Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 5 - Pearl

Story by Farfener on SoFurry

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Sieg and Marien are two Basitins in love. Their journey towards one another has been long, and treacherous, but filled with light and love.

Fanfiction written for a Sketch by Tom Fischbach

Sieg and Marien Part 5 - Pearl

"As the first stirrings of morning began within the city of Basikal, a heavy fog settled over the port city. The torches shone eerily in the grey gloom as the fishermen started making their way towards the docks, the knocking of the wood floaters on their nets filling the air as they walked. Columns of city guards arrived to relieve the night shift, much to the relief of the guards who had been standing watch all night in the cold and damp.

As the sun peeked over the eastern horizon, it was little more than a pale sphere. But as the sun climbed higher and warm golden light bathed the land, the fog began to disperse, tendrils descending into the valleys and the streets, before disappearing entirely. Bit by bit the city returned to life after a long, dark night.

Dr. Kallen Hail's cheek twitched as a shaft of light from the window fell across her face. Despite her blindfold, the light of the sun was enough to wake her.

With a loud yawn, the doctor stretched and tested her muscles. She had slept on one of the benches in the staff room, and as a result her shoulders hurt a little. As she climbed to her feet she felt a gentle shifting in her lower belly.

"Shhhh now," she whispered, patting her stomach, trying to quite the movements of the little life growing inside her, "Go back to sleep."

"Ah good, you're awake."

Kallen turned towards the voice, "Doctor Silver, good morning."

"There's no patients in here, you can take your blindfold off.

With a relieved sigh, Kallen reached up and pulled off her blindfold. The sudden brightness made her blink for a few moments, but her eyes adapted quickly. Her colleague, Doctor Sara Silver, stood in front of her with a steaming cup of ginger and blackberry leaf tea.

"Thank you Doctor Silver." Kallen said, taking the cup and sniffing it, the sharp scent of ginger filling her nostrils and sending a pulse of energy through her whole body.

"How are you feeling?"

Kallen sighed, "The headaches and the back pain I could deal with, but this itching is driving me crazy. I mean, why? Why am I itchy? It makes no sense."

Sara nodded knowingly as she sat down at a small table in the center of the room, "For me it was my feet. When I was pregnant with Lyle I couldn't stay on my feet for more than ten minutes."

With a frustrated grumble Kallen sat down across from Sara and took a sip of her tea, "What I wouldn't give to be a Keidran sometimes. Five or six months of this I could live with, hell I'd take nine months like humans have, but twelve months just seems unnecessary. And then there's the in-laws..."

Sara rolled her eyes, "Kent's family was paralytic when Sophie was born. 'Three girls! When will you have a boy! You have to have a boy!' It was a nightmare."

"Mmm, for me it's names. I am so sick of getting suggestions for names. 'Adrian, Calles, Tolle, Keonig, Edmund. Oh oh, do you know what name is in fashion this year? Camden, Chloe, Lex'."

"Keonig sounds nice," Sara said, smirking a little as she took a sip of her tea.

Kara sighed and put her hand on her stomach again, "But you know... I really can't wait to meet the little one."

Sara tilted her head with a smile, "This is your first?"

"Yes. I'm very excited, but... with Johan gone..." Kallen looked down at her tea, her hands shaking.

Sara reached across the table and took Kallen hand, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"No, no I'm sorry. Getting all weepy isn't going to bring him back." Kallen took another sip of her tea to calm her nerves. After a moment she looked up, eager to change the subject. "And how is Kent healing?"

"If he would sit still for six minutes he probably would heal just fine, but that would seem to be an impossible task. His lieutenant had to drag him here again yesterday after he tore out his stitches. And you want to know what he was doing? Sparring. The man has stitches in his arm, and he was swinging a sword around." Sara waved her arms in a wild pantomime of sword fighting. After a few moments she lowered her arms and sighed, holding her head in her hands, "Makes you wonder why we bother sometimes."

Kallen shrugged, "I'm just happy if they actually come in for help. This 'I'm not hurt, I can take it' is insanity."

"Yes..." Sara sighed, "Yes it is..."

For a long moment the two women sat across from one another, sipping on their tea.

"Kallen, I'd like to ask you something," Sara said at last, setting her cup down on the table and leaning close.

Kallen blinked in surprise at Sara's suddenly serious tone and nodded, "Of course, what is it?"

"I was wondering, why did you decide that you were going to treat that Western girl? You were quite insistent that you be the one to take her."

"You were worried I would take revenge for Johan?" Kallen asked, her ears flattening and her tail twitching in agitation.

Immediately Sara reached across the table and grabbed one of Kallen's hands, "No honey, no no. It just seemed strange that you were so determined."

Kallen sighed and looked down at the table, "I... I lost Johan because of this stupid, stupid war. The kings make their speeches, the politicians grandstand and the generals play their little war games, but it is people like my Johan who pay the price."

Suddenly Kallen's eyes widened and she looked up sharply, "Oh Sara, I'm sorry, I forgot! I didn't mean that about Kent!"

"Don't worry about it,m" Sara replied, squeezing Kallen's hand gently. "Kent... has his doubts about the war as well. I think he'd be pleased to hear someone else say what he's been saying for years."


Sara nodded and Kallen let out a sigh of relief, "Either way... that girl got into a fight because she looks Western. They can call it a duel all they like, but I don't think that hitting someone on the back of the head with the butt of a sword is an honourable way to start a 'duel of honour'."

"So the other girl did pick the fight."

"Without a doubt."

"Hmmm... I hear she's recovering at the Chariot residence. Last I heard she's down an eye and half an ear, but she'll live."

Kallen gripped her teacup tightly, "It just seems wrong... that that girl, and now her husband, has to suffer for a war that is so far away, just because of how she looks."

A warm smile crossed Sara's face, "Oh sweety...."

"It felt like... a way to fight against the war. It... it's silly..."

Sara smiled and shook her head, "No, it isn't. It's very noble."

As Kallen and Sara smiled at one another, another doctor appeared at the doorway, "Doctor Hail, you said you wanted to be informed when the poppy nectar would be wearing off for Mrs. Kolvest. By our estimates it should be within the hour."

"Thank you, I'll see to it." Kallen stood and replaced her blindfold over her eyes.

As Kallen walked past, Sara extended an arm and took her hand, "Kallen... Doctor Hail, I'm proud of you."

Kallen smiled and squeezed Sara's hand, "Thank you, Doctor Silver."


"There's been an accident."

The words sent an icy bolt through Marien's heart. "W-what kind of accident?" Marien asked, swallowing to clear the instant dryness in her throat. She stood on the wall of the fortress, spear in hand, keeping watch over the south side of the wall.

"Corporal Kolvest was swimming in the sea with several other recruits." The instructor standing before her replied, "He dove and must have hit his head on something underwater. He is in the infirmary, and last I heard he is alive. Apparently when he woke, your name was the first thing he said, so there are a few questions-"

Before the instructor could say another word, Marien turned and tore off, ignoring the instructor's calls for her to return.

Like a madman Marien tore through the halls of the fortress, leaping nimbly around other recruits and soldiers as she sprinted towards the infirmary. Her heart pounded, her lungs burned, but she didn't slow down. It was all a blur, a flurry of sounds of images, the halls of the fortress, the calls for her to stop, the annoyed yells of those she pushed past, the door to the infirmary, the startled nurse. And then, suddenly, as if awakening from a dream, she found herself standing at Sieg's bedside.

Seig's eyes were closed, dark circles around them and his fur still smelled of sea water. Even through his fur it was obvious that his skin was extremely pale, and his breathing was ragged and shallow. But as Marien stepped forwards, Sieg's eyes slowly slid open and he turned towards her.

"Marien..." He croaked, his voice hoarse and his expression one of utter exhaustion.

"They said... they said you were hurt..." Marien gasped, trying to catch her breath.

Sieg managed a half hearted grin, "So did... you... come to.... finish"

"What?" As Marien raised her eyebrows she noticed for the first time that she was still carrying her spear.

Dropping the weapon to the floor, Marien stepped closer to Sieg's bed. She tried to think of something to say, but everytime she thought of something her brain seemed to go blank.

"Are you alright?" She said finally, kneeling down so she could meet Sieg's gaze, "They said you almost drowned."

Instead of answering, Sieg managed a smile again and whispered, "Close...your... eyes."

"What? Why?"

"It's... important."

Marien paused for a moment, before eventually closing her eyes.

"Hold out... your hand..."

Hesitantly, Marien held out her hand. After a moment she felt Sieg press something hard and cold against her palm.

Opening her eyes, Marien blinked in surprise. In her hand was nestled an oyster.

"This... this is what you were diving for?"

"Ororo Oysters... rare... found a bed... in Keiser's bay..."

"You mean you did this for me?"

"I... lost the first one." Sieg coughed a few times, "Your pendant... when I got it... from Elliot... I dropped it. Pearl fell out... couldn't find it." With effort Sieg managed another smile, "That's why... I couldn't look at you that day... in the Major's office."

Before Marien could speak, Major Dauntless, the infirmary nurse, a middle aged female with pale fur, a much darker furred male in a colonel's uniform, and a pair of guards appeared in the doorway.

As soon as she appeared at the door, the middle aged female rushed forward, pushing past Marien, "Sieg!"


As she reached her son's side, Kara knelt down on one knee and grabbed his hand, "Sieg! Oh Sieg, we were so worried!"

Clambering to her feet, Marien snapped into a salute, "Major!"

With a sigh, Dauntless squeezed her nose and shook her head slowly, "I received a report of an armed recruit tearing through the fortress like a feral Keidran. Of course it would be you, Corporal Gail."

The Colonel raised an eyebrow, "Gail? As in Marien Gail?"

"Yes sir!"

"So, you're the female that Sieg won't stop talking about."

Marien blinked in surprise, "I... uh..."

The Colonel's eyes narrowed, "I suppose my son simply forgot to mention that you were a Westerner."

Immediately Marien's ears flattened against her head and her tail twitched, "With respect, Colonel-"

"Colonel Conrad Kolvest, commander of the Second Legion's Scarlet Brigade. And I would like to know just what you think you are doing here."

"I had to check on Sie- on Corporal Kolvest." Marien said at last, "I was..."

As Marien spoke, the nurse raised her hand a little, "Excuse me."

"Major Dauntless, I think we can both agree that this is highly inappropriate." Conrad interrupted, "I would like to have this intruder removed immediately."

Instead of answering, Major Dauntless turned to Marien. For a few moments the two met each other's eyes, a flurry of silent words passing between them.

"Corporal Gail has always expressed a great deal of concern for her classmates." Major Dauntless said at last, "It's one of her finer qualities."

"Major, Colonel, I really think...

"Nevertheless I demand that she be removed, now!"

To everyone else in the room, it would appear that Major Dauntless didn't react at all to Conrad's sharp tone. But to Marien, who had been on the receiving end of many of the Major's lectures, the subtle motions of the Major's tail, the almost invisible twitch at the corner of her mouth, the slight change in her posture, all of it told Marien that the Major was well and truly annoyed.

After a moment, Major Dauntless spoke, "Colonel, I think that, considering your son's weakened state, it would be wise to place a guard at his side. Corporal Gail shall fill that role well."

"Ridiculous!" Conrad growled, "I am ordering you-"

"Your orders mean nothing here." Major Dauntless replied, her voice like a river with a dangerous current running beneath the placid surface, "I command this fortress and its occupants. If you wish to stay by your son's side as well I will allow it, but Corporal Gail will complete her assigned task."

"I want... her to stay." Sieg croaked as his mother continued to fuss over him.


Everyone in the room jumped a little as the nurse yelled at the top of her lungs.

With a huff, the nurse spoke again, "That's better. Major, Colonel, with all due respect, this boy needs rest. If the Major wants Corporal Gail to stand guard, that is... well I'm not exactly pleased with it, but it is acceptable. As for the rest of you however, and with all due respect, I implore you... GET OUT!"

With an amused smile, Major Dauntless nodded respectfully, "Understood." She gestured to the door, "If you will sir, you and your wife are more than welcome to stay in VIP quarters here in the fortress."

"I shall be filing a report on this." Conrad snarled, "We shall see what the administration authority has to say about your lack of decorum and insubordination. "

"That is, of course, your right sir." Major Dauntless replied, clearly underwhelmed by Conrad's threat.

"Come Kara, we should let him rest." Conrads cape billowed out behind him as he whirled around and strode out of the room. As he passed Marien he stopped, his eyes shifting to glare at her.

"I know all about your kind." He snarled, "But know this, if you put a single hand on my son, I will have your pelt for a rug and the rest of you thrown into the sea for bait."

"As you say, Colonel." Marien replied, snapping into a salute and glaring back at Conrad.

With a snort of disgust, Conrad stormed past Marien. As he reached the doorway he stopped and looked over his shoulder, "My son."

"Yes... father."

"You are an important part of the family legacy, remember that. No son of mine will be defeated by something as inconsequential as a swimming accident, you understand?"

"Y...yes sir."

"I'll see you soon," Kara said, stroking the side of Sieg's face, "Sleep and get well, we'll talk tomorrow."

As the nurse and Kara left the room, Marien turned to Major Dauntless, "Ma'am... about what the Colonel said."

"I'm not concerned. I've dealt with his kind before." Major Dauntless waved a hand dismissively, "I once had a nephew of General Alabaster training here. If he and his uncle couldn't push me around, the Colonel doesn't stand a Templar's chance in the Wolf Lands."

"Understood, thank you Major."

"Just promise me something," Major Dauntless said as she turned to leave.

"Yes ma'am?"

Major Dauntless leaned in close and whispered, "Watching boys swimming is one thing, but don't do anything foolish while you are on duty, understood."

Immediately Marien's face turned bright red, "H-how do you know about that?"

"I made it my business to keep an eye on you and keep you safe." A small smile crossed Major Dauntless's face, "That, and I was a young woman once too."

Pulling back and straightening, Major Dauntless nodded at Marien, "Alright, carry on."

"Yes ma'am!"

"What did she say?" Sieg asked as the Major left and Marien bent down to pick up her spear.

"Nothing! Nothing at all! Not a thing!" Marien said quickly, almost dropping her spear. Clearing her throat, she got back to her feet and straightened her helmet.

For a long time Marien stood and watched and Sieg breathed, every once in a while his breathing turning into ragged coughs. Every once in a while he would drop off to sleep, only to be awakened by a nightmare. Each time he would wake, gasping for air, Marien would place a cold cloth on his forehead and talk to him softly. Sometimes she would even sing a lullaby her mother taught her.

Eventually the sun set and the lights of the fortress began to wink out, one by one.

As the main fire in the center of the fortress went out, Seig turned his head towards Marien, "Thank you for staying with me."

"Considering what you did for me, I couldn't leave you." Marien sniffed. She had to work to keep her eyes open, she'd been almost finished an overnight till noon guard posting when she had gotten the news of Seig's accident.

"When I was under the water... you were all I thought of."

Marien's face flushed again, "I... I see."

"Every time I look at you, it feels... like a warm wind. Every time I'm near you... my heart speaks louder than my mind. I can't take my eyes off you... but every time you look back, it feels like I've been hit by a catapult."

Marien's eyes widened in surprise, but then she began to chuckle to herself.

"What is it?" Sieg asked, struggling to sit up.

"You took that from a book."

"W-what? No I didn't."

"Word for word from 'The Warmest Tide', that Keidran romance novel."

"I... B-but that book is... forbidden."

"There's a copy of it hidden in the library, inside a hollowed out copy of "The Methods and Conventions of East Basitin Poetry." A smile crossed Marien's face, "Everyone knows it's there, even the yearlings.

Sieg blinked in surprise, before starting to chuckle. Despite her best efforts Marien joined him. For several long minutes they laughed together, until finally Sieg began to cough and had to stop.

"You really should get some rest." Marien said, stepping forwards and gripping Sieg's hand in hers, "We can talk more tomorrow."

Sieg nodded weakly, "Alright...

"But just so you know," Marien pulled the blankets up under Sieg's chin and tucked him in, "The next time you end up in the infirmary because you were trying to do something for me, I really will finish you off."

"I understand." Sieg said as he looked up at Marien, his eyelids flickering as he fought sleep, "You're so pretty.... you know that... so perfect... like... a beautiful... sunset..." The moment the final words passed his lips, Sieg drifted into sleep.

After a careful look around, Marien leaned in and planted a kiss on Sieg's forehead.

"Sleep well." She whispered, "I'll be here when you wake up."


"Our first night together..."



With a low groan Marien's eyes slid open. The light of a single candle was all that illuminated the small quarters she shared with Hazel. The sky outside was barely lit up at all, with only the slightest hint of blue at the edges of the eastern horizon.

In the bed across the room, Hazel sat up and rubbed her eyes with a loud yawn, "What's going on? Is it breakfast time?"

Marien staggered over to the window and peered out. Out in the courtyard she could see there was a flurry of activity, soldiers running too and fro, their distant calls muffled by the glass. As she watched, a Basitin in full armour climbed to the top of one of the tower scaffolds. Sluing across his back was a large silver horn wrapped in painted red leather.

Marine's blood ran cold, she recognized that horn. It usually sat upon a granite pedestal in the main hall, beneath a glass case that was never to be lifted except in the most dire circumstances, and only at the behest of the fortress commander.

"That's the war horn," She whispered.

"Huh?" Hazel stumbled over to Marien's side, "That can't be right. It must be a dri-"

Hazels' words were cut short as the soldier let loose a blast on the silver horn that shattered what was left of the morning stillness. The sound was deep and powerful, penetrating air, flesh and stone, its call rolling over the hills and out over the bay.

"This isn't a drill," Marien breathed, "They'd never use that horn if it was a drill..."

"We gotta go," Hazel said, suddenly very much awake as she struggled to fasten her sword to her belt. "I have to get to my team."

"Me too." Marien turned and hurriedly pulled on her uniform as quickly as she could. Just as both she and Hazel were clipping their capes to their shoulders, the door to their quarters flew open. Kaiya burst into the room, her eyes wide and her shoulders shaking, an expression of panic etched on her face as she panted desperately for air.

"Kaiya, what's wrong?" Hazel demanded, "What's going on?"


Hazel and Marien both froze.

"Is it a Western attack?" Hazel asked after a few seconds.

"This far behind the lines? That's impossible!" Marien stepped forwards and gripped Kaiya's shoulders, "What do you mean war? War with who?"

"The Empire!"

Marien's eyes widened, "What?!"

"The humans.... the Templar... they've attacked the capital!"

Hazel's mouth fell open, "The Templar attacked the Capital! How? When?"

"We don't know," Kaiya gasped. "But Lieutenant Maize said that the King is dead and the Capital has been destroyed!"

"But... but that's-"

"Kaiya, Hazel, you need to get to your squads!" Marien barked, her voice steady despite the icy fingers of fear that gripped her heart. "We can't panic now, we have to go!"

"Of course." Hazel nodded quickly. "L-let's go!"


"Dr. Hail, the bandages you asked for."

"Thank you nurse, put them on the table." Kara nodded quickly as she worked to remove and replace a dressing on Marien's right arm.

As the nurse set the bandages down, Marien let out a low groan, her breathing becoming low and rapid.

"Is she alright?" the nurse asked.

"She's dreaming," Kara replied, dropping the soiled dressing in a pail beside her. "And with the Poppy Nectar wearing off, I can't imagine they are very pleasant dreams."


The fortress was in a state of utter pandemonium as Marien made her way towards her squad's dormitory. Officers, soldiers and messengers filled the hall, all rushing to one destination or another.

Fighting her way through the crowd, Marien was able to make out a few orders and demands for information over the general cacophony.

"Get the weapons out of secured storage, we need to get armed now!"

"Where is the militia? They have to lock down the harbor!"

"What about the Imperial fleet? Is it on it's way? Someone contact Commodore Naider and get his ships ready to sail!"

"If the human armies are going to land anywhere, they'll land here at Basikal! Get the siege weapons to the shore!"

"What do you mean General Alabaster is dead?! What about General Alaric? Who's in command?"

"I need confirmation, where is the third legion!"

As Marien fought through the crowd, she caught sight of Sieg's distinctive tail amongst the crowd.


Immediately Sieg turned around, "Marien?! Where are you?"

Pushing her way over to Sieg, Marien pulled him over to the wall to avoid being trampled.

"Are you alright?" Sieg asked, panting for breath slightly.

"Yes, I'm just heading to get my squad. You?"

"I'm being deployed to the north wall. D-do you really think we are at war with the Human Empire?"

"I don't know," Marien replied, shaking her head, "But it sounds bad."

"I heard the King was killed."

"I heard the same thing."

"Kolvest, Trager, Jin, let's go!" a voice called out over the din, "North Wall on the double."

Sieg took a deep breath and leaned close, pressing his forehead against Marien's, "I have to go."

Marien nodded, "It's okay, go."

"I... I..."

"Yeah..." Marine nodded quickly, placing a hand on Sieg's cheek, "Me too."

"Be careful." Sieg turned and in seconds he was swallowed by the crowd. With a shuddering breath, Marien turned and continued on her own way.

It took a few minutes for Marien to arrive at her squad's dormitory. Throwing open the door Marien was greeted by eight young girls, seven of whom were hurriedly pulling on their tunics and armour, and one who was cowering in a corner. Each of the girls was between the ages of eight or nine, and all bore panicked expressions.

As soon as Marien stepped into the room she was swamped with questions.

"Sergeant, what's happening?"

"Are we really at war?"

"Is it true the human fleet is attacking the city?"

"Where's my father! I want to see my father!"

"Alright Vermillion Javelin team, listen up!" Marien called out over the din, keeping her voice as even and calm as she could. "Get dressed and armoured up. I want you all to be ready to move out in five minutes!"

"B-but what about-"

"But nothing!" Marien snapped, her voice harder than she had intended. Taking a calming breath she spoke more evenly, "The only thing I want you to be worried about right now is getting dressed and ready, understood?"

"Y-yes ma'am!"

"You are Javelins!" Marien called out, "And what do you do?!"

"We are Javelins, we fly straight and true!" the recruits called back in rough unison.

"Good! Now hop to it! Double time soldiers!"

As the recruits returned to pulling on their armour, Marien stepped over to the girl cowering in the corner, "Private Talla, are you hurt?"

The girl shook her head quickly and sniffed, "N-no."

"Then come on, you have to get up."

"I can't. I'm too scared."

Kneeling down in front of the recruit, Marien reached out a hand and placed it gently on her head, "Hey, we're all scared. But that's okay."

The girl looked up, her big blue eyes filled with frightened tears, "It... it is?"

"It is. Fear keeps us alive, but only if it keeps us moving."

"Are... are you scared?"

"Yes, I am. But you and the others are depending on me, and they are depending on you."

"I can't!" the girl buried her head in her knees again, "I don't wanna fight in a war."

Marien spoke as encouragingly as she could, "Don't worry about that right now. We're going to take one little step at a time. Just get your armour on, okay, focus on just doing that. Can you do that?"

"I guess so..."

"Good girl. Now come on, we need you."

Slowly the girl nodded and uncurled herself from the corner, eventually joining her squadmates, all of whom quickly began helping her pull on her armour.

As Marien straightened, there was a knock on the dormitory door, and a messenger stepped inside.

"Command from Major Dauntless," the messenger announced, clearly trying to keep himself from panting. "All personnel are to assemble in the courtyard in one hour for a briefing."

Maien nodded quickly, "One hour, understood."

Without another word the messenger turned and took off down the hall. Closing the door behind him, Marien turned back to her squad. She couldn't help but smile at the row of children standing in front of her, their armour and cloaks done up and their dull practice spears in hand.

"Alright Vermillion Javelins, let's get moving."

"Yes ma'am!"


By the time Marien and her squad reached the courtyard, the panic around the Fortress had quieted somewhat. A constant flurry of messengers and officers still moved about, but the desperate calls and conflicting orders had quieted.

As Marien and her team took their place, Major Dauntless and two other officers emerged from the central keep and approached a raised platform in the middle of the courtyard. Marien's ears twitched as she recognized Colonel Conrad Kolvest as one of the officers walking beside the Major. The other officer was the commander of the Basikal naval fleet, Commodore Pierce, an unusually tall and thin basitin with a long, black ponytail that reached down to his waist sticking out from beneath his high peaked cap.

Marien couldn't help but notice that the Major required the Commodore's help to climb the stairs to the top of the platform. In recent months the Major seemed to be growing older much more rapidly than before. Her fur was more white than taupe now, and the lines on her face had grown deeper and more numerous. But as she approached the front of the platform, Marien could see that the Major's eyes still shone with life.

Reaching the edge of the platform, Major Dauntless called out, "Everyone, your attention!"

Almost instantly the courtyard fell silent. Folding her hands behind her back, Major Dauntless spoke, "I am sure that you have all heard the rumour that there has been an attack on the Capital by the Human Empire and the Templar. I regret to inform all of you... that these reports are true."

The major's words sent a shockwave through the crowd. Immediately, Marien felt her heart sink into the bottom of her stomach.

"However," Major Dauntless called out, silencing the ground with a single wave of her hand, "At this moment we do not know the extent of the damage, only that an attack has occurred. As a result, until we hear otherwise, we are operating under the assumption that the Human Empire has declared war against us, and we shall stand ready for an attack. As of now, all leave is suspended, and this fortress and the harbor are on full lockdown."

Major Dauntless cleared her throat, "I know that there are many rumours flying about, and I urge all of you to be careful of what you say and judicious about what you believe. I understand it is frustrating, but when we have real, verifiable information that we can share, both myself and your officers will share it with you. In the meantime, attend to your stations, follow your orders, and we shall endure."

Major Dauntless turned to leave, but paused for a moment and turned back, "That having been said, if the Human Empire has indeed declared war upon us, I can assure you of this, it will be the last mistake they will ever make."


With a muffled *plunk* Kallen dropped the last of the soiled bandages into the pail beside her.

"There," she muttered, wiping sweat from her brow, "Finished."

Gently she felt along Marien's body, searching for anything she missed. As she did, a small chime sounded from the other side of the room.

"Alright, that's it for the poppy nectar." Reaching up, Kallen gently tapped on Marien's cheek, "Let's see if we can get you back to the land of the living."


"Renner's dead."

Marien blinked in surprise, "Wh-what?"

Sieg nodded numbly, his voice dull, "I just got word... he was killed in the attack on the Capital."

Sieg sat on a wooden bench outside of the fortress's main office. It had taken more than a week, but the panic from the initial news of the attack had started to calm. The fortress still buzzed with activity, nerves frayed, but the frantic energy had faded.

"H-how?" Marien asked, sitting down beside Sieg, "What happened?"

"He was with the King... and the Grand Templar killed him."

The news opened a hole in Marien's heart. Though she had only met him once, Marien had found Sieg's brother a handsome and charming fellow, his serious and steadfast exterior covering up a whity and rye sense of humour. Despite his high ranking status as a royal guard, when Sieg had told Renner of Marien's Western blood, the only thing he had said was 'we love who we love'. The nonchalant bluntness of his statement had made Marien's heart glow.

"Oh Sieg..." Marien reached over and pulled Seig close to her, "I'm so sorry..."

"He didn't even stand a chance," Sieg moaned, burying his head in Marien's chest. "What was he thinking, attacking the Grand Templar? Why would he do that?"

"He was doing his duty," Marien replied softly, stroking Sieg's head.

With a deep breath, Sieg looked up at Marien, "But why... why did he have to die?"

"It's okay." Marien pulled Seig close, "It'll all be okay..."

As she held Seig, Marien noticed some of the officers and soldiers shooting her and Sieg dirty looks. For a moment she wanted to leap up and scream at them, to fight, to lash out and make them pay for their judgements. But as she held Sieg, the anger started to drain away.

Closing her eyes, Marine nestled her head against Sieg's neck and held him tight. "It's okay," she whispered, 'It's going to be okay..."


"I don't care anymore... western, eastern... tradition... faith... I just want to be with him"


With a shuddering breath, Marien smoothed down the front of her uniform. The green and grey colours of a training uniform had been replaced by the silver and black of a real soldier's uniform. At her throat glistened a small golden pin that denoted her new rank of Warrant Officer.

As she worked to make certain her hair was in good order beneath her helmet, the door behind her cracked open, "Ma'am, they are ready for you."

"Thank you." Marien replied. As she turned to leave her quarters, she stopped at her desk. With a small golden key, she opened a secret compartment beneath one of the drawers. Nestled within the compartment, wrapped in velvet, was her mothers pendant, the black pearl that Seig had gotten her glistening in the center.

Slowly, almost reverently, Marien withdrew the pendant and fastened it around her neck.

"I'm ready." she said to herself.


The courtyard was filled with every last soul that occupied the fortress. Every wall and balcony was also completely packed. There was even a ring of thousands of basitins, young and old, with soldiers of every rank of the army, as well as civilians, gathered around the fortress perimeter. It seemed as if the entire population of Basikal and more was in attendance. In the fading light of the evening, the entire hill was lit with thousands of torches and candles.

All eyes were on a colossal wooden pyre in the center of the courtyard. Upon the great pyre was a coffin carved from fine oak and marked with the Basidian star. Atop the coffin was laid a simple black eyepatch, as well as a Basidian flag woven from fine silk.

A long, solemn trumpet blast cut through the evening air, silencing the crowd. The fortress doors cracked open, and Marien stepped into the courtyard. The crowd parted to create a corridor for her to approach the pyre.

With a deep breath, Marien stepped forwards. As she walked she could hear whispers and mutterings from within the crowd, but she ignored them.

"Why would the Major pick her?"

"She always did have a soft spot for lost causes."

"They say she went mad in her last days, it seems the rumours were true."

"I suppose the threat of war was just too much for her...:"

Though the walk from the door to the pyre was less than a hundred meters, the journey felt like it took years. Each step felt heavier and heavier, but before Marien knew it, she stood before the pyre. Standing at the side of the pyre was a burning brazier and beside it was a long silver handle with an oil soaked cloth wrapped around the top.

Taking hold of the silver rod, Marien withdrew it from the ground and lowered it into the flames of the brazier. The cloth wrapping burst into flames and stayed lit as Marien held it aloft.

Turning to the assembled crowd, Marien cleared her throat and called out, "In the name of the King, and the noble nation of Basidian, we pay tribute to a woman who was a leader, a teacher, and a true patriot. Major Dauntless was a treasured comrade, and she..." Marien felt a lump in her throat as her practiced words failed her, "She...was..."

The crowd began to mutter and shift as Marien froze. No matter how hard she tried, the words she had practiced were gone.

As she fought for words, Marien heard a single familiar voice from the crowd call out, "Marien!"

All at once, the speech she had intended to make seemed so trivial and weak.

"She was special."

Marien's voice silenced the crowd. Although her voice was low, everyone in the courtyard could hear Marien as she took a deep breath and spoke, "My mother told me once, on my journey to this very place, that someday I would have something... someone so precious, that I would climb mountains, swim across seas, and fight gods to protect them. For Major Dauntless, that thing was each and every one of us."

Marien's voice quaked a little as she spoke, but she powered on through, "She wasn't just a soldier, she wasn't just a commander, she was a mother. She never gave a thought to her own mortality, and to her very last breath she worried about those who still needed her guidance. She protected us, she guided us, she knew when to let us make mistakes, but she was there to pick us up when we fell. She loved this place, she loved us, and she loved me... even when no one else did."

Marien's voice cracked as she looked back at the pyre, "And... she was taken from us too soon. Our world is darker with her absence, and we're going to miss her. But her duty has come to an end, and now it is time for her to rest."

Holding her hands as steady as she could, Marien brought the torch to the pyre. Within seconds the wood burst into flames and a bright, roaring fire enveloped the pyre.

After returning the silver torch to its place, Marien stepped back into the crowd. Closing her pendant in her hand, Marien watched as the flames climbed high into the sky, the sparks dancing the same elated dance they danced each time.

The pyre burned long into the night, the great logs cracking and collapsing. As the moon rose into the sky, the crowd began to disperse, the students wandering off to bed and the civilians returning to the city. Some of the mourners stopped to place a hand on Marien's shoulders, a number of them whispering words of encouragement.

Eventually it was just Marien, standing alone in the empty courtyard, watching as the last few licks of flame danced amongst the glowing coals.

"I never told her that I loved her." Marien muttered as familiar footsteps approached her from behind, "She did so much for me... and I never told her."

"I know." Sieg said, gently taking Marien's hand in his as he came up beside her, "But she knew. That's why she chose you for this duty. She loved you, and that was enough."

"No... its not." Marien looked at Sieg, the fur on her face matted by tears, "I should have said it to her."

"Maybe... that was her final lesson."

Marien nodded, "Yes... it's important to tell the people you care about them how you feel when you have time."

Sieg blushed a little as he stared into Marien's eyes. Slowly the two leaned close, pressing their foreheads together.

"I love you Marien Gail." Sieg whispered, taking both of her hands in his.

"I love you Sieg Kolvest." Marien said softly, "And... I want to marry you."

"I...I want to marry you too."

"Right now."

Sieg blinked in surprise and stepped back, "R-really? We haven't even... you know, courted."

"Do you want to or not?" Marien asked.

"Of course I do, but-"

"Then that's all that matters." Marien said simply, "I want to marry you, whether it's a good idea or not, whether we've courted or not."

"I..." Sieg smiled warmly, "I've never wanted something more in my entire life."

Pulling one of her hands free, Marien dug into a pocket of her uniform, "That's good, in that case I have something for you."

Into Sieg's outstretched hand, Marien pressed a small ivory pearl.

Sieg looked up at Marien, "Is this the one that I-"

"It is."

"You found it! How?"

"It wasn't easy. Took me weeks of searching but eventually I found it between two floorboards. And now... well I know it's not exactly traditional, but I want you to have it, as a symbol of our bonding."

"But it's yours."

Marien shook her head, "If you want it, it's yours, just as I am."


"Mrs. Kolvest."

Marien blinked in surprise, "Wh-What?"

"Mrs Kolvest, can you hear me?"

End of Part 5

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