The Joys of Lion Breeding

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#74 of Claude cuntboy stories

Claude mentors Residents and meets a hot Lion and reminisces losing his cherry by a big Lion Soccer coach

My name is Dr Claude Lyons II, I am a 26 year old intersex Lion. 6'5" and 245 pounds of muscular cunt bearing male Lion. With a Red Blond mane and tail tuft, Golden Tan fur and Sapphire Blue eyes. Since I was a cub I've been told how beautiful I am but I don't buy into it. I am good looking, but despite having the usual Leonine ego, I'm not vain enough to see myself as beautiful. I do however, have the usual fiery Leonine temperament.

I am an Internist practicing at a Corporate owned clinic right next to the Campus of Sacrament State University. We see a lot of Students, Staff and Professors from the University. We're a very busy office seeing at least 15 to 20 patients a day apiece. I do enjoy my work a lot, I have a good mix of patients, enough to keep things interesting.

I have been asked to take a Residency student into my office to train as has Dr Horst Grumer, my German Grizzly Bear mentor, practice partner. Our students have been assigned, mine is a, 1 year older, but 6'8", sexy Grizzly Bear, Dr Ray Miller, and Horst's is a big, older Lion. Dr Alex Cord. I am impressed with them both but when Alex speaks, I am fascinated. He is a fucking gorgeous Lion. 6'9", 300 pounds of Golden Tan furred, Red Brown maned, buff older Lion. With piercing Golden Amber eyes. And a deep, mellifluous voice. And an easy going personality. He moves as the epitome of Feline grace. Alex is 38, he had a successful business career before he decided to become a Doctor. He's a fascinating Feline male.

Dr Alex Cord is Leonine sex appeal on two foot paws And that is not even mentioning his male Lion musk, I am afraid that one day soon he's going to induce ovulation in me solely from his powerfully alluring musk alone. When he's around me he seems friendly enough. But has a bemused look on his face. Thank Goodness he's Horst's student and not mine. My cunt is sopping wet in his presence, and given the Leonine sense of smell, I am afraid he'll figure it out any day now. His eyes already lay bare my soul when he makes eye contact. I just wonder how he'll react when he knows how hot this intersex Lion is for him.

I've had dreams about him, wonderfully lewd dreams and I wake up really wet between my legs. He's even sexier than the big Lion Soccer Coach I lost my virginity to.

My one athletic indulgence other than working out 3 times a week, was to play Soccer in University. I made the Varsity team, but Coach Max Carter was suspicious as I never showered with the team. He had played in the NSL on a pro team before his knee injury and was well versed in modern life. He knew I was different somehow. I was changing out of my uniform in an empty locker room, when a naked, erect Coach Max grabbed my arm and pulled my naked ass into his office resisting hard.

Coach Max was 6'6" 320 pounds, Blue eyed, Red Brown maned, Tawny Gold furred, with an 18" erect Red Feline cock, tapered, pointed tip, studded with sharp backwards facing barbs, and drooling with syrupy precum. "I thought so" he growled fiercely as he bent me over his desk. And began licking and nuzzling my virgin cunt lips. His rough Feline tongue was prying and digging my pussy open wider. Max is nibbling my hooded clit gently and I yowl and cum on his muzzle. Squirting my heated cunt juice on his muzzle. "Damn, you're in heat, boy" he snarls. He opens a drawer and gets something and shoves it up my cunt and thru my cervix. "Spermicidal suppository, you ain't suing me for cub support, not gonna happen again." he snarls.

Max bites down on my scruff as he rams that pointed, barbed cock up me to his balls. I roar as his barbs shred my cherry and stretch my cunt walls permanently wide open. I moan hotly as his barbs rake my pussy walls like scratching an in heat itch. And I can't help but purr as Coach humps me hard and fast with his teeth clenched down on my scruff. "Hot, tight, little Lion cunt boy, wants my kittens" he growls in my ear. "Shouldn't of put that suppository in, should've bred your Lion ass, put my litter up you, and you'd have to marry me" he snarls. "You'd beg me to breed you, and be fat and swollen bellied waiting to drop them, as many as I wanted" he growls as I blush fiercely. "Heh, you would too, you'd drop litters of my kittens proudly, boy" he says tensing up. I whimper as I feel an egg drop into my guarded womb. I would bear Coach's litters. Happily.

He lifts his beautiful maned head and roars triumphantly as he gushes his virile cum into my protected womb. Panting hard he pulls out as I slump on top of his desk.

We'll fuck twice weekly until I go into Residency and stop having time for him. He marries a month later and I miss him from time to time. He was a good Lion and an amazing first fuck. I do regret not letting him breed me, our cubs would've been gorgeous.

On a busy August, Friday morning, my birthday, August 8th, in fact Alex is looking for Horst to discuss a patient's case but can't find him so he comes to me. We start to look for our Mentor but haven't found him yet. Outside of Exam Room #4, our ears start to jointly swivel, we're trying to localize a sound we're only barely hearing. I suddenly get it and pop my right index finger claw and pick the door lock. Alex and I open the door and are surprised. Horst is naked on his back on the exam table, foot paws in the stirrups while Ray is aggressively fucking his ass bareback.. Alex looks at me and grins, pulling me off and closing the door behind u

"We'd talked and Ray wanted up Horst's ass as much as I want in your pussy, Dr Lyons, Ray just beat me to it." he says pulling me into a kiss. A full sideways muzzles, full tongued, passionate Lion lovers kiss. Our rough Leonine tongues dancing against each other hotly. I whimper and melt into Alex's strong Lion arms. "Dr Lyons, no Claude, you're so fucking beautiful and hot, we'll make a happy, gorgeous couple and our cubs will be effing gorgeous, boy" Alex says pushing me into my office. He lays me on my back on my desk and pulls off my suit. "You're so goddamned perfect for me and stunningly beautiful. Claude" he purrs.

His suit is quickly pulled off and his body is so fucking hot it takes my breath away. His thick Red 21" Leonine cock is hard and twitching, demanding attention now. His thick, hot Lion musk is assaulting my senses and as I feared it made me drop an egg for my Alex. "Now, babe, lets get you bred so we can get married and start our family" he says very seductively. I stand up and sit on his fat cock down to it's base and he growls hotly. And I begin to ferociously ride his cock.

"No" he roars and rolls us so I'm on my back."We're fucking so I'm on top, bitch" he snarls. But he pulls me up on my knees and plugs my in heat needy cunt and humps me all out grabbing my scruff in his teeth locking me down in a Feline mating bite. Once Alex cums in me we'll be locked together for good, and I want him to do it. Alex speeds up his thrusting and I roar in a blinding orgasm that leaves me breathless.

Alex growls fiercely."Horst told me how you lost your cherry, you wouldn't take that Lion coach's cubs, but you're damned well gonna take mine" he snarls, His huge Lion balls are pulling up and Alex roars possessively and splurts his Lion swimmers up in my womb, where they'll surround and violate my dropped egg making our cub. Panting heavily we both sag into each other's arms as we become parents happily.

Horst and Ray come in and tease us, and we tell them bout finding them going at it. They are happy and happy for us. I purr blissfully as our cubs implant in my womb. Alex is lovingly licking my muzzle now.

Alex and I are married within a week. We are the Drs Cord. I am soon very swollen bellied with Alex's twin Lion cubs, the first of 5 Lion cubs he'll sire out of me. All big, beautiful Lion boys.

Were s happy pair of Lions