss, and she once again had the minor regret of not being able to, but she had wanted this kind of thing for a reason. Next time, though... next time, she was most definitely having her implant turned on before visiting Kaliya. She wanted to know just how far this wand could take her.

"Wow, I was a sloppy, helpless mess when I put it on this setting," the border collie observed, confirming her suspicions. "They really did take your whole clit out, huh? Well, we can always give Sho a call..."

April shook her head, not trusting herself to speak. If she opened her mouth, she was going to start moaning and pleading, and she'd end up giving in and asking Shodan to turn the implant on. She didn't want to do that just yet, not this time around. The border collie was the first other person she'd been with since getting it installed; it was her first chance to test both the device and her own willpower. If she gave in now, she'd give in every time, so she had to hold out against the urge.

"Y'know, the manual said that if you use this combination on yourself for thirty minutes a day, it'll train your muscles to do this on their own in a few months. I've been using it twice a day since I got it. I'm just glad that it has an automatic shut-off, or I'd probably die from dehydration before it ran out of battery. You said you've been with canine femmes before?"

April nodded, biting at her lower lip as she struggled to restrain herself. Then was being whirled around, the world turned upside down so that she faced the opposite direction with her head towards the floor. Kaliya came around and presented her the juicy, swollen fortune cookie, which gave the squirrel something else to concentrate on. She wrapped her lips around the canine spade and sucked hard, raking her tongue along the cleft and digging into the tunnel beyond to slurp up as much feminine nectar as she could. Especially when the dog began stroking the wand into her, dragging the bulb tip through her inner walls, it was very good to have something to do with her mouth other than beg for release. That little toy was evil in the most deliciously wonderful of ways.

She heard Kaliya moan and pant, felt the border collie's hips humping at her face, but then came something unexpected. She felt the border collie nibbling at one of her stretched legs, working upwards from the knee. She expected Kaliya to start working her way back down again, but instead a warm, wet tongue swiped over the bare skin and pad bumps on the bottom of her paw. The squirrel gasped, curling her toes, surprised and amazed. It was close to ticklish though not quite that, and it felt surprisingly good. It made her whine and flex against the ropes that held her, twitching her foot, and the border collie let out a whine of her own.

"Sorry. I... have a thing for paws... if that's okay?"

The squirrel nodded, wiggling her toes towards the border collie, and was rewarded with a second lick. This wasn't something she'd experienced before, though she supposed she shouldn't be surprised. Kaliya was a very different kind of lover. One long, agile toe was taken into the canine's muzzle, a tongue rolling against its furred upper surface, the pressure of suction washing over it in waves. It was an interesting addition to the sensations she was already experiencing, not exceptional in and of itself but enjoyable in combination. The border collie was very obviously enjoying herself, bobbing and sucking at the toe like it was a miniature cock, her entrance clenching around the tip of the squirrel's tongue as her fortune cookie flexed in April's mouth. There was a marked increase in the border collie's leaking nectar, and April could both feel and hear the humming murr-whine through the digit in the canine's muzzle.

The wand began pumping faster between the rodent's legs, thrusting in and out with swift strokes. The muscular ripples and waves of pleasure made her thighs tremble and her toes curl. It was so close to what a building orgasm felt like, but it was so entirely not. It was worse than being edged, because at least edging could fall over the edge. How she was now, that edge had become a wall, an impossibly tall, steep, slick cliff that could never be climbed. As much as she tried to reach the peak, it was forever out of reach unless she asked Shodan to turn the implant on and to pleasure rather than pain. Even having it hurt would have been better, and she had the wild impulse to ask for just that: to ask Shodan to turn it on set to pain, so that at least she would be feeling something more intense than the tease of almost enough.

It was the epitome of suffering, but she adored it. It all came down to willpower, and that was something she could handle. Probably. Possibly. Maybe. She had no control at all, over what was done to her, over how she was made to feel, over her body's responses to it. She only had control of how she reacted to it, and she was holding out. For now.

Then the border collie came into her mouth, a hand coming down to grip at the back of her head as the lupine's hips humped furiously against her face, a sweet-sour gush of fluids splashing onto the squirrel's tongue, and then Kaliya finally pulled away. But she left the wand, stuck deep inside of April's canal, pulsing with pleasure and forcing muscular contractions.

"Oh, god," the border collie panted. "Thank you. I've wanted to do that for a while. In real life, I meant. That was wonderful." Then her lips peeled back into a menacing grin. "But I think that you can do better if you've had so much practice with canines."

April's eyes grew wide with alarm, but the border collie put a finger against her lips to forestall any argument or pleading, then swung the ring up into a horizontal position. "I think you should hang out here for a while and think about it. You've got another twenty-five minutes on the cycle anyways. Once it's done, we'll see if you can do better, or if you need to go through a second cycle with the wand."

Oh, that wand was evil. But in the best of ways.

The End

Squad Goals - Ch23

**Little Shenzi and Big Shodan** By: VeronicaFoxx For: Dreixes "So, you keep calling her your little sister, and you laugh every time you say that, and I know your whole family is hypers, so I'm gonna guess that you mean she's bloody...

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Squad Goals - Ch21

**The Knot Hole By: VeronicaFoxx For: Dreixes** Kaliya let out a soft whine as the car came to a halt. She was anxious as all hell, but she _had_ agreed to this. Charlene was as patient as ever, which was an utter blessing. The border collie...

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Squad Goals - Ch20

**A Bun in the Hand By: VeronicaFoxx For: Dreixes** Ricardo was... intrigued. It wasn't uncommon for the Charming children that left home to end up with a predator; for many of them, it was their first real chance to interact with one, and...

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