Diary of a Sex Slave - Part Two

Story by Kalazee on SoFurry

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Okay guys, finally, part two! This (if you hadn't already guessed from the title) is part two of a three part (i think) story. You can read part one by copying and pasting this here link into your address bar.


You can also see a rather amazing commission of Lady Corliss, who lent her name and likeness to a character within the story right here!


She's very sexy, trust me.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the story! Forgive me, as usual, for any errors that slip past me! Have fun!

Diary of a Sex Slave - Part Two

I stood motionless before the gleaming blades.

But it was the gleam in the eyes of the one that wielded them that held me, frozen by my own fear.

The grey leopardess strode towards me almost casually, flanked on either side by the two women I thought of as her cronies. Her feet splashed quietly on the wet shower tiles beneath them, the suggestive sway of her hips transformed by the situation into a predatory stalk.

She was excited, her eyes wide and shining, a cruel smile on those full lips, violet eyes burning into mine. It seemed to take hours for her to cross the shower room, her soft giggles echoing around the empty room. She carried the scissors in both paws, held just below her navel as a priest holds a relic or a bride holds her bouquet, proudly displaying the sinister object to me.

I knew that I should run, but despite my urgings my body would make no other movement save for the ones it was already making. I was pressing my back into the tiles as if I could push my way through them and escape.

As the women drew within a few feet of me, panic replaced fear and, too late, my body moved. I sprang forward with a cry, only to find the hands of Candice's cronies around my wrists, a terrified scream bursting from me as I found myself forced against the shower wall. The two women weren't particularly strong, but I was not a fighter. I had never needed to be. I was popular in school; I had never had to face up to a bully. I was far more used to defending myself against unwanted male attention than any violent threat.

I made one more attempt to escape, throwing myself forwards with as much panicked force as I could muster. Candice brought a stop to my attempts herself, a paw on my shoulder pushing me back against the wall, pinning me there even as the other women pinned my wrists to the wall on either side of me.

"Now, now Soumis Dahlin'..." she drawled in a breathy murmur. "...You wouldn't wanna leave just yet, would ya? After ah went through so much trouble setting up this little meetin'."

She moved suddenly, her free paw suddenly around my throat, her breast pressed tight against mine as she forced her body against me. She gave me that cruel grin of hers as she brought the scissors up, separating the blades before my wide eyes. My heart was thudding hard, pounding in my ears. I couldn't tear my eyes from the two sharpened points that were now hovering inches from my face. I felt them prick against my skin as Candice touched them to my cheek, letting them drag slowly down to my jawline.

"You think you're hot stuff, don't ya dahlin'..." she murmured, her tone a seductive purr. "Ya think ya can just waltz into the Lord's Quarter with ya perky lil' tits and spread your legs for a few Lords and Ladies and get what most of us had to work for right away..."

We were both breathing hard, but in very different ways. While I sucked in breath in panicked gasps, she took deep, measured breaths; her lips parted with a lover's sensuousness... Being in control, having me at her mercy... These things obviously excited her. Behind the ever present hate in her eyes I saw the same want I had seen in the sea green eyes of Lady Corliss when she'd welcomed me to The Household by inflicting both pain and pleasure on me in front of an audience of hundreds.

Suddenly, the air was forced from my lungs by a crushing impact against my stomach. Candice's knee brought me to mine, gasping for breath. I wanted to curl up, to clutch my stomach, but the two women still held my wrists, forcing my arms apart. I raised my head just in time to catch a resounding slap that snapped my head to the right, flinging tears from my eyes. I let my head hang after that, sobbing as softly as I could, my eyes squeezed tightly closed.

I could hear quiet splashes as Candice walked up and down in front of me. Tiny metallic grinding noises told me that she was opening and closing the scissors as she walked. That tiny sound frightened me more than anything else, and I closed my eyes tighter, whimpering, willing myself somewhere else.

Another slap opened my eyes. Candice gripped my lower jaw, forcing me to look into those cold violet eyes. She was bent over, her face mere inches from mine, her breath hot on my face.

"Pay attention ya good for nothin' whore, 'cause ya don't wanna miss a second of this... When we're done with you, no Lord or Lady is gonna want ya... And they'll ship ya off to the Common Quarter where a common whore like you belongs..."

She dropped me then, straightening and sauntering around me and the women that held me, taking her time... It seemed she loved to keep me waiting, to keep me in anticipation.

"Please..." I whimpered, finding my voice for the first time since the ordeal began. "D-don't..."

I craned my neck around as far as it would go, but I could see only the edge of a grey thigh in my peripheral vision that gave me no clues as to what my tormentor was doing. She ignored my pleas, instead responding by grabbing a pawful of my hair.

Many had told me that my hair was my best feature. It was a fiery red, wavy and undeniably beautiful, running the length of my back all the way down to my hips. My friends had loved to braid and plait it when I stayed at their houses; my boyfriends had loved to run their fingers through it as we made out. Even my boss, the overweight, stinking bear who owned the video store at which I had worked, loved to pull on it as he screwed me over his desk each morning.

Candice tugged on my hair, the stinging pain in my scalp making me cry out. I was trembling...No, shaking. I wanted to turn my head, to see what she was preparing to do to me. But doing so would have meant having a good handful of hair torn out... And besides, I felt I knew what she intended.

A quiet sound, like metal on silk, confirmed my dreaded suspicion... I felt a cold, wet lock of hair fall free, sliding over my rump and falling to tiles on which I knelt. Candice and her 'friends' cackled cruelly as they watched it fall, adding to my shame. Though I had imagined fates much worse under the wicked points of those scissors, I felt like a part of me was being cut away. They were taking something I had cared for, treasured and made beautiful since I was 14 and making it ugly, destroying it.

I closed my eyes again, weeping silently as more hair fell to the tiles. I truly hated the Leopardess in a way I had never hated anybody before. Like the name I was given on induction into The Household, I was naturally submissive when it came to conflict, my actions motivated by emotional hurt. If anything should come between a friend and I, I always felt a deep sadness, a need to heal the rift that had opened between us. But not this time. Anger burned inside me now, a rage that melted the icy chill of fear that held me helpless in their hands.

The women on either side of me gasped as I twisted out of their grasp. As I whirled around I caught the briefest glimpse of Candice, wide eyed in surprise before my palm struck her face.

I had never slapped anybody before, but I had received more than enough in my time at The Household to know just how to make it hurt, and the blind rage that guided me added a strength to the strike that I could never have mustered ordinarily. The connection between her cheek and my paw was exhilarating. It made my heart jump in my chest, almost made me laugh out loud. Candice's head snapped to the side, the force of my blow seeming to spread throughout her entire body. She twisted her side as she fell to the floor, letting loose a shriek of surprise as much as pain.

I scrambled to my feet, giggling quite madly. I must have looked terrifying, for the women on either side of me scrambled away from me on their behinds, their bare flesh squeaking against the tiles. I barely noticed them however; my attention was focused solely on Candice, lying on her side on the floor, her face turned downwards and away from me. Slowly, she lifted her head to face me.

Her expression turned my veins to ice.

Her face was a picture. One that must have been one of the last that many of our feral ancestors had seen. As she turned towards me I could see three red lines across her cheek where my nails had caught her. Her eyes were narrowed to slits, her lips deformed in a tooth baring snarl, her fur standing on end all over her body. At the sight of that terrifying visage all the courage my anger had brought drained away. I started to back away, but Candice was already moving. She was on her feet blindingly quickly, throwing herself at me with a furious snarl. She slammed into me and knocked me onto my back, her rage-filled body on top of me. I struggled, screaming in terror, but she had her hips on top of mine and was pinning me down. Time stretched into one long moment as her paw, grasping the scissors, was raised above her head. Her eyes flashed as mine closed. I had a vision then, a premonition of sensation. I could feel my flesh part for those wicked blades, could feel them slide into my chest, into my heart... I lived through that unimaginable agony in one moment.

Suddenly, the pressure on my hips was lifted. Amazed, I opened my eyes. I saw Candice, held between two strong figures dressed all in black. The Blackshirts... And beside her, a cheetah. You, my love, had saved me again.

You got to your knees beside me, your paw on my shoulder, those beautiful hazel eyes searching mine, so full of compassion and concern.

"Soumis?" you said. "Soumis? Are you okay?"

I tried to speak, tried to thank you for rescuing me for the second time, but all I could do was cry...

You gathered me up, wrapping your arms around me and holding me close to your warmth, stroking what was left of my hair as I sobbed into your chest, whispering softly and soothingly to me. I lay there in your arms for a long time before I got a hold of myself again.

I sat up, brushing tears from my cheek fur. You kept an arm around me the whole time, keeping me close to you... Your warm touch did so much to soothe me then, even though I felt so ugly. I must have been, lying there with my eyes red and puffy, my cheeks stained with tears, my hair in tatters... But you didn't seem to care.

Behind you, the imposing figure of Lady Corliss stood. Though Candice and the other two women had already been taken away, Blackshirts still stood around her authoritative figure, awaiting the Lady's instruction. She was dressed in one of her trademark evening dresses, this one black and simple, her whip coiled at its hip. She was staring down at me with a cocky grin on her face, seeming, to enjoy my vulnerability as much as Candice did.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked her, forgetting in those circumstances to show the respect I should have.

You whispered in my ear, your paw tightening on my shoulder. "She's the one I went to when I found out what was happening Soumis... She brought the Blackshirts."

Lady Corliss smiled coldly, placing her paws on her hips. "That's right... Though I think Amber here deserves some credit. The other women you were sharing this shower with were far too scared of Candice to do anything." She tossed her head back, long blue locks flying over her shoulder. "That girl... Acts so tough, but a few touches of my whip and she's crying like a schoolgirl."

Corliss moved towards me, her heels clicking on the tiles. When she did your other arm went around me and you protectively pulled me closer to you. Unconsciously, I let my body turn towards you, my hand going to your waist, hugging your body to me as well.

If Corliss noticed, she ignored it. She brought her leg forwards, allowing it to slip between a slit in her dress, exposing a long, slim calf and a thicker, yet toned thigh to us.

"Remember Soumis..." she purred softly, letting a paw on her hip slide down that blue-furred thigh. "You owe me for this... And I'll make sure you repay me in full."

She licked her lips, leaving her statement hanging in the air as she turned and strode from the shower room her voice echoing off the cold tiles as she barked orders at the Blackshirts. The she turned the corner, and we were alone.

You helped me to my feet, handling me as delicately as a collector handles a china doll. We made our way slowly back to the dorms, your arm around my waist, walking hip to hip with me as you took me to my bed. We sat on the edge of my bed for a minute or two in silence... I was still in shock, and you knew it. You simply sat with me and held me until I spoke.

I ran my fingers through my tattered hair, noting with a sigh of despair how each finger seemed to come to the end of a strand at a totally different time.

"Oh Amber..." I sighed, letting my paws fall uselessly to my sides. "What am I going to do now?"

You smiled then, patting my thigh as you stood up. "Wait here." You said, giving me a reassuring smile as you walked briskly away from me. You returned minutes later, a hand mirror in one paw and a pair of scissors in the other.

"What do you think?" You called to me, opening and closing the scissors with a metallic click. "Time for a new look?" You smiled to me brightly, giving a little giggle.

I couldn't help but smile at your enthusiasm, turning away from you slightly, shaking my head. "I don't know Amber..."

"Oh come on." You said, climbing onto my bed behind me. "Better to have me hacking at your hair than Candice, right?" You giggled again, turning my head to face forward, steadying me. "Now face front and hold still, I don't want to cut your ears off."

I couldn't help but giggle too, and I relented, putting my trust in you. After all, you had rescued me from Candice twice... If anyone had earned trust from me, it was you.

Nearly an hour later I sat at the edge of my bed, gaping into the hand mirror you'd brought.

"My god, it looks amazing!"

It was short... Far shorter than it had been in years, the ends coming to a curving end just below my jawbone. I'd have never thought of cutting my hair so short before, but I liked it. The absence of those long red tresses tumbling down my back brought a lot more attention to the curves of my spine and hips, even if it did feel odd not to have the tips tickling the top of my rumpcheeks.

Your face appeared in the mirror besides mine, grinning happily. "You see? Bet you thought I'd do a terrible job didn't you?" Your went to my shoulders, giving them an affectionate squeeze. "You look just as good as before, if not better... If I do say so myself!"

I turned my body to face yours, smiling. I found it hard to believe that I could feel so happy after the traumatic events of the morning.

"Amber..." I said, placing my paw on top of yours and squeezing gently. "Thank you... Thank you so much."

You blushed, but smiled, taking my paw in yours and returning the squeeze. "That's alright sweetheart. It doesn't matter."

I shook my head. "No, it does matter... You saved me from a beating when I first arrived here. You may have saved my life today. I mean it Amber..." I stared into your eyes, trying to communicate my sincerity to you with all my being. "I don't know how to thank you..."

Your smile slowly faded, replaced by an expression that I know mirrored my own.

Barely realising what I was doing, I leaned towards you, closing my eyes as our lips met. I kissed you slowly, softly. Your lips, your body, both tense against mine, but I continued to brush my lips against yours. Slowly the tension began to melt, and you began to return my kiss with a tenderness that made my heart stop.

Suddenly, you pushed me away from you. You didn't even look at me as you clambered off my bed.

"No, we can't... It's not allowed, we're... I'm sorry..."

You got to your feet, and then you were leaving me, moving briskly away from me in a half run. I watched you go, feeling suddenly so empty...

I looked around me. Nobody had noticed that one moment of intimacy... Or at least they were pretending not to have seen. All except one person.

A Blackshirt.

He stood a few beds away from me, and he was staring at me with that cold, blank stare they all possessed. I recognised him. He was a large, well built Bull, and he had been amongst the group of men that had been gangbanging Candice. I had watched as, grunting and sweating, he had thrust his cock in and out of Candice even as his friend had done the same to her throat, watched him grin as his friend ejaculated thick ropes of semen over her ample breasts.

If he had been there, then that meant that he'd been among the men who'd abandoned his guard duty this morning. Abandoned me to Candice.

I returned the stare, challenging. He simply stared back, impassive. I thought I saw a flicker of guilt cross his face before he turned away, gazing stoically towards the opposite wall. Without speaking a word, we'd reached an understanding. I knew he would not tell.


I jumped at the unexpected voice beside my ear, turning quickly to see a human girl staring down at me in puzzlement.

"Silk!" I said. "You really scared me there."

The human slave I had known before the Household as Becky frowned at me, placing one hand on her hip. She had been named Silk for the soft, smooth quality of her skin, a name that she thoroughly deserved.

"What...happened to your hair?" she asked hesitantly.

She shook herself, waving her hand in front of her face. "Agh, no, never mind that. This is serious."

"Serious?" I asked. "What's wrong?"

Silk jerked a thumb in the direction of the door, where two Blackshirts stood waiting, arms folded, staring directly at me. "They've come to get you Soumis... They say the Master summons you." Her face broke into worry here, and she sat on the bed beside me, taking my paw in her hands. "Are you in trouble? What happened?"

I looked over my best friend's shoulder. The Blackshirts were getting impatient. If I didn't come now, they would come and get me. I placed my paw on Silk's shoulder, enjoying as always the pleasant feel of her smooth, furless skin. So odd, but so nice.

"I'm sorry Silk... I have to go..."

As I stood, I kissed her forehead on impulse.

"I'll be fine Silk, I'll explain everything when I get back."

I looked back as I walked. She was staring after me as if this was the last time she'd ever see me. I gave her a quick smile and a wave, then surrendered myself to the Blackshirts.

They each clipped a leash to my collar and walked out of the room. I followed, keeping the leash slack. Candice may kick and scream and fight, but I had no wish to annoy these giant, muscled men. Idly, as we walked, I considered doing what she had done, bribing them with my body, allowing them to have their way with me in some side room in return for allowing me to remain in the dorm, but I knew that would never work. The Blackshirts were notoriously loyal, and it must have taken skills of manipulation that I just didn't possess to coerce them into accepting sex for a favour. Besides, Becky had mentioned the Master. There was no way that they'd disobey him.

As we walked the opulently decorated hallways of the Lord's Quarter, the lavishly dressed Lords and Ladies stopped, stared and whispered to each other, pointing to me as I passed. A pair of Ladies lay on a sofa, naked from the waist down, feeding each other sex juices directly from the pussy of an Equine slave who sat between them, legs spread wide as their fingers delved inside her over and over again. They halted their feast for a moment as I passed by, one, a wolf murmuring to the other.

"That's the one... What on earth would the Master want with her? It's not often he takes time to settle matters of discipline himself..."

The other, a black and white lop-eared rabbit, sucked her fingers clean of the juices that clung to them before replying.

"Well, apparently that Candice girl has something to do with it. You know how she's one of his favourites..."

They said more, but being led as I was, the remainder of their conversation was out of my earshot.

Presently, we came to a large, ornate door. It, like many others throughout the Quarter, was covered in decorative Gold leaves and vines, but this one was something special. It was much larger than the others were, for one, at least twice the size of a normal doorway, and the decoration that covered its surface was of a far higher quality of any other.

I was made to wait for a long time, standing meekly behind my two escorts. They seemed to become as uncomfortable as I as the minutes dragged on, beginning to fidget and move from foot to foot. Eventually, the doors parted. And who should come through but Lady Corliss herself.

The Lady was looking very dishevelled. Her normally perfect hair was in disarray, hanging over her face in wispy strands. Her dress was rumpled and creased, and one strap hung off her shoulder, exposing a great deal of cleavage to the guards, who tried their best not to look. She moved as if fatigued, but she looked pleased.

She smelt like sex. Male sex.

I could smell cum on her... or possibly in her. As she walked by me, she patted my cheek, giving me a knowing smile.

"Don't worry Soumis, my dear." She said. "I've... put in a good word for you." She giggled as she began to walk away, signalling to my guards over her shoulder. "Take her in boys!"

The doors parted once more to reveal what could only be described as a throne room. It was far more expensively decorated than the others were and as I was led inside I found myself cringing. Every part of its design seemed to speak to me, telling me that I was not worthy of existing inside these walls.

At the head of the room, there was a raised area. On this raised area was a large, throne-like chair, and on this seat of power sat the Master himself.

He was a Panther with fur of the deepest black I had ever seen. He was an older man, probably around 45, and he carried an air of nobility and unquestioned authority in his face. As his gaze passed over me I felt that I needed to run from his sight, spend a few days preening myself before a mirror, because the though of appearing imperfect to such a man was a frightening thought. He was clothed in a black silk robe that was wound tightly around his torso, but I didn't need to see him without it to know the body beneath was strong and muscled, though he was smaller and more wiry than the guards that held me.

On either side on the throne, two of the most beautiful women I had ever seen lazed on piles of pillows. One was human; a blonde girl of about 18 while the other was a lizard with gorgeous blue scales. Both women had bodies that you'd normally only find in advertisements or porn movies, and both seemed utterly disinterested in me. I head heard of these women. They were two of the Master's personal slaves. Like me, they the white collars of slaves selected solely for sexual service, but unlike me, their seemingly perfect bodies were for the Master's use only.

Before the throne was Candice. It made the hair on the back of my neck stand up just to see her.

She was kneeling before the throne in the posture we had been trained to assume when dealing with those above us; with her legs slightly apart, hands behind her back, head bowed meekly. Her tail twitched slightly as she sensed my approach, but otherwise she was still. The Blackshirts unclipped their leashes and left the room, leaving me standing, frightened before the Master's powerful gaze.

"Kneel beside her." Boomed his voice, and I found myself moving before thinking. I knelt beside Candice, assuming the same posture as her, bowing my head low.

He stood slowly and inspected us both, making his way from his throne down to where we knelt. He was a powerful presence indeed, and I could feel a sort of awe wash over me as he came closer. I saw Candice shiver beside me... She felt it too.

"What shall I do with you?" he said quietly, walking up and down thoughtfully before us. "I cannot have my slaves disrupting my household now can I?"

He stopped in front of Candice. As he looked down at her, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"You... I take you into my Household, I personally have you brought here from the Common Quarter when it seemed like you were too sick to survive the week. I make you one of my favourite slaves... And you repay me by causing all this trouble? By abusing my favour?"

Candice stayed silent, but out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw her lower her head a little more.

"And you..."

I jumped slightly as I realised the Master was talking to me. My heart was thudding...Whatever this man wanted done with me, it would only take his word and it would be done. I was very aware that my life was property to him, and was easily replaceable.

"This is the first time I've laid eyes on you... But I have heard much about you. Lady Corliss in particular speaks very highly of you."

I remembered the scent of sex surrounding her as she'd left the room. Whatever she had done, I doubted speaking was a large part of it.

"And yes, you cause trouble for me too... And with one of my favoured, no less?"

He shook his head, sighing. "Raise your heads."

We did as asked. He seemed much taller than he actually was, and not simply because we were kneeling while he was standing. His eyes met mine, and I found I had to turn away.

"I cannot abide my slaves disrupting my Household. Therefore, we must deal with whatever problem you have with one another immediately."

He leant forward slightly, the parting in his robe showing a muscled chest. He put a paw on each of our heads, making us both shiver, smiled and said simply: "I want you two to kiss."

I turned to Candice, seeing the same shock on her face as was on mine. Whatever we were thinking of doing to one another, kissing was at the bottom of a very, very long list. We glared at each other for a long moment, neither of us making the slightest move.

"Now!" Shouted the Master, the paws on each of our heads forcing us together, our mouths meeting in a sloppy clash of lips. I have to admit I began the kiss, too intimidated to defy the Panther standing commandingly over us. Candice soon began to return the kiss.

She was a surprisingly loving kisser, at least at first, her lips brushing over mine with a light, erotic pressure. With the urging pressure of the Master's paws on the back of our shoulders, we embraced each other, my hands resting on my enemies' hips. She brought her body to mine, her larger breasts squashed against mine. She thrust her hips against mine hard, connecting with a dull thud. It didn't really hurt, but the message was clear... I shared the sentiment behind that action.

She began to increase the pressure on my lips with hers, kissing more and more forcefully until my lips began to ache. She had her eyes open, as did I, and as we kissed our gaze burned hatefully into each other's eyes. Finally, the pain of her harsh kiss became too much and, without fully intending to, I bit her.

She squealed and pulled away from me, her fingers going to her lower lip. I could see a spot of blood where I'd bit her.

"You bitch!" She cried as she brought her paw to my cheek once again, slapping me.

I was surprised. She hadn't hit me very hard. I glanced at her suspiciously. She was grinning. Could it be she was enjoying this?

She was breathing hard, nipples erect on breasts that rose and feel with her heaving chest. Hate still burned in those cold violet eyes, but behind the fire was pure, animal lust. I couldn't bear to see her look at me that way. I brought back my paw and slapped her, hard. She gave a sharp cry as I hit her, her raven black ponytail coming loose, long black hair flowing free over her shoulders. I winced as she quickly moved towards me, expecting another slap.

Instead of striking me however, her paw slipped around the back of my head. Taking a handful of my now much shorter hair, she moved her body just over mine, leaning over me as she pressed her lips to my mouth. As I cried out, her tongue forced its way inside my mouth, lapping and writhing aggressively against my own wet muscle. She was trying to show her dominance over me, as she had the first time we had met.

I pushed my tongue against hers, struggling with it as I grabbed a pawful of her hair, tugging on it viciously. Either the pain or my fight against her seemed to excite her, and she moaned into my mouth with an animalistic lust.

It was the Master who separated us with a cry of "Enough!" as he easily tore us from each other. While Candice and I had been engaged in our battle for control, he had slipped his robe from his shoulders and now stood before us, proudly naked. He had a wonderful body, toned and muscular to perfection. One muscle in particular drew my eye.

His cock was fully erect, throbbing before us as we watched it. It must have been eight inches at least, it's shaft smooth, with barely any hint of the veins that pumped beneath the skin.

Out of all the species' malehoods, I have two favourites.

One of my favourites is the horsecock. There is something so masculine about such a long, thick dick, all covered in pulsing veins. Although all but the smallest were too big to fit inside me, I delighted in taking them in my mouth, sucking and licking and rubbing them over my face like a cat with catnip until they spurted their bountiful load over me.

The other belongs to felines...

While I stared transfixed, Candice crawled towards the Master. She took that shaft in her paws, smiling up at him, rubbing its tip against her lips.

"Please Master," she purred seductively, "Get rid of this common slut... Let me please ya..."

She sucked the tip into her mouth, closing her eyes and suckling on it sweetly, giving a kittenish moan I knew was fake.

I was not about to be outdone however. I crawled forwards on all fours until I knelt beside Candice. Shoulder to shoulder with her I nestled my head underneath hers and pressed my nose against the Master's velvety furred sac. This met with an encouraging touch from the Panther, so without hesitation I sucked one of those furry orbs into my mouth. I sucked on it lovingly until they drew up near the shaft, instead contenting myself with kissing and licking at them.

Candice had since brought about half of the Master's dick inside her mouth. With an evil smile I straightened up, pushing on the back of her head with one paw, forcing more of that thick member inside her. She coughed and spluttered, shooting me a hateful glare, saliva starting to run down her chin. This brought a smile from the Master, and he pulled his cock from Candice's mouth and instead fed it between my lips. I eagerly accepted it, starting to put the skills that had made me talk of the boy's locker room in high school to work.

I felt Candice lay a paw on my ass, parting my cheeks with one finger. Before I could resist she'd forced her middle finger into my tailhole with an evil little giggle. All I could do was squirm and moan uncomfortably as she began to roughly finger my tight hole. Her lips joined mine on the Master's dick, kissing and licking affectionately along any length of shaft that wasn't inside my mouth.

Soon it was my turn to be pushed away, and the Master stood before us, his cock wet with our saliva.

"You, Soumis." He said, pointing to me. "On your back."

I felt a thrill of delight run through me. I glanced to Candice, giving her my sweetest smile as I lay back, parting my legs to accept the Master's member. He followed me down, moving above me, nestling his lips between my thighs, that rock hard cock rubbing over my wet lips. He did not wait for permission, did not wait for me to guide him inside me... Why would he?

He simply took me, sliding himself into my sex with one smooth thrust. I arched my back with a moan, wrapping my legs around his waist as he began to fuck me.

As wonderful as his member was to look at, it was twice as good inside me. Before long I was in heaven, each thrust making my toes curl, moans and grunts of delight coming from me constantly. The Master was silent though, equally as poised in thrusting his cock between my silken sexlips as he had been sitting on his throne.

Candice knelt beside him, caressing his back, kissing his shoulders, cooing to him softly as he fucked me. Though she lavished attention on him constantly, her eyes were always on me, challenging and aggressive... I knew she would not stay on the sidelines long.

On either side of the throne, the Master's personal slaves lay on their cushions still. The lizard had apparently fallen asleep, while the human girl watched us. Though her hand was between her legs, two fingers rubbing her clit with a slow, measured pace, her expression was one of bemusement rather than lust. When she noticed me watching her she brought her hand from her pussy to her mouth, pressing the wet fingertips against her lips for a moment before she blew me a kiss, a silvery strand of her juices connecting her lips to her fingers for the briefest moment. To this day I can't decide whether that erotic gesture was intended to arouse or distract me.

A moment later I felt rather than saw a movement from Candice. I turned my attention back to her in time to see her swing her leg over my head. The Master was obviously pleased with this development, straightening his back to make room for the Leopardess. Soon she had a knee on either side of my head, facing the Master even as he continued to drive his cock into me. From beneath I could see very little of her body, Candice become little more to me than a pair of grey thighs and a pussy swollen with need, droplets of juice clinging to her outer lips like dew clings to a blade of grass.

"I hope ya like pussy dahlin'..." she murmured, lowering her hips, pressing her pussy down against my face.

At any other time I would have been repulsed by the hot touch of Candice's sex, but perhaps some of the mad, animal lust that had so quickly overtaken the other woman was affecting me too. I was having sex with the most powerful man in the Household and my most hated enemy, and I couldn't tell which was more exciting. Either way, the heat of her pussy against my face was a challenge. To struggle from her now would be a defeat.

I pushed my tongue against her pussylips, unable to suppress a tiny moan as the first taste of my enemy's sex. She was deliciously sweet, which surprised me greatly, having assumed that her pussy would taste as bitter as her personality.

I made a mental note to thank my rabbit friend and fellow slave, Kelly. Even though I had only experienced my first taste of a woman barely a month ago, the lop-eared lesbian had taught me to use my tongue with an expertise that belied my inexperience, and Candice was now reaping the benefits of her tutoring. She squirmed on top of me; a tone of delighted surprise in her moans... It seemed she hadn't expected me to be as good as she was finding me to be.

I closed my eyes, smell and sensation becoming my world.

Under the overpowering scent of Candice's pussy, I could just about pick up the scent of the Master. He was sweating as he expertly thrust his cock into me, moving his hips so that he thrust into me at a different angle every time. I wrapped my legs more tightly around his waist, and he responded by increasing his pace. The wet sounds my pussy made as he ravaged it were audible even over the moans and grunts Candice and I constantly made as we vocalised our pleasure.

I felt Candice lift her hips up and away from me, her hips shuddering. Pride bloomed in my chest as I realised that she was trying to prevent me from bringing her to climax. I understood completely. If I were the type who would thrust her pussy into another woman's face to dominate and embarrass her, I would be ashamed to have the woman bring me to orgasm.

I placed my paws on top of those grey furred thighs, forcefully pulling her back to me, aggressively assaulting her sopping quim. She fought to escape, but she was too close to orgasm, muscles weakened by the pleasure sweeping through her. She grunted, squirmed and twisted, but I held on tightly, my tongue unrelentingly lapping at her quivering sex, my cheeks wet.

Finally, her self-control crumbled and she ground herself against my lips, almost screaming as she came, her sex gushing juices onto my tongue. I let them pool in my mouth, waiting for the orgasm that signalled my only victory over her came to a shuddering halt before I swallowed them, savouring the taste that was my rival's defeat.

I released my grip on her and she rolled off me to lie gasping on the carpet by my side. Opening my eyes I saw the Master smiling knowingly down at me. I locked eyes with him for the first time, and he stared right back.

As he lay over me, thrusting his wonderful cock into me, I finally understood. He hadn't summoned us here and commanded two bitter enemies into frenzied sex thinking it would solve our differences... He knew it wouldn't. He had used us.

It is not uncommon to hear the saying; 'Love and Hate are two sides of the same coin.' He had used our antipathy for one another, our negative passion, to whip up an exhilarating sexual frenzy in us. Then, when our lusts were sufficiently stirred he had taken us, used us for his own pleasure.

I found I could not dislike him for it. After all, we were slaves. Our purpose was to be used as sexual objects, and that was exactly what he had done. So I squeezed my thighs more tightly around his thrusting hips, placed my paws on that strong chest, slippery with sweat, and rode the waves of pleasure my Master's dick brought me.

Candice had managed to recover from her orgasm enough to clamber unsteadily onto all fours, her chest heaving still. She made her way over to me and lay on her front beside me, her mouth inches from my ear.

"This ain't over yet, bitch..." she whispered before pressing her lips to mine in a harsh, painful kiss.

I responded simply by pushing my tongue against hers, forcing her to taste herself on my tongue as a reminder of what I had done to her. She pulled away from me sharply at the taste of her sex, glowering at me disgustedly. Getting to all fours again she crawled to the Master, her paws going to his strong shoulders, kissing and fawning over him once more.

He seemed unconcerned with her, his attention focused on me as he thrust into me with a few long, firm thrusts, pulling himself from me quickly, wrapping his paw around his shaft and stroking it quickly. I spread my legs wide, surrendering my sex for decoration by his pearly white seed.

Candice moved quickly, climbing over me, shooting me a smouldering glare as she did. She wrapped her lips around the Master's cockhead mere moments before he would have exploded all over me. The Master did not object, enjoying our attempts to best one another as he was. As she closed her eyes with a satisfied moan, I watched her throat move as she swallowed, each undulation bringing a fresh load of jism down to her stomach.

As she continued to suckle lovingly, cooing sexually for the benefit of the Master, I got to my knees. I reached out a paw and slipped it between her legs, suspecting that she was the type of woman who'd stay sensitive after orgasm, at least, too sensitive for the rough grope that I gave her mound.

My suspicions were confirmed as she gave a yelp, irritably slapping my arm away. I couldn't help but giggle to myself at her reaction, wishing that I could have seen her face.

The Master looked down at me, the slightest trace of amusement in his smile.

"That's enough Soumis." He said to me in his booming voice. "You may return to the dormitory."

I glanced to Candice, but she was busying herself with The Master's cock. He was still as hard as he had been before spilling his seed into the Leopardess's mouth, and he was showing no sign of softening.

Not wishing to displease the Master with any sign of hesitance, I got to my feet.

I bowed low for the Master before I turned and made my way to the doors, a confident swing in my hips. My legs trembled a little from the arousal that still burned in me, but I felt like I was walking on air! Granted, these were odd circumstances, but I had never stood up to someone who'd antagonised me before and it felt wonderful... Were I not in the presence of the Household's ruler I might have skipped out of the room.

As I laid my paw on the door's handles I paused, looking behind me. The Master now had Candice on her hands and knees and had mounted her from behind, grasping her hips and thrusting into her with the long, firm strokes that had brought me such pleasure. She was moaning already, her breasts swinging beneath her with the force of the Master's fucking, raven black hair falling about her face unchecked.

Behind them, the human blonde was watching me with that amused smile still on her face. She had ceased to pleasure herself and simply watched, an impassionate observer to the scene before her.

On impulse, I blew her a kiss as I pulled the door closed.

An hour later I lay in my bed, freshly showered, exhausted... Yet utterly sleepless.

I had lain for some time in the gardens with Mishar, the tribal warrior wolfess I had met during my sexual training, relating the tale behind my new haircut to her, as well as my sexual battle with Candice. As we chatted and laughed together on the grass the buzz had slowly drained away, leaving me with a familiar emptiness... I had told every detail of the days events to Mishar... Every detail but one. I had not told her about our kiss.

Omitting it from my story burned it into my mind. Every time the image of you walking away from appeared in my mind's eye my heart seemed to empty. It soon became the only thing I could think about.

After a while Mishar and I had been chosen to serve as entertainment for a small private party being thrown by one of the Lords. At first, the Lords and Ladies had enjoyed us both, the women delighting in holding us down as the men took turns with us, but within half an hour the wolfess was getting far more attention than I.

Mere minutes after that, the party's host informed me that he no longer needed my services. I left close to tears, trying to ignore the pleasured cries from behind as Mishar provided what I, beset with preoccupation, could not.

I found myself beneath a hot torrent of water minutes later, showering alone apart from a couple of black collared slaves who were busy cleaning. With the steamy water flowing over me, I had tried to masturbate my tension away, but after ten minutes of fruitless fingering I slammed shut the shower's valve and stormed from the room accompanied by the giggles of the two cleaners, amused at my frustration.

Soon enough I had brought that frustration to bed with me, still awake an hour after the lights had gone out with nothing to do but listen to the breathing of the women around me.

Finally, moving as quietly as I could, I got to my feet. Purposefully but stealthily I crept between the rows of beds. There were hundreds in this dorm alone, but only one held the cure for my restlessness.

What I was doing was so dangerous... The Blackshirts were on guard. They were always on guard. Any slave found out of her bed after lights out would be severely punished, but that was preferable to the torture I would undergone had I stayed in my bed.

At last I found the bed I sought. I stood at its foot, watching the young woman's slumber. She was a cheetah... Amber... You. I don't know how long I stood there, watching, working up my courage. All I know is that it could well have been too long.

A shadow seemed to separate from the others... A Blackshirt!

With a fearful whimper I crouched down at the foot of the bed, but it was too late, he had already seen me... Time seemed to stand still as I waited for him to call out, waited for him to rush over to me, take me in his grasp and drag me away for punishment... Yet he did not move.

Hesitantly I straightened, peering into the blackness.

It was the Bull, the sole witness to our first kiss...

He stared at me a moment longer then sighed, turning away from me, dismissing me from his sight.

"Thank you..." I whispered quietly, my paws clasped together over my heart.

"Whatever..." He grunted softly. "This is the last time."

I nodded thankfully. As he turned and marched away, I silently squatted down beside your bed, the panic of nearly being caught motivating me to action. I reached out for you and stroked your cheek, whispering your name.

Your eyelids fluttered open, those lovely hazel irises peering at me questioningly as you recognised me. You knew better than to speak, but I saw the question form on your lips, lingering there silently.

After a long moment you shook your head, began to turn away from me.

My eyes immediately began to tear. I reached out again, laying my paw on your cheek, my eyes imploring you.

"No, Please..." I whispered to you. "Don't reject me."

You simply stared at me... You looked so torn and scared. I felt so small in that moment, squatting there beside your bed... But finally you relented. You lifted the bed sheet, shifting your body to make room for me on the narrow, single mattress.

Suddenly shy, I climbed slowly into your bed, slipping beneath the covers with you, your trapped body heat warming my skin.

"I'm sorry Amber..." I began, dropping my eyes to your collarbone, unable to meet your gaze. "This morning, after you cut my hair... I..."

The sudden pressure of your lips on mine cut me short. It was a tiny kiss, the briefest brushing of your lips against mine, but it silenced me as surely as if you'd clamped a paw over my mouth.

"Don't apologise..." You whispered to me.

We moved together this time, our eyes closing, out breath mixing in each other's mouths as our lips met. You brushed your lips over mine with a sweet tenderness that made my heart melt, your paw resting on my hip, gently squeezing to indicate your pleasure. I pushed my tongue against your lips and you parted them for me, the tips of our tongues delicately tickling each other.

Your lips sent a thrill through me unlike any other I'd ever experienced. The meaningless sex with my high school boyfriends, the cheap thrills obtained by submitting daily to the base animal lusts of my boss, even the near constant sex I'd enjoyed since arriving in the Household... All this paled in comparison to this one kiss shared with the only person that I have ever truly desired.

"I love you Amber..." I gasped, breaking the kiss.

You smiled, placed your paw on my cheek, your eyes wandering my face.

"Katie..." You whispered to me. "Katie Loenstern... And I love you too Soumis..."

I whispered my name to you... my true name. And you nodded, smiling.

"Beautiful... It suits you perfectly."

Our conversation ended with another meeting of lips. After all, our time was short, and we had more important things to do than talk.

Heat and passion soon replaced tenderness and sweetness; our tongues dancing in each other's mouths as our hands roamed each other's bodies. We facing each other on our sides, our breasts lightly touching, nipples hard and aching. Aware of the need for silence, we restricted ourselves to the quietest of breathy moans, keeping the movements of our bodies to a minimum.

Your head dropped to my breast, gently nuzzling my soft flesh. I gave a soft whine of pleasure as you flicked your tongue over my nipple, prompting you to lift your head and kiss my lips again, a reminder to stay silent.

I was in heaven, totally lost in our lovemaking. I would have loved to have spent the night exploring your body and allowing you to explore mine, but we both knew we wouldn't have long. The Blackshirt Bull's shift would not last all night, and when it ended another, far less forgiving guard would be along.

We parted our legs, guiding each other's paws to our hot mounds, sighing as our fingers entered each other. I arched my back and you did the same, our fingers beginning to work inside each other.

We were like mirror images of each other, two sexual machines working in unison...

When you slowed, I slowed. When I pushed deeper, you pushed deeper. We built each other up until we were trembling, then cooled each other down, only to build each other back up over and over again until we were gasping for release, our lips in constant contact.

You brought me to orgasm deliciously slowly, leaving me teetering on the edge of orgasmic bliss for minutes, my sex quivering around your fingers. Finally you allowed me to climax, and I buried my face against your chest, gasping and sighing as quietly as I possibly could, muffling what moans escaped me in the supple firmness of your breast.

Satisfied, I devoted myself to you. You gripped my wrist, your hips bucking, riding my fingers towards your climax. Your face as you orgasmed was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen... And is still.

I felt as if my heart would burst when I saw you screw your eyes shut, your lips parting in an orgasmic 'O'.

But then you turned from me, burying your face in your pillow to stifle your cries. Desiring your closeness I curled an arm around your waist and pulled you to me, wrapping a leg around your waist too, bringing your hips to mine, belly to flat belly, our breasts squashed into perfect circles. I held you close until your orgasm ended, enjoying the feel of your short, soft fur against me, stroking the brown hair that tumbled around your shoulders and kissing your forehead.

You smiled, your eyes remaining closed.

"That was amazing...," You said breathily. "I think that's the first time I've made love to anyone I actually had feelings for..."

"Me too..." I replied.

You opened your eyes, reaching out to touch the fur just below my collarbone. "Your fur is so lovely... Such an unusual red. You can't be all fox."

I shook my head slightly. "Part wolf..." I whispered, walking my fingers across the black spots that ran across your shoulder, making myself a promise to count every single one of them someday.

You were silent for a moment, staring at my chest, trailing a fingertip in circles just above my left breast. Then suddenly your eyes met mine, and you framed my face with your paws.

"You have to go." You said, your eyes wandering my face. "They can't catch us together... It's forbidden."

"I know...," I said, unmoving.

You smiled at my reluctance, giving my shoulders a gentle push. "Go..."

I grudgingly disentangled myself from you and slipped from beneath the covers, but before I could begin to move away, a paw slipped around my forearm.

Alarmed, I spun about, thinking the Blackshirts had caught me, but it was only you.

You were sitting up, leaning towards me. The bed sheets had slipped around your waist and your yellow fur seemed amber in the soft orange glow of the nightlights. You pulled me into a brief but passionate kiss, your paw squeezing my forearm gently.

"Tomorrow..." You whispered to me as we parted. "Meet me in the gardens..."

With that you lay back, your paw lingering on the back of mine for a moment. I could feel your eyes on me as I crept back to my bed. It felt like I needn't had crept at all... Buoyed by my happiness I felt like I could have stomped my way across the room like an elephant and still made it back to my bed undetected. I slid beneath the covers, curling up on my side with my knees close to my body. I couldn't stop smiling. I felt like I never would.

Katie Loenstern.

I rolled the name around on my tongue, whispering it to myself a few times in the near darkness. Even though I'd known you by your slave name 'Amber' for more than a month, your true name seemed fitting and natural to me immediately.

My heart flipped over as a sudden thought fought its way to the surface.

'I told her I loved her. And she said she loved me too!'

A girlish giggle broke from my mouth. I slapped my paw over my mouth, silently admonishing myself. Here I was, 22 years old and acting like a schoolgirl!

I grabbed a hold of my pillow, turning it lengthways as I rolled onto my front, pressing my body to the soft fabric. The fur around my thighs was still moist with my juices. Shivering inwardly at the memory of your loving touch I closed my eyes, structured thought collapsing into a happy tumble as I drifted into sleep...

I awoke in the morning with the other women as the Blackshirts yelled us awake, marching up and down the aisles, harassing any slave who was slow to rouse. I needed no encouragement, happily making my way into the shower room with a bounce in my step.

I joined a small group of women under one of the showerheads, chatting with them amicably until our ritual of cleansing degenerated into a playful battle using the foamy soap we were supposed to be washing with, our giggles and screams drawing bemused looks from around the room.

After I had dried off, I headed immediately for your bed in the hope that you'd be nearby. You were not, but that did not worry me in the slightest. After all, we had arranged to meet in the gardens. So, that skip still in my step, I set off to meet you.

I smiled to the slaves I passed in the hallways. I would have smiled to the Lords and Ladies too, but if I had, they might have taken a liking to me and then I could be engaged for hours. I wanted to be with you right away.

I passed a red collared mare sprawled on all fours in the centre of the hallway. An Equine Lord squatted over her, grunting as he drove his thick, ebony shaft into her tailhole. It must have been painful for her, but she handled it well, gritting her teeth and groaning her appreciation for the Lord's veiny member. As exciting a sight as it was, I kept my eyes down and hurried past, wary of being asked to join in. Luckily, the entrance to the artificial gardens were just a few feet away from that debaucherous scene of anal sex, and with a light push, the doors swung open.

The scene it revealed made my blood run cold.

The artificial sunlight painted the plants and flowers around the room as a sunny summer day, a light breeze making the leaves rustle. As always, the sound of running water was prevalent as the fountain's cherub spat an endless stream of clear water into the pool below it. You stood next to the fountain... And so did Candice.

I was too far to hear what she was saying, her words drowned out by the babbling water and the women that stood around you, watching, but from the expression on her face I could tell her intentions were far from friendly. You stood calmly before her, your arms folded over your chest, shaking your head, your eyes narrowed.

I started to walk towards you, unnoticed by you both since Candice faced away from me and you were far too engaged in your conversation. I clenched my paws into fists as I walked... You'd rescued me from her not once, but twice. I should have known that she would come after you too. But it was too late for that now. I would not allow her to antagonise you as she did me.

Candice's paw rose swiftly. To me, it was like the scene was in slow motion. I watched her paw come down agonisingly slowly, saw the expression of surprise and pain as her palm struck your cheek, watched your hair fly around your face as your head snapped back.

"Katie!" I screamed, clutching my paws over my heart at your cry out of pain.

Suddenly, the muttering voices around me fell silent. Slowly, the crushing realisation of what I had done dawned on me. The weight of my fatal error pressed down on me with the gravity of a sun, and I covered my open mouth with my paw, my eyes going to you. You were staring at me, your mouth hanging open too, those beautiful green eyes wide.

Candice turned slowly, frowning deeply.

"Katie?" She said, puzzled.

A question formed on her lips, but she did not need to ask it. It took her mere seconds to read the answer from my face. Slowly, like the dawning of an ice age, a cruel smile spread across her lips. A predator's grin.

The room was spinning around me, the edges of my vision darkening. I sank slowly to my knees, barely aware of the imposing shadows that closed in around me, their boots pounding, echoing in my head. Blackshirts, already coming for me. Coming for you.

You smiled to me sadly...

"Oh Soumis..."

Her Brother's Innocence - The Family Secret

Her Brother's Innocence - The Family Secret The summer morning sun shone bright and golden into the living room, despite the light rain that had begun to fall just moments ago. Somewhere, no doubt, a rainbow hung in the sky, but the two occupants...

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Diary of a Sex Slave - My introduction

_This is part one! Enjoy!_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Diary of a Sex Slave - My Introduction Not too...

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Beneath the Full Moon

This was written for my friend's birthday! The big perve that she is, she asked me to write a story that felt a bit... voyeuristic. She likes to watch, what's wrong with that?! :P Anyway enough chattering from me, here it is...

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