Dancing With Fire: Chapter 25

Story by Blitz the Dragon on SoFurry

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#7 of Dancing With Fire Act 2 - Fanning the Flames

Blitzø glanced from one end of the conference table to the other with a self-satisfied smirk. Millie, Moxxie, and Loona all sat in their usual spots. True, with the size of I.M.P.'s budget, they could have invested in a better table and chairs, but it just didn't feel right not to bring the old furniture with them to the new building. There were memories made around this table, after all!

"Alright fam, shut your assholes, because it's time for the semi-annual report!" Blitzø began as he usually did. The imp strode over to the whiteboard where a crude, unlabeled graph was drawn. It depicted a sloppy line stretching toward the top right corner.

"Our bean counters got the numbers in last night," he continued as he jabbed a claw at the graph, "As you can see, we're on the way to shattering our profit record like an old hooker's pelvis! Today we're gonna figure out how we're gonna use all that money."

Blitzø glanced eagerly between his three most faithful employees. Millie and Moxxie weren't looking at him like they usually did. They seemed more interested in glancing sidelong at each other. What was that look on Moxxie's face? He seemed...no, he wasn't pissed off like he always was. He wasn't happy either. Constipated? No, that was a face Blitzø was familiar with too.

For that matter, Loona was glued to her phone. True, she was always glued to her phone, but he wasn't sensing the usual mix of boredom and surliness she usually exuded while she was tuning Blitzø out. In fact, she had her back completely turned to the three imps.

Blitzø scratched his head in confusion. The silence in the room was deafening. Usually somebody would pipe up with an idea right away. Fuck it, he'd get the ball rolling. "So I was thinking, 'what better way could we rub our competitors' faces in all this success?' And that's when it hit me: We'll get another billboard."

He heard a strange noise come from Moxxie, but when he looked over, the smaller imp was just staring forlornly at the table. "Got something ya wanna share with us, Mox?"

"Hmm?" said Moxxie as he briefly met Blitzø's eyes, "Oh, sorry Sir. A billboard sounds great." His attention returned to the table, and he softly sighed.

Blitzø clapped his hands. "Look at that! The employee of the month managed to grow a second brain cell! You're damn right it sounds great! Now picture this:" he flopped onto the table in front of the married couple and waved his arms toward the ceiling.

"I'm thinking the billboard will have me on it, and I'm holding up my middle fingers. Now for what it says, I'm torn between it saying 'Fuck you, Dad!' and 'Blitzø is smarter and more handsome than you.'"

Again, Blitzø looked between the husband, wife, and Hellhound. All three of them avoided eye contact and didn't say anything. The big, shit-eating grin on Blitzø's face faded somewhat.

"Really guys?" he said, "Nobody's got anything to add to that? No snappy comebacks or whiny bitching about my brilliant idea being 'nonsense?'" Blitzø rolled off the table, pulled Moxxie's seat back, and bumped noses with the smaller imp. Something was wrong, and it was starting to piss him off.

"You're not gonna complain, Babydick?" he said with a frown, "What if I put it up all over the Pride circle? What if I put it up in all the Seven Rings, and the billboards are made entirely out of strategically burnt pieces of toast? What if instead of just me it depicts you getting spitroasted by me and Harp-"

The instant Harper's name started to leave Blitzø's lips, Moxxie grew as tense as a coiled spring. And like a coiled spring, he launched himself out of his seat and into Blitzø, causing him to stumble and collide with the wall.

The larger imp put his hands up. This was it. He'd found Moxxie's breaking point and there was going to be a fight. Except the expected blows never came. Blitzø lowered his hands to see Moxxie standing beside his upturned chair. He was panting softly, and his arms quivered as he clenched his fists.

"Just - just do what you need to do, Sir," Moxxie muttered. Blitzø tried to speak, but the smaller imp raised his hand. His other hand brushed at the corner of his eye. "I don't really care, and you're the boss around here anyways. Now can Millie and I please get to work? We are both very busy."

Millie, for her part, stayed seated and silent. She only stole a brief glance at Blitzø while Moxxie spoke, then slowly got to her feet. "Mox's right," she said, "My schedule's awful packed this week."

"Uh..." Blitzø said, "Sure, I guess. Glad you finally realized how awesome my ideas are! Now get out there and lick some ass." He enthusiastically pumped one fist.

Millie flashed him a soft, sad smile. Moxxie didn't react at all. His tail gently brushed along that of his wife as he walked out, and she followed close behind. The room fell silent as Blitzø was left alone with Loona, who was still quietly texting with her back to him.

"Boy," said Blitzø, "I know that nerd's got a stick up his ass 24/7, but who farted in his cornflakes this morning, huh?"

Loona paused, her ears perking involuntarily. "Mmm," she grunted as she returned to tapping away on her phone.

Blitzø rolled his eyes. "Oh for fuck sake, Loonie, are you gonna start with that bullshit too? What's the matter? Is there something going on I should know about?" He paused for a moment to think. "You're not pregnant are you?"

Loona sighed loudly as she got up from her seat. "No Blitzø, I'm not pregnant, and nothing's wrong. I'm fine."

"Really?" Blitzø asked, "Because you sound more pissed off than usual."

"I said," Loona repeated with a growl in her voice as she glared at her adoptive father, "I. Am. Fine." Unlike Moxxie, she didn't even bother asking to be excused. The Hellhound simply stormed out, her tail puffed up and twitching.

Blitzø stared silently after Loona as she left. After a few seconds, he took a seat at the table and scratched his head again. His claws tapped rhythmically on the table as he pondered this new development. They weren't like this at the last meeting, were they? He couldn't remember.

The fuck do they have to be mad about? he asked himself, We're doing better than ever! It made no sense to him. Moxxie was always getting on his ass about the company struggling, he should be happy about that at least!

Throwing up his hands, Blitzø abandoned the train of thought. "Fuck it," he said to nobody in particular, "Guess they just can't handle my genius. They're just jealous, and they'll get over it." Even as he said that, doubt clawed at the back of his mind. Introspection sucked.

Blitzø needed to clear his mind. He got up and returned to his executive office down the hall. For the next two hours he tried everything he could think of to drown the worry. He tried bouncing a ball around, playing with his pony collection, and even writing dirty fanfiction about Millie and Moxxie. Despite his best efforts, nothing seemed to work.

The imp collapsed into his fancy "ergonomic" swivel chair and slowly spun a couple of times. He had to think of something to get this out of his head. Then he could go back to living his best life and dunking on the haters.

Just as Blitzø was coming into a third lazy spin, a sheet of construction paper haphazardly taped to the wall caught his eye. It was one of many on the wall, but this particular piece of artwork had pride of place in the center of his collection. It depicted a crudely-drawn imp, and a larger but equally crude stick demon with horns and wings standing together and smiling.

Blitzø's face lit up, and his chest swelled with hope (or was that affection? Both? Who cares?). "Harper!" he exclaimed aloud as he dug into his pocket for his phone, "He'll help me figure this out."

After swiping past a long-ignored string of horny texts from Stolas, Blitzø paused to note the time before placing the call. Harper was very particular about his schedule, and the imp had come to know it well. "Lessee, today is...uh...Thursday! He'll be available."

Even though Blitzø knew it never took long for his Overlord boyfriend to pick up when he was available, he still bounced impatiently in his seat. Sure enough, Harper picked up on the third ring. "Harper speaking." Even over the phone, that rich baritone made the imp melt.

Blitzø fumbled to regain his composure before he spoke. "Heyyyyy, Harps," he said as casually as he could. The strain was still evident in his voice, and it made him wince. "Is it okay if I talk to you for a bit?"

There was a brief pause. "Of course, Blitzø," said Harper, "It's always a pleasure speaking to you. Though you do sound stressed. Is something weighing on you, my dear?"

Blitzø rubbed the back of his head as he got up and began to pace in his office. "Yeah, I guess you could say that. Things are kinda off lately, and I got no fucking clue what. It's driving me nuttier than a Heckmas pie."

That elicited a chuckle from the dragon demon on the other end. Blitzø's heart fluttered at the sound. "Being the head of such an important company can be stressful," Harper continued, "I would know from experience. Once I am done with my exercises and my bath, you are welcome to come over and talk about it, alright?"

"Aight cool," Blitzø chirped, "I'll see you at four then?"

"I will count on it," Harper rumbled, "Now, I won't keep you from your work any longer. See you at four, darling."

"Y-yeah," Blitzø managed. He winced again when his voice cracked, "See ya at four." Shortly after hanging up, he smacked a hand to his forehead.

"Fuck! I said that twice."

Harper emerged from the master bathroom in a cloud of steam. He paused to crack his back and stretch. In hindsight, he probably should have done the stretches immediately after his workout. No matter, it couldn't be helped now.

The dragon demon wrapped a towel around his hair and horns and threw on the plush bathrobe hanging from the back of the door. It occurred to him that he should probably get dressed before his company arrived. Just as quickly, he banished that thought. After a long, busy day, he'd earned the right to be a little lazy. Even then, it wasn't like Blitzø had never seen him in a state of undress before.

Speaking of whom, the imp in question appeared at the base of the stairs just as the Overlord rounded the landing. Harper paused at the top step to quietly regard Blitzø. His diminutive boyfriend stared up at him, amber eyes almost wide enough to fall out of their sockets.

The imp's gobsmacked expression made the dragon chuckle. "Good afternoon, Blitzø my dear," he purred, "I trust the drive over was uneventful?"

There was a long pause as Blitzø remained frozen at the bottom step, one hand gripping the newel post a little tighter than was strictly necessary. Harper was just about to ask him if he was alright when Blitzø seemed to startle, then shook his head. "Uh, yeah! Yeah, the drive over was just fucking peachy," he flashed an unconvincing smirk up at the Overlord, "Been a hot minute since I came over. I think Drek was starting to miss me."

Harper chuckled again and started to descend the stairs. He didn't get far when Blitzø held up his free hand. "Hey, let's stay upstairs. Rather not have the help listening in, y'know?" he said.

The dragon demon tilted his head, then nodded thoughtfully. "Very well," he said, "We can discuss what you wish in my office." Harper stepped back onto the landing, then waited for Blitzø to scramble up the stairs to join him.

Once inside Harper's office, the Overlord headed straight for the liquor cabinet built into one of the bookcases. "Think I fancy a brandy and a nice cigar. Always a fitting end to a long work day. Would you like one?"

Blitzø kicked his legs as he perched on the edge of the living chair Harper had placed in front of the fireplace. "S-sure! That'd be good right about now." Once again, the imp demonstrated his ineptitude at concealing anything. He was badly stressed; Harper could practically smell it on him.

The dragon brought two brandies over to the fireplace and handed one to Blitzø, who hopped down from the chair so that he could take a seat. The imp then clambered up into Harper's lap as he bit the ends off two cigars. The snap of his fingers summoned a blue flame to his talons, which he used to light them.

Blitzø accepted one of the lit cigars while Harper took a long pull on the other. The dragon demon breathed out a perfect series of delicate smoke rings, which prompted the imp to attempt the same. Unfortunately, the resulting puff of smoke looked more like a mangled car wreck than anything resembling a ring.

"Goodness, you are tense," Harper remarked as he ran a hand over Blitzø's back, "It's no wonder you wanted to come over."

Blitzø nodded as he took a sip of his brandy. "No shit. Things have been pretty crazy lately."

The Overlord ran his hand over the smaller demon in broad, slow circles. Blitzø relaxed somewhat into the touch. "You told me as much over the phone, darling. Things at I.M.P. are far busier than you are used to now, I imagine."

"Well," Blitzø said as he rubbed the back of his neck, "That's part of it. But it's not the only thing all fucky. Y'see, I..."

The imp trailed off as he looked up at Harper. The dragon demon waited for him to continue. Blitzø bit his lip, a blush flooding his cheeks as his gaze moved from Harper's face down to his broad chest, and further still to the bare lap he was sitting on.

Concern tickled at the back of Harper's mind as Blitzø continued to hesitate. "Well?" he asked, "What else is happening?"

Blitzø took another long puff of his cigar, then tossed back the rest of his brandy in one reckless gulp. After the inevitable coughing fit from that little stunt, he looked back up at the dragon. "I've been missing ya a lot, Harps. It's been what, two weeks since I last saw ya? That's too fucking long if you ask me." The imp punctuated by setting his glass firmly on the table beside the chair.

Harper tilted his head once more. Well, this was unexpected! But it was a welcome surprise. At least nothing bad had happened. "Is that all?" he rumbled as he set down his own glass, "From the way you spoke earlier, I had wondered if perhaps you were in some sort of trouble."

Blitzø responded by stubbing out his cigar in the ashtray, then climbing up Harper's chest to press into a ferocious kiss. His lips and tongue assaulted the Overlord's with an urgency and raw need that he'd seldom seen before. Not that Harper could complain as he parried the imp's tongue with his own.

After several intense seconds, Blitzø broke the kiss. His face was flushed, and he gasped for air. The prominent tent in his pants was impossible to miss. "Fucksake, Harps," he panted, "You got no idea how fucking bad I want you right now."

Imp and dragon both looked down at Harper's lap. His naked erection had slipped free from the folds of his bathrobe and stood at attention in front of Blitzø. Harper smirked playfully as Blitzø slipped down between his legs and took his throbbing red shaft in both hands. "Hmmhmm, if it was my affections you were starved for, I would be delighted to make it up to you~" he purred.

"Ygrrfnnngnnnfh." Whatever Blitzø said next was muffled, as the imp had already slipped the first several inches of Harper's length into his mouth. The dragon demon couldn't help but smirk. Clearly nobody had taught this man not to talk with his mouth full. His bemusement gave way to bliss as Blitzø's long, pliable tongue worked over his hot, turgid cockflesh.

Once Harper's shaft was good and slick, Blitzø stood up and tried to crawl back into the Overlord's lap. At some point while sucking him off, the imp had unbuttoned his pants and taken his own length out. "I wanna take all of it this time," he said.

Harper rumbled as he lifted Blitzø up onto one knee. "You're sure?" he asked, "So long as you think you're ready."

Blitzø nodded eagerly. "Yeah, we've been doing this long enough. It'll fit, I think."

"Alright," said Harper with a chuckle, "I shall get the lube, and we will begin." He slid out of his bathrobe as he left the chair and left it lying carelessly on the floor. He pulled a small bottle from his desk and brought it back over. Keeping the lube in multiple rooms of the house had become something of a necessity, given how active his sex life was these days.

By the time the Overlord returned, Blitzø had slipped out of his coat and shimmied his pants down to his knees. He sat on his knees with his arms braced against the back of the chair, tail hiked off to the side while he looked over his shoulder in wide-eyed anticipation.

Harper smiled and poured a generous dollop of lube out onto his fingers. He slipped them between Blitzø's taut asscheeks and gently polished the puckered ring hidden between them. The Overlord heard Blitzø's breath hitch at the touch.

Once he was sure the imp was nice and slick, Harper stepped up to the chair. The dragon demon's dick landed on Blitzø's lower back with a hard, meaty *whap* that made the smaller male shudder. Was it delight? Apprehension? Harper didn't know, but it was probably a mixture of both.

Blitzø's tail coiled around Harper's wrist as his large hands came to rest on the imp's narrow hips. His dragonhood slipped off his back and dragged slowly down his backside to his lubed and eager tailhole. Without further preamble, Harper gently pressed forward, and the tapered tip of his member slipped inside.

The Overlord felt his Hellborn lover tense slightly, then relax. "Ahhhh~" Blitzø groaned. His voice was delightfully effeminate whenever Harper penetrated him. The perversity of it only filled him with more desire, and the drive to keep going.

Just as Blitzø had predicted, Harper was able to fit the entirety of his shaft inside. It only took a few more forward thrusts for the obscenely stretched ring of Blitzø's pucker to kiss the dragon's pubic scales. The Overlord paused in that moment to savor the warmth and the tightness hugging every inch. Reaching down, he tipped Blitzø's head back to tenderly kiss him once again.

Blitzø broke the kiss after just a few seconds. His tongue hung from the corner of his mouth, and his breathing came hot and quick. "The fuck you waiting for?" he panted, "Don't just stand there! I want ya to split me in half!" The imp's claws sank into the plush upholstery of the chair, leaving small tears from which stuffing wept.

"As you wish~" growled Harper. Without warning, he pulled back and began to thrust at a brisk and steady clip. Blitzø squawked in delight and tore gashes into the chair's back as he got railed. His head fell back as his neck went limp with the rest of his body.

"Ha~, ha~, goddammit Harps," groaned the imp, "Make me your bitch. Your fucking cocksleeve!"

Harper blinked, slightly taken aback. Then, he grinned. This poor man really was in need of his intimacy, it would seem. His hands slid off Blitzø's hips to his thighs. With just a fraction of his strength he lifted Blitzø's legs off the seat of the chair and propped them on his own hips. The imp was now holding onto the back of the chair at a horizontal angle while he got pounded from behind.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!!!" Blitzø breathed, then yelped as his body went rigid. The imp's cock jerked as several ribbons of cum splattered onto the already ruined living chair. It was no matter to Harper however; he could just as easily buy a new one.

The Overlord paused in his thrusts until Blitzø's orgasm had subsided and he was able to go limp again. Once the involuntary resistance had vanished, Harper kept thrusting. It took a few more minutes for him to reach the edge. Once he did, the dragon demon hissed in delight as he released the first of many loads into the imp's ass. By the time he pulled out, a whole mess of his seed oozed from Blitzø's tailhole. But they were not going to stop here, not by a longshot.

From the mischievous look that Blitzø cast back at Harper, he was thinking the same thing. "Where you wanna take this next?" he said with a smirk.

Harper pondered this for a moment. "I propose we head to the shower next, followed by the bed." The imp nodded, then squeaked as Harper picked him up to carry him to the bathroom.

By the time Harper's supernatural sex drive had been satiated, the sun was setting on the Pride circle. The blood red light of dusk filtered in through the bedroom windows to cast shadows on the expansive bed.

Blitzø was nestled up against Harper's bare chest lightly dozing. His own clothes had been dropped on the floor some time ago. His dick hurt almost as much as his ass did, and he'd lost count of just how many times he'd cum sometime after the fifth round. By then he'd been shooting blanks.

The imp rested his hand on his lightly distended belly. He'd been stuffed full with dragon seed from both ends over the past couple of hours. It felt good to be this full. It felt good in general.

As Blitzø relaxed in the warm cocoon of Harper's arms and chest, it got him thinking. The stressful afternoon he'd had was pushed completely out of his mind during their romp. Sex with an Overlord was one helluva palate cleanser, that was for sure. He couldn't even remember what he was going to ask Harper about to begin with.

The imp sighed happily. Today was bullshit, but he had a big sexy boyfriend to make it all better. Hell's bullshit couldn't get to him with a strong pair of arms holding him. He felt safe here, protected even. Getting fucked felt amazing too.

As he drifted off into a brief catnap in the time before Harper sent him home, Blitzø decided he could get used to this. With everyone around him acting weird, coming over to Harper's place to get his rocks off was the one certainty he could hold onto.