Electric Trip #1: Green Stag Inn

Story by Glowlife on SoFurry

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#1 of Electric Trip

Welcome to the first of many parts in a fun series following Hoku in the midst of a personal journey through mysterious towns and distant lands. Here we join the cat/dragon hybrid as he seeks to discover more about the lonely town he's found himself in and takes up a hot task to secure a room and escape the cold. Stay tuned for more!

Hoku finally arrived at his next destination. Though they were always locations he accidentally ended up in more than anything, he thought it was better to consider them destinations for better certainty of where he was. The plan was to travel and that's what he did. It's what he had been doing for months, moving from place to place. Such was the life of a nomad.

He roved through a sleepy town somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, somewhere surrounded by mountains. The night was cold. Wisps of a breeze blew up his sweater and tickled his cold-tensed nuts. He walked through quiet streets. With no motorists around at this late hour, he walked down the middle of the roads lit by streetlights. The night air was hazy and some of the orange lights flickered. It gave Hoku the feeling that he had just missed out on something. His imagination drifted as he walked for a good hour through the town he loosely remembered was called Averton. He imagined he was the last occupant still in town. Perhaps he overslept and missed a sudden and mysterious exodus? Maybe he wasn't alone and whatever was watching him didn't want to be found out.

Bored paranoia set in. Hoku cursed himself for freaking himself out and strode toward an intersection where one of the roads ended and led straight into a forest neighboring Averton.

The glow of the streetlights stopped short of reaching the edge of the road as if it was afraid to escape the comfort of the streets and journey into the black, dead forest.

Hoku stopped in the middle of the intersection and looked down both roads that lead to other parts of the town. It was all simple little shops and some old but quaint houses strewn in between. He couldn't keep his eyes off the forest for long. It wasn't so much the ideas he put in his head about being watched that scared him but the towering silhouettes that lined the darkness at the edge of the road several meters in front of him. They quivered in the breeze, hiding in the haze with just enough mystery to lure Hoku closer to investigate.

He turned left and walked down the road until he couldn't see the edge of the forest anymore.

In the distance, a green light blinked. Even in the thickening haze that wet his face, he could make out clearly what it was: a neon sign flashing an image of a deer emerging between two pine trees with smaller trees for mighty antlers.

Green Stag Inn

Blessing the lords he had no names for, Hoku jogged in the direction of the neon sign and its guiding green stag. Its brilliant glow rinsed the road in the green light, and soon Hoku bathed in it, as well.

He stopped in a small parking lot. Here felt more alive than the rest of the small mountain town. At least a little bit less abandoned.

An old red car slept in one of the parking spaces in front of the rooms. It had rust stains and was near drenched in condensation. The wet shine did nothing to make it appear any less aged.

None of the lights in the rooms were on, but Hoku swore he could hear the static of a TV chattering inside one of the rooms, but the sound was too muffled to pinpoint where exactly it came from.

In the glow of a dim lamp standing near a couple of old wooden benches on the opposite end of the rooms, the haze turned to a steady falling mist.

Hoku's nose stung in the freezing air, yet the crisp smell of pine never lost its way to him.

Hoku walked around the inn until he found a check-in area with the same neon sign glowing in the dark interior, scaled down to half the size of the original, a fawn curiously gazing through giant trees to view the mysterious new world.

He walked up to the door, his feet freezing and his nuts getting bitten by the cold, hoping the door was unlocked. It was.

Hoku entered and slipped inside. He rubbed his hands together from the handle freezing his fingers, then resorted to stuffing them between his thighs to warm them up quicker.

The inside of the check-in area looked like a time capsule to the 70's, but straight out of its glory years. Cracked wood paneling covered the walls to the ceiling. An oak desk that had been scratched to hell and back separated his side from the employee's. In the pulsing light of the smaller neon sign, he could barely make out a phrase carved on his side of the desk just above the floor. All he could make out was a slur followed by a horrendously clever rhyme. Right, the floor. It was dark red, possibly dark from age, and stained with whatever liquids had cursed it throughout the decades. Black, fuzzy spots of what could only be gum constellated the carpet in all directions. Standing in it felt like an insult to his own well-being.

Hoku smelled the air. It wasn't any less cold than outside, but the air was humid as if a heat source came from another room and died as soon as it entered here. The faint smell of tobacco and smoke reached him. He couldn't tell if it was the carpet from getting disturbed by his footsteps or simply his mind coming up with a smell less offensive than the one that he was glad hadn't assaulted him yet.

A door behind the desk squealed and scraped its frame as it opened. It was flush with the wall so he hadn't noticed it. Pink light poured out from the other room and shone in Hoku's face. He jumped and pulled his hands from beneath his balls and stood straight.

A large bear lumbered into view, not looking at Hoku until he reached the desk. He stared down at him, half-annoyed and half-asleep. He visibly made a reaction to the bear's unkempt appearance and that only served to nudge his first half a little further.

The bear, dressed--half-dressed--in black or dark blue sweats, let out a low, rumbly growl at the cat and cut his eyes at him. "The hell do you want?"

Hoku recoiled, furrowing his brows. "Uh, a room? Got one available?"

The bear growled again and turned to face the back wall covered with hooks jammed into the wood paneling. Keys with green tags hung from every single one of them. Not one was missing. Was another guest really staying there?

"Got cash?" The bear faced Hoku. He leaned against the desk with crossed arms. Even bent over he stared almost straight down at him.

Hoku half-shook his head when the bear grumbled. He curled his fist and pointed his thumb in a direction. "Then beat it, kid. I don't got time for you."

Hoku rolled his eyes. He brewed a comeback, but just as the bear began retreating back to his room he cut in. "Do I look like a kid, jackass? I'm freezing out here. Let me just stay until the morning. Come on!"

The bear stopped and looked Hoku up and down. He looked pissed but his expression relaxed. "You're not? Shit, I guess that changes things." He crossed his arms and chuckled. "Yeah, I got a room for you. Back here."

He walked into his room and disappeared, leaving the door open. Hoku approached the desk and looked over it. "How do I get in?"

The bear called out from the room. "Climb over it, dumbass."

Hoku rolled his eyes. He muttered something under his breath and mantled the desk, unpleasantly surprised to find that it was dusty. If the check-in area was this bad, he could only imagine how terrible the rooms were. The fascinating neon signs betrayed all expectations.

"I'm so half-assing this," Hoku said. He at least held his hope that whatever this bear had planned for him would be worth it.

Inside the small, windowless room, Hoku found the source of the intense pink light strung up on the wall. It buzzed tiredly, its glowing message reading BEAR BOTTOMS in winding, curly letters. However good it looked didn't improve his view of the rest of the room. A large but frameless mattress sat below on the floor, and above a dusty fan hung overhead, with blades entwined with plastic colorful beads. He was amazed the bed could sag even on a flat surface (unless the faded checkered floor beneath was sinking or the Devil himself wanted that filthy thing banished to the depths of hell).

Mismatched pillows and sheets sat wherever they pleased on the bed next to a glass table. On top rested a lone ashtray with a smoking cigar inside, joined by well-loved nudie mags.

This is like something out of a low-tier horror movie trying to be as overly raunchy as it is trying too hard to be edgy, Hoku thought.

He sighed and rubbed his face. He felt the bear's presence looming somewhere behind him and the door shut.

"Okay. How are we gonna do this? I suck your dick, pretend to hate it and you bust within seconds of stuffing it down my throat, or what?"

"Christ, boy. The fuck kind of favors did you do to end up here?" The bear said, shocked but laughing after.

Hoku recoiled in surprise. "You mean you're not some greasy pervert trying to score some ass from a needy soul desperate to get out of the cold?"

A large hand clutched his scalp. The bear bent down and got face to face with Hoku. He smirked, showing his teeth. "Don't get your hopes up. I ain't greasy, but you're not getting a room until the bed is hot."

His subtext assured Hoku the bear wasn't all he believed him to be unless it was some clever trick. He'd rather feel good about this and get something out of it than feel used. "Okay. I'm Hoku. What's up with this town, anyway? There's something strange about it."

"Call me Lance, if you can manage that in the next passing moments." Lance guided Hoku toward the bed, ignoring his question altogether. He expected to get thrown onto the mattress and pinned under a few hundred pounds of fat, humping grizzly bear, but instead was swung toward the low glass table.

Lance jerked Hoku into position, earning several colorful phrases from the feline as he yanked his hair, and pushed him to sit. From below, a mouse might get a sweet view of his bubbly assmeat pressing on the glass.

"Pass me that." Lance pointed behind Hoku with his free hand.

Grumbling, Hoku turned with help from the bear twisting his head back and located a cigar now sitting beside the ashtray. He grabbed it and sniffed it. It didn't smell half bad. It probably helped eliminate most of the bad smells this room potentially had.

Lance took the cigar without thanking him and pulled from it for a few seconds. He puffed countless smoke rings through the air. They collided midair, rolling over each other, quivering and breaking apart before dissipating into dying wisps.

Hoku watched and waited. His tail idly tapped the floor. He glanced up at Lance enjoying his smoke and down at his crotch, unsure whether he was even aroused yet.

Lance bit down on the cigar and set his hand on his hip. With the other, he pulled Hoku forward and grinned. "Get to work, boy."

"Nothin' to it, but to do it," Hoku said to himself, not remembering where he got that phrase from. He shrugged it off and moved on. He stuck his fingers under the waistline of Lance's sweats and yanked them to his ankles with stunningly little resistance as if they'd been worn by someone less round-gutted and more built like a fridge.

Hoku stared down the barrel of a snub-nosed bear cock. He wrapped his fingers around some of its girthy circumference. It couldn't have been more than six inches. He glanced up at Lance and thick clouds of approval billowed from his jaw.

Hoku expected Lance to take a little more action over the situation. A hot piece of ass and he's not just going to jam his face in his crotch? Guess he had to do it himself.

Hoku eased into it. The smell of cigar smoke and what reeked of sweaty balls paired with the pink lights instilled a vibe he'd never felt before. He could get used to this. It certainly beat doing this in a musty alley. Not that he'd done that before.

He tightened his lips around the head of Lance's cock, pulling it in until his lips bumped over the rear. The tip tickled the roof of his mouth. No matter how tightly he squeezed his shaft he just couldn't get his thumb to meet his fingertips.

Lance diligently tightened his grip on his head but made no further moves.

Hoku slobbered on the bear's cock, drinking up his pungent, cum-tinged cock flavor. He took his hand off his cock to give himself more space to move further toward the base. He set his hands on his lap, one over the other, and worked up a steady rhythm suckling Lance's dickhead and bobbing once or twice in between.

Lance hissed, shooting smoke through his teeth like a steam engine. He played with Hoku's tall ears, grabbing and stroking them upwards before moving his hand down the back of his head. His pleased look bloomed on his face when he got hold of a ponytail. He gripped it like it was a hundred bucks.

"That's it. Work for it, baby..." Lance groaned, tilting his head back. His cock twitched halfway past Hoku's lips, forcing him to yawn around his slobbery bear meat.

Hoku's hands roved up Lance's fat thighs, fingers sneaking through a forest of fuzzy brown fur. He grabbed his ass and squeezed his chubby buns, ready to pull himself forward and get a face full of his crotch. But, a stronger force pulled him back.

Hidden behind a cloud of smoke, Lance laughed. With Hoku's ponytail in his fist, he pulled him back until his lips kissed the head of his cock. "Easy with those claws. I ain't the bitch here." He growled. Finally, it happened. In an instant, he drove Hoku's mouth down his achingly thick cock, jabbing his throat but going no deeper.

Hoku retched. One of his hands reached around Lance and planted on his round belly, grabbing a fistful of fur. He closed one eye, bracing himself just a second too late to handle that tree trunk dick stretching his jaw wide open. Even the tip bullied his throat into opening up a little bit more than it could handle. He breathed slowly and recomposed himself. Lance felt hot to the touch, a much-needed feeling after facing the biting cold. His crotch fur tickled Hoku's nose. His fur was sweaty and smelling up the air around him with increasing bear musk.

"Fuckin' yeah! That's it~." Lance praised himself. His nuts tightened in his fuzzy sack and nuzzled Hoku's neck and chin.

Lance pushed Hoku backward with his hips. He leaned back and stared up at the bear standing somewhat over him. He put his hands back to keep himself propped up.

The bear bent his knees, purposely burying Hoku's face deeper in his crotch than it already was. Muffled noises from the cat went unanswered. He desperately slapped Lance's thigh to get him to relent but couldn't do it hard enough with all that fat and fur cushioning his blows.

At last, Hoku got freedom. Lance's hold softened enough for him to slide back on his own and get air, but his grip tightened again.


Right when Hoku filled his lungs completely, Lance jerked his head forward and backward. His eyes widened as he moved at a dizzying pace. Heavy balls hit his throat as a litany of gross wet noises sounded off. No matter how hard he fought it, he couldn't stop himself from repeatedly gagging. In no time, the salty flavor of precum occupied his taste buds. It smeared all over his tongue and the back of his throat, tainting every part of his mouth while spit escaped and sluggishly trickled down his chin. Strands connected to Lance's nuts and sagged when he pulled forward, only to smack his chin and splatter all over his neck.

Lance panted hard. He had one hand on his knee and the other using Hoku to jerk his spit-soaked cock with his mouth. "Hah... hah... hah..."

Hoku held his hands out below his chin to catch spit and sweat and precum from getting on his sweater. He wiped his hands on Lance's thighs. The horny bear stench became overwhelming. He maintained such a steady rhythm at such a fast speed. In the corner of his sight, a saucy broad on the cover of a nudie mag winked up at him. She explained everything to the cat. He couldn't imagine how long it'd been since this bear had fucked anything other than his fist. It warmed his heart to a degree to help him out in exchange for shelter, even while getting his throat mercilessly reamed.

Lance growled out loud and then his other hand joined the face fucking fray. He pulled Hoku forward so hard his ass lifted off the table. At that moment everything moved slowly. His cigar tumbled toward the ground and he saw the bear's feet pivot, toes coming off the floor. Lance didn't just yank him forward, he fell backward and took him along for the fall.

Hoku's eyes shot wide open and he tried to locate something to anchor himself to. Nothing.

Lance landed ass first on the mattress and caught the cat's head between his thighs. He let go and panted, his arms resting overhead. Sweat beaded on his forehead. "Did I scare ya?" He grinned.

Hoku got to his hands and knees. Lance's soaked cock fell out of his mouth and he planted his ass on his heels. His face was a mess of spit and sweat that wasn't his. "Are you insane?" He panted. "You could've broken the floor."

"Hmph. Don't be a smartass. Your neck's fine, ain't it?" Lance stuck his hand under a pillow and grabbed a bottle of lube with the label ripped off. "Now c'mere. I know you want that ass fucked good~."

Better hope I don't break your damn dick, Hoku thought, wiping off his annoyance along with the spit on his face with a blanket.

Hoku stood up and fixed himself. While Lance was so busy squirting a generous amount of lube onto his index and middle finger, Hoku's cock slapped his thigh. He looked down to find it at half-mast. Even so, it was much bigger than Lance's. He looked to the side and pulled his sweater over his uncut snake and turned around.

He lowered his hips down between Lance's thighs. Without them hammering his face, he enjoyed their plush warmth embracing his hips. He pulled his sweater above his ass; Lance's cock nudged beneath the base of his draconic tail.

"Shit. If I knew you had that bubble butt under that, I'd have plowed you first." Lance licked his muzzle. He pressed his legs together, squeezing Hoku's plush asscheeks together.

"You didn't exactly make any arrangements before we staAAArted!" Hoku's ears and tail shot up straight as Lance jammed two lubed fingers up his ass. His knuckle brushed his asscrack and he tugged on the cat's tight, delicate ring, twisting and turning his squelching fingers before unplugging from his ass.

Experience saved him from a sore ass, but now that he noticed it, his jaw ached. Hoku sucked it up and looked back at Lance. "Is it my turn now?"

"Get that ass bouncing, boy~." Lance urged by patting his ass, laughing as it jiggled. "Been years since I had some young ass~."

Hoku smiled. He considered making a smartass response about it being years since Lance has had any ass, but was too flattered by his glee.

"Then let's seal this generation gap~." Hoku grabbed his hips and lifted his ass like it took the strength of both arms to do the job.

Lance aimed his cock at Hoku's freshly prepared asshole, nuzzling it with the tip.

Breathing in and out, Hoku dropped his ass on Lance's cock. No, seriously. He let all its weight come down on his cock and stuff every inch up his tight butt.

Hoku moaned and exhaled through his teeth with a hiss. Lance groaned and held his tail for leverage, surprised to see it wrap around his fist.

Together they collectively moaned and called out to each other. Hoku bounced rhythmically on Lance's crotch, sliding his jiggly ass up to the very tip and rolling his hips down. He grabbed his knees for support and went at it hard, feeling Lance's leg muscles tense with every drop of his hips.

"FuuuUuuuUuuuUCK!" Lance groaned. "Don't let UP! Keep IT going~!"

"Huuh... You're so fat. Give it to me~." Hoku panted, letting his tongue hang out like a dog.

"Nmf... I know. Tons to love~." Lance smacked Hoku's ass, nearly knocking him off balance but not throwing off his rhythm.

Their moans increased in tandem. Heightening, becoming sharper and more frequent.

Hoku sat on Lance's cock and swirled his hips, pushing his big butt out as it swallowed up his twitching thicker-than-his-arm meat. He picked up his hips and grabbed his ass. Lance took care of the rest and planted his feet on the ground, driving his heavy hips up and delivering blow after blow on Hoku's ass.

"Ah, yeah, that's the spot~! Give me those backshots!"

"You're gonna get it~," Lance growled. He pulled Hoku's tail. His thighs burned from the rapid upward fucking, but for that kitty's big butt it was worth sweating for.

"A-Almost..." Hoku breathed raggedly.

"There!" Lance's cock jabbed his prostate.

Hoku and Lance grabbed at whatever they could of each other and held it tighter than the atomic structure composing the thick, steamy load pumping into Hoku's ass.

One burst became many. Lance growled ferociously and squeezed Hoku's ass hard enough to leave thumbprints on his buns. His sweaty nuts tightened, lifting off the mattress as he clenched and flexed every muscle in his legs to cum with enough force to make his balls ache.

Hoku's cock flexed hard and he pulled it from beneath his sweater. He hoped to aim it across the room when a searing bulge swelled in his lower stomach. Electricity surged up his spine and a hot pearly mess jet across the room in long streaks.

Hoku's body tensed and so did his ass, forcing cum out around Lance's cock and dressing his crotch in a sticky, musky layer. More splattered across Hoku's asscheeks. Lance's orgasm lingered long after he finished.

By the end of it, Hoku sat stunned at the sheer volume flooding his ass and stretching his belly. He couldn't think or move. For a moment, his vision became hazy then cleared as his body and mind escaped the sweet embrace of ecstasy.

Lance breathed like he finished a marathon. His ass hit the mattress and Hoku shivered as a near-gallon of smelly bear cum poured from his yawning asshole. He fell on his side and surveyed his own load. Several long streaks of kitty cum stretched from the end of the mattress several feet out toward the wall in a rough cone shape. A stray shot extinguished Lance's abandoned cigar.

Neither of them had the energy to clean up. Hoku lied beside Lance as he smoked a new cigar and wrapped his arm around the hybrid, both as steamy as if they were in a sauna.

The stench of sex tainted the air. The time was a mystery. All fell quiet in Lance's room except for his BEAR BOTTOMS neon sign diligently buzzing to keep him and Hoku washed in a pink glow.

"A lot of people suddenly left this place," Lance said.

Hoku lifted his head from under Lance's chin. "Huh? Why?"

Lance stared at the ceiling and looked for an answer. "No one knows why. Averton used to be a fine place. Before owning this Green Stag, I ran a porno shop. I lost customers and had no choice but to sell whatever I had the heart to be separated from. Made me bitter. You can take whatever key you want, uh, Hoku was it? One of 'em goes to a suite."

"I can stay with you for the night. I don't mind." Hoku sat up.

Lance smiled but shook his head. "I appreciate that, but take the room. You've earned it." He urged Hoku with a smack to the ass.

Hoku got to his feet and put his sweater back on. Lance stared curiously at the cute star above his crotch, wondering if it was a birthmark.

"I'll see you again. Maybe for breakfast?" Hoku turned to Lance while on his way out, licking his lips and shooting him a dreamy gaze.

"Come to me whenever you want a warm bed and some good dick~."

Hoku nodded and departed. He snatched a key and hopped over the front desk. Out the window, a shield of fog hid everything from sight. Lights became faint whisps connected to mysterious sources. Their glow couldn't reach the floor.

He trekked through the dead silent parking lot and checked into a room on the second floor. The disembodied TV static continued but sounded farther away. He helped himself to a decadent hot bath in a well-kept suite and fell asleep staring at his reflection bathing in the mirror on the ceiling...