Chapter Four

Story by LycanLore66 on SoFurry

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#4 of The Queen and Her Alpha

Chapter Four


Luka arrived with Ashryn to the throne room within an hour of their meeting. He was starting to believe that Ashryn enjoyed him being in heat more than any of the other Lycans within the Keep. Not often she would slack on her duties but during the spring was a different story.

Ashryn sat on her throne busy trying to calm Arnold down. Luka stood beside her half listening half awaiting their guests.

"Arnold. Relax, I am here now. I have never been late once why would I start today. Enough. They aren't even here yet. Do you have our terms written up?"

"Yes, of course. The normal terms as always for untrustworthy keeps."

"I should know better than to doubt you."

Luka noticed his two Guru Betas enter the throne room with his father behind him. Surprise must have crossed his face, Ashryn said.

"I've asked Borgan to join us today. It has been a very long time since ranks have been filled within my Guru."

Luka looked down to her as she smiled at him.

"What better way to teach the future generation than you and your father."

Rouge and Roger approached and bowed their heads in respect.

"Morning Alpha. We are ready to follow."


Borgan grunted a reply.

"I am rarely out this early so I am glad you two are going to be worth my time."

Ashryn laughed and reached out to Borgan with her hand.

"Thank you for helping us."

Borgan took her hand and gently kissed the back.

"Of course M'lady. Our family is your family now."

"Mama is annoying you isn't she?"

Luka teased. Borgan rolled his eyes and moved to stand with Rouge and Roger.

"Not the point. I'm here for my kids. By blood or other means."

"That's a yes."

Ashryn joked.

A few moments later the throne room doors opened again and finally their guests had arrived. Luka watched Ashryn settle into her throne, prepared for this. They had granted quite a few other keeps the ability to trade with them as well as send merchants to work shops in the center square. Most made it but others fell to Ashryn's vetting. She wanted to make sure her people would never have to deal with foul words or hate within her walls.


The duke knelt down to one knee before them and his guards soon copied him. Luka watched Ashryn nod and say.

"Morning. I am Queen Alpin and this is King Rowd. Your names please?"

"I am Duke Thomas O'Brian. My two most loyal guards. Michael and Timothy."

Thomas bowed his head then stood before them.

"We come to discuss our options for trade with your fine Keep. Our winter was harsh and our king's resources stretched thin."

"How long have you called Crystal Keep your home?"

Ashryn asked. Beginning her vetting questions. Luka watched confusion cross Thomas's face.

"My whole life M'lady...same as my guards."

"So then your guards were a part of the attack on my home."

Luka watched the guards look to each other and then their Duke. Thomas cleared his throat then nodded slowly.

"Yes...I do remember fallen King Reno's foolish plan to try and take this place. I spoke against it."

Thomas shifted nervously casting a glance to Luka.

"We know what this place is protected with. Your Guru are known throughout the world for their fierce loyalty to this Keep."

"Does your King feel the same way now?"

"Indeed. He was the one to send us to ask for your aid. Your Guru are not the only thing this Keep is known for. Your kindness stretches just as fair."


Ashryn folded her hands beneath her chin studying them.

"I will be honest with you Duke Thomas. I am unsure about this offer but like you said my kindness is unmatched. I will allow two of your merchants to sell in my town for a month. After that month I ask your King to join us here for a meeting to discuss further options. Does this sound fair?"

"Yes, overly fair."

Thomas bowed his head.

"What about trade routes?"

"I'll send supplies to your home without question or payment."

Ashryn nodded to Arnold who scribbled something down in his book.

"One for now, once I meet with your King we can discuss more. There is a 5% payment to my Keep from your merchants payable in coin or services. Due on the 3rd week of each month. My Duke will write all this up and we can sign over dinner tonight."

Thomas looked surprised again.


"Yes, I ask you three to wander my grounds for the day. Get familiar with how my Keep is run. Tonight I'll hold a feast in your honor and sign our papers for trade. While you are here my home is your home."

"Thank you Majesty...I am stunned."

"Often that happens here."

Ashryn smiled at them.

"There are many unheard of things happening here. But I digress, do we have a deal?"

Thomas nodded and bowed his head.

"Yes, thank you for your kindness."

"Don't make me regret it. You are dismissed."

Arnold lead Thomas and his guards out without another word. Luka turned to Ashryn and said.

"The guards seem calm. No reaction out of the normal."

"Yes, I am surprised as well."

Ashryn stood and went to Borgan's side.

"Usually four big male Lycans get a rise out of humans. Are you losing your edge?"

Borgan showed his teeth in a low growl shaking his head.

"Never M'lady. It's the trust these humans have in your ability to control us so well. We don't attack unless you say so and I believe everyone is finally starting to realize this."

Ashryn laughed turning back to Luka.

"Having my own as a King helps I'm sure."

Luka smiled at her.

"I and my kind will do your bidding for the rest of time."

"Good to hear. Alright, you two know the drill. Rouge and Roger it will do you good to heed these two. Borgan don't lead them astray. And you."

She met his eyes and smiled.

"Don't miss me too much running around all day."


He leaned in and nuzzled her cheek.

"But I will try M'lady."

"Good boy."


Luka and his father left after the meeting to speak with all the Guru. Rogue and Roger followed behind, seemingly ready to learn. Luka trusted them and knew they would not have made then rank of Beta without a good reason. Borgan nudged Luka's shoulder as they reached the training grounds.

"I am unsure about these ones."

"It is not our place to decide."

Luka reminded him.

"Our queen decides who trades within these walls."

"I know, and we all follow you and her. I just have a gut feeling."

Luka turned away from his father then spoke to his Betas.

"Round up all the Guru."

"Yes Alpha."

As they left Borgan spoke again.

"How do you feel about our guests?"

"Either they will become great allies or we will kill them and expand our own home. Whichever happens I support."

"Spoken like a true Alpha. I always knew you'd become something special."

Luka watched his father smile and advert his eyes to the ground.

"Coming from where we were to now...this life suits us much better."

"Agreed, it is nice to sleep without keeping my guard up. Much more relaxing."

"I'm sure the person you sleep beside helps."

It was Luka's turn to smile. He chuckled happily and looked back towards the castle in the distance.

"Yes, she is the other half of my heart. An Elf. Who knew."

"I sure did not. Neither did your mother, but we couldn't be more proud or happy for you."

"Thank you. I am glad to have some shred of knowledge about how you feel about mama."

Borgan's eyes softened and he fell silent as Rouge returned to them.

"The Guru are assembled Alpha. We await your address."


Luka climbed the small stage standing before every single Guru he commanded. Mixes of larger males to small slim females. Any Lycan could become a Guru as long as they passed the physical.

Borgan stood just behind Luka and said.

"Our numbers grow stronger and stronger. More and more of us find our way to this haven."

"I hope one day all of us will make it here. Ashryn has built this place into a shelter from this cruel world. I will never leave."

"If the Alpha doesn't leave none of his people will either."

Brogan placed a reassuring paw on Luka's shoulder and said.

"And all Lycans feel the call of their Alpha. That's why our numbers have grown in the last few years. We fill the safety of having a pack structure again. More will come just wait."

Luka nodded then turned back to his Guru. All of them murmuring quietly between themselves. Awaiting him. Luka was never really the best at speaking to crowds, another reason why he let Ashryn command the Keep. He would not know what to say but to his own people it was different.

"Morning Guru."

He called for silence.

"As you all know we have guests today. Duke Arnold is showing them around and will eventually wind up here. Show no actual fighting tactics only sparing and exercise. I don't want our styles known outside these walls."

Borgan agreed then added.

"We will set up the free running course as well as lines for sprints. Not much else today. Think of this as a day of rest."

"Our queen is sure to join us as well. I think she enjoys sparing more than an Elf should."

The crowd whispered with laughter as Luka spoke. He let out a small smile at their reaction.

"And I appreciate you all taking a loss to our queen. She is praised highly for being able to outrun and pin Lycans twice her size. All of you have my respect and thanks. I also know it is because you all spar with her as Guru. Our fierceness saved for our queen's enemies. We are brutal for these walls because it is these walls that allow us freedom."

The crowd nodded and raised fists in approval.

"Enjoy today. Have fun and show off for our guests."

Luka let out a low grow then said.

"Show them why this Keep has been kept safe for years."



After the trade meeting Ashryn dealt with a few other things around the Keep then headed to lunch. She knew Arnold could handle Thomas so she wasn't worried about them at all.

As she roamed the grounds the sounds of Lycan mating calls echoed throughout the farmlands. Like a soft moaning howl, different for each mated pair. Ashryn had only recently become aware what those sounds meant. Hearing them for most of her life her father never knew what it was either. It made her miss her own growly Lycan.

Kiara followed behind her as always busy with her own work in her book.

As they approached the castle mess-hall Kiara spoke up.

"I'm checking my notes M'lady and you did say a 5% tax on the trade this morning?"


"Not your normal 2% I noticed."

Ashryn cast a glance back at her then replied.


"I don't mean to speak out of turn M'lady."

"You are not. I have reservations about this and I don't want to come out empty handed."

"Oh I see."

"That's why I am queen."

Ashryn joked with a smile.

"I'm going to find Luka for lunch. Come find me outside the school after. We have to go over the graduating class's tests."

"Yes M'lady. Have a nice lunch."

Not two minutes after Kiara left Ashryn found Luka in the process of finding her. His eyes settled on her in the crowd and she watched him smile. She could feel her heart start singing to her as he drew closer. She had missed him.

"Hello Draug."

She took his paw in her hand as he stood in front of her. He leaned down and gently nuzzled her cheek. His usual way of greeting her.

"Hello my Queen."

Ashryn pecked his cheek as he stood back up then asked.

"Did you have a good morning?"

"Would have been better if you were beside me."

"Baring that."

Ashryn said with a laugh. Luka chuckled and nuzzled her again.

"Yes, the Guru have been dealt with and Borgan is off with Rouge and Roger for rounds."

"So you are free for a bit then Draug?"

He nodded and squeezed her hand in his paw.


Ashryn smiled up at him. She loved the way her hand felt in his paw.

"Why don't you and I sneak away for a bit. I've heard other Lycan mating calls all morning. I want you to call for me."

"I always ache for you but you know my mating call won't affect you like it does Lycans."

"I know...I would just like to hear it. "

Ashryn held her hands behind her back and looked up at him. She watched a confused look cross his face as he asked.

"You would want me to call to you? You've never mentioned this before. We've been through a few springs now."

Ashryn closed her hand around his paw and lead him out of the mess-hall without another word. Luka was confused and she could feel it.

There were only a few things he did not understand between Elves and Lycans but she was always ready to teach him. She lead him outside and stood with him away from others behind a large stone wall.

"I've never heard your mating call before."

She began gazing up at him.

"You've accepted me as your mate and I feel like I should know what my mate sounds like when they are horny."

Luka burst out laughing which just made her smile. He wiped his eyes then stood before her.

"It's to make the female excited not us, and yes I have accepted you. I've been tied to you more than a few times. But why would you want me to call?"

Ashryn backed into the wall smiling up at him.

"Don't males call to their females? Am I not your female?"

Luka closed the space between them pulling her arms around his waist.

"You are my mate, yes. You are right, I'll call to you if that is what you wish."

"It is. Aren't too hungry now Draug are you?"

"I am but you taste better M'lady."

His muzzle pushed into her chest as her nails dug into his fur.

"Do I?"

A soft growl left him as he moved to pick her up in his arms.

"Let me make sure?"

"Always Draug."



Midday rolled around and Luka was back with his father and Betas on duty. His body was still slightly warmed by his lunchtime fun with Ashryn. It was hard now to focus on his job. He had never once thought to call to her in such a way. She was an Elf, yes his mate and bearer of his heart but...if his call did not perform its job why would he try? It was odd to him.

Borgan must have sensed he was lost in thought. He smacked him and let out a growl.

"Focus boy."

"I am, don't hit the Alpha."

Luka joked giving him a small smile. Borgan chuckled.

"Your queen beats you why can't I?"

"I allow her to. You not so much."

They were just beyond the Guru training grounds. Watching Thomas and his guards to come through the area. Ashryn tossed and tumbled with the Guru for a while before they even showed up. Luka did enjoy watching her fight with his people.

"If it ever came to it I think she could take one of us."

Luka looked to Rouge as he commented.

"She is fierce Alpha. No wonder you had such an easy time choosing her as your mate."

"Different than most Elves I will say."

Luka did agree with him.

"And yes one on one she would win in a real fight. But focus on the guards. We are here to watch."

"You see how their hands are just near the hilt of their swords."

Borgan pointed out with a low growl.

"It is a defensive position for humans. Much like us how we tighten our fists and legs readying to jump to attack. Calm but ready. This is the differences we want you two to see. They are not going to attack they are just prepared."

Roger stepped a bit closer and stated.

"We don't attack until our own blood is drawn."

"You two will make fine Betas."

Luka approved with a nod.

"We spill our blood for this place because it is ours."

"Yes Alpha."


As the sun went down Luka made his way back to the castle. The dining hall loud with voices preparing food for Ashryn's guests. The food was always better it seemed with guests in the keep.

He wandered the halls looking for his Elf. She had made his thoughts wander all day by asking to hear his mating call. Elves and Lycans were different in a few ways and Luka just tried to shrug it off as emotional female things.

Finally finding Ashryn coming out of her throne room with Kiara behind her. As always his heart beat increased seeing her.

"Hello M'lady."

Her sparkling green eyes smiled along with her lips when she saw him.

"Hello Draug. Feels like ages since I have seen you. Busy day for the both of us."

"Yes, but I am here now and ready to be at your side again."

She came right over and buried herself into his furry chest. Hugging him tightly. He adored how she fit into his body perfectly. Running his paw down her back he smiled.

"I missed you too. How did everything go today?"

"Well. Arnold says no adverse reactions from any of them. I saw you and your father in your usual hiding space while I was with the Guru."

She took a step back to smile up at him.

"Enjoy watching me beat your brethren?"

He let out a chuckle but nodded.

"Yes, means I picked my true mate."

Her cheeks flared pink as her eyes adverted to the floor.

"You're the sweetest. Are you ready to head down to the hall?"

"Yes M'lady. I will follow you anywhere."

"As you should."



The dining hall was not overly large but still grand. A table ringed around a roaring fireplace just beneath a large skylight that could be opened to vent smoke. Luka and herself sat at the back of the room in their own larger chairs. Arnold and Kiara sat opposite them, then the Keep's council, their invited guests, and finally filling the rest of the seats were staff of the castle or a few friends/family members of the same staff.

Ashryn watched Thomas speak with a few other humans and Elves as they ate and celebrated together. She felt Luka's snout nudge her shoulder.

"I am surprised at how well they have been doing."


Ashryn turned to look at him and smiled.

"Maybe one of our enemies will turn to our allies. We will see after tonight. If the join us for breakfast after tonight we will know for sure."

He nodded casting a glance to Thomas.

"It has been a few moons since you've allowed me to lead."

"Well tonight I have something planned for you."

Her words turning sly she watched his eyes pin to her. An excited look behind them.


" is mating season and you haven't tried to breed me in a while I was thinking tonight you could take control and lock us together for a while. As an Alpha should with his mate. Like I said..."

She slid her hand down his bicep. Giving him her best sultry smile.

"It is mating season."

His pointed ears swiftly pinned back against his head as his black lips pulled back showing almost all of his sharp teeth. His pupils a small as pin pricks.

Ashryn casted a fleeting glance to Thomas who looked as if he had seen a ghost. Eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.

Luka saw her eyes move but once she returned to him he leaned in and ran his tongue up her neck to just behind her ear.

"I will call to you tonight M'lady."

He spoke softly, eyes trained on hers. Ashryn patted his chest then moved to kiss his muzzle.

"And I will answer king."

With that said she turned back to her plate just in time to see Thomas's eyes dart down to his own plate. She almost laughed but stilled herself to look over to Kiara. Seated a few arm's length away almost finished her own food. Nose buried in a book.

"Invite our guests to breakfast tomorrow morning before they leave. See if they choose to stay or run and tell."

"Of course M'lady."

Kiara looked to her and nodded.

"I always enjoy watching you vet people. Being human myself it is interesting to see others reaction to the way we live."

"When are you going to get your own Lycan stud?"

Ashryn teased. Kiara's cheeks turned bright red as she looked across the room to Beta Rouge. Ashryn let out a laugh as Rouge smiled and waved over to Kiara.

"Oh I see."

Kiara waved back then buried her face back in her book.

"He's funny...and very sweet."

"Blessings to you Kiara."

Ashryn smiled and looked to Luka.

"I know the sweetness you've seen."



They arrived to the master bedroom well into the night hours. Luka closed the door and looked over to Ashryn.

"If you are tired M'lady..."

"I am not."

She gave him a small smile and went over to their dresser to change for bed.

"I said I wanted you to breed me and I don't plan to change my mind."

Luka let out a low growl and went to her side.

"I do enjoy going through spring with you. You make me feel so powerful."

"Well you are. You're the Alpha and a King. Not much else you can do to prove you are strong."

"Making a queen scream out is one way."

He growled his words. Ashryn just kept smiling at him as she pulled her robes off her body.

"Good point. You are good at that. I meant it though, I am allowing you to take control tonight. I enjoy it as much as you."

Luka ran his paw up her bare back to the nape of her neck.

"Do you want to bathe first?"


Her body shivered in his paw as she turned into him.

"I want you."

He closed his wolfish fingers around the back of her neck and leaned down to nuzzle her cheek.

"Yes my queen."

"Is it unusual that sometimes I wish with all my heart that when we do lay together that it would stick?"

Luka grunted in surprise and looked to her. Confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean really breeding with me...and producing children..."

She sounded shy suddenly and did not meet his eyes. Luka was shocked. He had never given any thought to actually having children with her.

"Do I think it odd?"

"Yes...I know we can't obviously...but sometimes I wish it with all my heart."

"I do not think it's odd. It is normal for mated pairs to want children."

He gave a soft sigh and put his arm around her shoulders.

"But we cannot."

"I know, I know. I just wish it sometimes."

Ashryn stepped away from him to finally meet his eyes.

"You would be a wonderful father. I see you with the younglings as well as your own people, you would do great."

Luka smiled and touched her face gently.

"You as well M'lady. Maybe that is why we can never have children. They would be too much for this world to handle."

He watched her laugh and her face flush with color.

"You are right. Enough of speaking about children."

He watched her untie his loin cloth and pull it off his body.

"Let's just have fun making them, since it won't stick anyways."

"Not in my wildest dreams could I have thought up someone as perfect as you."

Luka grabbed her arm and pulled her into his body roughly.

"Now, go get in bed and let me knot you."

She shivered again staring up at him. An evil smile across her face.

"Yes my king."

He watched her saunter over to their bed and lay out on her side. Luka let out his first mating call to her and stood at the end of the bed.

Her eyes went wide and she stared at him. He almost swore her eyes filled with lust just like his kind. Her toes curling in excitement.

"Whoa...yours sounds very different than the ones I've heard."

"I am old."

"I like it. Do it again."

He growled out his best mating call for her as he crawled into bed with her. Her hands ran up his chest as he leaned in to kiss her.

"Let me see you."

He knelt between her bare thighs calling to her.

"Of course."

Her eyes danced down his body to watch his sheath roll down, showing off his feral member to her. Ashryn bit her lip and looked up at him.

"Not letting the knot out yet?"

He growled and pushed his pointed tip against her thigh.

"Not yet. I want that wicked mouth first, makes it easier to slide into you deeply if you are ready for me."

He watched her shiver again and bite her lip at him.

"I've been ready for you since dinner but I will not say no to you."

"Good girl."

She sat up and swallowed him into her throat. Luka's head lulled back as his paw fell to the back of her head. She allowed him to force her head up and down his length. Knocking into the back of her throat. She took every inch of him as if he was made for her.

It did not take them very long to figure each other out at the beginning of their relationship. She was already excited to try him but he had to learn to ease up on his roughness a bit. Elf skin was not as thick as Lycan skin.

He used her throat until she was red in the face and panting heavily. Growling out another mating call he leaned down and kissed her gently.

"You do well to please your king. I will return the favor."

He nudged her down to her back and spread her legs with his big paws.

"Lay still M'lady."

Her eyes were wicked as his head dipped between her thighs. His big rough tongue lapping up her skin. She let out a loud groan as her thighs quivered in his paws.


His tongue curled and slipped into her awaiting hole making her gasp. He held her thighs apart as her muscles tried to pull them together. He could easily manipulate her body without having to struggle at all. He loved caring for his tiny little Elf.

He ate her inside and out until her body was covered in sweet sweat and her breath came out in ragged pants. She sounded like one of his kind.

"Don't toy with me any longer King...please."

She moaned out her words.

"I want to feel you so deeply. I'm begging you. Please."

Luka pulled her legs around his waist and growled down at her.

"You taste amazing my queen. Sweetest pink ever."

He guided himself into her heat watching her eyes roll to the back of the head as a soft moan left her.

"So perfect."

Luka dragged his sharp nails down her legs as he sank deep into her body.

"So tight..."

Ashryn gripped his chest fur in her fists as their hips almost met. He was saving the rest for her ending. Like he knew she loved. Her hands tightened in his fur as he grinded in and out of her.

"Breed me Draug. Touch my center. Make us whole."

Luka loved railing into her. The adorable squeals and breathless gasps just made him pound into her harder. Her tiny tight hole squeezed him ever tighter as she reached her peak over and over again. Nearly pushing his meat out a few times. She was strong when she found release.

"Are you ready?"

He teased pushing into her just up to his knot. Ashryn's nails dug into his skin as her legs trembled at his sides.

"Yes...goddess yes. Knot me. Mate with me. Breed me."

Her voice broke with lust as her eyes fluttered closed. Luka kissed the tops of her breasts as he let his sheath finally roll back, letting out his very swollen knot. He ached for release now, his mating hormones sky high. His mind blank of anything but his Elf.

"Beg me."

"Oh please Draug."

Her voice broke again as her lustful eyes gazed up at him. Face blotched with passion, the tips of her ears red as her cheeks. Hair a mess. Luka loved seeing her like this. Prim and proper outside their bedroom. Raw and exposed within.

"Please king. Breed me."

Luka groaned and leaned in to kiss her fiercely.

"Good girl."

She was so wet and so lustful it was easy to slip his knot in and out of her body. With each slip her body shook and her contractions grew tighter and tighter. She was close. He called to his mate as he feverishly fucked into her body. Allowing himself to lose his restraint and use her as he wished.

"Lock us. Tie us. Breed me."

She panted in his ear, holding onto him tightly. Luka could not take it anymore, she was just too wet and too needy. He held steady to end them as her end washed over her. Shuttering to her back her thighs pinned against his sides. Strength from somewhere but he was ready for it. As she covered his waist with her juices he pushed his knot into her for the last time. His pointed tip pushed into her cervix and his knot locked them together at her opening. He let out a fierce snarl as his balls emptied into her womb. Ashryn gasped gripping his arm in her hand. He braced himself above her body. Black lips pulled back in a loud snarl.

"I can feel it."

Her other hand pushed against her stomach as his body released another wave of seed into her. Luka lapped his tongue between his teeth as she whispered.

"I can feel you so deeply."

Her eyes closed as another wave knocked her senses out again. Her body suckled his cock pouring more and more into her womb. Luka groaned and rested his head in the crook of her neck. Lost to her.

After a few mind numbing minutes he heard her let out a sigh.

"I love you."

Lifting his head to gaze at her she smiled at him and gently touched his muzzle.

"And before you I hadn't known what love was."

"I will keep showing you what love is M'lady. As long as you'll have me."

Luka whispered nudging against her hand. Ashryn reached up with both hands petting him kindly.

"Forever. As long as we can keep doing this."

He chuckled closing his eyes against her touches.

"Yes. Even though we cannot produce children we can just try for the rest of time."

"Isn't that the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing expecting a different outcome?"

He laughed again and knelt up between her legs to stare down at her.

"We are both a little crazy. At least we will have fun."

Ashryn nodded and ran her hand down her stomach, staring up at him.

"When we first did this...having deeply was odd. But now I don't think anyone could connect with me on such a level you do."

Luka placed his hand atop hers and said.

"We are designed for this. I am just glad you are strong enough to take me."

"Trained me for a bit in the beginning."

She smiled at him.

"Now we go at it like animals. So how long you think we will be tied this time?"

"That was pretty amazing so I am thinking at least thirty minutes."

Ashryn nodded and laid back into her pillows.

"Good. I enjoy this time with you. Want to make out?"

"That will not help my knot go down."

Her eyes pinned to his and he watched a wicked look cross her.

"Maybe that's my plan. Keep us tied together for a while."

"My queen. You speak to my soul."

Luka curled into her body and kissed her lips.

"I could do this forever."

"I will let you Draug. Forever."



In the morning Ashryn awoke to Luka nuzzling into her body. She smiled before her eyes opened to look at him.

"Morning Draug."

His beautiful golden eyes gazed back which only made her smile more. Filled with such love and care.

"Not often you are awake before me. How did you sleep?"

"Well. After our nights together who wouldn't sleep well."

She blushed but leaned over to kiss his nose.

"Agreed. Do you think our vetting went well?"

"Yes, I am not saying hopeful but interested. We will see if they join us for breakfast."

"Flirting with you at our goodbye feasts is always fun."

Ashryn joked with a small laugh.

"Thomas's face was one I will remember for a long time."

Luka nodded and nuzzled back into her body, wrapping his arms around her. She was so happy with him. The sweetness he showed to her unmatched in all her time on this planet. She ran her hand down his chest then asked.

"It wasn't odd of me to bring up children between us last night was it?"

"No, not at all. We've never spoken of it because we both know it would not work. I still care for you and want you forever."

His answered calmed her nerves a bit. She was slightly worried it would make him change his mind about her.

"Doesn't bother you that you will never have an heir to your Alpha status?"

"No. We both are immortal creatures. Maybe after another six hundred years someone will figure out a way for us to breed for real."

"Holding out hope?"

Luka raised his head to smile at her. Her heart thumped in her chest as he gently caressed her face.

"If it mattered to me I would not have taken you as my mate. If it happens, wonderful. If we go for the rest of time just trying, I am okay with that as well. I'm in this for you Ash, not children."

She sighed softly and nodded her head.

"I trust that. I trust you Draug and I love you so dearly. Toper never made me feel like this. I barely wanted to sleep beside him. If I am away from you too long I get antsy. How is it such an "evil" being makes my heart sing so loudly?"

"I don't have an answer for that M'lady but I am very happy for it."

Ashryn hugged him tightly and buried her face in his fur. She had been so alone with Toper, everything with Luka was different and wonderful. He made her so happy it was almost surreal.

"As am I. I am going to bathe before breakfast. Being locked to you always leaves me a mess."

Ashryn climbed out of bed and stretched out her body.

"Find your loin cloth. I threw it somewhere. No one else is to see what I see."

Luka growled from bed but nodded in agreement.

"Of course my queen. I am all yours."


Ashryn lead Luka towards the dining hall. She was interested to see if their guests had stayed. Kiara joined them as she entered the hall.

"Good morning majesties."

She bowed her head but smiled at them.

"I am pleased to inform you that our guests await you. All three of them remained through the night and into this morning."

"I will say, I am surprised."

Ashryn replied following Kiara to their table.

"I thought for sure they would fail our vetting."

Ashryn settled with Luka and Kiara seeing Thomas and his guards laughing with a few other humans a few feet away.

"Interesting...wouldn't you agree Draug?"

Luka nodded and looked to her.

"Yes M'lady. I look forwards now to meeting their King next month."

Ashryn turned back to Kiara and said.

"Go on, send them home with the invite for next month. It will be nice for things to go back to normal around here after they leave. Vetting is tiresome after a while."

"Of course M'lady."

Kiara left and Ashryn spoke to Luka.

"As for us. We have some other older trade routes to go over today but after that we are free of duties."

He smiled at her and reached out to hold her hand.

"Are we visiting the school again or chasing each other through the corn fields?"

"Corn fields."

She answered with a smile.

"I've outrun all your Guru Draug. It's your turn to be tested."

"As you wish M'lady."
