Big Beef

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Tria is a cute girl without a curve anywhere on her body, but her cuteness attracts the wrong type of attention and she signs herself up to RHE to be hybridized with an animal to live her life far from her troubles. She will finally get the big milky boobs she has always wanted, but she will also get a building-destroying booty. Tria will have to get used to being the biggest girl on the island!

(F tf elephant/whale, hybrids)

Tria Amalie was a pretty woman, so pretty that it got her in trouble. She had the figure of a twig- not a curve or bump anywhere on her. Originally she was quite upset that her figure never filled out, and jealous of the bouncy curves other women had. Eventually though she came to realize just as many people were attracted to her body type. Tria also had a very high pitched voice that made her sound younger than she was- so she leaned into it. Tria became an online star, dressing up in cute, frilly dresses and putting on an innocence act. She could do almost anything on stream and people would tune in to watch her. That was not enough for some people however. Tria started to have problems with creepers and stalkers trying to track her own in the real world. It got so bad that she had to try and hide her face whenever she left her house just so no one would recognize her and she could do things in peace!

That is what lead Tria to come to RHEI. She went offline from her streaming career to hide from the public, and looking for a new line of work she stumbled on the secret organization known as RHE. Tria agreed to let them test human-animal hybrid transformations on her and in exchange, she could live the rest of her life on their private little paradise island; far, far away from peeping toms. Unfortunately while it was a great deal for her- it is still an exchange, and Tria really picked a hell of a time to sign up. The test RHE wanted to run was a hybrid of two very large creatures! Large mammals have large mammaries- the test was to see if they could isolate the breast size and muscle and bone strength to brace them regardless of how large her breasts grow. Though she was nervous about the selected animals, Tria did very much like the idea of finally getting the breasts her genes ripped her off of. RHE assured her they would take care of her needs regardless of how the transformation ultimately turned out and injected her with a tincture to start the process. Tria was to be hybridized with an elephant and a blue whale- the largest mammals on the face of the Earth. Elephants are also one of the few creatures that have breasts on their chest like a human- which would help guide related traits there, otherwise it would have been a coin toss whether she got them on her chest or her crotch- where a whale's tits would be.

Tria has sky blue eyes and blonde hair that hangs completely straight to her flat chest. She wore a thin, form fitting white long sleeve shirt and a pleated blue skirt. Her new home was visible from the RHE main facility since it sits up on a large elevated plateau- so when offered to be escorted she simply told them she would go on her own. She skipped along, enjoying the sun beating down on her. RHEI was in the sub tropics, so the weather was always some degree of warm- the island would never see a single flake of snow no matter what time of year it was. Tria was designated as Test Subject 40, so there was a good number of people already on the island, forming a small community. All of the homes looked identical, so it was a good thing she had a good memory and had her home pointed out to her back at the lab. They were just one floor houses, but modern and stocked with all the essentials, including a Playbox 5 console! She was allowed one new non-essential item per month as well so she could request other consoles and games. Depending on how much milk she produces once transformed, she can get even more, quicker. She passed by several other test subjects on her way to her house, and each one had such a unique form. Transformation magic was not exactly new- in fact many of her fellow streamers on Flinch(the leading streaming service) only streamed in the form of anthro animals using magic. But, the women of RHEI were some pretty exotic forms- and unlike transformation magic, their actual genes were altered. That meant these changes wont wear off, ever.

Tria tried her best to act normal, giving a passing greeting to avoid them noticing she was gawking at them. Breasts Tria would have considered big in the outside world don't even meet the standard for small on RHEI. There was women with boobs as big as yoga balls! And udders too! Sometimes both on the same person. Four, six- even one woman with eight breasts! And here is Tria skipping along with zero. So many were left exposed to! Tria stood out simply from being one of the only women in the valley who actually wore any clothing! Many of them simply were too large to fit into clothing, but some were unable to wear clothing properly because of their body shape. She passed a married couple laying naked on their front lawn. Test Subjects 22 and 23 joined as a couple and were both transformed- but because her husband obviously isn't going to lactate, they were given free range to transform him however they wanted. 22- Kalie was hybridized with a pangolin, so her back and gigantic tail was covered with scales so large they could individually be used as a small shield. She also had a very long narrow tongue and claws on the ends of her fingers that were longer than her entire hand each. She could not wear clothing because her tail was too big to fit in anything, and her claws so sharp she would shred clothing by trying to pull it on. Her husband was unusually small, and his skin looked rather wrinkly but still soft looking, and his hands and feet were half-paws. Test Subject 23- Jun had been hybridized with a hairless Egyptian cat! Except his phallus apparently- which was canine in shape and size though still had some subtle barbs from a feline tool.

Finally Tria got to her own home and slipped inside. The first thing she did was close the curtains over the very large, long window on the front of the house. Just inside the front door was the kitchen on the right and the living room on the left- and the window covered almost the entire wall of the living room, both in height and width. There was a single hall straight across from the front door that branched into a bathroom on one side, a bedroom on the other, and ended in a large storage closet- and that was the whole house. Tria was feeling unusually warm though, so she just sat on the couch to concentrate on the feeling. At first she thought it was the weather, then maybe embarrassment from looking over all the erotic forms of the denizens, but no... now that she was inside, the heat was still present. She started to feel oddly congested, but trying to clear her nose did not work. The heat collected into her ears and the increased blood pressure caused her heart beat to become quite loud to her, while also muting outside sounds. She did not move from the comfort of the couch, because she did not want to start doing anything with her senses to out of whack.

Tria first noted her hot ear tips stretching out, making her ears pointy. The cartilage in her nose popped suddenly causing her to gasp and grab her nose to figure out what was wrong. Her congestion seemed to clear up as a result, but also the bridge of her nose seemed like it was in the wrong place! She could feel the curve start at the bottom of her forehead! Her nose no longer started below her brow! Pressure started to build again in pulses.

"Noooo nonono! Not my face! My boobs, give me curves dammit, leave my face alone!"

She started to scrunch up her face like she was bracing for impact as the pressure built. With several popping sounds the bridge of her nose stared to grow again- in every direction! The curve started higher and higher on her face till the very top of her nose followed the curvature of the top of her head itself! Her nose expanded massively and all the movement inside of it tickled her, causing Tria to sneeze! As soon as the burst of air fired out of her nose- the entire nose stretched longer as well! She was developing an elephant trunk! After a few more seconds trying to fight it back she sneezed again, and then again! Each sneeze caused it to yank longer while it continued to swell bigger! It went past her mouth, then her whole head, then to her chest, stomach and still it got longer! By the time it stopped, it was feeling a bit raw from repeatedly sneezing and her trunk was long enough that she could touch her own thighs with it! Tria was so focused on that she barely even noticed her ears becoming nearly seven inches long now. Elephants have giant ears- but she is mixed with whale as well, who have no external ear structure at all. So her ears grew very long and pointy, but very narrow as well. She groaned, wishing her trunk had balanced traits better itself- whales don't have giant noses. Though she supposed having a trunk was better than having a blow hole in the back of her skull.

When her current changes slowed to a stop, Tria looked down at her chest with a grunt of frustration. Her areola were a bit puffy, her nipples were erect for seemingly no reason... and that was it. Her lil A cup bumps had not changed size at all. It took her quite some time to get used to her trunk as well. She was not used to having essentially what can be used as a third arm, so she would move it on accident sometimes and lifting it at all screwed up her depth perception. Raising her nose now prevented the vision from either eye from overlapping with the other, creating a hard divide down the middle of her vision. It was also odd using it as a limb in general because she also smells from it, so if she carelessly used it to pick up something like a pepper shaker, she may accidentally dump pepper into her nose! She could not use it to bathe herself or do dishes or anything like that unless she was extremely careful or she would get soap in her nose. It was also not particularly strong, and since it connected to her head she would not be able to lift anything too heavy with it, because all of the weight hinges on her neck. Tria spent quite some time just touching it and things with it.

By early evening she had an early dinner, and that was quite annoying at first. Tria kept moving her trunk to the side or up, or trying to loosely wrap it around her neck; anything to get it out of the way! It hung over her mouth, so every time she tried to eat anything she had to get the food past her nose first! She had to basically force herself to ignore her normal behavior and rest her arms at her sides. If she used her trunk to eat with, then it would already be lifted out of the way in order to get to her mouth in the first place- therefor the solution was to not use her arms at all, except when she needed to cut something because that required two limbs. Tria was very glad everyone on the island was a bit weird. She would still look bizarre with a trunk on her face, but since no one around here was the same looking; there could be no unified standard of what is good looking and what isn't.

Tria looked at herself in the mirror for a bit, naked and ready to get in the shower after dinner. She supposed it didn't look ugly at all, just... weird. When Tria was having a shower though, she noticed several stray hairs on the bottom of the tub! She reached up and to her horror; several more came out! She screamed so loud the neighbors on either side heard her! Neither elephants nor whales have any hair or fur. Tria stopped touching it, hoping maybe if she left it alone it would be okay, but they fell out with or without her intervention- by the time she was done her shower, her head was bare. She kept her eyelashes and eyebrow hair, but the top of her head was nude now. Now she looked at her tiny tits angrily. Really? All this, and still no boobs.

Tria only tossed a robe over herself and was going to go to sleep early but heard a rather timid knock on her door. She opened it to find a pretty woman with very dark brown wavy hair cascading over one side of her head, shoulder, and chest. In the back, her hairline actually trailed down to the top of her back as a pseudo-mane. Her eyes were a dark brown, though still a lighter tone than her hair, and her lips were large and deep red. When she spoke, or opened her mouth for any reason her upper teeth were always visible- they were larger than her bottom teeth, though still small enough to fit in her mouth when it was closed. Her ears were generally where most people's eyes got drawn as they were far above her head. Each ear was long and narrow and covered in dark brown fur on the back; each was over a foot long and stuck straight up! Her nostrils were a bit large, so the bottom of her nose was a bit wide. Her only clothing was a large green knitted shawl over her shoulders. Her chest had absolutely no breasts at all; not even tiny A cups like Tria- it looked like a boys chest! On the other hand, her crotch was filled with a large dark brown two-segment udder with short but very wide teats! Hidden under it was an equine vulva and anus. She had fine fur at the start of her shin which got slightly longer the further down it went- being shaggy just over her equine hooves. Her only other animal feature was a long, thin tail with a tassel on the end, and a black stripe across her upper back and shoulders. She is half donkey.

"H-hey, I don't normally pry but... you screEI-med earlier? Haar- eeii- are you okay?" Her face turned bright red as she made some very donkey noises unintentionally.

Tria blushed a bit herself. "Oh...yea." She motioned to her shiny smooth head. "I just found out my transformation apparently involves me being bald."

The donkey woman shrugged. "Could aAAHlways wear a wig. At least you won't drive your neighbors nuts."

"Why, why would you drive your neighbors nuts?"

"Be-heee-CAAAWse-...." She motioned to her throat. "Because of that."

"The braying? You can't control it?"

She lowered her long ears a bit and shook her head. "No. I hAAHd to ask RHE to soundproof my house. I am Rosemary by the way- test subject 38. So, your elephant?"

"Yea, and whale. My name is Tria. This is all I got so far for changes... I was supposed to get big ol tiddies but..." Tria shrugged, clearly a bit annoyed by it.

"H-haAAA-ave you tried...y'know, touching them?"

"Huh? I mean, I have been examining them, waiting for changes."

"But using the parts thAAHt are supposed to change HEEE-helps them change fAAAHster. AnhEEway- I live right beside you if you nHEEed any help." She glanced around. "I better not stand around tAAHlking too much or I will wake people up with my damned voice. H-ha..aaaAAHve a good first night."

Tria almost wanted to invite Rosemary inside, but she is only wearing a house coat and was planning to go to sleep soon anyway. So, her neighbor is a donkey. Donkey braying is admittedly a bit hard on the ears- a shrill wheezing sound on the high notes, but Rosemary looked cute, and she seems nice. Tria did wonder how Rosemary heard her in the first place. She must have already been outside for some reason, because she said her house was soundproofed- so if she was inside there would be no way she could have heard Tria. When Tria flopped into bed though, hanging the robe on the bed post, she glanced at her lil tits and started to blush. Touching them might help them grow? Well, it certainly couldn't hurt, whether it made them grow or not.

She grabbed her little A cups- and they did feel firmer than usual. Maybe they had grown, just too little to notice visually. Her nipples had been trapped in permanent erection all day, so now she took to flicking them back and forth; enjoying the feeling of the rubbery flesh twanging back into place. As Tria turned herself on, the weight of her trunk started to come more into focus, and how low it sat on her body when limp. It was long enough... to reach down below. She just put the end over her pussy at first, then gently pressed in on it while rolling the pert hills of her breasts in her palms. Tria gasped and squirmed a bit as her breasts suddenly felt tight, the insides getting too big for the outside. She let them go and just hovered her hands over them just in case her holding them somehow restricted the growth. They were also radiating quite a bit of heat- she could feel the warmth coming off her breasts without actually touching them. The surface of her breasts started to round out more, rising slowly toward her palms forcing her to raise her hands higher. Its working! She is finally getting boobs!

Tria smiled giddily, and let out a surprised moan when she felt like someone cupping her butt suddenly! Her rump was pressing into the bed under her more, causing her to shift her hips several times as her thighs became meatier and her butt rounded out. Nice! She did not expect that, but she will absolutely take it. Her trunk squeezed her pussy and then dipped inside. It was too big to fit into herself normally but it was also quite squishy since the nostrils can collapse- so she can get it into herself easy enough, as long as she doesn't try to breath out of it. It did not have enough length to get much inside anyway; unless she folded her body over and right now she was more focused on her chest. The tension in her breasts seemed to shift in gentle pulses- first the insides grew and put tension on the skin, then the skin relaxed and the pressure of new growth spreading outward started again on the inside. She pinched each nipple between index and thumb and used the rest of her fingers to cup as much of her boob as they could. She pushed down and pulled outward, tugging the nipples in a way that caused her entire boob to wobble around. First cute B cup breasts, only large enough to fully assume the tear drop shape of a perfect boob, but then C cup hills- the perfect size to fill a hand with no spillage. They continued to swell again into D cups, large enough that Tria grabbed them and slapped her boobs together, swinging them by her nipples! Just the arousal caused knowing she has boobs now was driving her wild, but she let them drop so she could look through her cleavage to see where the pleasure was coming from down below.

Tria's thighs had slowly continued to swell, and finally filled the gap between her legs- squeezing back onto her pussy because her had not changed her position again to adjust for the increased mass. She rocked her hips a bit, humming in pleasure at the feeling of her soft padded butt cheeks between her and the bed. She crossed her legs slightly and squeezed her thighs together, which squished her outer labia and shoved the end of her trunk deeper inside and Tria squealed and shuddered in pleasure- grabbing and kneading her swelling boobs aggressively. They swelled to Es and were large enough that she could push them up and kiss and lick the tops of her own boobs! Then they swelled to F cups and she could rock the nipples far enough up to suck her own tits, and nibble on the nipples! A tingling pleasure and stretching feeling shot down her spine as she trembled in pleasure and it overloaded her- sending her into a full blown orgasm as a tail started to grow out from her! The tail thrashed around frantically since she had no muscle control in her lower body while in a climax. It continued to grow a bit after her orgasm calmed, but not by a lot. It only grew long enough to reach her knees, though it was quite thick. Tria fell asleep in the afterglow.

In her dreams her boobs were impossibly huge. Each one larger than her entire body several times over, but somehow still floating up off the ground and she was able to carry them with zero strain. The other women of the island came to help fan her in the hot sun, and rub their own boobs up against hers to compare them, applauding her for her size. She was given a floating throne and sat on it in the middle of a pool, while all the other exotic women sunbathed around her- a display of a hundred boobs and udders all around with Tria at its center! Then a ship arrived at the beach which was only a few feet away and let off at least a dozen buff, naked men as gifts to pay tribute to Tria! She stood from her throne and slammed her giant mega tits onto the side of the pool for them to admire- but one of them circled around, and her presenting her breasts to the other unintentionally presented her butt to the one.

"Finally found you TinyTots69!"

Her heart jumped when she realized he knew her user name! It was one of the creepers who was always stalking her!! Tria woke up with a gasp.

"Uuugh... they even hunt me in my dreams..."

The small sun window in the roof of the bedroom told her it was still night time and she should still be sleeping. She tried to get up to get a glass of water before returning to bed, but had some trouble. The bed was sinking in from extra weight like the mattress was trying to swallow her. In her sleepy haze she did not realize it was her own body shape that was off, till she tossed her legs over the side of her bed and placed a hand on them about to get up. Her thighs were massive! Her breasts looked a bit bigger too, but not a full cup size. Her thighs and especially her ass on the other hand were gigantic! They looked like they belonged to a woman ten times her size! An ass that big on her would have been physically impossible before- her hips must also have expanded while she slept in order to house it. It took her several tried to be able to stand up with these proportions. Once she was on her feet though- being this bottom heavy; she doubted anything could topple her over. She had to lean to one side to fit in the area between her bed and the wall. Unless she waddled, it felt like she was deliberately throwing her butt from side to side when she walked, just because the soft mass rolled from side to side so easily with the motion, and there was so much of it to move.

Tria looked in the mirror, glad her head hadn't mutated any worse. This was a bit more ass than Tria could confidently handle, but she supposed she was not against these changes. When Tria was about to reach for an empty glass of water though, her forearms had a dull ache in them. The bone felt like it was trying to shift- like her joint was not quite sitting in the socket properly, and it took all the strength from her lower arm temporarily. She pulled them closer to herself and wiggled her fingers and tried to roll her wrist, seeing if she could pop the joint. It popped- but not the way she expected or wanted! Her forearm suddenly became wider! This yanked the bones in her wrist and hands apart for a moment, before they swelled in size to fill the gaps created. Her fingers were now further apart.

"What on ear-ooh.... ohhhh~"

She gently rocked back and forth a moment as her entire body felt heavier than it should be and a soft but consistent pressure all over her entire body! Tria grabbed the sides of the sink counter a moment and could actually hear her body groaning as her entire form grew all at once! Her entire body grew together, making her overall size greater! She did not want to be going through changes like this on her feet so Tria turned to leave and unintentionally knocked the bar off the towel rack! Her ass was so large and her overall body had grown so much that standing in front of the sink- her ass touched the wall behind her! She had to squeeze her butt cheek against the wall while thrusting her hip as far forward into the sink as she could in order to turn around and leave the bathroom! If she gets any bigger she will need RHE to rebuild her bathroom to a new custom size! Tria walked to the kitchen awkwardly, teetering a few times. Her body felt so bloated and stiff, it still wasn't sitting right.

Tria moaned as she grew a bit bigger still! Her legs started to feel hot and she used her trunk to divide her boobs so she could look straight down and seen them starting to inflate! It looked like she was having a severe allergic reaction to something at first! Her shins bloated out fatter and rounder- causing the definition of her knees to vanish in the plump flesh above and below. Her ankles lost definition next as the flesh swelled to the same width as her legs, but this caused her to need to roll her weight onto the front of her feet only, because the bottom of the ankle also swelled out, forcing it to rise! Her feet started to bloat out as well, swelling to the same width! Even her toes looked like little sausages, and then fat spheres before vanishing into the growing mass of plush, taught skin! She could not see her toes anymore, but it felt like they were being shoved further apart from one another by growing fat! Tria could tell by the now growing toenails that her toes were being spread evenly around the front half of what used to be her foot- now her leg was shaped like a pillar- the same proportion and shape from top to the very bottom! Those are elephant legs! Except with soft human skin.

There was a hollow pop from her thigh as the hip bone widened even more. "Nononono! That is enough now, stop it."

She grabbed her hips as if she could somehow just fold the extra mass back in on itself. She felt the skin grow taught and start to billow even rounder. A glance behind herself was all she needed to know her already massive butt cheeks were growing still larger and rounder! Her tail was getting thicker along with it. It looked like it was growing longer too, but it was hard to tell around the curvature of everything else. In order to measure her tail length against her legs, it needed to first travel around the curvature of her butt cheeks, so even if it was getting bigger it wouldn't reach any further down. Tria made a dash for her bedroom. She needed to contact her handler in RHE. At the very least she would no longer fit into her bathroom with these proportions which was clearly a problem. Tria hoped they would be awake at this hour- she wasn't entirely sure what time it was but clearly not morning yet. She had been given an onyx slate with a looking glass enchantment linking to a giant PC obelisk- Tria can use it to contact RHE or her handler directly. Her footsteps really thundered against the floor now. She weighed a lot more now, but also her very flat round feet couldn't really do subtlety. Her butt was so big and round it took extra effort to take a decent sized step forward, because each step required swinging her massive ass to one side and then the other. Tria felt another growth spurt coming, moaning in worry.

She got to her bedroom and went to dash through the doorway but was yanked backwards and fell forward! She never hit the ground. Her hips were so huge they caught on either side of the doorway! Her lower half was anchored in place stuck in the doorway, her upper half held up by her wedged hips!

She glanced to the slate on her nightstand. "Oh...frick. If I can't get to the slate to call for help, I am going to have to run naked- oh wait, no. That won't work either; if I can't fit through this door, I can't fit through the front door- they are the same size!"

Well, now she was really worried. She could not fit into the bathroom or bedroom and could not leave her house to call for help. Her breasts tingled pleasurably and her nipples turned stiff again. Tria was too worried, frantically running over scenarios in her head as to what she can do. Rosemary could help, but her house is soundproofed, and she would most sertainly be in bed sleeping by now. Tria can't leave to knock on her door, and Rosemary won't hear a thing if she yells. Wait- the sun window! She used her trunk to grab the chair by the full length mirror and dresser and threw it as hard as she could through the window over her bed! The chair landed on the roof of Rosemary's house. That might wake her up. Otherwise, Tria was out of ideas. Her eyes widened as she realized her boobs were actually getting bigger again- the skin blushing pink from the growth. Tria heaved herself back up right to pull herself back in through the doorway and her boobs caught! Now her breasts were too big to fit through a doorway!! They were a hell of a lot squishier than her hips however so a bit of tugging still set her free thankfully and sent her massive globes into a jiggling fit. When she turned, she could feel her flesh brushing the walls on either side. Holy crap, just how big is she getting?

Her body groaned more and each step louder and heavier! By the time she arrived back in the kitchen her thighs were brushing the wall, even when just walking straight. Tria was leaning forward a bit because of how heavy her breasts are as well. They looked like K cups now- on the edge of any normal bra size. She kept stumbling because of how odd her feet were now shaped. Her ankles were raised well off the ground, but the skin off her ankle still rest firmly against it. And because of how meaty the flesh around it became she basically could not move her foot at all- its full range of motion was very slightly bent, or fully straight, and that was it. Tria heard a knock at the door again and sighed in relief. She was going to dash to answer the door but her body let off a small surge of growth causing her to stumble and fall back on the island counter in the kitchen for support, so she just called to the door to come in.

Rosemary opened it slowly and her eyes went wide as soon as she seen Tria leaned against the counter naked! "Uh, holy crap. Were you supposed to bHEE this big?"

Tria blushed brightly and shook her head. "No! I mean, they said it was a possibility but I don't think they would have given me this house if they fully expected it because I, uh, don't fit anywhere anymore. I can't even get to my slate to call for help! I can't....ah~" She started growing slowly again for a few seconds. "I can't fit through doors, I am trapped!"

"Well ThAAWt explains the chair on my roof... I guess. You could haAAWve just shout out a window."

"Your house is soundproof..."

"I said I asked them to soundproof it- they haven't gotten around to doing it yet!"

Rosemary dashed past her as soon as Tria told her where the slate was. Tria moaned as her entire body got bigger and bigger! Hollow pops started so sound off, making her body tremble a bit each time when a bone re-located from growth shifting its position. Her arms were deforming more too! Her forearms were growing at a speed ahead of the rest of her, causing them to get both longer and wider...but not thicker. Her hand and wrist was stretched along with it so much like her feet- they lost definition against the rest of her arm. When the forearms stopped growing, the hand kept going, stretching the end of the forearm a bit wider so it could transition properly into the still widening and lengthening hands! The first joint of all her fingers became stiff as a thick membrane of skin pulled up between them, making them webbed. She also noted that her fingernails were gone. They did not fall off, so they must have just been absorbed into the expanding flesh below, so the ends of her digits were perfectly smooth. Her hip popped loudly, expanding wider again! She wobbled from her hips shifting and then fell completely on her ass- but she was so large at that point that when she sat down it was ON the island counter, causing the left side of it to collapse and the right side to catapult into the air, standing almost completely straight up and down and slamming a large hole in the roof! Her hips becoming wider parted her gigantic spherical butt cheeks enough that her thick tail was finally able to sit comfortably between them to hang properly behind her. It was half again as long as her legs, and influenced by both species. It did not get any hair on the end like an elephant because of whale traits, and it did not grow a fin on the end because of elephant traits. So it was just a thick tail with a tapered end.

Rosemary hurried back, the slate in hand. "I uh, contacted them. RHE is sending peHEEEople now. Can... you move over a smidge?"

Tria's massive right thigh was right across the doorway- her right butt cheek against the fridge behind her. It was both so plump and her body so large that the top of Tria's thigh alone was up to the top of Rosemary's chest! Tria tried to get up, but because she cannot bend her feet she could not ge the traction she needed on the floor! She shoved her rump into the fridge, oven, and sink counter behind her to try to use that to brace between, but only got high enough up before she fell back to shake the entire house by slamming her ass into the floor again! Rosemary offered a hand, putting the slate down on the floor for now. She took Tria's right arm, and the giant put her other hand on the standing island counter, then shoved herself back again to get up. Even as she was trying to lift herself though, her body groaned with still more growth! She was half standing before she told Rosemary to let go and stop, slamming down again- this time so hard the light fixture in the living room broke out of the roof and was dangling by its power cables. Tria only got into a half standing position when she felt the roof brush her elven ears! She can't stand up- there isn't enough room! She is taller than the roof of her own home!

Tria could not move at all, so Rosemary had to scramble up and over her thigh before it became so big that it sealed the entire hallway off. The skin was very soft and bouncy, but also taught. It felt wild, climbing something that to Rosemary was as large as a vehicle, but it being made entirely of warm flesh- a living thing. Tria was running out of room behind her, so she had to scoot her butt forward putting her more into a laying position with her elbows on the sink counter- that way she could flop her meaty tail forward between her legs instead of letting it get crushed under her. Rosemary slid off the other side of her thigh and landed on the underside of the tail! She tried not to stare, but could not help but pause and look to her left at Tria's pussy- now almost as big as Rosemary herself was. Tria had to start to bow her head forward- she was getting so big the roof couldn't even hold her while half laying down!

"I-i-i-it's gotta.... s-stop, right? I can't... can't just keep growing forever?!"

Rosemary was backing up away from Tria, but by the time she looked to the front door- Tria's left foot was already blocking it entirely. "Not forever, no. I know it seHEEEms bad now... and it is. RHE will take care of you. I don't know how... they probably don't knAAWWw how- but they will. No matter what."

Knowing she could not escape, Rosemary went back over to Tria and climbed her left thigh to comfort her. When Tria's entire body grew, everything expanded at the same time, so even though the rest of her grew huge- her butt, hips, and thighs remained huge even in comparison to everything else. Her breasts were quite pert and sat high on her chest, but even still were large enough to cover everything down to her belly button. If she were to lay down fully, their weight would cause them to roll off either side of her chest and sit under her arms. To Rosemary- each nipple was about the size of her entire head- the areola as wide around as her entire torso. Tria had grunt with exertion and placed a deformed hand on the floor between her legs to brace herself as she was forced to lean further forward- her tits squeezing into her thighs, forcing Rosemary to dive off between her legs as well. A wall of thigh meat on either side- a sloped roof of tit flesh, a pussy almost as tall as she is with plump, meaty labia, and a giant tail as a floor. If Rosemary wasn't worried about possibly being crushed to death she would be incredibly aroused.

Tria seen Rosemary looking over the odd hand she now stood beside. "I have no idea what is wrong with my arms. I can still hold things, I guess."



"They are half wha-HEEE-le fin, that is why they aAAHre flat from the elbow down."

They are so long and wide that when she closes her hand, it almost looks like a giant catcher's mit. Even though her boobs are enormous she is able to fully cup the ends with one hand each. They both froze up when they heard much louder creaking. Uh oh, that was not Tria- that was the building! The roof was starting to bend up, and Tria's thighs were brushing the front and back wall at the same time! As embarrassing as it was, Rosemary made sure to stay very close to the heat of Tria's giant vulva- the giant's upper body would shelter her from debris as the building was destroyed.

By the time several RHE staff arrived outside of the building, it was looking a lot rounder than it was supposed to. The roof and walls were bending outward from pressure, making them all curved. The front window had already burst, luckily all the glass falling outside of the house. Tria's head already burst through the roof, but it had more than one layer. There was a hidden attic area in each home that was used to place the runes for various functions- life monitor, mana regulators, the signal for their onyx slates, and basically all of the electrical wiring leading into the house branched from up there. The staff asked her through the permanently open window if she could move at all, or if she had stopped growing. The answer was no to both. Her growth was slowing down, but unfortunately it was yet to stop. The outside of the roof started to break, no longer able to bend. Tria could feel more and more night air getting in through the gaps her head and shoulders were putting in the roof over her. Afraid of hurting her by accident, she picked up Rosemary and held her to her colossal left boob. Rosemary had no complains, hugging onto the massive curve of hot springy flesh. They seemed softer to Rosemary than to Tria- what was a little bit of give to Tria was a lot for Rosemary just because of the difference in scale. Being pressed up against a boob larger than her entire body felt a lot like laying on a water bed.

RHE was ordering another building be constructed elsewhere- this one was clearly scrap. Laying mostly down- Tria's feet were at the end of the living room and her head through the kitchen roof, so she occupied the entire front of the house all at once. Her tail had to slip out the full-wall living room window to find space. Several other test subjects had woken up in the area and came outside to see what was going on, the RHE staff told them all to head back inside. Seeing no other solution- they instructed Tria to stand up. The building was wrecked one way or the other, so the only way she is getting out of it is if she smashes her way out. It was easier said than done- she had virtually no room to move, and strength is only usable if you can move. Tria ended up instructing Rosemary to climb up into her cleavage from below and hold on- the springy flesh would shield her. Tria rammed the far wall with her tail, then slid her trunk out the gap in the roof and yanked herself up toward it. She smashed one arm through the roof, using its wide surface to direct the rubble off onto the ground between houses. She managed to stand up into the hole her arm opened and smash it open wider to rise out of her house. She tried to climb onto the roof to get free of the house entirely but the roof collapsed, partially putting her back inside. The RHE workers sighed at all the lights turning on in people's houses as they woke up to the sound of a building being demolished at 4am. Trying to stand back up she stumbled and unintentionally kicked a third of the front of her house out onto the path. At least at that point she was free, and plucked the little donkeygirl out from between her tits to release back on the ground. Tria finally seemed to stop growing but she was already absolutely massive. The RHE workers were only as tall as her shins! Her ass was so gigantic she could flatten a pickup truck by sitting on it.

It was actually incredibly easy to slap together a new house for RHE, a bit more difficult to route the power network to it. For Tria however, a normal house wasn't good enough. For the time being, they brought her to the hidden bunker because it was the only structure large enough to house her at the moment. She slept by the first XV subject, Mel- whose breasts were a bit larger than even Tria- each. Unfortunately, Tria wasn't able to get too comfortable, and was constantly falling only partially asleep and waking back up. She was very tired then, when Rosemary arrived to get her. Since she had been talking to Tria before, RHE sent her to escort Tria to her new home.

It was quite embarrassing. No clothing would fit her obviously, but she was so large that people could very easily see her from a long ways away. Her body shape was now an extreme pear shape- big breasts, giant ass. If she bent over, her lower body would basically slide between her giant thighs and she would be thigh to boob- just one curve after the other with nothing in between. Her body FEELS good at least. She couldn't wait to see what RHE cooked up for her to sleep in so she could finally get some rest... and use her trunk to motorboat her own tits. Her giant ass made walking awkward- she was not used to moving around with so much weight behind each step. It felt great to grab and knead though. Tria blushed at her own thoughts, wondering of RHE could somehow engineer a dildo big enough to do anything at all to her. Rosemary had to snap her fingers and call up to her several times because her thoughts wandered and she started to veer off the path. In her defense, Tria is extremely tired. They wandered a long way from the other homes. North east- to a newly constructed home at the edge of a large lake; Kshira Sagara- most just called it Lake Sagara. It is named after an ocean of milk from Hindu mythology.

Tria was too tired to take in much scenery, but her brow did furrow at the size of the building. It was exactly the same size as her last house! Her foot would barely fit in the door never mind the rest of her! There was several odd staff-like markers all around the house though with dimly glowing orbs at the top of each. As soon as Tria and Rosemary stepped inside of the border of staves everything seemed to distort! The house was gigantic now! Or... Tria-sized. The doorway was barely wide enough to let in her thighs but she still fit without having to stuff herself through, and the top was high enough that her head cleared it. However- Rosemary remained the same size in comparison to Tria, so now she seemed extremely tiny! Tria picked up the little donkey to carry around- since it would take forever for her to move around in a house a hundred times too big for her. The house actually is just the same size as her last one- but using enchantments the RHE Magi created an area of distorted space where the house acts and reacts as if it were much larger than it actually is. To Tria it was a tremendous relief, and she hustled to her new bed immediately. To Rosemary it was surreal. She could walk on a counter-top and stand beside a salt shaker that was almost as tall as she is! In this distorted space, a normal person is about the size of a large doll. Rosemary told Tria just to sleep and she would see herself out. Though she regretted it when she was straining herself for some time trying to force the giant front door closed behind herself, but she did. Once she stepped outside the staves space returned to normal. If you look through the windows of her house at Tria from outside its range, Tria looks normal sized again.

Tria woke up much later that day- late afternoon. She took her time waking up, enjoying having a normal house again and not having to worry about changing anymore. This was her now- she just had to adjust to this. She ate a bit of breakfast, but felt a bit rowdy from paying such close attention to how her new curves wobbled around with every movement. She returned to bed but not to sleep. Tria kneaded her tits, digging her nail-less fingers deep into her soft mountains. They were large enough to move them basically anywhere on her torso, including rolling them into her own face. Her semi-fin hands were wide enough that she could actually cup the fronts of her boobs. When she really started to get into it, she coiled her trunk around both boobs in a figure-8 and squeezed them as hard as she could, then grabbed and yanked on her nipples with her hands. She bucked her hip once, freeing her thick tail which immediately curled around and plunged its tapered end into her pussy and rammed itself as far in as she could!

When Tria was done she decided to get some fresh air and wandered outside. The sun shimmered on the subtle waves of the lake and the waters matched the blue of the late afternoon sky. There was an island on the far side of the lake- quite close to Tria's house, and a huge red maple tree grew there- the trunk shaped like a U, hanging over the island like a parasol to shelter it from direct sunlight.

A pretty woman quickly spotted Tria and stood up, waving her over. "H-hey, do you know how to swim? Can you... help? I am stuck!" It was then Tria noticed the large belly on the woman- she looked full term pregnant!

Tria rushed to the lake, surprising the woman when she left the barrier of staves and suddenly appearing to be over ten times the size she was only a second before. So large in fact that Tria did not need to swim in the first place. The lake got pretty deep on the other end, but because of the island; this side of the lake is the shallow end. At her true size, Tria was large enough that the water only came up to her collar- she can just walk across on the bottom! Although her boobs annoyingly float, which kept pushing them up high enough that Tria could not see over them till she started to ascend back out of the water onto the island.

The woman had a waterproof bookbag slung over a shoulder but no other clothing. She looked very human compared to most test subjects. She had leaf shaped ears- equine- too small to be bovine. Her hair was the color of cherry oak and mildly wavy, down to the small of her back if she let it go- but currently she had it tied back with itself- using the hair itself to tie a loose knot to hold it back in a ponytail. Her breasts were DD cup, so quite tame by the island standards- she however had a second pair, in her crotch. The top set had neon pink areola and nipples, the bottom had black areola and nipples. Her hands and feet were perfectly human, which made it unusual that she would be this far from any homes with bare feet. She had a horse's tail, but the hair on it is ridiculously long. At least twice as long as the hair on her head, it was tied up into a huge loop to prevent it from dragging on the ground for several feet behind her. The only other noteworthy thing about her was her huge round belly, which is why Tria was so quick to hurry over. How did a pregnant, bare-foot woman get to a remote corner of the island, on a smaller island, in the middle of a lake?

"How on earth did a pregnant woman get out here?!"

The woman froze up for a second, blushing a bit. "Oh, uh, I am not pregnant..."

Now Tria blushed. "Oh, ah... ooops."

Her brow firmed up a bit. "It isn't fat either! I am test subject 35 I will have you know! You can call me Opal. The first test subject with elasticity genes, allowing my body to expand or contract as needed!" Tria was going to stammer out a reply but Opal continued talking and cut her off, grabbing her big belly. "It is full of milk! Since no test subject can reproduce, they got rid of my womb and gave me a storage chamber. When my boobies make milk, it is moved into storage in my belly. But I uh... kinda fell asleep, the weather was so nice. I come here to read often... there was not a house the last time I was here and that was only a day and a half ago. RHE works fast, I guess."

"Oh I see, you swam out here when you were regular sized, but you continued to produce milk while you were asleep."

"Yeh. My belly got too big to swim properly, and since its full of liquid, I will sink like a rock. I have boots on the west shore, can you pick me up and bring me there?" Tria bent down and placed a large fin-hand on the ground for Opal to walk onto, and then stood up with the round woman in the palm of her hand. "Really convenient you are so big. Helping people must be a breeze for you!"

"Uh... y-yea. I guess I never thought of it like that. I am new here- this is my frist day fully transformed."

"Well you certainly got mass in all the right places amirite? Hehe. A lot of women- like me to a lesser extent I guess- are kinda handicapped by their size. Mega udder like dragging an anchor, so many boobs they can barely bend their torso... or a belly so big you're better off trying to roll home than walk! You're huge, but you're huge all over so you don't have any issues with mobility at all."

Tria walked along the lake shore, listening to Opal rant about island life and what she and her friends have been into. She is quite the chatterbox. The test subject that came right after Opal only had a cow tail and breasts that incorporated the expanding skin Opal had- except on her boobs. Since her changes were so subtle- subject 36 was discharged from the island and lives back in the outside world. Since she lactates at the drop of a hat and has expandable tits... probably works as a porn star now. They got to her boots and Tria let her down to put them on. They looked like solid metal, and too big for her besides! She put her legs into the soft silicon foam inner lining and activated a rune on either boot and with a gentle whooshing sound they grabbed her feet and compressed to the form of her leg perfectly. They ended in cloven hooves! They acted as the canon bone and hoof of a bovine, but, mechanical. They were constructed by an automancer, running of the same magitech as a golem. That is how Opal got here originally, on her prosthetic hooves, then took them off to swim across the length of the lake for exercise before settling under the tree to read- and expand.

She looked suddenly back up to Tria. "And Angus! Do you know about him?" Tria shook her head. "Angus is test subject 20... 2? 21? Wait, yea, Kalie is 22, so Angus has to be 21. Anyway- he is suuuuuuuuper muscular, he looks like a friggen walking fortress, so you would think, oh he must be crazy good at helping people like you. NOPE. He is SO muscular that he is too bulbous- he can barely move! I mean sure he is strong enough to lift half your house out of the ground like it was made of lego blocks, but he moves at the pace of a snail! Ask him to touch his toes and his hands can't get lower than his waist, hah!"

"How... many men are on the island?"

"Not many at all. Angus was originally signed up to be a breeder, a... stud the women could call on to 'service' them. He worked as one for a while apparently, but by the time I arrived here myself, he had retired. Apparently he sort of fell in love with test subject 30. Don't blame him, Lilac is an adorable little thing! Shame her test did not go as planned."

"What happened to Lilac?"

"She was hybridized with a unicorn. Unicorn are magical beings which means they have abnormal DNA. Normally all unicorn are born male, they find and impregnate human females who are then transformed into a female unicorn. They tried using the sample from a unicorn mare, but for some reason it still replaced Lilac's... naughty bits. She still looks totally female, except between her legs- equine dong. I mean, the block and tackle did not dissuade Angus from falling in love so it clearly isn't that much of a problem. She is super shy so good luck ever finding her out in the open." Opal grabbed her big belly again. "Hey! Wanna see me grow!?"

Tria blushed. "You can grow at will?"

"Stimulation causes my lactation to go into overdrive, but being big and full feels really good- like an inside-out hug! So I am really easy to pleasure right now." She sat down on the soft grass and spread her legs making Tria's face feel like it was on fire as it turned red. "Touch the bottom ones! I will do the top."

Tria was going to turn her down in embarrassment, but she was already on the ground now. Now Tria wanted to do it just so she will close her legs sooner so no one happens to pass by and see them! The area was actually pretty high traffic, but not at this time of day. There are no lights around the lake so no one goes there later in the day. Because her hands were so huge, Tria's fingertips were big enough to cover the front of Opal's crotch boobs just on their own. She rolled them around and Opal cupped her top breasts and knocked them around playfully- watching her belly with a giddy smile. After a few seconds of touching her soft globes, the belly did indeed start to rise on its own! Two boobs, one big belly and another two boobs- her body was oddly symmetrical, both top down and one side to the other. Tria was surprised by a gentle *thunk* sound and Opal's belly button inverted from internal pressure! She was getting really huge! She looked full term with triplets and her belly started to shove her breasts up and down to make room!

Opal started to kick her legs weakly, shaking her head. "Ah~ n-nah, 'nough. I... hah... when it gets so big it starts to stretch all my nerves. Feels too good~ my brain is going numb." She paused for a minute to catch her breath and then pointed at Tria over her massive spherical body. "And I tricked you!!"


"I am too big to even stand up now! You have to carry me all the way home now! Weeee~!" She made grabby-hands up to Tria who just sighed and picked up the heft ball of a woman.

Maybe being a giant wouldn't be too bad at all. Tria finally had plenty of curves to have fun with, and already made two friends in Opal and Rosemary. From the sounds of it, Opal had plenty more friends to introduce Tria to later. Tria had a functional house on the paradise island now, far away from her stalkers in the outside world. The only needed to talk to RHE about two things now really. A dildo with the same enchantment as her house to mega-size it within the staff barrier... and maybe a test subject with hands big enough to properly slap her mega-ass. Size doesn't matter, but as Tria knows- it certainly doesn't hurt.

Dragon Bull

(FtH bull/komodo dragon hybrid) Vivienne signed up to RHE to become a human test subject. The company worked tirelessly to hybridize humans with animals, always trying to improve their methods and forms. To provide an easily palatable specialty...

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Paradise Dreamer

(F hybrids) The RHE researcher looked over the woman's file, while the woman herself was visible several floors down on the ground, being taken down into the valley where the other test subjects live. "Her hair is snow white, even...

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Desire e

(FtM tf bull) Desiree was a plump woman with a very pleasant personality. She was kind but also smart enough to not let people take advantage of said kindness. She was a real star of her office, as not many people can sit in a cubicle all day...

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