Dr. Feng's Fabulous Dunk Tank

Story by triple_16 on SoFurry

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You wake up on a lab table, face to face with an eccentric doctor...with a PhD? You won't be leaving his lab on two legs. Or, at all. (Male to Wereorca TF, RP)

Long story short, I was chatting with Bradleyfox and it spiraled into this fin-tastic RP! He's also freaking awesome and drew one of the scenes from it, which I obviously had to adapt for the thumbnail: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/45230764

You can see the PDF version of the story (with some bonus visuals and goodies!) over here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/45225909/

This was written in real time, so it's only been cleaned for typos and organization. It's like a TF improv show! * Bradley's parts * are marked and written in first person:

You woke up groggy, suspended by your wrists on one of those Frankenstein-style slabs.

Your eyes flickered and tried to clear your blurry vision, but the piercing lights rained down hard. It was exacerbating your already grueling migraine. You tried to cover your face with your hand, but that's when you realize it's strapped to the table, both arms pinned overhead like a butterfly's wings.

A mechanical whirring could be heard above the silence. Taking pity on you, the slab rose up to a sharp angle, and you could see something besides the blinding lamps overhead. Someone in a white coat approached, clipboard in hand, and what looked like a lollipop in his mouth.

"Mornin' starshine," the young man said as he sucked on his candy.

*I careened my head over to where I wasn't directly facing the blinding light that was obscuring my vision. I caught a small glimpse of the man in a lab coat and squinted.*

*"What's going on...? W-what... Is this? Who are?" Miles and miles of questions spewed out as it finally came to me that I had been abducted, drugged or...something. My eyes darted around the room for something, ANYTHING short of a clue as to where I was and how I got there in the first place.*

The white-coated man held up a finger to shush your panicked ranting. As if not recognizing your growing terror, he pulled another freshly wrapped sucker out of his pocket and replaced the one in his mouth.

"My name's Dr. Feng, PhD. Biology. Award-winner. Thank you. But we're about to be very comfortable with each other, so you can call me Ricky."

He approached you from the side, just out of range in case you started kicking frantically. His hand reached up to yours and traced along your forearm. There, where his finger stopped, was a red welt jutting up for your skin.

*I hissed as the doctor poked and prodded at the welt.*

"Looks like injection is taking well. You can expect the effects to take hold in just a few moments."

*I whimpered and glared at Dr. Feng.*

*"W-what the hell is going on here?!" I moaned, feeling my thighs burn.*

Before you could ask another question, or curse out this pretentious pseudo-scientist, you felt a heat start to flush your skin, particularly in your thighs. A fever built in your skull to match.

*My legs twitched and slid on the slick surface as I tried to wiggle out of the restraints. My fists curled into balls, and my knuckles went white from clenching. The pain never left, but I tried my damnedest to keep the feeling in my legs by wiggling and lightly thrashing them.*

In spite of the pain, you kicked outwards and tried to free your wrists from their shackles. You merely succeeded in smacking your bare behind against the steel slab. That stung!

*I hissed as my bare buttocks smacked on the metal slab.*

Dr. Feng sighed, clearly humored by your thrashing. "Don't worry, you won't be up there for long. We've got a busy day ahead of us. But hey, kick all you want! Might as well use those legs while you got 'em."

*"W-What the fuck do you mean?! Guaaaghh!!" I cried out in agony as the changes continued. I swore and huffed in a delirious panic, looking around for something...ANYTHING to help me.*

You glared at him in confusion. His words didn't make sense to you, even in your pain-stricken hysteria. The fever made it hard to think, to even talk your way out of the situation. Instead, you kicked out again. But this time, the heat flared on the insides of your thighs, forcing you to bring them together.

*"Uaaahh!!" I groaned as my legs flap onto the table.*

A strange discomfort lingered on the inside of your thighs, and just touching them together worsened the feeling.

The burning in your legs grew worse. It's like you were standing on a fire pit. Through your strangled moans, you looked down and saw something...impossible. You had to be hallucinating. Were your thighs, somehow, sticking together? Like there's skin melding into itself just below your private parts. No way. Did this freak glue your legs together?

"I know what you're thinking. No, I didn't glue your legs together, that'd be weird..."

*"F-ffuuuuucck you!!! G-get me the fuck off this thing!" I slammed and banged onto the table, begging for some sort of relief.*

You tried pulling your legs apart, to tear away at whatever adhesive was stuck to your skin. But pulling just made it hurt worse.

*"W-what the hell is happening to me?!" I screamed as my legs melded together. How could this happen?!*

It had to be a trick, or something. There's no way your skin was growing together, spreading down to your knees and up beneath your groin. The tightness growing behind your scrotum was imaginary. You were just stressed out!

For the first time since you've met him, Dr. Feng's eyes lit up with interest. He watched eagerly as the skin of your legs fully merged, one long seam running from your groin to your ankles. It looked like you shoved your legs into half of a pantyhose!

"Oh you're almost there! This next part is a lot of fun." He smiled, once again replacing the finished lollipop in his mouth.

*"Y-YOU motherfucker!!! L-let me goooUuuagahhh!!!!" My weirdly deformed legs wiggled on the table.*

Panicked, you thrashed your combined legs about, desperate to separate them despite the ache it brought. It was only when you heard a sharp crack of bone that your movement stopped. You threw your head back and screamed.

*My head banged on the back of the table as I let out a shrill shriek of agony throughout the chamber. My legs and hips wiggled and thrashed, popping and jutting out in weird, gross directions. Through the heat and confusion of pain, through it all, I whimpered and winced.*

The joints in your hips felt dislocated, and from the doctor's point of view, they most definitely were. He watched as your pelvis began to collapse and deform, your femurs sliding down and moving in closer beneath your skin.

Your legs were truly connected on the inside and out.

You huffed and whined, voice cracking as your kneecaps popped. Through the heat beneath your skin, you could almost feel them merging together as well. Nothing felt right in your lower body. You almost didn't want to look, but something compelled you to when another sharp pain tore through your ankles. It looks like your feet were going next...

Dr. Feng knelt down beside the table, taking an uncomfortably close look at your feet.

"Wow, did you feel all the bones in your legs combine together? It looked really sick from over here! I'm glad we're getting this in 4K." He gestured up to the ceiling where a small camera hung down, angled directly at your mutating form.

*Angry, I looked up at the camera which was recording every motion, every bone and muscle spasm, all in high quality. I huffed and whimpered, wheezing from the lack of moisture, even with me screaming bloody murder.*

Angrily, you tried spitting down on the doctor, but only succeed in puffing out dry air. You didn't realize how dehydrated you were from the yelling and clear bodily changes. This wasn't a hallucination, this was too real. Your bones were breaking and merging. Your muscles were tearing and gluing together. It was like a collage being made within your own body. Then, the same awful feelings rushed down into your feet.

The doctor smiled once more. "Zoom in guys, here come the fins!"

*Fins? FINS?! What in the hell was he talking about? Before I could get a word out edgewise, I felt my flesh revolt on itself as my bones and muscles moved and cracked on their own.*

It started with a pinching between your toes, like the doctor himself was grabbing at your skin and pulling on it. But this was clearly your own flesh remolding itself. You could actually see the skin growing between each of your toes, as the same burning that had ravaged your thighs began to enflame your lower digits.

If the heat wasn't bad enough, a familiar crackling of bones sang out through the room. You cried out in agony, toes curling as they slowly began to grow in length, dragging along their new, thick webbing. The snapping sensations moved up your feet until they too were starting to elongate. They really were becoming...fins...

*I spread my toes...or really they spread themselves out as they snapped in different directions and curled madly. I gasped and eked out a cut-off dry cry as my feet changed into fins.*

Bone liquefied while you screamed. As your arches melted and heels slowly burned out of existence, your toes stretched and splayed to their maximum length. The webbing between each digit thickened until it consumed the individual ridges and knuckles, leaving you with giant paddles dangling from your ankles. Speaking of your ankles, they too were dissolving and merging into one unit.

*"GGUUAAAAGHH!!! FUCKKK!!!" I gurgled out a cry as the saliva and water buildup in my throat rattled my voice chamber. My feet and toes snapped and twisted in all different directions as my lower body changed more and more and more.*

Tears fell as you wiggle your enormous flippers. You don't want to believe they -- or it -- were part of you. Another bone cracked, and your jaw tightened. You watched as your former feet snapped outwards at 90 degree angles, tips pointing straight out to the sides. With that, your heels fully merged and flattened. The room was suddenly still.

You wanted to cry out, but you couldn't at the moment. Beneath your waist was a bona fide tail fin, more befitting a dolphin or whale than anything remotely human. Lost for words, your new fin slapped up and down against the table.

"Wow, ten out of ten tail fin buddy." Dr. Feng mused.

*The wet slap of the tail on the table shocked and horrified me at the same time, making me almost pass out if it wasn't for the pain.*

"Listen," the good doctor started. "I've seen plenty of fins grow in this lab, but this one's a beauty." He gently glided a finger down the tip of your smooth, fleshy fin, which sent a gross tingling up your spine. It still felt like someone poking at your foot, though this clearly wasn't possible anymore. You were aquatic from the waist down, though the still-human tone of your skin somehow made it more off-putting.

*My eyes wearily trained on the doctor, my vision weak and hazy from the pain as I could still feel micro-cracks in my body. As the doctor got closer, I wanted to just spit at him, punch him, do something! But alas, it was all for naught.*

Dr. Feng stood and leaned casually against the side of the slab. "Ok, so this next part's gonna make or break your career. See the edge of the room?"

Though tired and irate, you followed where he was pointing to the opposite side of the chamber. You didn't realize before how big the cell was...seeing as how you were distracted by an agonizing shift of species.

"You're gonna want to make it to the tank on that side of the room. Within, y'know, a reasonable amount of time. Make sense?" Dr. Feng gave a suspicious thumbs-up to the surveillance camera.

Before you could ask about this so-called tank, or how you plan to go anywhere while in pain and strapped to a lab table, the thunderous roaring machinery echoed against the walls. Your view shifted to the floor as the table rose up and angled towards the ground. In the distance, you could see the floor itself separating, revealing what seems to be a pool of blue water. Just the sight of water right now made you pant.

*Following his pointed finger, I found the luscious blue pool of water, which just the sight of made me drool. *

Distracted by your thirst, you didn't realize that the straps around your wrists snapped open, and you were sent flying to the cold floor below. Your new tail smacked against the ground, hard.

"You'd better get moving!"

*Before I can think of anything else, I was lifted and slammed to the floor with such force it knocked the wind out of me...not that there was much to begin with. I gasped for air as my tail waggled and thumped. I needed that water SOON. So, I got to crawling.*

Weakened and drained from the growth of your tail, your movement was sluggish at best. The lunatic doctor was trailing beside you, walking as if his elderly grandma was teetering beside him. For just a moment, you wanted to grab at his ankle, get your still-human hands on him, and inflict just a fraction of the pain that you've felt onto him. Even just tripping him slightly would satisfy you at this point.

*Through grit teeth I proceeded to crawl and inchworm my way forward with my now heavy and massive tail.*

However, the thought of revenge was erased when the burning sign of change washed over your hands. Examining your palms you silently pleaded that you wouldn't lose your fingers. You'd never make it to the water without them!

*I stopped suddenly when my fingers and hands began to gain webbing between them.*

Fortunately, as thin webs of skin interlinked your fingers, the pain was reduced from what happened to your feet, though noticeable nonetheless. At least it didn't stop you from proceeding. What did however stop you in your tracks was the sudden failure of your lungs.

Severe dehydration was replaced with asphyxiation. You gagged breathlessly and grabbed at your throat with aching webbed hands, your diaphragm seemingly paralyzed. Were the changes migrating up from your legs?

"See, this is why I said in a reasonable amount of time," Dr. Feng reminded you playfully. His tone sharply contrasted the feeling of suffocation overwhelming you. Your chest was on fire, as constriction tore through your throat. A stinging sensation also struck the back of your neck, but that was barely on your radar at the moment.

*Though exacerbated by the process of my entire body changing, nothing prepared me for the failure of my lungs. I immediately went to gasping and started to frantically drag my body to this vat of water. It was so hard to crawl though, seeing as though my body curled and tensed every second of every moment.*

The room was spinning around you, whether from lack of water or air, you weren't sure. All that mattered was that you reach the pool. Instinct was driving you to it. Inch by inch you crawled, the sweat dripping from your palms and bare chest making it harder to grasp at the floor. You tried to leverage your new tail like a rear leg, but its new muscles were unfamiliar to you, and could only slap against the ground like a trained seal.

All the while your chest ached from a lack of oxygen, and the burning on the back of your neck grew worse. It was a sharp stabbing sensation just below the back of your skull. You wanted to massage it, but both arms were required for the trek.

*Every fiber in my body was screaming to be released, to be relieved, and only water could stave that desire. With my hands webbed and curling desperately on the floor towards salvation, my neck felt as though a cigarette burn was placed directly on top.*

Dr. Feng must have noticed your discomfort. "That thing on the back of your neck? Yeah, that's a blow hole forming. The burning is your skin trying to connect it to your throat. Orca anatomy is weird. If you're lucky, it'll grow in before you pass out!"

*It took everything in me not to immediately grasp my head in pain. My eyes watered and teeth clenched.*

Orca? You were becoming an orca?? You wanted to curse him out for this insanity, but the lack of air prevented you from sending him more than a scowl.

"To be clear, you'll only be like part orca. We don't have a big enough tank for a full sized one. Yet."

Ignoring most of his words, you kept crawling, barely wheezing as what little air remaining in your lungs is almost used up. The tank was in sight. It was right there. You could practically taste the water. Your tail slapped eagerly against the floor...

*I glared at the doc with tear-filled eyes. I tried ignoring him as I continued to crawl towards the tank. It was so close...I could almost taste it.... I felt a wetness graze my finger.*

Your hand latched onto the edge of the tank when finally...the hole on the back of your head burst open! With a sharp gasp, you felt air rush back into your lungs through your neck, a sensation that you found utterly horrifying. The hole burned as air streamed in past the sensitive flesh. You cried out hoarsely with enough air to vocalize. Your scream didn't sound fully human.

*I didn't care that they were making some sick game out of my agonizing change, I didn't care what this pool was made of, I was just happy to breathe again finally. That call sounded awful though... A mix of human and what sounds like a low bitch's scream through a long tube. It was utterly horrifying...*

The sudden rush of air left you lightheaded and with a final tug, you dizzily launched yourself into the tank. SPLASH! Dr. Feng just narrowly escaped the splash zone.

"He did it, folks! Victory! Whoever bet on sub ten minutes, today's your lucky day!"

His words were muffled to you with your head fully underwater. The cool feeling surrounded you like a whirlpool, tenderly massaging your aching muscles and bones. Maybe it was a trick of the light, but your stomach and tail looked paler here. Without thinking, you opened your mouth for a drink, not caring what chemicals may be in the tank. What more could they possibly do to you?

Your tail flicked about in the water, almost feeling comfortable. It was like you were standing on your own two feet again, in its own way. Even moving your webbed hands through the water was somewhat pleasing. However, nothing pleasant last forever...

*As I sunk in the tank, patterns became evident all across my body as the change continued without fail. The swimming feeling soothed me slightly, but not for long as my spine began to rupture and break.*

The crunching of your spine could be heard even underwater. Pain centered between your shoulder blades, driving deep into your torso. Your jaw shot open in shock, air bubbles flying out. You paddled as quickly as you could to the surface.

*As my jaw snapped open, releasing air bubbles, my shoulders and back contorted making me thrash and wiggle around in the water wildly. I started to resurface.*

Floundering in agony, you breached the surface and felt another blast of air suck in through your new blow hole. You had so little control over your respiratory system, but now wasn't the time to practice. As fast as your webbed hands could take you, you paddled to the side of the tank and pulled your chest out of the water, resting your elbows on the cold floor once again. The vicious pressure in your spine was forcing you to tears, though they were hard to see among the drops of water rolling off your skin.

Dr. Feng approached you again, careful not to walk within grabbing distance. He seemed to know every trick in the book. How many people had he transformed here?

*A loud wet SMACK hit the floor of the laboratory as I heaved and wheezed onto the surface, now some sort of half-human, half-orca beast. My fingers griped and clenched into the ground as my respiratory system got used to this new airway, making it burn like hell. I could feel my pores open and seal themselves, releasing whatever small bits of hair I had left and falling to the floor.*

"You can probably feel the pain in your back, huh? I can see it already, that lump forming along your spine." He chuckled softly. "Muscle, bone, converting into cartilage and expanding. You wouldn't be a proper wereorca without a dorsal fin."

Wereorca? Now he was calling you a Wereorca? If you weren't in such flagrant pain, you could've balked at his semantics. You were a monster, plain and simple. Your fists balled when the terrible heat flared behind you.

It was like the sounds of old rubber creaking as a flesh mound began to force its way out from your upper back. It wriggled and stretched, dragging your already taut skin high into the air. Your tail fin curled and writhed in the water, desperately trying to deal with the pain.

Another ghastly wail escaped from your throat when your spine clicked, locking the new protrusion into its rightful place. Without thinking, you reached back and grabbed hold of it. The skin felt slick beneath your fingertips. You really just grew a dorsal fin.

*As Dr. Feng goaded on about how painfully my body changed, through gritted teeth and the vitriol of anger I'd never had before, I threw up my middle finger and squealed out the most exacerbated "FUCK YOU!!!" towards his direction.*

It was a cruel fate that the webbing of your fingers prevented from fully flipping off the doctor properly, and you settled for a half-claw sort of shape. As you cursed him out, you tried to ignore the strange, high-pitch harmonics that accompanied your voice. You couldn't imagine what your voice box looked like now, and it was the least of your worries.

*However, even that too was cut short and filled with pain no other human in their life should witness, as the heat flared and pushed into my back -- my body grossly contorting and malleating into something so distinct, so inhuman, and so alien, it was almost a relief this was nearly done.*

Your scalp and forehead burned in a new type of way, and you noticed chunks of your already short hair beginning to fall onto your back and into the water. You couldn't quite see it, but Dr. Feng took notice to the slick, dark texture enveloping your skin, spreading out from the blowhole in your neck and climbing up your skull like the Symbiote.

Your hand reached back to feel your neck turning slick and smooth, possessing the same quality as your new dorsal fin. You winced as your brows and lashes slip out, while some stray hairs got caught in your eye. Quickly, you wiped them away on your forearm, where you see finally see the black pigment rippling up past your elbow.

*Though not fully out of the tank, I would be once my back clicked and twinged with the sickening crunch and snap.*

Fearing the worst if you began to spasm again in the tank, you pulled yourself up from the water, nearly face-planting when your dorsal fin snaps once more, deciding to grow just a little bit bigger out of spite.

*A soon-to-be "wereorca," I hoisted my tail up over the edge and groaned heavily as it felt like the change would never end. And according to Dr. Feng, it seemed as though he never wanted it to.*

Exhausted, you pulled your tail up onto the floor with a wet SLAP. Whatever happened next, you'd want to be on solid ground for.

*I would eventually find that I couldn't properly lay on my back due to my new dorsal fin, but that didn't stop me from writhing and wiggling around on the ground gurgling in pain like a...*


*Fish out of water.*

A surge of stomach cramps forced you to your side as you curled up on the cold, wet floor like a dying animal. Whatever orcas, or wereorcas for that matter, ate for sustenance, your guts were eagerly preparing for that change of diet. As your blackening arms wrapped tight around your abdomen, you could feel things shift and grow beneath your skin, the changes foreshadowed by the gurgling and rumbling within you. In agony, you pulled up your tail fin as if you still had knees to tuck in.

*"KUUUAAAGGHH!!! H-huaahh!! Uooh.. Oh FUUAGGKK.!!" How has the pain not hit a crescendo at this point? It seemed like my body was a toy that only got small breaks from the pain, and the changes played with me whenever they liked, causing all that pain to come back.*

While your organs shifted, you barely noticed the pale skin tone slipping over your chest, nor your belly button and nipples sinking into your skin before vanishing completely. From the head down, your humanity was gone. Even your manhood had long since slithered into a strange slit that ran along your tail. You tried to ignore the stirring sensation that lingered there.

Dr. Feng crouched down in front of you, taking notes on how much you've changed, what appendages you've grown, and what body parts you've lost. You wished you could shred his papers and snap that damn clipboard in half.

*Bated and withered breathing escaped my mouth as my blowhole whistled. Small shreds of a conversation and pleas such as "help" and "make it stop" also escaped, but were completely covered up by the gurgling.*

Whatever pleas and cries you let loose, Dr. Feng seemed immune to them. If you had the wherewithal, you'd check if he had Airpods in this whole time. What he did seem to take notice of was the new slit that sat uncomfortably beneath your waist line. In your writhing agony, you never noticed how it peeled open and swallowed your shaft, which was probably for the best. That would've been traumatizing to say the least. But now the doctor stared at it suspiciously. It felt indecent, even if your privates were no longer around to be witnessed...though maybe you spoke too soon...

As the heat left your stomach, signaling the completion of those changes, it dropped down into your upper tail, right where that strange slit had formed. Confused by its purpose, you struggled through the heat to keep an eye on that area. And that's when you noticed a strange fluid leaking out from the crevice. It wasn't sweat, but it also didn't look like your normal bodily fluid. It formed in rivulets and seeped out slowly. It was kind of slimy, if you had to describe it.

The doctor laughed out loud, to your dismay. "Oh good, I thought something had gone wrong! Here comes your little buddy!"

His words didn't make sense until a muscle started to tighten within you. It was foreign, something you'd never felt before. But against your wishes, it was clenching and throbbing beneath your skin. Without much choice, you let the muscle do its work. Soon, however, you could feel the edges of your slit begin to part. Something was peeking out, pushing past your lower lips.

There was your cock! It hadn't vanished out of existence after all. Thank God. But now...it was covered in that slime. The shape was still the same for now, but strands of that mucus-like substance coated your length. What the fuck was happening here?

*I was glad that I couldn't feel anything for this transformed bit. And honestly, it would probably be one of the more horrifying parts about it. The moment my slit lips began to open, I propped myself up on my elbows to watch as my own cock began to peacock out of my inhuman slit.*

As your cock exposed itself, the heat in your lower region simmered to a low roar. However, a strange sensation was overtaking your shaft, like an invisible hand was gripping you a bit too firmly. The skin and muscle throbbed visibly. It almost looked like your cock was wriggling.

Oh fuck...it was.

Against your will, your length began to bend and stretch in previously impossible ways. It flicked about from side to side, sending drops of that strange new mucus onto the floor. You could feel it flex almost like your tongue would. Though not quite painful, it sent shivers up your spine. This felt so wrong!

*I could almost faint, not from the pain, but from the sheer trauma of watching my one and ONLY cock be changed into something so weird, so grotesque, so alien, that my brain couldn't process if this was reality or not.*

While the shaft grew longer, the tip of your cock began to mold into a point. The ridge of your cockhead was sinking down, steadily merging with the rest of your length. No longer was there a division between head and shaft. It looked so much like a slimy worm poking out from your ice white skin. Horrified, you can't stop your hand from reaching out towards it.

*My webbed hand reached down curiously at the length, wanting to feel the mucus that covered it.*

You inched closer....and closer....

But Dr. Feng slapped your hand away! What the fuck?

"Hey man, we are NOT making porn here! This is science." He scoffed pompously. "There will be plenty of time later for R and R."

Bewildered by his sudden outburst, you retracted your hand and merely stared at the deformed wriggling creature that is your cock. You could swear that it even waved to you.

Then, your jaw snapped. Really. Fucking. Hard.

*With the snap of my jaw, my face was immediately left slack. I couldn't close it...it was too painful. It felt as though it was like bone hinging on bone. My webbed hands scrubbed and gripped to the floor of the lab that I was being subject to change on.*

The hinges of your jaw burned and swelled as the bone began to adjust its shape. Drool spilt over your parted lips, rocketing to the floor like an overflowing rain gutter. Eyes squinting in pain, you saw your spittle hit the floor and swirl into the mix of sweat, sea water, and genital slime that lay beneath you. You felt like a goddamn mess.

*All that escaped my lips were pained wheezes and vocalized huffs that spread across the entire room despite being suppressed by the floor. The gross wiggling and squelching of my body made me feel so disgusting... but part of me must have liked it, for my tipped orca cock waggled and grew erect with each passing moment.*

Dr. Feng watched with intrigue as your jaw twitched and creaked, the sides of your face swelling with the effects of the change. "It's the last mile, my friend. Just grow out that snout, and this will all be over. Well, this part at least. We still have the water relay to test after lunch."

*Water relay, huh? Sounds like they weren't quite done with me just yet.*

Of all the things you wished to call the doctor, "friend" was nowhere on the list. Not that you could speak with your distorting face and warped vocal chords. All that escaped your dripping mouth was a high-pitched squeal as your bottom and lower lip began to push out from your face.

*"Friend" was past the times at this point -- he was something even worse than the most awful villain in the world to me.*

As if someone was tearing at your face with a massive hook, your jaw and nose lurched forward with a mighty crack. You could see through teary eyes more of your nose than you ever should, though the tip seemed smaller and blacker than it should be. It was starting to melt into your skin...

*As my nose and lips pushed outward and melted into my face, a small glimpse of my life flashed before my eyes of a time when the guy in "American Werewolf in London" was getting his face all pushed out and changing to something so fucking awful, so fucking terrifying, that he could do nothing BUT scream.*

With no choice but to recreate the iconic scene from your 3rd favorite Spooky-Month movie, you screeched in agony as your skull stretched forward into a thick, bulbous muzzle. Your webbed hands, dripping with sweat and water, reached up and grabbed at your face, desperately wishing to force it back where it belongs. But there was no stopping the changes. No stopping your teeth from growing wide and flat within your gums. No stopping your lips from thinning and merging fully with the black skin overtaking your jaws.

*My squishy, bulbous webbed hand pressed into my equally as bulbous and squishy face as it rebelled against me. My teeth stretching and spreading wider and further back, I screamed and roared in agony as they did nothing but change.*

Your tongue began burning as it swelled and lengthened within your gaping maw. It wiggled and whipped about like your cock beneath you. Despite your clear lack of arousal, the yet-to-be-controlled muscles of your prehensile shaft were thrashing about like your tail fin, both clearly reacting to your pain.

As your muzzle grew long and wide, crushing pressure built beneath your eyes. This massive snout was about to absorb your entire head. Both eyes bulged as their sockets moved farther apart, practically forced to the sides of your warping skull. Your forehead began to slope downwards, a ramp seamlessly joining your bald scalp to the base of your inhuman snout. Ears melted into hidden holes back behind your eyes. An animal like yourself wouldn't need them underwater.

*I wondered if this was how that one biblical figure felt when he was being tortured. I wondered if my body could even handle sweating, leaking, and crying all of these tears and water. With my eyes painfully bulging and almost popping out of their sockets, my tongue thrashed and face distorted. And soon, it would be done...*

With a final crack, your mutated maw snapped closed, teeth smacking against each other like you just bit down on prey. Your eyes darted around the room, the lingering migraine disorienting you. You felt wrong. Everything within you felt wrong. Was there anything human left at all?

Snap. Pop. Crick. Silence.

As the last little bones of your skull cracked and melded into place, the violent pain finally died down. You lay still on the cold, drenched floor with your deformed skull buried beneath your forearms. Between the sweat, drool, and sea water, you were wading in your own little pool. Only your soft, despairing pants could be heard over the soft mechanical filtering of the tank beside you.

You didn't want to look at yourself, so you kept your eyes shut. All you felt was the slick skin of your malformed head beneath your fingertips and the soiled ground beneath your arms and tail. Occasionally, your cock slid against the floor, sending a gross shiver up your back, which forced an unwanted twitch from your tail. Fuck. Everything about you was disgusting.

But to Dr. Feng, you were perfect. The heels of his shoes smacked against the wet ground. "There. He. Is. What a strapping young beast you are!" He acted like some flirtatious drunk at a bar. Without looking, you knew he was taking in your naked, inhuman form.

"I love the new fins, though the one on your back could be bigger. Maybe we'll fix that later. And jeeze, the way your dick moves now is just gonna do wonders for your playmates. I hope you enjoy it too."

Dr. Feng snapped his fingers, and the following metal roaring finally inspired you to lift your head. White light shot into your vision. The room did not look right. Your depth perception was warped. Now that your eyes were on the sides of your skull, it was hard to even look at the doctor straight on. You had no doubt that your senses had changed.

You thought for a second that your new body could at least help you escape this hell, to tear that doctor to shreds, swim away from this place, and bring an end to this whole nightmare. But as you peered out past the tank and saw a fleet of armed soldiers approaching through the lab door, you felt as though...your day was only going to get worse.

  • FIN(S)