Hyena Sentencing and Submission 1

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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#7 of Catching the King Off Guard

After being cast from their own clan, a certain trio of hyenas of take refuge in the Pride Lands, but they cannot hide their presence forever.


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"Come on, boys," Shenzi encouraged. "Let's just talk about this!"

"Enough talk! No more empty promises!" one of them snapped. "You said that following Scar would have us set for the rest of our lives!"

The three of them gulped. They knew that this day was coming, but they tried to keep it at bay by hiding out in different parts of the Outlands, keeping a look out for their former hyena pack, who they had promised much in exchange for helping Scar take the throne. And for a while that plan had worked, but it was Scar himself who put a dent in it but not caring to keep the balance. Things were made even worse when Scar was killed and they were all chased back into the Outlands, the trio knew that the clan would blame them for getting them right back for wasting their time and not living up to the grand promise they made.

"If it means anything, he had us tricked too!" Banzai pointed out. "We were all sure we'd been living the high life." But his words failed to reach them, and they crowded even closer around.

"Now it's our turn to make a promise!" that same hyena barked. "Either you get out of our Outlands or we rip you apart just like we did that liar Scar!" The growls around them were much louder and the threatening glares of their fellow hyenas made the three of them gulp. With no other choice, they made a break for it, running as fast as they could. Their former clan chased after them, barking and snapping when they drew close. That was more than enough to keep the disgraced hyenas to keep running full speed, not daring to stop, not even against the aching in their legs or the pounding in their chests. With nowhere else to go, the three of them sprinted past the border and into the Pride Lands.

The three of them were now fugitives from both lands, but fancied their chances in the Pride Lands. There were more places to hide and there was ample chance for a more than decent meal. In time, the three of them settled into an abandoned cavern, surrounded by untamed, overgrown grass.


The three of them had hidden themselves in the Pride Lands not long after Simba had properly taken the throne. And for all of that time they kept the shadows during the night, hunting and making their kills under the cover of night. After some time, they tried to rejoin their clan, but they were just as unwelcome and chased off with the threat of being killed if seen again. And though it was easier getting something to eat, the three of them missed the company of their former clanmates...

For some years they get by but they should have known that they weren't going to remain in hiding forever...

That day came when they made the mistake of getting cocky. After years of not being caught the three of them were bold enough to do their hunting during the day, but Banzai and Ed had been taking things a bit further. Shenzi found it even riskier but they convinced her to join in and the three of them stalked around for the perfect candidate.

And they came in the form of two gazelles. But these two were particular, being Viru and Ruka, a pair that had witnessed the king giving himself to Tonga, the lead zebra of the herd. The two of them were wary to approach the king at first, but Tonga helped them get acquainted. From then on, the duo approached Simba more and more, having much fun fooling around with him and soon became rather good friends.

The two of them were pinned to the ground, stunned from the pounces that came out of nowhere. That left them dazed and all the easier to keep down.

Ruka was calling out for help before a paw stepped on his throat, making him wince and choke.

"You'll cut that out if you wanna live," Banzai growled. "You're lucky we're not here for a meal."

"T-then what do you want from us?" Viru dared to ask.

The paw was eased up and Ruka took a desperate breath while the hyenas just laughed.

"It'll be more fun to show you!" Once those words were said he pounced on Ruka while Ed was fully on top of Viru.

"Alright, I gotta admit: this is pretty fun," Shenzi chuckled as she watched the hooved animals struggle. "Alright! Listen up! We're gonna have some fun with you and once it's done the two of you are free to go. Now get on your stomachs and lift those tails."

Ruka and Viru suddenly had wide eyes and struggled harder. "Now! Or am I gonna have to start ripping chunks off first?"

The two of them did as they were told and got low to the ground, folding their legs and lying down with their tails lifted, trembling as they felt the respective male hyena mounting them almost immediately.

"That was easier than I thought it would be," Banzai snickered. He was already rubbing his sheath over Ruka's backside, making small grunts as his cock was poking out, lengthening and then grinding over the gazelle's tight hole.

The moment he felt something touch his ass, the fearful gazelle jumped and that motion pressed his body back a bit, accidentally slipping some of Banzai's cock into his hole. His eyes went even wider before he groaned out, the feeling of suddenly being stretched had finally caught up to him.

"Just as eager, huh? You want my hyena cock that much?" Banzai teased. He took full advantage and rammed himself inside of the wincing prey.

Shenzi watched as the Banzai was already having his way, sinking his dick into the tight looking hole. Her eyes were glued, using the sight as fuel for her own arousal. And it was evident by her own sex, showing between her legs. Already, she was reaching a paw between her hindlegs, stroking it over her folds, groaning in delight as well.

Looking over, she saw that Ed was getting busy as well. The wilder hyena was even more eager, not only humping his cock against the hole, looking for an entrance. From the tip of was strings of pre that were making a mess on the gazelle's backside. For a moment the female hyena wondered if Ed would need some help, lest he get a bit too excited and shoot his load all over the other male's back. But Ed proved her wrong by brushing the wet tip against the hole. The moment it was found, the mumbling yeen was quick to roughly shove the entire length of his dick into the wailing Viru.

Viru was made to take every inch at once, not even a second after his hole was roughly spread open. With deep breaths, he steadied himself and focused on enduring it. He was thankful that his hole was used just the day before. It quickly adjusted to the invading girth, but now the gazelle was left to endure the hard thrusts that pounded the length of his passage. It took attention away from his partner being also fucked next to him, feeling those sensations that came from the penetration, it forced more loud yelps and moans from him.

Ed was thoroughly pounding his ass, not letting up for a moment and pushing his cock as deep as it could reach, roughly bashing it into the very end of the herbivore's ass. Every thrust was like that: filled with force that filled his ass with hyena cock, one after the other. And Ed was loving every second of it, panting heavily as he felt his dick slipping back and forth within the tight hole, using it to gain his own pleasure.

Banzai was taking a slower approach, wanting to drag the pleasure out. He was making shallow humps underneath the gazelle's tail to start out but at this point, his entire shaft was wedged inside. With a deep sigh of pleasure the hyena kept his cock right there, just enjoying the softness and heat that surrounded.

While pressed to the ground and having quite a bit of weight on his back, Ruka had to get used to the full feeling. He hadn't ever imagined himself being with a hyena and was surprised by how long the dick inside of him was. And the girth was enough to stretch his walls. Then suddenly, Banzai was back to rutting him, this time at a faster pace than before, his growls filling Ruka's ears.

Viru was teased with the brief idea of relief that came when the cock was pulled out of him, leaving in just the tip, but Ed was quick to jam himself back inside with full force, relishing the pleasure that came from feeling his cock being engulfed. And just like that, the muttering and cackling hyena was back to quickly humping into his tailhole with hips rolling to repeatedly jab his tip into the other gazelle's depths.

The two gazelles continued to moan and wail from the respective breedings they were given. And behind them was Shenzi, who was having her own fun, watching it all take place. Her view was specifically on the backsides, watching her friend's back halves bouncing up and down, slipping their cocks back and forth against the rim, keeping it spread and the holes just beyond filled. With their sounds were also the arousing pants and groans from Banzai and Ed, getting louder as the session went on longer and longer. She stroked herself, making her own noise as fluids were making her paw slick.

Ed was going even faster, much to Viru's dismay. He wasn't sure if he could keep this up. Never before had he endured so many rough ruts without relent and for so long as well. They just kept coming with no signs of stopping or at least slowing. The only relief he was actually given were the spurts of thick pre that came shooting from the tip, heating up and slicking his insides, giving him a sort of comfort and an ease of taking the pistoning length. He knew that the best thing to do was just the ride it out, Viru told himself that at the speed that Ed was fucking him, it couldn't last for much longer. So rather than trying to resist, he just stopped and hoped that he could get out of the situation with his tailhole still intact.

If anything, this seemed to backfire. Ed sensed the change in the gazelle and took full advantage, still pounding hard and putting even more force into his hips, pushing his cock even deeper. Every push and pull in underneath the other male's hole produced a loud slurping sound. It slid in easier and that got another low moan from Ed, getting the hyena to sigh and drool even more, making Viru groan.

Ruka still kept up a bit of defiance, but it was hard to fight the sensations that were forced through his body. As much as he hated to admit it, the hyena was filling his ass rather well and his cock hit many spots that usually drove him crazy when touched under...different circumstances. Moans still came from him, but internally the gazelle would not allow himself to fully submit to the hyena using him. But it was not easy, the feelings within him were also push-and-pull, torn between the rough fucking and the heat that came from the pre. With his hole becoming slicker, it made Banzai's cock all the easier to glide over his clenching walls.

The growls from Banzai were getting louder, filling his ears. That was because the hyena was easing his head lower, hovering it just behind the gazelle's flicking ears. "Alright, I've had my fun. But we're not done just yet. Hold still while I fill you up..."

Just as he said that, the hyena gave a strong thrust inside and followed it up by a sudden bite to the gazelle's neck. Ruka's breathing ceased and his pupil's dilated. For a moment, he thought that was the end of it for him, but the hyena had taken the loose skin of his scruff into those strong jaws. Now Ruka felt fear, knowing that one wrong move could get those sharp fangs to easily pierce his skin or even take a whole chunk out of him.

Banzai groaned around the fur in his mouth as he reached his peak. Strong throbs came from his cock and his balls drew up, pumping virile hyena seed through his shaft before it spurt from his tip, filling up the gazelle's insides just as he said it would. Ruka could only shudder from the heat, more and more of it being unloaded into him. Now, he had been fully bred by the hyena and even worse, he had mixed feelings about it, realizing that there were streaks of warm stickiness against his own belly.

Not being far behind, Ed was slamming his cock deep inside, forcing a series of groans out of Viru, having his ass being wrecked by the slobbering hyena. His ears were filled with a sudden bark and not a moment later, the yeen shoved himself fully inside as his balls churned. Now it was Viru's turn to endure the strange feelings that came with having his insides painted by dirty hyena spunk, feeling an odd sense of comfort from the hole ropes splattering within him.

"Have fun, boys?" Shenzi asked, getting the attention of their friends. "Cause I could use some help over here."

Ed was busy still pumping his pent up load into the whimpering Viru. The hyena was panting hard, his long tongue lolling as he rode out the blissful pleasure. He enjoyed the heat of his own seed surrounding his shaft, making the hole itself nice and messy, marked with his scent. Before he was finished, he pulled his cock out with an almost gross sounding wet sound. The wet cock was flopped on Viru's back and a few short humps shot the rest of his ropes onto the gazelle's back, marking him further. Underneath, Viru at least got the chance to relieve the pressure of all that cum inside of him, his stretched ass allowing it to flow freely out of him.

But Banzai still had more to give and was quick to dismount, quickly pulling himself from the gazelle's filled hole, leaving Ruka to pant heavily, also leaking the hot fluid onto the grass behind him

Banzai approached Shenzi quickly and the female met him by lying on her back and spreading her hindlegs. "Enjoy the show?"

"Will you hurry up?" Shenzi said, rolling her eyes.

Banzai eased over her and in his excitement he was about to prod his cock against her pussy, but Shenzi was quick to catch it with her paw, guiding the slick length to her ass instead. She was more than willing to endure the moments of stretching to avoid being heavy with pups. And with that, she grit her teeth as Banzai sunk his cum-slathered cock inside of her, pushing in inch by inch until it was all within.

The two of them were soon moaning as Banzai started out with steady strokes that slid his cock all the way in and all the way out. He very much enjoyed Shenzi's ass and the other hyena was sighing in pleasure as she teased her clit, stroking it in time with Banzai's ruts.

"I told you this plan would work out," Banzai chuckled through his pounds. "And you're lucky I got more to give."

"Oh yeah, you're doing me a real favor," Shenzi scoffed playfully. "Next time I'm calling Ed over. He gets right to it."

"Oh yeah? Well how about this?" he put more power into it, thrusting much harder and reaching his dick in deep, getting a gasp and whine out of Shenzi, quieting her teases and getting a smirk out of the male above her. Now, Banzai was doing this to prove a point more than seeking more pleasure. By the drips coming from Shenzi's folds, he could see that she was pretty close. So he bore down on her with hips rolling fast, fucking her ass almost like a rabbit, grinding his dick into soft flesh and against the clenching rim.

Shenzi was panting heavily from the quick pounds to her ass, feeling her own pleasure building as she gripped and stroked herself even faster, getting closer and closer to her limit. There wasn't much more she needed to be pulled into a climax, groaning out as juices spurt onto her paw. Banzai had held out as long as he could, but he was not as good as long winded hard thrusting like Ed and folded, pumping a second load into Shenzi's ass, gritting his fangs as the last that his balls had to give flowed into his fellow hyena.

"A-alright. I think it's about time we make ourselves scarce..." Banzai and Shenzi were easing up as Ed did as well. "And if you two say anything we'll..."

Before the threat could be finished, Shenzi and the others froze in reaction to a sound, a very loud and deep sound. It came again and it struck them as a roar. A very familiar roar.

And coming into view was Simba, followed by some lionesses. They quickly surrounded the stunned hyenas. The king took a look at his panting and leaking friends and quickly put things together. Two lionesses helped them away while Simba growled and stepped closer to the Outlanders.

"Oh, hey, your highness!" Shenzi greeted. "Boy, it has been a long time, huh?"

"You three..." Simba huffed as he loomed over them.

"Hold on there, Mr. Lion!" Banzai put in. "It's not like we wanted to come here. Trust me! If we could, we would have gone back to the Outlands by now!"

Simba did stop and tilted his head. "I'll allow you to explain yourselves."

"Well, funny story actually... But you know things have been pretty rough in the Outlands, right? This specific lion told us that he could help us if we just did what he said. And we had to convince the rest of our clan to make it happen. But long story short, he lied to us and we were chased out of our clan for not delivering those promises."

"Seems like a fitting punishment..." the lion snarled, harking back to their heavy involvement in the worst moments of his life. "Take them back to the Outlands."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Shenzi barked. "Have a heart! We were desperate to just get a decent life and he used that on us. And if we go back they'll kill us! L-look we'll do anything, accept any punishment if it means we can stay."

Simba was surprised, he had never heard a hyena beg and looking at the lionesses, the king could see that they were rather shocked as well. Putting his anger of the past aside, Simba thought about it. They were the last remainders of his past and it seemed that they had gotten a punishment for their acts, cast out by their own kind. And now they were begging him to stay, even accepting a punishment of his choosing.

He thought for a moment. There was something different about them and he got the feeling that their trouble causing days were behind them. All the same, he knew better than to blindly trust them. In addition to a punishment, he needed to keep an eye on them. For a moment he thought and glancing over to the leaving gazelles gave him an idea.

"Very well. I'll allow you to stay." Around him were murmurs and chatter of shock but they were silenced by a raise of the king's paw. "But you will be given a proper punishment: of becoming toys and tools for pleasure. And to keep an eye on you, you'll be coming back with me to Pride Rock."

With that, Simba turned around and led the way back home. Begrudgingly, the lioness rounded up the shocked hyenas and led them as well. While walking, the king was deep in thought. He wasn't expecting this when he got the report from multiple hearing shouts from the secluded part of the savanna. But he was willing to give it a shot, and if it failed to keep them in line, he could just send them back where they came from, leaving them to be taken care of.

But internally that felt rather wrong to Simba. For all the anger he had towards them, the lion couldn't bring himself to wish death upon them. Maybe it was a blind hope, but he wanted to believe that there was a way to rehabilitate them. And having them so close brought him a strange ease. With the eyes of the lionesses on them, there would be no room for them to scheme.

"Hey, Mr. Lion!" Banzai called, making the king look back. The look given made the hyena shrink. "I mean King Simba...uh t-thanks for not...sending us into the literal jaws of death."

"Don't thank me yet," Simba said plainly. "After all, if I hear about any tricks I'll deliver you to your clan myself."

The three hyenas perked up and made sure to keep pace with the surrounding lionesses, now feeling the pressure and wondering what would become of them.


Nala was returning from a hunt with the other lionesses. It felt good to be able to hunt again and though she was a bit rusty at the start, the king's mate proved that she had not lost any skill when it came to catching food for the pride. She grinned around the catch that she and two more helped bring back. It was antelope that Nala had the pride of pouncing on when it was attempting to escape. Such a feat gained her praise with the other lionesses and they admitted to missing her on the hunts.

But those good feelings quickly diminished upon returning to Pride Rock itself, and once she laid eyes on who her fellow lionesses were bringing in, she and the others had dropped the catch in shock, staring with wide eyes and open mouths. Of course, seeing them brought back her own memories of what they had done, causing ruin and dismay throughout the lands.

"Please, remain here," she said, doing her best to keep her tone even, wanting to at least set an example for the rest of them. But her aura of grace all but fell away when she approached her mate. "What are they doing here?" She hissed, letting the venom in her voice be heard.

Simba then ushered her mate away, ordering the others to keep the hyenas surrounded. The two of them broke away from the large crowd before the king finally explained.

"What's going on?" Nala hissed again, this time letting her true anger be known. Not only did she not want them as a reminder of the pain that she had to endure in her youth, but now she was a mother as well and the idea of having the hyenas here at Pride Rock did not sit well. "Why are they here? Why didn't you send them back to the Outlands?"

"If I don't, the three of them would have been killed..." Simba said with a quiet tone and when Nala's eyes softened he explained the situation they were in. "I know what they did, but I'm willing to give them a chance to prove themselves. But I'm going to let them repeat the past, especially not with Kiara around."

Nala didn't say anything at first, she simply looked down at the ground. She was already bothered by their presence, being sure that the trio was long gone. And the mention of their daughter did not make her feel any better. But with a sigh, the queen told herself to trust her mate.

"And I need your help," Simba continued. "For now, the hyenas are under our protection and I need your help to make sure none of them are hurt by the lionesses."

"That's a hefty request," Nala smirked. "I'm gonna need something in return."

And that "something" was hinted at in the form of his mate pressing her body against the king's. She then started to rub her body against his, working the scent of her body into Simba's nose, knowing that would get him riled up.

"I think that can be arranged," Simba agreed. In truth he was glad to have something to take his mind away from it as well. So he took in the scent of her and stood up, the tip of his cock already peeking from his sheath.

It had been a while since the two of them had a chance to do this and with them not being too far behind from so many, Nala used that to fuel her desires, getting low and raising her hindquarters as the male behind her approached, first giving some sniffs to her entrance before moving on to mounting. Once feeling his weight on her back, the lioness already felt herself relaxing. She made a purr as prods were felt against her vent. He purposely ground over her lips, slathering his cock in her arousal, enjoying the warmth that clung to it.

Finally, he lined himself up and slid his length inside. A soft sigh came from his mate, already feeling her worries melting away. She used this chance to do some thinking. She trusted Simba and knew that he would not bring them here if he did not see something in them. Perhaps she could bring herself to actually interact with them.

She allowed herself to further relax, enjoying the thrusts that drowned out any lingering thoughts she had, them soon being pure pleasure. Simba penetrated her, sinking his cock inside her sex and she was surprised by the rather forceful thrusts that came, sliding his maleness inside of her and touching it in deep. It became clear that the king was going for more than just some casual mating. From the growls that came and the way that he clung to her body, she realized that he was looking to breed her.

Nala couldn't help but go along, spreading her hindlegs and raising her backside even more, making small moans from the pleasure that coursed through her, brought about by the firm thrusts. Simba was pushing it in even deeper, digging his claws into the earth for a firmer grip. He too was letting his stresses melt away, replacing it with the pleasure that he felt, feeling his shaft throb and leak pre inside of her.

Her walls were now pulsing, squeezing down on the king's cock, receiving just as much, enjoying the tingles that raced through her body. More than the ruts to her pussy, Lulu enjoyed the tight hold the male had her in, the warmth of his body and the way that he squeezed when reaching in even deeper. She couldn't fight a gasp that rose from her throat, also digging her claws into the ground.

While pleasuring his mate, Simba sought to do more than simply fill his mate with his release, seeking her own pleasure as well with teasing squeezes and grinds of his chest against the lioness' back. He couldn't help but rub his aroused scent over her, receiving a thrill knowing that when they returned to the general public, they would be able to smell the heavy odors on her body.

With moans getting louder, Nala pressed herself against the incoming bucks of the lion's hips and that coaxed the king to pound into her harder, making a grunt as his balls were now slapping against her vent as well, a show of how strongly he was fucking her. The two of them were purring heavily as their pleasure rose.

Around the king's cock came harder squeezes, Nala raised her head and held back a yowl as she came, her passage pulsing hard and unleashing her hot juices around the pumping maleness. Following right behind was Simba, unable to withstand the pleasure any longer. He was quick to take her scruff into his jaws, using that to muffle his roar of pleasure. It only struck him now how much he missed this and enjoyed being in Nala's embrace. With a mating bite to keep her close, he came hard inside of her, shooting strings of his potent lion cum into her womb and underneath, Nala was panting heavily, feeling her passage becoming warm and sticky as it was filled.

When Simba pulled out of her, she couldn't help but chuckle. "I guess my hunting days are going to be on hold again soon..."


Within Pride Rock, Simba had brought the hyenas to a separate chamber. The entrance was guarded by some lionesses, who he commanded to keep an eye on them. "Be sure to alert me the moment they try something."

"Oh come on, your highness," Shenzi groaned. "We've already agreed to be toys and everything. If that doesn't make us trustworthy, what will?" Her tone was slightly annoyed but the hyena had looked over to the lionesses that looked back at them with a suspicious glare.

"My word," the king responded. "What I've given you is a second chance to prove yourselves, and that's how you earn my trust." With that the golden lion departed, leaving the three of them alone in the chamber. It was rather spacious with plenty of room for the three of them.

"Guess this is our new home now," Banzai said as he sat down.

"Not much different from the cavern we had before," Shenzi agreed. Ed said something and the both of them nodded.