Living with a Giant- 2- Reminiscing

So hi, I made another chapter, and a dare you to read this one as well. That's it, it's a dare, you just screwed yourself by clicking that watchamacallit because now you have to. O.o Just kidding, ...

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Living with a Giant- 1- First Impressions

Hello, well, I made a story... are you going to read it? Are ya? Go ahead, I dare ya. I triple dog dare ya, I...'m just going to shut up and let you read the story already. ...

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The Where Bear-or- A Lesson In Hunting

Hiiii!! How's it going, good? .... You just want me to get to the point correct? Well, your in luck because for once I don't feel like blabbing on and on and on and on and on and on and on, and getting everyone all annoyed because I won't shut up...

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Story That Doesn't Have a Title Yet Because the Author Isn't Too Bright

'Here is the start of another story, yeah, their I did it, be happy. Unless you don't want to be happy, which is fine with me I suppose, well not really. BE HAPPY ALREADY!!! You'll make me feel sad otherwise, then I'll have to get Sean on your ass....

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