Tarin and Midnight

Story by Jon Girard on SoFurry

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This story is copy write to my and as are the characters represented here in.

This story contains explicit sexual acts between and male and a female as well as vampirism.


The characters

Tarin = not the same Tarin as my last story.. Well not technically if you would like the whole story please visit my home page and follow the link to Tarin http://www.angelfire.com/fang/Tarin. In this story he is a tiger anthro with black stripped blood red fur, large bat like wings , and small demon horns near his ears.

Midnight = Midnight is a human female who dabbles in the dark magic. She was raised by a demon father who plagues her dreams and has her believing that she cannot care, or love.... Only hate.

This will by my first attempt at writing from the females point of view


I once more found myself surrounded by the familiar darkness of the void. A place where I can retreat to when I feel I'm in danger, or just want to be alone. I know not why I can away from him. He was only trying to be kind to me. He called me kind... and it scared me. I cannot be kind... I cannot love... can I?

I found myself talking to myself as I always did when in the void. I soon found myself crying as I though that he might have left because of how I ran off. I would have given anything to have him stay with me... but now... I don't know if he still wants to. As I sat there in the darkness with tears running down my face I suddenly found myself sitting in my front yard, the void had left, or I was called from it. I look up and see Tarin, standing next to a horse of some kind but I pay it little mind, just glad he was still here.

"D-did you call me back?" I asked timidly for a change, I was usually arrogant and full of myself.

"No madam, but why do you cry? I did not mean to hurt you... if I did." spoke Tarin in his deep yet gentle voice that was only his.

I get up, wiping my hands over my eyes. I knew I wasn't crying. I don't cry, I can't cry... I have no reason to do such a thing. I move over to the well and drop the bucket, hearing it splash into the water below before I pull it up and was my face with the cool water. As I do Tarin walks up behind me slowly and speaks.

"Madam, I know who has been plaguing your thoughts, invading your dreams...."

I stop and turn to face him, unsure of what brought that up, but I let him continue none the less and turn back to the water.

"It is your father... He wishes you to believe you are evil. To believe you cannot care, and cannot love... but you can."

I stop once again and turn to him with an eyebrow raises. "My father? But I don't know him, I never have. Why would he do such a thing and.... How do you know this?"

It takes Tarin a few moments to speak, but as he does I can tell his words are sincere by the look in his eyes. "Your mother told me madam, she looks a lot like you. She told me he wishes you to think you are evil and nothing more so you can bear him a powerful demon child...."

I don't know what to think or say. My mother?... I thought she was dead, how could she have spoken with him, and why would she...? My thoughts are interrupted as he continues.

"She asked me to stay with you, to teach you to care, to teach you to love. She said she had given up hope on you, untill I came along. She and I both know you are capable.. You just have to want to." As he finishes speaking up places a timid hand on my shoulder. At first I was to run, but I don't.

"Do.. Do you really think I can? Do you really want to stay with me?" I slowly turn around and look up into his large sapphire eyes. I can tell from his eyes that he believes what he is saying and expects me to as well.

"Yes madam Midnight... I truly do." He slowly moves to embrace me. I tried to move but stopped myself uncontrollably. I wasn't about to deny myself the warmth and security of his embrace. As he holds me I give into the urge and put my arms around him, not wanting to let go at all. "Should we go back to your house madam? It is a bit cold out here tonight, and you don't have fur."

I can only nod as I begin to walk, my arms still around him, not willing to let go, afraid if I did the feeling would leave and not return. Shortly after he scoops my up in his powerful arms and walks me back to the house. Once inside he moves towards the bed, I can tell he is unsure on where to sleep. "Tarin, you can use my bed."

"Are you sure you do not mind me sleeping with you?"

I started to correct his thoughts, but then I thought... why not? He is warm and makes me feel safe... a feeling I cannot let go of easily. "No I do not mind, why should I?"

I gasp as Tarins clothing disappears into his magical bracers. "I hope you do not mind, but I prefer to sleep without clothing. I cuts down on grooming time in the morning."

I wondered if I should do the same... I normally sleep nude as well. I finally figured I might as well be comfortable as I swirl darkness around myself, leaving me as nude as the day I was supposedly born. I marvel at the feel of his soft silky fur against my skin as he lays down with me in the bed. I turn towards him and rest one leg over his and my head on his chest as I watch him drift off to sleep. His purring becomes too much for me though as soon I too fall asleep. I toss and turn with him as he moves, never letting go. We end up with my back to his chest, my rump in his groin and his arm over me holding me close.

I awake to shivers running down my body as he kisses and nibbles on my neck to wake me gently. I turn to him and smile.

"Did you sleep well my dear?" He asks so close to my neck it tickles slightly.

"Yes, better then I ever have before. Why do people sleep alone when sleeping with another is so much better?" I stop myself, not wanting to sound silly.

"I am glad you enjoyed it, I enjoyed it as well, and would love to do it again." He starts to rub my stomach with his hand and I cannot help but gasp. He leans down towards my neck and I move it waiting for what he will do. Finally he nibbles on my neck before moving and bringing his lips to mine. We kiss passionately, my lips tingling, the tingle turning to fire, pooling between my legs.

He then moves me, while we kiss. He rolls to his back placing me gently on top of him. The sensitive spot between my legs rubbing on his fur and causing me to break the kiss and gasp. The gasp changes though as he starts to run a claw down my back, starting from my neck and stopping just short of my rosebud. I drop my head back and let out a long moan as he does this, the feeling of his claws over my skin exquisite.

As he continues the feeling between my legs grows. I stifle a scream of pleasure as he gently rakes his claws down my chest and stomach, nicking my nipples as he does so. I run my hands threw his soft hair to keep my mind focused, which is getting harder and harder.

"My dear, do not hold back. You must let your emotions out. Do what you need to do, It is normal."

I hear him, and barely manage to make out what he said as my hips begin to roll my hips against him eliciting a moan in response from deep in his chest. He starts to purr rhythmically as I roll my hips against him, beginning to feel something that was not there before, but not taking the time to ask about it. He begins to kiss and nibble on my neck, slowly moving his attentions down my chest. He first moves to my left breast. Caressing it with his mouth, slicking his raspy tongue over my erect nipples causing me to gasp and moan.

As I continue to roll my hips I can definitely feel something beneath me, and for some reason I feel as though I must have it inside of me, though I know not why. It is hard to explain. As I continued to move my hips he continued with his claws and lips on my chest and back. Finally he decides to move, I know not why but I assume it is from that bulge under my hips. He moves me and lays me down, laying over me but supporting himself on his elbows. He kisses me passionately as he uses the tip of his tail to lightly brush the hot exterior of my petal. I gasp loudly as my breath comes up short and arch my back. He does this a few more times nefore he stops kissing me and smiles down at me.

"P..Please Tarin. I want you to feed from me... like you did the other night.. And I want to feed from you..."

I am rewarded as he opens his mouth wide and I watch his two canines nearly triple in legnth. As he slowly lowers his fangs to my neck he aligns his throbbing cock with my waiting virgin hole. I wait with anticipation as he barely scrapes my skin with his teeth. I just start to whimper when he bites down, breaking the skin. A bit of blood leaks from the wounds and I moan long and hard. Just as he sinks his fangs in further into my neck he slowly pushes his hips forward. I scream with pleasure as I feel the monster enter me. It might have hurt as he broke though my virgin barrier, but between the pleasures from that and his fangs deep in my neck as he fed from me, all I felt was pleasure.

Slowly he begins to slide his member from me, nearly all the way out, before moving back in. As this continues he picks up speed. Each time he slides out I moan long and hard and each time he slams back into me I gasp. All the while he is sucking my life essence from my neck. It doesn't take long before I can feel a new, and strange feeling building in my loins. My body feels like it is on fire, from my breasts to where Tarin is connected to me. It doesn't take long before I feel as if I am going to explode and I begin to kiss what of Tarins neck I can reach. Shortly after my body is hit with the most immense and indescribable feeling I have ever felt and I bite down hard and fast on his neck with my own fangs.

The sudden 'nip' pushing him over the edge and the feeling redoubles as he roars loudly and I feel something warm spraying all over my insides. He pulls out of my neck while his member throbs and spurts deep inside of me. He licks the wound closed as I do for him and he finally slides out of my sex. With a pop, I can feel his and my juices oozing out of me. He moves and kisses his way down there. I go to stop him but it is too late. With the first touch of his skilled tongue over my folds I didn't want him to stop. Each tiny lick making my body shake as he cleans me off.

I then watch amazed as he uses his own tongue to cleam off his now retreating member. I gape at it, amazed it fit in me with such ease. I just lay there and watch as he abuses his flexable body to do things most would dream of. I get caught watching the rhythmic sway of his tail. Finally all done he climbs back into the bed with me. Cuddling up close. It takes me a bit but I finally muster enough energy to speak... though weakly.

"Tarin... your right... I think I can love... I think... I think.... *sigh* I think I love you."


that's the end, please either email me your thoughts or post in the forum. I know my grammar is off and surly some spelling as well, but the yiff is still there is it not?