Graduation (Chapter 7 of Part 2 of my YuGiOh Series)

Story by Flame Warrior on SoFurry

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#7 of YuGiOh Series pt 2

Flamewarrior had just finished with the last trainee, his Life Points untouched, the trainee's, zero. He shook his head, noting that only 5 had passed, Jane being the top of her class. He knew how exhausted all fifteen were, considering that it takes alot of spiritual strength to last through one of these 'special' matches. He turned off his disc for the last time today, and quickly thought about how his deck was powerful, but it had weak spots that needed to be tweaked out. However, with the age of dueling quickly shifting, he decided to totally rebuild the Leader Deck.

He handed the list of those who had passed to his old lover, the Romanian, as he was widely known, for his thick accent and how he dueled as well, using vampire and werewolf cards. As the Elite quickly rushed off to get the five who passed, Flame walked back to his chambers, the tiger feeling the overwhelming fatigue finally grip him. He could always update his deck later, but for now, his body needed rest, but not his mind. He smiled at his six dragon/tiger cubs playing happily, playing a team duel, 3 vs. 3, with one another, finding which deck was best suited for each other in singles and in teams.

As he entered the spa room and sat down in the hot tub, he closed his eyes and thought about everything that had happened over the past eight years. He was getting older, into his late forties, that's for sure, but he had also seen all of the trainees come a long way. He remembered at how Jane probably had it the roughest, first, her introduction teacher passes away from stress, then her father, Jack, then she nearly killed Phillip, then her toughest training program with him, and now here she was, already a full member of The Elementalists, a secret guild only surfacing to bring in new members. But for what cause? He pondered this as he felt his body relax, the soreness and the fatigue slowly ebbing away.

Jane slowly woke up, feeling a cool, gentle breeze flow across her. She looked at the sky and noted that it was late afternoon. As the hybrid sat up, her head swam with fatigue, distorting her vision and her logical thinking. She held her head in an attempt to focus and found four others passed out beside her, two of them being Ancient and Starfire. 'So they did pass' she thought to herself as she studied her surroundings, seeing that she was outside, but she was still on cold stone. She noted that the nearby trees were either shorter than she had thought, or she was on the top of the headquarters.

She finally realized that the other four and herself were nude, her soft nipples now hard and erect from the chilling cold. She also noted several observers, fully clothed, four of them being Starfire's family, easily picking out Spencer. She struggled to stand, but only managed a kneeling position. Her body ached with fatigue and soreness, even though she took no damage from that duel.

She thought she heard heavy footsteps and a gentle paw on her head. She couldn't even look up her head to see who it was, but it conveyed a soft glow of kindness. Jane noted that the others were stirring as well, wondering how Starfire and Ancient will react to one another's nakedness. As expected, she heard the gasp of her friend and her love in unison as they stared at each other, then heard Starfire's noticable "eep" as she saw her parents. The fox/cougar closed her eyes and finally found the strength to stand up, her head no longer swimming for whatever reason.

As she looked up, she saw her leader and love interest smiling down at her, his burnt left paw on her head as she barely was able to look at his chest. He wore his traditional gilded black robe, and soon the others were standing, covering their extremities in embarrassment. Flame took a few steps back and smiled at each and every one of them. He held five cards in his paw, and certainly looked the happiest that Jane had seen him in in years.

"Today, we look upon those who have overcome the trials, training, and obstacles in their path as they walked the journey of Elementalist Trainee. They have proven themselves, time and again, through victory and defeat, to stand before us, now as full fledged Elementalists," the tiger began.

"A few of them had to overcome difficult trials that weren't set by the guild. Losing one's family is a difficult and torturous trial to face alone, but with help of friends, new and old, one no longer need to walk in the shadow of doubt and be lost. As these five stand here today, at dusk, they are reborn as Elementalists, their world changed, their skills sharpened, and their bodies toned for whatever their new life wishes to serve them.

"I present these five new members, an extremely rare card, in hopes that it shall inspire them to continue training their skills, and hone new tactics as they travel wherever they need to go. They may even rebuild the decks they currently have, in the hopes that they can duel better against their opponents, be it friend or foe, for amusement or to protect one another."

He stepped forth and presented each of them a new card, Jane actually smiling as she looked at her new Majestic Red Dragon card, noting that it had a white background and that it was a 'Synchro' monster. She would definetly have to do research into these types of cards, as well as what all was going on in the world today. She felt renewed now, even though five minutes ago, she felt like she was going to hurl. The tiger continued his speech.

"I name you five members of The Elementalists. May your stay here be blessed," Flamewarrior ended, and five Elites walked to the new members, presenting them with black robes, which they eagerly put on for warm. Afterwards, Jane saw Starfire grab Ancient's paw and literally drag him over to Spencer, who raised a curious eyebrow. The hybrid shook her head, only focusing on one person in particulary, feeling a heat growing between her legs as she stared at him.

She still felt exhausted, and he probably felt tired as well, so she decided to hold off on her advances for now, knowing that she needed some well earned rest. Slipping through the crowd, she made her way to the descending stairs, only to be gently pulled back by a rough paw. When she turned around, she saw the Romanian, smiling happily as tears of joy streamed down his face. She nodded back in understanding and quickly fled to her new quarters, which several Elites pointed out the way to her. As she bounded into the room, she took the nearest bed and quickly drifted to sleep, her new card still in her paw.

The Final Test (Chapter 6 of Part 2 of my YuGiOh Series)

Jane woke up, yawning as she rose and took a shower, smiling happily to herself. She had grown a set of perky breasts, her hips had filled out, giving her rump a firm, yet round figure, and she still had yet to seduce Flamewarrior. As much as the 16...

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A friend's trouble, and solution (Chapter 5 of Part 2 of my YuGiOh Series)

Jane walked around on her day off from training, looking for Starfire, wondering what happened that had her placed here. She also thought about Flamewarrior last night, sleeping against the headstone of his late wife, Therena. She saw the six winged...

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New home (Chapter 4 of part 2 of my Yu-Gi-Oh series)

Jane woke up with a start, waking up from a nightmare she had just had. It took her some time to calm down and remind herself of where she was. Stone walls and floors, several mattresses in a row, with two blankets and a single pillow, and two doors,...

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