Hypnovember Day 9 - Repetition

Story by limewah on SoFurry

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"You need to yawn.""I need to... y-yuhaaaah..."

Sponsored by Drac0

9 - Repetition (Drac0)

The suspense was killing Draco. But he was sure the sensation was 10 times as strong for Dolfengra. The brown-scaled dragon could tell from the brief glances his shark friend was shooting him that he was waiting impatiently. Draco hinted that he had some fun surprises in mind for Dolfengra when he visited. They'd been hanging out for a few hours, and Draco had not yet delivered on that promise. The poor shark was agitated and nervous, verging on frustration.

Truth be told, Draco was still working up a bit of nerve. Teasing someone about the ways you're going to melt their mind when you meet in person is one thing, but actually carrying it out takes a little bit more bravery. He wanted to make sure their session lived up to the hype. His pendant was burning a hole in his thigh - in fact, the point of the crystal was digging into him a little bit. He didn't want to show it off too quick.

The pair's conversation had been well and truly exhausted by that point, and they were watching an endlessly scrolling cavalcade of short goofy videos that got the odd snort or cackle of laughter out of the pair.

"So, uh..." Dolfengra mumbled, shuffling on the couch. "Do you... uh... have any nice plans for the evening?"

Okay. This was torture. He had to just buck up and get down to work. He knew what he was going to do, and nothing was going to go wrong. He was going to hypnotize his friend, and he was going to do it wel.

"Oh not a whole lot," the dragon began. "Just gonna kick back, take it easy, not do anything too crazy. Why, did you have any plans?"

"Yeah, just... pretty chill, I might..."

Dolfengra trailed off, unable to suppress his smile. His eyes were swinging from left to right, following the dangling sapphire teardrop on its little chain.

"Uh... heh, I should stop talking now-"

"Shhhh..." Draco said, adjusting himself so he was closer to his friend. "Don't worry about it, you don't have to do a thing. Just follow the pendulum, keep your eyes on it, and let yourself start to sink. Let the rest of the world melt away."

Draco's tail folded his laptop closed; the last thing either of them wanted was some bass-boosted meme interrupting them, after all. He moved to Dolfengra's side, still keeping the pendant level. For a time, he just let the glittering crystal do the work, keeping a close eye on it to ensure it didn't hit the shark in the face. Dolfengra's lips parted slightly, and his eyes kept swinging to and fro.

"Do you notice how much you've changed already?" Draco asked, his voice a low, gentle whisper.

"Yeah..." Dolfengra said, his lips barely moving.

"Your breathing is slowing, isn't it?" Draco prompted.


"Go on, say it."

"My breathing is slowing," the shark said a little more full-throatedly, his head nodding just a tiny bit.

"You're relaxing into the couch."

"I'm relaxing into the couch..."

"Your jaw feels heavy."

"My jaw feels heavy..."

"You need to yawn."

"I need to... y-yuhaaaah..." Dolfengra's throat opened wide, and his eyes closed for a moment before returning to the pendant. He visibly relaxed further.

Draco stood up carefully, pinching the pendant to hold it still. The shark's glassy eyes remained focused on it. When Draco moved the pendant, Dolfengra's eyes and head followed.

"You're tied to the pendant."

"I'm tied to the pendant...."

"You can't look away."

"You can't look away...."

"No no, silly, you can't look away."

"I can't look away," Dolfengra giggled. It was an infectious laugh.

Draco took his time guiding the shark onto his back, letting his head drape over the arm of the couch. He allowed the pendant to start swinging again, and it glittered so beautifully in the afternoon light. He was careful not to let it dip too low, splitting his focus between the pendant and his sleepy friend.

"You have to keep staring."

"I have to keep staring...."

"You have to keep sinking..."

"You- I have t'keep sinking..."

"You're hypnotised."

"M... hypnotised...." The shark seemed a little surprised as he said it, but only for a moment. Draco watched his subject's eyes flash with brief recognition before they went blank, glossier than before.

"You're hypnotised," Draco said again, keeping his gaze fixed on the pendant now. It wouldn't do to accidentally whack him with it, and the crystal was pretty. ...Pretty effective..

"I'm hypnotized..." Dolfengra said again.

"You're hypnotised..."

"Y..You're hypnotised..."

"No, you're hypnotised, silly-" Draco began to say. But the pendant made him lose his train of thought.

"No, you're hypnotised, silly..." Dolfengra was repeating the words without any thought, or rhyme, or reason.

"No, I'm... hypnotised...?" Draco was slumped on his knees now, kneeling next to Dolfengra as the two of them stared and followed the pendant.

"I'm hypnotised," Dolfengra agreed.

"I'm hypnotised," Draco agreed.

"I'm hypnotised," Dolfengra agreed.

"I'm hypnotised," Draco agreed.

They agreed with each other until Draco dropped the pendulum. It landed on Dolfengra's chest, shortly followed by Draco's face.

"Whoops..." Draco shook his head. "Damn,, I gotta be more careful."

"Damn... gotta b-"

"Shhhh..." Draco cooed into Dolfengra's ear, stroking his head and guiding his eyes closed. "Just relax, it's okay, I've got you."

"J's... relax..."

"You don't need to repeat any more," the dragon said helpfully. He was afraid that if it kept up, he might fall into trance again. "Now..."

He traced his hand down the shark's body, towards his stomach.

"You should take off your clothes..."

"Take off... clothes, yes..."

"Yes, take off your clothes," Draco repeated calmly.

"Take off your clothes..." the shark opened his eyes, his own whirling with little blue spirals. His gaze fixed on Draco's. Draco croaked and tried to pull back, but Dolfengra hooked his hands into Draco's trousers and tugged insistently at them.

"Stop that...!" Draco said, laughing a little. This was pretty cute, but he had to nip it in the bud.

"Sleep," Draco commanded.

"Sleep..." Dolfengra woozily mewled.

Draco placed his hands on either side of Dolfengra's face, stroking along his temples to wind him down.

His friend mirrored him, and as the dragon rubbed the shark's cheeks, he received the same sensations back.

"No," Draco said, "you should sleep."

"No, you sleep..." Dolfengra didn't even seem to know what he was saying.

"No... sleep.." Draco said, a little weaker. The shark's distant voice and swirling eyes beckoned to the dragon. Don't I look so happy? They seemed to say. Don't you want to feel happy like this too?

"Sleep..." Dolfengra gurgled, enjoying the pure sense-pleasure of the word.

"Sleep..." Draco agreed, his eyelids drooping.

"Sleep..." Dolfengra agreed, his eyelids falling closed.

"Sleep..." Draco agreed, his arms and head draping over Dolfengra's chest.

Their agreements grew fainter and less frequent, until they were little more than exhaled whispers. That, too, soon became soft, silent breathing through slack open mouths, a wordless agreement in its own right. They wordlessly agreed to stay asleep, to stay cuddled together for the rest of the night.

Hypnovember Day 10 - Bound

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