
Story by guardian-hawk on SoFurry

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Adhara's way too enthusiastic love of chastity has been known to get others locked up with her, and this time her eagerness to get denied orgasm has entangled her friend Nanali! A mishap or two has left them very horny and unable to find relief for quite a long time, but they're managing as best they can, and hope of orgasm is on the horizon! Assuming Adhara isn't so addicted to the teasing and denial by now that she even wants it, but surely such subby desires won't make the two of them have to wait even longer...

Nanali belongs to Kiita-Ninetails.

"Yes! F-fuck-- Yes..."

Adhara could hardly gasp out the words, but she still wanted to say them, to moan, to curl her claws and shut her eyes tight because gods this felt so good! A dragon beneath her, a dragon atop her, one eagerly pounding her sex while the other claimed her rear, big enough that she felt the strain and she loved it while both of them thrust and she was stuck sandwiched between. They both growled, and she moaned, arching her neck from the intensity of the pleasure, feeling little spasms of clench and release run through her as they continued to pump in and out. The pleasure was so strong and she needed it, it had been so long since she'd cum and such a rough, firm mating was exactly what her body demanded!

Another thrust from them both, seemingly in unison, and the burst of sensation made her whole body jerk in their grasp. "A-aah--" she gasped, and then they both took her neck in their jaws, one at the throat and the other behind her horns! The sheer feeling of domination nearly made her cum then and there, but instead it was only her limbs that melted, going limp in their grasp and gritting her teeth, breaths hissing through them as they took her, and rode her, and pushed her closer and closer and closer and yes! She was gonna cum she was gonna cum she was gonna, gonna, please..!

The dragoness woke up, the feeling of teetering on the edge of such ecstasy dimming--but the sensation of two thick intruders stuffed in her not fading in the slightest! Indeed, the instant she awoke twin vibrators rumbled to life, and if she hadn't already been humping her mattress in her sleep, she started doing so then, clenching her jaws and digging all four sets of claws into the bed as she pushed her groin into the soft sheet beneath her and rubbed. The smooth, virtually indestructible surface of her chastity belt glided over the cloth, ensuring that the only good it did was let her feel her muscles shift around the twin fat, gently thrumming toys sealed beneath it. Even if she wasn't right on the edge her dream had certainly left her longing to be there, and her taut, stuffed pussy was only too eager to get back to that peak--and get more, and cum, hard, surely if she just thrust-- hard enough--!

It wouldn't do any good, Adhara knew well; her chastity belt and the programming of vibrators was far too perfectly designed to let her orgasm so long as it was locked on, no matter how damnably pent-up she'd become... It'd be better to control herself, to stop, and just cope with it for another day, after all it'd only be another week or few right? So after grinding the plate of the belt into the bed a few more times--okay, maybe half a minute--okay, maybe a couple of minutes spent writhing and thrusting and suppressing her moans--Adhara forced her needy body to stop, only trembling slightly as her insides clenched a couple more times around the dildos in unfulfilled desire. The shapes, the ridges and the subtle knots felt so good and so right inside her, and again she had to swallow a groan to avoid waking the bed's other occupant.

The one whose fault all this was.

She slowly stretched out her limbs catlike and yawned, moving with commendable smoothness considering the steady teasing the toys were giving her, in her opinion, and her eyes fell on her similarly chaste companion. Nanali's dusky purple-and-gray synthetic body lay only mostly still in slumber, her sides slowly rising and falling and her own hips rocking in slow regular motions where an identical chastity belt concealed two more thick plugs, and though her paws twitched gently in dream, the timed-release mittens she wore concealed whether her claws clenched as well. It seemed like the synthetic dragoness went to bed wearing mitts and cockgag nearly every other day these days, which Adhara looked on in mingled relief and envy: being stuck mittened and gagged sounded even more arousing to the striped dragoness... and getting to gag Nanali so frequently meant she wouldn't have to listen to her whining and complaining quite so much--or at least quite so loudly and vocally--during their bedtime edging about how needy she was and how badly she wanted to cum!

Hmf. It was Nanali's own damn fault. She'd just had to be so encouraged by some teasing back-and-forth taunts to use her matter fabricators to meld a perfectly fitting flawless toy-stuffing chastity belt around Adhara's hips! Though at least she'd had the fair's-fair decency to put herself in one too and swap keys until they both relented... And immediately been such a pain about it. Hardly even hours later Nanali had been pawing at her belt and whining, complaining to Adhara about how distracting and debilitating it was to not be able to get off when she really wanted to, and how could she stand it, couldn't she just give her keys back it wasn't fair she had so much more experience with chastity-- To which Adhara had of course replied, come on, big toys or no, they hadn't even lasted a day--try again in a week! Not exactly trivial with the plugs stretching them full and programmed to give them both a constant tease plus twice-daily edging sessions, but by day three Nanali was begging, and Adhara'd had enough. She'd half taunted and half bullied her denial-partner into tossing their keys into an escape pod and launching it; the plan had been to show her she could totally handle a space walk to get their keys back despite being pent up, really, the teasing wasn't that all-consuming (at least when they weren't being edged)! Except neither of them had kept the awareness to see where they were first, and the pod had gone right into a wormhole.

Okay, so maybe, maybe the two of them having been locked for so long was just a little bit also her fault too.

Just a bit.

Nanali had been so annoyed that she'd tied up Adhara in the brig for the first three days of the flight to the other end of the wormhole. Not that it felt that much like a punishment--heck, Adhara had been trying for the previous half a day to brat herself into getting locked in the brig--plus it gave her something to keep her occupied during the spaceflight, that is, struggle and moan and hump her brains out whenever she thought Nanali wasn't watching her on the security camera... Or standing right there outside the cell door, rubbing her paws on her belt and complaining about whose fault she thought it was that they were both being denied so intensely. At least the belts were so secure Nanali couldn't alter the programming to edge her constantly for the trip! Or, slightly more importantly, alter the programming so the belts would let them cum instead of just edging them both. Either way.

They'd reached the other end of the wormhole via normal space--they didn't want to take it themselves, wormholes could do screwy things to electronics occasionally--to find the wormhole followed the orbit of a moon, and the pod would drop down to the surface safely once it got here. Which, based on calculations, give or take a couple weeks depending on how the wormhole oscillated, would take about... three more months. Knowing she'd have to endure such a teasing chastity belt for that long was enough to make even Adhara shiver and whine; Nanali had just about sobbed in desperation--she'd hardly made it through the flight to the moon, and she was so unused to denial, especially such intense denial for so long! But there was nothing for it: she'd made the belts too well, too unbreakable and unhackable and designed with the right tech that they could wear them this long, so until their keys popped out of the wormhole, they'd be stuck.

Adhara's cunny squeezed down on the toy again at the memory, drawing a little gasp from her jaws, her hips twitching. Even she was more than ready to cum by now! And her dreams had not been helping. Seemingly every night now she dreamed of getting mounted, by one or two or even a third dragon shoving their dick into her snout at the same time, she dreamed of being claimed, rutted, bred, whatever word you might want to use she dreamed of well-endowed dragons (or, a few times, a dragoness with a strap-on had been involved) giving her the hard fucking she was desperate for... "Hhnn." She huffed softly, rubbing a paw back and forth over the surface of her belt, imagining how her sex must look spread around the big toy in there and longing for it to do more. She really really wanted to cum, and her dreams were really not helping: she kept waking up right before her dream self got to cum, too. Even her dreams were performing orgasm denial!

She didn't want to dwell on what that might say about her subconscious, or how the quickly-suppressed thoughts of how maybe it'd be really sexy to never cum would always make her cleft tremble and clamp on its plug again-- "Nnhf." She quivered, her hips jerked a couple of times, and she swallowed a needy whine and yet again tried to turn her thoughts away from that far too arousing fantasy. It'd feel so so amazing when she finally got to orgasm... They just had to make it a little bit longer... They'd made it this far after all right?

Not that Nanali had grown any less given to begging over the intervening months, which was one of the reasons she was presently nursing a big cockgag in her sleep. If anything she'd grown more needy! If Nanali's spaceship hadn't had things Nanali needed to maintain--or to tell Adhara to maintain, to share the load--she was sure the synthetic dragoness would have been pawing at her, clinging to her, trying to grind on her and pleading about how badly she needed to cum all day long. Heck, part of the reason Adhara helped with the chores was to demonstrate that it was not impossible to focus on something, stand still, or perform a task with patience and care while two fat dildos teased each of them!

Just--nnnh--extremely, frustratingly, teasingly difficult.

Her slit seemed entirely uninterested in the deep breath she took to try to cool herself down, and she shivered as she gently rolled her hips against the bed, wriggling from the subtle movements and steady slow buzzes, squeezing the toys a couple more times in reflexive craving. Even if she wasn't so loud about it, she was getting unbearably needy herself... She ground her paw against her belt a couple of times, her snout drooping to pant. Ngh. No fair. She was just as pent up and just as relentlessly teased as Nanali--why did she have to be expected by her partner in chastity to stoically endure it all the time? She had just as much right to whine and writhe and hump her chastity belt and beg for a gag to keep her occupied... Yes, there was plenty of satisfaction in demonstrating that she could cope with denial better than Nanali, and there was very pointedly zero satisfaction in madly grinding on those big toys while unable to get a climax from them, but they were Nanali's damn belts, it was her own fault making them so secure and maddeningly efficient at keeping them both so wound up all the time!

Her tail lashed, her hips rocked, and she huffed at Nanali's sleeping form for a few more moments before the urge became too tempting and she scurried over to the terminal in the corner of the quarters they were sharing while parked on the moon. A few key presses brought up the timed-release relay for Nanali's gear, which she pushed to the end of the daily late-morning edging instead of its original time of 10 minutes after waking; then she dug into the closet for another fat knotted cockgag and another set of four rubbery bondage mitts, and linked them to the same relay. She had every right to get stuck in bondage too--she was just as chaste and pent up! So all she had to do was put them on, her whole body quivering so much from her need and the arousal of the imminent self-bondage that she had to fight down moans with every breath: the cockgag first, a latex muzzle over her snout that did almost nothing to conceal how thoroughly her maw was stuffed, and she blushed as she filled up her own mouth, felt the lewd shape on her tongue, and bound her jaws tight down around it, the straps automatically and optimally tightening themselves. Then her hind paws, then a deep, shaking breath, and then her front paws too: straps pulled themselves taut, softly beeped, and that was that: neither dragoness would be saying a word or having access to their claws--and thus, any ability to change when the timer completed--for another four and a half hours.

Satisfyingly mute and helpless, Adhara slithered herself back into bed, closed her eyes, and gave her gag a suckle, shivering. Aroused as she was already--all the time--the gag and the mitts only excited her further, and she didn't bother trying to control herself; she just groaned softly, and writhed, and humped the bed, her tail up and her hips twitching back and forth as those toys gently buzzed and she tried to conjure up the same images from her dream: a dragon above her, a dragon below, holding her and fucking her and flooding her with pleasure... p-pushing her to the edge...

Of course, she couldn't actually edge herself unless the vibrators turned up and forced her there, which wouldn't be for a few more hours yet, but she still eagerly tried, metallic belt and rubbery mitts slipping along the bed as she squirmed and panted and quietly moaned from the steady, slow, ungodly frustrating stimulation, those dragons of her fantasies just keeping themselves hilted within her as she trembled and strained around them. She wanted she wanted she wanted to get to the edge, to feel that intense powerful sensation consuming her, keeping her so close-- Denying her--

Adhara got herself a bit too worked up to know exactly how long she submitted to her belt's teasing before Nanali finally awoke, but her rousing was a bit too dramatic to miss no matter how distracted she was: her eyes slitted open, and then shot wide, her snout snapping upward when her first sight upon waking her shipmate also gagged and mittened, and when she knew full well she hadn't been the night before! "Mmmhhff-- Mmmh-hrrmmn!? Hhmmfff rrmm hmn-- mmmhhg!" she yelped in surprise... but didn't even manage to make it to her paws before her limbs all buckled and her hips went right back to the bed, her tail lifted so her rump could bounce, desperately and uselessly riding her toys as she woke up to yet another day of their mutual frustration. She thrust and she thrust and she thrust, as Adhara, panting heavily, tried and shuddered and very slowly and agonizingly reined herself in, little jerks of sensation running up her spine as she clenched again and again on those big toys that had grown so familiar and yet somehow still felt like the perfect amount of strain!

Adhara had nearly stilled her hips by the time Nanali managed to regain some semblance of composure, her sides heaving and the mane of cooling feathers atop her neck tinged yellow and orange by her body's attempts to shed the heat of her horny and overloaded state. But finally she struggled up onto her haunches, and gave Adhara a little glare, and demanded, "whhmmff mmrrf mmm mmn-nng!"

Or at least the muffled noises sounded demanding; the cockgag made it nearly impossible to actually understand--or respond, for that matter, with her own gag stuffing her snout nearly to her throat--but she could guess the question easily enough! And tell her, well, 'tell her,' that what she was doing was enjoying a little bondage time of her own. "Mmgmmnf mm llmmfn mmn-mmff fnmm mff mm mn. Nm gmmff phmmm mmmnf!" she said, and gestured towards the terminal with her snout: she hadn't closed the window displaying the relay timer before binding herself, and the timer setting was still there, showing both of them exactly how long they could expect to remain mittened and mute together.

Nanali rolled her eyes elaborately, then rubbed a paw between her own hinds again, uselessly. "Nmm mmrrnff."

One could only sound so smug through a huge phallic gag, and one could only look a certain amount of smug, for that matter, but Adhara sure tried her best. "Mm lmmfff mmmnf." She even managed to swish her tail back and forth without trembling or lifting it too high!

The synth's attempt to growl at her came out as a muffled and blatantly horny moan instead, and Adhara gave a critical shake of her head when she doubled over and huffed a few breaths and humped, and humped, and humped her toys. Nanali really was horrible at controlling herself when teased and pent up, even after all these months of practice!

"Rrmmmhhg... Nnmmrr nnmmffn ffmm!" she huffed, and thrust, thrust again... then clumsily pounced! It was hardly effective, but Adhara's resistance was equally ineffectual: after a muffled "mmmff!" their impact bowled her over onto her back, mittens slid over scales, mitts slipped across synthetic hide with no way to gain purchase, and any nips or bites were reduced by their gags to bumps of snout against neck and cheek and jaw frills. Nanali couldn't grab her, but neither could Adhara get a proper grip to push her off and the synthetic had at least managed to get her weight atop her! She writhed and bucked, and then moaned when the bucking felt way too much like just grinding against a couple of big dragons who had her pinned down and stuffed, all her limbs flinching before she recovered to try to lever the synth off her with her limbs, but she couldn't wedge a paw between them before Nanali threw her limbs around the other needy dragoness and clung on.

Belt clacked against belt as the two of them wriggled, wrestling against each other and Nanali maintaining the upper mitten; she kept her forelegs around the base of her neck and her hind legs planted to stop Adhara from rolling them, the visibly stuffed tip of her snout bumping and nudging at her and cheek rubbing on cheek as she tried to push her chin down with her nose and Adhara kept twisting away. "Gmm mmffff!" the striped dragoness huffed, her wriggles less energetic than they could have been due in no small part to the buzzing toys and her arousal demanding that she lie still for a hard fucking, but Nanali just muffle-growled back, wrapping her tail around Adhara's to cling on still more thoroughly, grinding against her as they wriggled and grunted and strove to get the better of each other.

But Nanali didn't even manage to pin her properly--or the closest she could get--before flinging herself down atop the other dragoness's belly, snout pressing against her neck and her hips rubbing desperately against Adhara's own, belt to belt, two achingly stuffed and needy pussies separated by only those two narrow and impervious composite layers. "Mmmmhhhg... Mmmhrrmmmfff!" she whined, fixing her with a set of beggy eyes which her well-filled snout only made still more adorably effective. "Mm hhnnmmff cmmmm!"

Such firm pressure wasn't enough for any vibration to transmit from one slowly thrumming set of toys to the other, it wasn't even enough to push the two dildos any deeper into her; it just made her feel like she was really being pinned down by dragons eager to claim her! She couldn't help herself, she lay back and moaned, fellating her own gag as she pressed herself back up against her companion in denial, squeezing the toys, her hind legs spread wide and twitching, shivering from the slow and steady and unrelenting stimulation. Of course she was always unbearably horny at this point but there was no chance of finding any self-control at the moment, just how pent up and denied she was and how badly her body wanted to change it, while Nanali continued to wheedle into her neck, again and again as she shuddered and humped her and clung on tight. "Mm hnn-mm cmmf mm whnnmmff mmmf nm hhnnmmm cmmmffff!"

Adhara could only huff back; of course yet another lecture about how the whole fun of chastity was the powerlessness and desperate arousal and frustration of not being allowed to cum would have been even less effective when attempted through a fat cockgag, not that Nanali had ever been too receptive to hearing it even at the best of times, and anyway she probably would have shot back that for all her talk Adhara was grinding on her just as hard!

Of course, just being very, very horny and thrusting so much didn't necessarily mean that she wanted to cum right at that exact moment... Just that it felt really, arousingly good to try, feeling the thick dragon-cocks inside her buzz and shift ever so subtly when her hips rocked, ridged shapes leaning back and forth and making her body crave it so very much... She huffed again, jaws and cleft both clamping on their respective toys, and she shuddered all over from the feeling, the denial, from how Nanali's bouncing hips felt against her own. "Mmmmffffff." This was working her up so, so hard...

They'd lost plenty of hours early in their shared predicament to just trying to hump each other like this, but months of experience that it definitely wouldn't help them cum had taught even Nanali a bit more self control, and eventually she relented, slumping and loosening her grip and slowing--not stopping--her grinding motions with a long, frustrated whine. Adhara shuddered too, claws clenched in the mitts and hind limbs laid down slack, taking a few deep breaths as her heart continued race and her whole body felt warm with arousal. She'd been so horny and waited so long for an orgasm...

Finally that purple snout lifted, gasping a few shaky breaths and giving her a bashful look, her mane a bright orange-red from excess heat. "Hhllmmff... whhm phlllnn rrmmnllmff gmm ffm hrrmmk..."

Adhara blushed, but nodded, lying still long enough for Nanali to slither off her before gingerly rolling to her paws, standing, stretching, her hind legs and tail twitching far more than they had during her earlier loosening up! But she managed, without letting her hips bounce too many times, and after a few nudges of her snout against Nanali's shoulder the other dragoness reluctantly gave up pawing at her belt, grumbled and shuffled out to the hall to look at the log of the day's shipboard chores. There was quite a list of things each of them could do, a fair number of which they'd be able to manage even in the mitts and gags--a couple they could even complete in far more bondage than that--and Nanali considered the list for a little while before lifting up the end of her tail and poking at a couple of them, with a long look at Adhara. "Hmmn mmf phnnff."

Overseeing a cabin-cleaning was no big deal, but the second task--observing the ship's perimeter? Sure Nanali's personal craft wasn't hat big but that still involved a pretty decent hike to inspect the whole outside of the ship and make sure there wasn't anything unwanted encroaching on their landing site, a long walk with her hips swaying and those toys buzzing and--

Nanali twisted and leapt back over to the bedroom computer terminal almost before Adhara realized there had been an alarm: a high-pitched beeping she didn't recognize, could it be? The synth was already using the interface with her tail--the computer only locked her out of certain controls while she was bound--and soon brought up a schematic of the moon, the wormhole superimposed above...

And a dot between the two of them, an instant later tagged and identified by the computer: it was the escape pod.

Their keys.

Nanali writhed, and even Adhara shuddered at the thought--that they at last would finally get out and finally get to cum! Her cunny trembled and gently squeezed on the toy within, again and again, making her gasp and quiver, and for once Nanali was the more focused dragoness: some more work at the computer and the map changed, zooming in to show a landing area, an approximate touchdown time, and then a route from the ship to where the pod should land. Then Nanali could make a few eager and muffled moans, rocking her rear end back and forth and shivering for several seconds as the anticipation really started to grip her, before turning for the door. "Lllmmmff gmm!"

She didn't need to be told twice; she scurried after Nanali's tail, gasping and huffing as their trot down the corridor and then the ramp to outside made the toys send repeated little jolts through her, and nearly before she'd set foot on the ground Nanali snapped her wings out of their projectors and rocketed into the sky. It was all Adhara could do to keep up with her, her wings pumping and arousal and hope making her whole body quiver. They were so close-- at last, so close! Thankfully the moon was a perfectly habitable one, but small and out of the way enough to be empty of sentient life and infrequently visited, so they'd had no difficulty getting fresh air and little risk of encounters with visitors who would surely have plenty of questions and ideas of ways to take advantage of their locked and horny states; the one time another craft had appeared on sensors, the stealth of Nanali's ship had been more than adequate to avoid detection, and nobody had come anywhere near to trouble them.

The flight was just long enough that by the time they drew close they could rely on the sight of the pod descending to earth rather than Nanali's navigation, and they touched down in the forest clearing only a few minutes after the escape pod did, both of them panting around their gags, tails up and hips squirming into the steady buzz of their toys. Nanali marched up to the pod, lifted a paw--and then froze, and stared at her mittened limb, and then whirled on Adhara with a muffled yowl, and only then did it occur to her: with no free digits to work the opening mechanism, they couldn't open the pod!

"Mhhh hmmff gmmfff fmm bmm cmm-mmfff!" Nanali complained, pushing her mittens together in futility before rubbing one of them between her hind legs for the millionth time. Adhara only squirmed, as the significance dawned on her: the gear would automatically release them soon, yes, but not until after the edging the belts gave each of them every day a little before noon. Even now, with their keys right there on the other side of the pod door, they both had one more edging left to endure before they'd finally be allowed to get off and there wasn't a thing either of them could do about it! Shivering all over, she tried to give her companion what hopefully passed for an apologetic look, but the synth only snorted and tossed her head and grumbled into the big dragoncock that kept her jaws occupied. "Mm fffhrrr nnm mmnf phff mmm phrrffff!"

"Mmff ffrrmmnn!" she whined back, but Nanali plainly doubted her sincerity and she didn't blame her. Her whole body had started to tremble already, in arousal and anticipation of one more good torment of edging before they got free, her snout flushed and her breath coming in little huffs and her tail lifted high; the thought of being mercilessly pushed to the edge and denied release one last time before freedom seemed like the perfect send-off for this wonderfully long and difficult chastity session, and it would only feel more intense with their keys right there and the knowledge that they were so close to finally getting those much longed-for orgasms!

Of course, she knew what Nanali would say to that, even if the gag wouldn't let her voice it or let the synth respond: how were all those months of constant teasing and repeated edgings not enough of a prelude already?

Nanali alternately ground a mitten against her belt, paced, then stopped to rub and hump uselessly some more, while Adhara crouched there quivering and tense and way too horny, the other dragoness's plain lust and denial only another turn-on, watching those synthetic hips sway when she walked and buck when she thrust, thinking of the big plugs Nanali felt with every movement, and then gently clenching around her own, nearly savoring the feeling now that it was almost over, now that they knew their freedom was so very, very close--so close they could have had it already, if Adhara hadn't craved bondage so badly this morning! The belts would finally pop open, the toys would be able to move, and they'd have the access to give themselves--each other--so much pleasure, hard orgasms, relief...

Her insides clamped around the dildos again and she moaned softly, hips rolling. Then the toys wouldn't be there anymore, the two thick companions she'd grown so familiar with, always there and always filling and teasing... The thought made her want to whine, and she blushed hotter. Was she going to... miss this?

It had been so frustrating and also so, so hot, to have that constant and humiliating, teasing, relentless gentle pleasure and the gentle ache of those two big shapes sealed within, always maddeningly horny and never getting to cum... To have her friend in just the same predicament and equally unable to orgasm, the way they'd been sharing the torment and complaining and taunting and teasing each other about it and--

Her body rebelled, bucking through a few hard thrusts whether she wanted to or not. Her mind could stop fantasizing about all the denial now, it was nearly time to cum, and it was going to be so very amazing!

Nearly was relative, though: not until the edging stopped would they be free to open the pod, and the edging couldn't stop until it had started! And for that the two doubly stuffed and impatient dragonesses had to wait almost an hour, moaning at themselves and each other, casting longing looks at the sealed door of the escape pod, occasionally squinting through the window to try to see if they could catch a glimpse of where inside their keys lay, and far more frequently crouching with their hinds spread and tails up to thrust into the toys in still-locked desire. While Nanali surely knew down to the millisecond from her internal clock how long they had to wait, Adhara could only guess and keep waiting, wriggling and attempting to lean companionably against the synth whenever she stood still for long enough.

There was no click and no beep to announce it; one moment the two had seemingly and muffledly forgiven each other for any of the morning's huffy irritable spat, cockgagged snouts nuzzling cheek to cheek, and the next moment four vibrators ramped up to high intensity, one of them letting out a yowl and the other a muted squeal of ecstasy. Nanali flopped onto her side, fore-mitts diving between her hind legs to push and rub at the belt, while Adhara crumpled into a mating crouch, forelegs beneath her and rump lifted high as the slow tease became so abruptly a powerful one, each of those familiar fat shafts humming against every sensitive spot her insides had and then some! Her eyes rolled back and she moaned, thrusting, savoring every bit of the wonderful sensations that set her racing towards the edge of a climax she'd so long been denied!

The belts read their bio-feedback flawlessly, and both of them knew it, but it didn't stop their bodies or their desires. Nanali wriggled in the grass and whined again, the creaking of a mitt almost rising above the buzz of her vibrators as she rubbed and rubbed in desperation; Adhara's whole body jerked and shook as the toys forced her up to the edge and then with such merciless and agonizing perfection held her there! It didn't matter if she thrust, it didn't matter if she squeezed her insides around the plugs for all she was worth, it didn't matter if she begged to the draconic gods (through a gag or otherwise), they simply were not allowed to cum, just like the rest of those four long months of edging. All her muscles quivered, inside and out, her breath coming in little gasps and her grinding in shaky brief jerks; she felt herself teetering on the edge of climax, her whole body wound up and tense and screaming at her that she had to find a way to cum!

It was so intense, dragging on and on, inescapable, merciless denial, not even able to make the belts go back the gentle teasing they were given the rest of their waking hours, forced into that desperate lust driven of such strong pleasure and turning their desire against them, the height of ecstasy to pure torment! Again her hips bucked, cleft twitching and taut around its occupant, her body insisting again and again that just another couple of thrusts would get her that orgasm it yearned for and yet it never did, so it insisted that she keep trying, keep going, she was so close and she needed it and she simply could not have it...

And Adhara loved it.

Orgasms felt good but this, this was true ecstasy to her, fed so much stimulation yet powerless to relieve any of her raging lust, forcing it back on itself so it only burned hotter, and hotter, her need beyond imagining yet made to endure without climax, making the incredible feel like torture, sweet sweet lovely torture of endless pleasure! She closed her eyes and she moaned long and aroused into her gag as she thrust, shaky and trembling and desperate to cum yet also savoring how she couldn't, submitting to the denial and writhing in the bliss of it. Twice a day for months she'd reminded herself that no matter how close she got she wouldn't get to cum, and already she was subconsciously doing it again, accepting, even reveling in the fact that her achingly horny body simply was not allowed to orgasm. She could not cum, and it thrilled her, it drove her mad with arousal and that just made her thrust harder, and feel even more strictly denied!

Every day this edging lasted half an hour; today it felt almost eternal, or at least she wanted it to be, yes, keep the two of them chaste, keep them full and keep them horny so she could keep thinking how good it was that they didn't get to cum... Her whole body shook in rebellion and she moaned louder still. No matter how she fought, yet again she wouldn't cum, and it felt so amazing to be this trapped!

Maybe this was why Nanali only ever let her go so long in denial without making her cum, to help her remember how incredible an orgasm felt and more evenly split her desires between longing for climax and longing for denial. But gods, this felt so good...

Eventually she managed to open her eyes, and Nanali somehow found it in her to glare even while trapped on the edge of climax, still grinding her mitten back and forth and whining in denial with every alternate gasp. "Mmmmfff! Nnhrrmnn! Whm cmmllff mmn cmmmmmng rrmm nnmmm!" she said, although Adhara found her complaints more cute than angry when she stopped to nurse her gag between phrases to the point that she even managed to lean her snout forward enough to give the other edged dragoness a nuzzle! Which only made her groan, wriggling and huffing at her, rolling onto her belly to hump the earth and get no more relief that way than she had any other. "Mmn phffmmffnn fflllmmn... Nn-nnmmmhg!"

Neither of them could do a thing about it, of course; their only choice was to endure the edging and denial one final time, bodies quivering in lust and tension, moaning at each other and looking forlornly at the escape pod with the keys to their release still sealed up tight inside as on and on those big toys teased four straining, clenching, needy holes and allowed not a single orgasm, edging and edging until even Adhara was gasping and whimpering for relief, overwhelmed by the stimulation and the deep desperate need she felt but forced to keep enduring, keep writhing and grinding while trapped so very close...

And then, at last, she could collapse in the grass, sides heaving for air, only dimly aware of the bands of her restraints loosening. Nanali was far more determined: the synth wanted to cum, and now, and she hardly wasted a moment before pinching a forepaw between her chest her other forelimb, tugging her paw free! She made swift work of the other three and her gag, already heaving the escape pod door open before Adhara could even get her first paw out.

"Of all the chastity sluts, Adhara-- We could have been free by now, we could have had our orgasms over an hour ago, but no! You and your need to be tied up, your need to be locked up... Rrrgh!" Her hind end waved back and forth, showing how much of her dew had leaked around her belt during their edging while she rooted through the pod for the little keys. "That edging was even worse-- Ah, there!" A pair of little keys arced through the air, marked by a circle of green plastic and an inscribed A at the base. "Finally, we can get out of these things..."

"Hhnn-- You know it was fun, one last edging before freedom..." Adhara didn't manage to catch her keys on the fly, but despite her own words she eagerly scooped them up out of the grass, her hips twitching, tunnels gently clenching and relaxing, squeeze, shiver, relax, so that her claws trembled as she plucked one key between two claws and held the narrower, rounded end against the latch of the belt: no keyhole, and no teeth, just a RFID chip with a very long passcode to signal her belt to unlock itself.

Only it... didn't. Shivering, she quickly tried the other, while Nanali whined, her tail twitching back and forth, hips jerking against her toys. "The wormhole--" she gasped. "I warned you it can scramble up electronics! The fluxes must have flipped the passwords between our keys. Give me those," she said, and tossed her own purplish, N-marked keys at her before snatching Adhara's right out of her claws to press those against her belt instead.

Swapping keys also failed to unlock either dragoness.

Adhara squirmed, her cleft clamping even harder around the only gently-thrumming toys and making her flinch, her hips bucking. "But--"

"Damned wormholes. I know statistics say code and data only get fluxed 5% of the time, but... There's a lot of bits in these keys and if just one of them got flipped... Nngh-- Well, I told you there were reasons I wasn't bothering to try to brute force them." She dropped the keys and rubbed her paw across her belt, and groaned, and then thrust a couple more times. "The good news is, this sort of thing has proven to be totally reversible. All we have to do to fix them is, send the pod... back through-- the-- the wormhole..." she said, starting out calmly enough only to trail off, blushing hot and whining, as what she was saying sunk in.

The chaste dragonesses shuddered in unison and their eyes met, insides squeezing the toys that had grown so familiar stuffing, pleasuring, and denying them day after day; Adhara blushed, and Nanali moaned, as helpless to get out of the chastity belts now as they'd been for the past few months. "Nnnnhhh! Adharaaaaaa!" She flung herself at the other dragoness, humping her desperately, moaning and wriggling and shivering in lust. "I wanna cuuum!"

Once again Adhara was the stoic one, gently nuzzling her friend even as her own pussy trembled and ached in longing, the thought of so much more denial ahead of them making them both quiver in helplessness, arousal, anticipation... "Nnnhh-- Well... We both made it this far... We can make it a few months more..."

Nanali squirmed, nipped at her chin, and failed to suppress a very, very horny moan. "You... shameless... chastity slut! If you weren't stuck in this with me I'd... I'd... Nnnnhhh..." She succumbed to another more teasing and useless thrusts. "Adhara let me cum!"

"We will! Just a few, nnghhh, just a f-few more months..." She swallowed another moan, writhing, her own hips grinding gently against those toys that had grown so intimately familiar. Gods she was so unbearably horny... but whether she really wanted to or not, it seemed they'd both stay stuffed for however many months it took to send the pod back to where it had started! And it'd be a good long while after all before they could say goodbye to those cocks fitting inside them so perfectly. "We just have to enjoy a little more denial first... nnnnhh!"

Caged Pony

"Hey there, cutie." The anthro gryphon smirked at him, leaning casually over the rail of her porch, and he could _feel_ her gaze roving over him. Kerreth growled. Prior to being caged, nobody would have dared call him cute--well, maybe...

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Know Yourself

As soon as Marie found out that Adhara had a big form, of course she wanted to tie it up; and as soon as Adhara gave cautious, grudging acceptance, of course she wanted to do it _properly,_ which meant ordering all sorts of dragon-strength and...

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[Commission] Over Her Head

Iris snapped a paw out and grabbed one of Adhara's horns, giving her snout a little tug and pulling the striped dragoness off balance. "You can't just tell me something so vague about how you're 'going somewhere' and leave it at that! Tell...

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