Night Life

Story by Brathor on SoFurry

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An eager panther finds something more than he was expecting on the dance floor.

Night Life was a story I wrote based (of all things) on poster art for a dance. It's probably the least popular of my older stories (at least of the ones I haven't nuked out of existence), but like my others, there are still some good things here. Comments and constructive criticism are welcome.

Night Life


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Notes : This story is intended for an adult audience. If you are underage, please don't read it. The characters and events portrayed in this story are completly fictional. Please do not distribute without permission.

The main character of this story, Calla, first appeared in "Truth or Dare."

The flickering lighting overhead made it impossible for Calla to associate the other furs in the room with more than just a basic outline and a general knowledge of what species they were. Of course, it was obvious to just about everyone that Calla was a fox, the spicy, musky scent was simply impossible to not notice, one of the few things that Calla really hated about being one. Even he could scent the gentle aroma of arousal on him, and he hadn't even been out of his sheath yet that night.

He continued dancing with the panther before him, the heavy techno-dance sounds echoing throughout the fairly large dance floor while soft base concussions sounded in rhythmical succession. The panther was trying to take the lead again, which Calla couldn't understand, since he was obviously the better dancer of the two, but still he let the panther take a bit of control before tactfully drawing it back to himself.

Calla's upper paws clasped above his head as he danced in time to the music, his tail swaying behind him in alternate movements to the rest of his body while the panther leaned down and back swinging one paw behind him, the long lithe tail swaying behind him, slightly off beat. Calla smiled and tried not to act annoyed.

All around the crowded room furs were dancing, each dance's music being accompanied by more suggestive movements as the dancing (and the drinking) continued. Calla sighed as one song finally ended and the panther followed him off the dance floor, Calla pulling him by the paw. As another song began Calla faced the panther smiling. He could almost read the panther's thoughts, though after a quick glimpse of his profile, the bulging in his pants was more than enough to reveal what the panther wanted.

The panther leaned close and used the same sort of voice Calla had once used to seduce furs. It was a sort of deep smooth voice that would send melt most bottoms, particularly foxes. It was this moment that made Calla come to this bar, that made him dance the way he did.

The fox slowly inched towards the stairs to the upper rooms that were always available for hourly rental rates, giving the panther a mischievous, knowing smile, which the panther, of course, misinterpreted. The fox cutely tugged on the panther's paw and pulled him up the stairs, although it wasn't exactly pulling, just gentle encouragement.

What the panther didn't know was that Calla had been prepared for this event. The moment he had opened the door and pulled the panther into the darkened room, the panther's scent changed from confident arousal to confusion as his eyes widened.

The panther was still clueless. Calla's brother was the club's owner, which gave the fox certain privileges. The wall was lined with collars, cuffs, chains and all sorts of toys and devices. The poor panther was helpless the moment he walked in the door, but he was still confused. He just didn't understand yet, the panther tuned around and his eyes widened as he finally realized. Calla was not much different than any other red fox out there, though he had a bit more black and a bit less white in his fur patterns, some of it streaking his face which usually made him slighltly more intimidating than the average fox. The thing that had drawn the panther's attention, however, was a thick black leather collar in his dark paws all ready open for the panther, the large D-ring hanging in front, prominently displayed.

"Yes little kitty, I'm going to spin the tables a bit," the fox said wispily, "Don't worry, it won't hurt too much." With that, the fox snapped the collar aound the panther's neck, and the poor feline could do nothing more than look confused and... disgusted. Calla tried not to laugh out loud.

"Who the hell do you think you are? I'm not going to," he looked at the fox a bit lustfully, "to *sub* for a... for a fox!"

The fox chuckled, standing back and appraising the tall lean and muscular figure of the blakc panter. He hadn't made out so bad tonight. "I'm afraid, my sweet little kitty, you don't have much choice in the matter. Don't worry, I've never had anyone complain to me yet," he giggled a bit, "at least not afterwards," the fox said teasingly, almost soothingly.

Salika stared aghast at the paradox standing before him. Until today, he'd never even seen a fox claim to be toppish unless he was role-playing. It was just impossible. He wasn't sure what to think. Salika wasn't exactly the strongest of his family, but he was certainly more than a match for this skinny looking fox. So he stood up, with a bit of a snarl.

"You'd better be joking foxy," the panther said, "I don't like games very much."

The fox simply took a step towards him, Salika took a deep breath. He didn't understand why he was feeling so afraid, the fox was no where near a match for his strength, yet still, Salika sensed something funny in his demeanor.

In response to the fox's aggressive move, Salika let out a throaty growl; and surprisingly the fox returned it. Though the sound wasn't as impressive, it certainly was a match for Salika's and it made him freeze for just a moment. A moment the fox determined as making him vulnerable.

The next few seconds were a blur for Salika. He wasn't sure why he panicked, but he did. He took a swing at the fox. It was strange. In the instant that he drew his paw back, Salika got his first good look at the fox, the lighting had been all wrong before. He was very handsome. He was the typical red fox in markings and size, but he had black and gray markings around his eyes, ears and muzzle that were almost raccoon like, giving him a sort of mask effect.

Salika pressed his fist forward, he was already committed, there was nothing he could have done to stop it at this point. He felt like he was moving through glass as the fox easily deflected his blow. In a flash Salika found himself on his knees with and arm held painfully behind him and the fox deftly using his other paw and teeth to finish fastening the collar around him. He was so shocked he didn't even have time to really put up a struggle, and before he knew it, he had been leashed.

The fox growled above him. "You shouldn't have done that pretty kitty. It's so much harder when they fight." The fox held Salika's leash so tightly that he couldn't even move his head to hang it in shame. He was so confused right now, how had it happened like this?

Within a few minutes, Salika found himself bent over the bed with his wrists tied behind his back and his leash? how had he been leashed??firmly in the paws of the fox. The mattress was old and worn, very uncomfortable, he could feel the springs pressing up against him, and at this angle he could see wet spots on it; obviously this bed had already been used several times tonight.

And then it began. He was so confused, at this point he wondered if one of the drinks the fox had bought for him tonight had had something extra in it. He felt something warm pressing against his tailhole. Now, Salika wasn't a virgin to being mounted, he considered himself to be a switch, but he had a very strict pack mentality. He would only bottom for someone who had established himself as dominant over him, and never a fox! Yet here he was, about to be mounted by a rather unspectacular looking vulpine.

Salika had never failed to use lubrication when he mounted someone, he knew from experience how painful it was to be mounted without it, but the fox was very skilled. While it most definitely hurt, it was gentle and slow, making sure not to push further than Salika was ready for. Despite the slow speed, Salika found that in no time, he had taken the entire foxes length.

But, despite the tenderness behind the fox's movements, the next thing that happened made the poor panther pray that he would forget this night. The fox leaned forward, his stomach resting on Salika's back. He whispered into the panther's ear seductively. Without warning Salika let out a pleasurable moan. He couldn't believe it. He wasn't only enjoying this, but it was very evident by his rock hard cock, that he was getting off on being mounted by this little fox. His mind screamed for him to fight the fox off, but his body wanted it, begged for it to continue.

The fox actually laughed into his ear, teasing him, and it actually made Salika want more. He couldn't understand why he was enjoying this so much. He whined softly and wished for the fox to start really taking him, but he just stayed motionless within him. Salika tried to move, to force the fox to speed up, but the fox's strong arms held him in place. He couldn't understand how the fox had managed to so succesfully hide his strength until they had gotten up here.

There was nothing he could do. So he whimpered like a little cub. "Please. Please, just give it to me," he begged, "Oh please."

The fox licked his ear and made him mewl for more. "What do you want my little kitty. Tell the big foxy what you want from him."

A few moments ago, Salika would have found this to be an absurd question. The fox certainly was not big in any physical regard that he had noticed. But the way he had so easily asserted his dominance. . .

Salika moaned throatily and hung his head low, all sense of shame flooding from him. "Oh foxy, please, just mate me. Tie with me, make me your bitch." He hated every single word that came from mouth, but he didn't feel like he had any choice in the matter. He had to be satiated now.

The fox seemed to grow even bolder by the words, he really starting to pound into the poor panther, pushing hard and fast against his flesh and fur. Each thrust shook his whole body, each time the foxes thick shaft massaged over his prostate and caused waves of pleasure to wash over the panther, who shook his head back and forth as he felt himself growing very close very fast, and without even any stimulation to his cock.

He strained a bit against his cuffs, wishing he could reach down to finish himself off, while the fox, who was getting close himself, was banging his knot against Salika's stretched and straining tailhole. As the panther felt this a new wave of fear passed over him. He had never been mounted by a fur with a knot before, he had no idea if he could take it, and if this fox was as close as Salika thought he was....

Suddenly Salika felt as if his entire back end was on fire, hot searing pain burning through his overly stretched hole and the rest of his body as the fox took no consideration of the poor panther's ability to take the knot.

Calla was lost to bliss, he could smell the panther's arousal; the way he had so easily been able to conquer his prey, and now drive him to the brink of orgasm was enough of a turn-on for him that he found himself suddenly lost in the bliss of climax as he sank himself as deeply as he could into the tight ass, letting it caress and milk him for all he was worth, he could actually feel the pressure of the cum building around his member, the hot, almost burning liquid oozing a little between the seal of his cock and the panther's ass.

Salika's pain very quickly subsided to pleasure as he felt the fox cumming in him. The feel of the burning fluid within him, and the knowledge that he had given the fox such pleasure, along with the strong prostate stimulation he had just received pushed Salika over the edge as well. The long threads fired from his cock in rapid succession coating the side of the bed with the viscous seed. As he finally began to subside, it was all Salika could do to keep himself from falling over.

After a few minutes, Calla gave a rough tug and pulled out of the used panther. He chuckled a bit, petting behind the subdued kitty's ears. He knelt down a bit and gave him a warm smile, softly stroking the panter's cheek. "Hmm... you okay kitty?"

All the panther could really manage was a rough grunt. He still was sure the fox had drugged him, though as he thought about it, he had drank quite a bit that evening. Calla smiled and gently undid the cuffs and collar, putting them all back in their respective places.

Gently, he lifted the panther onto the bed and pulled the blanket up over him. "You can stay here for a little while if you need to. I'm going to go dance some more." The fox pulled out a piece of paper and wrote his phone number on it. "Give me a call tomorrow."

The panther nodded, knowing that it wasn't a request. The brief relief that had flooded through him when the fox pulled out of him was gone. He knew that this fox was going to use him again. Somehow the idea wasn't so bad though.

The fox placed the number on the nightstand and then walked out, the heavy thumping of the music welcoming him back to the floor.


## Steam By Brathor ![/></span></p> <p><span style=]( **Notes** : This story is intended...

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Truth Or Dare

## Truth or Dare By Brathor ![/> </span></p> <p><strong style=]( **Notes** : This story is...

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