CBC - Territorial Dispute

Story by XP_Author on SoFurry

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#18 of Commissions

A commission for Morbo over on IB. They wanted me to have a pair of big cat boys fighting, with the winner taking some spoils of victory. And then a life. Y'know, standard stuff. Enjoy! :P

Coffee Break Commission

Territorial Dispute

By XP Author

Lee walked towards the lone Acacia tree, and the figure sitting in the shade provided by the long branches. The lion took several breaths as he strode. The trip from his usual resting spot to this part of the hunting territory had taken him over an hour. In that time, the fury that had driven him had slowly subsided into a calm anger, but it still bubbled below the surface. A hunting party of his lionesses had returned early, all of them looking worse for wear. They told him that some unusual looking male had come into his territory and fought them over prey. They tried to scare him off, but he fought back, scratching and biting at most of his women.

That alone would be enough to get Lee angry, but then they told him that this man had then killed one of the hunting party. That was a line too far. They showed him her body. She had deep claw marks in her belly and back, bite marks on her breasts, and her throat had been torn open as the killing blow. She had been a good hunter, and while not one of his favorites, he could not let such an affront stand. Not in his own territory.

The sun shone down on Lee as he approached the tree and the man under it. His yellow fur shone almost as bright as the sun, his fluffy mane ruffling in the light breeze. Most of his toned body was left exposed to that sun, nothing covering his upper body but his fur, and only a zebra pelt hanging at his waist covering his lower half, though his toned legs remained mostly exposed as well. His muscles, while clear, were not so bulky that he was not still clearly agile, striking a balance and leaving him looking impressive and a little imposing.

Unfortunately, the man he was coming to see was much the same. He was a feline unlike any Lee had ever seen before. Taller than him by a few inches, with the same toned yet agile build. His face was more rounded, his ears a little stouter. What really made him stand out was his fur. Bright, reddish-orange, with dark, almost black stripes covering most of his back, arms and legs, and down his tail, not unlike those of a zebra. That tail lacked the tuft of fur at the end that Lee had, and there were markings of white under his chin and along his belly. This was the first time Lee had ever seen a tiger, though he did not know the name for it.

The tiger, seeing the lion coming towards him, grinned. He tossed the cup of water he had been sipping from to the side, letting it clatter to the ground and spill the last bits of the liquid into the dirt. Like Lee, he wore only a pelt at his waist, though it, like the man, was of some black-furred beast the lion had never seen. The tiger chuckled as he stepped out of the shade towards the approaching lion. "Well, seems there are men around here after all."

Lee growled low as he stopped a few paces away from the tiger. He puffed up his chest a little, flexing his muscles. "My name is Lee, and this is my territory. You interrupted a hunt, wounded many of my lionesses, and killed one of my hunters. Leave now."

The tiger just chuckled. "Well, Lee. I'm Toran. So this is your territory? Guess those females were yours then." He made a show of sighing. "And here I was just wondering if I should go track them down and claim them as my own..." Lee bared his teeth at the man. "Ooo, now you're aggressive. Though I wonder if you're all talk and show. I mean, what kind of man sends his females out to do the hunting for him." Lee growled low again, his patience growing thin at the tiger's taunting. "Then again, I guess if their man is weak, it would explain why the hunters were so weak, too. I'm sure they'd love to be shown what a REAL man is like..."

Lee's claws slid free. "You want me to show you what kind of real man I am!?" He lunged at Toran, swiping at him in anger. He hit only air as the tiger stepped to the side, fully expecting the attack. What he was not expecting was the lion to use the momentum of his miss and smack him in the face with his tail. It did not really hurt, but it did sting his pride a little.

Toran shifted into a fighting stance, his own claws sliding free. "Guess you're not all talk after all." He grinned wide, clearly excited for a real fight. The men stared at each other, circling slowly as they measured each other. While Lee was clearly enraged, he was not stupid enough to blindly attack again. He waited until he thought he saw an opening, lunging forward with a roar, swiping again. His claws struck true, but not deep, slicing a pair of cuts against Toran's chest.

The lion was then sent staggering backwards as a blow caught the side of his head. He stumbled several steps, dazed by the surprisingly powerful hit. A fist caught him in the gut while he was still recovering, knocking the wind from his lungs. This Toran was far stronger than he gave him credit for. However, even as Lee took another solid blow to the head, sending him crashing to the ground on his back, he noticed that the tiger was relying purely on brute strength.

Lee tested a theory as the man stomped down on him, rolling to the side to avoid being crushed. He then spun and kicked out, sweeping the foot that would have hit him. The tiger yelped as he lost his balance and hit the ground as well. Lee smiled to himself. He was not in a good position to follow up the obvious opening, so just got to his own feet while the tiger did the same. Toran, while clearly stronger, was not as fast as he was, and throwing his strength around left him off balance.

Toran chuckled as he brushed some dirt off of him. "Not bad." He dropped the nonchalant attitude a second later and lunged at Lee, swinging his hand out. The lion was ready this time, ducking under it and shoving his shoulder into the man's chest. He brought a fist up to catch the tiger's jaw in an uppercut, snapping his opponent's head back and rattling his teeth. Toran took a step back, only to twirl around with the momentum and slash outwards, raking claws along Lee's back and opening several cuts. The lion roared in pain, sliding away from the tiger in time to avoid being slashed again.

He turned to face the tiger, in time to see him charging forward, claws at the ready for a double slash. He moved forward and caught his hands, clasping them together and pushed back. Both men leaned forward, feet digging into the dirt to shove the other down. Lee knew he could not win the contest of pure strength, being pushed back inch by inch. He grit his teeth, trying to think of some way to come out of the situation he put himself into.

Toran grinned as he grit his teeth at the effort of pushing, clearly enjoying himself. He tilted his head back, only to suddenly lunge forward and headbutt the lion' smashing his forehead into his opponents. Lee cried out in pain, his vision suddenly filled with stars. Toran shoved forward hard, driving the lion down to his knees. He then drove his own knee up into Lee's chin, smashing his jaw shut hard enough the lion thought his teeth might crack. He found himself sprawled onto his back a moment later, his head still spinning.

Lee opened his eyes, only for them to go wide as he saw the tiger pouncing at him, claws out, teeth bared, reading for a strike that could very well be fatal. He brought his legs up just as the tiger was about to land and bite down on him. The lion drove his feet up into Toran's belly, digging his claws in and shoving up and back, sending the tiger sailing over his head in surprise. There was a thud and a grunt behind him, followed by the sound of shaking branches.

Lee quickly scrambled to his feet, turning and expecting the man to be rushing at him. Instead, he saw Toran groaning on the ground, trying to right himself after having been flung into the trunk of the acacia tree. Lee had not realized they were as close to it as they were. He must have thrown the man head-first into the tree, as he was having trouble standing. Not one to let an obvious advantage slip away, Lee rushed forward to smash his fist into the tiger's jaw, driving his head again into the hard wood. Toran's head struck the trunk hard, bouncing off of it and sending him to the ground, once more dazed, clutching at his now broken nose, blood running through his fingers.

The lion pounced, using his weight to shove the man onto his belly and pin him down. "You come into my territory, wound my hunters, even kill one, and then dare to insult my manhood!" He grabbed Toran's head, only to smash it against the dirt, making his body jerk and daze him further. "You really want to test my manhood!?" Toran just groaned, spitting up some blood. He was conscious and alive, but his head was ringing more than a little.

"Let's see if your manhood is anything worth while!" Lee shifted his weight, sliding back and off of the tiger, only so he could grab the black pelt at his waist and throw it away. This exposed the toned ass hidden under, as well as the man's dangling shaft. To Lee's surprise, that shaft was somewhat hard already. "Oh, you're THAT kind of man, are you?" The lion was in no real position to judge, his own cock growing hard as well. He stripped his own pelt away to expose his hardening shaft. He smiled a little as he got a close comparison with both exposed. He was larger than the tiger, if only slightly.

Toran started to push himself back up, growling himself. "Oh, little lion thinks he's the big man now." He was just getting his hands under himself when he cried out in pain, teeth suddenly latched onto the back of his neck. Expecting to be pushed back down, he was surprised as he felt himself being dragged upwards, like his mother might have done when he was a cub. He was so taken by surprise that when the pulling suddenly turned into pushing, he was totally unprepared, his face being smashed hard into the dirt again. He was again pinned down, this time not just by the man's weight against him, but by the teeth digging into his neck slightly.

Lee growled low, vibrating all the way through his teeth. The tiger seemed to get the picture this time and stayed down, and more importantly, quiet. Normally, a battle for dominance would end here, but this was no normal dispute over territory rights, and this was no lion pinned under him. He felt he had to drive the point home even more. What better way than driving another point home. He shifted his hips, until his now rigid cock poked against the tiger's ass, letting him feel the throbbing shaft. Toran grunted and tensed, but the moment he opened his mouth to protest, the grip on his neck tightened threateningly.

The lion shifted his hips to grind against the tiger's rear, growling low still. When his pointed tip touched Toran's hole, the tiger tensed up, his tail thrashing, but another bite at his neck kept him from trying to throw the man off of him. Lee prodded at the entrance several times, until his tip pushed into it. Toran tried to stifle his pained groan as his anus was spread around the invading cock. The lion grinned to himself, pushing a little deeper. The hole was incredibly tight, and there was a kind of thrill in dominating the man as if he were just another of his lionesses.

Lee sank deeper into the man's ass, moaning into the tiger's neck as the tight warmth wrapped about his shaft. The tiger tensed up more and more the deeper he went, only making it feel that much better. Claws dug into the dirt as the tiger tried to keep from making any noise, but he could not help but groan or grunt as inch after inch speared into his rear, spreading his ass painfully wide. More humiliating was how his own cock had grown rock hard, twitching against the ground under him.

Eventually, the lion's cock hit deep, his balls slapping against the base of the tiger's shaft. Lee groaned in pleasure as he started to slowly pump his hips, repeatedly sinking into the tight warmth clinging around his cock. He had meant to just humiliate the tiger, but he saw no reason he could not also enjoy himself at the same time. As the man under him groaned in pain, his pace picked up, hitting deep again and again. His heavy balls slapped audibly against the tiger each time he thrust back in.

Lee finally let go of the tiger's neck, though his hands gripped at the man's shoulders to keep him pinned down. He leaned forward, speaking into his ears directly. "How does it feel to be fucked like a female?" Toran growled, but claws prickled at his shoulders threateningly. "Guess I'm still more of a man than you after all."

Toran managed a growled response. "Fuck you..." Lee just laughed at this, increasing his efforts all the more. He started to fuck faster, his hips smacking against the man's over and over. The tiger grunted audibly still, gritting his teeth and digging his claws into the dirt harder. He was trying everything not to show the sheer humiliation he was suffering, but the lion could see it all the same. As Lee continued to pound away at his ass, the grunting from the tiger shifted, less restrained pain, more something else.

Toran started to tense up even more, the only thing keeping him from struggling more was the claws threatening to rip his shoulders or neck open if he tried too hard. He could feel the cock in his ass throbbing each time it struck deep, and his own shaft was twitching and pulsing under him. He grit his teeth, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to resist, but his body was betraying him. Every time the pointed tip struck inside, his cock twitched, a familiar pressure rising deep within.

With a strained groan, he could hold back no longer. The tiger's cock throbbed and jerked, then started to spit and spurt his cum in thick gobs onto the dirt. Each wave of pleasure was unwelcome and unstoppable. As was the lion's reaction. "Look at that, little kitten likes having his ass pounded by a 'real man.'" Lee said the last words in the same way the tiger had earlier. Toran growled, but his shame was evident.

Lee leaned forward again, speaking into the man's ears directly once more. "I guess I should just treat you like a female now." Toran growled, then tensed as one of the hands grasped at his jaw, tilting his head up and turning it to the side awkwardly. Lee bared his teeth. "The same way you treated one of mine!" Toran's eyes went wide as those teeth were suddenly at his now exposed throat, digging into him. Now the tiger started to struggle, too little too late.

Lee bit down, tasting blood in his mouth as he ripped into the man's throat. He sank his teeth deep into the soft flesh, until he had a firm grip. With a hard yank of his head, he tore the front of the tiger's throat open. Blood gushed from the gaping wound, splashing out onto the dirt in great splashes. Lee swallowed the bit of meat in his mouth, blood dripping down his chin. He growled low as he felt himself growing closer and closer, his hips thrusting hard and fast now. The tiger's sudden struggles only added to the pleasure.

Toran's mouth opened in a gurgling cry of pain and anguish, his body trembling as his blood sprayed from his neck at a shocking pace. He was still aware enough to hear when the lion fucking his ass roared loud. He felt the cock cram as deep as it could into his anus, blasting him full of the man's hot seed. His head slumped to the sodden ground, utterly defeated, fatigue and a terrifying chill filling his very being. By the time Lee finished emptying his balls into the tiger, the man under him had stopped moving.

Lee pulled out and stood up, cum dripping from his cock still. He watched his seed slowly ooze out of the tiger's ass. The great spurts of blood from the tiger's neck had slowed to a mere trickle now that his heart had stopped. Lee grunted and gave the corpse a heavy kick. "Got what you deserved." He looked around and spotted where he had thrown the zebra pelt he wore. He tied it back around his waist, and also claimed the black furred pelt the tiger had worn as his own now.

Turning around, he started his trek back to his home, where his lionesses no doubt waited to hear any news. His body still ached from the fight, but the thrill of his absolute victory still kept him going. He would tell them that their sister was avenged, that he was still the leader of this territory. Then he would probably see about breeding one of them again in celebration. Or maybe he would just rest and let them tend to his wounds.

As for the tiger, he would tell the lionesses to leave his body. The scavengers would pick it clean within the next few days. Lee grinned to himself at that thought.

* * *