All the Way?

Story by ahsanoj on SoFurry

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#5 of Discoveries (Gideon x Travis)

Travis has a surprise planned for Gideon on the night of their graduation, but reality isn't as easy as his fantasies.

In case you missed the tags and rating, please note this is a sexually explicit story.

Note: I want to revisit the age thing since coincidentally my original disclaimer follows the new rules on the site about the ages of characters. Gideon and Travis are of age here, as appropriate from the perspective of the reader. I was actually an adult my final year of high school myself.

Gideon Grey looked around his old basement room, smiling. He had just gotten home from his high school graduation dinner. The room had changed little over the years, but it was home. What had changed was the ever-growing collection of cook books and other assorted culinary material.

As he dwelled on past memories the doorbell rang, the fox's ears twitching towards the sound. "Gid," he heard his father's voice call out, "Travis's here to see ya!"

The still-dressed-up fox turned around and exited his room, ascending the basement stairs. As he opened the door at the top he heard his parents talking, his ears immediately lowering as he heard his mother talk.

"Of course you can stay over! Bless your heart for helping to make this day happen," his mother said as she thanked the awkwardly fidgeting ferret.

Mr. Grey interjected, "I'm glad you caught us before we left. We weren't gonna miss our Gid's special day, but we have to get going. Another business trip. Thanks for being there for our boy."

"Uh... well thanks but it wouldn't have happened if Gid didn't put in the effort too," Travis nervously responded, instinctively intimidated as he was surrounded by, from his perspective, towering foxes.

"He helped me plenty with home economics too, Mrs. Grey," the ferret forced himself to keep eye contact as he nervously replied.

"You had it right all along that my pa had it backwards about weasels hun," Mr. Grey hugged his wife to his side, smiling down at his son's friend.

"Would ya cut that out, Pa!" Gideon sneered in irritation.

"It was a complement, son! Don't go flyin' off the handle!" Mr. Grey responded, his ears flicked back.

Before he could continue his wife gave him a stern look and shook her head 'no,' trying to diffuse any further unpleasantness.

With some effort, Gideon replied a bit more calmly, "He's a ferret not a weasel anyways." The fox grinned halfheartedly, "Anyhow have a good trip." He picked up his friend's bag. "Come on down, Trav."

The fox frowned as he angrily stormed down the stairs. He resisted the urge to scold his father for his twitching nose. Foxes had their own distinctive odor too after all, though Gideon did note that there was something different about Travis' scent that night. His lanky companion nervously smiled as he also descended the stairway, quickly scurrying behind his friend.


"Sorry Trav," Gideon paced in front of his sofa. "That really just burns my britches how Pa can't keep from sayin' real dumb stuff."

"Hey it's okay, he meant well." The ferret shrugged.

The fox stopped, facing away from his friend. "My folks are right, you sure did help me a lot." Gideon's ears turned towards his friend as he wistfully spoke. "Is it really that hard to believe I put hard work into getting my grades back up, though?"

"You earned that diploma. We both did! That's what today's about." The ferret walked behind his larger friend, hugging him. "Today's special... that's why I had to stop at home first."

Gideon's ears flicked curiously, watching as Travis walked over to his bag.

"Okay, this is a surprise. Close your eyes and don't open them until I say to!"

The chubby fox chuckled as he complied, hearing Travis letting out cute little 'dooks' in excitement. His vulpine ears conspicuously tracked Travis' every move.

"No cheating!" The ferret continued, "Cover those ears too, and count to twenty!" The smiling canine complied once again.


"...nineteen, twenty!" Gideon gasped as he opened his eyes. Travis was on the bed on all fours, all of his dress clothes not to mention his undergarments shed. The mustelid's tail was raised up over his back, giving a clear view of his small but shapely rump, his dangling balls leaving no ambiguity as to his gender. The two had been playing around together for months, but the clear offer on display took Gideon by surprise. They had only used their paws and muzzles on each other in the past.

Wetness glistened between Travis' buttocks, trailing down from between them from what was clearly a very well-lubricated hole. "This is why I had to stop home first. I had to clean up and... prepare." He looked away and continued, "I'd really like to go all the way with you Gid. This seemed like a good occasion. I've been reading up on this for a long time."

The fox's eyes widened as he quickly turned around and locked his door, ears askew, paranoid despite the fact his parents left and would be out of town. "Ya know my folks probably smelled you. I didn't know what it was but they're probably wonderin' what we're up to, especially Pa."

Travis giggled, wiggling his rear end in a way that was supposed to be alluring. "Considering he gave you that lock after catching us whacking off together, I don't think we have to worry about it."

Gideon shed his own clothing and crawled up onto his bed, eyes hungrily staring at what was offered to him. As the fox reached out to touch the assets on display, a squeak interrupted the chuckle-like 'dooking' sounds coming from their owner. The lithe form shuddered as large paws rubbed and squeezed his most intimate parts, his member readily extending from its sheath.

"I dunno about this, Trav." The fox grabbed the ferret's tail between his paws, firmly pulling it through his grip as he massaged it. "I don't wanna hurt ya. You're a right bit smaller than me, no offense." The fox's member stood at full mast, despite its owner's protests.

"I've been practicing on my own. I think I'm ready for you. I left the lube on the bed there. Slick yourself up and stick it in!" The ferret's flattened ears and trembling body contrasted with his apparent confidence.

As Gideon squirted lube on his throbbing member and lightly stroked it over himself, his breathing became more ragged. He cupped his paws over the ferret's rear, prying the fuzzy buns apart and lustily staring at the slickened anus.

Letting go of one 'cheek,' the fox lined up his member, pushing it against his friend's back door. The flesh quickly clamped tight, before relaxing more as its owner mentally prepared himself for the coming penetration. "You tell me right quick if this ain't working for ya."

At that, the stocky vulpine leaned forward, meeting some resistance with just the tip inside. "Keep going," Travis encouraged, his tail going limp and droopy.

"Ah... I can't believe we're doin' this!" Gideon smiled with glee. "Here we go!" The hot flesh felt better than he'd imagined. His smaller friend clamped tight as the fox pushed further into his depths. "Oh Trav, yer so good!" He continued pushing into the shuddering form, who let out a yelp. "Good thing my folks ain't home," the larger mammal teased.

Gideon leaned down, his chubby belly resting over the ferret's back. The fox was preparing to wrap an arm around his lanky companion and begin thrusting. He lowered his head next to Travis', smiling and planning to nuzzle against him. His eyes widened in alarm, however. "Tears?" A vulpine paw suddenly groped at Travis' crotch, finding that his member had mostly retreated into its sheath. The fox shouted, "Travis, why didn't ya tell me to stop?"

Travis began to lose his composure. "I'll... I'll get used to it!" The ferret drew a ragged breath and tried to relax. "This is supposed to be special. I know it hurts at first. I looked all this up. I thought I could take it! I... I wanted to feel you fill me up."

Gideon pulled out, gasping at the intense pleasure while feeling guilty at the same time. He wrapped his arms around his slender companion and lay on his side, hugging him close. "Are ya okay? Ya ain't bleeding or anything, but how are ya feeling?"

"Sore.. It felt like you were putting your arm up there or something." Gideon grimaced at that mental image. "This is a disaster," the ferret sighed, "I wanted this to be special. That wolf in that first porno we watched sure looked like he loved getting pounded... I wanted to feel like that."

"I told ya I was too big. He had a little weasel going to town on 'im. Plus, this is real life and you ain't no porn star who's probably been pounded umpteen times." Gideon chuckled at his own comment.

"This is special too, don't ya worry about that. If you're still up to it, there's still plenty we can try too ya know." Gideon maneuvered his friend onto his back, nuzzling at the comparatively diminutive form's chest, before licking and kissing at his muzzle.

Travis' world was filled with all things musky fox. The pain was fading and he panted as Gideon nuzzled and licked at his body. The long canine tongue felt exquisite grooming his body. Then his world started to spin as the long wet flesh started lapping along his balls and the tip of his maleness, which hadn't completely retreated into his sheath yet.

"So..." The fox spoke, "You cleaned yourself up back there right?"

"Uh.. Yeah?" Travis curiously responded. "Why do you aaAA!" The ferret's question was interrupted as his legs were abruptly lifted and spread by fuzzy black vulpine handpaws. Gideon's head suddenly seemed gigantic to the exposed mustelid, who slapped a hand over his mouth in a futilely delayed response to his loud exclamation.

Gideon put on a goofy smile, ears fighting to stay erect due to his embarrassment at his own dirty talk. "Yer rump is just so smokin' hot." Travis smiled at Gideon's adorably skewed ears, moaning as he indulged, long muzzle nuzzling between his soft buttocks.

The fox nudged his nose under the squirming ferret's balls, rolling Travis' rear mounds in his hands as he squashed his long muzzle between them. Finally the long vulpine tongue wantonly lapped directly between said cheeks as the fox backed his muzzle up again, until he was staring directly at his friend's tight entrance.

Gideon hesitated. "I trust that you cleaned real well back there..." He left it at that and let his actions speak as Travis felt increasing pressure once again. The ferret writhed and moaned, trying to keep his volume in check as Gideon's tongue penetrated slightly into his hole. "I want ya to feel good." Gideon smiled as he lapped against Travis' balls, the ferret's fully recovered erection sporting a bead of precum. The fox lowered his partner to the bed once more, the ferret giggling as his rigid length bobbed on full display. He shuddered as his length was engulfed in the hot wet warmth of a long vulpine muzzle, Gideon using the past months of experience to great effect. He withdrew his muzzle from the member, giving one last lick on the tip.

The fox got up and picked up the lube, using a paw to slather it all over the trembling ferret's maleness. Gideon turned around and reached a paw behind himself, his large fluffy tail raised out of the way. "I bet you could fit a lot easier, no offense."

"Wait!" Travis interrupted his larger companion. "Like you said this isn't a porno. If you want to try that let's get you prepared back there."

Thanks for reading, and please share any thoughts if you want to. While it's shameless smut, I'm trying to imagine a relatively realistic scenario.

Want to Finish Anyway?

Gideon Grey took a moment to compose himself after hearing those fateful words come from his ferret friend's mouth: "Gid? It sucks the power went out but want to finish anyway? ...uh, without the video?" It was a perfect progression of events that led...

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Bi the Way

Gideon walked into his basement room with a pile of old sheets and towels. "I brought these out this time so it's easier to clean up uh... after, ya'know." As Gideon set a stack of towels down beside the couch Travis remarked, "Yeah that makes...

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Quick Bread

Gideon Grey groggily opened his eyes. Despite the darkness of his room his vulpine vision was still quite good-especially due to the bright moonlight shining through the window. Likewise the portly fox's sensitive ears twitched, searching for whatever...

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