project wolfsoul: chpt 3: what i'd give to have her back

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry

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#3 of project wolfsoul

this is the next chapter and the first time i've tried using only one speaker per paragraph. did i mess up? did i do well? please tell me!

What I'd give to have her back.

I was harshly awoken by the scientists. Huh? What?

"we are about to get onto the train to go through the channel tunnel. Get in your carrier" I looked at it. John was already in his "get in. now."

I walked into the little prison and sighed as the door was locked. "Bloody contraption. How could anyone do this to a dog? Or wolf in my case... supposed to keep us safe. Bullshit"

"shut up man! I don't like it any more than you, but come on! Your complaining isn't going to help! Just get some sleep"

it's possible that john's upset with me. I know I'd be pissed off if my best friend woke up from a coma, somehow turned into a wolf and had crack shoved up my ass to help in smuggling. It was hard to fall asleep in the little box but I managed. My back is going to ache in the morning. But it's okay 'cause this is all for Arctic. When I'm done doing jobs for these dicks I can go back to her and the pups.

A sudden thought crossed my mind. What if she doesn't know me? I only knew her in my coma... there's a chance she won't remember me... an even more upsetting thought crossed my mind. There's also that chance that she doesn't even exist... I would have done this all for nothing. I would have put John through this for nothing.

Soon I was awoken yet again by the scientists who had now changed from lab coats, trousers and shirts into shorts, t shirts and sunglasses. "come on boy, we're there" I rolled my eyes in disgust at the scientists who were pretending to be a family on holiday. And we were the 'beloved' family pets who if we didn't do as we were told would be involved in a tragic accident of some kind. I for one do not feel like falling off the eiffle tower today.

I hopped out of the car and looked at John. The best thing to do in a bad situation is make jokes, "well John, We always wanted to go to France..." John stared at me before smiling

"yeah. But I didn't think it would be as a wolf with crack up my arse"

"yeah... the crack bit is bad... but being a wolf is all right. It has it's perks"

John looked doubtful "name one perk"

John grinned as I cocked my leg up at the scientist's car. and a stream of yellow liquid flew from my sheath and ran down the front wheel

The scientists saw what I did to their car and scolded me "what the fuck do you think you are doing?" the male one whispered angrily.

I licked his face, "Hurry up. These drugs are uncomfortable"

the male scientist took my leash "come on. The sooner we can get the packages to the client the sooner we can get away from here" they took us to a dark looking building and knocked on the door. It was opened by an twenty year old man


the female scientist spoke "Mr Darlington?"

the Frenchman instantly changed his language "ah! Do you have my packages?"

"we do indeed"

"excellent. May I have them?" "of course"

then it hit me. How were they going to take the crack from us? They weren't going to *splick* my fears were confirmed when the female scientist pulled latex gloves over her hands and pulled my tail aside.

"now this won't hurt a bit"

I whimpered as she started to feel about my tail hole, she then put a finger in, then another and used them to spread my sphincter so she could fit more fingers in me.

Soon she had four fingers in my hole and the whore was now trying to fit her thumb in. I had no idea my ass could stretch this far.

I felt absolutely sick when the rest of her hand slipped in, she grabbed on of the bags and slowly pulled it out. John stared at me in horror and disgust as the bag appeared.

Then the bitch had the audacity to stroke my head "just one more"

I didn't have a minute to rest. Her fingers were all ready probing my hole "please! Just five minutes" I said rather pathetically. I figured out she didn't plan to stop when she pushed more of her fingers in.

soon she had her hand around the other bag. And was tugging it from me. I whimpered as the bag was taken from me and I was left to lay on the floor cowering whilst she did the same to John.

I looked away from John. I couldn't watch him get hurt. But I keep on telling myself that this is all worth it... that when we're done I can go see Arctic... and I can live happily... forever... it would be me, Arctic, John, the pups, Jessica, Tony Jeeves and Sarah Goldstein.

All worth all the pain and discomfort. I was dragged away from my thoughts as the scientists yanked on my leash dragging me away from the Frenchman who now held four bags in his hands, and the scientists now held a rather large sum of cash in their hands. None of that would be heading our way any time soon but that didn't matter. Arctic is all that mattered.

I wouldn't say I'd give my life just to see her. That would be a bit pointless. But I would go pretty bloody close.

"well, wasn't it nice to see Pierre again dear?" the two scientists kissed.

I wasn't sure if they were acting. Their actions confused me. Why did they have to put on this performance. I'm fairly sure all the people here can only speak one language and that language is French.

We were ushered into the carriers in the car and I curled up and fell asleep. In my little box. Soon we would be back in England and then we would have to wait and see...

project wolfsoul: chpt 4: prostituted pt1

Prostituted after a while we were back at the smelting plant. "you did good boys" the scientist stated as he placed some food in a bowl and put it by us "just one more job... then you're done" "the job is a simple one" the female scientist assured...


project wolfsoul: chpt 2: used.

**warning// this chapter includes drug dealing scientists using wolves to smuggle drugs into france. if you don't approve of this. don't read, and if you do read and don't like it for that reason. it's your own stupid fault (don't bitch at...

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Project wolfsoul: chpt 1: Project wolfsoul

Project wolfsoul after a few months in hospital I was back on my feet again. Me and John. We were going to get jobs and lead normal lives. Share a flat, get laid... Easy. First we needed jobs. "so have you phoned the number on the business card?"...

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