Razed - Chapter 2

Story by Marthell on SoFurry

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#2 of Razed

"One: I like it like this

Two: I like it like that

Three: I like it like this

Again, again, again, again"

Dorian Electra,

'Daddy Like'

"Oh, hey! Ben, right?"

The large mountain dog looks down at me, his dark eyes and the black fur that surrounds them making it hard for me to read his expression.

"That's right," he says. His voice is warm and immediately inviting, an instant balm to my anxiety. "And you're Ash."

He's older than me by seven years, at least that's what it said on his Liftr profile, and he has a handsome, rugged face. With me standing at five ten he beats me by about three inches. He's big all over, with broad shoulders and a beer belly to match. He instantly puts me in the mood of lifting my tail, getting my ass railed and yelling 'daddy'.

I bite back the thought.

"What's your order," I ask, nodding toward the bar. "I'll get this round."

When we matched and got to chatting I made it clear I wanted to meet and talk, not just fuck. Not that fucking was off the table, just that I at least like to get to know a guy a little first. If it were to be a one and done thing, so be it, but I was here with an open mind to more than that.

He was too, as it turned out, which is rare on an app like that. Most guys just send me some sort of lewd compliment or pictures of their dick or ass. I mean, sometimes the pictures turn me on, but they're not much of a conversation starter, at least not for me. Ben struck me as genuine and honestly interested in seeing where things might go, past just the bedroom, so we set a date and here we are.

"Thanks," he says, a wide and comforting smile spread across his muzzle "I'll get the next one. Any ale will do, whatever they have on tap."

It's been months since my last date so I'm feeling the nerves, though only a little. It was worse earlier, dreaming up scenarios in the pool - but now that I'm actually here what I'm feeling more than anything isn't nerves, it's thirst. And, no, I don't mean for alcohol.

I'd love so much for him to bend me over a couch and make the room shake while he pounds my rear with all he's got, his beer belly resting on my back, his balls slapping against my ass. Fuck I'm horny. For all my talk of wanting to see where things go and not meeting just for sex, fucking is all I can think about.

At the bar I order an ale for Ben and a gin and tonic for me, then return to our table, grinning as I approach him, wagging my tail at a measured pace so as to appear happy, but not overly excitable.

The more weight I put on it seems the more I end up matching with other big guys, and less with trim or built dudes. It isn't exactly a problem, I find something to love in just about every body type, but the lack of variety gets to me sometimes. I will admit, when all I had was that little bit of pudge and a bubble butt, this wasn't even a consideration - with my charm and swagger, I had little trouble bagging anyone I was interested in.

But, what does it matter? It's not like my dating options steadily narrowing has motivated me to get thin. I mean, one, I've never really been thin and, two, well... two...

I'm struggling to find motivation for much of anything lately.

We sip at our drinks and break the ice with small talk. All the while I'm eyeing him up, imagining him wrapping those big arms around me, shoving his fingers down my muzzle, having me wet them, then shoving them up my ass.

An entirely too distracting heat grows in my groin. Everything Ben tells me is in one ear and out the other but I'm just about blagging my way through the conversation. Holy hell I can be a needy bitch sometimes.

He sticks to his word and gets the next round. The gin goes down so easily that I barely remember it's alcohol. The thought strikes me that's it's been a long time since I last sucked dick. Two damn years. Too damn long if you ask me.

I edge my chair closer to Ben's as we chat, our conversation gradually tending toward subjects more substantive. He's telling me about his job. Some kind of ecological something something manager or planner or both or I don't know. I'm only half listening. I'm running a paw up his thigh and he hesitates, his speech slows. I offer him a smirk. He grins and carries on saying whatever the hell he was saying.

I rub my paw over the bulge in his pants, his rapidly expanding length fighting against the denim in pursuit of freedom and pleasure. I give its outline a grope as it reaches its full potential, sizing it up, conjuring an image of it in my head.

It's pretty big, I shiver and melt into the mountain dog, leaning against his side and grinning. It's not enormous, but it's more than enough, and bigger than mine. It must be a bit over seven inches, the same sort of size as the last dick I took and, holy fucking hell, that dick felt good. The technique certainly helped, but I doubt Ben will struggle with technique, he has the years, and the experience.

Ben's getting worked up now; he's giving me let's-fuck eyes. That's what I call progress.

"How about we get out of here?" I ask. "You can come to my place."

"Hmm," he narrows those eyes at me. "And here I was, thinking after all that talk on Liftr you wouldn't be the type to rush straight to sex."

I lean back in my chair, muzzle lowered, eyeing him up. I flick a few stray strands of hair out of my eyes and say: "Making a lot of assumptions aren't we honey? I didn't say anything about sex."

I drag my paw slowly away from his groin and down his thigh. He grabs my wrist before I can pull it away entirely.

For a split second my heart goes into overdrive. I'm struck with terror as I exhale harshly in surprise.

I scrunch my eyes shut and ground myself.

I am in a bar, on a date.

I am not in danger.

I am not in danger.

I breathe in and open my eyes. I breathe out.

He drags my paw back up his thigh and settles it against the outline of his member, then closes his paw around mine, making me grab his dick all over again. It's hot as fuck.

But I can't enjoy it.

I force a smile and remind myself that this is progress. For a long time I couldn't bear any physical contact from anybody I didn't know intimately, let alone something so sudden and forceful as this. I'm doing better. I'm doing a lot better.

"Playing coy might have worked better if you hadn't already groped me."

"Okay," I say. "Guilty as charged. What can I say Ben, other than that you're hot, and I'm horny?"

"That's a reasonable explanation." He says, his joy at the compliment shining through. "And maybe I'd argue further but, hey, you're hot, and I'm horny."

I give his dick another squeeze and he shudders.

"I'll order the Uber."


I crane my neck up to meet Ben's muzzle with my own as he pushes down on me. His large frame trapping me to the couch; I'm caught between his thighs and his paws and his tongue and his jaw. A couple years back this would've sent me into panic mode.

Now, I can handle it. Now, it's getting me harder than diamond.

My 'pop tunes' playlist is playing bop after bop, I'm buzzed on the alcohol and the electrical intensity of the moment. I don't know what's gotten into me today, but I feel so alive, so present, so sexual. It's like all of my anxieties crashed into one another and canceled themselves out and I'm left standing, confused but unharmed. In fact I'm made better, for a moment, if not for long.

I all but tear at Ben's shirt. Our muzzles come apart and I'm glowing. He assists my frantic paws and in a second he's topless, the thick fuzz of fur that covers his chest and protruding belly sets me off instantly. One of my paws reaches to tease at his nipples, the other pushes up through a bushy tuft of fur at his chest as I lick up and over his belly. His tail is wagging like crazy. Mine is crushed against the couch.

"You like that, huh?" He asks, as if the answer weren't incredibly obvious.

His paws run over my hips then under me tee, up and along my sides. He pushes me back down a little and my tongue is left lolling out, useless, my face a fine mess of heavenly and horny. He pulls my top up and over my head, his paws soon grabbing at my pudgy tummy while his muzzle lowers to nibble and lick at my nipples. He gives as good as he gets, better, maybe, though I'm no slouch. If I can be unreservedly confident about anything, it's that I'm a damn good lay.

With him straddling me and working me how he is, my dick is hard to the point of discomfort. He can tell, feeling it poking at his balls even through both of our sets of jeans and underwear. He pulls his head back from my chest and greets me with a grin and a growl.

"So," he says. "How exactly do you want this to play out?"

I want him to fuck me, obviously.

I want him to shove me down and pound my ass until it's on fire, then keep going. I want him to unload in me again and again and again until I'm goddamn leaking. I wanna be his fucktoy, his plaything, his mindless fucking sex slave.

I want to get fucked so fucking bad. I want to take dick. I want to do what I'm told and pleasure him again and again with my thick, fuckable ass.

But... that's not gonna happen.

Since what went down three years ago I haven't bottomed. Well, that's a lie, I have. Once. More then once, but, with one person, over the course of one week. Yeah. Other than that? Not at all.

I'm a switch, sure, but I've always had a preference for submission, for taking, not giving. That preference only grows stronger with every passing day that somebody hasn't fucked my needy hole and, believe me, it's been too many days.

The next time I get dicked I'm gonna go off like a fire hose, I swear. I'll cum immediately then cum again two minutes later. Oh my god_I need it. Oh my _god I'm horny. So fucking horny.

And yet, in spite of all of that...?

I run my paws down Ben's back and grab his juicy butt. He grinds back into my grasp and, while it is hot as fuck, and I'm having a great time, and I'm excited for what's coming, I'm also really fucking jealous.

"I wanna get up inside here," I say, giving his ass a firm smack. "That sound good to you, sexy?"

"Oh, that sounds more than good to me," he says, undoing my belt buckle. "Though I'll admit I'm a touch surprised." He undoes my pants and licks around his muzzle in cock-hungry anticipation. "Not in a bad way, mind you. I mean, your profile did say you were mostly a top but, I don't know, something about how you teased me earlier made me think you had dick on the mind."

I do. I really do. Every fucking day Ben, like you wouldn't believe.

Mostly a top? Fuck me, my life is a mess, it's been a mess for a long time. In fact, Ben, if you are inside my head, just focus on the first couple words of that last sentence and forget the rest, okay?

He dismounts the couch, standing, and pulls off my pants and underwear all at once. My achingly hard cock springs forth with frothing eagerness, damp at the tip already. He dips his head, but before he can submerge my length in his muzzle I stop him and wag a disapproving finger.

"No way," I say. I nod at his still clothed, but obviously erect, member. "You have me at a disadvantage. That's hardly fair."

He chuckles and I work at his pants with the exacting precision and speed of a sex demon specifically designed for this very task. They soon come down to reveal a pair of tight-fitting trunks. Instinctively I shove my nose right up against his crotch, sniffing at the outline of his dick and balls, taking in his overtly masculine scent.

This isn't exactly how most tops act, and I realize I'm starting to give my poorly-suppressed desires away, but oh my god its getting harder and harder to resist the sweet allure of throbbing, rock-hard cock.

"Yeah," he says, voice slathered in sarcasm. "You definitely aren't in a mood for bottoming, are you?"

I look up at him from where my face is buried in his crotch and offer a woozy, unstable smile.

Is-? Is this the night?

I want to be fucked. I want to become an emasculated, faggy bottom bitch again. I'm begging for it.


Every time I think too hard about bottoming - every time I get close to_actually_ doing it - I get those flashbacks.

Right fucking now I'm getting those flashbacks.

I force them out of my brain, exhale through my nose, and say: "no, no, I do want to top, I just..." I'm struggling for words. "I-"

"Oh," he says, a pleasant and positive inflection to his voice. "I get it now."

"You do?" I ask, really hoping he does, while simultaneously having no idea what exactly there is to get.

"You want a bottom who tells you what to do, right?"


Yes yes yes yes yes yes.

Well, to be more precise, no. I want to be told what to do and to bottom, but, considering that plan is not on the table, yes. Very much yes.

But, come on, I have to at least play it cool.


Ben smirks and strokes the back of my head, moving quickly and easily from submission to something utterly opposite.

"Oh come now, it's obvious. You want to be ordered around, don't you... pup."


Huff. Very huff. So much huff.

A shiver runs from the top of my spine to the tip of my tail - all sheer, anticipatory pleasure. My dick twitches, unassisted, aching for use and leaking pre from nothing more than listening to him speak.

"Yes," I say, nodding enthusiastically.

"Yes, what?" He asks, his head tilted. He cups my chin and lifts my head until I'm looking straight into his eyes.

Oh my god oh my god oh my god.

"Yes... daddy."

He smiles wide and nods slow.

"Now there's a good pup."

My heart melts, my dick twitches again. I'm on a hair trigger already. I'm so fucking horny; the only downside to any of this is that there's no fucking way I'm going to last long when I shove this thing inside of him.

I nod and bite my lip. He shoves his underwear down in a single clean motion, leaving his big, knotted dick bouncing in the open air.

"Go get that bone pup. If you're real good with it I'll let you bury yours somewhere special after." I lean to try and get at him, but he stops me. "Not from there, all comfortable on the sofa like that. Be a good boy and get on your knees down here, it's daddy's turn to sit."

"Of course, I'm sorry. I'll be good, I promise."

God, it feels good to be a bitch again. This isn't exactly what I wanted, but it's as close as I've come in two years. I will fucking take it.

I scramble onto the carpeted floor, kneeling, as he sits where I was just moments prior. I nestle in between his spread legs and shove my nose up against his reddish-pink dick and full, fuzzy balls. His scent is so strong and canine and male and, fuck, this really is close to perfection.

This, right here? It's progress. I may not be ready to bottom, but here I am, about to suck dick again for the first time in a long time, and I'm ready. I wasn't, but I am now. After Marty, any form of even marginally submissive sexual play set me off for quite some time, but I'm getting better. Slowly. Achingly, painfully slowly, but I _am_getting better. And I'm ready for this. Fuck it, more than ready, I'm salivating.

I bury my nose right under his sack, then lift it up, sticking out my tongue and licking all the way from his taint, up and over his full, hanging balls right to the tip of his throbbing dick. The salty taste of pre greets me as I lick a bead from the end of his cock, leaving me wanting more.

Ben grabs my chin with one paw and his dick with the other.

"G_ood_boy. Keep that tongue out for daddy." I comply and he grinds the tip of his cock back and forth atop it, pushing a little further each time until his dick is all but lost in the depths of my muzzle. Pre dribbles onto my tongue at irregular intervals, but as much as I want to ravenously lap it up, I stay stock still and silent, focusing entirely on being the best damn fucktoy I can be.

He lets go of my chin and pulls his cock free from my throat. I miss it immediately, his taste lingers on my tongue - a swirling mix of salty pre, male musk and flesh. Every dick tastes different but, if you ask me, they all taste great. Better than great, actually. They're addictive. Some days I close my eyes and imagine guys lining up to shoot a load down my throat one by one, hour after hour, while I enjoy all of the different flavors and textures on offer, all those different lengths and girths and shapes and scents and, mph, oh my god, heaven on Earth.

I stare up at Ben, eyes wide, quiet, awaiting further instruction. He idly strokes himself for a few seconds, then cocks his head and smirks.

"You know, you came on pretty strong Ash. I saw your wild, flirty, assertive side and I liked that, but, like this? You're really fucking cute. I like that too."

I dip my head and grin, a little embarrassed, but happy to take the compliment - my wagging tail giving that fact away. It's been too long since I've shown a guy this side of me. I had almost forgotten how good it can feel to be subservient and powerless.

I guess getting out of a relationship with an abuser made me feel like I couldn't let anybody walk all over me. I'm relearning that it's okay to indulge my submissive desires. I don't need to be on guard all the time not everyone is... him. Not everyone is Martin _fucking_Konroy.

In fact, nobody is. I killed him.

"Alright, enough of that adorable bashful act, my balls aren't gonna lick themselves."

He shoves my head down, nestling my muzzle under his shaft. I'm all but drooling at his musky scent alone as my nose is pressed right up against his sack. His heavy balls droop between his thick, wide-spread thighs; in this position he exudes an air of casually assertive masculinity that I find utterly irresistible. When I finally lap at his fuzzy sack he lets out a long, pleasured groan. My paws travel up his legs and settle on his hips, grabbing and squeezing his love handles as I continue lathering his balls in saliva.

My curled tail wags with even greater enthusiasm while Ben runs his fingers through my hair and grunts. I can't get enough of him, all five of my senses are peaking simultaneously. This is exactly who and where I want to be.

Oh, look at that, a moment of clarity. That's rare for me.

He pulls me away with a forceful tug at the back of my head, leaving my tongue hanging out and my face in full sex-hungry-bitch mode as I stare him down with the same kind of hurt shock I'd express if he had just hit me.

"Just-" He begins and stops all in the same breath, deciding I'm not worth the explanation. He grabs the base of his dick and tilts his shaft toward me, then shoves my muzzle right down on it. I open wide and enclose his length in my mouth in one smooth motion. He's big enough that his tip tickles at my throat, but I don't gag. Suppressing that reflex is like riding a bike, once you learn how to do it you never forget.

My tongue swirls around his dick, tasting every part of it as I rock my head back and forth along his length. I settle into a self-hypnotizing rhythm as seconds quickly become minutes, but it's over all too soon. He pulls me away again, exhaling harshly.

"Fuck, you almost made me blow." He says, breathless and worn. "I want some of that dick first, okay pup?"

I nod eagerly. As much as I would love to get fucked, I can't lie and claim that I'm not looking forward to fucking him, especially with this whole dynamic we've got going on.

"Yes, daddy."

I feel like I'm harder than really should be possible. I run a finger up my dick and tease around my tip. It comes up wet with pre. I stick it in my muzzle without hesitation and lick it clean as Ben watches.

"Somebody's getting impatient."

I nod again. "I, uh, well, it's just, I don't think I'm gonna last long when I finally stick it in," I admit with a breathy laugh, rubbing my shoulder and halfway averting my gaze.

A wicked grin spreads across his muzzle.

"That's alright pup, the night is young, we can always go again."

My cheeks go warm and my heart thumps. I haven't felt this good in a long time, so the prospect of extending the feeling without pressuring myself to last on the first fuck makes things even better. I haven't had a date this good since, well, maybe I never have. Though that could be my horny-brain talking; this date has pretty much been exclusively sex. I guess I don't know much about Ben at all, other than that he's a good lay and, well, actually, no, I think I've learned a decent amount about his demeanor and personality through this experience. Frankly, sex is a pretty good way to learn a lot about how somebody thinks, carries themself and acts.

"Now," he says, snapping his fingers. "I've got one last job for that tongue of yours before you get to bury your bone."

He spreads his legs even wider than they already were and slides further down the sofa so that his ass is partway hanging off. He grabs his balls and dick with one paw, lifting them, and pulls at one of his chubby butt cheeks with the other, the combination of movements making his request abundantly clear. I lick my muzzle in excitement as I lower myself to paws and knees, staring at his inviting hole. My dick twitches once again and I almost lose my patience, but I manage to tear my gaze away long enough to look him in the eyes and ask silently for his command.

"Dig in, pup."

I don't need to be told twice. I close in, burying my muzzle between his cheeks then tracing a circle around his hole with the tip of my tongue. Ben gasps and moans, guiding my head with a firm paw. I begin lapping at his hole with unreserved ardor, his moans intensifying in both frequency and volume. He calls me a good pup a few times and the effect it has on me is felt bodily; I shudder with a kind of psychic pleasure as I work away at him, my entire being overwhelmed with joy and elation at once. I prod my tongue inside of him, then again deeper, and again, thoroughly wetting his entrance and - by the sounds of things - pushing him to the precipice of climax. He's panting heavy and gripping my hair hard as I continue tonguing him relentlessly, my actions only encouraged by his unguarded display of rapture.

He pulls my head back hard and repositions slightly, then lifts me to my knees, then higher, then pulls me into a kiss. I all but collapse onto him, crashing around him on the couch, our muzzles parting and locking hungrily. His tongue twists around my own, tasting himself on me and delighting in it. His paws run down my back and over my ass then back up again. My arms wrap around his neck and I lean into our kiss, pushing my rear out dramatically, needy for dick, but not getting any. That's not a problem though. Tonight's been great. Tonight's going great. Complaining would be losing the forest for the trees.

Our dicks poke at one another's bellies as we press right up against one another, leaving sticky patches in our fur. I pull back for air, panting hard, watching him do the same, both of our muzzles dressed in warm, hazy grins.

"You know what I want now, don't you pup?" He grabs the base of my shaft to illustrate his point. I nod. "You're gonna fill daddy up now aren't you?" I nod again, backing off of the couch.

I tilt my head toward one of the room's exits and tug at his paw. "Let's take this to the bedroom."

Ben grins and stands. We leave the pounding bass behind, music still blaring as I lead Ben out and up a winding set of stairs.

He whistles low. "You have a real swanky place here Ash. What did you say you do again?"

"Nothing special," I say. Reaching my room I push the door open, ushering Ben inside with a flourish. He cocks his head quizzically, but doesn't say anything. Instead he enters the spacious room, looks around and makes approving sounds. The soft pinks, lilacs and lavenders of the sheets and dressings on my king-size bed probably don't do much to convince Ben of my 'mostly-a-top' status, but they're simply pretty colors and I'm probably overthinking things. I'd just rather avoid having to answer any more awkward questions. Brushing one or two off is one thing, but too many and things could get uncomfortable. I decide to offer up a fragment of the truth. "I came into some money a few years back." I wave a paw as if dismissing my own words as some throwaway statement. "But it's a long, dull story. I have other things on my mind tonight."

Ben nods, eyes unfocused as he takes in my words, then sits on the edge of the bed, finds himself in the present, and glares at me.

"Where's the lube?"

Wordlessly I walk to my bedside table, open it's solitary draw and pull out a half-empty bottle, presenting it to Ben with a little shake. He holds a paw out and I throw it to him. He squirts some onto his fingers and reaches down to lather his hole while I get into position between his legs.

He reaches for a pillow to put under his head and lays back, making a show of it as he rubs around his hole and sticks one, then two fingers inside of himself. When he's done showing off he beckons me in, reaching to give my dick a long stroke and nodding at the bottle of lube. I pick it up and apply some to my shaft, careful not to stimulate it too much lest I go off like a hose right here and now.

"I wanna see your eyes while you fuck me, pup," he says, lifting his legs up and locking me in an intense gaze.

"Yes, daddy." At this point I don't know whether it's me or my dick making the decisions, but either way I'm pulling his legs up and over my shoulders. My cock hovers, twitching as my paws find his sides and I tug him in. My tip oozes pre on contact with his balls, but before giving in entirely to lust I realize his rear is a little low for me and, for better rutting, I'd be best off giving him a little extra lift. "Could you pass me a pillow?"

He does so and I manage to wiggle it in under his butt, lifting his ass and his hole to a more ideal height for dicking. I line myself up, licking my muzzle in pure anticipation, then pushing my tip between his chubby cheeks, then to his warm, inviting tailhole, then inside - just a tiny bit - as I exhale the beginnings of a moan.

"Wait," he says. Against every instinct in my body, I follow his command. As good as I've been, I can't help but whine. Ben laughs and languidly strokes his dick, forcing me to watch him pleasure himself even as I ache for my own release. "Well, Ash, enough teasing." His steely gaze burrows deep and I have the vague, disconcerting feeling that he can see right through to my soul. "Show me just how good of a pup you really are. Fuck a load into me."

I thrust without another thought, the sensation of his tight, warm walls pressing down around my most sensitive part immediately eradicates any chance I had at making this last. I need to fucking cum, so fucking bad. I need to fill this big, sexy mountain dog with my seed. He told me to; I have to do it. Even though I'm the one breeding him, I feel like the bitch, and I love it. Even with him under me, full of my dick as I pound him rough and hard, he's in total control.

My balls slap against his thick cheeks and my engorged knot slams tight to his tailhole over and over, begging for access every time, stretching him gradually. He's grunting and moaning with no regard for volume control. That only turns me on more. I must be obnoxiously loud too, but I can't say for sure. All I am sure of is that I'm going to cum, soon, and there's no way I can delay it, so I may as well make the most of every goddamn second I have.

I spare a brief thought for Saph. No doubt she can hear us going at it, and rather clearly at that. But, oh well, she knew this was coming. If she's not wearing headphones or something by now, she brought this on herself.

I slow my thrusts a little, focusing on power more than speed, ramming my knot to his tailhole with an intense and ferocious need. Below me Ben strokes himself in climactic fervor, letting out progressively longer and more expressive moans with every thrust. Oh my god it's so much, it's too much.

"I'm gonna cum daddy, I'm gonna cum."

"Knot me, pup."


"Do it pup, be a good bitch and knot daddy."

I let out a pathetic whine that's punctuated by a shuddering gasp as my orgasm approaches. My legs lose their structural integrity, transmogrifying into jelly in real time.

I pull back, slam in, pull back, slam in, pull back. Fuck, this is it. I ram in hard, my knot pops into his hole and he's pushed bodily backwards on the bed by the sheer force of it. His tight inner walls clench down around my knot and near-instantly push me over the edge. With a long, satisfied moan I erupt. Seed gushes from my cock, spouting into him in voluminous, erratic spurts, painting him white from the inside. Oh my god I've been pent up, not just today, but for months. I don't stop spurting for what feels like thirty minutes, but it's probably more like ten seconds.

Amid my torrent he finds his own climax, his self-pawing proving fruitful as he fountains sticky white ropes all over himself. I lean down, angling my head over his dick as best I can, opening my muzzle and sticking out my tongue in attempt to catch a taste. I don't get enough, but I get some, and holy fuck it feels good to taste cum again.

When I'm fully drained and he's done making a mess of his beer belly I fall onto him, still firmly tied to his ass, utterly exhausted. Our bellies press together or, more accurately, stick together as his load soaks into both of our pelts. He stares at me, all dreamy and satisfied, and pulls me into another kiss.

I couldn't have actually been inside of him for longer than a few minutes before climax, but going by his, uh, everything, he's more than satisfied. As for me? Fuck, satisfied barely begins to cover it. It's been so long since I've been told what to do; I missed it more than I had realized. Still, I have to admit I'm a little jealous. I wish I could've felt his dick throbbing inside of me, plastering seed along my insides.

Whatever, a little envy is a small price to pay for this.

"Average length," Ben says, "but you really know how to use it. I'm starting to believe your Liftr profile."

I laugh, then growl a small, non-threatening growl.

"Oh, I'll put in the work every time to service a man like you."

He meets my growl with a far more impressive one, then grins.

"By the way, pup, I hope you're still game for round two."

Holy hell, as exhausted as I am, all he needed to do was call me pup and I'm his all over again. All I can think about is being made his bitch all night long. It'll take a while for my knot to go down, and a little longer to be ready to go again, but I already know it'll be more than worth the effort.

"Of course," I say. "I'm not gonna turn down a chance to keep pounding that plump ass of yours."

"Hmm, well, you're still inside it, so...." He grabs my sides, taking a hold of me. I breathe in sharply, my eyes go wide and my heart beats fast as panic threatens to take over. Before I can react he's rolled us over, switching our positions. He's above me and, with some fiddly maneuvering, he brings himself to kneeling on top of me, the two of us still joined by my knot. He bounces his rear once on my still-hard dick. I breathe in deep and push away the panic, coming to terms with the situation I've found myself in. "Don't worry about waiting for your knot to go down, daddy's gonna milk your dick until you're ready to fuck again, and then he's gonna keep on going until you cum, okay?"

"I- I-"

He carries on bouncing on my dick, but I'm sore and spent, making the experience a mixture of pain and pleasure. I'm certain if I tell him to stop, he'll stop, but, no. I close my eyes and exhale. I didn't expect this, but it's good. Being treated like a sex toy, like nothing more than a tool for Ben's sexual gratification, is hot as fuck. I will not let my past ruin this. I will not let Marty taking what I didn't offer ruin it; this is nothing like what happened with Marty. This isn't violence. This isn't rape. This is a small amount of temporary discomfort and loss of control in the service of hot, slightly rough, sex.

I will not back down. I will not give up. I will get ridden by this mountain dog's fat ass until I spurt all over again, and I will fucking love it.

"You...?" He stops bouncing, smirking down at me and waiting for my verdict before continuing. All the assertive body language only partially masking his genuine concern and desire for explicit consent.

He's a good man. He's nothing like that vermin I exterminated. I look right into his eyes and say: "I'll cum again for you daddy, I promise."

"T_here's_a good pup."

He resumes his subtle lift and descent, unable to shift far against the tight lock of my knot. He weighs heavy on my hips, but the pressure only adds to the overwhelming crush of sensory inputs putting my mind and body on overload. Even drained as I am, I can feel my dick twitching inside of him.

Overstimulation gives way to a building euphoria and I'm left with an intense desire to add to it, to push myself to the limits of exhilaration and arousal. I run a finger through the matted, sticky fur of his chest and belly, soaking it in his cum and then lift it straight into my muzzle, savoring the taste of his seed.

"You're a thirsty little bitch aren't you?" He asks. Heat rushes to my cheeks. He runs two fingers through the cum-damp patches of my own fur and presents them to me. I eagerly lick and suck them clean in a matter of moments. His cock is already at full mast again, dripping fresh drops of pre onto me with every bounce of his butt. I find my own discomfort lessening and my pleasure building exponentially with every second spent inside of him.

It quickly becomes too much for me to merely be a passive participant. I grab his hips and start pumping into him. He stops worrying so much about bouncing and instead focuses on stroking his dick.

Thrust after thrust I go at him over and over again, until it's all just a haze of muddied time. Seconds and minutes bleed together. I don't know how long I've been pounding his ass, still knotted, but it's already been far longer than it took to knot him in the first place, and definitely not long enough.

Time stretches, thins and ultimately becomes immaterial. All that there is is the gasps and grunts and moans and muttered expletives and the 'pup's and the 'daddy's and, the- Mph!

Eventually, eventually, I find myself close to orgasm.

I let him know, and he lets out a particularly expressive moan, angles his dick up and spurts another load all over my chest and face. The strong, masculine scent of his cum fills my nostrils and the sensation of his warm, sticky liquid all over my face pushes me to my edge, then over it. In seconds I'm cumming, spouting off another full load directly into him. Some of it leaks out of his hole around my knot and I'm left wet and sticky all over.

I'm fucking exhausted, totally and utterly drained of energy. My arms flop lifelessly to the bed, my legs lying flat and my head settling back, eyes closed, muzzle parted, panting.

He leans down and licks his cum off of my face, then puts a paw behind my head, lifting me up a bit. I come to attention and he sticks his tongue down my throat, sharing his seed with me in what I can't really call a kiss, seeing as I'm barely able to move a muscle. We reposition or, rather, he repositions both of us so that we're laying on our sides, him my little spoon, in spite of his being taller and wider.

My first thought is that I could fall asleep like this; my second is that I probably shouldn't. We pant more than speak for the next ten minutes. For the next ten I cuddle him and try not to think about a damn thing. After that my knot is finally deflated enough for us to come apart without major effort.

He rolls off the bed and stands, I sit at the edge, looking up at him.

"Well, Ash, I want you to know I've had a wonderful night thus far," he smiles wide and says nothing else, leaving the floor open to me.

"Me too. I haven't had sex that good in..." I shake my head. "A long time."

He nods and flashes a toothy grin.

"So..." He says.

And here it is: decision time.

It would be so much easier if he could keep on making all the decisions for the rest of the night. In fact, my life would be much improved if other people could make decisions for me forever. But that's not how things are, and sitting here saying nothing isn't improving anybody's life.

"The, uh, shower's through there if you wanna clean up," I say, pointing. "It's an en suite." I add pointlessly, the fact self-evident.

He nods again, the happiness that pervades his features not fading, but not exactly igniting either. I've pretty much just told him to get dressed and go home. That isn't me saying I don't want to see him again, but it's certainly not implying the inverse either. It's so obvious that he was hoping for a little more.

But he's an adult about it, he heads into the en suite and soon I hear the water running. I lay back and close my eyes, my head throbbing. This really has been a great night, so why let it end here? Why push Ben away? What the hell is wrong with me?

It's okay.

This was good. Even if nothing comes of it, this was good.

Actually, It was pretty much the perfect date. For where I am in my seemingly never-ending recovery process I could not have asked for better. Yes, I hoped I would miraculously have been ready to ride his rod until the sun came up, but in the back of my mind I knew that was never going to happen so, given the circumstances, the sex was perfect. Ben was great too, and extremely attractive, perfectly fitting the daddy archetype that part of me is so drawn to but, somehow, other than worn out and satisfied, I feel nothing.

If I never saw Ben again I wouldn't care. The problem is: I don't know why, and that scares me.

He comes out of the bathroom, clean and dry. I approach him and he brings his paws to my hips, holding me and giving me a peck on the nose.

"It's getting late, I should head home," he says.

I guide him back to the living room where our clothes are still scattered across the floor. The playlist from earlier has been blasting all this time, totally indifferent to our presence, or lack thereof. Listening in, I suddenly wish for privacy. I want to dance and sing along instead of having to attend to social niceties, but I play my part and tell the digital assistant to turn it off.

I make small talk with Ben, complimenting him and his sexual prowess. He reciprocates the praise and by the time he's dressed and at my open front door the mood between us is amiable, if a little vacant.

"You're not gonna be out long waiting in the cold are you?" I ask.

"The cab's already on its way. It'll be two minutes at most."

I nod and offer a placid smile. "Alright, good. Well, Ben, it's been an absolute pleasure, all over."

He laughs and agrees, and I think he's about to walk away when he stops and says: "Hey, Ash, I know this was just another Liftr hookup in the end, but I like you. I mean, I don't know you super well yet, but I like what I do know." He pauses and I don't know quite what to say so I just stand there with my muzzle slightly parted. "I know it's a long shot, but, hey, if you ever wanna talk some more, or meet up again, you've got my number." He smiles and nods and I open my muzzle even wider, about to form words though I'm not entirely sure which ones. "It's okay, you don't have to say anything. Just, keep it in mind, alright? I'll be around."

"Okay," I say. "Okay." I nod.

"Good. Well, night then, Ash" he says. He turns and walks away.

"Goodnight Ben," I call after him. He doesn't look back, just waves over his shoulder.

When he's a couple dozen paces away I shut the door. I'm not sure exactly how I should feel in this moment, but... there's no way in hell the answer should be horny.

Yet, somehow, that's exactly what I am.

It was satisfying, but it wasn't enough. It wasn't what I _really_wanted. I need dick in my ass, badly, and it can't wait. I pretty much sprint back to my room, still naked and caked in cum. I open my bedside draw and rummage for the next best thing to real cock. I pull out a big, red dog dick dildo, and succumb to my desires.

I need to be dicked; fucked hard and fast without a care for how I feel. I want to be run raw, pounded numb. I want a hundred guys to line up and take turns filling my ass. Cum would be oozing out of me by the third one, but they'd just keep on filling me up and up regardless, fucking their seed in ever deeper, my belly would grow and distend with how much they'd pump inside me. My ass would be on fire by the fifth guy. Holy fuck, just think what it would feel like by the fiftieth. Fucking h __uf_ f_. that is heaven turned up to eleven. I want to be fucking destroyed by dick. I want to be nothing more than a bitch with a hole that needs filling until I'm drenched in cum, almost drowning in it. Fucking t_hink_about that hundredth guy at the end of the day. I'd be so loose, like an overused fleshlight in need of replacement. Oh my god, _that's_the dream.

Holy fuck, my fantasies are getting wilder and wilder, but when I'm this_horny they feel right. And somehow _this, now, after buttfucking Ben twice in a row, is about as horny as I can fucking get.

I grab the bottle of lube from where it had fallen on the floor and hastily squirt some onto my fingers, spreading it over my tailhole and pushing some inside, then I lie back on the bed and shove the full length of the dildo up my ass in a single motion.

I go hard on myself, slamming that knot against my hole in much the same way mine slammed against Ben's earlier. I don't let up, I go all-out, non-stop.

In a matter of minutes I'm knotted to my toy and cumming for the third time tonight. I didn't even touch my dick.

Lying back, panting, in the aftermath, I feel complete.

Lying back, panting, in the aftermath, I feel empty.

Staring at the ceiling, I wonder quite what it means to be both of those things at the same time.