A Gay Lion King Parody 17: Hell and Heaven

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#17 of Gay Lion King Parody

Sakabi is worked over by Scar, and Simba starts to adjust to his new life with his new friends.

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A Gay Lion King Parody

Chapter 17: Hell and Heaven

Sponsored by Johnzaloog

by Draconicon

For his part in the 'rebellion', as those that stood on the other side called it, Sakabi was imprisoned in the depths of Pride Rock. Not only had his mane been shaved down further still, but his nipples had been pierced by the hyenas, and a weight had been tied to the end of his cock, pulling it down in the same fashion as Sarakiba's had been. He had all but been sentenced to life as a Wanton One, out of control and unable to keep himself on a proper path in life.

So far, none had been brazen or stupid enough to come down to try and use him the way that Mufasa had, and he hadn't had any of the hyena guards do any more than eye him up, but that wouldn't last. Not without someone else's protection, and not with the reputation that he had gained.

The lions won't listen to me...not anymore...

Not unless they saw Scar for what he was. Not until they saw their new King as the deceptive monster that he had become. Sakabi shook his head, rubbing his neck and trying not to wince every time that he breathed in. The pressure-pleasure of the new piercings through his nipples were a constant reminder of what he would be expected to do...if he was allowed to live, that was.

Execution, as Mufasa's head in the throne room reminded everyone, was never off the table.

Sakabi turned his head at the sound of approaching footsteps. It sounded light, rather than the heavier footfalls of hunters running from the depths to the surface, so that meant that it was someone better rested, someone that didn't have to hurry. Scar, perhaps, or -

Sarakiba's head popped around the corner, looking down the short tunnel to the cavern Sakabi was restricted to. The other Wanton One looked down at the ground after meeting Sakabi's eyes, not daring to look up. The former Chosen of the King glared.


"I did nothing more than you asked. Remember that."

"You broke."


"You broke, and then you betrayed us."

"I did what you asked. And if you only knew...If you knew what he could do to you..."

Sarakiba shivered, and for a moment, Sakabi's heart softened. They both knew Scar, knew him from his time before Mufasa became King, and during the reign of their last monarch. Sakabi had feared him, but Sarakiba...

Sarakiba had not, and had taken the job that Sakabi offered. They'd needed information -

But that was no excuse for everything that had happened since. There had been a misjudgment, but that was the only thing that Sakabi would accept the blame for. If he could turn back time, pick someone else, he would have. There was no telling just who he might have chosen, but it would have been someone different, someone that might have had a better chance to stand up to Scar's manipulation than this Wanton One before him.

Sakabi sat up, only to wince at the sudden swing of the vine and weight tied to the head of his cock. He leaned forward, biting his lip, only for Sarakiba to already be there. The other Wanton One was between his legs, gently adjusting the vine.

"Don't...you'll get in trouble," Sakabi said against his better judgment.

"I know the tricks of this."

"You -"

"There are ways to wear it that don't hurt. That feel good."

A moment's hesitation on Sakabi's part was all that the fallen lion needed to adjust the vine. Once he pulled his hands back, it was, as he said, far less painful, and the vine was cupped directly behind the head of his shaft, right at the point where pleasure could be felt. Shifting position no longer felt like it was pulling his cock from his groin, but rather -


Rather pleasurable in a more than slightly disturbing way. The smooth green strand rubbed right beneath his shaft, pressing and rubbing and -


Sakabi had to stop thinking about it as his cock tried to get hard. As much as the vine was in a better place, the whole thing was still weighted by a heavier rock, and he didn't want to feel his cock slowly losing its ability to go hard. That had happened to Sarakiba already, and -


Had it?

Looking down at his failed spy, Sakabi saw that the other lion's cock was actually standing at half-mast, something that he hadn't seen for some time. He cocked his head to the side, wordlessly looking back up.

"...Scar's power is...intense," the other lion said.


"He sees what you want. What you need. And then he makes you want it more...and then he gives it to you."

"...That's all?"

"It doesn't sound like much...but it's what he does. And soon, he's the only one that can give you what you need, and you realize...you realize that your needs are deeper, worse than you ever realized. And you find out that he's the only one that can satisfy you, the only one that can scratch that itch, and you'll do anything to get what he can give you."

"You would."

"You will, too...he's coming for you."

Sakabi sat up straighter, eyes going wide.


"He's on his way. I heard him..."


"I'm not lying...he's coming...and he will use you. He will show you...he'll show you what he wants you to be...and you can scream, you can fight, you can do anything you like to try and prove him wrong...but he will be right."

The lion, once second in command of an entire kingdom, wanted to rant and rail against everything that Sarakiba said. He wanted to deny that any of that was possible, that he would be able to stand, that Sarakiba had just been a weak little pervert that had allowed the whole thing to happen regardless of what it meant to the kingdom. If it was up to him, nothing would have gone wrong, nothing would have happened. They would still have Mufasa, would still have Simba, would still have the Pride Lands properly in place...

But the words would not leave his mouth. There was something in Sarakiba's eyes, something so certain, that the protests died unsaid. He sighed, lowering his head.

"How long do I have?"

"Not long...he will be here in minutes, perhaps less."

"And when he starts?"

"...I lasted perhaps an hour...You...You may last a few days. If he is gentle."

"He'll have to be." Sakabi took a deep breath, claws flicking from his fingers against the stone beneath him. "I am still -"

"You are a Wanton One. Nobody cares."

That stung more than it should, but it was deserved. Sakabi nodded, huffing through his teeth. If he was lucky, then Scar would see to it that this took time. The new King waas a vindictive, sadistic sort of man, and very much the sort of person that would torment and torture those under him for the sake of his own pleasure. There was no way that he would let all the old grievances between them be bygones. He'd want to make sure that Sakabi was reminded of each one, made to pay the price for each of them.

"You should get out of here," Sakabi muttered, but Sarakiba had already left.

Coward, he wanted to say, but the words died before they could be uttered. There was no shame in fleeing before someone that didn't want your presence, and for all the kindness of the other lion, Sakabi didn't want Sarakiba around. Too many times, he had hoped for the best, only to be disappointed. He would not place his hopes into one of Scar's creatures, someone that had been broken completely and then pushed aside for the throne.

Silence reigned, but not for long. Soon, the clicking sounds of footsteps returned, and he looked up to see Scar rounding the corner.

The familiar dread and disdain, fear and anger swirled together that accompanied the dark-furred lion rose in his chest, and he narrowed his eyes at the pride's second King. Scar had not bothered with covering himself, had barely bothered to groom his mane after the orgy of his coronation before all the others. His shaft was still wet, the remnant's of some other lion's work fresh on his softening rod. It went up again as Scar looked over the former Chosen, and Sakabi's flesh crawled.

"Sakabi. It's been too long," Scar drawled.

"You can leave now, Scar."

"King, Sakabi. King. I won't let you forget that, even if my brother did."

"Mufasa -"

"Is dead. And you may yet join him."

There was a hint of fire in the other lion's voice, but not the raging flames that Sakabi could have stoked to his advantage with enough time. No, there was something else, something cool, something that was looking for a target but was still restrained enough to not overcome the new monarch. Scar wasn't here to gloat. Scar was here for precisely the purpose that Sarakiba had mentioned. To break him.

Sakabi's heart skipped a beat as Scar stepped closer, the dark-maned lion looming over him. He started to get up, only for big hands to land on his shoulders, shoving him back down.

"Ah ah ah..."

He gritted his teeth, but there was something to the King's touch, something that sent shivers down his spine, something that felt like a heavier weight was slowly pushing him not just to sit, but to lie down. He tried to fight back, but his strength deserted him, and before he knew it, he was lying down, his legs spread as Scar sat between them. The other male rested his hand on Sakabi's chest, fingers clawing gently through his fur.

"That's better. Lie before your King...and imagine what I will do to you."

"I won't...imagine anything."

"You will imagine everything, Sakabi. You belong to me now."

"A Wanton One belongs to everyone."

"And the King owns everything. Even the Wanton Ones."

Those clawed fingers were rough, scraping at his flesh. Red lines, shallow but fiery, opened just under his ribs and along his stomach. They flared up, leaving him hissing, but the fingers were gentler when they reached between his legs. By comparison, at least; they were still rough, grabbing his balls, squeezing them tight enough that he had to gasp to catch his breath as they were forced tight against his crotch.

"Mufasa was too gentle with you, too light. And you betrayed him," Scar whispered.

"YOU betrayed him!"

"Ah, did I? Who was the one that went to his cell? Who told him what was only a rumor, a little what-if? Who convinced him to leave and to fight, to bloody the noses of many of the pride, and then make a spectacle of himself?"

"...You..." Sakabi shook his head. "It was a decision. You were going to kill him. It was his only - NNNGH!"

"There is never one decision, Sakabi, dear. There is never just one option," Scar said, his fingers slowly loosening once more. Sakabi panted, balls feeling even more tender, more compressed, throbbing between his legs. "I was considering one of mine. Of course, I knew that you were listening. It was impossible not to know that...but I did not make you go down and convince my brother to run."

No...you just made me think we were out of options...

Sakabi didn't dare say it, though, not with his balls in the King's hands, and not with the new questions bustling through his mind. What else might he have done? Could he...could he have saved Mufasa, really, if he had done anything else?

Scar loomed over him, and there was no question of the King's full erection at that point, barbed head trailing along his thigh. The King laid over him, chest to chest, and his free hand caressed Sakabi's cheek.

"Tell me, Sakabi...how did Mufasa fail you?"

"...He...He didn't."

"Heh...hehehe...Oh, but he did..."

He'd hesitated. That moment of questioning, that hint of denial in his own flustered confusion had been enough to give something away, obviously, but what? Scar saw and heard more in silence than most any other could hear in a thousand words.

Scar's fingers stroked down his neck, only to press down on either side. Sakabi gasped, struggling to find air as the King loomed taller over him, using his weight to cut off his air.


"Ah, I see...Mufasa's mistake...wasn't in his actions...but his attentions..." The King chuckled. "You were ignored, left to your own devices too often, for too long. He ignored you...just like he ignored Simba...and the rest of the pride. Ah, yes...I see it now..."


"Don't worry, Sakabi...I will see to it that you are never ignored again. You will always remember just who owns you..."

The pressure around his neck grew stronger and stronger, and he worked harder and harder merely to breathe through that grip. He gasped for more, trying to keep his lungs full, trying to keep his eyes open as his vision began to flicker. His legs were forced apart, and that barbed tip pressed between his cheeks.

Scar leaned in, teeth finding Sakabi's ear just as his cock found the lion's hole. The pressure from both left him gasping, mouth hanging open as the breath was forced from his lungs.

"Mine," Scar whispered, and the word sent a shiver right down Sakabi's spine. "You...are...mine..."

It was something that Mufasa had let go by too often. The King had distanced himself with the pressure of rulership, always watching over the Pride Lands. He had forgotten the sheer power, the intimacy that came from being held down, claimed by the power of someone so much stronger than him. His eyes fluttered as he strained to catch his breath, his toes curling against the stone, his cock striving to rise, to come up again against the rock that was pinning it down. Each failure was a reminder of his lesser stature, his cock pinned, his shaft failing to rise, and the humiliation, the domination...

It felt...



He didn't want this, but his body was falling into it. His hole clenched again and again, trying to pull more of the 'royal' shaft inside, his mouth gasping like that of a fish pulled out onto land. He couldn't find the words to beg Scar to stop, for he suddenly had a fuller understanding of what Sarakiba had gone through.

He sees what we are...what we wants...and he finds the worst way of giving it to us...

And as he stared up, he saw, looming over Scar's shoulder, a great darkness...

Simba sat on a rock as Timon and Pumbaa argued over what way they needed to go. They'd stopped at another oasis for a rest and to get some more water before crossing the last part of the desert, but they were apparently of two minds which direction they needed to go: towards the mountain to the left, or towards the cliff to the right. Either way seemed to take them out of the desert, as far as the Prince -

The lion. He forbade himself from calling himself a Prince any longer. He felt like he had lost all rights to that title, particularly with his father dead, and the only alternative...

No. He wouldn't call himself that, nor would he call himself what he was born to be. He was just Simba, and that would be enough.

Oddly, that made him feel better. Thinking of that, thinking of just being himself, not a Prince or part of a pride or connected to any other family, was enough to make him feel less guilty about all the things that had happened. It felt like they had happened to someone else, someone worse than him, someone that could have done something. He couldn't. He couldn't.

He was still pushing that to himself, reminding himself of his lack of responsibility, when Timon poked his shoulder from behind. Simba turned, looking down.

"Pumbaa's gonna go take a quick look around," the meerkat said. "So, you and I got a little time to talk."

"Why's he looking around? Can't you remember where you came from?"

"Kid, can you?"


"Yeah, that's what I thought. We don't leave home very often, so we don't really look behind us very much," Timon said, taking a spot further along the rock. "And I tell ya, I coulda swore we were coming from the jungle by that mountain, but he's sure that we climbed up a cliff to get to the desert."

"So...why aren't both of you looking?"

"You think that we'd both find our way back here anytime soon? Besides, I told the big lug that he's better at scaring off anything dangerous than I am, and that made him happy to prove it."

"...You two are weird."

"You have no idea," Timon said, chuckling. "But at least we're not the ones getting ourselves tied up by buzzards to be a sex toy, huh?"

"Uh...yeah, heh. Guess you're not."

"So, what's that about, anyway?"

"I don't want to talk about it," Simba said, the slight smile that had been growing on his face disappearing without a warning.

"Hey, hey, kid. Relax. Nothing says you gotta. I was just asking."

"And I'm saying, no."

"Okay, okay, sheesh. Try and relax a little, will ya? That kind of serious living's gonna give you a heart attack."

Maybe, maybe not, but he wasn't going to talk about the past. Talking about the past meant bringing it up again, and he was trying, as the meerkat had suggested, to put it behind him. It was better that way, and the deeper that he could bury it, the better that it would be. The last thing that he wanted to think about was anything from Pride Rock, or the Pride Lands, or...

Well, there was one or two things to think of...or three...

He covered his eyes, trying to block out the images of Naka fallen down and the things that they could have done...or the idea of Shenzi, and the hyena's muddy feet...or even the sensation of his uncle's cock rutting him again...how that had felt...over and over and over again...

His cock was rising, and he knew it. Simba shifted his position, pulling his thighs together to hide it, but it was too late. The meerkat had seen it.

"Heh, seems like you got something else on your mind, kid."

"Leave it alone. I don't..."

"Kid. Kid."

Timon might not have had the muscle to force a lion to do anything, but he had the speed and the dexterity to get around Simba's guard. One second, the meerkat was just sitting beside him. The next, Timon had his hand between the lion's legs, rubbing his balls gentler than he had felt in a while, moving them up and 'tickling' his cock into the meerkat's grip, stiffening him up almost instantly.

"Kid," Timon repeated. "Listen to me. Take it from someone that's got all the reason in the world not to think about stuff too much. When your body gives you a reason to think about something else, you learn to take it."


"And you got a lot to do the taking with, heh. I think you'll rival Pumbaa if you get much bigger."

"Mmmph...I'm pretty sure...pretty sure I'm done - ah....done growing."

"You never know. I bet that there are some lions that get much bigger. Not that you got anything to be ashamed about."

The meerkat was flattering him. He was smaller than his uncle by some way, and his father had been even thicker. There was no way that he measured up to either of them, and Pumbaa...well, Pumbaa was damn massive, bigger than any lions but the royals, and even that was slightly debatable.

Shivering, he still found himself all but entranced at the handjob that Timon was giving him, submitting to the meerkat's grip and just letting the rest of the world slide away. The slow strokes were more than enough to keep him hard, and Timon's gentle touch was very different from the hard, fast strokes that the hyenas had put him through, or the vultures, or his uncle. It wasn't loving, but it was friendly, and that was something that he needed more than he realized.

It didn't take long for him to start spreading his legs again, allowing his balls to drop. The meerkat shifted from the rock to kneeling between his legs, and a warm breath against his balls was added to the slow stroking. He half-expected a lick, but instead, Timon just teased him, puffing, blowing, running his other hand along the lion's plump orbs.

"Heh, kid, do you just go around with these always full?"

"Mmmph...I just...have a lot..."

"Kid, I saw you when we rescued you from the vultures. These were almost empty. They have no right to be this big already."


"Alright, alright, keep your secrets. So, kid, you got anything you like?"

"What...what do you mean?"

"I mean, you got anything you like to do? You like face-fucking? Getting fingered? Getting fucked? Or you got some freaky stuff that you lions do off in the Pride Lands?"

"Nobody ever asked me that before."

"Well, you got someone asking you now," Timon said, laughing, his hand still flying up and down Simba's cock. "So, you got anything on your mind?"

Simba blushed. If he was honest, he had a few dozen things on his mind. His thoughts ranged from the first time that he saw Scar 'playing' with the zebra to the time that he had dominated Naka, keeping the other lion underfoot, to the time that he had been pinned and used by Shenzi's feet in the mud, to the time that he had fucked Naka's brains out, and -

There were so many options, so many possibilities. Even the bondage that the vultures had put him in had given him ideas, things that he would like to try again sometime, and the fact that Timon was just offering him an open book had him all kinds of curious. His toes curled against the sand as Timon leaned in, huffing right over his balls, and the lion moaned as the meerkat's fingers slipped under his tail.

"Heh, looks like you like it back here, at least."


"Hehehe, kid, you know, you're gonna leave all kinds of tracks if you keep curling your toes like that."


"Doesn't bother me. Just looks like one more way of showing off how into the whole thing you are."

He wanted to take that as a compliment, and he was kinda surprised that he could. Simba slid forward a bit, pulling his cheeks a bit further apart.

"So, um...there's one thing..."

"Alright kid. Name it."

"You, uh...you ever use your tongue..."

"Ha! Oh, man. Simba, the number of times Pumbaa tries to get me to do that. Just, uh...you aren't gassy, are ya?"

"...I don't think so?"

"That's fine, then. Let me tell ya, I love a good ass, but if you start farting, oy..."

Simba tried to hold back a laugh, but he just couldn't. It was so stupid, so mind numbingly stupid and gross, that it was just too much not to laugh at it. He fell backwards, almost falling off the rock, and only didn't because Timon grabbed him by the thighs to pin him in place. The young lion laughed long and loud, and for the first time in too long, felt like he was actually happy.

The tongue that followed under his tail did a great deal to help with that.

Timon might have complained a bit about it, but he had to admit, the meerkat was good. He'd never had that much attention by tongue back there, but this? This was amazing. Soft, gentle laps at first, the sort of things that made him shiver and pant at the little touches that were left behind. It was soothing after the hard fuck that he got from the vultures, and something that he hadn't realized that he needed so badly. Just like the friendly handjob, this was something that really made him feel better compared to the rough stuff that he had been going through.

Timon's cheeks were nuzzling back and forth, too, surprisingly affectionate as the meerkat dug deeper between his cheeks, finding small spots to tease, his fingers dimpling into the flesh here and there. Simba groaned as his legs were pushed up and back, not far, just far enough for him to get a little stretch from it. Again, as Timon started working his tongue against the center of his pucker, he started curling his toes, moaning softly.


Each lick was just enough to make his cock keep twitching, dripping, oozing over his stomach. He could have reached up and grabbed it, but there was something about the lazy stimulation that was just better to be enjoyed. It was less about the need to get off, and more just enjoying being horny, being sexual, being sensual with another person. He sighed and moaned, rolling his ass up against the meerkat's tongue to help his new friend get it in good and deep. Every little lick and lap added to the growing pleasure down there, and he smiled in a daze.

Timon seemed to have the same sort of desire, and was slowly licking and stroking with the same apparent goal in mind. Not climax, but pleasure, keeping the lion's mind right on his cock and balls, not thinking of anything that was beyond the moment. The raw hedonism of the moment felt utterly right for the lion, and he moaned under his breath as he rolled his hips against that tongue again and again.

Even when it got more intense, like when Timon finally pushed his tongue past Simba's rim, it didn't feel aggressive, and didn't feel so pushy as before. It was just pleasure, a dull, low warmth. Simba sighed, closing his eyes against the sun shining through the palm trees around him. It was just pleasure, enjoyable pleasure running down his belly and towards his chest as his cock continued to ooze thick juices. He curled his fingers through the sand, his toes fanning and then pulling tight in the air as each lick left his hole feeling that little bit better, his cock more sensitive and needier than before.

Lick, lap.

Lick, lap.

Lick, lap.

His balls soon felt like they were a pair of bouncy, over-full orbs hanging off his cock, but that in and of itself was a pleasure. Release almost felt like it would be an end to the indulgence. He wondered, idly, just how long they would be able to keep this going.

He wondered how long he could keep his balls full like this. It was a nice little thought, a fun fantasy that -

"Hey! You guys having fun without me?"

The licking stopped, and Simba opened his eyes. Pumbaa stood right in front of him, and he had a perfect view from the ground up to the warthog's cock and balls. That huge thing, massive beyond anything that Simba really was prepared to look at, was as hard and throbbing as he imagined it could get. One droplet fell down, tapping his nose and running along his muzzle and into his mouth.

It wasn't bad, really.

Timon chuckled, pushing down on Simba's thighs and bringing the lion's legs back down to the ground.

"Just passing the time until you got back, bud. What'd you find?"

"Uh, find?"

"...Yeah. Find. Like, finding the way home?"

"Oh, right, right. Yeah."

"...You did find out which way we were supposed to go, right?"

"Oh, um...kinda?"


"Well...we were both right. We gotta go down the cliff, but then we turn towards the mountain."



"Pumbaa, you're a moron, but I love ya anyway."

Simba sat up as the pair of them leaned in for a quick hug, and had a chance to see just how hard Timon had gotten from his fun. He cocked his head to the side.

"So, um..." The pair of them stepped apart, looking at him. "Do you two, um...are you two together like...together?"

"Pretty much," Timon said.

"And we have all kiiiiiinds of fun, heh," Pumbaa added.

"And is he the bottom, then?" Simba asked, pointing at the meerkat.

"Bottom? Uh...he's the smaller one, if that's what you mean," the warthog said.

"I meant -"

"Kid? Lemme tell ya. Out here, there's no such thing as labels like that. We do what we like. Sure, I've got a hell of a hard-on from eating your ass, but I'd have had just as good a time fucking it."

Simba's eyebrows went up. Timon chuckled.

"And trust me, kid, even though I'm smaller. You'd have felt it."


"Heh, I'll show ya sometime. But for now, I think we better get moving. We're past noon now; desert gets scary after dark."

Simba wasn't sure how to take that, but he wasn't about to fool around in a desert that these two said got scary. He got to his feet, ignoring his throbbing hard-on and over-full balls, and followed them down towards the cliff.

The End

Summary: Sakabi is worked over by Scar, and Simba starts to adjust to his new life with his new friends.

Tags: M/M, Simba, Timon, Rimming, Scar, Anal, Choking, Dark Kinks, The Lion King, Lion King, Gay Parody, Rule 34, Musk, Sweat, Desert, Lion, Meerkat, Pumbaa, Warthog, Series, Erection, Bondage, Humiliation, Domination, Handjob, Size Difference,