The Dragon and the Princeling

Story by Sleth on SoFurry

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A young wolf prince, with a legendary sword in hand, marches into the lair of the big, evil dragon that has been plaguing his lands with his presence! Ready to slay the beast, the brave prince faces it head on! ...Only to find out that things were not exactly as they thought they were. The dragon has... 'unexpected' plans for the wolf prince.

Aaaand here we have another collaboration, sort of! Just as some of the previous stories I posted like The Benefits of Therapy, The Assistant and a few others, this story was thought up and written mostly by the always great Blackstone ! I just happened to love the themes in it and, after a while, Blackstone was nice enough to let me do the touch-up and polishing of it alongside with the posting! Some parts of this were written by me, but again, most of the credit for this awesomeness goes to him!

I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did! This chapter is pretty introductory, but if you'd like a sequel, make sure to let us know in the comments and maybe we'll see what we can do! ;)Disclaimers:

  • As mentioned, this story is a bit of a collaboration written by both me and Blackstone , though mostly by Blackstone .

  • This story contains elements of non-consensual sex as well as other kinky themes. It's a little rough, too! Check the tags before reading and read at your own risk.

As always, you can also check out the PDF version of the story HERE!

Prince Elias rode up to the cave entrance with a hard expression fixed upon his face, trying to project more confidence than he felt.

Too long had his people lived in fear of the creature that dwelled within and it was high time that the royal family did something about it. The wolf knew it would be dangerous, but it wasn't like he was going in without a plan.

Plus, he'd been trained and tutored by the best sword masters from across the realm. Armed with the enchanted blade he'd borrowed from the treasure -- the pride of the royal family known as Dragon's Bane -- Prince Elias believed that the odds were in his favor. Perhaps even strongly so, should the gods and fates smile upon his endeavor.

And why wouldn't they? This dragon had been a plague upon the lands since time without memory. There were even stories that the first wolven settlers had to beg the beast's favor, asking for permission just to live and make residence in the area. For the creature was notoriously greedy and laid claim to all the vast acreage surrounding his secluded cave.

Elias had decided that enough was enough. He would free his kingdom from the dragon known as Dominius while simultaneously making a name for himself. In one fell swoop, he would establish himself as the heir-apparent, eldest son of King Beatrey and future king to his people.

It was these desires which made the prince push forward even as the serious doubts began to creep into the nineteen year old's mind. Tying his horse to a tree near not far from the cave, he shook his head to dispel these fears.

He reminded himself, for the thousandth time, that the odds were in his favor. That his journey was blessed by the royal family's patron gods. That, in all likelihood, the ancient dragon was decrepit and infirm. And, most critically, that he brought with him Dragon's Bane and his years of training in wielding bladed weapons.

Stepping into the cave, the wolf steeled himself and silently repeated what had become his mantra. That was ready for this. That the time to free his people from tyranny was nigh.

Once inside the cave, the limited light shining in from the entrance faded quickly behind him. But Prince Elias was not concerned. With a small effort of will and intent, Dragon's Bane began to shine in his hands, illuminating the rocky path before him.

The magical weapon's light did much to quiet his fears and bolster his morale. He was a member of the royal family and the enchanted blade responded to his touch and will. This was a fated clash that would live on in history books and storytelling tradition for all time.

He would be Prince Elias, Dragon Slayer. No, rather, King Elias. For he would be remembered for his benevolent reign even more so than his ascension to glory.

The teenager was caught up in contemplating his glorious future that he didn't immediately recognize that he'd stepped into a large void in the rock. No... not a void. A room. With smoothed floor and an arching ceiling, chiseled and polished to a smooth angle.

Refocusing his attention, Elias reminded himself that the first priority was finding the innermost chamber of the cave where, if his luck continued to hold out, the half-senile beast would be slumbering soundly. From there, he would select his angle of attack and--

"Hello, wolf," an impossibly loud voice said, a note of amusement evident in the rumbling tone.

The prince's heart beat fast in his chest as he frantically looked around in all directions. But there was nothing to see. Which meant the dragon was either not here or he was hiding his presence through foul trickery.

"Show yourself, beast! Or is the fabled Dominius a coward!"

After shouting into the darkness, there was a moment's pause of consideration before the reply came.

"You know my name, which means you did not stumble into my cave by mere happenstance. The little wolf came searching for me. Very interesting. And that blade... Would that happen to be...?"

The dragon left the question hanging and so Elias spoke up once again to reassert himself.

"It is Dragon's Bane! And it is destined to take your head, arrogant reptile!"

This time the response was immediate. There was fresh rumbling which the prince identified as bemused chortling.

"Is that what your family is calling it these days? Truly? Dragon's Bane, is it? Ironic. It had a different name, many years ago. But it matters not. My time is precious, wolf, so I'll get right to the point. Why do you invade the privacy of my home? And why should I not kill you outright for the insult of your presence?"

Though Prince Elias had been hoping to catch the beast unaware, this conversation had only served to make the royal youth more confident in his odds. If the dragon was talking instead of fighting, it could only mean that the creature was hoping to avoid open combat. Which meant the thing was afraid. Which meant that he had the advantage.

The wolf continued to make his way deeper into the cave, looking carefully around every corner and into every shadow as he stalked the carved and increasingly ornate halls.

"Save your breath, reptile. You are trying to intimidate me into leaving, so as to spare your neck from Dragon Bane's bite! And I will happy to leave, sir. With your head in a bag, to show to my father, the king!"

There was another brief pause as the unseen dragon seemed to consider this revelation.

"First, I am no reptile. Though I have scales, my blood is as warm as yours, wolf. Second, you are King Beatrey's child? And why would the king throw away the life of one of his precious heirs? Unless... you are not here at his command?"

"I am Prince Elias, heir to the throne, and I need not be commanded to serve my people! You are a bane, Dragon. A pox. And I here to deliver my people from you. So show yourself and let us be at each other, coward!"

Again the dragon chortled.

"That was a very long-winded way of saying that the king has no idea you're here. Nor that you pilfered the royal vault, if I had to guess. Dragon's Bane indeed... What nonsense."

The prince's frustration at being caught in an extended back and forth blossomed into anger at the implied insult. But when he opened his mouth to retort in kind he was cut off as the dragon's much louder voice drowned him out.

"Turn tail and leave now, princeling, and I will let you leave with your life and dignity intact. This I would do as a favor to your father, whom I have no quarrel with."

"I will leave once I have taken your head, legged worm!"

"...Legged worm? Really? My, but arn't you a foul mouthed little..."

There was a tremendous sigh that seemed to fill the hall with an eerie sound as a cold wind stirred and swept about him. The prince waved his sword to and fro as though to use the enchanted blade to ward off evil spirits.

The creature continued with, "Last warning, prince. If you continue down your chosen path, I promise that your regrets will be many. As will be the indignities I will visit upon your person."

But the prince had gone too far to back down now. Especially as he more and more convinced that the infirm, and perhaps already dying, dragon was trying to bluff his way out of their battle.

"Your poisoned words will not dissuade me, dragon. This day will see one of us defeated! I swear this upon my ancestors. Now, show yourself and let us be done with it!"

Another cold wind blew past his fur as a subsequent sigh signaled the beast's annoyance.

"Very well. Go to the end of the room, take the last left, then the first right, then proceed through the archway. I'll be waiting, princeling. Be prepared to fight for your life as I mean to claim it, my little pet."

'Little pet'? Elias did not know what the creature meant by that, but the gauntlet had been thrown and the challenge finally accepted. The wolf followed the provided instructions while keeping a keen eye out for traps and snares.

But nothing hindered his ingress and at last the teenager found himself in a well lit chamber filled with treasures and wealth beyond counting. Coins, gold, jewels and other valuables abounded, piled up high around the perimeter of the room. And in the center lay the dragon.

The smirking beast was massive, his turquoise scales reflecting the illumination in a brilliant show of color and light. The prince gulped silently as he took in the beast's dimensions. Taking in the sight of Dominius, Elias was forced to reassess his view that the supposedly infirm beast must be on death's door.

Instinctively the prince tried to take a step back to keep his distance, only to find that the entrance way he'd just stepped through had vanished, leaving a solid and very firm wall behind him. Fighting back panic, the teenager's eyes darted around the room as he tried to identify other avenues of potential escape.

"What is the matter, princeling?" the dragon's voice rumbled, the sound now having a distinct source rather than coming from all directions. "You came all this way with the intention of slaying me in my own home, yes? Well? Shouldn't you be getting to it, then?"

Elias was prideful but he wasn't without witts. The prince knew that the odds have shifted in favor of the beast. Painfully so. But he wasn't without options. He still had Dragon's Bane.

Holding up the sword and willing it to shine as brightly as he could manage, the wolf spoke with the unearned authority of a youthful royal.

"Heed me well, reptile --"

"Not a reptile," the beast repeated softly as the wolf spoke, seemingly to himself.

"-- I am Prince Elias and I am here to slay--"

"Would you just get on with it then? Come, charge at me if that's your plans. Or whatever it is that you imagined yourself doing with that little toy in your hands."

The wolf's face twisted in outrage and fury at being spoken to thusly. How dare this... this beast...!

The wolf charged the dragon as he directed his will into the blade, commanded the enchanted weapon to protect him dragon fire and talons alike.

Dominius raised an eyebrow ridge as the son of the king charged screaming through his inner sanctum.

As the prince's legs closed the distance between them the lord of the hold dryly noted, "Historically, assaults upon typically involve poisoned arrow tips and overwhelming numbers. I suppose I must applaud you for this... novel tactic."

The shouting price did not hear him, his own battle cry ringing in his ears as he made his way to the vulnerable belly of the beast. But just as the wolf drew in close enough that he prepared his arms to cleave Dragon's Bane upward in a deadly arc, the prince felt his feet lose purchase upon the ground.

In a stunned instant of supreme disorientation, the wolf realized he was... floating! He kicked and twisted and swung his weapon but the teenager could not find any ounce of purchase or leverage. The raging, screaming youth was simply stuck in the air, totally helpless.

"Drop the toy, if you would, princeling," the dragon commanded, as he held the prince aloft, higher and higher, through a minor effort of will.

"Let me go, you foul beast!"

"...Let you go? Are you quite serious, child? At this height, it would at best break both your legs. My, but you are a dim one. Has inbreeding really taken such a toll upon the royal line?"

This made the prince glance down. A single look filled him with vertigo as nausea threatened to overtake him. He finally noticed just how far he was off the ground as the dragon levitated the teenager to eye level.

"Release the blade, Prince Elias. Now," the dragon lord repeated, voice weary at having to repeat himself.

"I refuse--" the prince tried to say. But he'd barely managed to get a few syllables out of his mouth before an invisible force slammed into his stomach, causing him to shudder and gasp for air at the same time. In the pained confusion, the sword slipped from his fingers and fell through the air, eventually clanking as it struck the ground below.

"I'm curious... Were you not warned that I was a mage? Perhaps that aspect of my legacy has not survived in the texts or in oral tradition. Or did you just fail to research your intended opponent? I've felled entire armies with but a single word of power, boy. And yet you felt confident in challenging me with a toy blade."

Pained as he was and still recovering from the telekinetic blow, the prince could barely speak. All he could manage to say in reply was, "Dragon's Bane... will... kill you!"

With a derisive snort, the dragon used his power to snap the fastenings to the wolf's armor before stripping all of the teenager's clothes off. The process took less than five seconds and before Elias fully realized what was happening, he was floating entirely naked within the air.

"Dragon's Bane... You know, when I gifted this weapon to your ancestors, they called it a different name. Dragon's Flame, if I recall. Its intended use was to light their dining hall and to ward off potentially infectious insects. The gift was a token of goodwill. Intended to show your newly arrived people that I would make a better friend than enemy. And now here you are... Foolishly trying to assault me with my own gift. Irony of ironies."

"You... lie!" was all the gasping prince could think to say, his exposed legs flailing uselessly in the air.

"Your uninformed opinion on matters which occurred generations before your time do not interest me, wolf. So let's move on to a far more intriguing topic. What shall I do with a royal brat who is guilty of attempted murder and home invasion? Any thoughts on this, Prince Elias?"

"You will release me, now!" the blustering, blushing boy said, though his confidence and bravado were strictly feigned at this point. He knew now the difference in power between the two of them and how foolish this misadventure had been from the start.

"I think not," the dragon said, tone dry and deadpan. "Any other ideas?"

"...Very well, dragon. I submit to you as a prisoner of war and so now must be treated as such. You will write to my father, the king, and inform him of my capture so that negotiations may begin for my return."

The dragon's golden eyes went wide in surprise at this pronouncement.

"A prisoner of war? No, no, no, little wolf. You are but a simple home invader, who was hoping to slit my throat open while I was fast asleep. There was no 'war' between your people and me. So, no. We will not be writing your father or bothering to inform anyone of your current situation. Any other suggestions, my princeling?"

Elias felt cold fear creep into his bones as he felt a growing certainty that the dragon was seconds away from informing him that he was to be eaten.

But if that was how he was going to die, the fates would not catch him pathetically pleading moments before he was sent to his ancestors!

"If you're going to eat me, then just eat me, beast!"

"Eat you?" the dragon inquired, acting as if the thought had not so much as crossed his mind. "I doubt you would make a very good meal. And besides, deer and other prey are plentiful around these parts. No, prince. You'd make a far better pet than you would meal."

There was that word again. Pet.

Elias could see that the dragon wanted him to ask about this. Or maybe to beg and plead with his captor. So the stubborn teenager stayed silent. He refused to give the beast the pleasure.

"No further objections, then?" the giant turquoise dragon asked, chuckling. "You probably suspect that your view on this matter would not hold value to me. And in this, you would be absolutely correct. It's been a long time since I've trained a pet and I've spent the last many years alone. While I do enjoy the quiet and solitude, a change of pace would be nice. What do you say, princeling? Ready to set aside your rebellious ways and become domesticated?"

Powerful fear still thrummed within Elias' breast, but a flicker of confidence returned as he began to contemplate that perhaps he was not about to get mashed into bloody chunks by razor-sharp dragon teeth. That he would live to fight another day.

"A domesticated pet?" the teenager said, spitting the words. "Sounds like pervert talk to me, foul beast!"

"Oh yes," the glimmering dragon said, in total agreement. The creature paused to lick his lips in hunger. "Pervert talk? Yes, very much so. What a joy your training will be. My handsome little rut toy."

Prince Elias had said the words intending them to be an unthinkable insult. But the dragon's reaction to his accusation was confusing and worrying. Surely the beast didn't intend...

The floating wolf caught something out of the corner of his eye. There... at the belly of the beast... was that...? No... It couldn't be...

Surrounded by a patterned array of fine turquoise scales, a crimson spire began to crest outward from hidden folds as the dragon's arousal became manifest. The unmistakable member snaked out smoothly as inch upon girthy inch revealed itself.

The captured boy stared in wordless horror as the dragon delighted in his wide-eyed disbelief. The massive beast shifted his weight to ensure an unobstructed view for the teen. Dominius wished for his pet to have a clear understanding of what was in store for him. The dominant dragon had always enjoyed showing off for his pets.

Three inches became six, then grew to nine and soon over a dozen. But the dragon's crimson shaft continued to grow and swell, pairing well with the beast's own intimidating size. In less than half a minute the beast's erection achieved its full length.

The creature knew that at this size his member would be far too large for his newly acquired pet to accommodate, except for the tip and bit more beyond. But there was no need to tell the boy this. Let the spoiled prince contemplate being forced to accept every inch of his new master. After all, fear would be a useful tool in properly domesticating his new live-in toy.

Dominius understood well that when it came time to mount the pup-prince, he would need to use magic to scale his body down to a size appropriate for breeding his pet. He would want to shift himself to a small enough size not to harm the boy but still large enough that the wolf had to struggle mightily to cope with the battering ram that threatened to split him down the middle.

But the dragon also knew from past experience that it was best to stay at his default, giant size for the first few days after acquiring a new slave. This way, no matter what dimensions he took in the future, he'd always be this size in the property's head. Strong first impressions make for lasting results, after all.

"What troubles you, prince? You've been so rude and vocal since your intrusion into my home. It seems strange that you should suddenly lose your voice. Is something amiss?"

The dragon's tone was mocking. Dominius used a smidge of will to make his member bob gently up and down in the air, almost as though the thing were waving to the prince.

Elias's throat was tight and dry in fear. His tongue felt numb in his mouth as he forced himself to speak.

"...You will... write to my father. You must inform him that I am a prisoner of war in accord with the... the..."

"Oh? Will I now? Go on, prince. Tell me more of what I 'must' do. Please continue. I find your youthful naivety very, mmmmmm, arousing. You've yet to take me into your mouth and already your tongue is pleasuring me. Simply delightful. Do continue."

The prince's voice sounded weak to his own ears but, with his eyes locked on the daunting pole which looked to be larger than his entire arm from shoulder to fingertip, mumbling a recitation of the accords was the best he could manage.

"You... you will come to terms and a ransom will be paid... And... I must be treated with the honors and dignities due to a member of the... the royal family."

"You raise an excellent point. You are indeed a member of the royal family. I will need to confirm this, of course. Though I see no reason to doubt your word in the meantime. You know, I've trained many loyal toys over the years, but never a prince. I wonder if I will be able to distinguish any difference between your mouth and that of a lowborn? Or perhaps a mouth is a mouth and a throat is a throat and it matters not? We'll have to explore this line of inquiry, you and me. And we will. Very, very thoroughly."

His mind racing, Elias desperately tried to think of some argument that would stay the dragon's vile abuse of him.

"If you do not return me, you risk war with the wolf kingdom! They would not tolerate the heir to the throne being defiled so!"

The dragon considered this rhetorical point a moment, then shook his head as though dismissing the argument.

"I think not. I pride myself on seeing the truth of things, and my instincts tell me that no one knows that you're here. Isn't that right, prince? I'm betting you told no one of your plans. Not your servants. Not the royal guard. Certainly not your father."

"T-they will come!" the prince stammered, more desperately hopeful than genuinely confident.

"Well... we'll discover the truth very soon, won't we? If the royal guard begins a frantic search for you, that will tell us something. And if this search does not immediately lead them to my cave, then we will know that you are on your own. We will know that help will not be coming. But we need not wait for this confirmation to begin your training. While we wait, are you ready to suckle upon dragon cock, my princeling? I do hope that you've prepared yourself for this type of service."

The prince suddenly felt himself floating closer to the dragon, who settled onto his back so that the prince might sit on his belly. The dragon's cock, which already seemed alarming large at a distance, grew bigger and bigger as Elias was forced towards it.

If only he still had his sword, he would be able to drive it forward into the...

Then the thought struck him. The sword!

"They will know, beast! I can promise you that! And they will demand to speak with me and I will tell them of this disgusting treatment! When they learn that you...," Elias cut that thought off, unwilling to let his mind consider what the beast was threatening him with. "Ahem, there will be war! I promise you!"

The dragon paused drawing the wolf in closer, though the wolf still found himself alarmingly close to the creature's throbbing maleness. He was so close that if he reached out and stretched his arm to its full length, his fingers would be able to brush against the crimson flesh.

He shuddered in relief. He'd almost been made to... to do the unthinkable.

"Oh? A bluff, is it?"

"No bluff!" the young wolf declared, a glimmer of his earlier confidence returning. "The sword will speak the truth of things! The prince and Dragon's Bane go missing at the same time? Even a particularly dim child could deduce where I am. The royal guard will have no trouble locating me."

The dragon paused to consider this.

"I think you're overrating the collective intelligence of the royal guard. But you do raise a good point about the missing blade. Hmmmm. I suppose I must thank you, child. This line of reasoning did not occur to me. I was allowing myself to grow too excited at how your tongue will feel as it laps upon my tip. If you hadn't spoken up, I might not have thought to return the blade. The result of my lack of foresight might have been a real headache when your father showed up at my cave with inconvenient questions. So, thank you, prince. What a lovely, helpful pet you're already proving to be."

And just like that, Dragon's Bane appeared before the dragon's eyes in a flash of light, only to disappear once more in a second and final splash of intense illumination.

"And there it goes. Tucked safely back in its place of honor within the royal treasury with no one the wiser. Any other loose ends you'd like to help me clean up before you get to making me a very happy dragon? I'm eager to feed you my seed, but I begrudgingly admit that it is best we make sure your ultimate fate remains a mystery to your people. We wouldn't want any headaches cropping up a month or two into the breaking process."

Elias couldn't believe what a colossal fool he was. The sword had been his best and only hope for his people to learn of what happened to him. To arrive in force at the dragon's hall at demand his safe return. And now... And now...

The teenager was so distracted by the wave of regret crushing his soul that he failed to notice how close his muzzle had come to the dragon's member. With a startled jump he flailed in the air as the moist warm tip brushed against his lips.

"Stop this!" the spoiled prince demanding, not knowing what else to say but used to having his commands heeded.

"No, boy," the dragon replied. "I've listened to what you've had to say, but the time for dialogue has passed. So let's get you settled in on my stomach so you can begin providing service. Be sure to suckle me energetically as I'm eager to cum quickly this time. Then after you lick me clean of the resulting mess, we can strike a more leisurely pace as we gradually work up to my second climax. An hour-long blowjob sounds like an ideal way to spend the morning. Work hard and I'll permit you the occasional break to rest your mouth. Follow my instructions attentively and you'll find that I can be a very patient and understanding master, pet."

The prince was now sitting upon the giant dragon's upturned belly, but the leverage this provided him didn't help matters as the magical force still clutched his head like an invisible iron claw. His face was made to rub back and forth over the blunt red tip of the dragon cock as he sputtered and cursed indignantly.

"I'll... I'll bite you!" was all he could think to say, to spare himself this horrifying indignity.

"You could, yes. And then I would pluck every tooth from your mouth and turn your muzzle a perfectly smooth, defenseless rutting hole. This would remove even the possibility of you causing me future discomfort. And there's something so delightfully lewd about a pet with a permanently smooth mouth. It's like an open invitation to fuck their mouth as enthusiastically as you'd like."

"I am the high prince of the wolven kingdom! I do not suck cock!"

"Ahh, but this is a special cock. The cock of your master, who has such things to show and teach you. Do not fret, your highness. It won't be nearly as bad as you seem to be imagining. Here, let's have you see for yourself. Give it a taste."

And before the wolf could get an additional word of protest in, an impossibly thin invisible force manifested between his clenched teeth and pried his jaws open with comical ease. At the same time, his head was pushed forward and...

The plum-sized tip of the dragon's arousal slipped past his lips and ground against his tongue. Elias screamed in rage as he tried to throw himself back and off the disgusting invading member. But the invisible grip on his head kept him effortlessly in place.

"This is a beautiful sight, my pet. What a lovely cock warmer you make. Now, get your hands in on the act. Work those princely mitts up and down my shaft and get yourself a nice liquid meal. Swiftly, if you please. This first release is just a quickie to take the edge off my need. Afterwards we can take our time getting to know each other better."

But the aggravated prince was in no mood serve at the dragon lord's pleasure. Forgetting the threats and danger, his blood boiled with furious outrage.

Never in his nineteen years of life had been treated so outrageously! He was Prince Elias! Destined to one day be King Elias, served and adored by all! And this -- this overgrown blue lizard was not going to treat the future king as some common bar prostitute!

Placing his feet under him for maximum leverage, Prince Elias readied himself to stand and force this beast to recognize his authority when --

The force upon his head redoubled as a couple of additional inches of dragon cock were speared into the back of his mouth. Elias gagged furiously as he thrashed and squirmed.

"You can use your hands, pet, or I can make use of your throat instead. Decide quickly, princeling."

For the first time, the wolf truly took in the sight of the remaining endowment which lay waiting outside of his mouth. Dominius was better hung than feral horses and given the constant pressure gradually forcing more and more of the meat past his lips and towards his throat, Prince Elias' fevered anger mingled with sharp fear as he realized that the dragon didn't appear to be issuing idle threats.

Elias' mind raced as he tried to come up with some plan or strategy to avoid the profound soul-searing humiliation, but every moment that passed meant another centimeter of dragon flesh was forced into his already overfull mouth. Normally his mind and attention would have focused on the taste and texture of the invading appendage. Instead, danger alerts and silent warning sirens flashed in his head.

The wolf looked up in consternation at the dragon's coyly smiling face. Prince Elias pleaded with his eyes for mercy as more and more cock was fed to him, slipping into his muzzle with glacial speed.

"Now, that is a precious expression, prince. I should have that immortalized in a portrait or a stone bust. It speaks to all sorts of thoughts that must be racing through your mind. How far is the dragon willing to take this? How much does my royal wolf pride truly matter to me? How can I escape this situation without being forced to endure swallowing down a bellyful of dragon cum?"

Elias gagged and sputtered as he felt the blunt tip close in on the back of his throat. And it kept on coming, ceaseless and uncompromising.

"What an ambitious pet you are, going for deepthroat training on your very first day. You do not disappoint, Prince Elias. You must be trying to make amends for your earlier rudeness."

That's when the teenager blinked and lost the battle of wills. With no time to fully think his actions through, the boy reached out with both hands and began energetically stroking the over foot long shaft, using his combined grip to form a ring around the surprisingly warm pole as he abandoned pride to furiously pump.

The slow creep of cock into the entrance of his throat immediately stopped as the dragon's head lolled back as his eyes closed in pleasure.

"Oh, yes! Good pet! Good, good pet! Let me feel those soft paws. Work your master. I'm already so close. It won't take much more. Not much more at all. Pump faster and drink your fill."

Prince Elias worked largely on autopilot, his aristocrat brain unwilling to truly grapple with his shameful circumstances. Dimly, part of him was aware that he was stroking off a giant dragon who was threatening to blast thick scalding cum into his mouth that he'd be forced to swallow. But that reality sounded more like fiction and it was difficult to believe that such a thing might truly happen.

That is to say, right up until it did.

With no additional warning, Prince Elias gargled and retched as the erection which was pressed right up to the back of his muzzle began to spew an obscene amount of dragon cum. It came fast and it came plentiful and the wolf had no choice but to swallow and it blasted right down his throat.

A tongue that was used to the finest wines and most delectable foods and fruits was made to imbibe something far more crass. The potent cum of the prince's most detested foe. And due to their size difference, from Elias' perspective, the seed seemed to flow without end, forcing his throat to spasm and gulp as he drank and drank.

"Down it goes, princeling. Oh yes, wonderful. Swallow-swallow, quick as you can. Don't stop pumping. Feed yourself. Gorge on your master's generosity. Guzzle my seed and take in the true essence of my flavor. Exquisite. Yes, yes, yes!"

The prince retreated into himself as he swallowed, his hands still working the shaft that was actively feeding him. Not because he was trying to please his captor but because at that moment the wolf did not have the presence of mind to stop himself. So he pumped and swallowed and gurgled as he temporarily lost all sense of himself.

If the dragon noticed or cared about how his newest pet was coping, the turquoise beast gave no indication as such. His words transformed into panting moans as his orgasm dragged on for the better part of a minute. Dominius had nearly forgotten how much he loved the act of training pets and in that shining, glorious moment of climax he could not have been more thankful to the fates for delivering the shining bauble that was Prince Elias into his vast treasury.

As the climax tapered off the beast mumbled incoherently, so powerful was his orgasm.

"Oh sweet divines... Tribute of all times, delivered unto me... Mercy, mercy I beg! Too good... Your hands and mouth, wonderful... My little lovely, sup upon my gratitude... Slutty wolf, such potential... Royal indeed..."

Finally, release from the invisible bands of force holding him in place, Prince Elias fell back and away from the cock, coughing as fresh cum spilled out of his mouth and onto his increasingly messy chin.

The dragon fixed the wolf with a hard glare and demanded, "Why do you stop, pet? Did I not say that I wished for you to immediately begin working me towards my second release? A single blowjob is no justification for a nap, princeling."

"Please... no more! You've had your revenge -- humiliating me and bringing me low. I was wrong to come here. I admit it. I was arrogant and stupid. I beg thee, dragon, return me to my family!"

The scaled dragon grit his teeth and breathed deeply. In his experience, all new pets went through a transition period that could last weeks or even months. But the beast could already tell that it would be an especially arduous process to break through the royal teenager's sense of prestigious exceptionalism.

Not wishing to treat his new toy purely as a stringed fuck puppet, Dominius tried once more to explain the situation.

"Surely you jest. A pet does not decide when their master's pleasure is to conclude. If you are tired, it simply means we need to improve your stamina. Which means practice. Let's push ahead for now and we'll let you rest in your cage afterward."

Prince Elias could not believe what he was hearing. The taste of dragon dick and dragon seed still pervaded his mouth and already his captor was insisting he repeat the ghastly performance.

"I...," the prince tried to proclaim, before having to pause to cough and clear his throat. "Demand to talk to my father! As a prisoner, I have this right and the right to legal counsel!"

This time, the dragon did roll his eyes. Perhaps he should use magic or a medical procedure to mute the wolf for the first year or two? The procedure could always be reversed when it came time to teach the boy to verbally worship his master.

"You are not my prisoner. Not in the sense that you mean it, anyway. You are my pet, wolf. A companion, fit to be trained to perform tricks and to keep me company. Whatever or whoever you were before you invaded my home matters not. This change in your status is irreversible. Understand, princeling? Has this all been made suitably clear enough for you?"

The sullen prince was silent but for a moment before restoring with, "Then I demand that--"

The beast roared his response, irritation bowling over into draconic rage.

"If you must demand, demand silently! For I do not wish to hear it. I know that some of my dragon kin are aroused by begging. It amuses them as their slaves whimper and beg and cry and plead. Speaking personally, I just find it tedious. So I will give you a choice. An easy choice, in my opinion. You can get back to work on your master's cock or you can be punished."

The teenager's breathing quickened in fear as he felt the invisible bands of force return, pushing him once more towards the waiting crimson shaft that was now covered in saliva and frothy cum.

"You... You can't do this!" he cried before his jaws were parted by the mage's magic, his muzzle again stretched to take his master within the damp warmth.

"Yes, I can. This is your new home, pet. I will ensure that you are safe and comfortable within my hidden sanctuary. In return, I feel it's reasonable that you express gratitude for the favors I bestow upon you. Reciprocation is only fair... Yes, Prince?"

But the prince could not answer as his mouth was stuffed full of salty, slickened dragon meat. Had Dominius been capable of purring, he would have filled the cave with loud vibrations of contentment.

The dragon closed his eyes and sighed in pleasure. It had been too long since his last pet. Too long indeed.

"Hands, prince. Let me feel those remarkably soft hands of yours that have never seen a day's worth of manual labor. Slowly now... Yes... Good. Let's take our time getting to know one another."

The prince did not. He refused to repeat the deep humiliation that he had already suffered. The lingering taste of dragon cum coupled with the knowledge that a considerable amount of it now rested inside his belly... No! That could not be happening. It was happening, it had already happened, but it still could not...!

"Nnho!" the wolf managed to sputter even as his muzzle was forced to remain open and enveloping the tip of the dragon's cum-covered length. Even as he was forced to remain with it inside his muzzle by the invisible forces surrounding him, Prince Elias kept fighting and fighting to pull back as his eyes tear up. "Pllheash!"

"Tsc, tsc. What did I say about denying and pleading? It's alright. I know all too well that training dumb pets is a task that requires patience." The dragon's tone was calm and, if anything, mildly amused as it always was. "We could have a repeat of what we already did..."

As he threatened that, the wolf felt the force at the back of his head push him down. More of the dragon's shaft went into his muzzle, threatening to touch his throat and reaching uncomfortable levels again. Enough to make him gag. Thankfully, rather than being slowly forced to take more and more like before, it stopped there.

"But, even though we will have many repeated lessons, I think you need further incentive to comply with my whims. Oh, little wolf, you haven't seen even a tiny fraction of what my magic can do..."

As the foul beast spoke, Elias' instinctively splayed ears perked up. Locked in the humiliating position he was, on his knees over the dragon's belly and sucking the beast's cock, he couldn't even look down, but he felt it.

The wolf's own nakedness had been a fact that had added to his feeling of humiliation since it had been forced upon him, but at that moment, he felt something touch him where no one should. The lupine's furry sack, hanging between his legs, was suddenly tugged down. Slowly at first, but with each second that passed, something pressed around its base like a grip, tightening and pulling his sack away from his body at the same time.

At first, the touch was just invasive. Then, it became uncomfortable and after a few seconds with the grip getting stronger with each moment, the wolf let out a whimper through the cock stuffed in his muzzle. A whine of confusion and pain.

"If I can push your head down, what makes you think I can't also pull?" the dragon asked with a chuckle. "I can push, I can pull, I can... squeeze."

As that word left the dragon's mouth, the wolf's sack, which had already been gripped and pulled down plenty, suddenly found itself enveloped with a crushing force that pressed down on it from all sides at once. The wolf's eyes went wide and, in instinct, he did try to close his jaws, but all ha managed to bite into was the invisible force keeping his maw pried open. Tears sprouted from the corners of his widened eyes as he groaned in pain for one, two, three... too many painful seconds in which his sack was squeezed hard by that same invisible force from before.

Then, as quickly as it had begun, it was gone.

Prince Elias was left panting. Drool left his mouth, running down to coat and slide down the length of the dragon's cock that wasn't inside his muzzle. The grip on his sack hadn't relented. The invisible band around its base was still there, pulling it away from his body just enough to be uncomfortable, but at least the crushing force was gone. It left nothing but a lingering ache in his crown jewels. A phantom of the blinding pain that he had gone through moments ago.

"You see what I mean? Your feeble little mind can't even begin to grasp the things my magic can do. Applying force is the most basic of concepts, but we hardly need more than that for starters, do we?"

The wolf felt a new wave of heat coming to his muzzle. He had a hard time stopping his lingering tears! If his father, or anyone for that matter, saw him now... On his knees, mouth around a dragon's cock... He wouldn't expect to see a whore in that position and he was a prince! The thought of relenting to the beast's wishes was unthinkable, yet...

"So now, are you going to start using your tongue? Those soft little hands of yours? Or do I have to... pressure you a little more?"

Before the wolf's mind could even process the decision he had to make, he felt the sheer air around his vulnerable, pulled sack close in around it as well. Sheer instinct and fear of feeling that pain again drove the wolf into panic and, as a reaction, the decision was made for him. Prince Elias' paws rushed to the dragon's shaft, hurrying to stroke it like before, and even his tongue reluctantly caressed the smooth surface of the dragon's length. The same taste of cum assaulted him, but the wolf's rapidly beating heart and mind were focused on one thing alone: his threatened balls.

"Mmmhhf... Very good. Good pet." The dragon let out a pleasurable sigh. Slowly, far too slowly, the pressure around his sack relented, but that grip at the base never disappeared. It was as if a ring of metal had been wrapped around its base, still pulling his sensitive ballsack down and keeping it there, but even as Prince Elias succeeded in glancing downwards past the dragon's throbbing member, he couldn't see anything. An invisible force, just like the others. Slightly too tight for comfort and remaining as if in warning of what the dragon could do.

"Let it be known that I am a gentle master. Some dragons would thrive in simply watching you suffer, others would take pleasure in watching you squirm. I simply enjoy the pleasures a pet can provide. Hmmmh... yes... Yes, use more tongue..."

The dragon's instructions made the wolf's face grow even hotter. Yet, under the lingering threat he was in, Prince Elias kept telling himself that he had no choice in the matter. That it was temporary. That, and a dozen other excuses as he willfully moved his muzzle up and down, at least as much as the dragon allowed him to, to suckle and lick at the dragon's member.

"Yes... yes. Slowly. I already had my first go, I am in no rush to reach the second." The dragon let his muscles relax as he enjoyed the treatment his cock was getting. "As the gentle master I am, you will see that not everything in your life of servitude will be hardship."

Again, just as the dragon spoke, the wolf felt something else. Though his balls remained trapped under the dragon's mercy, a different kind of touch came. One that Prince Elias did not welcome either, but there was nothing he could do about it. This time it felt as if someone had taken hold of his sheath. The wolf's own member had remained thoroughly hidden inside it as, despite the sexual acts he was being forced to perform, the sheer humiliation and outrage of them was unthinkable. Not to mention the fact that he was performing them on a beast and a male one at that. Still, the invisible forces the dragon could control showed that they had the capacity to be gentle as well.

Elias groaned in complaint around the dragon's member. He didn't dare stop pleasuring the dragon, but the gentle touch grasped his sheath and then pulled it back without his consent. Then, a stroking force came, assaulting the wolf's dormant member even as it remained soft and hidden inside its protective, furry cover.

To this invasion of privacy, the wolf tried to protest. With how deep the dragon had forced his cock into his muzzle, Prince Elias found that forming words was hard, but as he became agitated and tried to pull back, the dragon must have noticed his protest, for he chuckled.

"In time, you will be crying tears of thankful joy whenever you feel me make the effort, as minimal as it is, to use my magic on you in this way, pet."

The wolf couldn't help it. As a purely biological reaction, his member started growing. Prince Elias could not be further from aroused in the situation he was in, yet the dragon's careful magical touch coaxed his member out little by little. Stroking it, teasing it... At times, that force that grasped at the wolf's cock felt absolutely real. Sometimes it felt like delicate fingers, sometimes it felt like a tongue. Involuntary memories of whores he had taken back in the kingdom flashed by his memory. As the insistent teasing continued, the wolf almost managed to forget the taste of dragon cock he was forced to keep feeling.

Prince Elias was ashamed to think that it took mere minutes for the dragon to have the full size of his member out in the open.

"Hm. I have seen much bigger," the dragon commented. The wolf felt his face grow hot once more at the insult. "I suppose not every part of you matches the size of your ego."

It made the whole thing all the more outraging and humiliating for Prince Elias. To be forced to suck a dragon's cock was one thing, but to be forced to be aroused while doing it? And having to suffer the dragon's lying insults to boot! More tears threatened to sprout from the wolf's eyes, but these were from the sheer shame and outrage he was feeling.

The dragon did not stop. His head remained forced low, his sack remained pulled and the force teasing his length continued to do so. It stroked, licked and teased, always in a slow fashion, building up the wolf's unwanted arousal. It kept going, making the wolf's knot grow inside his sheath and then the forces themselves pulled his sheath back to expose it. Elias jumped when he felt them assaulting his sensitive knot and, from the chuckle the dragon let out, the beast knew was aware of it and amused by it, but there was nothing he could.

"I like my pets to be presenting as they please me," the dragon idly mused. "Pleasure of your own, you will not feel. That needs to be earned. Remember that your purpose is now my pleasure, never yours. That does not mean I do not like to be entertained by the sight of you."

Following his words, Prince Elias stopped for a moment as he felt a new type of pressure. A grip at the base of his cock, behind the exposed knot, closing in behind his erection again, like a ring, to keep it intact. The teasing on his own member vanished, thankfully, but that pressure did not. Much like the thing keeping his sack pulled away, it remained as if it was solid.

"Mmghhg...!" Prince Elias complained with his muzzle full of dragon cock.

"Shhh... Just keep going. I am enjoying myself."

No amount of muffled protesting made the dragon care about him. The pressure behind his cock kept his erection from faltering, Prince Elias quickly discovered, and the one around his sack made for constant discomfort. Both added to the humiliation of his act and, even as his mind kept racing with thoughts of how to escape the dragon's torment, no answers came.

Would the dragon really keep him in there? For how long? Would the humiliation not cease? At those thoughts, Prince Elias felt the urge to bite down again, but of course he couldn't. His tongue had to keep caressing the dragon's length, but his hands did grip the insulting tool just a little tighter in outrage. He was a prince! He would find a way out, he had to...!

"Pace yourself, pet. The journey is more important than the destination. Though the destination... Well, that has its delights too. It will be my pleasure to teach you to appreciate both of them."