Deviant Delights #33 - How to Fly with Dragons

Story by SilasConnall on SoFurry

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#33 of Deviant Delights: Vol. I

Jared takes flying lessons with Davin, and Seth attempts to get Dylann and Orias to resolve things in a civil manner. A deal is struck with Lucian.

It had been an uneventful spring season for the residents of the city of Blackburne; aside from the sudden closure and grand reopening of Deviant Delights, the most exciting thing that happened that could even be considered 'newsworthy' was when the mayor decreed the city was and would always be a safe haven for anthro and human alike to make a life for themselves regardless of race, religion or creed. You know, how it should have been, in most minds of those who lived there. It was still a fairly new city even by mortal standards, having started as a smaller sanctuary for daemons and anthros in the wake of the pandemic so many years ago... yet it had quickly boomed and become a glorious example for what could be accomplished. It was no wonder that many of the Elder Daemons conducted their business here, with the Unity of Virtues ensuring the city's continued peace and prosperity.

"I fucking hate the heat. It's official," Vance sighed, licking his ice cream cone as he walked about the city with Davin and Jared. "You satisfied?"

"Well, had to make sure," Davin said, half-joking as he shrugged. He was shirtless and in his anthro form, though he wore more casual jeans instead of his leather pants. The clacking of his hooves on the pavement matched the pace of the others' shoes, though Vance was having trouble keeping up with them. "But really, thanks for coming out with us."

"You only asked because I haven't been taking my breaks again," Vance sulked, but Jared could tell he was happy to be included regardless. "Still... ice cream really is good..."

"Shame no one else could make it though," Jared sighed, licking his own strawberry scoop. "You'd think the beginning of summer would be a good enough reason to get ice cream with friends, but I guess daemons are always busy."

"To be fair, Mark and Zale are planning a wedding," Davin chuckled, licking a little chocolate off his nose with his cat-like tongue. "And I don't think Seth and Dylann are out of their own 'honeymoon phase' yet."

"I'd have thought Maeryn at least wouldn't want to be left out."

"Oh, summer's his busiest season. So many trends to keep up with, or so he says. People do go out more when it's warm I suppose..."

"I prefer the cold," Vance sighed, his shoulders slumped a bit. "It's too hot out."

"It'd be less hot if you used a human form. Or, you know, shielded yourself from it with your power."

"Yeah but... I want to experience it first. So I know how to combat it later," Vance countered, and Jared couldn't argue with that logic. Everything was going to be new to Vance for a long time to come. "Still Jared, aren't you as hot as I am right now? You're wearing a jacket."

"Well, it's a thinner material for one," Jared said, admiring the casual olive green jacket. "Also, magic. I went through hell to learn the runes, so I might as well use them."

"Oh, right," Vance said, growing a bit less cranky. "Sorry, I..."

"Ah don't feel sorry for anything. It's not like it's something that happened to me by mistake. I chose it, and in the end I benefited greatly. Honestly, I'd do it again... though, maybe I'd call Maeryn next time. Give a little warning..."

"What's done is done, but do we really want to mope about something that happened so long ago?" Davin asked, causing Jared to frown a bit.

"It was only months ago, Davin. You act like it's been years."

"...I guess so? It just feels like it's been longer," Davin said, confused for a moment before shrugging. "Time is relative I guess. But honestly, I didn't think Vance would go for mint and chocolate chip right away."

"What, you thought I'd pick vanilla first?" Vance asked, laughing.

"Actually, yes," Davin laughed. "But shows what I know. Glad you're enjoying it, all the same."

"Yeah it's really good," Vance said, lapping some off his thumb. "Kinda melting fast though."

"Heat will do that. Especially a heat wave," Jared said, glad he had protection against the weather. "...You know, maybe we should take up Dylann on his offer and go swimming later."

"...I'm not sure I'm ready for that," Davin said, scowling. "I'll go if you want, babe, but..."

"No, it's fine," Jared said, a little disappointed. "I keep forgetting you almost stayed there forever."

"...Ah, well, it's not just that," Davin said, scratching his jaw. "I'm not sure why but the idea of the deep ocean isn't very appealing to me lately. Can't really spread my wings that way."

"You don't have wings," Vance said, smiling up at Davin. "What's there to spread?"

"I meant it metaphorically, but I guess literally works too," Davin said, shrugging a shoulder before he took a small bite out of his cone. "Still, maybe we could go flying?"

"Hm, I kind of hate heights?" Jared said, though he wondered if that was true anymore. "I mean, I used to anyway. Still, I guess there's only one way to find out huh?"

"Count me out," Vance said, shaking his head. "I'm fine with my feet on the ground. But where would you even go to do 'flying' anyway?"

"Not sure. There aren't a lot of places you can just 'fly' after all. And it's not like you can base jump off a building without racking up the fines," Jared said, recalling a few stories like that as he thought. "So I guess it'd have to be in a daemon's realm, huh?"

"Short of getting a permit or license or joining the military, then yes," Davin laughed. "Still... maybe I'll go swimming after all, if you're willing to fly with me. But we have all summer, so let's just enjoy that first, hm?"

"...Yeah, from inside. With the air on high," Vance panted, causing Jared to laugh a bit involuntarily. He really shouldn't laugh. He felt kind of bad for Vance, even if he was just being stubborn at this point. Fortitude, huh? He wondered if they were all like that, or if Vance was just trying to prove a point to himself. He had stuck with them the entire afternoon, after all. "...But wait, even if you did go flying or swimming, what about Jared? He's not a daemon."

"Elders can transform mortals to fit their realm better, or allow someone else to do so," Davin said, as if reciting something from memory. He must have had to answer this sort of question a lot in the past. "But that's not necessary for Jared. He's Odin."

"...And Odin is...?"

"Oh come on, you know at least the basics by now," Davin sighed. "But I guess we sort of glossed over the fact Odin's a shapeshifter, huh? So that'd be how."

"...Makes sense," Vance said, accepting it at face value. "I know where I'm going after this, but what about you Jared? Swimming or flying? Or are you going to head inside and get some cold air too?"

"...Honestly, how would flying feel?" Jared asked, mostly to himself. "I kind of know what to expect from swimming but... flying? With wings?"

"Not so hard for us, but for you? Might need to use an example," Vance said, shrugging as Davin gave him a look. "What? It's true. I may be new but even I know mortals need a specific idea in their heads when they work this kind of magic."

"Monkey see, monkey do," Jared laughed, shaking his head. "Got it. I'll just follow your lead, Davin."

"Well I guess that's one way to put it anyway," Davin laughed. "I'll need to talk to Lucian first though. He's got the only realm built for flying around that I'm comfortable going to."

"Oh. Him," Jared sighed. "I don't know about that."

Davin sighed, the tension between them thickening a bit. They'd had this discussion before, but they didn't want to really go into it with Vance there.

"I know... Lucian can be a handful. He's like that... but I understand if you don't want to go because of him. We can go swimming instead."

"...No, it's fine," Jared said, smiling despite how he felt. "I guess it might be a good idea to ah, familiarize myself with the realm anyway. Besides, it's not like you'll be signing any more contracts, right?"

"Besides the one for the pendant? No, of course not," Davin chuckled.

"Hope you won't use it."

"I don't plan on it, not while we're flying together," Davin said, though Jared saw the slight twitch of consideration in his expression. "But it's all a moot point if I don't get Lucian's permission first. It'd be very disrespectful to show up uninvited."

"Alright. As long as I'm with you and not Zagan, then it should be fine."

"Should I go on ahead or..." Vance said, feeling a bit awkward.

"Ah, no. Sorry, we'll talk about something else," Jared said, though he looked over to Davin in a way that said this wasn't over. It wasn't that he was mad at him, but he was still concerned that he'd been spending a lot of time doing odd jobs and favors for Lucian outside of work. If it wasn't for the fact daemons didn't need to sleep, Jared would have said he was working himself to the bone. "Any other outdoor activities you want to try out, Vance?"

"...In this heat? Not really. Unless there's water involved," Vance said, groaning slightly in exhaustion.

"Would you believe it gets even hotter in July?" Davin laughed, causing Vance to groan even more loudly.

"And they say this heat wave will last for a while..." Jared began teasing, but Vance finished his cone off and started walking faster.

"Nope! Fuck that. Let's go get inside somewhere," Vance said, and Jared couldn't help but shake his head in amusement. "I don't know how the mortal furs do this every year if it's like this..."

"Well we sweat mostly," Jared said, laughing as Vance simply shook his head. He was not about to hear any of that. "See you at the bar later, Vance."

"See you. Sorry guys but I just... need a nice, long bath in some frigid water," Vance said, reluctant to go but not wanting to keep up the slow pace. "Have fun with your flying or swimming or whatever you decide to do. Just don't make any of us come get you this time, okay?"

"We'll try not to," Davin laughed, though Jared could tell he was hiding a bit of discomfort. Was he actually offended or...?

"Everything okay?" Jared asked, concerned with the vibe he was giving off.

"...Yeah. I'm okay," Davin said, calming down. "Guess I've been kind of tense lately, huh?"

"That's an understatement. But if you're not feeling good we can just cuddle and watch a movie or something."

"That's sweet of you, but I really want you to try flying at least once. It'll be good practice for your magic too," Davin said, excitement flashing across his eyes. "We can go swimming after if you want, though the Maelstrom is a bit of an entry hazard the first time..."

"Fall with style, or get a massive swirly... lovely options," Jared joked, smiling when Davin laughed even louder than before.

"Don't let Dylann hear you say that. Or Lucian, even. But that's hilarious..."

"And yet, the only barrier to the realm of Lust is a door with a key."

"Any mortal foolish enough to force their way into Lust's realm... well, they often never want to leave after that. Desire that strong tends to snare the unwary, especially when there's plenty of ways to entertain your deepest fantasies."

"Own worst enemy. Point taken," Jared said, nodding at the insight. "...How will Pride's realm affect me, though?"

"Different for each mortal. For each daemon. How sure of yourself are you right now?"

"Pretty confident. Why?"

"Well you might enjoy yourself there then. I'll be with you so it's not like they'll take advantage, but if you were more the type to follow you might end up as a military recruit or some apprentice to a master craftsman. It would just feel right to follow them."

"Isn't that more Temperance's thing? The submission and humility?"

"Ah, it's less humility and more you'd be doing it to make yourself better. Maybe even surpass them some day. Besides, there's a small overlap with Pride and Temperance in that area. But if you ever want to learn a new craft, you could do worse than having a mentor of Pride."

"Alright. Wanna go now then?" Jared asked, still not sure of the idea but too curious not to go through with it. "I guess you'd have to call Lucian though..."

"It won't take long. Promise," Davin said, smiling as he brought his phone out and hit a number. Speed dial, huh? Well, he'd probably had a similar setup when he was an elder, so Jared didn't really pay it any mind.

"...Yes, hello. Davin speaking," Davin said, his voice confident. "I know, but I was wondering if I couldn't bring Jared with me? We were thinking of flying around for a while. Give him a taste of the air beneath his wings... uh-huh... it's fine? That's great!"

Jared watched as he continued to talk for a few moments, reminding Jared of some kind of puppy fawning over its master. When Davin hung up the phone, he pocketed it before shrugging and rolling his eyes.

"He likes to talk, doesn't he?" Jared asked, before Davin chuckled.

"Yeah but if I don't stroke his ego every so often, especially when he's being nice enough to allow us a day of enjoyment there, then he gets a bit huffy."

"You mean he isn't usually?" Jared said, a bit of sass in his voice. "He always seems so official."

"Well you know, perception is reality... the clothes make the man... blah blah blah. Point is, image is important as Pride. But things will make more sense once we're there, I think. If you're ready?"

"Just lead the way," Jared said, having finished his cone already. Grabbing onto Davin's hand, he focused his own magic as a strange wind enveloped them both; before Jared knew it, he was falling before he felt strong arms underneath him.

"I've got you," Davin said, his voice rugged and powerful. Gliding toward a nearby platform of some kind, Davin gently dropped Jared to his feet before making another loop and landing in front of him. "What do you think?"

"You look good as a dragon, not going to lie," Jared said, smiling at the gold and brown dragon before him. While he still had the bull horns, they were thicker and curved back a little. His ice blue eyes stared at him, though they were slittedmore like a dragon's than his normal eyes.

"Feels good too," Davin chuckled, soaking up the praise about his now massive form. "Though keep your wits about you. It's easy to get an inflated ego here."

"So long as you do the same," Jared laughed, feeling strong and powerful in his knowledge that he was Odin in a realm of dragons. Everywhere he looked, dragon anthros flew back and forth. Not a single one was any other species, but he had assumed that would be the case anyway. He knew if he were Pride, he'd have everyone in his own image as well.

"First lesson, then," Davin said, patting his shoulder. "Get naked. Can't fly with your clothes on and Pride doesn't allow it anyway, unless you have a special status or title."

"I'd have thought wings would be first."

"Small steps, babe. Wouldn't want to ruin those nice clothes."

"Yeah yeah, just give me a second," Jared said, focusing on the runes in his mind. It was so easy now. Every rune he could care about, combining in endless ways to do whatever he wished... and even more than the stories had implied, even. In a few moments his clothes had vanished, save for his eyepatch. That wasn't going to come off; he'd sacrificed that eye and he wasn't going to let anyone boss him around about it. "Next, boss?"

"Depends. How big you want to be as a dragon?"

Jared blushed despite himself as Davin's eyes roamed all over his body. He could tell he was already imagining him scalier and with wings, yet somehow that knowledge just made it even hotter.

"As big as you, for a start," Jared said, and Davin simply grinned as he spread his wings as far as he could. Obviously as a reference for himself, yet he couldn't help but think Davin was enjoying the sun on his scales and the wind rushing past them. "It's a bit weird seeing you without hooves for a change, though."

"Feels good to flex my powerful legs and feet, though. Clawed toes and everything," Davin said, flexing a bit for him. "Let's see what you've got though. You're already drawing a crowd, being a mortal in the midst of dragons."

"Oh, am I now?" Jared asked, a bit louder as he turned slowly to observe others landing on the platform with them. The platform itself seemed to be some kind of square, though who the hell really knew when everything was floating about at different heights. "Well, I shouldn't disappoint them then, should I?"

"Come on and change the mortal already!" one dragon shouted, boastful in stature.

"Why? He's clearly got it himself," Davin said, pointing.

Jared for his part had already begun bringing his vision to life; having seen Davin and so many dragons around, he already had a good idea what it would be like for himself. He had already been muscular enough to be considered 'himbo' status, even though the eyepatch and scar in his side made him seem much more mature than he already was. He didn't care to change his colors, but his fur shrank back and solidified into scales to match his markings. The orange stripes made him seem more serpentine than tiger with that change, and the impression was only exacerbated with the white front of his torso scaling up like some sort of underbelly. His claws changed into something more draconic, turning a glossy ivory as if to prove their existence. He'd already been growing in height, though his muscles expanded to match the ratio of his body even as twin growths formed from his back; spindly black appendages stretched further and further out as orange membranes grew to fill in the gaps.

"Fuck me, why does this feel so damn good," Jared said, his voice already more powerful and sultry than before. The last parts of him to begin changing were his head as the muscles swallowed his neck up; his new dragon snout spewed small tendrils of smoke even as the rest of his teeth began to sharpen and grow. He had kept his tusks smaller on purpose, though still large enough to count as powerful dragon fangs. Two wispy tendrils snaked from his upper lip and ended in a white tuft, his tail stretching to match as spikes emerged all the way from the tip of his tail to the base of his neck. Ears grew out longer and pointier as they too ended in white tufts, though the only other hair on his head grew from his chin to give him a goatee of sorts. "I feel so... powerful."

"You look it," Davin said, staring him in the eyes. "No horns though?"

"...Oh yeah," Jared blinked, his ruby eye staring back. "I hadn't thought of that. But I bet they'd look fantastic on me..."

Two nubs formed from the front of his head; though he had expected pain when they broke the skin, he only felt a ripple of pleasure as they reached back around his ears before curving forward. He already knew they were ivory, yet laced with crimson runes and archaic designs that he'd only known from his memory until now. His eye began to faintly glow even in the bright light, and he stretched his wings out both as a test and to show off his new body. Hell, it even felt good. Like stretching a muscle he never knew he had.

"Still think I need to 'change the mortal'?" Davin asked, a smug smile on his face as he faced the dragon from before. A wordless shake of their head was enough to make Jared feel proud of his new form, and he whipped his tail with a satisfaction his normal one didn't provide.

"So how about those flying lessons," Jared said, smirking at Davin. "Think we could start by flying away from here?"

"Might not be as graceful as what you just did, but honestly? The first step is to fall," Davin said, walking with Jared to the edge of the platform. "It may not look it, what with the clouds and all, but you'll learn to fly sooner than you'll hit any kind of ground. I'm not convinced there is any, since anyone who's tried to find it always ends up back here."

"Well, we all have to start somewhere," Jared said, nervous but too stubborn to back out. He checked that his eyepatch had grown with him and was properly secured before he simply walked off, much to the gasps and applause of the dragons behind him. They probably hadn't expected him to go so soon. It was probably good they couldn't see him just yet, since the minute he flapped his wings he sent himself into an uncontrolled spiral that confused his senses.

"Spread them out! Let the wind catch you!"

Jared realized his wings were at odds with each other... choking down his panic, he did as instructed and before long he had righted himself. He wasn't exactly flying as he glided on the wind, but it was a start. Looking to his left, he smiled at Davin gliding along with him.

"Hey, I'm falling with style," he joked, and Davin along with others who had joined him began laughing.

"I honestly thought he'd fly first try with how well he did back there."

"Such a shame he failed though! Gotta be embarrassing!"

"Why would I be embarrassed?" Jared asked, his pride undamaged. "I just learned one way not to fly. That's not failure, it's progress!"

Shouts of praise and agreement filled his ears more than any jabs or insults. He supposed that was just par for the course here, especially for those who had yet to prove themselves.

"Gotta admit, you have a prideful one alright! He'll fit right in!"

"Sorry boys, but he's my boyfriend," Davin laughed, smiling right at him. "Ready for more, babe?"

"How about teaching me to actually use these things for more than gliding, then?" Jared asked, still wondering how exactly he needed to do that. "You know, without losing my lunch?"

"Like this!" one of the others said, flying ahead of him so he could watch. A few joined in playfully, though Jared wondered if they were instructing him or just showing off. Maybe both?

"Well? You gonna go play with them or just glide here for eternity?" Davin asked, before flapping his wings and flying toward them.

"Wait up!" Jared shouted, trying a few times to copy them. He made some progress at least, though he had a feeling it would take him a while to start getting good at this. The fancy maneuvers could wait until he didn't feel like a kid on a new bicycle, but he just enjoyed the air in his wings as he listened to everyone around him, including Davin. This was going to be a fun and informative day, he just knew it.


"You've been doing too much work, beautiful. Relax," Orias said, the cobra smiling at Seth before glancing at Dylann. "Ah... and it's good to see you... Dylann."

"You don't have to pretend to like me. I know you hate us Virtues," Dylann said, sipping his drink. For once, he was in anthro form at the bar, but even more rare he was in shorts and a tank top. It was about as immodest as he was willing to be while here, and it had been hell for Seth to convince him to not look so human.

"I don't hate Seth, and he's a Virtue now," Orias said, though Seth could tell it was difficult for him to do this. "And you can't be as bad as you used to be if you fell hard enough to give him a role in your kingdom."


"It's veiled, don't worry," Seth said, a nervous smile on his face. "But ah, it's good you two agreed to do this for me."

"For you, yes," Dylann said, a hard edge to his voice, even though he was trying to be supportive. "For you."

Sighing, Seth took each of their hands in his own. Looking from Dylann to Orias, he took a moment to think about what he was going to say.

"Look. I know you aren't exactly friends with each other. For justified reasons, probably. I wouldn't know, I wasn't there. But I love you both, you know? I appreciate how mature you're both being right now. I know this is very fucking hard."

"...Yes, it is," Dylann sighed, focusing on Seth.

"More than you know," Orias said, mirroring Dylann. "I did expect a trident in my heart by now..."

"Well. As surprised as I was to hear you were back, I can't find it in my heart to hate you the same way I used to. Especially since Pride made it painfully clear where Davin belongs."

"I am proud of Davin, though," Orias said, looking at his scotch with a thoughtful expression. "I know I'm not supposed to be here, but this bar is something else, and well... even though he did try to kill me, I can understand why. Still, he gave up his title for you, Dylann."

"No. I was the trigger, but I think he was wanting to retire from it for a long time now. He groomed Liam for the role. You never did that. What I don't get is why you don't try to reclaim your title now?"

"If I'm being honest? I've had more fun without so many responsibilities. Sure, I'd have a lot of power as Lust, but there's just something appealing about not being tied down too much. I'm sure you both can relate to that?"

"...Ah, yeah, kinda," Seth said, sighing. "I like it though, to an extent. I don't think I was ever one to just 'be free' completely. Maybe?"

"You were always trying to find your way," Dylann said, and Seth had to agree with that. "Even when you were Ortun, and mortal. You always wandered about trying to figure 'something' out. You weren't satisfied to just stay in the realm and 'bask in my presence' and such."

"Ah, I suppose not."

"...You know, I'm just going to get it out of the way, Dylann," Orias said, looking him directly in the eye for the first time. "I'm in love with Seth, even if it's not the same way you are. If you have a problem with that, just kill me and get it over with. I'm not going anywhere otherwise."

"...Honestly, you'd just come back again anyway. Even if I still wanted to do it," Dylann said, an expression of resignation on his face. "Besides, I'm a lot less... ah... 'stiff' these days. I can't agree with everything you do, but as long as you're following the rules and such I can't really judge you for it. And if you love Seth, truly love him, then how can I stand between that?"

"...I'm sorry to put you both in this position, though..." Seth said, before they both looked at him with concern.

"No, you didn't know who I was to him," Orias said, smiling. "Not your fault."

"And I wasn't exactly forthcoming with my own feelings. Lucian had to tell you all about it," Dylann said, shaking his horned head. "We'd have to do this anyway so, it's better we do it this way. Right, Orias?"

"...Yeah. It's better to do it here," Orias said, smiling as he waved out at the bar. "To think, I thought I'd never see Temperance having a good time in a bar... yet here we are. Relaxed, talking, and most importantly not killing each other. I can't say we're friends, but..."

"No, I don't think we can ever be friends. But I'd like to see what Seth sees in you, so I want to make this work. For him."

"That's all I can ask for, really," Seth said, happy the tension was lifting somewhat. "I'm glad you're even willing to talk. Even if it took a while to set it up."

"I'm more surprised you convinced him to show up like this," Orias said, teasing Dylann a little. "...It does look good on you, Dylann. Why the crocodile feet though?"

"Ever try to walk on land with just a fish tail?" Dylann asked back, despite his bashfulness. "Besides, it suits me."

"True, it really does," Orias said, surprising Dylann. "What? Can't one daemon compliment another?"

"I, ah... need another drink, I think," Dylann said, squeezing Seth's hand before picking up his empty glass and walking over to the bar. They weren't exactly hidden, but the booth had been Seth's idea. He always felt more comfortable in one, so he figured they might too.

"He's into me," Orias chuckled, before smiling at Seth. "What about you? Feeling better now?"

"I didn't expect this to go this smoothly, though I know it's going to take you two a lot more time to ah, get used to each other," Seth said, sighing. He felt exhausted just from the anxiety of this day, nevermind being here making it happen. "Are you okay?"

"...I'm not sure how to feel, really," Orias said, shrugging as he reclined with his drink. "Though I must admit, he's rather sexy. I'd forgotten how attracted I was to him. Though don't let him hear that from you."

"Heh, I won't. He seems into you too..."

"Like I said..."

"...but there's a lot of obstacles for him to overcome before he'll admit it. He spends more time in his head than he lets on; even with me it's hard for him to talk about some things. But this isn't about whether you find each other attractive or not. I just want you two to try to get along at the very least... and so far, you both have been doing very well on that. I'm proud of you both."

"...Yes, well..." Orias said, thinking for a moment. "Would you like to go riding with me today? After all this, I mean."

"Yeah. It's been a while since I rode my bike properly. Sure, here and there for errands, but I haven't gone just for the sake of it in some time. Besides, I miss you too."

"What about...?"

"I'll let him know, obviously. He has some business to take care of with his apartment. Not sure what, but I didn't want to ask. I already took care of mine, though. All my stuff's in storage for now. They're not exactly waterproof."

"Oh, you gave up the apartment?" Orias asked, curious. "Should've told me sooner. You can keep your things at my place for now."

"...You'd really do that for me?" Seth asked, smiling. "I don't want to impose though."

"I insist. I'm not saying you can't pay the fees but it's just so annoying having to open and close the doors on those storage units just to get one little thing. Besides, my place is a bit empty as it is. You know I prefer to live in the realm."

"...Okay. If you're cool with it, then I'm cool with it," Seth said, downing half his mostly untouched drink. "I don't have a lot of stuff at least. Clothes are nice but not really necessary when I can just, you know, will them up or something."

"Will what up?" Dylann asked, placing his drink on the table before sitting back down. "What are you two talking about?"

"Clothing, and how unnecessary it is," Orias said, taking a pause for a drink as he watched Dylann get a bit bashful. "How it gets in the way of what's truly important."

"And also he's offering to keep my stuff over at his place, even temporarily. So we can probably cancel the whole storage thing, I guess."

"It's not a burden, truly," Dylann said, slightly concerned as he glanced at Orias. "But... ah. If he's willing and you trust him, then I guess that's fine. It's ultimately your stuff, and your decision."

"Just feel bad about the deposit but, yeah..."

"Seth, we're kings. And I have been around a long, long time. I don't think you understand just how rich you are now. Ah... sorry Orias."

"For what? I'm just as rich. Sure, it was a pain in the ass to deal with the banks when I reformed, but Mammon set them straight. And yes, he knew before any of you did. But you know how he is. Money first, private clientele list, and..."

"No questions asked," Dylann said, shaking his head as he completed the sentence with him. "I shouldn't be surprised though. He is Greed. Even I handle my accounts through him... he's the only one with reliable enough bookkeeping for our kind."

"...I feel left out now, haha," Seth said, happy to see them get along. "When do I get a bank account with Greed huh?"

"Oh that's right!" Dylann said, as if it had just occurred to him. "I can't believe I forgot about th-"

"I was joking," Seth chuckled, placing a hand on his arm. "But we can talk about finances later. This is supposed to be a fun outing."

"True..." Dylann said, smiling. "I guess I am having fun."

"Like it's hard?" Orias asked, shaking his head. "Then again, I never expected you to ever stoop to the level of us lowly sinners."

"Don't push it."

"Couldn't resist, but yeah. I'm having fun too. Even if it's still just... really weird."

"Probably going to be for a while," Dylann agreed. "Well, do you ah... dance?"

"Not the way you're thinking," Orias said, smiling lewdly. "But go out there if you want to dance the night away. I like watching more than getting my feet loose, so to speak."

"Now who's modest?" Dylann quipped, winking at Orias before rising to his feet. Turning back to Seth, he simply held out his hand and smiled. Seth couldn't help but scoot out from the circular booth before allowing himself to be hoisted up onto his own feet and following Dylann to the dance floor.

"He really does like to watch, though," Seth said, surprised at Dylann. "What's gotten into you though?"

"Honestly? You," Dylann said, smiling. "Maybe it's not quite like in the garden, but I love dancing with you."

"You have a few admirers though. I'm a bit jealous," Seth said, noticing more than a few people looking at them, though more noticed Dylann than anything. How could they not? He was a sea-goat on... "Oh my god."

"What?" Dylann said, concerned for a moment.

"You have literal crocs on," Seth said, unable to keep himself from uttering a laugh. Instead of the bashful reaction he expected, or even just a laugh, he was soon blushing himself as he was brought in close to Dylann. "Ah..."

"What about you? Are your dogs barking yet?" Dylann quipped back, pointing out the fact he was barefoot himself. It was generally accepted for furs here though he usually wore boots these days. But it was just so damn hot out that he'd taken them off inside... and forgotten about it.

"Dylann... no fair," Seth said, pretending to pout as they danced to the upbeat music.

"Hush, puppy."

"Oh my god... forget I said anything, you big dork..."


"Lucian!" Jared exclaimed, falling out of bed in his stupor. Davin stirred as well, making sure Jared was alright before turning to smile at the red dragon. "Ah... what are you doing here?"

"It is my realm, isn't it?" Lucian said, at his full size within the already massive room. Jared was beginning to understand why everything was built so large in this realm. "Besides, I thought I'd check up on Odin personally. Been enjoying your time as a dragon, I see."

"...Yeah it feels... I kind of get it now," Jared said, realizing he was naked in front of Pride, who at least had the decency to wear a half-robe... thing. Copying the style, he clothed himself in red and black garb that almost matched, but not quite.

"You're getting good at that as well, I see. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were a daemon."

"High praise, coming from you Lucian," Davin chuckled, though he seemed more reserved as he rose out of bed, choosing to remain naked. It wasn't an uncommon choice, Jared had noticed, but he'd just felt so self-conscious with the surprise visit... and he was a guest.

"I appreciate covering up for my sake, but not if it fills you with shame, Jared. Though I do love the style you've chosen. So take pride in that at least."

"I uh... yeah. Okay," Jared said, his nerves settling. Seemed he was still Jared, though he didn't feel bad about it. He was already ready to tackle the day. "Is there anything else you wanted, Lucian?"

"Well, you've been here a few days with Davin now. I was wondering if perhaps he wouldn't be interested in just as many days as Zagan."

"That name again..." Jared said, sighing. "You know I'm not comfortable with that..."

"It's not your choice to make, though I understand the discomfort. But shouldn't you give him a chance? He did come to see you in that hospital, after all. He watched over you."

"Because you ordered him to," Jared countered, annoyed. Looking over to Davin, it seemed he was staying out of it for now. "It's not like he did it because he cared."

"He did care," Lucian pointed out, waving his hand at a nearby table. The air shimmered, and in its place a pendant appeared. "I left that part of Davin inside him. But I did not mean to make this difficult for you. I simply came to drop this off, should he wish to use it."

"He doesn't need it," Jared said, too stubborn to realize Davin had begun walking toward the table. "So you can take it back and just-"

"Before you say something you'll regret," Lucian warned, holding a finger up to silence him. "Why don't you ask him how he feels about this? He is holding it right now, after all."

"...Davin?" Jared looked over to the daemon, who seemed to be conflicted about something. "What are you-"

"He's right. Zagan came to see you in that hospital. Zagan watched over you. Zagan was there. I wasn't."

"...But, I understand why you..." Jared said, growing quiet when Davin shook his head sadly.

"I know you forgive me. But I really think you should get to know Zagan, too. Unless you want to head back now? Either way I... I need this. I'm sorry."

"...Fine," Jared sighed, shaking his head in disapproval. "I don't like it, but if that's what you want..."

"Tell you what. Give him a week," Lucian suggested, surprising them both. "If at the end you can look me in the eye and tell me you don't like Zagan even a little bit, I'll never suggest it again and you can stay with Davin whenever you're here for as long as you wish. You have my word on that."

"...What's the catch?" Jared asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Nothing you aren't already aware of. But just so you know, Davin and Zagan are the only ones who can remove the pendant. Well, except for me, but I'm an exception what with being Pride and all. Of course it would obey me."

"Of course. Good to know, though," Jared said, before turning to Davin. "Do you really want to do this? I'll go along with it because time's all weird here, but..."

"It's not something I'm doing just because of some bad memories," Davin said, smiling. "I also... like it? Gets me out of my head for a while. If that makes sense."

"Well, if you're doing it because you enjoy it as well, then I guess I feel less bad about letting you do this. It's going to be like talking to a complete stranger though. I'm not sure I..."

"Zagan likes you. Remember that," Davin said, before placing the chain and pendant around his neck. Before Jared could even protest, Davin had changed in not only his scales and coloring, but his demeanor as well. A small blue flame hovered above his head as he smiled widely, and he was now clothed in a silver half-robe that mimicked Pride's own gold.

"Master Lucian," Zagan said, bowing his head to Pride before turning to Jared. "Ah... Jared. It's good to see you alive and well."

"Let's begin then," Lucian said, looking toward Jared. "One week. He sticks with you for the duration. Understand?"

"Yeah, I get it," Jared said, his teeth gritted. Everything had been going well for them until Lucian had butted his nose in, but then it was Davin who had chosen.

"Zagan, you should spend time with Jared this week. Let him get to know you. And, do try not to be so formal around him, okay?"

"As you wish, my lord," Zagan said, the reverence almost sickening to Jared.

"Oh, and Jared? Do try to enjoy yourself. I know I've put you both on the spot like this, but it is my realm and I do so enjoy watching Zagan fly about. Though seeing Davin as a dragon was nice, as well."

"Yeah, it is your realm," Jared coldly said, less okay with this than he thought he'd be. But what did it matter? Davin was now Zagan, even if just for the week. It wasn't like he could take the pendant off when no one was looking either. Also, somehow it didn't seem wise to upset Pride in his own realm. His only choices were to spend the week with Zagan, or leave.

"Have fun, you two," Lucian said, already seeming to know Jared was too stubborn to back out now. He had to admit the elder would be right, too; even just the few days he'd spent here had been amazing, and he didn't want it to end so quickly and on such a sour note. He waited until Lucian had walked out through the open archway and flown away before he could even begin to bring himself to look at Zagan.

"I know. Never thought you'd speak to me again," Zagan said, hesitant. "I don't blame you. In your mind I'm some impostor using someone's body. But I was born from him. I am him, in a way. And I care very much for you, even if you don't feel the same way."

"...Eh... Lucian is..."

"Please don't speak ill of him," Zagan interrupted, his voice soft yet unwavering. "He is the way he is for a reason. Most elders are, otherwise they couldn't do what they have to. But it isn't like Davin's gone. See?"

Jared looked to the pendant before jumping back in shock. Instead of what he'd expected, he saw an ivory duplicate of Davin's hybrid form. Even though it wasn't the most life-like and it stared at him with sapphire eyes, he couldn't help but feel sadness ripple off it... or was that his own imagination, a projection of his own feelings?

"...I'm sorry. I've upset you," Zagan said, sighing. "I'll leave."

"...No, don't leave," Jared sighed, stepping outside onto the balcony. "Come here. If we're going to do this, we're at least going to talk first."

"That's fair," Zagan said, walking out to step beside him. The sun shone down upon them, warming their scales. Despite everything, Jared felt proud to stand out here like this where anyone could see his magnificent body.

"Well, I figured you were some kind of dragon," Jared said, shrugging. "But what's with the flame? I don't have that."

"A symbol of my status. I am his Herald, or was. It's still a bit unclear, now that I exist in this pendant. But if you wish I will shield your eyes from it."

"No, don't do that. It looks good," Jared said, feeling slightly guilty now. "I was just curious anyway. Is... ah... Davin still...?"

"Aware? Unfortunately he's asleep. A necessary function of the pendant. But you heard Ma-, ah, Lucian," Zagan said, changing what he was going to say when Jared glared at him. "It can't be taken off or fall off unless I wish it."

"I thought Lucian said Davin could take it off, too..."

"He can. But even if he were awake to do so, I don't think he would. You've forgiven him, but I don't think he's ready to face that himself yet. As much as I hate to say that."

"...I don't like this," Jared said, feeling like he was repeating himself. Maybe he was. He didn't like it.

"I know. I hate that you feel less than perfect while in this realm... nevermind feeling bad because of me. I still remember that poem, though. Do you know how helpless I felt, not being able to ease your burden? I could only watch over you. I'm useless."

"...Where have I heard that before?" Jared asked, thinking both of himself and Davin's own feelings. "I guess there's a bit of Davin in you after all."

"I never thought I'd see you as a dragon, though!" Zagan laughed, and for a moment Jared forgot it wasn't Davin. Sure, the voice was deeper and prouder... but it almost sounded just like his laugh. "...I know. This is weird for me too. You know?"

"That's an understatement," Jared replied, growling a bit in irritation. Mostly with Lucian, but a little for himself. "But ah... I guess I can't blame you for it. It was Lucian's idea, so... I guess we should just go along with it for now. Maybe if this goes well we can do it more. If Davin doesn't mind. Just understand one thing; I like Davin. I asked Davin out. This is not a date with you."

"Understood," Zagan replied, his smile unwavering. Jared couldn't help but find it a little charming in this form even after what he'd just said. "...Would you like to fly around for a while? I feel a lot can be said without the need for words to get in the way. And it will give us a chance to clear our heads."

"...Sure," Jared said, deciding that might not be such a bad idea after all. "I feel like I could fly forever in this place. I never get tired until it's time for bed, and that's only because I'm mortal..."

"Then let's fly the day away," Zagan said, falling forward confidently. Jared admired him in flight before shaking his head.

"What have we gotten ourselves into," he muttered, before launching off the platform himself. As much as he wanted to deny it, he couldn't help but feel attraction for the proud dragon.