The Fire Bar Day 1, Part 2

Story by Dreamous on SoFurry

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#1 of The Fire Bar

Digitamamon finishes preparing to open The Fire Bar for the day's service, while Flamedramon takes his first customer- a shy Goblimon- around back for a quick job. Will he be done in time to open with Digitamamon? Will Goblimon cum too fast to be worth the money? Who's next up after Goblimon?

The edited/complete version of The Fire Bar! Now split into multiple parts. The rest will be uploaded soon! This was originally my 2021 Flamedramon Day story, but it is becoming its own series now.

Flamedramon walked past the rolling garage doors, leaving them to be opened when Digitamamon was ready. Instead, Flamedramon exited out a side door, letting it shut behind him. Peeking around the corner, he spotted an adorable Goblimon with a postal sack and hat atop his standard vest and loin cloth.

"Hey cutie. I was wondering when I'd see you again." Flamedramon playfully cooed, leaning against the wall.

Goblimon startled, barely keeping himself from jumping back. He sheepishly looked to the Flamedramon, smiling nervously. "Ah well... Ya know my route only passes through now and then..." the Goblimon meekly responded, walking over to Flamedramon. The dragon curled his finger, turned, and lead the Goblimon around the corner, then toward the back of the house.

"I do. And that you stop by every single time it does." Their house was on a small clearing cut free of trees and growth. Ten feet past the sides of the house the forest towered in full once more. As they approached the back of the house, they passed a sign. "Employees Only". It wouldn't do to have bar customers making their way back there when Flamedramon was 'working'. The bar was for drinks, snacks, and socializing. Behind the house was for Flamedramon to make his own, personal earnings.

The clearing extended further behind the house than on the sides. There were no windows on the first floor facing out back, and the only door into the house was shut. It left but a blank wall, guaranteeing privacy from even the kitchen portion of the house. Along the back wall were some storage chests, supplies, and a couple small tables of different sizes and heights. The largest table was stocked with condoms and lubricants, towels, and other items of need during his intimate encounters.

Flamedramon rested back against the wall, smiling down at Goblimon. "If you saved up and came less often, you could afford more, you know." He egged on the smaller green digimon. Flamedramon knew all too well the Goblimon crushed on him something fierce, and was dying to lift Flamedramon's tail. But this Goblimon was also the lazy type. Older than Flamedramon or Digitamamon, but never having worked to evolve further or move up the ladder as a postal carrier.

"I know... but then it'd be longer until I see ya again." The Goblimon mumbled, a paw rubbing at the back of his head.

Flamedramon cooed, "That's okay. I'm glad you are so eager to see me." He reached out, lifting Goblimon's postal hat up and off, setting it aside on a table. His other hand lifted the postal sack and placed it next to the hat. "And you're one of my favorite customers... so it's good for both of us that you come so often."

The Goblimon's face darkened, then darkened further as Flamedramon's hands grabbed and lifted him. Flamedramon held the Goblimon under Goblin's arms, turning to pin Goblimon against the wall, putting them together at eye level. The Goblimon was a bit sweaty, surely due to the summer heat and the nervous arousal filling him. It delighted Flamedramon all the more.

The simple act already had the Goblimon flustered and aroused. His loin cloth was tented to one side, giving a peek of a green sack with red fuzz behind it. A weak moan escaped the rookie, the difference in their power tickling the Goblimon's unspoken desires.

"Since you're one of my favorites..." Flamedramon leaned in, nose-to-nose with the Goblimon. "I'll give you an extra little treat... after I'm done blowing you, you can get a little taste of me. Sound good?" Flamedramon asked, his lips teasing against Goblimon's.

A small squeak was the only sound to escape Goblimon's throat. The rookie nodded eagerly instead, bumping his head into the wall a couple times.

"Good." Flamedramon purred out, pushing forward and kissing the Goblimon. Goblimon barely responded, his lips tensing against Flamedramon's. The dragon's powerful tongue pushed into Goblimon's mouth, coiling the goblin's hesitant tongue. He broke the kiss, a bridge of saliva linking their lips a moment before it broke.

Flamedramon lowered the Goblimon down, sitting him on the edge of a table. This one was the perfect height for Flamedramon playing with smaller rookies. Getting to his knees, Flamedramon's head was comfortably at the height of Goblimon's groin.

Goblimon leaned back on his hands, spreading his thighs. His chest already rose and fell quickly, far too worked up before the fun had properly started. It was adorable to Flamedramon, particularly how much it contrasted from how Digitamamon had been at the same digivolution.

Flamedramon teased his hand along Goblimon's inner thigh, up to his loin cloth. The flap of clothing flipped upward with a little flick of Flamedramon's hand, laying up upon Goblimon's belly. It revealed a bright shock of red pubic hair framing a very stiff goblin dick. Flamedramon gazed at it hungrily, as though he hadn't already been filled earlier that day. Though, having evolved to Flamedramon, his capacity- and hunger- was far greater than Veemon's.

Flamedramon leaned in, nuzzling into Goblimon's nuts, kissing on one, then the other. His nostrils pressed right to the point where shaft met balls, nostrils tickled by bright red pubes as he took a deep sniff. His snout and lungs filled with the spicy tang of Goblimon sweat and musk.

"Ah, s... sorry, it's really hot out-" Goblimon was cut off as Flamedramon's hand resting over his muzzle, holding it closed. Flamedramon looked up, his bright eyes looking into Goblimon's.

"I've told you plenty of times Goblimon... I like your smell." He rumbled, releasing Goblimon's muzzle. He would tell that to any customer, really. But in this case it couldn't be more true, his adoration of everything Goblimon long established from playing with his mate. Flamedramon's hand freed Goblimon's muzzle, then drifted down, stroking along the goblin's belly and chest, wrinkling up the loin cloth at his waist. Flamedramon took another sniff, louder and deeper than the last. He held it for a second, then let it free, sighing out happily. So many memories tied to that scent, the blossoming of his relationship with Digitamamon, when the egg digimon was but a Goblimon. A lick across Goblimon's sack filled his muzzle with the nostalgic flavor of younger years fooling around with his mate.

"Besides... I can tell you've been saving up for me. And if I start blowing you right away, you'll be paying a lot for just a few seconds of fun..." Flamedramon teased. His tongue licked back out, dragging between the Goblimon's thigh and sack.

Goblimon was still dark with blush at the fact he could cum so quickly for Flamedramon. It was surreal in a way. But the poor rookie didn't know how much experience the dragon had with Goblimon's particular species of digimon. Goblimon moaned, back arching as the hot tongue dragged across such sensitive areas. The Goblimon was stuck there, whimpering and moaning, as Flamedramon licked and teased. Flamedramon spent plenty of time there, working the Goblimon's sizeable orbs, licking at them, sucking gently on them. All the while Goblimon's shaft twitched and flexed, drooling pre into Goblimon's pubes while it was mercilessly ignored.

After Flamedramon was half-sure Goblimon was getting close from teasing his nuts alone, the dragon sat back on his heels. His muzzle end was a mess of saliva and pre, scented with Goblimon musk. He licked over his lips and nose, rumbling, "Curious... Ever had your foot licked?"

The Goblimon was even sweatier than before, and his chest was still heaving. The poor thing looked like he'd ran a couple miles... or already cum a couple times. His eyes opened a little wider, his face showing he'd never thought of that before. He shook his head, mumbling "Nope."

Flamedramon took on a devilish expression, hands tracing down Goblimon's legs. He gripped each of the Goblimon's ankles, lifting his feet. He nosed and sniffed at one, heel to ball, then the other. Goblimon's legs twitched, toes splaying and curling. Finally, Flamedramon let his tongue out, dragging it from heel all the way up Goblimon's sole, until it flicked off his toe claws just as he had done to Digitamamon earlier.

Goblimon tried to resist, but he couldn't contain a snort and grunt, foot pulling back just at the end of the lick. Flamedramon curiously looked up, Goblimon looking away, his face flushed.

"Too ticklish huh? It's alright, it's not for everyone." Flamedramon cooed comfortingly.

Goblimon took a moment before he looked back to Flamedramon and nodded. "I ... Yeah, it tickled too much." He half-whispered. Flamedramon chided himself internally, letting his own tastes get in the way of his work.

Flamedramon moved forward onto his knees again. His arms rest over Goblimon's thighs, smiling his best comforting smile. "I love a customer who can be honest with me."

The Goblimon flushed again, looking away once more. Flamedramon stifled a chuckle. There was something so fun about having a digimon older than himself be putty in his paws. Flamedramon's hand slid up, gripping Goblimon's shaft between two fingers. He stroked up and down, not wanting to stimulate the rookie too much. He teased, nice and slow, and worked the goblimon's foreskin back, easing the tight hood to reveal the pink glans within. Goblimon whimpered as he was exposed so expertly by Flamedramon's well-practiced paw.

Goblimon's arm lifted, forearm resting over his closed eyes. He whined a little moan sound as his foreskin slid up and down over the head. After a couple slower strokes he whimpered out, "I'm close..." in a little whisper. Flamedramon glanced up, then back down. His fingers slid down the shaft, until the very base, pointing it at his muzzle, a repeat of the performance he gave earlier that day.

This time, the whole shaft fit easily in his muzzle. Flamedramon engulfed it hungrily, lips wrapped around the base of the dick, nuzzling Flamedramon's nose into the Goblimon's bright pubes. He sucked in a breath through his nostrils, then out, giving the Goblimon a moment to adjust. Then he started sucking, his long tongue wrapping around the shaft and stroking up toward the tip. Just as his tongue felt the soft, slick texture of Goblimon's glans, the goblin's hips jerked up, a whine escaping between clenched teeth.

Flamedramon moved his hands under Goblimon's butt, supporting the pert green globes and easing the pressure off Goblimon's arched back. He continued sucking and licking on Goblimon's cock, easing off the sucking and tongue work as the orgasm tapered off. As he released the cock, giving one last lick along its belly, Goblimon tensed and grunted. Flamedramon grinned, keeping his muzzle close. One little oversensitive tease was a perfect tip atop what Goblimon was paying.

"Thank you." The Goblimon whispered, his foot rubbing gently at Flamedramon's side.

The dragon smiled and placed a kiss on the belly of Goblimon's cock. "My pleasure." He rumbled, standing back proper. Flamedramon stepped around the table to the other side, where Goblimon's head hung. The rookie looked confused for a moment, particularly when Flamedramon's hand pressed to his chest, holding him down. Goblimon's expression changed as he realized what it was.

It wasn't as though he had much time to think about it. Flamedramon pushed his hips forward, his slit pressing to Goblimon's muzzle and lips.

"Have a taste." The dragon rumbled and growled, a mix of eager and frustration that he couldn't just rail the Goblimon's throat. Not a proper way to treat a customer, and Digitamamon would have a fit over it.

Goblimon breathed in, shivering. His tongue licked out, dragging from the top of Flamedramon's slit down to his taint. Goblimon moaned audibly at the taste, his shaft flexing as arousal quickly built itself up once again.

"Go on inside. That's what you want, isn't it?" Flamedramon teased, knowing how eager Goblimon was for his dick. And at that moment, he felt just as eager to give it. He wouldn't. He was a good- obedient- mate. But he wouldn't pretend he didn't want to.

Goblimon nodded a little. It still took another moment before he worked up the will to lick again, pressing hard this time. Flamedramon hissed a happy note as the pressure built, stronger and stronger, then gave way. The tongue sunk into his slit, a dam of pleasure bursting forth. It felt so good against his inner walls, and the tip even went deep enough to rub against his dormant cock tip.

Flamedramon removed his hand as the tongue slipped back out of his slit, taking a step back from Goblimon. He felt his shaft thickening, wanting to push free. He willed it back, while watching Goblimon coughing and rubbing at his muzzle with the back of his forearm. Flamedramon couldn't help but snicker a little before helping the Goblimon sit up with a gentle push to his back.

"Too spicy for you?" he teased the Goblimon, stroking up and down along his back. The Goblimon was quick to shake his head.

"No, it's just... not what I expected? Never tasted..." He trailed off, face red.

Flamedramon rumbled, patting the Goblimon's back. "It's alright. I need to get back to work... but you..." He leaned down planting a small kiss on Goblimon's forehead. A single finger teased the tip of Goblimon's stiff dick, causing the foreskin to slide around against the flesh it protected. "Feel free to rub a couple out if you need to. Just be sure to pay Digitamamon on the way out."

Goblimon gazed down at his own erection, stiff as it could be after his little taste of Flamedramon. He glanced back to Flamedramon as the dragon opened the door, moving into the house's kitchen. Goblimon wrapped his oversized hand around his length, starting to stroke it as he laid back on the table again.

The Fire Bar Day 1, Part 1

Veemon stirred as consciousness slowly dawned. He resisted it. He wanted to stay in bed, cuddled against his mate. The past two days off had been relaxing and rejuvenating. The temptation to spend a third day spoiling themselves was strong, but the...

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The Fire Bar part 2

**\*\*\*\* Scene 4 - Flamedramon x Renamon (_-_very-** **light watersports/digimon taking a leak warning) \*\*\*** Flamedramon's eyes widened. He couldn't suppress a smile as cold blue eyes met his own. A chill ran up Flamedramon's spine,...

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The Fire Bar part 1 (Flamedramon Day 2021)

Veemon stirred as consciousness slowly spread through him. He resisted it. He wanted to stay in bed, cuddled against his mate. The past two days off had been relaxing and rejuvenating. The temptation to spend a third day spoiling themselves was strong,...

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