The Where Bear-or- A Lesson In Hunting

Story by Xiclear on SoFurry

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#1 of Captured by Furs


How's it going, good? .... You just want me to get to the point correct?

Well, your in luck because for once I don't feel like blabbing on and on and on and on and on and on and on, and getting everyone all annoyed because I won't shut up and let you read the story ruining your view of the story etc and whatnot and I'm just taking forever on purpose to annoy you for wanting me to get to the point! >:(

Anyway, this is a story in a series of stories in which humans get to see the animal's view of things mostly. This is why I'll probably take a while for this to get to you, seeing as I can't just cut it up into smaller chapters.

Oh and just to say as a side note; this series will be like a remake of the storylines I had on an interactive story I made up on The only difference is that I've got a lot bolder since then so BEWARE OF SEVERE ADULT CONTENT!


The Where Bear:

Bill half-jogs through a dense and rainy forest; tracking down a grizzly bear, which was huge if the small glimpses of it he saw where anything to go by. He knows he must be getting close to his prey, seeing as the heavy pounding sounds of it's paw-steps where getting louder and louder. The problem was that he couldn't really tell exactly where the sound was coming from due to the rain; but he knew it was close. Boy was he going to have fun with this one.

He hears the huge- bay like breaths of what must be a humongous animal not two feet from his left. He turns around sharply just in time to see the huge paw of the ursine extend and violently strike him across the head.

That was the last thing he saw before slipping into darkness


Now let me tell you a few things about Bill here,

One, he is a hunter (yes and he is human). But don't be too judgmental. See, were he is, their aren't many furs around, so he thinks he is just hunting down dumb animals (which is usually the case)\

Another thing is, he an absolute asshole; and you can be as judgmental about that as you want. See, sentient furs are severely persecuted where Bill lives, seeing as the resident's are mostly human hunters who see anything with fur or paws as food and such. Bill himself is one of the worst ones for being cruel and unfriendly to furs.

The worst thing is that, he doesn't exactly hunt for food, or even trophies really. He just wants to make as much suffering as possible for anything short (or big in some cases) and furry that he can. To put it simply, he tortures the animals he finds. Taking unnecessary shots to the feet and back so as not to kill them, but to hurt them; and capturing the smaller ones and literally torturing them are just a few things that he does.

Now, obviously he is going to get it, seeing as this IS a furry story, and you can tell I don't approve of him (and also since I am the all-powerful writer of these poor characters in my stories).

SO let's just see how this plays out, it's bound to be... interesting *insert evil laugh here*


Bill wakes up in a damp, cave, hearing nothing but the steady pounding of rain against the rock outside. As he looks around from his view on the floor (for he is too tired and confused to stand) he sees that the cave is... furnished. This is weird because he remembers that it was a bear, a feral bear (not one of those two legged freaks) that had knocked him out. Puzzled, he looked around some more, and was relieved to see a TV sitting in the middle of a living room-type setting. Maybe one of his fellow hunters had bailed him out, and took him to his house out in the wild Bill supposed.

Then he heard something that made his heart stop. It was the heavy padpad-padpad sound of the bear he was tracking pacing around. It was close enough that it must be in the cave! Whoever owned the place must not of shut it up to well.

Then... he saw it. The massive grizzly he had been hunting just across the room from him. He tried to keep absolutely still (his gun was gone for some reason), but he couldn't take his eyes off of the creature. Then, all the sudden, in a flash of bright light, the bear turned into a two-legged humanoid version of itself. Bill gasped and tried to get up and get away but he didn't get too far before the huge bear planted his foot on his chest, forcefully pinning him back down.

Bill had a few moments to take in the bear's appearance, who was obviously busy savoring it's victory.

The foot/paw thing on him was bulky, the pads felt like moist leather, and the top of his feet where covered in thick greasy fur which also happened to cover the rest of the bear's body (obviously). And it was obvious that it was indeed a he, if the large package swinging between his naked legs was anything to go by. Bill could hardly see the bear's face, since he had to look up past its thick muscular yet pudgy legs, and his manhood, oh, and the large gut which protruded out in a way that told him that the bear was defiantly a slob without any personal hygiene. (His smell was testament enough of that though.) But a big shock came when he actually saw the beast's face. It was round and filthy looking like the rest of his body, but it looked like it was used to smiling and passing jokes. Not at all the snarling expression of fury he was expecting.

"Enjoying tha view?" asked the bear in a thick, southern accent, smirking triumphantly.

"No," Bill says, summoning the small bit of courage he had (hey the bear was large), "get your filthy ass off of me!"

"Psht," scoffs the bear, "believe me boy, if my ass was anywhere near yah, yah wouldn't be so damn cocky,"

"Well you believe me," Bill says, pushing up on the paw which keeps him pinned to the ground, "you foots bad enough you stupid animal!"

"Aww," come now," the bear says, smiling deviously, "it caint be all that bad." And with that he lifts his heavy paw, which was still dirty and sweaty from the run he just had, and placed it firmly against Bill's face.

Bill gagged at the smell on him, and tried to push it back off, but it was no use. By now, the bear was holding himself up from the wall, and putting his other foot on Bill's chest (so as to not cause Bill any real pain) and was cheerfully rubbing his grimy paw all over the smaller male's face. This smelly torture continued for a while more, until Bill found himself with his face covered in foot-sweat and his nose in the beast's toe-crotch.

"So," says the smirking bear, "you gonna wise up and realize who's boss or do we have ta continue?"

Bill wanted to come up with an angry response, but due to the ear's pads covering his mouth, all he could manage was a muffled, "Mrpph!".

"Now that's what I like ta hear," says the bear, wiggling his toes on Bill's face so that the musky scent is aired their, "now, just for us to be sure yer nice and subby. How's about you get ta lickin' my feet? Their in need of a good washin'."

This time, Bill managed to furrow his eyebrows and make the right grunt to make sure that the animal knew exactly what he thought about the idea. This time, he got the message, but the bear was set on getting his way anyway.

"Well if your goin ta be that way, how's about we start over," says the bear, smushing his surprisingly soft, but smelly paw pads over Bill's face, "this time, I'll do tha talking.

"So how about we just get straight to the introductions then? Hi, my name's Boran, and I happen to be the brother of that bear you shot down last week," he says, beginning to grind his heel harmlessly against Bill's cheek in a way that was completely painless, but absolutely embarrassing; since now half of his face was pushed up against the dirty floor and the other was being marked by the scent of the other male's foot.

Boran continues, now placing his entire foot on the side of Bill's head, covering up the whole side of his face and pressing him against the floor a little harder, "I'm not goin to continue on on that... memory cause I'm likely to crush your head if I do. So let's move on to yer position. First, I don't know yer name, so I'll just call ya...Puppy, that's right. Second, for until I say other wise, yer to be and do whatever I feel like making ya. If I tell ya to cook fer me, you do it. If I tell ya to fetch me my slippers (though I have none) you get right on it," he starts to put a little more pressure on Bill's head, absolutely reeking of pure, unquestionable dominance, "If I tell ya to drink my fresh piss straight out of tha toilet... you better do it. So, hows about we start of from som'thin simple. Like I said, my feet are awfully dirty, so why don't ya do what your told and clean em' up for me?"

Bill was actually feeling really recessive right now, but he wasn't about to give in to some lunatic bear's disgusting commands yet. So he animatedly refused, making sure the bear knew that he was NEVER licking his gross feet. Even though on the inside, he just wanted to do it and get it over with.

"Suit yerself," Boran says, yawning widely, "but I'm gett'n mighty tired holdin myself up like this, I think I just might let go and see how that works for ya down their."

Bill panic's as he feels more and more of the massive bear's weight start crushing him as it nonchalantly stretches a bit and lets it's weight shift downward little by little, slowly as not too squash him to death too quickly. He tries desperately to get free, but he is too weak to push Boran's heavy legs off of him. Before they where just chubby appendages, but now they where crushing pillars of flesh and muscle slowly squishing the life out of him with each ounce of weight he lets loose. Eventually' Bill gives in to the chubby bear, seeing as he doesn't want to die being squished under the foot of a stupid fat animal thing. So he submissively pats Boran's fur in a way that told him that he would do whatever he asked, hoping that the pain would soon let up.

And the pressure does let up. The smell, however, stays as the bear keeps his musky paw pressed against bill's face; but he does let him position himself so his cheek wasn't pressed in the floor.

"You know what to do," says Boran victorious and cheerful, "start cleanin',"

With out a word Bill sets himself up for the disgusting task. He decides not to think about it, so he just squints his eyes shut, extends his tongue and presses it along the sole of Boran's musky foot. The taste he is greeted with is terrible, awful. It seems like he can taste every foul thing that the bear has stepped on... ever; but he knows that he can't stop now. So, Bill extends his tongue for another lick, and then another, licking the paw clean as it is pressed firmly against his face. It got worse when Boran decided to "help" him. Which is another way of saying he rubbed his foot constantly up and down Bill's head as he did his work. By the end, all Bill could taste was the sweaty taste of Boran's feet paws, seeing as the taunting bear had made sure he had scraped his tongue over every part of his feet, including between his toes and under the heel.

Boran smiled and backed up a bit, so that his paw was still resting on Bill's face, but his other one was holding his weight up, so that Bill didn't have to fear being crushed again. Boran seemed to be really enjoying himself as he started to wipe his saliva-covered grimy paws on Bill, using him as a doormat even though his task was done; but Bill guessed that he shouldn't have expected any less.

Finally, Boran lifted his foot off of Bill's head, and Bill was freed from underneath it's awful smell. Well too a point, since the bear was now standing with both his feet on either side of Bill's head, smirking down at him with his forepaws on his hips; obviously making sure the human remembered his place.

"Good Puppy! Now that whatn' so bad now was it?" asks the bear teasingly, nudging the side of his head with a paw to see if Bill would try to get up. Which he wouldn't, since he knew better.

"Oh yeah, one mor' thing," Boran says squatting down over Bill so his ass is a few inches from his face. Bill only had a second to think before the naked bear blew a terrible smelling fart so powerful that it actual he could feel the great gust pass against his face.

He groaned at the stink and pushed up at the giant ass over him in an attempt to get it away, but Boran just sat down on his chest; sitting so high up that his testicles where brushing up against Bill's chin.

Bill gagged at the feel of the two moist, musky parts of the bear's anatomy. At the point, Bill didn't even want to try pushing up, because he would either be touching the animal's backside, or end up fondling his sac; which where two things he definitely did not want to do. Then Boran, all immature, grinning superiority, took that moment to cock his leg up and blast another, equally smelly burst of flatulence right their. Bill felt an uncomfortable warmth spread against his torso at about where the bear's ass-hole would be. Then another, and another, as the larger male had a gas attack while sitting on him.

The smell was absolutely unbearable, he couldn't help it, he had to say something, now.

"Get your fucking stank ass off of me you damn ass-whore!" Bill shouts, his words muffled by yet another burst of gas. Immediately Bill knew he shouldn't have said that. The smug look on the bear's face showed that he had been planning this.

"Looks like Puppy's got a dirty mouth," he states, scratching his belly slobbishly before getting up, and grabbing Bill, "especially after all that foot-filth, let's wash that filthy language and dirt from yer mouth shall we?"

Suddenly, the human found himself manhandled, and dragged toward a course looking counter top, complete with a sink and everything. Their, the bear placed him before the sink in question, get the water running, and proceeded to gleefully clean out Bill's mouth with an extremely bitter tasting bar of soap. Bill yelled in surprise, and tried to back away, but found the bears body was leaning against him, forming an un-passable wall of flesh and muscle which kept him in place as he was humiliated by the large animal. Everything about the experience was unpleasant, from the ever-present feeling of Boran's hot groin pressing against his back, to the horrible taste of the soap, up to the prominent smell of the bear's pits. Add that to the smug, cheerful face of the dominating male and this experience had to be just as bad as the previous foot-torture.

Their we go," says the ever cheerful bear, shutting off the water, "I hope you've learned yer lesson,"

"Yes, yes I have," says Bill steadily, slowly trying to back up, "now will you just let me go already?"

"Now what fun would that be?" replied Boran, keeping his legs spread as he leans against the small human, who could feel the warmth of the bear's inner thighs as the pressed against his hips, almost engulfing them, "besides, ya may 'ave learned one lesson, but yev still got plenty more."

"Ugh," was all Bill said in reply.

"Oh yeah, by tha way, this is yours," says Boran, still leaning against Bill as he reaches in a drawer on the counter and pulls out a rough leather collar. He then proceeds to put the collar on Bill's neck, and as an added insult, snapped a leash onto a small metal ring on the side of the collar. Then he grins, an expression Bill can see even as the bear is behind him and says, "their, now your really my puppy."

Boran playfully swatted Bill's backside before eventually lifting his weight off of him. However, Bill wasn't free to move, since the bear kept the leash firmly in hand and was making sure the human didn't try to unlatch his collar.

"Wait, I almost fergot," says Boran, looking through the drawer again; this time pulling out a light, but sturdy-looking lock before snapping that on the collar, making it where Bill couldn't take it off without the key, "their, much better,"

Bill knew that he had better just take it and give in if he wanted to ever be let loose so he didn't say anything.

As the bear starts to lead Bill to the living-room like area, he sees it grab it's own cock and murr hornily before stuffing the paw in his face to sniff; which he did, since he realized that the more compliant he was the more of a chance he would have of ever getting out of here.

When they reached the couch, Boran made Bill kneel down before the couch and place his chin on the cushion, then the bear himself sat down directly in front of him. Which left Bill's face directly in front of the animal's heated musky crotch; a position he was really not fond of.

"Since yer being a good boy," says the bear somewhere above him, "let's test that loyalty by havin you make out with my dick,"

Needless to say, this is something Bill absolutely refused to do, "I swear, if you get that thing any closer to me I'll bite it off!" he says viciously.

"Really," the bear asks simply, before pulling Bill's head up onto the couch facing up before once again pressing his rump in the human's face. This time however, the bear had two legs on either side of the human's body, which held it in place as he pressed his bare tail-hole right up on his nose. Before Bill even has the chance to try to retaliate, the bear leans back some more and releases a fresh burst of flatulence. The smell wasted no time invading Bill's sense of smell, practically raping his nose with the heavy scent of rotten eggs and bear ass.

Boran took that time to allow his weight down, so he was now, literally sitting on his "puppy's" face; smothering the unfortunate human in the smell of his musky hindquarters. Unlike with the bear's foot last time, Bill was in no real pain, and could actually breathe pretty well; not that he wanted too due to the circumstances however.

"Ya gonna go back to misbahaving again Puppy?" the bear asks Bill, leaning back some more to blow another stinky fart right on his nose, "cause I can do this all day."

With that he pressed his rump down some more and started rubbing his ass all over Bill's head, making sure the previous fart got good and imprinted in the human's senses. He sat up a little once, only to squash his rear back down again and continue his tormenting, passing gas a few times as he did so.

"Now," says the grinning bear, sitting still and spreading his legs a little so he can see Bill's face, or at least his mouth, "you gonna do as yer told or do we have ta continue?"

"Nope, nope that's fine," says Bill, his eyes watering from the atrocious smell, "I'll do what you say just get your butt off of me."

"Good," says Boran, letting out one more small fart before getting off and putting Bill back in the position with his head resting between the bear's legs, "now, just pertend that my dick is my foot."

Bill flinched as he felt the intense heat rolling off of the bear's body, which was really prominent considering he was all but pressed up against the Boran's malehood. The thick smell of musk once more dominated any other smells others, with the exception of the bear's ass. Bill groaned inwardly once he focused on the dick in his face. It was a dark brown and was fully erect (possibly due to the bear's affinity to dominating him) and was really sweaty. It was a little fat, and really fleshy, and didn't look at all appealing, but that didn't mater since bill didn't seem to have a choice.

Bill's head was suddenly pushed up against the bear's cock by Boran's thick paw/hand, and felt the bear start to grind the pillar of flesh against his face. The heat suddenly intensified due to the other males heightened arousal and Bill guessed it was time to do his part. As the bear was rubbing his face against it's throbbing dick, Bill reluctantly took part of the animal's balls in his mouth, licking them a bit. This must have been the right thing to do, since the bear groaned and starting rubbing harder. Encouraged ( in a grossed out way) Bill proceeded to press his tongue up against the bears penis, even then feeling the intense heat on his tongue. Boran's gentiles where salty tasting, due to the sweat accumulating on them and had a distinct tinge to them. He licked the fleshy organ again but then-

"Well, seems like you've started the fun without me," says a voice somewhere behind Bill.

Surprised and embarrassed, Bill tries to pull his head out of between the bear's thighs, but Boran just closes his legs, trapping Bill in a musky tomb of heated flesh and dirty fur. Bill desperately tries to pull free, but the bear's half muscular, half pudgy legs (not to mention his groin) keep him in place.

"Yep, sorry 'bout that, but he woke up befor I thought he would," replies Boran, his voice muffled due to Bill's position.

"That's okay, I wasn't planning on getting too involved anyway," says the voice again, "I was just going to watch and maybe help out a bit."

"Ha ha, that's fine by me," says Boran, then addresses the human trapped in his thighs, "hey, did I tell ya to stop lickin?"


Yeah, I know, I was going to make this one a one shotter, but I just couldn't get motivated, so I decided to cut it in half.

I'm not sure what to do about the next one though, I was planning to do it more from Boran's point of view next, but one, I'm not exactly the dominant type, and two I don't know if It would turn out too well.

Anyway, sorry about the time it took to write this one, and for the lack of humor in my freaking end-summary thing.

Wait, random check-green light, ompa-loompa on steroids doing cocaine with squirrels at the local petting zoo! A homosexual giraffe doing yoga with a three-foot tall stop sign! Elephants going on a rampage while wearing roller-blades and having tea with the ambassador of Turkey while playing the violin poorly in their underwear!

The chilled access of the spring in the illusionary swamp of Japoggo lacks the minerals that induce the thoughts of swimming inside the mind of a bipolar grape vine in the providence of Ontario in the state of Alaska with a time machine on sale for three dollars because the corrupted swamp water infected it with thoughts of driving in drunkenness which would either ruin it's life or cause it to commit treason in humanity with non-purposeful homicide,

The moral of this story is-don't drive while drunk