The Wizard's Ploy [CM]

Story by DerekTheDragon on SoFurry

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#23 of Short Story Commissions

After a hard day of work, Mark relaxes at a bar with a drink and is approached by a cloaked man with an offer to change their life. Mark soon finds himself entering a whole new world full of dragons, but quickly begins to realize something sinister about the Wizard only when it's already too late!

This is a commission for BraveDragon509! Thank you so much for the commission hun and I'm honored to be your first one! <3

Link to BraveDragon509's FA:

Let me know what you think below and I can't wait to write more for you all! You guys make this possible!

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Mark wasn't the type to go out and relax at a public bar, but after a rough day at work, he figured getting a drink could help to ease his mind and lay back for a while without having to worry about anything at home like chores. Besides, he had heard this pub was less busy on Mondays and had plenty of seating on the sides for the more reclusive types such as him. After making a final decision, he threw his jacket over his back, shoving his wallet into his pocket as he left for the establishment, lost in his thoughts as he decided to walk to clear his mind.

When he entered, he was glad to see that only two to three people were sitting at the bar, leaving most of the couches empty. Despite the appearance though, the chattering of voices in a room nearby caught his attention. Feeling a little apprehensive, he paused and took a deep breath, walking up to the bar before placing a hand on it as he looked over the spouts for the beer while he waited. The bartender was polishing a large glass with a white rag, tarnished from the stains of many drinks, making Mark wonder just how clean he was really getting them. The scruffy man took a glance at him and brightened up, a smile upon his face as he greeted him, placing the cup and rag down, "Hey there, fella! Welcome to Burgend's Inn! How can I be'a help to ya?" His brown eyes searched the young man before turning to grab a glass from the shelf behind him, the soft jazz music in the pub playing in the background.

Mark fixed his shirt, feeling somewhat out of place as he answered, "I, uh... I'm honestly not sure. Do you have anything, like... Fruity?"

The bartender raised an eyebrow at the timidness, seeming inquisitive before chuckling, "Ha, a fruity one, aren't ya? Sure, I got somethin' that'll spruce you right up!" He gave a wink, clearly enjoying his work as he fixed up a drink for the shy male.

Thinking absentmindedly about the days to come, the long days of work ahead of him, he barely noticed the glass that came to a halt as it slid up to him a moment later, a thin cup that seemed made more for wine than beer, a light yellow coloring to it with some sort of green wisp inside, "What's this?"

"That, my boy, is a lemon-lime delight! It has a touch of vodka in there, but I got a feeling yer' gonna like it." He smiled before going back to cleaning, glancing at the other two talking at the other end of the bar, leaving him to himself.

Mark glanced at the drink and took a sip, a surprising burst of lemony flavor washing over his taste buds along with the citrus taste of lemon as an aftertaste. Feeling a little more awakened, he asked the bartender, "So, how much does it cost?"

"Eh, it's on the house. I can tell yer new around here, don't worry about it." He gave a nod to Mark before continuing his work, the young man nodding back thankfully before making his way over to a couch in the corner of the building, relishing in the comfiness as he reclined back and took another swig of the drink before setting it on the round table in front of him. He numbly took notice of the bar as he sat there, thinking to himself once more as his growing smile eventually faltered once more, letting out a soft sigh as he thought about how he'd have to be back to work in only a matter of hours.

'I wish I could just be the dragon I've always wanted instead of having to live in this world... It's so... bland.' He pondered, tapping a finger on the table before lifting his glass to take another drink, savoring that taste before catching a glance of a man on the other side of the bar. As he walked over to the bartender, Mark took notice of the black cloak the man wore, nearly touching the ground as he gathered himself another drink. It was only a moment after that he turned around from the counter, but instead of returning to his spot, his gaze shifted directly onto Mark's, catching his gaze as he approached. He felt his heart starting to race as he got a glance at his handsome face, noticing the confidence in his walk as he wondered if he should move or stay still as if that would make them invisible.

Before he could make a decision, the man spoke, a deep and smooth voice encapsulating his attention at only the first sound of it, "Excuse me, do you mind if I sit beside you? I wanted to chat with you for a moment." His gaze felt... purposeful, causing Mark to feel smaller before them as he felt unable to reject them despite the uncertainty in the back of his mind.

"Um, yeah. Yeah, you can sit here."

He scooted to the right to give him room on the L-Shaped couch, watching as he set his large glass of beer down with a soft thud before fixing his thick robe under him as he set both his hands on the table. The man softened his tone as he glanced over at the fruity drink Mark had gotten, adding in a thoughtful tone, "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but notice how downtrodden you seemed. I hadn't seen you here before and I'm guessing you've had a rough day from the look of you?" It felt odd to be called out by a stranger in such a specific matter but nodded hesitantly in response.

"Is it that easy to tell?"

"You could say I have a knack for these kinds of things. Quite plainly, I couldn't help but notice something different about you since the moment you entered and I figured you'd be the perfect person to talk to." He then glanced around, making sure no one was listening, "I want to show you a better future, one that I know you've been longing for. All you need to do is listen and accept."

Mark felt an odd tingle down his spine, feeling a little fearful as this stranger seemed to dodge around whatever he was implying, but for some reason he felt inclined to answer, telling himself he was overthinking. "That sounds a little too good to be true... But given that you could guess I was having a hard day... I guess I could listen. I'm not doing much anyway." He tried holding himself together, but right now all he could want was to get home and hide under the covers to be with himself and avoid all this 'socializing' nonsense. Still, here he was, and until his drink was finished he supposed he could deal with whoever this man was. He could also go to the bathroom to get away if needed, keeping that in mind as he sat there.

The man smiled and continued, leaning a little closer over the table in a hushed voice, "Well, to start, I am a man that likes to help others. I come to this bar every so often and choose a soul in need who feels unsatisfied with their life. What I do is I take them away from the boring life they live into a world of fantasy, a world not much unlike the worlds you dream of in your head or in books. Do you know what I'm saying?"

Mark blinked, turning his head slightly in confusion and disbelief before letting out a chuckle, "Ha, okay. So what, you're suggesting you can take me to some 'magical world', huh?" He raised his fingers in quotations, pausing with a huff before looking down at the table somberly, "You can trust me, I'd love that, but this is real life, and... things like that don't just happen." He shook his head a little, reaching down to grab his glass before taking another sip.

"You're right, things like this don't happen to just anybody, but right now it's happening to you and I can prove what I'm saying is true if you so desire. But you must promise not to draw attention to it." His voice turned serious and darker on those last words, causing the human to feel a stressful tightness in his head as he tried to figure out what he could be getting at.

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow, looking over the cloaked figure for a moment before sitting back in his chair, "Listen, I'm not stupid. But..." He then rolled his eyes, glancing at the bartender further off and then back to the man, "Well, it can't hurt to humor you I guess. Sure, go for it then." He watched curiously, finishing his alcohol before placing it on the table before him.

The mysterious figure looked around once more, shielding his hand from the rest of the bar with his cloak as he began, causing Mark to focus a little more on whatever he was trying to show him. But just as he began to lose interest, wondering if this man was just a drunk old fool, he caught sight of the man's nails... moving? They began to grow larger, extending outwards and widening into a thick hook. He could see something changing over his hand as well, the flesh by the tips growing hard plates, cold scales forming around the long nails. It was only as they finished that Mark let out a gasp, realizing just what he was seeing. 'Talons... Dragon talons!'

He glanced up at the man, feeling the urge to run away, but a low growl from the stranger kept him still, looking over at the impossible feat before him. He spoke aloud in a whisper, "I... no way..." He reached up and rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was dreaming. "Is this some magic trick?" It was terrifying to see, but the whole display brought to mind all the transformation comics he'd read, a kink he'd had, unbelieving that he'd actually seen it before his very own eyes. It was only a moment after though that the armor and claws slowly retracted, forming into short nails and skin once more, just a normal hand as it had been a moment ago.

"Did... did that really happen?" He breathed, his heart racing as he tried to put it together, feeling a little light-headed.

"Yes. You saw it clear as day. I am not joking. I'm giving you your only chance at a better life, the life you've always wanted and I suggest you take it. That is, unless you'd like to return home to your dull room and job, left to live a pointless existence at the bottom of the totem pole." He offered, glaring intensely back at the young man, silently telling him this was his time to decide. Mark did notice the bartender glancing their way for a moment from the gasp he had made, but simply looked away a moment later, the cloak from the stranger seeming to shield it all. He wasn't sure what to say, wasn't sure if it was real, but whether it was reality or a dream, his heart told him to accept, knowing that if his most desired fantasy could come true then there was no way he could pass it up.

Feeling a pit of worry in his chest and adrenaline rushing through his veins, he accepted, "Okay. Yes, I want that. What do I do then?"

"Follow me and I will show you."

He was led outside the bar through a back door, the two of them venturing down a few back alleys as they walked. Mark spoke up, pausing for a moment at the unsettling location he was bringing him to, "W-why are we going into an alley?"

"To get away from prying eyes. We can't have the whole world knowing magic is real, so we must use it in secrecy. You can choose to believe me or leave, your choice." He stood there for a moment, looking over his shoulder at him sternly, nodding with a huff as Mark followed in obedience as they ventured further within the maze of alleyways.

After reaching a dead-end, they stopped, Mark looking around for some door or something before he noticed the man shuffling for something in his pocket, "Okay, so... Was there supposed to be a-" He was then cut-off in shock as the man's hand lit up a bright purple, wisps spiraling out of his palm as he held it towards the walls of stone before them. The smoke then began to form into a circle, swirling and filling with the magic, covering the face of the wall in the mysterious energy. It was only after a few moments that the oval was filled completely, almost like a haze formed into a shape, that it began to let off a soft whirr, the bass-like resonance causing Mark to take a step back in disbelief before the display suddenly opened up in the center, a large black vortex in the middle swirling into nothingness.

The man looked over to him, motioning, "Don't be scared. This is a portal to another world, a world where I know you'll feel at home. I know this is all happening fast, but you've chosen this, so don't back out now." He kept his eyes both understanding and stern as he looked him over, thinking for a moment before walking up to it himself. "Alright then. I'll keep this portal open for one minute, but after that, it will close and you will never get this chance again. It's your choice if you wish to follow." Then, without another word, he turned towards the rushing whirlpool and stepped inside, the seemingly hard wall behind it somehow allowing him to walk inside! Then, before he knew it, the man was gone, leaving only the human and the portal in the alley.

He stood there, shivering in indecisiveness, glancing back where they'd come from, thinking about his life and job here. He then looked back at the other-worldly portal before him, slowly starting to dwindle as the purple wisps began scattering along the edges like a lingering flame that began sputtering out, a scene out of a fairytale just asking him to take the leap. "How the fuck... this is insane." He shook his head, still unable to believe it all, but after everything he'd heard and seen, how this impossible magic was somehow happening before his very eyes... He couldn't turn it down or he'd never be able to sleep knowing he could have changed his life. So, taking a deep breath and holding on to every bit of confidence inside him, he stepped one foot at a time into the vortex, the feeling of water passing over him as he entered, and yet his clothes stayed dry through it all. He could feel a surge of something washing over his body as it enveloped him, the final slurp of the liquefied essence covering his back, pulling him inside and away from the world he used to live in.

After a moment, the world on the other side began taking form around him, almost as if it was fading into existence, the swirls dissipating before his eyes to show a room made of gray stones before him, a dark wood floor below his feet with lanterns on the edges of the pillars holding up the house. He noticed almost immediately a desk with many different colors of potions laying next to a large chest on the ground, a large window with black drapes pulled over it shielding them from whatever the outside world had to hold. He glanced back as the wisps finally broke their bond with one another, the portal snapping shut with a burst of the particles until they faded away completely, a blank stone wall standing where the last entrance back to his world disappeared.

"Welcome to your new home." Mark turned around at the voice of the magician from before, a smile upon his face when he saw he had joined him. He was leaning against the wall on the other side of the room beside a wooden door, looking the young man up and down.

"Where... where are we?" It almost looked straight out of a fantasy novel, the room seeming to give off a medieval era feeling inside him from the stone walls to the wood furniture and lanterns hung throughout. He took a deep breath to take it all in, "Did we go back in time or something?"

"Hehe, no little one. This is an alternate reality, as I believe you would call it. A world that could have been but never was. Speaking of the world, there is something about it that you will begin to realize is most prominent and it's this reason that I have brought you here in the first place." He walked over to the window, pulling apart the blinds to let the sunlight through, "Come look and I will explain."

Curious as to what this world was, he followed and peered through, noticing the other stone houses down below in a valley, realizing they were higher up on a large hill than most. He could also see a vast mountain range surrounding the area, castle-like structures covering the floor along with gravel paved paths connecting it all together. Before he could ask a bunch of questions, the man spoke up, "This world is full of magical creatures and from reading your mind earlier at the bar, I was able to realize you had a fascination for the type. Lucky for you, this world is just what you've been looking for and I'm happy to help fulfill that desire for you."

Mark's heart stopped in excitement and uncertainty, glancing over into his eyes as tons of thoughts about dragons filled his mind, "Wait, do you mean..."

"Yes. Take a look." He then noticed something moving in the sky, launching from the ground in the valley below. He hadn't even paid attention to the inhabitants as the structures had taken his attention, but now, as those vast wings unfolded and took flight, the long neck stretched out, reaching for the sky as it flapped, a rider on its back, there was no mistake.

"Dragons. Is this real? Like, really real?!" He exclaimed, his mouth open in shock as he found more and more dragons walking the streets along with other creatures, his mind spinning and heart racing as he tried to comprehend it all.

"It's as real as you and I. Now, here in this world, all beings not born with natural magical abilities are transformed into dragons. I could hear you thinking about wanting to be a dragon yourself, and here you can be that without having to worry about someone trying to hunt you or hurt you. You'll be safe here. Is this what you wanted?" His voice seemed to carry an undefinable tone, something he wasn't saying, but Mark could care less, the blissful imagination of his running rampant as he gave in to his fantasies and smiled widely.

"Yes. Yes, it is! Can I really be... a dragon? Just like them?" He couldn't keep his eyes off the dragons roaming the city, noticing the different colors of their scales and fur, imagining being one of them, flying high above, and being able to live as the creature of his dreams.

"You must be. A human like you is not allowed here, as this is a world for magical beings, but as a dragon, you will be granted natural abilities and will be accepted. All that is required of you is to act no different than any other dragon, or you may be discovered and put into prison for treason. Am I understood?"

"Prison?" He thought aloud, worrying for a moment before shaking his head, "No, yes I won't say anything. Why would I want to be a human anyway? I want this." There were a few other questions wandering among his brain about what he would do after, but in reality, all he wanted to do was rid himself of this body that seemed to itch at his mind now by knowing that he could be something else, taking a step towards the man. "Please. Make me into a dragon.

He nodded, thinking for a moment before adding, "As you wish. I will say though, the process can be a little... intense, as you change forms, so there are a few things you should do to prepare. First of all..." He then motioned to Mark, looking him up and down, "Being a dragon means they don't wear clothes. After all what feral dragons wear anything?"

"Uh, I..." He stuttered, feeling suddenly vulnerable as he thought about disrobing before him.

"Otherwise, your clothes will just rip off anyways as you transform. It's part of the process, and I would suggest you disrobe now to reduce any hassle of the material ripping and possibly putting unwanted pain on your growing tail or wings." He shivered at the thought, looking over his shoulder as he imagined growing such, trying to hold back a moan he didn't know was building, realizing now that he was growing hard from the thought of it all.

He gulped, looking over himself as he told himself it was part of the process, knowing dragons were naked anyways. Feeling slightly aroused before the man, blushing noticeably, he began stripping off his shirt and pants, unbuttoning and kicking them to the side before he stood in his boxers. The man smiled at the sight, noticing the tent in his underwear before he finished, "Come on. I'm not going to bite." With a deep breath, Mark then reached down and pulled them off till they fell to his feet, his member springing to life before them both as he kicked his clothes to the side next to the chest.

He reached down and covered his shaft, apologizing, "Sorry, I just-"

"It's okay. It's perfectly natural for humans like you to be turned on by this. After all, I can tell this was an arousing thing you'd get off to in your past world, wasn't it? Being a dragon and all?~" His sexual tone along with those narrowed eyes caused Mark to feel small, a hot breath escaping his mouth before the man continued with a soft and dominant chuckle, "Now, because of the changes to your body, it is best to remain shackled down for the transformation. Just put your wrists and ankles here please and then we can begin." He motioned to a few open clasps in the center of the room before them, waving his hand to make them appear. "It'll keep you stable so you can get used to your body."

Already naked and cold in the small cellar-like room, he obeyed, his cock dangling between his legs along with his balls as he bent down and placed his hands onto the smooth wooden floor, arms against the ground as he sat on his knees, watching as the man walked up and began locking the metal cuffs around his wrists to keep him against the floor. He did the same to his ankles, letting out a soft moan as he realized how kinky this was. He then apologized, glancing away from the wizard as he made the noise, "Ah, I'm sorry. This... is hot to me. I've just... always wanted this, but it's happening so fast."

He hummed to himself in thought, rubbing a hand over his back in an almost demeaning way, "It's okay, darling. I have transformed many humans before you into dragons and you all act the same. Don't be ashamed to become a dragon, because to me you've always been one. Now, let's get you turned into one, shall we?" He then stood back up and retrieved a pink potion from the counter, opening the vial before holding it before Mark as he bent down. "Here, drink this. This will transform you into a dragon permanently."

He hesitated for a moment, taking a deep breath as the cold metal held him down. Then, with a raise of his head, he leaned forward and received the drink, feeling the glass vial against his lips before he slowly drank from it, gulping down the ingredients. It actually didn't taste like anything, which was odd, but after only a moment the glass was empty and the man stood back up, letting out a pleased hum. "Good. Good, good. Now, I suppose as you transform I can tell you about what your new life will be like here and I promise you'll come to grow fond of it."

At first, Mark didn't feel anything different after downing the contents, but it only took a few moments for small scales beginning to form on the back of his hands, looking down at them as the skin seemed to almost callus over, hardening, shifting among one another as they formed the plated scales of a dragon. They were black as well, the dark scales traveling up to his fingertips, watching his nails grow much like the strangers had back at the bar, slowly thickening as they formed into claws. His attention was drawn to his rear as a pulling sensation tugged at his skin, feeling the tugging as he looked back and watched a flesh nub begin to form behind him, lengthening quickly as his tail began to take shape. He could feel the nubs by his shoulder blades growing as well, the wing bases forming as his feral transformation had begun. Luckily it wasn't too painful, but it was odd to feel a whole new body part taking form, unable to control the spasms in his body as the potion took hold of him.

As this was all happening, the wizard continued, pacing around the room as he glanced at the changing creature before him, "Now, what I said before about this world is true. All humans who have been brought here are outlawed, so to prevent them from being discovered, we change them into dragons. But you see, becoming a dragon does come with a... price." He paused, running his hand over the base of Mark's tail as it lengthened a foot, his body covering itself in scales as the once soft skin gave way to shadow-colored armor. The touch sent shivers down the dragon's form, causing him to moan softly as the changes seemed to become almost pleasurable, a wave of bliss coursing through his nether region but for a reason unknown to him at the moment.

"You see, dragons are typically dangerous creatures who don't side with wizards and common folk, and because of the wars that had raged on among us, we eventually found a way to make peace between the two. Our solution was to live in harmony, but of course, living among one another wouldn't be that easy. One of us had to be in charge of the other, and with our race outnumbering the dragons, we decided the dragons would serve us... as pets." Mark's eyes widened at the words, a sinking feeling in his heart growing before letting out a groan as his wings expanded, the arms extending while the membrane began growing between them to form his wingspan. "We used to ride horses, but we came to find that dragons were much better than them. After all, dragons can fly, fight, breathe fire, and are much more intelligent than any dumb animal. Because of this, we... convinced enough dragons to join us, to serve us, to promise them safety and care."

Mark forced out his words, his dick pulsing as it was sent through rushes of pleasure as his limbs formed into those of animals, bending while his neck extended, "You... You said... I would be free... to be a dragon."

"No, darling. I said your wishes would come true, and you are becoming a dragon. The price that comes with it is being a pet, my pet. Don't worry though, I'll make sure to take good care of you, girl." He moaned out as his face pressed outwards, watching his nose and mouth pull into a snout, feeling like someone was pulling and massaging his face at the same time as his body grew new limbs. At this point he was covered completely in scales, the new limbs nearly complete already, feeling horns sprouting from the back of his head and sharp teeth growing within his maw. He let out a dragonic groan, huffing at the sound, suddenly feeling a shifting between his legs. When he opened his mouth to talk back, feeling both humiliated and angry, he found himself letting out a growl, stopping midway as he yelped, terrified as he found himself unable to speak! He tried talking, moving his tongue in a way to form words, but somehow all that came out were noises of that of a dumb animal!

'The potion... no, he couldn't have.' And yet he knew that had to be the answer. It was only then that he realized how much more high-pitched his moans sounded, feeling like he was in a different body at this point as the magician smiled and mused, scratching his chin.

"Oh yes, one more thing. I noticed something else inside you, something deeper and sexual about you that you've been ignoring for quite a while, and luckily for you, I was hoping for quite the same thing in a new pet." He then leaned down, reaching his hand out to rub Mark's rear once more before moving between his fully grown haunches towards the dangling member, "I've seen how submissive you are towards other males, how much you wish you could be bred like a real female. So, since we've been needing some more females here in the city, I decided to make you into a dragoness. Forever. Don't you like the sound of that?~" He chuckled, holding that shaft as the female looked down between her legs at her shaft.

She hadn't even realized what was going on down there until now, that, despite how hard she was, it was shrinking rapidly, a slit having formed where the base of her cock had once been. She then let out a squeal as her balls began pulling inside her, an uncomfortable tugging before they popped inside, forming into something within. The mage used his hand to pat over the flat space where her orbs had once been, glaring back at her, "You won't be needing these anymore. They're turning into your ovaries as we speak so you can be just like any other fertile 'ness. I'm sure you'll learn to enjoy laying eggs in time.~" He then gave her small cock a stroke on the underside, causing her to nearly cum. But just as she found herself reaching the edge, unknowing that just this transformation could make her feel this orgasmic, he pulled back his hand, leaving her whimpering softly.

It was only a moment later her member vanished within her slit, pulled inside until she couldn't feel it anymore. Instead, she felt two orbs inside her rewiring into something, an empty feeling growing between her legs as thoughts about male dragons began to flood her mind unwillingly. She could see her tail, lifting for them, begging them to use her. 'No... wait, why do I want this? I didn't want this!' Sure she found being a female a kinky thought, but she hadn't agreed to this! Still, she couldn't hide the wetness that began to form over her newly made cunt, watching as a clit formed at the top, smelling her feminine aroma already, signaling her transformation was complete.

He ran his hand over her blue under scales, admiring each plate that formed over the other before trailing over her smooth back. He spoke up as he felt her, watching her shiver in heat while also trying to growl at him, "Oh, I love making new pets like this... watching them try to fight it, shivering in bliss as they realize how much they wanted this. Such a needy pet. You'll need to be trained on how to be a good girl, but don't worry, I have something to help you." He then stood up, grabbing a key from his pocket before turning the lock on the chest, pulling out a black collar. He then swirled his hand around it, watching as he changed the color to a dark blue to match her underbelly and wings, rubbing her neck before wrapping it around her.

"This will help to keep yourself in line. I won't tell you exactly what it does, but I'm sure you'll find out soon enough. Not that it matters to me. You're a pet and all I care about is treating you as nothing more." He then snapped it in place, a small loop on the end for a leash, a tag marking his address to claim her as his property. She heard the jingle below her neck, growling back at him as she tried to break free from the chains. But when she tried, she felt them somehow tighten their grip, purple wisps appearing around them, seemingly enchanted to keep her in place. He noticed and spoke up, smiling deviously, "Now, I think you should meet your playmates. I do have a few other pets, after all.~" Just as he turned away, he then added, glancing back with his hand on the knob to the wooden door, "Oh, I don't think I ever told you my name, did I? I'm Ace, your new Owner, and Master from now on. Do wait for me please, not like you have a choice."

He then closed the door, leaving her alone in the cold room, pulling against the restraints as she tried to break free to no avail. She let out a groan, huffing at the heat between her legs, knowing that he most likely must have put some sort of heat spell on her as well just to make it harder to focus. 'Fuck... How is this all real? Just earlier I was at a bar drinking, now I'm chained up in a world of dragons, turned into a pet for some wizard? I've gotta be going crazy...' She considered that maybe she had drunk too much and fallen asleep, but even after reaching down to nip her leg to maybe wake herself up, all she felt was the thick cold scales, unable to break them easily and finding she didn't really wanna harm herself if she wasn't dreaming. She then felt the new limb on her back tail, looking at it over her wings, focusing with her eyes closed on how to move her tail and open and close her wings, finding those triggers that she could use to control it. It was insane to have multiple new limbs, almost like an upgrade that felt unworldly and unnatural, but she'd have to get used to it.

Ace returned a few moments after, walking inside along with two other companions following behind him. Just as he had mentioned before, two dragons which she could only assume were his other pets walked into the cellar, a dark green drake looking over her curiously, his slender form seeming to fit the more submissive role he was in as he sized her up. Beside him was a light-blue dragoness, a sharp glint in her eyes along with a necklace that looped around her neck aside the collar, her ice-blue markings and underbelly causing her to look almost like a Jewel. Mark shrank back slightly at her intimidating look but reminded herself she was a pet like her, even if she was for some reason hostile to her. She also noticed that the two of them wore some sort of leather bag over their wings, straps keeping them held at their sides, making her realize that if she didn't get out soon her ability to fly may be taken away from her.

The wizard introduced them, patting the boy on the back, "Alright, first up. Leaf here was my first pet and I must say he fit into the role quite quickly. Some dragons seem to actually desire the whole pet lifestyle so perhaps he'll be able to help show you how it's done." He then moved over to the female, giving a soft pet over her neck, watching as she arched her back and let out a long purr before giving a soft growl through narrowed eyes at Mark in return, "And this is Shimmer. She took a while to get used to it, but now she's become so fond of me she'll do anything I ask. Such a good girl, aren't you?~" He kissed her forehead, watching her let out a trill before Ace stood straight once more.

"Now, what about you, little dragoness? You do need a name after all.~" He chuckled, bending down to cup her snout. She felt like biting his hand but held back, knowing she was in no position to fight. He hummed thoughtfully, petting her back and neck before finishing with a certain nod, "River. Yes, that will fit you quite nicely. I'll make sure to get you a pretty little nametag tomorrow for that cute collar of yours." He gave the single tag on the end a jingle with his finger before motioning to Shimmer and Leaf, "Go. Go meet your new friend!"

The two walked up, circling her and sniffing her new body. River shivered, feeling so small despite being about the same size as them, only considering now that she had imagined herself being much larger as a dragon, finding herself instead only standing at about the size of a large dog. Her attention was drawn away as she let out a yelp, feeling the other dragoness prod under her tail, not bothering to give her any privacy as she gave her nether regions a few deep sniffs, letting out a disapproving huff before walking away, swaying her tail with her head held high. Leaf seemed to consider doing the same, pausing for a moment before Ace spoke up, "Go on. You know what pets do when they meet one another." He dipped his head, huffing before obeying as he pressed his snout under her back limb, pressing his nose against her ass and cunt in turn, giving a sniff before walking away. River did notice with a needy huff of her own that Leaf's member was poking out of his slit, aroused to know that she was making him horny. 'That, or maybe he just gets off to being a pet...'

Ace smiled at the display of it all, walking out as they continued their investigation of the chained female before he returned a moment later with three silver bowls. He placed them onto the desk before pulling out a key, reaching down to undo her restraints, warning her as he did, "You should know, I don't take betrayal lightly. If you try to escape, I will put you into chastity and muzzle you." He gripped her snout tightly, emphasizing his seriousness, staring her directly into her eyes, "You are my pet and I don't care if you get off. You will obey me and never try to fight. Do I make myself clear?" She let out a soft whimper, remaining still as she thought about being chastised forever, taking in a breath of fresh air as he pulled back. "Good. Now stay still."

It only took a moment before he undid the cuffs that kept her to the ground, walking back to the desk before he spoke up, "Now, I'm sure you're all thirsty. Drink up!" At first, River was confused about what was going on, but it was only when it all clicked as he picked up the dishes and set them on the ground what was going on. Leaf and Shimmer quickly clambered over and lapped at the moisture, the female's tail wagging softly as she drank while the male remained mostly still, his cock now on full display between his hinds. The black dragoness looked between her back legs, remembering that she would never have a dick like that again as her pussy instead clenched around the emptiness inside, yearning to be filled. She did catch Ace's eye, walking over to join her fellow pets as she looked down into the water bowl. It was only now she got a glimpse at her snout, noticing a few splashes of blue around her face, seeming to resemble the name she had been given. She felt frightened seeing a dragon staring back, her horniness seeming to build as well as a spank on her rear from her Owner brought her back to reality.

She dipped her head down, letting out a soft moan as she began lapping at the water with her tongue. She found herself struggling to get much, glancing over at the other two and noticing how they hooked their tongues to catch the water, mimicking them and finding similar success despite still having a hard time nonetheless. She could feel her pride leaving her, stopping for a moment as she pondered why she was giving into this so much, but she had no choice now. She had become the dragon she'd wanted, but not in the way she thought. The cool water was refreshing after the intense transformation, but looking beside at the other dragons, how these noble creatures like her were drinking out of bowls like dumb pets... It made her realize how much more powerless she had become from turning into a human into a majestic dragon.

They finished their water when River had reached about the halfway point, Ace noticing her progress and encouraging her with a pet along her neck before stepping back, "You got this, girl. You're a natural pet. I bet I'll barely even have to train you much for anyone to think that's all you've ever been.~" He then called the other two animals into the other room, walking out with them before shutting the door to let her finish.

She took a breather for a moment as he left, hearing her collar jingle as she moved, looking at her paws as she thought to herself. 'I don't think I could even open a door with these... How can I escape?' It was true she could be put into chastity, and she was turned on by it all, but she knew how wrong this was and she wasn't about to give in to some perverted fantasy, to give up her freedom so easily. No, she was going to wait till he'd be looking away and find an easy escape point. If she was going to leave she wouldn't have any room for error, so she couldn't be sloppy. All she had to do was keep an eye out for his habits and maybe she could find a flaw she could exploit. 'I can do this... Stay strong, Mark. You aren't a female, you aren't a pet...'


Ace spent the next hour teaching her some tricks on how to act like a pet, telling her to stay, sit, roll over and such. River didn't want to obey, but for some reason, when he held out a dragon treat for her, her brain seemed inclined to submit, almost persuading her it was right along with a blissful wave sent through her body as she was rewarded with pleasure from herself whenever she received a treat. She wasn't sure if the collar was somehow causing her to feel bliss or the injection from before, but she couldn't deny how hot it was to be forced into it all, thoughts about giving in crossing her mind before shaking them away, telling herself to remain strong.

Later that night, after she'd been acquainted with the house, Ace brought them to the bedroom for them to sleep, three pet beds lying on the floor for them. River kept an eye on him as he climbed onto the bed, noticing he didn't bother to lock or close the door of the room. Shimmer climbed on top of the mattress shortly after, giving a sway of her tail above the black dragoness, purring as Ace gave her pets while Leaf walked to the other side of the bed to lie down. It only took about an hour for the man to fall asleep, letting out a soft snore as he rested. River could also hear Shimmer's soft sighs, taking a breath of relief that the feisty female didn't act as some sort of bodyguard for him from how protective and full of herself she was. Oddly enough though, she could hear Leaf letting out soft grunts, wondering what he was doing before hearing the soft plaps of something on the other side of the bed. She huffed quietly to herself, looking down in her curled form at her own pussy before clearing those thoughts from her head as she quietly ventured to the door.

She pushed past it after nosing it, thankful it didn't make a creak, taking one careful pawstep after another while making sure to keep her neck still so the tag didn't jingle. 'God, it's like an alert system fixed to me. No, stop, I should like that!' She could feel a pulse of need once more at the thought, walking down the wooden dark hallway lit only by the moon from the windows in the living room. She walked inside the big room, looking around at everything she could see, trying to figure out what a good route of escape would be. The doors to the front seemed locked, not that it mattered as she wouldn't be able to open it if it was unlocked anyways, but she kept it in mind. She also noticed a note on a table in the center of the room, placing her paws on it to raise herself, reading it to herself. 'New Order: Wing Binders. Sizing... It's blank. Shit. He wants to stop me from flying away. I have to get out of here!'

She considered a lot of things over the next hour, wondering if she should just throw herself against the window to try to break it. But in reality, whether she did or didn't break it, she didn't doubt that the wizard would somehow be able to capture her. No, she'd have to wait and find a way to get far enough out that he couldn't find her. 'It seems like he'll have to deliver this mail himself.' She pondered, looking back at the table as she had climbed onto the couch, feeling more confident as the jingles from her collar she'd accidentally made seemed to not alert anyone in the bedroom. 'Maybe when he leaves I can find a way out...' Keeping this in mind as an overwhelming feeling of tiredness overcame her, she slowly made her way onto the floor, preparing to return to bed before another rush of heat in her crotch caught her attention.

She thought back to Leaf from the other room, knowing he must have been getting off, wondering if she could do the same without any repercussions. She couldn't deny how the horniness of it all was tempting her to give in. Maybe if she relieved herself from the heat then she'd be able to focus more? She partly hated how she wanted to get off to it all, lashing her tail once, but with a glance back at the hallway to the room, making sure she was out of sight of them, she lay down onto her side, giving a pant as she raised her leg and looked over her vagina.

She leaned her snout down towards her nethers, taking in a deep whiff of her aroma as she marveled at how feminine she smelled, feeling like she was in a dream once more as she pressed out her tongue and licked across her wet vent. She instantly was rewarded with spikes of pleasure, ricocheting through her body as she moaned out softly from the feeling. She continued, pressing between the soft folds, feeling how they parted eagerly for her entry. She stopped for a moment to focus then on her clit, feeling that nub standing out as her cock once had before, now so small. She circled her tongue around it, enamored by the sensitivity of it, a strong crash washing over her as she clenched her legs over her face, starting to suckle on it from how good it felt.

She was careful with her teeth over those sensitive bits, letting her wings relax and splay slightly behind her against the couch she was laying against, her tail swaying softly in lust as she gave herself oral. She closed her eyes, relishing in those feminine waves, most unlike the masculine pleasure she had once felt. It was almost like a constant flow of bliss, just coursing through her, unlike the sudden jolts she'd felt as a male. Still, she could feel that tensing need of an orgasm on the horizon, focusing on that thought as she then delved her tongue into her cunt, feeling those walls welcome it in. It almost felt like a snake, constricting around it, stroking her appendage heatedly as it would to a drake's shaft, that once empty feeling inside her starting to fill before she withdrew. She slurped up her liquids, tasting her surprisingly fresh taste, not quite fruity as she had imagined in RP's and yet not quite disgusting either.

She searched for her G-Spot as she went on, arching over herself in a way she hadn't been able to do as a human, moaning softly before realizing she could use it as a vibration to stimulate her further. Humming, she prodded against the velvety walls, feeling each clench before eventually letting out a soft squeal as she found her nub! She paused, frozen as she worried one of the others in the bedroom may have heard her, but after waiting a few moments and hearing nothing she continued, keeping herself quiet. It was erotic to think of getting caught, but Ace never said she wasn't allowed to pleasure herself, only that she couldn't escape. But still, it was humiliating to be masturbating in the open living room, curled up on the floor like a pet, and that seemed to spur her on more.

She began bobbing her head up and down, withdrawing her tongue before plunging in once more to feel those orgasmic pulses overtake her senses, making her lost in the moment. She rubbed against that inner button, grinding as much as she could with her soft length, tasting herself as she felt with the tip of her tongue the entrance to her cervix! She huffed, her hot breath wafting against that similarly heated vagina, feeling that bliss climbing higher and higher. But after a few minutes, focusing on that need, she found herself growing frustrated. She could feel that peak so close, feel herself about to fall over that edge as blissful waves and contractions came over her, but even as she relished in that, she never found herself satisfied or reaching that ultimatum. Instead, she stopped, shivering hotly as she then splayed on her back, looking up at the ceiling as she panted for breath.

She glanced down at her crotch, seeing her own fluids covering her nether regions, her body rocking slightly with each blissful motion inside her, but instead of the relief she craved, it seemed to only taunt her. She went back at it for what she could only assume was about half an hour, pumping into herself with her tongue and switching to her tail after a while as she leaned back, hoping her thicker length would be able to fulfill her. Instead, she found herself at a loss, keeping her tail inside her pussy as she felt her lips close over and stroke it, staying on that high without being able to teeter over the edge. She growled softly before pulling out her tail, watching the strands of her arousal that connected it before they snapped apart, letting it lay on the ground.

'God... did he put another spell on me? I can't... I can't even get off fully...' She whimpered softly, trying to stay quiet as she stared at the roof, wondering if maybe this was just a female thing, that there wasn't really a peak like she'd had as a male. 'No, I can feel it... I just... can't.' She then pulled herself onto her feet once more, shivering as she found herself nearly unable to stand, knowing she'd most likely be spreading her scent throughout the house. She felt her blood heat up at the thought, dipping her head in embarrassment as to what Ace and the other pets would think, but at this point, she was so tired she just wanted to sleep.

She collapsed soon after onto her plush pillow in the bedroom, hearing Leaf's soft voice now snoring as well after his own orgasm he'd most likely experienced. But for her, she could only hope she'd be able to rest with that craving just ravaging her every thought, attempting to think of an escape instead as she curled around herself, her scent in her nostrils as she began drifting. Tomorrow she'd watch Ace more closely. Maybe then she could find a way out, and maybe along the way earn herself the orgasm she so badly craved. 'I don't know how long I can last like this... I just wanna cum so badly...' Still, she eventually found some slight relief in her slumber, eyes drifting closed as she listened to the others in the room, dreaming wet dreams as she finished her first day as a pet for her new Owner.

Morning Rituals [CM]

Jacob awoke with heavy eyes, lazily opening one as he drifted back to consciousness to try and gather himself. His whole body felt heavy, pulling him down further into the covers, tempting him to sleep in just a few more minutes. He could feel the...

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Cosmo Soup [CM]

After such a long time, what felt like years to Cosmo, finally came the day she'd always desired and imagined. She couldn't imagine anything more erotic and enticing than to feel that wet maw of Derek's closing over her body, tasting every inch of...

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Embracing Instincts

The first thing she felt was a sudden jolt from beneath her, a loud thud rousing her from her dazed and thoughtless sleep. As the world around her drifted back into focus, she numbly became aware of the soft brush of wind flowing over her body, a...

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