
Story by Kael Duranus on SoFurry

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#7 of K and M

Whew... so that was quite a challenging year to go through. My imagination is still working, and slowly getting back into working again, after 12 months of intensive analytical thinking.

Anyway, as fun as marathon sessions of smut can be, sometimes its much more satisfying to write about what comes next. I hope you enjoy it.

If you enjoy it, please let me know, so I can keep giving you what you like, and if you see anywhere were I can improve, please let me know that too. IN any case, on with the show.

Michiko shivered, her fire colored fur fluffing slightly even though the bedroom was warm, and bands of sunlight were shining upon her. Drawing a breath of air scented with the musty aromas of sex, and the pleasant blend of flowers and sweetly spiced earth, the panda-fox felt a grin crease her lips. The shiver wasn't the result of anything physical, she knew. Her body felt wonderfully warm, every fiber of her being awash in tingling pleasure, to the point that everything felt good. Even the sore ache in her nethers was a delight all its own, the lingering result of a marathon of climaxes provided by her lover. It was almost like the seemingly endless pleasure had decided to stick around for a while, even now, so long after the last, and she knew why. Which was exactly why she shivered. A moment later, she smiled, another breath coming as a soft gasp of pleased surprise as a wonderful wave of sensation spread through the fur of her side. Opening her eyes, she looked down the length of her body and hummed an almost purr of appreciation at the touch of the hand covered in white fur that was idly tracing the boundary of the white patch of her belly fur. A warm chuckle that she could feel through her back made another quiver of sensation pass through her frame and she turned her head, catching the amused look in Kael's very blue eye.

"So..." Kael whispered, nuzzling under her chin, his other hand gently caressing her collarbone, the teasing touches making her shudder, the motion tugging on the flesh still tying them together, and she felt an answering shudder run through the wolf.

"So." Michiko replied, reaching up and caressing the line of his jaw. "What are we going to do now?"

"Now?" Kael whispered, kissing her neck softly. "Well, now I was planning to spend the next little while continuing to tend to the needs of my goddess." As he said that, the fingers that had traced their way almost down to the sticky fur around her sore nethers reversed direction without touching her too sensitive flesh, going back up her side and then down the length of her arm, in a long, luxurious caress that made her fur stand on end once more. Flushing with pleasure at his words as a shiver ran the length of her spine, Michiko sucked in another breath through her teeth. The breath came out as a stuttering sigh a few moments later as the wolf's teeth ever so gently grazed the flesh at the base of her neck where it met her shoulder, making her arch against him in surprise, the tugging sensation within her surprisingly exciting, even considering what they had done already today.

"Kael..." She began, feeling a little flash of irritation at his antics, her toes curling with the combination of sensations and the wolf grinned at her, a giggle rising through her at the expression on his face. Of course he was teasing her like that. He knew exactly what she meant by her question, knew she was being serious in asking, and he was teasing her gently, making her smile and put aside the worry.

"Can't blame a knight for his honesty." Kael remarked, laying his hand flat on her side and gently brushing upward in a touch that was every bit as soothing as the caress had been exciting a moment before, his expression becoming a little more serious as he did. "Now. Now we take it one day at a time, and figure this out as we go."

"Just like that?" Michiko asked, surprised and Kael nodded. "Kael, we have been friends for so long, and that has been more wonderful than anything I have experienced. Well, until now, I guess. Can we just...start this, and act like nothing is going to change?"

"Why not?" The wolf asked, his candid question catching her off guard. When she cocked her head in surprise, the knight who held her continued. "Everyone always makes a big deal about relationships, like they know what is going to happen, or how it is going to be. I think they put a ton of pressure on themselves and then there are all kinds of expectations and when things don't measure up..." The handsome wolf shrugged, not needing to finish the thought. "You are right Michiko, we have been friends for so long, but that means that we already know each other better than most couples do. And I love everything I know about you." Michiko felt her heart soar in her chest at his words and a flame that had nothing to do with physical desire burned to life in her heart.

"Have I mentioned how much I love you?" She asked, pressing herself back into his embrace once more, unwilling to even try to stop the smile that spread over her face.

"The subject may have come up, once or twice." He murmured teasingly, his voice quiet and soft as he nuzzled against her cheek.

"So, one day at a time?" the panda fox asked, considering the idea for a moment. What the wolf knight had said was very true. She had been making a big deal about the relationship she had been in, and the pressure that came with all the expectations had made it so much worse when it had all come crashing down on her. And besides, she reflected, What am I worried about? That Kael is going to turn out to be anything less than the person I have known and loved all this time? Yeah, right. "Alright, I think I can do that. So, what about today?"

"Well, I think it has started out rather well so far." Kael remarked and she giggled again, surprised to feel the shifting sensation in her guts that meant that the tie was finally loosening. It would be a little while until they could separate, but the wonderfully intimate joining was coming to an end at last. "I was thinking we should probably clean up, then I was thinking about making breakfast."

"I like the way you think." Michiko replied, feeling how matted her fur had become and bowing to the inevitable necessity. It would mean dressing in her already dirty clothes again when she dried off, but she couldn't very well go around in this state. Looking down, she suddenly felt herself blushing. The two lovers were not the only things in the room that were a mess. "Maybe we should do laundry."

"Probably, but shower first." Kael replied, giving a gentle experimental tug with his hips, making her tail twitch at the unexpected sensation at its base. It didn't hurt, not exactly, but everything lower than her waist ached already, and Kael immediately froze when she tensed. "Sorry."

"Don't be." She replied immediately, taking his hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "It didn't hurt. I'm just not used to it. Besides," she took a moment to grin teasingly back over her shoulder at him in turn, "This isn't going to be the last time we end up like this. I will just have to get used to it eventually."

And there, for the first time, she saw the wolf be caught off guard, the surprise in his gaze making her chuckle in her turn. Her smile widened at the obvious flush in his cheeks at her statement and she flicked her tail gently so it brushed against his leg, making the wolf shiver. In reply, Kael almost casually traced the fingertips of his free hand in a circle around her right breast, a thrill of not quite exciting pleasure passing like lightning through her chest at the touch. Her breath hitching, she sucked in a surprised breath that carried a slight note of frustration within it.

"Hah... One day," She said, looking back over her shoulder at her lover, "You are going to have to explain to me how you know how to push my buttons like that."

"Lucky guess?" Kael suggested with a half serious shrug. At her amused glare, he smiled in the almost embarrassed way that she found so endearing and continued. "I'm honestly not entirely sure. I just do what comes naturally..." His hand was now tracing up the line of her sternum and back through the orange fur of her collarbone, a far more pronounced shiver making her fur ripple. "And you seem to like it."

"Gods, I do." The panda fox replied, sighing at the touch. She was perfectly fine with the mystery, considering it felt so good. Then, she let the hand she was holding go, the wolf responding by using both hands to trace what almost felt like designs into her fur, letting her eyes close once more, concentrating on the pleasant sensations running through her. He might have been just idly tracing his fingers around, or he could have been tracing words in her pelt like spells of pleasure, but either way, they felt wonderful.

A minute or so later, the shifting sensation in her guts intensified and this time, she and Kael moved together, their hips gently pulling away from one another. There wasn't any pain, just the slick pleasure that made her shiver as Kael withdrew his wilting member from her body. It was only after they were no longer joined that she realized just how sore she was down there. Sore, and sticky, she realized, as she felt the evidence of their lovemaking slowly making a further mess of her fur, which was sort of delightful all on its own. Turning over to face her lupine love, the panda-fox saw the satisfaction on his lips as well and by mutual agreement, they moved together, their muzzles meeting in a gentle, meaningful kiss, pressing together for a few more moments.

"Mmmm..." Kael hummed when their muzzles parted once more, meeting her aspen green gaze with his vibrant blue eyes, the warmth in them making her heart sing. "I could stay right here forever, and be happy."

"So could I." Michiko replied, then reluctantly pulled back from his embrace. "But, if we don't get up, we are going to make even more of a mess of your sheets than we have already."

"You raise a very good point." The wolf knight replied with a chuckle. "I suppose, for the sake of the sheets..." Chuckling as well, Michiko slid herself down towards the foot of the bed, finding that the sore muscles in her hips and nethers only protested a little at the idea of raising to a sitting position. Kael sat up beside her, shaking his head slightly when he got all the way up.

"Whew...Head rush." He remarked, sitting still for a moment and blinking hard before pushing himself up the rest of the way, standing up once more. Despite, or maybe because of, everything they had just done, Michiko found herself staring at the picture Kael presented as he stood there before her, stretching in the nude. Tall, lean and strong, like a classical statue, the wolf's white pelt practically shone in the sunlight coming through the window, a truly glorious sight, made even more so by the fact that the fur of his toned backside was as matted as hers, and he didn't seem bothered in the slightest. Finally, when his muscles relaxed, he turned back to face her, a teasing smile making her suddenly realize that he had actually been showing off for her benefit alone. Then, the panda-fox blushed as he bowed slightly, holding out a hand to her, his palm up.

"May I have the honor of escorting you to the shower, my lady?" He asked, and she giggled, smiling broadly as she placed her hand regally in his.

"You may, sir knight." She replied, a fiery heat warming her face as he bent, gently kissing the back of her hand before pulling her upward, helping her rise to her own paws. When they were both on their feet, he led the way into the attached bathroom, her hand still clasped gently in his. When they were at last standing on the tile of the luxuriously large shower stall, and the glass door had closed behind them, he released her hand, reaching for the controls of the shower. Stepping aside so she was standing against the wall, out of the way of the dual shower heads that most showers intended for the fur-clad had, Michiko watched as Kael turned the dials. To her surprise, the wolf made no move to stand aside as the icy jets hit his torso front and back. Kael gasped a little, straightening up fully as he withstood the sudden cold, but she saw the exhilarated smile on his muzzle as he shivered, obviously liking the sudden change in temperature. Fortunately, the way the place had been designed, the water heater was very efficient, and within a few moments, the air of the chamber was warming nicely right along with the water and the panda-fox watched as Kael moved this way and that under the water, rinsing his white and silver pelt. When the water was steaming and Kael had gotten at least wet, the wolf stepped aside, making room for her and the panda-fox gratefully moved into the stream.

"Ahhh..." Michiko sighed, delighting in the simple pleasure of the first hot deluge of water cascading down her colorful form, soaking her tangled and matted fur. Ducking her head beneath the shower head in front of her, allowing the water to cascade through her hair while the other sprayed on her lower back, the temperature easing the soreness there slightly, the hybrid girl smiled broadly. Running her fingers through her fur, she felt all of the tangles that had accumulated in her pelt and grimaced, not relishing the idea of teasing all of that out. And then, she shivered even as the hot stream behind her was cut off, a now familiar pair of hands tracing their way around her waist, lacing together as they gently urged her back against the wolf. Moving willingly so her back was molded to her companion's front once more, the water cascading down them both in streams, Michiko let her left hand cup his joined hands against her, her right stroking the back of his neck as he nuzzled against her one more time. The moment was so intimate and...right, she allowed herself to luxuriate in his embrace, glorying in the moment for a few more seconds.

"Ready?" Kael asked after a little while, the word barely audible over the sound of the shower, gently kissing her cheek and tracing his hands in the other direction, back from where they had linked.

"Mhmm." She hummed in reply, tracing her hands down the wet fur of his arms. Even sodden, she loved how they felt, and how they expertly sought out her most sensitive spots to tease and caress as they moved. A moment later, Kael reached for the controls with one arm and tapped a button on the panel, the water in the heads cutting off for a few seconds, then coming back, carrying the distinct aroma of lightly scented fur soap mixed with it. Reluctantly, Michiko allowed Kael to step slightly back from her, allowing a gap as the mixture of water and soap cascaded onto them, the high tech auto-shower timed carefully. The pair turned slowly in the water, not truly separating, allowing it to get all over, then the water sputtered out as the mix was exhausted. The panda-fox was delighted to feel Kael's hands gently rubbing and caressing the fur of her back, working the mixture into a lather in her fur and she smiled, doing the same with her front, the simple soap carrying away the sticky fluids from their lovemaking and the accumulated residues of the last couple of days at the same time. When the suds had lathered all over her torso, she turned her attention to her legs, raising one and then the other so she could work the soap into the fur there. Meanwhile, Kael continued his attention of her back, meticulous in his scrubbing of her rear and on down the length of her tail, sensations that made her shiver. She was almost done with her feet when she realized that something was missing, the unconscious count in her head having reached zero without result.

Glancing over at the controls, fogged with the steam of the hot water, she found that the display read 'hold' and she grinned to herself, reaching up and delicately working the suds into her face fur. Most auto-showers were pre-programmed to start the rinse a couple minutes after the soap mix ran out, the intention being to save money, time and power, so most people got used to a specific time frame for the cycle. The truly luxurious models, however, had more delicate controls, so you could spend as long as you wanted or needed before continuing the rinse. And Kael's uncle who owned this place obviously liked to do himself well.

Then she heard the soft humming of Kael's voice accompany his hands leaving her fur and she turned around, finding him working lather into his chest, and she smiled at the oddly appealing picture he presented, even with his winter pelt bedraggled with the water. Sensing her eyes on him, the wolf glanced up from what he was doing to look at her inquiringly. When she grinned, he returned the smile with one almost of mischief and suddenly struck a pose, head and shoulders thrown back in a heroic stance, his hands on his hips in fists, the posture wholly at odds with the sopping wet and soap covered state of his fur. Giggling, Michiko shook her head, one hand going to her mouth.

"Turn around, you goofball." She said, barely able to get the words out despite her laughter and the wolf complied, grinning broadly in the exact same way he had, so long ago on the day he learned her secret, when he had been soaked with the rain. Moving up behind him, the hybrid girl treated the wolf's back to the same attention he had treated hers, scrubbing the soap into a lather. Almost lost in admiring the feel of toned muscle beneath soft fur, she was surprised and more than a bit pleased when she felt a shiver pass through her lover when her hands dipped low, scrubbing the base of his tail, and the place under it that she had made such a mess of earlier. Finally, when she had worked the soap into his tail, the appendage wiggling in her grasp as he tried to wag it in pleasure, she moved up close, pressing in against him once more, encircling his waist with her arms. Smiling, the wolf nuzzled against her as she rested her chin on his shoulder, gently clasping her hands in his. The position only last a few moments, but the unplanned, intimate expression of affection made her heart soar and she tightened her grip on him slightly, a gentle squeeze that he returned. Finally, when he glanced at her again, she nodded and he reached out, touching the control panel again and the hot streams of water returned.

This time, neither wasted time rinsing the soap from their fur, and the panda-fox smiled when they were both clean, feeling refreshed and clean. But, to her surprise, Kael didn't reach for the dials to turn off the water. Instead, he pressed the controls again and the water cut off a second time, a small panel opening on the wall beside the panel, the hidden compartment spinning open to reveal a bottle of something thick and viscous, the color of green grass. It took her a moment to recognize it for what it was, the bottle of de-tangler an indulgence almost no one bothered with most of the time. The compound was a special kind of conditioning soap that soaked into fur, softening each hair and allowing knots and tangles to be teased out with ease. Usually, it was reserved for preparing for special occasions, if it was used at all, and as a result it was considered a luxury. Holding his hands beneath the dispenser, Kael caught two palmfuls and turned to her, a broad smile on his face.

"May I?" He questioned and she nodded eagerly, the wolf immediately beginning at her shoulders, not scrubbing as he had with the soap, but rather massaging, his talented hands not only working the material into her fur, but gently massaging the muscles beneath, finding every ache and pain as he worked methodically. As he worked, his rich voice hummed a familiar tune from back home, and Michiko found herself relaxing in a way she couldn't ever remember feeling before. The heat, the massage, and most of all, the knowledge that the man she loved and had loved for years was treating her to this sensual experience made her feel as relaxed as soaking in a hot spring. And Kael's massage wasn't wholly innocent either, the wolf's hands cupping and massaging her breasts in a way that made her body heat from within again, though she hadn't the strength left now for more sex. More, it was a gently simmering arousal that was pleasant in itself, her member showing its own appreciation of the attention when Kael's hands reached her middle, peeking from its hiding place. The wolf paid the same level of attention to her nethers as he had of her chest, massaging and rubbing more than was strictly necessary, but not truly enough to send her down the road into lust.

"You know..." She said as his hands curled around to gently squeeze her rump, doing a little more than press and rub her fur, thoughts starting to swirl in her mind that could turn this experience into something even more pleasurable. "If you keep that up, we are just going to have to clean up again."

"Oh? And why is that?" He questioned, a mischievous smile on his lips as he worked his hands up the length of her tail once again, as if the things he was doing to her were perfectly innocent and normal for a shower.

"I think you know exactly why." She replied, her face suddenly burning as the wolf knelt in front of her, his hands working their way down one leg, his muzzle only inches from her sheath and pouch. The organs inside, though sore, once again showed their approval a moment later. "And I think you are driving me crazy on purpose, sir knight."

"My lady, I am shocked you could think such a thing of me." He said, a very un-knightly sly grin on his lips even as his words and tone implied a hurt innocence. "I am a very paragon of virtue."

"Then why," She asked, returning his grin with one that almost matched it in sly intent. "Are you teasing me so?"

"Well," He said, working his way back up her other leg, "Isn't pleasing one's love a virtue?"

"If it isn't, it should be." Michiko replied, chuckling as he rose back up. Before he could start on her arms, she moved to him and kissed once more, her half erect member grinding against his own.

"I couldn't agree more." Kael replied, returning her kiss before parting from her and reaching for the shower's controls once more. "Ready to rinse?"

"Yes I am." She confirmed, standing between the shower heads as he activated the controls. The de-tangler took longer to rinse out of her fur than the soap, but when Kael finally turned the dials and deactivated the shower, her fire colored fur felt sleek as it rarely had before. Then, to her surprise, more tile panels recessed and slid to the side, revealing the gratings one commonly found on hand held fur driers and suddenly, the shower was filled with a gently swirling cyclone of warm air as the auto shower gave its last service, blowing the steam upward to vents in the ceiling, taking the water out of the air and their fur alike. Finally, when it cut off a few minutes later and the tiles returned to their places Michiko let out a sigh and smiled, looking down at her fur, which, though slightly damp still, held a shining luster she had rarely seen. "I really need one of these set ups."

"Its pretty awesome, right?" Kael replied, grinning and opening the door, letting in pleasantly cool air. "Uncle Carlisle really got his money's worth with this place, I think."

"He did." She confirmed, stepping out of the shower behind him, and closing the stall door. "Mind if I use your brush again?"

"Not at all." Kael replied, picking it off the counter and handing it to her. "I'll go get laundry started while you are finishing up in here."

"Kael," She began, looking down at herself, and making a decision, unwilling to mix unwashed clothes with freshly washed and detangled fur. "Would you mind if I washed my clothes? I wore them all yesterday and today and I just got clean..."

"I'll take care of it, don't worry." He replied, smiling at her, as if he thought her silly to ask. "You can borrow some of mine while we wait, if you prefer."

"Thank you." She said, squeezing his hand while the wolf made his way out of the bathroom, her lover smiling broadly.

"You are welcome." He called over his shoulder while she started the process of gently teasing the tangles out of her fur. The de-tangler really did work, the process taking less than half the time it usually did. When she was finished, and her fur was dry and soft, the hybrid made her way back out into the bedroom, finding the bed lacking sheets, and the clothes gone from the floor. Going to the closet, she took out one of the wolf's t-shirts, a plain light blue like his eyes and slid it over her head, finding it baggy due to his broader shoulders, but it wasn't ludicrously large on her, likewise claiming a pair of pj pants that weren't quite the right size, but would at least stay up when she tied the ties on them. Smiling at the idea that she was wearing her lover's clothes, the panda-fox walked out the door and back into the world, feeling as though she were leaving their private sanctuary behind in favor of a world that looked different, somehow.

Walking past the slatted sliding door of richly stained wood that contained the washer and dryer, the former industriously humming away as it washed the sheets, her own clothing visible swirling in a smaller compartment on the top of the machine. After watching it for a moment as it swirled, the display on the upper compartment indicating a gentle cycle, Michiko followed her nose instead, back around to the kitchen. Kael was standing at the stove in his boxers, turning strips of bacon in a pan with tongs. Coming up behind the wolf, Michiko waited until he was done flipping the meat before circling her hands around his waist, resting her chin on his shoulder. She could feel Kael's broad grin as he relaxed back against her once more, nuzzling his head against hers.

"Hi." She said softly, nuzzling him in reply.

"Hi, yourself." He said, pressing a particularly fatty part of a bacon strip harder into the pan with his tongs, making it sizzle loudly in protest. "Eggs over easy, right?"

"You know me so well." She replied, easing her grip on his middle a little, but not truly letting go.

"Tea?" He asked, nodding at the kettle that still had wisps of steam rising from its spout and now the hybrid girl noticed the steaming, half drunk mug on the counter beside the stove.

"That would be great, thanks." She said, letting go of him to retrieve a mug from the cabinet and a tea bag from the box on the counter. Using his free hand, the wolf obligingly poured water into her mug and Michiko stepped back, leaning against the counter behind them to watch the wolf at work while her drink steamed. There was something about this that was just...perfect. It wasn't like it was a spectacular date, like the Midsummer's Feast, but it meant far more to her. Taking a first sip of hot tea, she marveled at how it could possibly have taken her this long to get here, to this point. But, she was here... Smiling at the wolf's back, admiring his lean and powerful form once again, Michiko allowed herself to think beyond today, and finding the future a brighter prospect than she had in a long while.

"I can feel you grinning back there." Kael said over his shoulder, pulling crisp bacon from the pan onto paper towels to drain. "May I ask the subject of your pleasure, my lady?"

"Besides you?" She asked teasingly, making her lover smile. "Just thinking about the rest of break, actually. Beyond this weekend, I hadn't made plans, and even the ones I had fell through." Shaking her head and taking another gulp of tea, half draining the mug, she continued, correcting herself. "Well, they didn't exactly fall through, but they did end up very different than I thought."

"Well," Kael began, cracking eggs into the pan one-handed to start them cooking, the toaster startling her slightly as it dinged loudly, announcing the end of its task and ejecting four pieces of bread. "I had originally planned to drive back home tomorrow to see everyone. Could you get that?" He asked, nodding at the toaster. While she was plucking the hot bread from the slots and buttering them before putting them on the plates on the counter, he continued talking. "You are welcome to drive back with me, if you don't mind a long drive."

"In your company?" She asked, a teasing smile on her lips as she reached over and divided the bacon as well with one hand while she smoothly drained the rest of the tea in one long swallow. "I would love that, thank you. I will have to call my mom and let her know. Which reminds me, I need to check my phone. I turned it off when I got here yesterday."

"I can understand why." Kael commented, flipping an egg while his lover put her mug on the counter, beside the sink.

"Eh, I can do it later." Michiko decided out loud, getting cups and going to Kael's fridge to look for orange juice. "Its not important enough to delay breakfast."

"Well, breakfast is almost done anyway." The wolf stated, nodding his head along in a count as he did so. Finally, Kael flipped the first egg he had cracked into the pan a second time, checking its yolk and white before lifting it out and sliding it onto the first plate, followed by a second. When both plates were complete, the wolf turned off the stove and set the spatula in the sink before indicating that Michiko should pick first.

"This smells great, Kael." The panda-fox said, taking one of the plates. "I just realized I didn't have dinner last night."

"You are welcome, Michiko." The wolf said, reaching into a drawer and taking out silverware. "Lets sit on the couch while we eat."

"Alright." She replied, letting him lead the way over and setting her glass of juice on the coffee table before taking up a strip of bacon and crunching into its salty unction hungrily. The first taste of food was pleasant in itself, the crispy, smoky, protein candy making her stomach growl in appreciation. Anything she had thought of saying in the meantime instantly went onto the back burner of her mind, the next few minutes filled only with the quiet sounds of utensils, and the champ of jaws as both sought to sate their hunger. After a moment or two more, she felt eyes upon her and she looked over, finding Kael smiling at her, his hands dipping a corner of toast into the puddle of yolk that had collected on his plate. "What?"

"Nothing." He replied, his grin broadening as he bit into the bread, raising one shoulder in a half shrug. "Just...This is our first know...together." Smiling at the way he said that, the panda-fox scooped up the last bite of egg and took her second piece of toast in hand, swirling it around her plate to soak up the last of the golden goodness on its surface. Chasing the toast with the last of her orange juice, the panda-fox set her plate on the coffee table and sat back, enjoying the aftertaste and idly watching her lover as he finished up as well.

"Well." Michiko began, looking Kael up and down.

"Well?" Kael asked, his smile returning. Or at least, the expression was mostly the same. There was something in the look he was giving her that set her heart to pounding, the burning desire she had felt earlier simmering back to life in her heart. And all her handsome wolf had done was smile at her. Returning the grin with one laced with a very different kind of hunger, she felt a warm shiver of sensation run the length of her spine, making her tail fluff up slightly. When the wolf's smile twitched into the same expression as the one he had given her while very obviously doing more than detangling her fur, she felt a very familiar stirring in her sheath that surprised her. Their earlier marathon in the bedroom had left her sore and worn out in all the best ways, and still, that look...

"Well." She repeated, leaning towards him and catching the faint spice of arousal in his scent as well. "You remember what I told you about my plans for the weekend, Sir Knight?"

"Yes, I do." He said, his voice holding the same mischief. "And I would hate to see you break your plans, my lady."

"Gods, Kael..." Michiko began, another shudder of arousal making her voice unsteady. And, despite the growing bulge in her borrowed pj pants, she also felt the twinges of her sore muscles. "The spirit is so willing," Wincing as her nethers protested at her current train of thought, she continued. "But the body is sore."

"I know what you mean, love." Kael remarked, his smile losing the mischief in favor of amusement, a quality that, for some reason, did nothing to decrease her arousal. "I'm sore too." Then, the wolf took her hands and gently pulled her closer until she was sitting in his lap again, his arms sliding around under her shirt. "Fortunately, there are ways to cure that."

"Oh?" The panda-fox asked, leaning in for another gentle kiss that tasted of handsome wolf and breakfast, molding her chest to his once more. "If there are, why don't more people know about them?"

"You didn't think manners and battle skills are the only thing that knights learn in training, did you?" Kael asked, laying his forehead against hers, his hands sliding down her back, massaging and teasing her muscles as he went. "The knights know a thing or two about soothing the consequences of our training."

"Oh you do, do you?" Michiko asked, amused, caressing the wolf's strong back once more. "Well, I can't wait for you to show me."

"As you wish, my goddess." The wolf replied, his grin going mischievous again, his hands gently lifting the edge of the shirt up her frame once more...


Alrighty, well, after a VERY long bout with writer's block, I am very pleased to offer this chapter. This was the first chapter I have ever written where it actually needed very little editing, before I felt it was good enough. And here, at...

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Alrighty, well, finally got over a little bit of a stumbling block with plot work in this story. And yes, I am fully aware that I am being a tease with this story, but trust me, it will pay off in the end. Besides, this story is about dealing with...

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They say that what makes a place home is the connections we form to it, the people we know, the events that happened there, even just memories, good and bad. But it all starts somewhere, with a single link. Often times, its a friend, one that you know...

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