Story by phobos2 on SoFurry

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Pitch Black Record Log 334647---Date recorded--5 July 2070

Subject----3FS In the year 2020, scientists began dabbing into biogenetical research, to create the perfect soldiers. DNA got mixed up and the super soldiers didn't turn human at all, they were a mixture of many species. Experiment #5562 and #5563 were two of the 10 that survived out of 6000. Trained in combat from birth, each of these soldiers mastered all forms of combat. 5562 AKA Deimos, who was a wolf from the hills of Russia, was named after the Greek personification of dread because he sank into a depression. Deimos is adept at long range shooting and stealth, this was perfect for him because of his black fur.. #5563 however was the opposite, able to lift large weights and able to steady the most powerful of machine guns, was a juggernaught of destruction. #5563 was named Darknite after his fascination with fantasy and working out at nigh time. Darknite is a dragon, red on the back with gold underbelly and pearlescent purple wings. He was mixed with a variety of lizard DNA and one from an extinct dinosaur. Experiment #35 is a weasel, he was named Clutch because of his amazing driving skills with all transportation and attack vehicles. Over time Deimos, Darknite and Clutch became the best of friends. And formed the 3FS, the 3 Fur Squadron. All of the 3FS were exactly the same age and started training at 10 years old. The 3FS are a highly classified group and were only sent out to settle civil unrest in the Middle East. The rest of the experiments were used as intelligence gatherers and possessed no special skills. In the year 2030, Dvorak Zherkeizi, a high ranking military general in Kolastahn launched an attack on American science labs with HE missiles, all of the experiments and 300 scientists were killed but the 3FS. The entire country and its neighbours kept on pushing the Americans until war started. On the 5th of March, 2038, the 3FS were sent out for their first call of duty Year: 2038, 3am, Tuesday, 5th of March Codename #5562 AKA Deimos lay prone in the grass just on the edge of a large hill, west of the small village of Falaise, his customized M4A1 SOPMOD with ACOG 4x scope, M4QD suppressor and Harris bipod was at the ready on single shot. He raised the rifle to his cheek, set up the bipod and peered through the scope. He could see Codename #5563 AKA Darknite slowly moving through the lake, naturally being a powerful dragon, he always went for a M249 SAW. Codename #35 was at the exfil point with an Apache He could see Officer Petrovich in the courtyard drinking vodka and telling his 7 comrades about how he slaughtered a town full of innocent civilians. Deimos wanted so desperately to take revenge out, but if he did every soldier on the outer section would box in Darknite. From what Deimos could see there were 2 guards. One 25 meters in front of him with his back turned. And the other 6 meters ahead of Darknite, leaning against the wall of a building and smoking.. Both of them knew where each was. Deimos was ordered to be the Designated Marksman for the mission, while Darknite shot his way through and eliminated the officer. Totally synchronised with each other, Deimos shot Tango 1 ahead through the heart, killing him instantly while Darknite cut Tango 2's throat. By mistake, in 2's dying breath, he pushed the alarm, and all hell broke loose. 1 Week before the attack on Falaise

3FS Dormitory Deimos and Darknite sat on the edge of a bed seeing who could assemble the rifles quickest, not only to pass the time, but to boast. Clutch was playing some solitaire Deimos screwed on the suppressor and said 'If you vere too busy buffing out last night, you vould know that we have a briefing for our first op in 3 hours' Darknite slapped Deimos across the back off the head. 'And if you weren't too busy shooting things down range, you could have helped me win that level of Splinter Cell' All three of them loved the stealth action game due to its level of realism and excellent graphics engine. Clutch shook his head and kept on playing his game, he knew how idiotic Deimos and Darknite could get. When the two furs started to argue louder and louder Clutch got sick of it. 'Fuck this shit, I'm going to try and beat my best time on the track' When Clutch left the room, they immediately stopped arguing. Deimos looked straight into Darknites bright blue eyes and pulled the dragons muzzle and his into a passionate kiss. Darknite knew how much Deimos was a hopeless romantic, so for just this one time he let Deimos kiss him. Their tongues swirled around each other and lust started to get the better of Darknite. With his strength he threw Deimos on his back and ripped off his clothes. Already Deimos' full 7 inches was standing proudly and oozing pre at a liberal rate. Slowly Darknite rubbed his vent and his 9 inches slowly slid out of its hiding place. With uncontrollable urges Deimos fell upon the huge dragon dick and sucked furiously. With ever spur of pre Deimos swallowed it with relish, enjoying the taste yet still wanting the whole thing. Inch by inch Deimos swallowed the cock, with the assistance of Darknites thrusting. He suckled the delicious tip and moved down, deep-throating the huge cock. His tongue wrapped around the thick pulsing shaft and he bobbed his head up and down. Darknite was groaning so loudly so he increased the speed and pace of his sucking 'Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum' Darknite threw back his beautiful head and roared as the seed exploded out of his cock and down Deimos's throat. He swallowed as much as he could but it just kept on flowing. Deimos withdrew his muzzle from it and let the seed spray all over his face opening his mouth to take some more cum in. "Darknite I love you" he said. His roar was near deafening and cum just wouldn't stop. 'Darknite I LOVE YOU!' He shouted to be heard above his lover. In shock Darknite stopped cumming and looked down at Deimos, still covered in seed and panting from the exhilaration. 'I love you' It took a while for Darknite to respond, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. Finally he said 'I love you too' Deimos sat up and kissed him. Darknite fell into the moment perfectly nothing could spoil it 'Let me take you' Darknite whispered into his loves ear. Slowly, Deimos got on all fours and exposed his sweet pink tail hole. 'Take me, I vant you completely' Darknite was still in shock. "Are you sure you can take it" Darknite really cared for Deimos, he would do anything for him, even catch a bullet. 'Do it, please!' Deimos looked back over at his shoulder, eyes pleading. Darknite knew how much he wanted him. He obliged. He positioned his slick cock in front of the hole and pushed lightly. Deimos uttered something between a groan and a scream. 'Look, Deimos, we can show our love in other ways' 'NO!' Something happened then, primal needs hit them both and Darknite plunged into him. Deimos yelped and moaned in pain while his lover took him as hard as he could. Darknite thrusted in and out Deimos' ass, the pain was nearly unbearable for Deimos but he knew this is what they had to do. In between thrusts Darknite could hear Deimos saying his lover's name. Darknite leant over his love and bit down on his shoulder, his scaly claw went down on Deimos' cock and slowly jacked it off. Deimos, losing all sense of reality could only feel the knot slapping against his hole. 'TAKE ME NOW!' Then, in a moment in time that will always be held between them, the dragons knot pushed its way into the wolfs passage and then, they climaxed. Deimos came all over the Darknites claw, while the dragon shot his seed straight into Deimos' bowels. Tied together, in a mix of each others juices, they fell on the bed, and slept. 3 Hours Later----Briefing room 'SIT YOUR ASSES DOWN LADIES AND LISTEN UP!' Yelled Sgt Olsen. The large black human always yelled at the briefings for no apparent reason, probably due to the fact that nobody liked him, and he especially didn't like the 3FS yet he got stuck with the job of briefing them. 'Goddamit I forgot the fucking map, sit down and shut up!' Deimos and Clutch lazily flopped themselves on the chairs while Olsen threw open the door. The two could hear the man bashing his way past people to get to the map room. Darknite seemed to be late Clutch raised his nose and sniffed the air. Obviously a long shower couldn't hide the smell of mating. Clutch turned his head slowly to look at his friend. Deimos realised that Clutch knew what happened 'Oh, shit' Same Time

Dormitory Darknite woke up without Deimos at his side. Wondering where he was and knowing his joking attitude he looked under every bed and locker in the room. 'Hmmm, where did he go' talking out loud, nobody else was in the room 'Did he think that what we did was a mistake, god I hope not' Realization dawned on the dragons face 'OH CRAP, the briefing, better go have a quick shower' Darknite rushed right through the corridors pushing away random people 'Hey watch it' 'Where's the fire' 'Bro, he is the fire, haha' Ignoring everybody's stupid comments, he slowed down to open the shower block door. Darknite opened the door a few inches to check if anybody was in there, he hated showering with humans. Seeing as nobody was in he softly closed the door and locked it for some privacy, He slowly took off his shirt, by working out so much, muscles rippled across his broad chest, he rubbed himself slowly on his nipples, imagining it was Deimos' paw until they were hard. Darknites cock immediately started to struggle against the confines of the pasts, he unzipped and took them off and his member stood up in attention, like the good soldier it was. Jogging also made his powerful legs stand out, which were also bulging with muscles He walked over to a shower stall in the corner and turned on the water, its warmth caressed his body. Slowly he reached down, grabbed the soap and started to lather, forgetting he had to go to a briefing. He touched his penis and it brought shivers of pleasure up and down his body. He wrapped his claw around it and slowly started to jack off, all the while imagine Deimos doing a strip tease in front of him. It didn't take him long to come. Darknite suppressed his roar and spooge splattered against the wall, he didn't need any attention so he turned the shower nozzle against the wall to wash it off. 'FUCK, the briefing!' He quickly put on his clothes, just sparing a second to pat his cock 'Good soldier' Darknite unlocked the door and walked out, acting perfectly normal, when he reached the briefing room he could hear voices, but he couldn't hear much because of all the clamour in the corridor 'I .......what your thinking......me.....Darknite.....love....other' 'You.......love....him.....unethical....soldiers......sake' 'It doesn't matter......I.......him.....after this op.....we....away' Even though Darknite couldn't hear much, he knew what Deimos was saying, everything he loved about the wolf just came up, tears welled in his eyes. 'No, you can't be crying, you're a tough soldier' He summed up his courage, opened the door, walked across the room and passionately kissed Deimos. They pulled away from each other and Darknite looked into his mates eyes 'I heard everything, after we finish this op, let's do it.' Clutch looked on with defiant eyes. 'This isn't going to work you two, I'm not going to tell anyone, ill just let your stupidity get the better of you' BAM! Olsen walked in, and he didn't look too happy, but then again he never looks happy. All of the 3FS sat down straight away. Olsen spread the map across a table and eyed the squad. 'Alright, the basics kill Petrovich in Falaise and get the hell out, Clutch your designated as Zulu. Deimos, your Alpha and Darknite, your Bravo.' Olsen drew a circle on the map with lines going out from it, Darknite then winked at Deimos. 'You will be inserted here' Darknite lightly groped Deimos' rump, the wolf pushed Darknite away, and Clutch smacked them both over the head. 'Ahem' Olsen cleared his throat. 'If you don't mind we are trying to win a war here, SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!' This outburst silenced them 'Now as I was saying, you will be inserted here via Apache by Clutch, you can configure your weapons on the ride, Bravo you will go this way' Olsen drew a line curving east out past the village 'You will flank from the direction and circle the village, taking out each guard on the outskirts. Alpha, you will head west to this hill overlooking Falaise, and provide support by Designated Marksman for Bravo just in case something goes wrong, Zulu, you will stay put and maintain constant radio contact with us on a secure frequency. Once Petrovich is dead, Alpha and Bravo will proceed to the exfil point, destroy any pursuers and return to base, any questions, good, MOVE OUT!' One hour before the attack on Falaise

Apache Helicopter The wind battered the Apache, trying to throw it off trajectory. Only the skilled paws of Cluth kept the chopper on course. In the middle of the Apache, Deimos and Darknite were choosing their weapons, the dragon hefted up his M249 SAW and peered through the sight, he then placed in a box cartridge, put the first bullet in the chamber, slapped down the top and racked the bolt. Deimos took his M4 SOPDOD off the rack and placed the scope, suppressor and bipod on the weapon, he then clipped in a magazine, flicked the safety on an off and hit in the bolt. Deimos checked the radios 'Test, test, Bravo, Zulu, are you reading load and clear, over' 'Crystal, over' 'As clear as you screaming for more, over' 'Shut up and stay frosty' Darknite lifted up his SAW and gave an evil grin 'Lets see anyone fuck with me and this monster' Deimos looked tiredly over at him 'Just so you know, you did fuck me with your monster, I should have taken a paid leave for vat you did to my ass' he grumbled. 'Aw, come here wolfy' 'Call me volfy again and ill throw you out of this chopper They sat down on the bench and cuddled for a while, after about five minutes Deimos looked up and said. 'Just in case w=ve don't survive this, I vant you to know that I love you' Darknite looked deep into his mates eyes and hugged him tightly 'I love you too, NOW LETS KICK SOME KOLASTHANI ASS! Year: 2038, 3.25 am, Tuesday, 5th of March ROOOOOOOO! ROOOOOOO! ROOOO! All hell broke loose, gun fire went everywhere and flames shot high up in the air from when Petrovich threw his Vodka bottle in the flames. 'Fuck's sake!' Deimos fumbled with his radio 'ZULU, this is Alpha, the alarms are going off and ve need immediate evac, over'! A voice came over the radio, but it wasn't Clutch's 'Treyboona, Alpha, your, how should I say, Zulu cannot help you now' Deimos looked at the radio in shock, he switched to the other frequency, Bravo's When the alarms went off Darknite threw himself to his right in order not to be seen, his radio crackled 'Bravo, our evac is eliminated, I say again, we have no evac....oh shit, TANGO LEFT!' Darknite flung his weapon to the left and fired, holes appeared in the soldier's body and he fell. Alpha remembered he had his rifle and fired at each of the enemies that appeared. Through the scope he could see that Bravo was firing around the corners, for a split second he peered above the rifle to look for Petrovich, he was no where to be seen. Then his worst fears came, Bravo ran out in the open firing is weapon madly "AAAH you want some of this, common you fuckers I'm ready, huh, oh you thought you could get past me, ahahahaha, BRING IT ON!' Firing spasmodically, Bravo mowed down anyone that got in his way, when he turned a corner to fire down an alley, a soldier appeared right in front of him. Deimos could only watch in horror as bullets shot his mate. Then something inside him snapped, an inner rage he never knew he had. He ripped off the scope from his rifle and set it to automatic. 'REVENGE IS MINE!' He shot his way through the complex, bullets hit him, but he didn't seem to feel it or be affected by it. 'Darknite, your gonna be ok, don't die on me man' He picked up his love and put him down on a couch in the nearest house, the door was already open, by a soldier who was seeking cover but didn't get there fast enough Deimos fell on his knees sobbing. 'I love you, I LOVE YOU!' 'I love you too' And with those last words, something left him, he was gone, dead Behind him the door creaked. 'Give up, balack, you've lost' Deimos stoop up and turned, he could see six soldiers with their Steyr AUG's trained on him, and Petrovich, grinning maliciously at his triumph. 'You haven't won yet, you bastard' Petrovich's eyes widened at the sight of the grenade in Deimos' paw, without the pin, 'NO!' The entire room exploded in flame and shrapnel, no one survived Record Log 334592---Date recorded--7th March 2070

Subject----Falaise Casualties

On the 5th of March, 2039 at 3 am, the attack of Falaise began. All of the 3Fs were killed. Experiment #5562 - Deimos - Died of grenade, suicide, killed six solders and Vladimir Petrovich, Experiment #5563 - Darknite - Died of twelve 5.56 mm bullet wounds to the chest, worst bullet wound aorta. Experiment #35 - Clutch - Single gun shot wound to the brain, killed instantly Record Log 334596---Date Recorded--- 9th March 2070----Subject---Kolastahn War * * *

Due to the killing of his cousin (Vladimir Petrovich) Dvorak Zherkeizi attacked heavily controlled territory of the Borkov Gap ehich belnged to the U.S. Heavy casualties were inflicted on both sides but the rage and number of Dvoraks army took over the territory. Two days later he attacked again, without replenishing his losses from the Battle of Borkov it was a total loss for Dvoraks army. During the attack Dvorak lead the last wave of soldiers into U.S. mounted machine gun fire. Dvorak as the only one left standing and refusing to surrender, he committed suicide with his TT33 Tokarev pistol. With that all territory was gained back and the war was over. Thanks to the brave soldiers of the 3FS. * * *

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