Kaiba's Adventure in the Hearth - A Sieg and Marien Side Story.

Story by Farfener on SoFurry

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A short side side story from my larger story: Sieg and Marien, which is in turn a Fanfiction of TwoKinds by Tom Fischbach.

During a rescue mission into the depths of an underground society, Kaiba the wolf gets separated from his comrades and lost. In the darkness a predator waits, but perhaps it is not his life that she is after.

Done as a commission for Spearmint Wolf.

Kaiba looked around, his sharp wolfen eyes scanning the darkness. The cave around him was cramped and dark, lit only by a single candle some thirty or forty paces back. But even the faintest glimmers of light playing off the cave walls lit up his vision. His Keidran eyes flashed, his hand gripped his razor sharp sword, wisps of steam rose from his fur in the cold, his hot breath creating billowing clouds of vapour. He was the very picture of a powerful wolfen warrior, on a mission to save a girl that he fancied.

And he was completely and utterly lost.

"Well..." Kaiba looked around, trying to decide between the three paths open to him. "This ain't good at all..."

He thought about calling out, Sara and Halec couldn't be too far off. But alerting the Hearth warriors to his position seemed like a very poor idea indeed. He sniffed the air, trying to catch the scent of the trail he had left for himself, but to no avail. Everything just smelled like Basitin. Well that, and a far more powerful, far more alluring, scent. The pungent, almost spicy, smell of Basitin arousal and sex.

As the surface Basitins only mated once a year, the smell of their mating was, for all intents and purposes, non-existent. There was the odd dock worker or soldier he would pass who would smell of illicit sex, but those were few and far between, and had little to no affect on him.

But in the Hearth, where there were no modesty laws, the inhabitants regularly mated, purely for fun and pleasure. Goodness knows he had enjoyed time with more than a few females in the Hearth on the mainland, Basitins were just so damn attractive. And so, while most of the time Kaiba found the sexually liberated aspect of the Hearth Basitins especially alluring, now that he was lost and alone, the arousal the scent was stirring in him was not welcome in the least.

"No!" Kaiba growled to himself as he felt a slight stirring in his loins, the shifting of his member against its protective sheath. "Here fer a rescue, tha's it!"

But he couldn't stop thinking about it... the scent was invading his brain. In his mind's eye he could envision it so clearly, a lithe, strong, Basitin female writhing and moaning beneath him... Her legs would coil around his waist, her warmth wrapped around him. A small nip on her ears was all it took to send her of the edge, making her whole body quiver, her sex tightening around him, begging him to release. Sometimes there would even be another watching with baited breath as he mated thier sister or friend, their legs spread wide, just waiting for their turn.

With a growl, Kaiba shook his head. 'No! Focus! Gotta...' Feeling a twinge, Kaiba looked down at himself and sighed as he noted a significant bulge in his pants. "Oh for heaven's sake..."

In the darkness some thirty paces away, a pair of Hearth warriors watched Kaiba carefully.

"Think we can take him?" The first warrior, a young male with a spear, asked, keeping his voice as low as possible as he turned to his partner.

"He's lost and alone." the second warrior replied, her lips curling back to reveal her teeth. "We follow him, wait till he is trapped, then we take him down."

As she spoke, Kaiba spun round, his attention drawn by some far off shouting. As he did, the warrior caught sight of the bulge in his pants. Her breath caught in her throat, the size of it...

"I dunno... he's pretty big. Shouldn't we-" The first warrior cocked his head, "Maple? Are you alright?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah, right, big." Maple turned to her comrade. "You go and get some help, I'll take care of the wolf."

"Are you... sure?"

"Trust me, I can handle him."

"Okay... as long as you are sure."

"I am. Go!"

As her comrade slunk off to go and find reinforcements, Maple took a moment to look over her prey. There was a tightness in her chest, a warmth in her loins. She had felt her heat coming for several days now, and the build up of tension was starting to gnaw at her. No, she had a duty to fulfill! But then again...

"Maybe... I can take care of two things at once." she thought, her left hand absentmindedly tracing down her chest, across her belly, and eventually to the warmth between her legs.

"Okay...Coin toss." Kaiba dug into his pockets, searching for a coin. "'Eads I go right, tails I go left..."

Kaiba paused, staring at the third tunnel.

"Okay... Edge I go straight? 'Ardly seems fair..." Growling in frustration he gripped the coin. "Come on Kaiba, focus! Always bin lucky s'far."

Placing the coin on his thumb, he flipped it. But as the coin flew up into the air with a light ring, a noise to Kaiba's left drew his attention.

The coin fell to the ground and rolled down the left tunnel, coming to a stop at the feet of a female Hearth warrior.

"Heads." the female purred as she bent down and picked up the coin. "Your luck seems to have run out. That way leads to a maze that would almost certainly end up with you dying of thirst or hunger, assuming the rats don't get you of course."

Kaiba raised his sword as the Basitin drew closer. "Stay back!


"I don't wanna 'urt you lass. I'm jus tryin t' get a friend back."

"I know, and I can respect that. But... I can't let you pass, that would put all of my people in danger."

"I'm jus' here for a girl."

"Lucky her." The female reached to the belt around her waist, the one item of clothing she was wearing, and drew a pair of short swords.

"Y'sure yeh wanna fight this one out? I'm bigger and stronger than you lass, and yer alone. Meanin no disrespect, but I got the advantage."

"But then again, I'm fighting on home territory." The warrior spun the swords around in her hands. "I'd call it even odds."

"So... we both die, or we both decide this ain't worth the trouble and back off?"

"Those are two thoughts. But I had a third."

"An what's that?"

The warrior straightened, raised her arms, and dropped her swords. The blades clattered to the ground, the sound of metal on rock echoing through the tunnel.

"What'r you-"

"You're right. If we fight, I may die, you may die, or we both could die. So... with that in mind, why fight."

As the warrior stepped into the pale light, Kaiba was struck by her beauty. Her fur was a dark, ruddy taupe, with a single white stripe running down her throat, between her breasts, across her muscular belly, and curving over her groin. Her fur was long and soft, she almost certainly had a touch of northerner in her, and her eyes were pools of dark blue.

Kaiba tried to resist, but he couldn't help but glance between her legs, at the delicate pink flesh just barely visible beneath the pale fur.

You have something I want." The warrior purred, her thighs rubbing seductively together as she stepped forwards. "And I think... I may just have something that you want as well."

Kaiba raised his sword, but the Basitin kept coming. She gently ran her claws along the flat edge of the blade, licking her lips as she drew up in front of him. Kaiba froze, the smell of the warrior was powerful, she was deeply aroused. He could even see the tips of her nipples emerging from beneath her fur.

"She's not just aroused," he realized. "By the masks... she's in heat!"

Kaiba cleared his throat. "Well I.. I uh..."

"Shhhhh." The warrior crooned, placing a hand on Kaiba's lips, before running her finger down his neck, across his chest and belly, and eventually to the tie holding up his pants.

Kaiba knew he should stop her, he knew this was stupid, hell it was probably a trap. He had to go, he had to get Kallen, she needed him. But... he couldn't force his muscles to move.

"No need to kill him myself." Maple thought to herself as she gently tugged on the knot holding up Kaiba's pants. "Before long Sparrow will be back and we'll have him cornered and outnumbered-"

As Kaiba's pants dropped, Maple was struck by the size of his erection. Kaiba's penis was almost fully erect, the bright red shaft twitching as it emerged further from its furry sheath with each beat of his heart. A small droplet of moisture was visible at the tip, shimmering in the darkness.

Maple had never been to the mainland, she'd never seen a wolf Keidran before. Once, several years ago, she had a fling with a fox while living in one of the Western Hearths. He'd brought her great pleasure and happiness, though fate had eventually separated them. He had been small, both in body and member, but he had made up for it with spirit and enthusiasm.

But the organ in front of her was large, larger even than a Basitin's, and it fascinated her. She'd heard that wolves' members could be colourful, ranging from red to almost purple, but the colour was so vivid. The thick veins, the bulging knot forming at the base, the delicate tip. It was an efficient tool, designed by the harsh realities of wild life to deliver semen as deep as possible into a receptive female. Maple couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like, to have her body pumped full of warm wolf seed, feeling it's heat spread within her.

Of course, she had a duty to fulfill, she had to protect her people... but the wolf didn't seem interested in hurting anyone. Perhaps all she needed to do was slow him down...

"S-see something yeh like there lass?"

The wolf's voice made Maple jump a little. For a moment, just a moment, she considered allowing the wolf to have his way with her. He certainly seemed eager enough, and she could feel a strong desire in her loins. But even if he couldn't impregnate her, the wolf's seed could still affect her, and render her barren until her next cycle. And she had been seriously considering having a child this time.

"But that doesn't mean I can't have some fun, and accomplish my mission."

Without answering, Maple leaned forward, her breath hot against Kaiba's exposed flesh. As she drew close, Kaiba reached down and grabbed a handful of her hair.

"Don't yeh be gettin any funny ideas with those teeth 'ah yours."

"You have my word." She huffed, unable to hide the lustful excitement in her voice. "Put your sword to my back if you desire, but I mean no harm."

"This is a bad idea!" Kaiba's mind screamed at him. "Bad idea! Warning!"

But those thoughts went utterly unheeded as he released his grip.

Maple opened her mouth and ran her tongue from the base of Kaiba's shaft to the tip, the salty taste rather pleasant. He tongue tingled a little as she felt the salty precum mix with her saliva. She swallowed, feeling the tingle travel down her throat and into her core.

Kaiba let out a long, low groan, his legs shaking ever so slightly. The scent in the caves, the scent of the warrior's heat, they were driving him crazy, obliterating all other thoughts. He'd been at sea for so long... he hadn't had relief since leaving Cedarwood Rock weeks ago, and even then that had only been with a vixen slave. No joy, no passion, just a quick fuck before going out ot sea.

But this, there was real lust, real need. And the danger... the danger made it feel so much better.

Gently massaging the petals of her sex with one hand, Maple reached up and gently fondled Kaiba's orbs. The fur was surprisingly soft, and the flesh warm. They were swollen, full of seed and desperate for release. She enjoyed the feeling as she rolled the soft, sensitive organs around, knowing that with a single motion she would crush them and bring the wolf down.

"You haven't been with a female in a long time, have you."

"B-Bin at sea mostly... not much chance less yer willing to settle fer a fella."

"And you're not?"

"Not t' my taste."

"You poor thing." Maple purred. "Let's see... What can I do about that."

Before Kaiba could react, Maple opened wide and took as much of his member into her mouth as she could. Kaiba tensed, at first in surprise, then in concern, and finally in bliss. His claws carved little furrows into the stone as she began to move her head up and down, sucking on his cock, the tip of his shaft intruding deep into her throat.

Kaiba threw his head back and had to fight to keep from howling as he felt Maple's long tongue curl around his shaft with each movement of her head, the warmth of her mouth sending waves of bliss up his spine. She even purred a little, each vibration lighting new fires in his mind. His fire was stoked further by the soft movement of her fingers across his balls, the intense danger of the situation making him shiver with need more. All other thoughts flew out of his mind, this was exquisite, he wanted it to last forever.

Maple, for her part, very much enjoyed the sensation of the wolf's long member in her mouth and throat. She'd always enjoyed giving pleasure to her partners, both male and female, and she had become quite good at it. Two of her fingers she slid inside herself, the other two gently playing with her clit. She wanted Kaiba in her so badly, but she also didn't want to wait another six months to have the child she planned to have.

Kaiba's toes curled, he could feel himself building. An orgasm, a strong one was coming. But then, suddenly, it was over. A soft whimper escaped Kaiba's lips as Maple pulled back, a thin line of saliva running from her lips to his tip..

"Satisfied of my pure intentions?" She asked, licking her lips. She still fingered herself, her breath coming is short, breathy gasps as the heat in her loins continued to build.

"Y-yes... I sh-should say so."

"Good. Then tell me."

"Wh-what do yeh mean?"

Maple chuckled a little to herself. She loved his accent, even if it did make him seem almost a little dim. "Tell me, my big strong wolf, what you want."

Unable to stop himself, Kaiba released his grip on his sword, and grabbed the back of Maple's head. With a swift jerk of his hips, he pushed his cock back into the Basitin's mouth.

At first Maple was surprised by the uninvited intrusion, but seconds later was eagerly sucking on Kaiba's member again. She flicked her tongue across the tip, enjoying the taste of the nearly constant stream of pre-cum. She loved how out of control her prey was, each downward motion on his shaft making him jerk instinctively forwards. His sack had grown tight, his essence preparing for release. He wouldn't last long, and she was curious to know what his seed would taste like.

Kaiba could feel an orgasm building within him, his member throbbing and starting to twitch. He didn't want it to end, but he needed to cum so badly. Everything was a whirlwind of thoughts, the world burned away, it was only him and this gorgeous bastin.

Then, like foam pouring over the edge of to-full tankard, he felt a powerful rush of pleasure tear through him. His cock twitched hard and he released a torrent of cum into Maple's mouth.

The impact of Kaiba's cum against the back of her throat startled Maple. Not just the sheer volume, but the heat of it, the electricity that the presence of the wolf's life-giving fluid sent pulsing through her. She drank greedily, swallowing as much as she could as fast as she could. The hand around his sack moved urgently, trying to force as much semen out as possible, while the fingers teasing her own nethers moved faster and harder. The heat of Kaiba's seed spreading down her throat triggered a powerful build up inside of her.

All at once, Maple felt her vaginal muscles tighten as she came, moaning hard against Kaiba's still pulsing member. Her whole body shuddered as she threw her head back, Kaiba's cock sliding free from her lips, and howled in ecstasy. Her fold pulsed and twitched hard, sending a few glistening drops of dew to the floor of the cavern floor.

Kaiba panted as he dropped to one knee, his wet member still pulsing and sending weak jets of cum to the cave floor.

Maple licked her lips again, savoring the salty taste. Not as pleasant as a good lay perhaps, but still damn satisfying.

"That... that was.." Kaiba looked up at Maple, "You... you really-"


The sound of Halec's voice somewhere down the middle tunnel made Kaiba's ears perk up.


"Where are you?"

"I'm 'ere!"

"Oh for the love of- Where is 'Here', you big dumb dog?" Irritation in Halec's voice was obvious. "Are you alright?"

In an instant, the reality of the situation came crashing back to Kaiba. What was he doing? What was he thinking? Frantically he pulled up his pants and tied the string back in place.

"I'm fine!" he called back, his shuddering fingers just barely managing to tie a knot.

"Stay where you are, we're coming to you!" Halec's voice was much closer now, and Kaiba could see the glow of a torch approaching from down the tunnel.

Bending down to retrieve his sword, Kaiba turned back to Maple. "Look, I don't want to fight but-"

Maple was gone.

Kaiba spun round, but there was no sign of her, not a single trace.

"Did I... dream that?"

"There you are!" Halec growled, huffing as he jogged up the center tunnel towards the confused looking wolf. "I told you to stay close, you insane fleabag!"

"Yeah..." Kaiba shook his head, "Right, sorry cap'm."

"Are you alright?" Sara asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Me? Yeah, yeah errythin' is... is good."

Sara stepped forwards. "Are you hurt?" As she approached, an odd scent hit her nose.

"NO! Kaiba yelped, shifting to cover a puddle of cum with his paw. "All good! Good to go!"

"Good, then let's go get Kallen."


"And pay attention!" Halec added as the three began running down the tunnel. "I don't want you getting lost again!"

As the light of Halec's torch vanished, Maple detached herself from the shadows against the cave wall. She sighed heavily, that had been far too close.

Padding forwards she knelt and gently touched the already cooling puddle of seed. Bringing a bit of it up to her nose, she sniffed, the scent filling her with a strange feeling she couldn't quite identify.

"Be careful down there." She sighed, getting back to her feet. "You big dumb wolf."

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Special thanks to my Patrons: Dowel-Rod , Tokamak, ArcaniA20, & DrowsyUnicorn!

And Special thanks to: Spear Mint Wolf for his stellar editing work.