Do Not Cut Corners in Bulking

Story by ChubbyOmega on SoFurry

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#2 of Pokemon

Hey guys! Here is another pokemon weight gain story featuring Blaze the charizard. I hope you enjoy it and I accept any constructive critisizm.

Blaze smiled as he pulled out a large bag of blue candies from the pouch around his torso. The charizard smiled smugly as he shook the bag in front of his workout buddies, a typhlosion and a machoke. They stood in the locker room at their local gym. A few other pokemon walking by then either getting cleaned up in the showers or getting ready to exercise. "Heh. Told ya I could get a hold of some rare candies."

The machoke crossed his arms, impressed yet skeptical. "How'd you manage that? Those things are like stupid expensive and crazy hard to find."

"You know those protein shake I bought a bunch of?"

The typhlosion tilted his head. "You mean the ones that had a raffle that you were entered in for every pack you buy?" The typhlosion was new to the group, but all three got along pretty well. He sported a round belly that the other two were trying to help him out with.

"You know it. I somehow won the raffle! This is $2000 worth of rare candies. They're supposed to 'increase your level' or something like that. Basically, make you get stronger and bulk up."

The typhlosion was impressed. "Can I have a few? Maybe it'll help me lose weight!"

Blaze held the bag defensively. "Sorry my tubby friend, but I won them fair and square, so they're mine for the taking." He grabbed one from the bag and popped it in his mouth. "Huh, oran berry flavored. Not bad." His eyes widened as he felt a ton of energy race to him. "Wow! They weren't kidding when they said it was instant!"

Now he got the attention of both of them. The machoke peered at the bag. "Any instructions on how they work?"

"Pfft. You just eat them and get stronger. I bet you bulk up from these." Blaze was feeling like his cocky self with these rare candies. He was betting that he could get stronger than his machoke friend by the end of these. He ate a few more and flexed an arm. It looked a bit thicker and more muscles bulged from it. "Heh heh. These are amazing."

The typhlosion felt his arm. "Woah! I think you did get stronger. Step on the scale and see if you bulked in muscle!"

"Ya know, that's not a bad idea." Blaze walked over to one of the scales and stood on it. These scales were designed to hold all sorts of pokemon, so they had massive bases and the number read in front of the user and not down by the feet. The scale read 245. "Yep. I gained fifteen pounds already with five of them." He puffed out his chest in pride.

The machoke walked up to him and bent down to read what the bag said. "And it's all muscle? No fat?"

Blaze pulled it away defensively. "You're just jealous because I found the solution to all bulking problems," he expressed as a snide remark.

The machoke crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Look, I'm just looking out for you. If you don't want help, then I won't help."

Blaze snorted. He was feeling quite powerful with these. "I don't need help. I got my help." He popped five more in his mouth and the scale adjusted to the newfound weight. It wasn't instant, but it was quite fast. Blaze flexed an arm again and they seemed thicker and stronger. "Amazing."

He could feel the fire within him grow stranger as he ate those five. He was truly getting stronger. The typhlosion looked at Blaze in awe. "How many candies are in that bag?"

"Heh," Blaze chuckled, "just a measly one hundred of them!" He laughed a bit and ate 5 more. Typhlosion was just amazed the whole time and machoke looked him over. His eyes widened as he noticed something: Blaze's abs were diminishing under what almost seemed like fat.

"Hey, Blaze? I think that-" He was cut off by Blaze.

"I already said I didn't need your help, man. This is the best day of my life." He smiled.

The machoke snorted and just looked at Blaze's belly. Fine, if he didn't want help, he wouldn't help. He leaned against the wall and was in the for the show at this point.

His suspicion was confirmed as Blaze ate a few more. The scale read 275. It almost seemed like some of it was muscle and the rest was fat. He said nothing at all about to him, letting karma take its course.

The typhlosion tilted his head. "Um...Blaze?"

The machoke put a hand on his shoulder and the typhlosion looked up at him. The machoke motioned for the typhlosion to be quiet and whispered to him. "He will figure it out eventually."

The typhlosion hesitated as he watched, but nodded, letting Blaze do his thing.

Blaze was feeling all the energy come to him as he ate the rare candies. What he didn't realize is the candies have a ridiculous amount of calories in them, which gives off the energy and helps the pokemon level up, but when you have too many there were consequences. If he read the warning label on the bag he would know this.

His body began to soften, save for his arms, which seemed to get stronger. His legs, arms, and tail grew stronger, but his belly, legs, and tail took a lot of the fat as well, negating the appearance of muscle gain. The machoke smirked as he watched. He barely had any and he was getting chunky. This was going to be fun to watch.

After a few more candies the scale reached 300. Blaze stopped to admire his muscles for a bit, flexing both arms and looking at them. They were getting stronger, but he was also getting fatter at the same time, which he didn't seem to notice. His belly was rounded out, looking like a normal charizard's belly at this point. Others wouldn't notice much of anything since that was normal, but his close friends would realize he was putting on some poundage.

"How do I look, boys?"

"Looking like a strong charizard." the machoke stated. He wasn't wrong either, Blaze did look quite strong and fit, just with a normal char belly. Typhlosion gave the nervous thumbs up.

"Ha! You know it." He really was feeling power-hungry. At this rate, he wouldn't just out strength his machoke friend, he would be in a significantly higher weight class. That would help him out for their sparring matches. Maybe he should go into competitive fighting after all this new mass.

Blaze stopped showing off and ate a bunch more. The numbers on the scale slowly went up and up until they stopped at 355. His body didn't seem to agree with the large number of calories he consumed at once, so it turned more into fat than muscle, not that Blaze even noticed.

"Getting big there." The machoke smirked as he watched the buff charizard fill out with soft fat. A lot of the weight was put right onto his belly, which was looking quite soft and round now. Most others would consider him chubby at this point. His legs thickened a bit too with fat as he grew. His tail hasn't seen too much poundage yet.

"Thanks. Almost double your size." He steps off the scale and flexes next to the machoke, who only smiles.

"Gonna eat more of those?"

"You know it. I'm gonna eat all of them and we're gonna watch these numbers rise as I become the strongest charizard out there!" He snorts in pride. He heads back on the scale and smiles as he sees the number. "This is phenomenal..." he mutters.

Blaze guzzles down a bunch of them at once again just so he could see the number rise. 365, 380, 395, 400! His belly gurgled as he ate, more and more of the extra calories became fat over muscle. He was still getting stronger, but it took longer to "bulk up". "Must slow down after a while..." he mutters to himself. He assumed the body could only pack on so much at a time, "either way it's still gains." He grabbed another clawfull and ate them.

His belly was billowing out as his body digested all the candy. He was getting downright fat at this point. It drew attention to some of the pokemon, but none were brave enough to bring it up to him. His belly was a giant dome of yellow blubber. Not only was he growing fatter, but it almost seemed like he was growing taller! Blaze was the average five foot six, charizard before all this happened, but now he was pushing six feet! His legs and now even his tail was thickening as well.

410, 425, 440, 460! His body was absorbing all the calories and he was getting huge. It was getting impressive how dense Blaze was to not notice his expanding girth. His belly was like a ball of blubber that began to jostle at every movement. It was so big and round it was beginning to weigh itself down and swell closer to the ground. Charizards don't have long legs to begin with.

"Heh. Past double my weight now." He smirked and snorted, fire coming from his nose as he did. He flexed a fat arm and squeezed it. It was getting soft, but his pride made him believe it was him getting even stronger.

"Getting big there, Blaze." The typhlosion was worrying for his friend and his new size, yet he was also intimidated by the growing charizard. He's seen his anger before, and he would be quite angry when he finds out about his billowing belly.

"Isn't it great? I think I'm getting taller too. Maybe when this is done I should invest in more of these. I'm getting so big and strong!" He flexes some more and his belly responds with some jiggles, which he didn't notice.

He smiles and looks to see how many were still in the bag, there weren't too many left. He smirks and looks at the other two. "Watch this growth." He grabs the bottom of the bag and opens his maw wide before dropping the rest and swallowing them all in a few big gulps.

His belly gurgles loudly and begins to swell. He looked at the scale and he enjoyed watching the number rise. "I'm gonna be massive!" He laughs as he imagines all the muscle he was going to get. He closes his eyes and smiles. "So much energy. So much strength!" He goes to flex her muscles and puff out his chest when he feels an odd sensation. His abs were bumping the front of the scale.

He opens his eyes as his belly touches the ground. His pupils shrink and his jaw drops as he sees the scale say 510 before his belly blocked the number. "What...what the!"

He shakes his head and looks back down in disbelief. "This isn't real." He grabs the sides of his belly and hefts it up with not much struggle. He may be fat, but he was also very strong and powerful. His claws sank into the ball of adipose that was once his abs. "What happened to my amazing body?!"

"I tried to warn you, but you didn't want help."

Blaze swung his head towards machoke as he said that. There was anger in his eyes. "THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP ME?!" He waddled over with the machoke with a grunt and glared down at him. Blaze was much larger than the machoke in height and weight. Blaze was seven foot five and 530 pounds, while machoke was four foot eleven at 170 pounds. Normally machoke was on par with Blaze in strength and size, but now Blaze was a giant, and quite intimidating.

" were being a jerk, and you wouldn't listen to me..." He struggled to make eye contact with the raging charizard. Blaze snorted some fire and slowly waddled closer with every word.

"You. Ruined. ME!" He emphasized it by pinning machoke to the wall with his gut. Only machoke's head was not covered by the massive boulder of a belly.

"Calm down, Blaze. You..." the typhlosion tried to reason with him, but Blaze's glare stopped him in his tracks.

Blaze growled a deep growl and grabbed the machoke before throwing him against a wall, knocking him out. "You ruined me!" He stormed out of the locker room and into the gym. Other pokemon looked at him, shocked. "What are you all looking at?!"

The crowd was silent and intimidated by him. He growled some more and stormed out of the gym. He bumped into a bunch of smaller pokemon. Some just scurried while others told him to watch it, which Blaze returned with a furious glare, shutting them up quickly.

Even after all those candies, his belly growled for more food. All the quick digestion and expansion of his belly made him famished. "Need. Protein. Make. Blaze. Stronger." He huffed or snorted between words, filled with rage still, almost acting like a wild pokemon.

The bottom of his belly dragged on the ground, luckily his scales seemed to protect his soft underbelly for the most part. He waddled down the sidewalk, trying to calm down, but between him bumping into pokemon after pokemon and his belly insisting on getting more food, his rage stayed quite active. He eventually gave in to his hunger and waddled into a buffet restaurant.

The chansey at the counter smiled at him. "Welcome to Happy Belly. Could I interest you in the buffet?"

"Food. Me. Eat." Blaze growled and waddled past her. She looked him over and decided to not argue with him. She didn't get paid enough for that.

Blaze bumped through other pokemon who were getting food. He growled as he felt something prodding his belly. He pulled a small yamper out from under his belly and pushed it away. "Protein." There was a large selection of meats. He looked to the first one and started grabbing clawfulls and shoving them into his maw.

Other pokemon watched and gave him a wide berth, not wanting to interrupt him. He just kept eating and eating, putting different sauces and juices onto the meat and eating it. He went from platter to platter and devoured every single morsel. All the meat made its way into his ponderous belly. The amount he was eating could rival that of a snorlax. His belly began to bloat out as he finished up all the meat on the counter. He looked for more meat, but he couldn't find any more.

The typhlosion came into the buffet to try and calm Blaze down. He watched him finish off the meat and wander around looking for more. He took some food off of some customers' plates, but after a while that grew tiresome. "More food." He started heading towards the desert area.

The typhlosion gasped and waddled over quickly to the behemoth charizard. "Blaze! You need to stop. You're gonna damage your figure even more!" Blaze just shoved him out of the way.

"Blaze. Food." He went and grabbed a nozzle from the soft-serve ice cream machine. Typhlosion's eyes widened and he tried to push Blaze away from it. The push caught Blaze off guard and he fell onto his back, his massive belly jostling and the ground shaking. Typhlosion sighed in relief until he saw Blaze's belly swell. He looked down and saw he still had the nozzle and was chugging ice cream.

"Blaze! Stop!" But Blaze didn't even slow down. His gargantuan gut swelled as his stomach filled up with ice cream. Typhlosion tried to pull the nozzle away, but Blaze pushed him away. His belly swelled bigger as he chugged more ice cream. It was impressive how much he could hold. His belly did not stop growing, beginning to challenge all of the typhlosions body in size with his gut alone. The only thing that stopped Baze from eating was the fact that the ice cream machine ran out of ice cream.

"More food," Blaze muttered as he attempted to get up.

"Forgive me, Blaze..." The typhlosion ran up to blaze and used a thunder punch on his belly. The building quaked from the scale of the burp Blaze let out from that. The typhlosion did it again and again, eventually making Blaze faint.

Blaze groaned as he woke up. He shook his head a bit and yawned before opening his eyes. "Shit..." The first thing he saw was the yellow horizon of his belly. He snorted and prodded it with a claw.

"Oh! You're awake!" Typhlosion came out around his belly. "Morning big guy. Sorry for thunder punching you five times."

"What? Where am I? What happened?" He groaned.

The machoke comes out as well. "You ate 100 rare candies and made yourself a snorlax. After that, you blamed me, knocked me out, and went on a rampage." Blaze frowned.

"I lost control again, didn't I?"

"Big time. You also ate a crop load of food on your rampage." The machoke pats Blaze's belly.

He watched it jiggle and sighed. "So all this fat is real? I did this to myself?"


Blaze sat up and sighed. "I'm huge."

The typhlosion perked up. "At least you're super strong too!"

He hefted up his belly and got up. "You're right, but I can't be seen like this. I'll look like a fool! I was supposed to join the league! I can't do that looking like this." He dropped his belly and watched it jiggle.

"Sorry big guy. You know we will help you lose weight though. You should be able to waddle around still, but that big gut of yours will be on the ground unless you carry it where you walk."

Blaze blushed a bit at that idea. "Yeah. Thank you, boys. I'm sorry I acted like that." He smiled a bit. "I'll work harder at that." His belly growled and he rubbed it. "So...what's for breakfast?"

Cops Love Doughnuts

It was a beautiful evening night in Celadon City. Most pokemon were getting out of work on this calm Wednesday. Those who were able to drive cars drove home, and many quadrupedal pokemon either took taxis home or walked home, as most cars are not...

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