Dragon Land ( Reforged )

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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The Next Story of my reforging :). Hope you might gonna like it, us much as I did, when I corrected it a bit :).

Anyways have fun and stay tuned for more.

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable Characters, Settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original Characters and Plot are the property of the Author. The Author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or Producers of any Media Franchise. No Copyright infringement is intended.

The same goes for used Music and those Lyrics.

Tags : M/F, Straight, Transformation, Dragon, Dragoness, First Time, Rape, Impregnation, Domination/Submission

Dragon Land ( Reforged )

It was a beautiful Morning on a Place called Earth. Yet not the Earth that we know today. Of Course there were Humans living on it but only about 6000.

That was not because of a war that they were so less, it was because they were dominated by more powerful Creatures. Creatures with scales and wings. Creatures who were able to Control the Elements with their breaths, like Fire for Warm weather or Ice for cold or rainy weather.

Those Creatures were Dragons, and the Humans were working for them. Mostly for Farmers because Dragons were eating a lot of Cows or Sheep, but sometimes they were also used as toys. Sex Toys to be exactly, and in such a Situation we are going right now.

Yana, a Young Dragoness with Green Body scales, red and yellow Wings and Sky Blue Eyes, was flying over a little City, in search for such a little Helper.

She had come into Heat for the very first time in her long Life. A problem which she wanted to hide because in their Species, this was the time in where she would be forced to get a mate for her Lifetime. Yet she deeply refused it to become a "Hen" in their speech because she didn't want to live a Life together with someone who she doesn't know. Furthermore, she does not want to live in a Harem, which the King's Family was having.

That was the reason she had run or flown away from Home the Day before, but now she was fighting the urge to mate. So she searched for a Human that was good for the job in her Eyes, but she didn't know that her search would cause a greater issue.

Not large enough ! She thought to herself. Too big. Too Young. Oh, isn't there anyone out there who can serve me right ?

She was looking so intensively for a solution that she didn't notice that she was nearing a Borderline. The side she was now on was neutral Land, but the side she was nearing was claimed Land.

AHH !!! Finally !!!

She had caught a Human Male who was looking great in her Eyes, and she immediately set on to land right in front of him. Once she had, she looked directly into the Human's face, who was a bit shocked or at last playing like he was shocked.

"Hi there, little stick." She said to him in a commanding Voice.

" What do you want ?" Came dry back from the Human.

" What did I want ? Is that a tone you should speak with a High born ?"

" You are no Highborn, Liar !"

" I am, and now I'm going to need your assistance to seal my need."

With these things said, she tried to grab the Human with one of her Front paws, but once her Paw was close to him, he just showed his arm to the side and stopped her Paw with it.

" Impossible !!!" She said in shock. " How can a weakling like you stop my paw from moving ?"

" W.... Weakling ???!!! " His Voice became dark. " I'm going to show you who is a weakling, Lady !!!"

From one moment to another, his Body began to change and in pure terror she began to recognize of what failure she had done.

First his Eyes became like flames and then his Body began to grow in size and length. Longer and bigger became his Body until his Arms and Legs were becoming strong Paws. His Head and Neck were getting half longer like Hers, and on his back a long and spiked tail grew out. At last, on both sides of his Body were wings forming. Also, half longer than hers and his hole Body Color became red and black. The last thing that became visible was a golden Collar on his neck and that neck brought up some deep fear inside her Body because that Collar meant that he was a Member of the Royal Family.

" I.... I I I, I'm sorry, My Lord.... I didn't mean to...." He cut her hard by saying directly into her face.

" You did ! And now you are going to pay for it !"

With that said, he began to growl in a very deep tone. A tone which was indicating that he wanted her to offer herself to him and be ready to become mated. A tone which she deeply refused, and that was why she swung herself around and lifted from the ground by beginning to swing her wings up and down.

Of course, she was quickly up in the Air but once she had gained enough ground, she was again facing the Royal Dragon.

" You really dare to try to escape me ?" He said and growled again.

Before she answered, she looked behind him to find out in which direction the Borderline was, and she quickly found it. It was just barely 20 Meters away from her, and she quickly formed a plan to escape him. Yet that plan or better said her thoughts got interrupted because he was already showing some pre erection, and she had made the mistake to look at it.

Nearly immediately, her Body began to work against her, but she was still in control of herself. That was why she began to set her Plan into action.

" I.... I.... YES, I WILL !!!" She shouted out and did a hard pull towards his left side, but he was already aware of her actions somehow.

Like a Flash, he swung himself to the side and let his tail fly into her mouth hard. That brought her to change the direction in reflex. Away from the Borderline and into the straight different direction.

She only wanted to get away from him, and so she was hoping that his territory was not so big, but what she didn't knew was that he was already playing with her. He had also set a plan into action, and that plan would work better.

She was only looking forward to finding the Borderline, and that was her only focus. She was so focused that she recognized far too late that he was faster than her and that he was already under her tail. Getting closer and closer to her most private place until he touched it with his tongue.

On contact, a shiver ran through her entire Body, and she looked down to see of what had touched her. Once seen, she screamed in shock and doing a right turn to get away from him again because he was flying a bit left sided. Just as he had planned it for her.

Like that, he lured her directly into his territory, which was bigger than she had thought of and once they both had reached the place, where he wanted her to go, he set on his final move.

They had reached a big park with a lake and a great Grassy Area in it. This Area was his private place in where no one was allowed to entire. Except it was a Female in Heat or need, just like now. Here he wanted to finish her off and make her his first Female that he had ever conquered. No matter if she wanted it or not.

He had teased her so far that her mind was already half clouded with lust and need. So it was no wonder that he had an easy Game for his final encounter. He flew close to her leaking slit again and began to aim with his tongue, but this time he didn't lick her. This time, he darted between her lips, buried a good inch of his long tongue inside her Body and began to eat her out.

Her reaction to that was massive.

She froze in shock and began to glide while he was eating her out. Luckily for her, he didn't do that long but long enough to keep her in a frozen state for his actions.

After a few quick inside licks, he withdrew his tongue and flew over her. Once he was completely over her, he began to push her down with his own Body while he used his Tail to keep on stimulating her by rubbing her slit with it.

To maneuver her down, he used his wings, who were much longer than hers, and her tail to change directions.

Like that, he only needed a few moments to bring her down just right where he wanted her. Near the lake and against the wind so that the water would have a cooling and slowing effect on them to maximize his first time.

They both landed in a perfect mating position and of course he immediately set on his search for her slit with his already 10 inches pre erected penis. Yet those actions on her brought back some spirits inside her Body, and she began to squirm under him. Trying to free herself from his grip, but it was a no-go. He was simply too strong, too heavy and in a too good position to give her just an inch of room. That was why she began to cry and to plead.

"Please Sire !!! Let me go !.... I.... I'm not.... Ready for becoming a Hen."

He just smirked on that and answered while he adjusted his stand a bit to give him a better angle on her back.

" Your Body says that you are ready, and you know the rules. Besides.... Your fault when you are not scanning your surroundings and looking on the persons you are talking to.... HEN !!!!"

He continued his search and to her sake, he found his target. It was on his third hump in the new position when he found it. First, he just barely missed it. Then he hit it, but his tip slit only over it without entering, and she gave a little breath of relief only to stop breathing a second later.

He hit again and this time, he made sure that he didn't slit out again by adjusting again.

"NO !!! PLEASE SIRE !!!..... PLEASE LET ME...... AHH !!!! AAAAHHHHH !!!!!!"

Her pleading was no use. While she was pleading, he began to hardly push forward. Burying his Tip and 6 Inches of Penis inside her, letting her scream and cry. That first quick push followed a second one, and that push had 3 effects on him. He buried another 6 Inches inside her, he made contact with her Hymn and another 4 Inches showed.

For a quick second, she wanted to do a last escape move because he paused to enjoy the moment. Yet before she could do a move, he retreated until only his Tip was the only thing inside her, and then he pushed so hard and fast back in that her Body was doing a slight jump forward.


It had happened. He had taken away her most private treasure. A Treasure which she had deeply hoped to give to the dragon which she was in Love with.

Behind her closed eyes, she saw that dream popping like a Balloon, and she began to realize that her Life as she knew it was now over. She began to realize that she would soon become a Hen to a Dragon who was just raping her for good.

With some deep disgust, she felt his 16 Inches of hot and sharp Dragon Penis sliding in and out of her Heat driven tunnel in a very fast pace. Plus, she hated herself for being such an easy Lay, and she hated herself even more that she was beginning to like it. No wonder when you think of the fact that he was already hammering her like a jackhammer. And this since he started.

" AAAHHHH !!!! So wonderful..... Tight !!!! MMMMHHHH !!!! I hope that you are enjoying it like I do." He said to her while he was pounding her like nothing.

" Pleeeaaa...... Ssss.... SSSTTTOOOOOOOO......"

She really wanted to tell him that she wanted him to stop, but his poundings were too hard and fast and her Body finally began to betray her.

Pleasure was building up inside her, and her Mind became fixed to pure Lust and want. Yet, in a deep side of it, she was still hoping that someone would stop him before it was ultimately too late.

Her Hymn had gone, her tunnel nearly filled with his entire Penis, but she remained unclaimed until he would erupt inside her. Yet she also knew that this hope was just a barely shadow. They were deeply inside his territory, and he had all rights to claim her because of her actions earlier, and there was no Dragon out there who would have the courage to help her.

Twenty-eight Inches inside her.

She began to feel weak, while her walls were beginning to contract all along his length.

Twenty-nine Inches inside her.

She felt his tip began to penetrate her Cervix and her walls were making now each time a full contact on him. No matter if he moved in or out.

Thirty inches inside and 3 humps before orgasm.

She couldn't take it anymore. The pleasure was too great. No matter if it was still a Rape or not, she came for him.

Thirty inches inside and 2 Humps before orgasm.

He felt the first Wave of her juices on his Tip, and he felt her Walls beginning to vice grip his entire length.

30.5 Inches Inside and 1 Hump before orgasm.

The grip became solid, and he knew that his time had come to claim her. That was why he swung his Wings up into the Air, threw His Head upwards and....

Thirty-one Inches inside and orgasm.

.... Pushed as quickly as he could for the final time into her, and with that push he buried a piece of his tip past her Cervix and began to release his Sperm directly into her Egg chamber.

While he did that, he began to roar his pleasure into the Air, closely followed by her Roar.

Wave after wave began to flood her Body and with each Wave, she did a cry sniff because she knew that her Life was now a different one than before.

After he had released his last wave, after 5 shots to be exactly, he retreated from her and once he was out, she began to roll herself into a protective Ball and let her sobs go. He on the other Hand began to lick himself clean while he began to think.

I didn't expect a first time to be such a great pleasure.... I want more of it !!! No matter if she wants me or not, she will become filled by me again !!!

After around 5 minutes of recovering, he moved close to her Head and said to her while she still kept on sobbing.

" That was a great go, my Lady. Now, what will it be next HHMMMM ???"

He played his Card political, but she knew that it was only a play and the final humiliation for her. There were only two options left for her now. Raise her tail for him and let him fill her womb until her Heat and her Life ends, or try to fly away and become raped again. Plus maybe killed afterwards as an Outlaw.

The decision was clear for her, even if she hated it.

She looked him into his Eyes in full hate, and he did a step backwards in a little shock, but then he began to smile evilly because of the show in front of him. First, she slowly stood up, turned herself slowly around so that her back was facing him. Then she lowered her front and finally gave him the sight of her still soaking slit before moving her tail aside. Next, she tried to speak to him in a defeated Voice, but she couldn't suppress some sobs while she spoke.

" Please Master.... Breed your.... Hen again.... Do me.... As you please.... I'm ... I'm.... Forever yours !!!!"

He didn't need to be told twice. Once she had ended, he was on top of her again and only a few moments later, she screamed out a moan again.

Somewhere in the City was also a rape going on. A Rape under the Humans and one of them said in laugh of the sounds from the dragons in the distance.

" Welcome to Dragon land, where nearly every first time is a Rape !!! No matter if Humans or Dragons !!! HAHAHAHA!!!"


The best Birthday Present — Chapter 5 — Happy Birthday ( Reforged )

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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The best Birthday Present — Chapter 4 — Life in Technicolor 2 ( Reforged )

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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The best Birthday Present — Chapter 3 — A new reason to Life ( Reforged )

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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