Evil Rises- Chapter Fifteen

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#17 of Evil Rises

Chapter Fifteen

"Only Hueman"


Furry Sith Lord

Hueman lay in his bed tossing about because of his troubling dream. His eyes suddenly opened as he looked around startled and he sat up. His mother was busy cooking a pot of stew and she saw him and dropped her spoon and she went swiftly to his side.

"How are you feeling, Hueman?" She asked tenderly. He felt tears forming in his eyes and quickly used the back of his hand to try and wipe them away. A few days ago the elder Sean had passed away and the whole shrewdness was in mourning.

Before his passing he had climbed the hill to find the spiritual center where Hueman was fasting and praying. Sean had retrieved him after he was able to convince him to leave Woof Woof and the hunters into the hands of Gawd.

He had also mentioned how he might be the boy's father and told him about the last conversation the old man had with Woof Woof. Hueman had clung closer to the old man and had hoped to be able to spend more time with his father now that he knew who he was. The passing of Sean had once again robbed him.

The abandonment he was feeling was starting to bother him. He felt that everyone he had ever loved had left him and even in the midst of the village surrounded by the other hairless apes, he felt completely alone.

"The hunters are returning!" An older male said as he rushed in and made both Hueman and his mother jump. His mother took a moment to collect herself as she clutched her chest then she stomped over and slapped the male.

"You fool! You scared the hair off of me running in like that. Don't you know better?" She asked.

"Sorry... I was told Hueman wanted to be told immediately when the group returns." he replied as he touched the area where he was slapped.

"Is Woof Woof with them?" Hueman demanded as he now sat on the edge of his seat.

"I didn't see him but the hunters were bringing a live... bull... with them." he said as he switched between the common language and the hairless ape one as he fumbled over the words he was saying.

Hueman rose and marched outside and looked longingly for the white wolf that he hoped accompanied them. When he saw that only Jayson and Rowlf led a large bear into camp his hopes fell. He saw the bull wore clothes and a red collar around his neck and knew instantly that it was a slave.

The hunters looked as if they were having a pleasant conversation with the animal and was amazed that Gawd's holy language could allow his people to talk to such creatures as the bull. He would have never thought it was possible and even when Woof Woof used the limited words he knew, he never imagined that he'd ever be able to talk to him. Animals just seemed to be unintelligent compared roi the others like himself.

"What's going on?" He shouted as he demanded to know why the bull slave was being brought into camp. The hunters quickly quieted down and proudly brought the slave into camp as it followed behind them meekly. Rowlf had instructed Maxx on how to conduct himself when they reached the village to avoid any unnecessary panic or violence.

"I brought a present from Woof Woof!" Rowlf announced and he saw the other hairless apes muttering to each other about how strange it was to see the bull alive and wearing such weird garments that the white wolf did. They had only begun to learn how to make clothing but no way near what the species in cities could do.

"Come," Hueman announced and the hunters brought Maxx inside the house. To Maxx, the place was cramped and he hunched over trying to not destroy the interior of the place. His eyes were fixed mostly on Hueman because his white coloring had him stick out compared to the other darker colored hairless apes. It was no wonder that a rare white furred wolf was able to gain the trust of their leader.

"We bring news," Rowlf started.

"Where is Woof Woof!?" Hueman shouted.

"He took this bull... and friend to all of us... as a slave to teach us new things. He then learned that we need more help and found that he must capture the son of his enemy, who is now our enemy, in order to... progress. He wants this bull to be kept safe and to wait for his return with the other two hunters." Rowlf explained. Jayson pushed Maxx forward despite Maxx trying to retreat.

"He is worthy to be a hunter like us! Not even the coppers could stop him!" Jayson exclaimed with pride. Maxx blushed as Hueman glared at him as if wondering what to do.

"What are coppers?" Hueman finally asked. The hunters looked at each other and shrugged as they suddenly realized they had no clue themselves.

"They are police officers, law enforcement... they uphold the law." Maxx tried to softly explain not wanting to anger the boy even more.

"Oh, police. Yes I know of them. I saw them arrest the evil ones in the box and take them to jail." Hueman said as he remembered when he saw police shows on television. The others looked at him wondering what box was he talking about, since BH had yet to show them a television.

"You? Are better than police?" Hueman asked skeptically.

"Well..." Maxx tried to say but was interrupted again.

"He rides in cars and when the police chase him he knows how to beat them!" Rowlf exclaimed as he grabbed Maxx and started to push him forward to tell Hueman the tale.

"Cars?" Hueman asked as he was trying to remember what they were. He vaguely remembered the word but it took him a second.

"Well this one time I was driving down," Maxx started.

"Shut up bull! No one is talking to you." Hueman declared and Maxx was instantly silent. Jayson stepped forward angrily.

"I defend his honor... sir." Jayson said and Hueman flinched as he saw this. He could not believe that his hunters were defending this creature. He must be like Woof Woof for them to do that.

"Very well, tell me your story." Hueman said as he sat in his chair and Maxx looked at the hunters as they encouraged him to go on, then he began to tell one of his stories.

"Well this one time I was driving down route 145 and I saw the lights of a cop car behind me." Maxx said and he heard Rowlf and Jayson slap each other high five as he was starting to tell the tale. Hueman watched him closely but he seemed uninterested so Maxx knew he'd have to spice up his story somed. He remembered that the white hairless ape was captured and brought to a city so he must know a few things that the hunters did not. Simply telling him that when he threw a Soda Coke out the window it made the cop cars crash, would prove he was lying.

Since their leader seemed to know a few things and probably knew what the police were then he needed to use his best story to fool him. He wanted to curse because he had hoped he'd be as gullible as the rest of the hunters were. BH knew he was lying but had let him in order to win the hunter's trust. At least this way they wouldn't try to eat him but their leader seemed to be a different story.

"So I pull over and,"

"Fuck you coppers!" Both hunters said.

"Shhhhh!." Hueman replied, causing them to become silent to allow Maxx to continue.

"Well... I..."

"Go on." Hueman said and Maxx tried to work up all his courage as he thought about what he should tell the boy.

"So the cop walks over and demands I give my license and registration. Only my registration had expired a week ago, so I had to think quickly or he'd arrest me." Maxx said and he heard the hunters.

"Fuck you copper." They whispered to each other.

"So I intentionally drop my license and when he bends down to pick it up, I open my door and hit him in the head. Then as he's stunned on the ground, I run over and tie his shoelaces together. I use a double-half-hitch-clover-bowline-sailor's-loop-splice.

I then drive off as he's hopping around because no one can easily untie that knot. He must have been there for over half a day trying to get free." Maxx said as he high fived the hunters behind him and they began to cheer and shout.

"Fuck you, coppers!" they chanted together as Hueman watched them with one of his eyebrows raised. Hueman let them cheer for about a minute then he cleared his throat and all three immediately became silent.

"I like you; you tell funny stories. You tell stories tonight when we eat." Hueman said and the hunters began to congratulate Maxx on earning Hueman's approval.

BH and the hunters walked towards the building's entrance after the two house cats had been tied up and hidden to prevent them from raising any alarms. They were gagged and tossed aside as BH hoped they wouldn't be found until after they had captured Tyger.

They approached the front door at the entrance and BH used the card to scan in and unlock the door. He heard a beep and the door unlocked as he pushed it open with the silent hunters creeping up close from behind him. The lobby had stone floors and the hunters used their feet to feet the strange smooth stone squares that made it up. It was clear they had never walked on something like this before.

"Guys, I want you two to relax. I know this is strange and new to you but there's nothing to be afraid of." BH said as he looked around the lobby for a map. Over next to the elevators there was one that showed which species occupied which floors.

"They have all the felines on two floors... which one could it be?" BH said mostly to himself. The hairless apes started to try and hide behind BH as he turned and saw a female bengal tigeress enter the lobby. She had a look upon her face as if she thought she was privileged and only her own opinion mattered to her.

"What the fuck are you three losers doing?" She said as she stomped her feet as she walked over tro BH and the hunters. BH looked at her questioningly and he narrowed his eyes as he saw the way she was glaring at him.

"We're looking for a white tiger, he's supposed top be coming to a costume party with us." BH lied and he saw her narrow her eyes back at him.

"Which one? There's my brother... he's one of those white freaks." She replied sassily.

"Um... is his name Tyger?" BH asked.

"Noo, that's his boyfriend. HE lives in room 501. A costume party you say?" She asked, trying to pry more information out of him.

"Yeah, an event to help raise money for rare white fur species that have lost their homes because of what they are. Tyger was sold as a slave so he was invited to tell his story." BH explained the story he made up in case anyone got curious as to why they were lurking around.

"Shame, I wish my brother Benyamin was sold. Then we could be rid of him. So what, are you a real white wolf or something?" Marrie asked as she rolled her eyes then she stared at the hunters as she got a good look at them.

"Um... no I bleached my fur in order to fit in... my buddies here are actually badgers but they shaved off their fur to look like hairless apes. Can you believe it?! It's gonna be a riot when everyone sees them." BH said then smiled hoping that she would believe his tall tale.

"Whatever," She said and she pressed the button to call the elevator. When it arrived she broadly entered it and looked at BH and the hunters.

"We'll take the next one." BH said smiling and she pressed a button to close the door after she sighed. They watched the elevator leave while they waited for the second one to arrive. A few moments later they entered it and BH pressed the button for the fifth floor.

The hunters looked around the inside wondering what was going to happen but as it started to move they fell instantly to the floor and grabbed each other.

"Guys, relax. It's just moving us to the floor we want." BH said calmly as the hunters watched him and tried getting up to steady themselves in the same way as BH was. They wobbled a bit as if off balance b y the movement.

When they arrived and the door opened the two hunters looked out at how the scenery had changed now that they were on a new floor.

"Magic," Paul replied and Dabid nodded but BH grabbed them by the scruffs of their necks and dragged them out. He pulled them down the hall as he searched door numbers until he found 501. He knocked and released the hunters as they waited for someone to answer. After a few minutes they knocked again but louder this time making sure to wake anyone up that was sleeping.

We remained barricaded in our dorm apartment as he watched the door and listened to BH banging on it. Lyon called campus cops saying that an intruder was banging on our door but we weren't sure if they'd intervene. We saw them drive by on camera and they seemed uninterested in doing a thorough search.

Since the vcampus was closing down for the holidays they must think we're trying to prank them and they're not bothering to check out that a white wolf and two almost naked hairless apes were banging on the door to a student dorm room.

"Come out, come out wherever you are." BH said mockingly as he sang the quote. We managed to get a feed on the hallway cameras, using my father's system to watch the intruders right outside our door.

Ben was frantically looking for anything we could use as weapons in case they managed to break inside.

"I could try tackling them." Lyon replied.

"Nice thought, but they have spears and there's no way I'd ever let you get hurt." I said with the edge of finality in my voice.

"HEY Tyger!!!" BH yelled. "Is your boyfriend... the other white tiger. In there with you? His sister gave us your exact location."

"Fuck," Ben swore.

"And if you don't surrender then my hunters might pay her a visit. It would be a shame if something happened to her because of you." BH said.

"To fuckin' bad for that bitch." Ben replied.

"But she's your sister," I said and he glared at me.

"So?" I glared back thinking about how I would do anything for my brother Lyon while he could care less about his own family.

"If it were me I wouldn't let no one touch my brother," Lyon chimed in as if he was saying exactly what I was thinking.

"She's more of a litter mate than an actual sister," Ben remarked. "You two are more like siblings to me than she'll ever be." I glared again at Ben.

"Now what?" Lyon asked, then they both looked at me waiting for me to come up with a plan.

"I got an idea. I hope it can buy us some time but it's worth a shot." I said as I ran into my room to search for the gift BH had once bought me. I was hoping I could distract him long enough for Campus PD to arrive... if they were coming.

"What? What are you doing?!" Ben demanded to know.

"Open the door but keep the barricades up so they can't rush in. You'll see what I got planned in a second." I told him. I finally found where I had placed the blue dildo BH had bought me when he was pretending to be my guardian.

Ben opened the door carefully as BH stood there gloating with the hunters standing ready with their spears. I casually walked over with the dildo hidden behind my back. He was watching me closely as I approached.

"Hello Papa," I said and I saw him smile but the smile quickly vanished as I took the dildo from behind my back and held it in front of me.

"What the fuck?!" Lyon asked incredulously because I had never told him about it. Truth was only Ben knew about it because I couldn't remember telling anyone else, but it was the least of my concerns at the moment.

"You kept it?!" BH asked, his eyes opened wide as he stared at it.

"Of course, you gave it to me but never explained how to use it." I said which was the truth but I did know how to use it from my talks with my father. I just felt awkward when I thought about trying it.

Ben and I had made out on a number of occasions but they thought of mounting each other made us both uneasy. We had done simple things like blow jobs and pawing each other off. But never mounting each other. Ben had mentioned we try something called frothing but we were waiting until we could find a time to be alone and have no one disturb us.

"Still looks brand new," BH replied, not really listening, but more surprised that I hadn't ditched it after we destroyed The White Citadel.

"We'll have time once you come with me. I need you in order to get your father to do me a little favor. Come with me and I promise you or any of the others will not be harmed."

"How about... Fuck You asshole!!!" My brother shouted but I no longer held his sentiment as I was curious what BH wanted with my father. I knew that if father were here he'd do the same. I again cursed silently how we are both so much alike even if he is a deer and me a tiger.

The two hairless apes were about to rush forward but BH put up his paws to stop them. He slowly walked up the entrance and leaned over slightly as he looked inside.

"I'm sure we can come to a mutual arrangement." BH replied. And I gestured with my paws in the same way BH had so that my brother and Ben would hang back silently. I was torn between wanting to go to learn why they wanted my father's help and between still buying time in the hopes Campus PD was on their way.

"If you want my father's help, why not just ask him for it? We can ask together and I'm sure he'll help you out in some way." I responded and BH smiled at me.

"I need him to broker a deal but like any good business fur, I doubt he'll do it out of the kindness of his heart. With the deal I have, I can't afford to keep paying out to everyone because our resources are limited.

If I could trade you for the deal then things would work better for... my people to help them live better lives. That is why I need you! Not for me but for my people," BH said and then he pointed to the hunters. "Them." I now skeptically watched him as I knew he was lying to me. Maybe not completely lying but I knew he wasn't being completely honest here.

My mind raced as I wondered what kind of deal he could want. Father and I had guessed at him trying to raise an army but the hairless ones were too primitive to fight the civilized world. He must want to import a way to help modernize them so that when they get access to better weapons, then his army can carry out his conquest plans.

"Freeze!!!!!" I heard someone shout and BH with his hunters looked to their right and panic set in. I let out a sigh of relief as I figured Campus Cops must have arrived. I looked and saw that both my brother and Ben had felt the same way I had.

"Who are they?" Paul asked BH as they saw two officers in uniform point at them with their paws reaching for their guns.

"They're the police." BH whispered then Dabid stepped forward and pointed his spear at the officers.

"Fuck you coppers!" He yelled as if the saying was a battle cry to try and scare them. The officers looked at him quizzically then removed their guns and pointed it at them.

"Shut up!" BH yelled at Dabid and used his paws to pull him aside.

"Anyone got Soda Coke?" Paul asked and BH was determined to punch Maxx in the throat for telling them his foolish stories.

"If only Maxx was here." Dabid said. BH looked inside and saw the looks of horror as they listened to the hairless apes speaking the common language.

"Alright everyone calm down, we were just leaving." BH said as he raised his paws in surrender.

"Let's see some ID." One of the officers demanded.

"They are coppers!" Paul exclaimed and he and Dabid slapped each other high fives.

"Officers, forgive my friends. We're going cosplaying and they're just getting into character. They didn't realize that you were not playing also. We're sorry to disturb you, we're leaving." BH told the officers but the main officer still held out his paw and gestured that he wanted their identification.

"Run!!!" BH screamed and he dashed to the fire escape with the two hunters fast on his tail. It took a moment for the officers to react then they began to chase after them. BH showed the hunter a quick way to slide down the railings in order to out run the Campus Police.

The burst out the emergency exit as an alarm was now blaring. BH grabbed the hunter's hands and made them follow as he ran as fast as he could. Once he was sure he had lost the officers he stopped to rest and all three were breathing heavily.

"What now?" Dabid asked.

"Let's head home, I need to think." BH replied.

"Yes! Maxx will know what to do!." Paul replied and Dabid nodded in agreement. BH was busy trying to both catch his breath and swear under it. The hunters had no clue the amount of danger they were in and this made BH want to punch Maxx in the throat even more.

To Be Continued...