Journal Entry, A Usual Night to Remember

Story by Arribous on SoFurry

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#2 of Life of a Kami

In the grand scheme of things, it's interesting to note how a pair such as myself and my mate would ever happen. A one in a billion shot of finding two members from two different supernatural species, and getting them to fall in love. But regardless of the impossible odds of a Kami and Lust coming together in matehood, it happened anyway. And I don't think I could be happier, myself. I'm Arribous, the aforementioned Lust, and this is my story. Or rather...our story.

I have already described the nature and facets of the Kami race in one of my earlier journal entries, so refer to that before continuing, otherwise much of this may confuse you. But what I have not done is describe the features and oddities of my own race, the Lust. We have many names; some more conservative camps call us "Sex Demons", others call us "Yiff Elementals", and still others call us Lusts. It's really up to us as to what we call ourselves, though I favor the term doesn't sound as tacky as Yiff Elemental. Anyway, beyond what we're called, what we can do is interesting. We seem to be creatues made for sex, and not much else. We are able to, with practice, change our species and gender to whatever we like. Our 'base' form is a kangaroo, but since we're able to shift as much as we please, it produces offspring of all combinations. In my case, I'm a folf, born of a father who was in wolf form, and a mother who was in fox form when I was conceived. In addition to the species malleability, we are also able to change our physical form in various ways. We can grow taller, shorter, more muscular, more corpulent, more endowed, or less endowed. With limits, of course. The tallest we can possibly get is about 110-120 feet tall, depending on the individual. The most muscular or corpulent we can get is as much as possible without limiting our mobility, though this is debated. As far as endowments, there doesn't appear to be much of a limit on that. Of course, all of this takes energy from us, making it impossible to go from normal size to a massively muscled, overly hung macro more than once per day, twice if that furson rests in-between. Also, during an orgasm we can turn our flow of ejaculate on and off like a faucet. It is possible for lusts to cum for as long as they like, but doing so is sure to knock one out for a very long time if taken too far, and makes for a very sore shaft the next day. The final feature of my oversexed race is an impressive stretching ability. What with the ability to grow to impossible sizes, problems would arise when the shaft of a huge Lust tries to enter a Lust that isn't as big. Thankfully, due to our natural ability to stretch, we can effectively take any size cock. My 'brother' (it's common for Lusts to address each other as if they were all family...for all they know, they might be!) claims that he once pleasured a massive dragon by stretching himself over its tool like a big furry condom. I don't know if it's possible to take it that far, but I have yet to test that theory.

Mind you, I wasn't raised in the traditional way most Lusts are, I was actually raised by a foster father who wasn't aware of what I was until I was about fourteen and puberty hit me like a shovel in the face. If I had been raised under normal circumstances, I would be able to do all of the aforementioned stuff with ease, and know the ins and outs of my species like the back of my paw. As it turns out, I can do all those things, just much slower and less precise than most members of my species are. Hence why I usually stick to the form I was born in and grew up with, as opposed to many Lusts who find it refreshing to start each day by changing their bodies.

The point of all this is to say that there are no two races better suited for each other than the Kami and the Lust. The Kami will draw power from the earth each time he makes love to his Lust, and the Lust has a nearly insatiable appetite for his Kami's affections. The relationship is perfectly symbiotic, which makes for one very happy and satisfied Lust, and one amazingly powerful Kami. That's what my mate and I have now...

My little reverie is interrupted by the sight of my mate stalking into our bedroom. He does this once in a while, when he thinks himself quite sneaky and clever. He grins toothily, that wonderful smile of his, his oddly colored lion eyes shining a bit in the soft light. He's doing something that he's been known to do, walk around shirtless. He does this to tease me, I know it. His tawny blond fur covers his massive, bulging body, thick and rich with his scent. His chest sticks out further than his muzzle does, and his arms are large enough around to uproot a tree (at least in my fantasies). His back is flared out wide and thick like a cobra's hood, and his cobblestone abs look large and sharp enough to grate cheese on. Lower than that, he's covered up by those loose, white billowy pants that the samurai wear in all the movies. You know the kind.

"You look awful deep in thought over there, Arri." Hearing his deep, rumbly voice made my spine shiver a little bit.

"I kinda am, Pete...I'm just thinking about us."

He chuckled and climbed onto the bed slowly, his feline grace shining through despite his massive size. "Is that so, cutie?"

My tail poofed out a little bit at that...I don't really like being called cute, and he's the only one on the planet who can get away with it. "Yeah yeah, what's it to ya?" I sneered playfully at him, which was answered with a little growl and sudden pounce! I should have seen it coming, his tail always twitches a certain way right before he pounces! I'll never understand how a 7'6", 572 pound lion can move so damn fast. He flattened me atop the bed, purring heavily and rubbing his nose against mine.

"Cutie." He whispered.

"GRAH!" I growled and struggled under him, but it was useless. The huge lion had me pinned, and I was his until he let me go. He leaned back onto his knees but kept my wrists pinned down on the bed roughly. I could already feel the blood flowing out of them, his grip was so tight!

"Cutiecutiecutiecutie!" He giggled maniacally, nipping me on the neck, still holding me down.

"RRRG! Now you listen here you damn furba-" My falsetto rage was quelled by a firm, fast kiss from my mate. In all my years, he's been the only feline I've kissed, and I don't think I'd ever go back to anything else. His scratchy tongue quickly stuffed my muzzle full and rubbed against my own slick canine tongue and the roof of my mouth, sending all these little sensations through me that made me forget all about what I was so flustered with. His grip on my wrists loosened, and I wrapped my arms around his thick neck, intertwining my fingers in his wild mane, which he had pulled back into a ponytail. How long the kiss lasted I don't know, but a part of me would be fine if it never ended. Eventually though, my mate pulled away, grinning softly.

"Now what were you sayin', Arri?"

I grinned softly, kind of blissed out from the kiss. "Nothin'."

A deep chuckle reverberated from his barrel chest. "That's what I thought. Now tell me more about what was on yer mind before." He rolled over onto his stomach next to me and flicked my slightly flabby tummy with his thick tail. It would have been less subtle if he grabbed my paws again and pressed them against his back. But I knew his little signals, and I rolled over and straddled him, sitting atop his big firm ass, and started rubbing his wide, sinewy back lovingly. For such a massive and imposing male, it was comical how he could be shut down by a little back rubbing and or skritching. As soon as I started rubbing, his purring got deeper and a bit louder; my lion can be such a softy.

"I was just reflecting on the fascinating residual effects of our illustrious matehood, Pete." The fast-talkin' wizard babble always gets him when I'm rubbing his back.

"Uh-huh..." He grunted, half-listening. I grinned a bit at this, rubbing harder, grabbing more of his bunched up mounds of muscle in my paws.

"As you know, the more you rut me, the more powerful you get...we've been going at it like rabbits ever since I met you, so you've gotta be one of the most powerful kami in the world right now."

"Well yeah, you don't see too many fellas my size, do ya?" He was right, a male kami's size was directly related to his natural power.

"Yeah, but that's beside my point...I wonder what you could do with all that power you've built up..."

"Well, fix you up if you ever go get yourself killed again, for starters." I cringed a bit at that...I didn't particularly like reflecting on how I was's a looooong story, but I'll try and give you the short version. I got stabbed in the back while I was on an assignment for my university by a highway bandit, was left for dead in the road, and was rescued and healed by Pete. The university, where I was born, raised, and learned all my magic, sends me on assignments to collect data, components, spells, or whatever, and bring it back, so I'm often in dangerous areas. This particular robber jumped me from behind, stabbed me over and over with a poison dagger, making me unable to fight back and escape. Had it not been for Pete, I would have surely died that day...maybe I did and he brought me back to life...who knows. The point is, he saved my hide, using a good deal of his power as a kami to do so.

"I know, but I don't plan on that happening again. I've got all this power built up, I'm surprised you aren't a lot bigger than you are now...what do you think you're going to use it on?"

He shrugged his big shoulders lightly. "I dunno...can't really think of anything...You been thinking about this a lot, huh?" He turned his head and grinned up at me.

I blushed sheepishly, futile to hide from his directness. "Well, yeah...I'm just curious. We already know what you can do with your magic, and I'm just wondering if there's any new stuff you can do because you've built up all this power."

The lion chortled a bit and rolled over, causing me to fall from my little throne on his perched ass, and idly scratched at his beefy left pectoral, making sure that his other arm was bent up behind his head to let his scent out.

"I dunno, Arri." He grinned mischievously at me. "Is there anything you can think of?"

"Well, that's the thing...I don't know what's possible, so I don't know what to suggest."

He shrugged his big shoulders again. By the gods, he smelled musky tonight. That thick, dark fur across his huge pecs and under his thick arms trapped his scent in and intensified was a complete aphrodisiac to me. I don't know how my paws found themselves on his chest, rubbing softly.

"I guess it doesn't matter...'m just curious." I whispered, my eyes stuck on his barrel chest and juicy, thick nipples. He just grinned that predator's smile at me, silent for now. He knew the effect his scent had on me. I don't know why it's so intoxicating...maybe he's using some of his magic to influence me, I don't know...but I did know I had to taste him. I leaned forward and buried my muzzle between his pecs, licking the musky, dark fur there lovingly. Gods, he tasted even better than he smelled...he purred deeply as I licked him, patting my back softly with his calloused pawpads.

"There's the folf I fell in love with." I couldn't see it, but I knew that evil little smile of his was getting broader. "Sorry if I'm musky today...didn't shower after my workout." He said this as if I wasn't aware. My tongue found its way down to his right nipple, and wrapped itself around the thick, tender meat seemingly on its own. This was something my lion and I had in common...we're both quite sensitive in our nipples. He grunted as I licked at him, and when my muzzle parted to suckle on him firmly, his paw flew to the back of my neck, squeezing softly.

"Mfff...yeah, Arri..." He groaned softly, rubbing my neck with his big paw as I sucked at his chest. My jaw closed slowly, nibbling on the flesh between my front teeth. This wrought a louder groan to my lion's maw, his paw tightening around my neck. My acute canine nose could smell his arousal even now, those melon-sized balls of his beginning to churn. He'd taken me earlier this morning in the shower, one of his favorite places to make love, and we were both quite antsy once again. Talking was done with. Now was the time for sex. This was a unique similarity between kami and lusts. Sex is always intense with them. Doubly so if they're mated. So a kami and a lust mated to each other produces sex full of growls, roars, howls, scratches and teeth marks. In my most humble, scholarly opinion, fucking like two feral beasts in heat is the best way to do it.

He growled low in his chest, a deep rumbling sound that stirred something primal inside me...that was the sound of my mate, my lion. He needed me, he needed to pound my tight little tailhole with his huge dick, to seed me with his thick lion cum. And I was more than happy to oblige. My left paw began rubbing the base of his monster tool, able to wrap about halfway around it in its soft state. I made a mental note that he was bigger. Perhaps the kami's power curve was matter. The inquisitive and curious part of me was done talking. I squeezed. Hard. He hissed through his teeth and leaned forward, clapping his other paw on my ass, hard. Our eyes met and we shot towards each other, kissing wetly and loudly, beginning to let the haze of lust overtake us. I felt his claws extend and catch on the material of my boxer shorts, and he pulled away from the kiss, grinning evilly. With a single swipe of his claws, the back of my shorts was reduced to mere shreds, falling onto the bedspread lightly. I gasped softly, I wasn't expecting that...he was clearly after my tail tonight.

"Don't wear 'em if you don't want me to shred 'em." He grinned down at me, his other paw leaving my neck and hooking under the elastic part of my shorts, slicing both sides nearest my hips quickly and neatly, the ruined garment joining the shreds on the bedspread, leaving me nude. In case you don't know, I'm not a small folf by any stretch of the word. But somehow, 6'1" and 225 pounds doesn't really stack up to someone my mate's size. My modest (in comparison) seven-inch soft member flopped down to hang over my egg-sized nuts, a cool breeze from the nearby ocean blowing across them suddenly. My lion smiled toothily, that predator's smile again, and leaned forward, taking a deep whiff of my sex, murring.

"Mmmm...yer pretty musky tonight too..." He said that as he pressed me back so I was sitting on my haunches, and engulfed my limp cock in his big muzzle. I shuddered softly, that scratchy tongue working its magic on my shaft, causing it to stir and swell with blood very quickly. I leaned forward and placed my paws on my mate's shoulders, moaning a bit as he sucked my shaft into attention. I quickly assumed my usual erect size inside his broad muzzle, and Pete pulled off, grinning as he slid his tongue under my shaft roughly, getting another shudder out of me. Again, I'm not a small guy by any means, but I don't really compare to a titan like my mate.

"Nffff...damn, Pete...that tongue of yours..." I murmured weakly.

The lion chuckled deeply, pushing me onto my back with his big paw. "You ain't felt nothin' yet, Arri." He grabbed my ankles and pulled my legs apart, exposing my tailhole to him. I groaned a bit, knowing what was coming next. "Gotta get you nice 'n slick for me, folf." He leaned forward, placing my legs on his shoulders, and mashed his tongue against my pucker. Nothing in life can prepare you for the experience of being rimmed by a lion. It's a bliss that defies words. He began to lick up and down at my pucker, and I had to bite my lip to keep from whimpering in delight. The broad, flat tongue of my mate slid up and down my ass, getting me good and wet, before prodding at my entrance. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, doing my best to provide a pleasingly tight pucker for him. With ease, his strong tongue muscled its way past my outer defenses, and my paws clutched at the covers above my head. This time I did whimper, my whole body trembling as his rough tongue began to penetrate me.

"Mffff...ohhhh...Pete..." Was all I could manage to say. I wanted to say something that more accurately reflected the cascading bliss I felt at being eaten out by a powerful tongue that was so deliciously stimulating, but I went with that. Seemed like a good idea at the time. My groans made the lion grip my hips tightly and press in even deeper, harder. I felt his wet nose underneath my balls, and I knew he had reached his limit. He was so deep inside me I thought his tongue would come out of my muzzle. But no, despite all the wonderful wiggling and gyrating it did inside me, no such thing occurred. It was so very hard for me not to cum at this point. The first time he did this to me, I did cum. Since then I've learned a modicum of control, but damn, he's good. After what seemed like an eternity of white, blinding bliss, he withdrew, and crawled over atop me, kissing me firmly. His tongue still carried the musk of my tailhole, and he shared it generously with me. He pulled away from the kiss and nibbled at my neck roughly.

"Your turn, sexy." He whispered in a husky voice, a voice that made my spine shiver. I loved it when he did this, when he acted all commanding and dommy. He leaned back and adjusted the pillows at the head of the bed, making a little throne for himself there. He sat back with both paws behind his head, his dark-furred pits letting his scent out once again. His eyes caught mine as I sat up slowly. I could see it, that predator instinct shining through them, those odd turquoise pools. He was truly massive, his lats flaring out hugely, his arms bulging, almost pressing against his head. His barrel chest was flattened somewhat in this pose, but it still radiated the power underneath the fur. He oozed sex and masculinity and male might. He was my king, and I was his prey. I was so captivated by him, when he looked like this. The mightiest kings would bow down to this lion, I was sure of it. But he was all mine...or rather, I was all his. My eyes scanned his white pants, trying to decide the best method of removing them. I crawled forward on my paws and knees, taking the waistband of his pants in my muzzle and dragging it down, like my wild cousins would have done. The first thing that assaulted my nose was the thick, musky forest of his pubic fur, the same color as his pit and chest fur. I inhaled deeply, murring as I moved with new vigor to remove the garment. He flexed his ass, lifting it off the bed and making the task a bit easier for me. Closing my eyes and tugging hard, I heard the fabric rip a little bit, just a few fibers, but I finally got it down around his ankles. He kicked it off across the room, and I was treated to the sight of his huge legs and footpaws, as well as the massive phallus between them. His monster tube of flesh rested atop a pillow of two melon-sized orbs, disproportionately large even for a creature his size! I knew my lion's weakness was his nuts, so I scooted forward and hefted them into my paws, each one nearly too large to palm with one paw! He murred loudly and leaned his head back, his mane tussling against the pillows.

"Mff! Squeeze those big nuts, Arri!" Most males would find what I did next painful. I hugged each of his massive balls to my torso and squeezed them against me. Not hard, mind you, but firmly. My mate clenched his toes and purred loudly, this little act of foreplay drove him wild. I continued doing it, even flexing my chest against the two huge orbs of maleness. His shaft, about as big around as my forearm, began to stiffen up quickly. Being so much larger, it took my mate longer than I to get fully erect, but it allowed me the special treat of watching such a huge staff of male pride blossom. I released his orbs back onto his lap and began caressing them, rubbing at them and skritching at the tender fur covering his sack. I glanced up at his rod, and my eyes widened. He was definitely bigger...he had reached the size he normally stops erect at, but continued to swell! His shaft was easily as long as my entire arm, and thicker around than my bicep, and continued to inflate! Not much bigger, but bigger nonetheless. It's times like this I'm glad for my race's special ability to stretch, because I could smell my lion's arousal and need for satisfaction. Veins as thick as my thumb pulsed along the length of his shaft, and his massive urethra bulged out freakishly. My paw pressed against the underside of his member, rubbing all the way from the base, up to the slit, where I would perform my next little lion torture technique. I carefully, slowly, inserted one, then two, then three fingers into my mate's gaping slit. This made Pete hiss through his teeth, writhing about in pleasure. I figured I could cram another finger in there, since he looked a good deal bigger, and was rewarded with an open-muzzle groan from Pete.

"Nggg...Deeper!" He grunted out, and I obeyed. I drove my paw down further into him, up to the second knuckle. I willed my fingerclaws to extend, and lightly began scratching around at the inside of Pete's dick. After another hiss from the lion, I was rewarded with what I wanted. A big glob of sticky precum rolled out from his slit and onto my arm and paw, which I then spread all over the head of his dick. I may be able to stretch a lot, but taking an unlubed shaft still hurts, especially one this big! Pete panted softly as more pre flowed, once the first glob came, the rest was fast to follow. I eventually got enough of the gooey liquid to smear all over his shaft, and licked the rest off of my paws as he watched. His taste was thick and salty, like most seed is, but this had a special quality that made it quite delicious to me. If we were ever without food, I could survive from just his seed alone, I'm sure of it. Regardless of the nutritional value of his spunk, watching me suck it down always got his engine going. More and more flowed out of his shaft, until a steady stream had been worked up, dribbling down onto the bedspread messily. When you're as obviously virile as this kami, I suppose you end up pissing pre like a faucet.

His eyes snapped open and he growled low in his throat, staring at me. "Ride my dick, Lust." I knew what he needed, and I intended to give it to him, tenfold. Standing up, I sidestepped his dick and stood in front of it, straddling the lion's wide hips as best I could. Like this, his shaft came up to my upper thigh, standing at rapt attention like it was now. I reached behind me and guided his monolithic glans up between my ass, squeezing at it lightly. Pete growled softly at that, his claws gripping the pillows a bit. Shifting my weight back so I was supported by his lionhood, I closed my eyes and tried to relax, feeling my tailhole begin to loosen a bit. Leaning back more, I felt myself start to stretch, the head of my mate's dick beginning to muscle its way inside me. Pete murred low in his chest as he felt himself slipping inside me.

"Mmmm...nice 'n tight, Arri...gonna make you howl tonight." His paws clasped around my hips tightly, his claws digging into my flesh gently. I knew what was to come next, and I tried my hardest to relax.

"Mfff...n-not before I make you roar, Pete..." I teased, but it was for naught. His grip tightened and he pulled me further down onto his dick, stretching me wider and wider! It felt like taking a telephone pole under my tail! My whole body tensed up, my eyes pinched shut. No matter how many times I take it, I still have to go slowly. I bit my lip and tried to take it all with ease...then I remembered he was bigger than last time. He was relentless in pulling me down onto his shaft, despite the fact that he was definitely more to handle this time around.

"'re so tight..." he moaned loudly, pulling me into a riding fuck with him with renewed vigor. I felt his pre flowing faster, lubing me up further and beginning to pool inside me. I felt the ridge of his huge cockhead start to slip in, the widest part of my mate's lionhood. I'd never been widened this much by his dick before under normal circumstances (i.e., playing around with a few of my favorite spells), and it felt so good!

"Mrrrrr! You're so damn big!" I couldn't help myself from yelling it. That proved to be costly, as my little outburst caused his grip to tighten even more, and slam me down the rest of his massive length, over two feet of lioncock shoved inside me in that very instant!

"UNF! FUCK!" I hollered out, feeling as if my whole body would be ripped asunder by the massive phallus of my mate! The fact that my species could easily take something this massive without damage was a comfort, however. My hole was stretched so tight around him, so abused by his rough fuck! I loved every moment of it.

His thick paw reached forward to rub at the noticeable bulge of his dick in my belly, squeezing it softly, causing me to lean back a bit to accentuate it even more. It was erotically bizarre, seeing my mate's huge tool bulge out from my belly. I felt my ass nestled against the top of his huge melon-sized orbs, perched for the fucking.

" ya like that, Arri?" He lifted me off his dick slightly, then slammed me back down just as hard as before, eliciting a loud grunt from me as my only response. "Yeah...that's what I thought, folf. You like getting fucked by this stud, huh?" He pulled his paws from my hips and raised them over his head in a mighty flex, the massive muscles of his arms and shoulders bunching up in a primal display of male power, causing a large glob of pre to squirt from my dick and onto his abs. I nodded softly in reply, panting. His paws flew to my sides again, and like before he rose me up and slammed me down onto his tool, making me moan and shoot pre again.

"Nggg...h-harder...." I moaned weakly, my flow of pre now a steady drizzle down onto the powerful lion's abs. He nodded in reply, growling loudly and lifting my body off his cock once more, higher than before, and bringing me down like Thor's hammer. I writhed and moaned loudly, my lion gushing pre into my guts, feeling like a water balloon had just burst inside me. I groaned and willed my balls to begin inflating, as part of my shapeshifting talents. Pete's eyes widened a bit as he saw this, and he growled again.

"Mrrrr, yer gonna cum nice and big for me, Arri." He stated, once again using his huge arms to suspend me over his tool and slam me down again, making the bed under us wiggle and jump a little bit. My tennis-ball sized orbs quickly inflated to that of softballs, and onto small melons. My mate loved every moment of it, the volume of my pre increasing as the size of my nuts did. I began to lose all sense of myself and my surroundings, focused solely on the savage lovemaking my mate was giving me. Judging by the pinched eyes and snarling muzzle of my mate, he was enjoying it as well. The bed was now terribly soaked with both our output of pre, and the smell was intoxicating. I knew I wouldn't be able to hold on much longer, and desperately tried to prolong this pleasure...I knew my mate would cum as soon as I did, so I clenched my paws into fists and tried to hold back my load.

Pete seemed to sense this and redoubled his efforts of fucking me, his huge, powerful arms tensing and flexing as they supported my weight and drove me up and down on his pylon of a dick. He wanted me to cum, he always loves making me cum first. I grimaced a bit, both from the roughness of his thrusting and from my own mounting desire to release! His paws were pulled away from my hips, and began rubbing at the bulge his dick made in my belly, squeezing it, the huge lion growling loudly, his pre still spewing inside my belly. It felt so strange, yet so erotic, to have something that big poking out from my gut.

Suddenly, in one swift motion, his paws flew up to my nipples, and twisted. Hard. At that same instant, he flexed his mighty tool inside me, and I felt it expand a great deal! Lightning bolts of pleasure tore through me, shaking my very soul. I knew I was finished. Allowing myself the blissful release we both craved, I leaned my head back and let loose with a loud, piercing howl, my enraged dick spewing hot cum all over my mate's chest and face!

"RRG! That's it!" My mate growled out, his own tool rumbling and pulsing inside me, spewing his massive load of lion seed into my gut with the force of a firehose, causing my belly to expand rapidly. I've found my mate doesn't shoot in blasts like most do, for the first few seconds it's a constant stream of cum, and this always blew me up the most. My belly grew heavy and full of the kami's seed, the natural stretching abilities of my race allowing my gut to swell and expand from the massive pressure. My lion roared out as his orgasm reached its apex, his enormous balls tensing and pulling up against his body. My own orgasm was still going strong, both me and my mate's fur now soaked in spunk.

I don't know how long we both stayed like this, just cumming and panting and growling. It could have been days, that's how out of it I was when he was done cumming inside me, my own orgasm having tapered off a few minutes before his own. My belly was huge at this point, heavy and sweaty, drooping down to cover my mate's abs. I fell forward slowly, the massive lion catching me in his arms and squeezing me lovingly to his chest, his jaws clamping around my neck in a soft love-bite. I stayed there for a long while, his teeth squeezing me, his arms wrapped around me, my tailhole stuffed with his huge dick. I wrapped my arms as far as they could go around his huge chest, hugging him weakly, still exhausted from our marathon sex session. My nose was awash with the scents of our lovemaking, my seed mixed with his own, what little of his managed to escape from my tailhole.

"I love you...Pete..." I whispered, nearly unconscious. He pulled his teeth from my neck and squeezed me hard, my huge belly sloshing with his seed.

"I love you too, Arri..." He said softly, rolling us over onto our sides, his tool still buried under my tail. My mind was awash with pleasure now, my body beginning to shut down from the exhaustion of our beastly lovemaking. I didn't even have the energy for a yawn. I looked up at his face, and saw him smiling down at me, those eyes of his shining in the darkness. Weakly, I bent my head back down, buried it between his fulsome pecs, took one last soft sniff of his musk, and was out. He continued to cradle me, purring deeply, his own eyes closing and soon to join me in slumber. I couldn't have been more in love than in that moment. He was my one, my everything, and I was in heaven. Held tightly in the massive, shielding arms of my mate.