Breaking in Modruk: The Date part 2

Story by Logan Ice on SoFurry

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Hello all. Here's the second half of the beginning of my third arc in the "Breaking in Modruk" series. If you're reading this and didn't catch the previous chapter I recommend you visit it and skim, there's a lot that gets explained in that chapter. Folks you know the deal FAV if you enjoy it, VOTE if you want to judge how good it is, WATCH me if you want to be easily notified for future stories and CUM if you... well you know. I do these stories for you guys, so I always love hearing your thoughts and opinions.


Everything seemed so dreamlike thus far. As of that moment Danny wasn't exactly sure if he was even awake. That deviant troll, who had up till now played the full role of a swaggering arrogant frat jock. Veril, who had started all this, was right there before him!

Danny knew full and well that this troll was the reason for all these bad things happening, yet he didn't hate him, and he couldn't understand why. Yes there was alarm when those physically powerful arms amassed around him, pulling Danny's back to the troll's chest. He felt more composed now but an apprehension still lingered. Danny couldn't deny it though, watching the purple troll start to silently cry. His heart melted when he saw the other show true remorse for his actions, but now things seemed to have gotten down to business. There were bigger concerns like that voicemail message Veril now contemplated, heavy in thought.

Danny knew silently the correct thing to do would be to contact campus security, or the police even, but that answer implicitly seemed out of the question. Max had explained the likely result of such an action would not only get the contents of that blackmailing video released, but also punish everyone as a whole in the non-human college community by having the frat shut down entirely. Neither of the two were things Danny wanted to happen. Still the idea that this was going to be solved outside professional help made Danny nervous especially with the bravado Max left with this morning. Now Veril was in on this, Danny wasn't sure if he should have been relieved or not. He raised an eyebrow and watched the troll ahead of him pace back and forth, still holding his cell phone. The white haired, lanky male cast a glance down every now and then at the cell, his face strained as if trying to collect his thoughts before he spoke.

"Tha message is sayin yuh gotta go and be servin others." Veril started off slowly.

"Yea," Danny agreed. "That's what it just said."

The troll shook his head, and then wiped his white bangs aside from his brow with a broad three fingered hand. "Naw mon. They isa bein sayin this because yuh isa available. Ya know, ya ain't datin no one."

The words sank in and Danny frowned at the implications. "Now that isn't true. Max and I are together. We're dat-" Danny had to catch himself before it fully came out. "We're together. I'm his Modruk."

"Yuh don't even know wha that isa bein." Veril said and waved a hand to dismiss the utter notion. Danny furrowed his brow and made an angry face. The troll saw this and tried to offer a weak smile. "Ain't tryin none ta make yuh mad, but Veril isa sure yuh ain't knowin what that even means none." He turned more to face Danny, stopping his pacing. "An even if yuh was jus datin the orcer like regular, isa still wouldn't matter none, mon. The brudda's at the house only respect the relationships other brudda's have."

Danny exhaled at what was being said, getting the gist of it. "Your frat, the members won't sleep or date each other's girlfriends?"

"O boyfriends, mon, but yuh that bein it." Veril said slowly. Then pressed, "It isa bein an honor thing among members. Not stepping on each other's feeties so da speak." He then made a face Danny couldn't exactly make out at first. The sudden change in expression clearly implied the troll had just thought of something. His face morphed from looking concerned to just plain smug. He was silent as if trying to think of what to say before he spoke. "That isa what Veril isa thinking. What if yuh was ta be datin a frat brudda."

There was a small moment of silence as the words set in. Danny wondered if he heard that correctly. As he looked, more and more that troll seemed to change his demeanor. Standing up straighter and looking more proud, gone was the weeping sad creature Danny wanted to hold and comfort. Now before him was again that more familiar jock, whose leering grin spread over his elongated face.

"You mean you?" Danny said.

"Unless yuh got another frat brudda in mind, mon." Veril softly shrugged.


"Good then ya wanna be doin dis with Veril, yuh?"


"Baw, c'mon now hyoomon. Wha isa wrong with Veril?"

Danny almost scoffed at the question. "After everything you've done, you still don't know? This situation is entirely your fault!" The statement came out forcefully, more than he planned on putting into it.

Veril lowered his head with an obvious look of disappointment. Danny was looking stern and could tell the troll was trying to come up with a way to salvage the suggestion. The troll spoke more calmly and a bit cautiously. "Yuh mon, Veril knows it. Veril isa jus tryin ta make up fer da mistakes Veril made." Danny's face showed that he was still unconvinced and the purple male pressed. "Danny, Veril still wants ta hold and protect yuh, mon."

Veril stepped forward after saying that. His broad frame fully faced the human and he opened up his arms a bit, as if to begin an embrace. Danny gulped and made the smallest movements to step backwards.

There was a rush of movement.

The human's heart pace heightened as the troll's bigger form suddenly came in. Danny gasped and cringed, almost waiting for pain or to be toppled down, but those strong long arms came around his bare chest and sides. Hey felt those large hands close around his back, and press in. His own arms were moved around Veril's so he clasped on the troll's sides. Danny knew it'd be futile to try and fight off the other, so their embrace seemed almost passionate. Looking up Danny had to suddenly avert his gaze, as Veril was looking so intensely down at him. Where his head went though Veril's lowered and followed, their foreheads ended up touching and Danny was made to look in the purple soul piercing gaze.

"Veril still remembers how yuh was at the door. Veril didn't want yuh ta go and get hurt and yuh didn't trust Veril. Yuh gotta trust now though mon. Veril don an want yuh ta go through that door again and leave him." Danny shivered remembering well being so publically humiliated, and the troll felt it. The hug got a bit tighter and those three fingered hands, balmy but warm, gentle roamed up and down his bare back.

"Veril still loves how soft and squishy yuh is feelin. Yuh isa feelin really gud mon."

The comment caused Danny to blush. His heart raced, twittering and his stomach felt like it had butterflies inside them. What was happening? Danny's felt his cheeks grow red hot, which he heard caused the troll to chuckle overhead. He knew he was becoming excited by the idea. A part of Danny hated it. He hated that troll, those wriggling long ears, his handsome elongated face and nose, those deep eyes, the way the troll's own arrogance seemed to seep out from every pore, his uncaringly tousled hair, even the way that Cajun accept dripped from the purple one's tongue. Danny hated Veril. He hated the Veril for making him like the troll, far more than he should have.

Veril let his embrace slacken a bit. "Yuh may have yer doubt's mon, and Veril don't blame yuh none. It isa leap a faith o sorts that's askin from yuh, but Veril promises he can protect yuh from tha evil in tha voicebox. Veril can save yuh mon."

Danny felt as the embrace fall off his back. The troll body parted from his, the three fingered hands then moved up to Danny's own. The larger mitt opened the human's palm and Danny felt his phone deposited back in his grasp. Then silently the troll backed away, and the human watched as the purple nonhuman turned back around to the door and opened it up.

Everything was so confusing. What could he do? Danny made a soft gasp, as if to begin saying something and Veril paused at the door his hand holding the frame. Those long ears twitched in anticipation, but Danny swallowed anything he had to say. Then he watched as Veril seemed to slump and proceed to leave.

Danny waited for the door to click shut before giving a sigh of relief and apprehension. There was a lot on his plate right now, too much to deal with. Looking at his phone though Danny flipped it back open and hit a button, his eyes widened.

"Veril can save me." Danny repeated the promise in his head. "Or at least he thinks he can." He added in his head. Unsure if he believed it or not, he looked down and saw that the troll had put himself in Danny's contact list. He eyed the newly added cell phone number.

"All I have to do is call."


"Excuse me?"

Max wasn't sure if he had heard right, but ahead of him his nearly nude older brother was not showing any signs that he was kidding.

"Suck my dick." Logan bluntly ordered yet again. His mitts rested on his hips, thumbs sliding under the jock strap around his waist. He pulled it out then snapped it back to his skin. "What you didn't think I was going to help you for nothing did you?" Max saw Logan's face almost glower at him.

"His freaking nerve!" Max thought. The younger brother shook his head and held out his hand as if to pause this awkward moment. "I guess I kind of was. I don't know. Look Logan if you want something I can give you-"

"- a nice blowjob," the wrestler green skin said again, cutting Max off.

Logan tensed his muscles, momentarily letting his sculpted frame bulge out becoming rock solid before relaxing. In all his lewd glory, Max looked at that arrogant face, down the slabs of bulky pectorals, then further, past the strong torso where each distinct bread loaf sized abdominal pressed out against the skin. He came to take in Logan's thick thighs and saw that ample sized package, barely contained in the black jock fabric.

"I don't want any of your crap now." Logan said gruffly. "I don't want something that is convenient for you, because you're not asking anything that's convenient from me."

With that the larger orc stepped forward. Max's eyes widened as his brother slowly came to him, and the younger orc backed up, feeling a bout of pure fear. He had to keep telling himself that this was his brother, his, kin, his blood who wouldn't hurt him, but Max's backward movements had to stop when his back hit the wall behind him. Soon the smelly massive wrestler was before him, their chests barely touching.

It didn't often set in how much bigger Logan was to Max, until situations like this arose with the taller orc staring down from above. Logan raised a beefed up arm, and rested his palm next to the younger orc's head on the wall. Being this close Max couldn't help but breathe in his older bro's heavy scent, a mixture of grime, musk from an evening for working out and message oil. He tried to mask any apprehensions by keeping his face looking stern. Above Logan scratched the tuft of his goatee with his other hand.

"How much is you're relationship with that human worth to you?" Logan asked.

"He's - he's my Modruk." Max replied back, trying to salvage his dignified tone, he almost glared up at his brother.

"You crazy stupid kids." Logan muttered. The hand that had been scratching his chin lowered and cupped under Max's. The younger orc was made to look into his older bro's eyes. Then right before him, the bigger orc snorted and spat out. Max barely had time to close his eyes as chunky wad of saliva and snot blobbed his face. Feeling the warmth that nearly covered his cheek and began to drip down, shock erupted in Max's mind, then anger and he growled out and moved to raise his hands.

"Keep them fucking down if you know what's good for you!" Logan growled deeper right on back, almost feral sounding and bore his tusks. Menacingly he moved his head in. Max felt his cheeks burn hot when Logan's square jaw came to his, feeling the exhaling wash right over his face. Hot and stale, the breathing filled Max's sensitive orc nose as he winced.

"Logan - Logan what are you doing?" He tried to ask. Another animalistic growl was the only answer he got in return. Max gulped in air getting another lungful of Logan's snorting while trying to think of a way to reason with his brother.

Their maws were so close to each other.

Then it happened. With a sudden vigor Logan's wider lips mashed down on Max's. The younger green skin tired to pull away but being planted against the wall behind him there was no where to go. It was steamy hot, with those chewy fat lips mashing to his, both mouths became messy with spittle, it collected and dripped down both their lips. Max's hands rose and pressed into the Logan's sweaty chest, as if to heave off but he could barely move the orc. Logan only increased his oral assault bearing full force upon his trapped kin with this vigorous kiss. Both nostrils snorted against each others; Max finding it particularly difficult to draw in air managed to turn his head to the side. Logan's mouth seemed to eat the side of his mouth as Max gasped for much needed air. Logan again directly followed the maw and fully met it full force. This time, Logan hooked their lips together, forcing his slug like tongue deep into his younger unwilling brother's maw. The saliva drenched muscle nearly reached the back of Max's throat. He felt humiliated and panic stricken as the hot tongue molested against his own, wrapping around it. Max couldn't fight it with his own, much as he tried. His brother orc's superior oral strength seemed like it toyed with Max's while he quivered and fought. Logan's dominated Max's maw utterly, pressing his tongue then into the other orc's cheeks, slithering around inside the gums then reaching deep into the younger one's throat, going as far to tease the top of Max's tonsils. Globs of spit were fed into Max's gullet, which he had to surrender and drink down before trying to breath. Then Logan's tongue retracted and his chops parted from Max's gasping mouth. Strands of clear saliva connected their lips then dripped down.

It was over just like it began with a suddenness Max was not prepared for. He was left, weak, panting and again he heard his brother growl upon him again. Another snort and a second glob of saliva splattered Max's forehead. This time the orc didn't react, just feeling the new trickle of warmth fall to his eyebrows. He was left there panting as Logan backed up a few steps, saliva coating his lower jaw, cheek and forehead now. Max felt mostly shocked by what just happened.

"You thought you had me all won over on this, didn't you?" Logan asked. He rubbed a thumb under his lower lip, to collect any spittle and sucked it down. "I ain't some hired goon you can have muscle around where ever you need. What you're asking for could jeopardize my job and our livelihoods."

Max looked on only in disbelief.

Logan seemed to gauge his brother's reaction. "What, you didn't think a public face like mine, beating up on a bunch of college kids is going to do wonders for my career? Any one of them could nab me with a cell phone video and put it on the internet. Heh, I do something too drastic and bam, the gravy train is over."

Max frowned. This sudden change in demeanor caught him off guard entirely. "Logan I don't want to put anyone at risk. That's what this is all about." He tried to make himself sound as insistent and serious as possible but the words fell on deaf pointed ears and Max winced as another healthy helping of spit hit his face. He felt his cheeks burn with aggravation and embarrassment this time.

"Stop that!" He growled but then quickly caught himself.

"You're trying to bail out that human." Logan said over the other's complaint. His voice had an air of contempt. "If you want my help I want you to prove your devotion to that lad by dropping on your knees and do the one thing you've always fought against...submitting."

The younger orc pressed his palms to Logan's chest and shoved the bigger male away from him. The bigger orc moved backwards from the motion, and then leaned back on the masseuse table. Without waiting for permission Max wiped the schlepping goo from his face. His anger was boiling but he kept it in check. "I do this, and I get your help?"

"You do exactly what I say, and I'll think about considering it. Now take off your shirt."

It was an order.

Max saw his older brother looking intently at him, testing his reaction. Max knew Logan was waiting for a single glimmer of defiance, which he knew he mustn't show. Not for a second. Logan didn't want to help Max. That much was clear, but now after that sheer display of dominance Max felt a renewed determination to get his begrudging brother's help. "Logan will help. I'll see to it before this night is over" Max thought. It gave him a slight hint of satisfaction, while otherwise knowing full well he was getting the short end of the stick here.

Max grabbed the hem of his shirt and peeled it off his body, showing off his well-built frame. He wasn't nearly as built as Logan, his frame being leaner. Casually he dropped it to the ground.

"There you go. So far so good, eh?" Max saw as Logan licked at his lower tusks, hungrily. "Now get over here and drop to your knees slut." The name seemed to roll off Logan's tongue with too much ease for the younger orc's comfort. Max stopped himself short of making a face and fought the urge to say something back. He stonewalled his reaction knowing what his older brother was doing, trying to provoke an act of defiance.

Walking over Max approached his older bro. Logan who was a almost a half foot taller than Max, already towered over his brother but the effect of his smug authority was more dramatic as the younger orc surrender himself to his knees. He became eye level with the older green skin's sizeable jock contained package. The deep fiery scent of Logan's raunchy and budding arousal filled his sensitive nose. The jock fabric outlined Logan's fat cock underneath, and looked t thoroughly drenched in hot sweat, dipped in a container of the porous excretions just moments prior. By the pure stink Max knew it was caked in other bodily fluids. Max made a face of repugnance for only the briefest of moments, but was caught.

"Baw what's this?" Logan asked in a mock of sympathy. Max caught himself, and looked up, past Logan's strong stomach and bulky pecs. He saw Logan leer almost evilly, down at him. The older orc continued. "You don't look so happy now. I thought you wanted to help Danny."

Max let a feigned smile spread across his face. He tried his best to mask his humiliated annoyance, and frustration at his brother and tried to look as cheery as possible. "No no, I'm fine. It's ok, see?" Max grinned wide showing his teeth.


"Good." Logan said curtly. A hand lowered from resting on his hip and he grabbed around his package. Giving it a squeeze, around the root of his cock and around his balls, his package flexed out more, making the jock pull even tauter around it. Max felt the heat from the ample flesh so close to his face increase. "Then prove it and give is a nice kiss."

With the forward movement of his hips Logan's steamy jock smushed around his brother's face. Max gasped out feeling the heated membrane of fabric, which encased that semi-hard cock start to rub up and down his cheek. Hot male stink and wet residue was trailed as the jock pushed up past the bridge of his nose, to his eyes, and then slowly back down squishing into his mouth and cheeks. Max cringed, forced to breath feel and taste the full pungent arousal of Logan's sex and sweat.

"Now this something else, eh slut?" Logan smirked. He reached with his other hand, and Max felt the thick fingers slide through his hair. Max felt the thick fingers become almost falsely affectionate, rubbing his head but he gasped out in pain when they clenched his Mohawk in a bunch. Logan with his new leverage pulled and the orc's face mashed further so the hot package wrapped around his face. "This is a nice change of pace, eh? Big dominate Max, always having to have the upper hand on things being shown his proper place. How's the smell down there?"

"Mmfffmmggh!" Max groaned out. When he opened his mouth to answer where the orc's balls bulged from the jock slide into his mouth, and Max's tongue rubbed against the teabagging. The smell was one thing, tasting the hot steamy package was entirely another. Max licked around the bulging jock getting a good film of the scum that laced the material on his tongue. The jock pressed more into his open mouth by those pressing hips, and from it Max below started to feel his own lusts come to live. It was slow, masked by pride, and anger.

Logan meanwhile was unreserved in his feelings and openly let his brother know. Max indeed felt as the jock expanded against his face, pulsing and swelling with blood. A darker splotch emerged at the tip of the jock, staining the material a darker wet hue. Max knew it was his older brother's leaking pre, and shivered when Logan made an effort to smudge it along his cheeks and mouth.

"Oh that's it." Logan muttered approvingly. "Remember back in the day when we still shared that single bed. I'd get you to do this for me occasionally." Below Max closed his eyes, remembering well their incest filled past. Occasionally when Logan was feeling particularly horny or mischievous he would hog the blankets on a cold night or spread out on most of the bed. Max remembered well being made into performing taboo acts of sexual lusts and perversions before Logan would collect him in his protective arms for a night of snuggling. The two would learn to share their love in many ways, as each other were all they really had. Max wasn't really against these acts as Logan always made sure it was eventually enjoyable for both but both brothers' preferences to "top" meant trickery, scheming and the use of sheer physical strength were implemented for one to get what they wanted from the other. Despite living apart now, it as clear Logan was still up to his old tactics. "Those were the days. It has been a long while since I've had you like this Max." Logan let go of his package and used the hand to grope his left pectoral. Then his fingers centered on the dark green nipple to tug. "But no more reminiscing, go on there slut and pull down that jock, the way I always had you do it before."

Max inhaled, taking in a lungful of the filling pungent scent. He knew what was being asked of him. It caused the fire burning inside him to increase, but be it from anger or lust he knew not. The voice of his dignity was telling him to stand up and order his brother to "fuck off" in his head while below in his pants, his other boss was rumbling with approval. Looking up again Max saw Logan's ever peering gaze, ready for one excuse to say no the help he desperately needed. Swallowing his pride and a bit of the stale sweat and gunk that was on the jock Max moved his head in.

Above Logan became quiet, as if holding his breath while Max came close again to those musky loins. His head found a spot, a section of the jock that pressed against Logan's right upper thigh. He pressed his face into his older brother's flesh, and nipped around the fabric. Teeth and tusks holding onto the strap, Max started to pull and with a bit of effort the jock began to slip. An inch moving down and the root of Logan's half erect cock became free. Max saw through the side of his eyesight as base pulsed, and then pulling more the entirety of Logan's orcling making equipment spilled out.

Logan aided his brother, stepping out of his jock as Max pulled the material down to his feet. When Max got the fabric to the orc's ankles he saw Logan lift up a foot to pull out. The size 15 green feet, smelly from foot funk and soft pressed up along Max's face and he at once pulled up again to his haunches, which caused Logan to snort derisively. Max didn't listen to the laughter at his expense and faced his kin's orctail.

Oh the sight of it. The length of flared package had a dark greenish purple vein that pulsed with each heart beat, the wet looking tip barely viewable through the dark foreskin that covered it. A heavy looking sack, with lemon sized orbs hung low beneath, and with each lungful of air Max took in its much richer scent, filled with the same raunchiness but now laced with sexual male pheromones. His mind was diving deeper and deeper in the wants and lusty needs being brought upon him. Max's pants below felt tighter as they now constrained his own aching cock.

"We've missed you." Logan said softly from up above. Unlike all the previous statements before, this one was laced now with anticipation and a hint of affection. At this Max took it upon himself to act. His hands came up from his sides. They reached for the heavy looking cock right before him, a hand wrapping around the Redbull thick sized flesh at the base, then another more towards the tip. The searing hot skin seemed to burn in his fingers, but Max reveled at the texture of the fleshy pole, being so soft. Slowly he peeled back and the foreskin was withdrawn past Logan's egg sized glands. Sticky clear pre coated around the tip and seemed to slime back inside the foreskin still, while the eyelet, Max saw yawned open and another drop of his brother's essence escaped out.

Both brothers were silent then as Max leaned his head in. There were no thoughts, just sensations. His lips met the cock tip, it nuzzling along his lower and upper lips as if to request entry. Max, saying come in parted his lips and felt the pre coat along his teeth and gums. Then he opened up more and drew in the glands in his welcoming orifice. The younger orc's tongue met at the tip, and rubbed slowly along the eye opening. The action was met with another glob of pre, which Max sucked down along with another few inches of his brother's flesh.

Above Logan returned his rubbing hand to Max's head, while his other perched the table behind him, as if to brace himself for their act of incest and debauchery. The older orc felt the pleasurable warmth surround his flaring member, and he moaned out lowly from it. He loved watching the way his brother gave head. When Max got into it, he didn't withhold anything. Max performed well, as he should have. Logan spent many a night teaching his younger sibling to tease the tip with the tongue, that a little nibbling was ok, to use your hands on the rest of the shaft or balls and many other tactics. The lips moved up Logan's meat, sealing more of his orc hood in the tight hot maw and below the length thickened, and became more rigid.

Max was lost in the moment. The cock he serviced grew in size, his endowed brother now at its full erect state 10 inches... 10 inches of fat uncut meat. He felt the underside of the glands and emerging shaft slide along the top of his quivering tongue, not stopping until nearly over half the meat was inside his sucking mouth. Through all this Logan remained perfectly still, just basking in the feel, and Max held his spot for a moment, allowing the tip to openly leak pre onto his uvula. Both the younger orc's hands held onto his brother's cock base, fingers could feel the member throb and occasionally jerk. It was another moment before Max started to pull off the cock. His teeth missed the meat, if not just barley touching it. The orc sucked in his cheeks, allowing the inside walls of his gums to fully close around the meat pole and crown. When the tip was barely contained in his lips, he paused and again Max bore on in taking the fuck stick and it was in this manner that the proud Max, owner of his own Modruk and self proclaimed top began to give his brother a long and luxuriously slow blow job.

"Now see what you've been missing?" Logan said in a hushed voice. His eyes were lulled and his chin was crooked down to his chest. He smirked and playfully made his cock bob up and down in Max's throat when fully engulfed. "You could have been having this more if you would stop with your foolishness, thinking you're some mighty top and chasing human tail."

Max frowned around at the words, but Logan went on. "I know you like the lad, and hell I think he's a nice piece too, certainly polite... hell I'd be outright lying if I said he hasn't grown on me either, but you're risking a lot for him." Logan eased back his hips and Max slowed his head motions. It was Logan this time who made his cock to slide out, and he enjoyed the sight of the now spittle covered pole emerging out past Max's lips. "Eh, mind the tusks." Logan muttered.

Max miffed, and breathed out hard. He had to work to make his jaw slacker for such a sizable tool. Max labored, knowing he'd perform well enough; he was calm and just concentrated on working. It wasn't a few moments after though that his trail of thought was suddenly caught off guard. Behind him the heavy door opened and more than one set of foot steps walked.

Panic set in. Other's would see him like this Max realized. Max sputtered and choked on the cock, causing Logan to suddenly reach down to grab his head. Because of this Max who attempted to pull off, was forced to keep half of Logan's cock embedded inside his gullet while from the new beings, one familiar sounding one gave a wolf whistle, while another deep voice spoke out in shock.

"What the hell Logan? What are we walking into here?"

The baritone voice Max knew belonged to none other than "The Bulldozer", a large bull nonhuman, who's real name was Paul. The one who wolf whistled Max was able to recognize as Darren.

"Heh, it looks like Max is putting out. You know I always knew you two were close Logan, but like this?"

A third voice! Max felt his embarrassment add to. His mouth was agape, filled with a hard thick shaft, and now all before a room full of ogling brutes. "Well now I guess there's a bit more you know about us Mortlocks." Logan answered to the three, referring to his and Max's surnames.

Max felt his cheeks burn red and he tried to pry off for a second time. Logan's hold wouldn't relent though and in silent retaliation for his brother's squirming the bigger orc turned his hips while keeping Max in place. The effect was to clearly show how his cock bulged out Max's cheeks, puffing them out.

"He don't look too happy about it." Paul commented.

Darren who was much more accustomed to the brothers' known behavior shook his head and moved up to stand next to Logan. Max could see in his peripheral the waist of the mighty sized rhino. Above the grey pachyderm seemed almost jovial. "Well it's never really about how it looks." The rhino answered the bull then turned and snorted down to Max. Lifting a foot he nudged the younger orc, Max feeling the heavy shoe press lightly into his side.

"Danny's still is being taken care of. Ever since Seymour got wind of the kid being here, he practically snatched him away." Darren spoke in a nonchalant manner despite what he was now watching. He was utterly at ease though, and even reached with a hand to grope the bulge between his own fat thighs.

"Yea real nice human, didn't seem to mind a room full of nonhumans at all." The third new voice spoke out. Max knew not the being was behind him, and in his current position he wasn't able to see who just yet. "Though I'm not sure why a fan is here." The unseen male's voice seemed to address Max.

The pachyderm spoke though, addressing the statement. "I was kind of curious about that too, until not just a few minutes ago I was able to over hear Danny explain to Seymour the bad week he's had. Wouldn't say much on it, but apparently some shit went down..."

Darren had to trail off becoming silent. The other two brutes did likewise. The three stared at the pair of orcs before them. Logan, naked hunched over his younger brother, where his muscular frame tensed up. His raw sexual inferno on open display, Max to his horror felt another hand grab his head.


"Logan, god not like this with everyone watching!" The younger or silently pleaded, he could almost feel hot tears brought on by embarrassment and shame form on the sides of his eyes. He could tell what was about to happen. The sweaty meat, which had been toying inside his maw now moved like a piston in and out, of his hot suckling maw with more vigor. Max's succulent throat was no match for Logan's wide thrusting hips. The hot tip grew in size and Max gagged feeling it plunge straight into his throat, blocking his air passage way.

"Watch the tusks slut!" Logan mercilessly grunted back. He heaved his breath, grunted out in the open air, sounding more animalistic, while pulling out his cock so the top slide atop Max's tongue. His foreskin drew past the flared glands then stretched back as he dived harder than ever back down into the swallowing gullet. Max had to hold on to Logan's rolling hips; his whole upper frame was lurched backwards from the inward plunging. The obscene rocking motions repeated.








Because of these degrading displays of incest Logan's head suddenly began to swim and Max felt his brother's orc tail in his maw begin to shudder. Two brothers, one reaching nirvana the other depths of shame he'd never really known before. Logan flexed in his hips, causing his ass cheeks to clench taut and Max, snorting another breath of sex stank was given his first heaping load of orc cum which utterly white washed his tonsils. The tip was nearly at the edge of his throat, but he didn't immediately swallow so the goo built up the back of his throat. Max's tongue tasted the fleshy pole, feeling how its supple underside pulsed from the base at his lips, all the way to the tip where it delivered another helping of the brackish and viscous seed. He swallowed what he could, Max's adam's apple bobbing up and down. In those heated seconds no one even breathed and the only sounds heard where the muffled sloshing, gulping noises that emitted from Max's neck.

It wasn't until the dark haired older orc brother was fully sated with his lusts that he withdrew his hips. Max's head sank to the ground, as if facing his pride. He felt disgraced. What just happened to him, and the fact that he still apparently loved it; his cock never losing that handsome hard on that kept his pants feeling tight. Max tasted the cock sliding out wetly. He only remained on his haunches, not making an effort to do anything, not even to face the others. His dignity was shattered. He didn't fight as Logan in a condescending act grabbed the base of his softening member. It was still thick and long, but being green and covered in stickiness it looked more like a wet sloppy slug. He lifted the tool by the base and let the sticky length flop right on top of Max's defeated face. Between Max's eyes he saw the tip leak the remains of his brother's white batter and it glooped between his eyes.

"Holy shit Logan." Paul said. Whether it be from disgust or pure shock Max knew not, but Logan in response lifted his cock only to let it fall on Max's face again.

"Yea Darren, you're right." Logan said finally after catching his breath. His tone was unnervingly nonchalant.

"Logan really knew no shame," Max thought. "Talking to the others in a completely firm and calm voice. He may as well have just finished reading the paper by his manner." It was that, which made Max feel a twinge of anger and regret for even coming here. If there was any shame to be had, it was all on him.

"Seems Max got him in a situation and he can't quite get him out of so I've just been enlisted to help."

The younger orc blinked. Did he just hear right? Logan saying he would help? Max tried to look past the fat cock tip that covered most of his eyesight now, towards his older brother. Logan wasn't looking at him however, now calmly addressing the others.

Darren chimed up sounding concerned. "What's going on now? Is the kid alright?"

Logan shook his head. "It seems he's been getting a few threats from this frat 'Alpha Gamma Omega', about wanting a nice piece of his ass, in exchange for silence on a certain tape that shows - well someone getting a nice piece of his ass, heh."

"The hell?" The unseen voice spoke in disgust while Paul the bull made a sneering sound.

Darren rose an eyebrow. "Dropped the ball on this one didn't you, Max?"

At once the fury that was now deeply sewn in the orc's chest began to erupt. "Me!" Max shot back. He turned and glared at the rhino. "I didn't do anything! I'm not the one who-" Max suddenly winced and felt his Mohawk grabbed yet again.

Logan pulled his head back so he was looking straight up at his older brother. Logan growled back down, this time looking furious. "You are just as much at fault here because you let it happen! If you want Danny to be your Modruk you must also claim the responsibility of his welfare to the fullest extent." Logan pressed, saying threw clenched teeth. "And you will show a more respectful tone with my co-workers."

"Easy there Logan." Darren said calmly. He moved and rested a hand on the older orc's bicep. His gentle grip pressed, unrelenting until Max felt the pain on his scalp ease off and Logan again calmly leaned back against the table. "I'm right there with ya on this, angry that this is happening to the kid at all, but don't take it out on Max."

Max saw Logan flash him a glance. Logan inhaled and exhaled slowly. "Max came to me for help on all this, and it just isn't something I want to hear. The kid's grown on me, you know? Anyway all this you saw," Logan waved his hand down towards his lower torso and Max below. "Was my way of making Max request help."

Darren nodded. "Well Danny's a fine kid. I think I'd like to help him out too."

"What?" Both Max and Logan said in unison. Max looked shocked, wide eyed while Logan shook his head. "Sorry bub, but I don't think-"

"Trust me Logan." Darren said with a tinge of self-satisfaction in his voice. Max saw the rhino's heavy grey hands lower, under his husky stomach to begin unclasping his belt. They lowered and Max's view was filled with the sight of another smelly mammoth sized cock. The rhino's piece was an inch thicker than Logan's. He grabbed his stalk of meat, grey at the base but turned pink more towards the tip, and aimed it at Max's face. It was heavy looking, pronounced and most unique had a dragon tattoo along the shaft, the chubby pink tip covered by the dragon's open maw. "I insist."

Max should have expected it. Darren and Logan were notorious rivals, in the ring as well as the bed room. There was little chance the pachyderm was going to walk in on something like this and not get his too. Below Max felt his cock bounce happily at the implication of a new cock to suck, but with the others watching. Max just wanted to get back up. "Well now all I came here for was Logan's help." He turned to his brother, as if to avoid having to look at the presented new meat and become more aroused. "You said it before Logan, that it could damage your career."

"It could damage my career if I was caught doing something stupid, which may happen if I go alone." Logan countered and nodding at the grey rhino. "If more come, it's a stronger show of force and there will be a less likely chance that someone will try to pull something."

Before he could be ordered to stay put Max pressed a hand to the ground and pushed himself up off the floor. The others in the room chuckled seeing Max so painfully tenting out in his shorts as he straightened out and the orc scrambled in a not so discreet manner to shove it back down.

"Aw hey now," Darren ended up coming to the squirming orc and Max felt the rhino grab his wrist and pry it away from his groin. Once clear the large pachyderm mitt closed on Max's loins. He gasped out from the hot heavy hand, feeling it nuzzle up his cock again, making the tenting more heavily pronounced. "Let's not deny what you've so obviously loved. Seriously, the room's filled with your arousal Max."

Max wanted to shoot a smart-alecky reply back but the orc never had a chance. Before he could make any attempt to push the rhino's hands away he sensed Logan moved in from behind. Strong mitts clasped around Max's arms keeping them pinned to his sides and with the skill only a wrestler good at submission holds could have, Max found his back pulled to Logan's strong chest, aptly subdued.

"Thanks Logan." Darren said gruffly before turning his attention back to the younger orc. Max saw as the rhino didn't directly say anything to him, just looking onwards with an obvious expression that read everything from raw perverse lust, to hunger. The orc didn't know what to do. His heart raced in his chest, he could hear it beating in his head. There was no one he could turn too. Max could only strain and feel as those coy fingers oh so gingerly grope along his lower region. Max tried to squirm away his hips, but they followed dipping to feel around the package. Meticulously Darren eased his fingers to the zipper and pulled. Gritting his teeth Max felt the cool air start to kiss his bare loins.

"Someone went commando today." Darren muttered, commenting on the orc's lacking of any neither articles of clothing. He lowered Max's shorts more and that eager erection, sprouted out in the open air. "There, that's more like it." Darren's hot broad hand closed around the orc meat and slowly started to turn on it, rubbing it from base to tip, while a hot wash of humility rose in in the orc's chest.

"Shit that's hot." The bodiless voice spoke.

"Who was this guy?" Max thought to himself. With the range of motion now available to him the orc turned his head to see who this mysterious newcomer was. His eyes widened taking in the form of none other than the new WFW rookie "The Amphibiman," a play on his nonhuman species an actual amphibian. Being a rookie Max didn't know much about the fur, besides than his name being Ric. Other than that there was his physical appearance which was most prominent. He was Max's height and practically his age. He didn't have nearly the impressive 270lb build Paul the "Bull-Dozer" who was standing crossed armed right next to him but still he was a good deal stronger than Max. What was most interesting about Ric was his skin. The flesh of nearly his entire frame sides, shoulders, arms and legs was colored a bright almost neon red. Along the back of his body were dark black splotches, while on his chest down and on the palms of his hands the color was a contrasting vibrant blue. This uniqueness served to create an interesting character for the WFW program as Max had heard murmurs of would involve Ric's flesh being toxic. Other than that his skin was utterly smooth, hairless and looked like wet rubber under the bright room's lights. The orc saw Ric's amphibian wide mouth press out to a wide grin. His watery yellow and blue eyes bore into Max's vulnerable frame, hungrily eating it up and the amphibian openly groped his workout short with a webbed hand. It was obvious he was aroused. When Ric spoke it was cautiously directed at Logan.

"Look guys I'm not against all this openness you all have here. Actually I think it's pretty hot. I know I don't really know you all super well, but shit I'd hate to miss an opportunity like this. Would it be ok if I joined you?"

Max could only look on from his retrained position in disbelief while Darren spoke. His hands still gently slide along the orc's shaft. "Aw well I think that's up to Max here." He grabbed the meat more firmly and slowly moved the member side to side.

Max had no time to answer as Logan spoke for him up above. "He'd be delighted to help you out. Here Darren help me grab Max here onto the table."

"Wait what?" Max sputtered out. The younger orc looked from Ric, the rhino who closed in. Two sets of wrestler brutish hands manhandled the orc, who began to struggle onto the masseuse table. "The fuck Logan, you said I just had to swallow your dick!"

All the two larger males grunted and worked, gripping the smaller orc. Max felt as Darren took over grabbing his upper half, while Logan hooked an arm at his waist and lifted. Max's feet left the ground. His world went horizontal as he as laid cross ways on the long table, his upper back just under his shoulders resting on it to right above his exposed ass which hung over.

"I said you do as I say without question and I'll help you." Logan responded. "You will do this for my friends as the truest sign of your devotion to your Modruk." He hooked an arm under Max's knees, keeping his lower half from lowering. His other hand reached over the laid orc and grabbed the oil being used by Seymour when Max first came in. To Max's horror Ric was waisitng no time either, coming right up. He had eagerly taken off his shorts, and strutted alongside Logan. He too looked superiorly down upon the panting, too-shocked-for-words, orc. Below Ric's abdomen was his now sleek and shiny looking member. Blood filled the male's bright blue organ to its full length, just over half a foot and a few inches around. The cock looked naturally uncut and had a light purplish tint to it. Below hung a healthy pair of orbs which Max knew made the contents of what was going to be deposited into him.

Logan squirted a bit of oil onto his green sausage fingers and they traveled to goose Max's neither regions, while Ric did the same applying the make shift lube to his own member. The world was spinning in Max's world. All of this was happening so fast. He gripped the edge of the table at his waist and looked up at the ceiling. Everyone grinning lustfully, while his ass was being prepped Max closed his eyes.

The fingers withdrew from the depths of his tight cleft, and the new greasy slick amphibian body made his move. The younger orc had to grimace at how rubbery the male's skin felt. It was wet, apparently from the male's sweat but the texture was unlike regular flesh. Max, groaned as his legs were spread up, the whole bottom of his thighs, knees and shins ran along Ric's torso, the orc's ankles resting just behind the amphibian's head. Right between the Max's ass cheeks nuzzled that slick cock. Combined with the oil and the amphibian's natural skin secretions Max's cleft held utterly no resistance and the tip soon found its mark right at Max's entrance.

"You know Max." Ric stated casually. He held his spot and Max had to endure the intimate position, at the brink of the upcoming entry longer. The orc quivered, more so when Ric gently rubbed his broad webbed hands along the orc's thighs. "A lot of people are hesitant to have sex with me." A webbed hand moved and gently, Max groaned as it grabbed the orc's own ball sack. The new and odd sensation of fingers rolling his testicles while they were still fully encased in the finger's webbing set it.

"It's the skin. People think that I'll hurt them, that they'll get poisoned. They hear about those frog men in the Amazon who have toxins embedded in their skin and they see me... well...I just want you to know that none of that is true with me, and I hope we can do this many, many more times."

Max wasn't sure if the male's lecture was seriously supposed to help calm his nerves. He only half listened to it anyway. The bulk of his attention was on the cock that he felt right at his backdoor entrance, which suddenly began to ease in.

Whether it was supposed to be met with any sort of resistance or not, it still shocked the proud orc at how well the cock entered his body. There was pain of course and Max openly hissed through his clenched teeth while the muscled wet ring opened up. Those hips drew in sliding more of the shaft into the orc's hot clinging bowels.

A hand which Max suspected was Logan's came and rested on his chest. It slowly rubbed down between his pectorals to his belly. Above Max heard Darren's voice. "Here Max hold onto me."

The orc peeked open his eyes and came to the upside down view of the rhino's heavily male musky shaft. Above that the orc's vision was totally obscured by the underside of Darren's hefty belly.

"I don't think-" Max began, unwilling to let go of the table.

"Then don't." Darren cut the orc off. He sounded low, affectionate and he reached for the orc grabbing firmly at the male's elbows. Max's arms were lifted, and he complied moving them up over his head. Just as the rhino had apparently intended, Max's arms wrapped around and held the back of his padded rhino thighs. This allowed Darren the leverage he needed as Max saw the pink tipped member close in. Followed by the sight of the grey shaft the bulbous glands nuzzled between the orc's tusks at his lips and Max with a sigh of open defeat opened his maw and prepared to take it in. His hungry maw was not met with the fat meat though. Darren instead opted to continue moving his hips and cock upwards. The log of hot flesh rode up Max's face until those heavy orbs, which rivaled Logan's in size, smothered Max. The rhino made sure to work, rubbing the sweaty ball sack along the other's forehead and nose, making Max breathe in the raunchy fumy scent, then with a final motion he fully deposited his fleshy musky orbs right into Max's gaping maw.

Below Max was in every sense of the term being fucked. His legs parted he felt the continuous pelvis pumping motions of that red, black and blue amphibian, his own sack striking into Max's ass cheeks. Ric's rubbery crotch smoothly rubbed against the younger orc's after a good slow thrust, now able to fully hilt in. Above he groaned out from the utter tight and succulent feel of that clenching ass.

"Oh, shit, take it, take it slut." Ric would mutter, pulling out, until his cock was barely contained inside the orc's rectum and sliding his erection back in. He would hump in slowly until Max could feel the root of his fleshy base press right up at the tight sucking ring. He would work in these odd motions, pounding firmly, and then grinding slowly until what pain there was would ebb away. "Damn, Max. You're so tight. Amazing!"

"Hehe, really?" Paul said from behind. Both Logan and Darren shared a glance and smirked.

"Yea he feels like a virgin."

"Oh he ain't," Logan said with a chuckle.

The humiliation was as hot as his lusts. Max gasped under the ball sack, getting a mouthful of the wrinkled flesh. Two hands, Darren's he suspected grabbed a hold of his nipples and started to knead at them. They pulled at the nubs then tweaked them with a fingertip and thumb. Logan took over the male's hand on his cock, and Max shivered in hot sexual bliss when the hand started message and run up along the length. Max's cock was pulled up towards his abdomen, his tip leaking his own clear fluids onto his belly. In an agonizingly teasing manner Logan would only drag his fingers along the shaft, never really grasping or applying the pressure and hold Max desperately wanted.

Ric's webbed hand's tightly clasped onto Max who reacted from all the attention he was getting. The orc squeezed his internal muscles down on the meat, at his puckered star, as well as his ass cheeks. Together they tightened cocooned around the meat, making his silky insides hug even more. This is what seemed to do it. Ric became lost in his own pleasure, he his rutting become more savage. His powerful hips thrust into Max, ass and groin slapping loudly. It caused Max's head to bump further into Darren's groin. Ric worked to get his slick cock as deep as he could, riding the meat in, holding for a moment before pulling out and shoving back in again. With each movement the sensation of being filled out and emptied became more noticeable as their rut was passionate but now all the pain was dissipated.

"Oh shit... oh fuck... oh damn it." Ric seemed to whine out. He shoved in the squishy orc innards and rocked his hips up and down in an obscene manner. His hips pressed upwards, causing Max's to rise as well. He moved to the side, and then the other and the orc could feel his guts churn as the dick moved and repositioned. One final withdraw, he held for a breath holding moment then slide passionately back in, his cock like a knife descending into a tight compressing vat of butter. That's what did it. Max and Ric both rumbled out in unison as both shared in the experience of one powerful orgasm.

Max gasped in the raw air, which was now heavy with the stink of sex as Darren's broad hands groped harder at his pecs. They felt sore now, but the hands were unrelenting in their work, Max was shown no mercy. The same could be said for his own cock, which Logan teased with the expertise of a sexual sadist. The quivering laid pile of sweaty green subbing mess that was the younger orc was brought so close to the ecstasy that he wanted, only to have Logan back off.

Ric held his position, face contoured in an expression that one might mistake for pain. Inside those creamy guts his cock gushed and spewed its sopping frothy load. Each spurt of his batter launched deeper and deeper in Max's welcoming guts.

"Thank you Max." Ric said, heaving his chest after calming some. His hand grabbed down at the orc's length, alongside Logan's and together they pumped the orc's shaft. There was no holding back now. Softening cock still inside the orc, Max humped up into the mitts until he took felt a wash of utter bliss shake his mind. Toes curled out behind the amphibian as his own cock erupted. His orc cum splattering up, the first shot hit Darren's chest, the next unleashing all along Max's chest and belly.

Max's sexual bliss was short lived. Right as he began to come down from the utter terrific sensations that rocked his mind and body he heard Logan speak up. "Oh boy. Hey there Danny. Max here just ensured your well being. You don't have a thing to worry about, with this whole frat business now."

Max's eyes flew open.


"Oh shit!" Max tried to yell though his voice was thoroughly muffled by Darren's ball sack. The orc in the first full force of strength he could muster clamored to lean up, off of Darren's loins. Ric slide out his member with a wet slopping sound and dribbles of white cum openly leaked out the orc's ass, all this in plain view of Seymour and Danny who stood at the door's entrance.

The gorilla hooted his approval at once and began to strip away his closes eagerly. He strode past Danny to enter the room. "How much did you see." Max asked. The way his voice came out. He knew it sounded scared, he was, with his Modruk, Danny watching.

"Practically the whole thing, you were taking forever in here so we thought we'd see what was up." Seymour answered. He came to Logan and slapped him on the shoulder. The two started talking, but about what Max knew not. He only looked back at his Modruk at the doorway and Danny silently stared back, his expression blank.

"Danny." Max said. He hated how the human didn't have any sort of response.

"The human's welcome to join." Darren stated loudly grabbing the orc again. Max felt those strong hands come to his shoulders and shove him back down. "But I'm getting mine."

"Me too." Paul added. The bull stripped as well, his more sizable member erect. Max felt, wide eyed as he was mounted for a second time by the much more powerful bovine.

Together, both the bull and rhino took what was theirs.


Betrayal, anger, rejection, or was it just flat out stress. Danny couldn't exactly pinpoint what was the cause of the heavy sensation he now felt in his chest. The feeling made it seem like breathing was becoming a chore, and his eyes, his eyes burned and watered. All things considered though, it may as well have been the raw masculine stench in the room. Danny hadn't smelled anything like it since the event all those weeks back.

Logan looked on at Danny, and noticing this, offered a smile as a ruse to hide away his true feelings. The orc grinned on back and made a hand gesture to enter. "Hey c'mon in. You know you're more than welcome with these playings."

Danny had to shake his head. "Sorry but I'm not feeling well right now." Logan made a concerned face, furrowing his brow lightly and Danny pressed more firmly. "No it's ok; I just need some fresh air."

Danny didn't wait for Logan to respond. The sight before him, two sets of hips from a muscular bull and rhino pressing into the orc, that orc who by all accounts rejected him earlier that night was not something he wanted to stare at any longer.

He walked out of the locker room, back into the main gym area where other furs looked at him with confused expressions. Danny made a straight shot for the main doors and back out into the warm night time air.

What could he do? Danny was finding it difficult to think. Looking out the stars in the night was just beginning to show again. It was quiet, peaceful. No one could hurt him. A soft wind kissed along his cheek and the trees off in the distance rustled. It would be here he'd wait for Max to come out, and while Danny waited he reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone.