Bridled in Barrington
"Got any coffee, boss? Not exactly used to house calls this late." A haggard man in an aged suit towers over a desk, his beige trench coat absorbing the pale light of the fluorescent bulbs. At a more generous time of the day, one could argue there was...
Bridled Enthusiasm
He waited patiently as he felt a set of reins being attached to sides of his bridle, and a nice hobbling chain run between his ankles to ensure he didn't become too unruly.
Barks and Bridles
"This sounds like elevator music." Kevin said from his place on the bed. Kaitlyn heaved a quiet sigh but made sure to keep herself as still as possible. Her back was beginning to ache from being posed upright for so long without any breast support. The...
Bridled (Patreon reward)
Ace did not take note of the fact that she had bridled her slave in such a way that all he could do was mumble incoherently, no matter how much he worked his lips around the bit gag.
The Meaning of Strength - Part 3
Take off his bridle and put it on her; the drugs should have weakened her enough by now for you to be in no danger."
Worth the Trouble
He tested his restraints while she untangled his bridle; nothing gave in the slightest, and even the spreader bar didn't bend. "do you have keys for these?" she finally got the straps of the bridle to come apart.
At a halt
"f-further...~" he panted through the bridle, trying to relax more in cryptic's warm hold.
The Meaning of Strength - Part 1
Escape from his shackles or bridle was impossible, so he needed some other way...
No Tit for Tat
"well it's a bridle with a lead rope." he grunts comfortably, having already experienced how much power those things gave others over him. "yes... i can see that."
The Best Possible Heir - Part Two
You will sit and listen to me, and if there's ever a time i want you to respond to me i will remove your bridle. until then, be quiet."
Wonderful, but Evil
"too bad," he tickled her chin when she growled in complaint, and slipped the blindfold under her bridle before setting it in place over her eyes.
The Meaning of Strength - Part 2
He sighed with relief as she called the guards back in, and they removed all his bonds--even the bridle!