Anthrobury Hills: Maid to Order

Story by MuttTheWriter on SoFurry

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#3 of Anthrobury Hills

Opie gets a pleasant surprise when the new cleaner shows up to his condo!

Maid to Order

Opie groaned in hopelessness while his doorbell rang. He wasn't looking forward to training a new cleaner. His previous cleaner, Boris, knew every bit of the opossum's condo and all of his habits like the back of his paw. He felt it was all too important to know what needed cleaning and how. The situation wasn't all bad, though. Boris's cousin offered to take up his mantle at the cleaner's so his customers weren't left out to dry.

He loosened his black tie and unbuttoned his shirt collar. "Let's get this over with. I'll give the new guy a chance. Maybe it'll be the start of something good for the new year."

The opossum begrudgingly lifted himself from his couch and made his way to the door. It'd been a few weeks since the place had its last cleaning. Dust bunnies scattered while his feet and tail lazily brushed against his living room's carpeting. It didn't help his mood that he'd just been dumped and that things at the pharmacy were in chaos during a huge transition process, but he still had hope that things could soon turn around for the better.

That's when he opened the front door revealing Boris's cousin. She was a petite brown bear wearing a classic black and white maid's uniform. Her slim body was coated in a fur that shimmered even in the dim light of the entrance.

"Hello," she smiled, tilting her head in a slight bow. "I'm Blair. You must be Opie! Boris told me you might be needing a replacement while he's out of town." She had a motherly air about her, like she cared for him unconditionally just because he was in her life.

"That's me," the opossum replied. He stepped to the side. "Come on in, I'd be happy to give the new management a chance." She entered the house into a hallway, dragging with her a compact vacuum cleaner and a box of supposed supplies.

"You can start in the den," he told her, gesturing towards a large room past the living room. "Dust, vacuum-"

"-Organize books, wipe down surfaces," the bear interrupted. "Boris told me a bit about you. I mean, about your place. One thing he didn't, tell me, though, was that your so-called den was actually a sun room." After moving aside several stacks of textbooks and junk mail, Blair managed to find the drawstring to the covered blinds. She gave them a quick dusting and raised them, letting sunlight bathe the room all the way into the living room.

Opie sat not far away on his couch and watched. He found himself drawn to her as she planted a small step ladder on the floor, elevating herself enough to show off how far her legs went up. She swiftly removed the books and trinkets from the above shelves.

"Is this how you like it?" Blair asked, turning towards him.

The opossum's face flushed with confusion as he snapped to attention. "I'm sorry?" he asked.

"I thought Boris said you had a very particular way you want things in the sun room. You let me know if you want something done differently, okay?"

"Uh, yes. Yes, of course," Opie said.

The caramel bear was petite, a mere whisp of a woman. She scurried about the room occasionally on her hands and knees, revealing glimpses up and down her outfit. Her breasts were round and full. Opie felt his pulse quicken as his member began expanding beneath his pants. He pretended to busy himself with his phone while side-glancing at her.

"How long will Boris be away?" Opie asked. He didn't really care, but he wanted to hear her voice and get to know her better.

"So, you're that eager for his return, huh?" she asked.

"That's not... I didn't mean to-"

"Boris also told me you weren't very good at picking up sarcasm," the bear said, replacing a book to its shelf. "He might be away indefinitely. It all depends on where the money goes."

"Boris did a wonderful job here," Opie said. "I bet his own house is clean as a whistle."

"You'd be surprised," Blair smiled, checking that a row of books was properly alphabetized. "Boris's place is mostly in ruins. It's not to say he's bad at his job. The guy just exhausts himself with cleaning by day and never wants to do it once he gets home. At least, that's how it was the last time I visited him."

"Oh boy, that makes sense," said Opie. He imagined what his days would be like if, after dealing with customer after customer at the pharmacy, he had to then do it again but for only his benefit once he got home.

"Any chance you could help me with this recliner?" Blair asked. "I can put some furniture sliders on it the next time I come through. Boris probably lifted these things without a problem on his own, but I'm about a third of his size and don't want to scratch up the floor."

Opie nodded, and tried his best to conceal his erection in his waistband while he stood. "Be right there," he said. He knew that hesitation would only draw suspicion to how badly he wanted her. The opossum knelt beside her and the chair. The floral notes of her perfume wrapped themselves around his soul. "On three, lift it forward, yeah? One, two, three!"

It was his own fault. He wanted to impress her, and overcompensating his strength here was the most Neanderthalic way he could reflexively think of doing that. The chair lunged forwards and just slightly nudged an old wooden shelf where a pile of odd board games and candles sat. The stacks of boxes slid one-by-one from their spot against the wall to sprawl themselves over the sun room floor. What's more, Blair wasn't expecting this, and spun into Opie's arms as the chair shifted and landed.

The two locked eyes just inches from each other's gaze. Neither felt the need to pull themselves away from the other. Opie, sprawled across the floor from his own impulsive feat of strength, held Blair who lay across him against his warm chest. Their lips almost touched while they breathed each other in until a vibrating sensation from Opie's pocket broke the connection.

"Well," Opie started, feeling the curves of her hips with his hands. "Guess I should get that."

Blair sat bolt upright, but still was perched momentarily on the opossum's hips. "Um, yes! Good idea. I'll go get started in the office. I think it's over here!" She scurried into an adjacent room leaving Opie alone on the floor to answer his call.

"This is Opie," he answered.

"Hey, Opie!" came a deep, roaring voice. "Just wanted to make sure things were going well with the new hire."

"Oh, I think it was, Boris," the opossum said. He sat up, noting her lingering warmth across his chest.

"That's great!" the bear exclaimed. "Say, if she gets out of hand, you be sure to let me know. Blair's a hard worker, but she's been known to be kind of a handful, if you know what I mean."

Opie scratched his head as he stood, not knowing exactly what Boris meant. "I know exactly what you mean," he told him. "No worries here. She's taking care of your duties quite well so far."

After a few more pleasantries, Opie ended the call and followed Blair into the office.

It was cluttered with random odds and ends Opie had accumulated over several years with the intention of selling online for some spare coin. Blair was taking action, heading directly for a concealed window. She tossed aside the maroon curtains, letting natural light shine into the office for the first time in months. The light hit her face and he felt her beauty was an intoxicating balm on his wounded soul. Enveloping warmth of the sun reminded him of cozier times before this past year of hardships.

The brunette bear turned to face him with her hands on her hips. "It doesn't exactly look like you've spent a lot of time in here, Mr. Opie," she said, raising her eyebrows.

"I've gotten lazy about this room," Opie started, leaning against the door frame. "I used to collect knickknacks like they were precious trophies. Now, they just sit around collecting dust."

"Well, if you like, I can polish your trophies for you." Blair sifted through dusty photographs piled upon Opie's dresser until pausing at an old one of him and a blonde wolf girl cheerfully embracing each other in a canoe. Jealousy wasn't something she felt very often, but it was hard to resist staring it in the face.

"You can throw those away," he told her. "It's not something that sparks joy, ya know?"

Blair found a black trash bin and obediently tossed in any photographs involving the girl. She turned away from her duties for a moment. "I'd really like to secure you as a client," the bear said, placing a hand on his shoulder. Her eyes followed the sleek lines of his arms. "I don't want this to influence your decision, but I couldn't help noticing how cute you are." Maybe she knew he wouldn't say no. Her other clients that she'd inherited from Boris all had the same respect for her passed down from the hardworking bear. Opie just happened to be the first one she wanted to fuck.

He watched her curiously for a moment. The opossum was more than happy to partake in a dual-relationship like this. He was flexible, and to balance the enchanting bear's work ethic with her sex drive would be a pleasurable walk in the park.

"Why don't you take a break from cleaning," Opie concluded, running his hands down the curves of her back. "Let's enjoy ourselves a little. What do you say?"

Blair noticed her face grow warm with lust. She nodded, and began massaging the front of Opie's pants. He brushed his lips against hers. Beneath his jeans, Opie's erection manifested into a throbbing mass down his pantleg ready for action. She trembled in his arms while imagining his cock penetrating her over and over again. It wouldn't be long before there was no turning back from this.

She dropped to her knees in the office, forcing Opie against a wall. Slowly, she unzipped his pants for him. A gentle groan of pleasure escaped his maw. The bear wanted to taste him. She knew the opossum wanted her mouth around his member, but something felt off. She slowed down, glancing up at him from his crotch.

"There's something more you want," she said, both asking and telling him. "Tell me what you want me to do. I'm not exactly a novice at this. What could you possibly want more than my tongue against your cock right now?"

Opie smiled, and ran his hand through her soft, hazel hair. "I know this isn't normal, but what I get off to most during foreplay is, well..." He looked away from her, half embarrassed and half proud.

"What do you want? I'm willing to give anything a try at least once."

"It's nothing wild. I just like getting you off first."

Every inch of her lit up with the burning, urgent need to be against him. She stood up and turned around, sandwiching him between her body and the wall with her ass. She leaned back against him and felt his hands begin to lift her black and white skirt up to her waist. His fingertips confidently traced the lacing of her pink panties before entering them, finding her clit in moments. She was incredibly wet for him. The back of her head rested on his shoulder as she gave into him.

The office was quiet but for the gentlest of moans Blair released to the beat of every breath. She treasured the excited pulse of his cock against her ass as he rubbed her in a static rhythm. He held her in place with his free arm so she didn't even need to concern herself with standing. Out of the corner of her eye should could see him smirking. Her entire body vibrated as she came against his hand, gripping tightly onto his arm until the ordeal was finished.

Opie massaged her breasts with his free hand over her top while she recovered, discovering a single piercing in her left nipple. He playfully plucked at it for a few moments until the bear dropped again to her knees, still facing away from him, and leaned forwards, sticking her ass in the air. The opossum remained against the wall, waiting for a proper invitation. He enjoyed prolonging things with her. It made him feel like they were connected, to imagine her wanting him while trying not to come off as desperate.

He leaned over her, slid her panties down to her knees, dropped his own pants, and slid himself into her wet pussy. Her opening clamped down on him especially hard since she'd just orgasmed only minutes ago.

"Ohh," she gasped, pulling away from him slightly as he eased his cock into her. He sped up and she became a ragdoll against Opie's dresser. She tried to brace herself holding onto the wooden knobs of the drawers when the loud crash of a vase met the floor in front of them. It had shattered into a dozen pieces. Opie stopped thrusting. He could tell Blair didn't know how to react to the broken pottery. She was there to clean up this kind of stuff, not to create more of a mess, after all. Blair reached for the pieces as if to swipe it to the side for the time, but before she could Opie grabbed a handful of her hair with one hand and picked up where he left off, fucking her from behind while his hands smoothed over her generous ass.

"Sorry, but you're off the clock right now," Opie grunted at her. The bear, trying to ignore him, stretched out and began collecting the shards while bobbing back and forth from Opie's thrusts. It encouraged him to go harder and deeper inside of her, to do his best at preventing her from having any control over herself using nothing but his thick cock.

She managed to drop a bit of the vase into a nearby tiny trash bin inevitably knocking that over and into a stack of books which set off a chain reaction of toppling boxes and trinkets that found their way to an old portrait of Opie's parents that fell on its face with a sonorous crack. The opossum didn't care. It was all the more reason to clean out the unused office. And, it wasn't like he had much else on his mind but testing the limits of his partner's vagina.

"Sorry," Blair whimpered. She hardly knew what she was sorry about after she'd said it. He responded by lifting her to her feet and pressing her against the open office door. He coiled his tail around one of her thighs, pulling her towards her to amplify each thrust as he drew nearer to cumming. A pile of papers, once neatly stacked on a nearby metal shelf, was now scattered about the room. She tried reaching for them now to stack them neatly. Opie grabbed her wrist before she could make any progress. He wanted to tell her how good she made him feel. The two were inside each other's heads, connecting their spirits without words to the steady tune of Opie's hips meeting Blair's ass.

"Squeeze me, tighter," he told her. She was already the tightest woman he's ever been with. He knew she had it in her. The length of his shaft fought against her insides that did as commanded, forcing him to slow down or else finish early. He could tell the bear's orgasm was imminent as well. They both trusted unconditionally that they would climax together.

The opossum made hungry sounds in the back of his throat that gave her chills. He could feel himself slipping closer and closer. Their breathing and heartbeats blended together as they came hard, each fueling each other's climax. Deep, sweaty breaths polished off their fucking as the two rested against each other after a worthwhile workout of the hips. The office had become a complete mess.

He slowly pulled out of her. "Looks like we've got quite a bit to clean up," he said. The opossum felt refreshed in mind and soul after emptying himself into the bear. It was the first time that sex was truly fun in a very long time for him.

Blair shakily got to her feat. She'd be sore for the rest of the day and had no regrets about it. They kneeled by the door quietly for a few moments until she was able to recover her motherly charm and focus on the task at hand. "Don't worry about it, sweetie" she said with a wink. "That's what I'm here for! I'll pay for the vase and the picture frame. Maybe company insurance can even cover a bit of the cost of the mess..."

Opie shook his head. "I'm not paying you to clean up the mess we make, just the mess that _I_make," he said, caressing her chin with his fingertips. It was important to him that their shared physical excitement outweighed any comfort she gave him through fucking. "Blair, I was apprehensive when I heard my cleaner was leaving me to his predecessor, but I think you might have secured yourself your first client."