Spray Paint Roommate

Story by Lastdirewolf on SoFurry

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Spray on suit

Rachael hummed quietly in the dead of night, paintbrushes and cans of spray-paint whirling around her madly in a rather chaotic scene, and her hands were swaying semi-rhythmically to make them all go around in the air - Quite capable of controlling small objects with a sort of telekinetic-power; the canvas was larger than Jessi herself - Nearly six feet high and five feet wide. The black German Shepard female stood no more than five-two, not including her ears, and had a fairly proportional body to go with it. Unimpressive C-cups, a tail that extended almost to the ground, semi-wide hips, and a flat tummy, but an overall rather scrawny look to her. Without the need to eat that often, her body never really had the chance to get large or meaty, thus she remained on the lean side. Her eyes had a dim jade green glow at all times, making her capable of seeing in the dark as well as any night-vision goggles could, but she usually preferred some light source, due to the green tint left her unable to properly paint. Letting out a heavy hiss through the filters of her painting mask, she realized that her pink spray paint had run out halfway before she could finish the first layer!

Her fellow flat mates had already long gone to bed, but she had a final project due in less than a week, there was no way a store was open for her to go buy paint! Standing up slowly, Rachael started creaking her way across the carpet into her best friend 'Big D's' room - She was a big and tough doberman pinscher, but a heavy sleeper, so even the door's whine when it opened didn't bother her a bit. Luckily the painters mask would keep her breathe quiet, but it did cloud her night vision a little - Carefully crossing the messy room, and nearly tripping on a heavy looking chain-wallet led her to stumbling the rest of the way to the cabinet of supplies Big D kept. Rachael let out a heavy sigh of relief, and opened it up, this is where the night-vision became a problem - Unable to see the actual colour, she had to lift up every can and read the colour off. "Green...red...black...purple..." grumblegrumblegrumble, "..glossy red...glossy pink r!" her tail flicked up, and Rachael carefully lifted the can up and pulled it over all the rest without reading the rest of what the can said. It was pink, she was happy, and could finish this layer of her art project. Turning around and checking on Big D - who was still asleep - Rachael closed the cabinet and quickly made her way outside again, closing the rather heavy door to her best friend's room and shaking the can like crazy.

Rachael's other flat partner came out after a moment and growled softly, "Come on Rache, it's four in the morning!" the ball in the paint can was pretty loud and clanky, putting on her best puppy face and apologizing profusely, "Sorry Lindsey, but I gotta get this done!" she whispered loudly, who in return replied, "Then shake it outside!" Rachael rolled her eyes and shook it a few more times to spite Lindsey, who retreated back into her room and shut the door with a grunt. Once the can was all shook up, she cast out her typical spell that all the other supplies were under, and the can simply left her grip to float around with the others. Continuing on her large canvas, she looked it over and got the picture in her head back on how she wanted this to turn out. Throwing some brown paint around to cover up a few messy mistakes she made, which provided a basis for the beach scene she was creating anyways, but wanted to get back to making the sunset before the actual sun rose to distort the colours. As the yellow and red pulled away the pink came out, it acted a little funny though. "Oh come on dammit." she nearly shouted at the can of spray paint - It's little nozzle was too tiny to see in the low light, but as it came at her, starting to spray - She fumbled back and grunted loudly. Flailing as she tried to gather what direction she was facing, and flipped over - Still hearing the aggressive hiss of the can of paint circling around her. An odd, warm feeling was coating her body fairly rapidly - The dizzying speed of the spray paint working around her made her unable to catch it, even as she managed to stand up and spin around to try finding it, she realized that her usual green hue was very very pink! The other articles of painting dropped to the floor as she whipped her claws up to her face, pawing and rubbing on her face.

Something was wrong, the pink can was not responding to her control, and was spraying all over her body, coating in a fairly thick layer of what Rachael thought was paint. The paint came up to her face again, and she closed her eyes, the thick mist coated her eyes completely - leaving her unable to open them while it sprayed her entire jaw shut too. Soon her whole head was coated, even her perked-up ears didn't show any signs of her fur, and as she had been flailing at the can to try smacking it away from her - it coated her fingers and hands all the way around, dulling her claws with its sticky mess. Rachael's fingers instinctively closed and tried to dig their claws to peel the 'paint' off, but found out quickly that her fingers were sticking to one another. The spray can simply added a second coat of the glossy pink, rendering her fists into cute little balls. Whimpering and panting through the little nose-holes it had allowed her as she fumbled to the ground - She could feel her tail was super heavy from the 'paint' as she got up to her knees and stopped, the back of her pink-thighs stuck to her heels, and the small gap her legs created was sealed shut by the remaining 'paint' in the can. Unable to hear it clank on the ground, she began to cry when she rolled onto her knees - Standing on all fours with her legs locked into a frog-tie, and fists bound into little balls, the paint can dropping woke Lindsay up - Making her angrily get out of bed and come outside again.

"What the hell Ra-" she gasped loudly, seeing a wobbling totem raw kink - Lindsey could see it was Rachael, judging by the head and body shape, but it was a bright pink version of her! Coated from head to toe in rubber, with paint sprayed everywhere, but the pink was only on Rachael. Lindsey busted into Big D's room quickly, "Biggie wake up!" nearly having to tackle the large female Doberman to wake her up - She rolled over and sat up, "Whut is it Lindsey? It's fucken five in the morning!" rubbing her eyes and looking up to the obviously panicked Dalmation, "Rachael's...pink!" it was a dramatic movie-like response, but what else could she say? It took a moment for Big D to respond, but there was an unsettling grin once she did. "Heh heh, I bet.." She flipped the lights on and went over to her paint cabinet, spotting the whole immediately and grinning more, even another soft laugh. "I told that bitch to stop stealing my supplies." Big D had actually planted several traps in her room, each with their own magic of sorts to ensnare whomever tried to steal her stuff.

Heading into the main room where Rachael had been wandering around on all fours blindly, Big D confidently stepped over to her, but didn't get in her way, "It's still wet, perfect. Don't touch her" The doberman walked back to her room quickly for a moment - Lindsey didn't know what to say, but had contemplated trying to remove the rubber. Though the thoughts did die immediately when Biggie said don't. "Wh-why not? What's wet? It's just paint, right?" Big D came back out with a few sex toys and a small basket. "No, this is a little bit of revenge for her always stealing my supplies. It'll come off on it's own in a few days, but for now, she'll be-" kicking the pink spray can to Lindsey who read it out loud, "-Glossy Pink Rubber Fucktoy." The can said in bubbly letters, underneath a clearly Japanese product name, and brand name. Biggie laughed, "I honestly didn't think it'd work, the place was pretty shady-" She was using an oiled up hand to hold the back of Rachaels' head as she pushed an equally oiled up 9-inch straight dildo into her mouth, leaving it there as she pushed down on Rachaels' spine to keep her in place while pushing similar length and girth dildos up the girls ass and vagina. The oil kept her, and the dildos, from sticking to the wet rubber, but once it was dry, it was no longer sticky - Yet still allowed full movement of Rachael's body. She pressed the un-oiled basket down onto Rachaels' rubbery back, and it sunk into the material so that it wouldn't fall off "Th-that isn't right Biggie! You can't do that to her! I'll pay for what she stole!" The largest of the three canines, Biggie, turned and shook her head at Lindsey, "You can do all you like - There's no way to remove this stuff, it comes off on its own." She said sternly, Rachael muffled whimpering not bothering Biggie in the slightest, but she did pull the dildos out one by one, leaving Rachael's backdoor and vagina slightly gaping - yet inviting, as well as her mouth was held open a good amount too, which allowed her to whine and babble much louder, but incapable of making words.

Lindsey shakes her head and chirps up again, "Y-You can't seriously do this to her! She's still a living being, and you can't just..." gesturing her hands wildly at Rachael who was currently rubbing her balled-up fists against her head, "-Do this to her!" Big D growled softly at Lindsey as she stepped back into her room to drop off the toys, "Hey, Lindsey, how about you stop complaining before I do this to you too - I'd finally have some peace in this place." She was actually contemplating it, just for the freedom of it all. "Well then what're we going to do with her! Can't just leave her crawling around like this!" Big D popped her head out of her room, "You're right - That's why I've arranged to drop her off at my brothers Frat house." Luckily Rachael couldn't hear any of this, or else she would've been a lot more frightened, and not just crawling around in a dazed manner. Biggie was hollering out from inside her room, "And the rubber all over will keep her from getting banged up or injured, plus it's safe to use, and BE used..." A quiet pause, followed by the sounds of zipping, and Big D was back in the main living area wearing a rather scary leather outfit. From heavy black pants with a 'utility' belt containing a whip, gag, flogger, and handcuffs, to a tight matching shirt with a bulky leather vest over it with all sorts of studs. A studded collar, along with a nasal-septum piercing, and the 'gay' ear piercings, meant she was ready to rock. "Erm..." Lindsey looked at Biggie, then looked down at the floor, "Oh wow.." she knew Big D was a butch-lesbian, and a Dom in bed, but she had no idea that she actually had a whole outfit dedicated to it. Biggie chased down the stunned Rachael and wrapped a collar around her neck, studded as well, with a heavy chain leash - She then looked to Lindsey, "Put on something skimpy, and slutty. No bra, black thong. You've just got to act like my bitch, and look the part - I won't actually-" gesturing at Rachael who was now fighting the leash, "-You like that, won't touch you either, but I need another stand-in bitch."

Lindsey gulped once again, "Wh-what? You want me to dress like a whore? This isn't Halloween, and I'm not about to run around with my tits flopping everywhere!" Big D simply gave a stern glare at her. "Put something on, or I'll dress you myself." stated with a bit of a grunt in her tone, which was all that Lindsey needed. The Dalmation dashed off to her room, stripped down, and returned to Biggie within just a few minutes. Fishnets, heels, a mini-skirt made for clubbing, and a matching, very low cut halter top that showed a bit of midriff too. Her nipples were slightly noticeable bulges, as ordered, and her hair was simply pulled back in a hair band with a bit of eyeshadow thrown on carelessly - Lipstick was bright red and well done, surprisingly. Biggie looked up, "That's more like it, now put this on-" Lindsey caught a collar out of the air and frowned a bit, "Erm, a collar too?" Biggie growled again, "It'll be a collar and gag if you don't put it on - I want to get this into the dorm before they wake up, so hurry up." Lindsey could see now that an equally pink rubber tape was wrapped around the rubber-toys arms, so that her balled-up fists were pressed against her shoulders; this would ensure she couldn't simply sit back on her haunches and use her hands. "Alright, she's totally dried off, and the holes are locked in." Biggie smirked to herself, she set up traps for both of the girls, and it was a matter of time until Lindsey fell into hers. Lifting up Rachael, and opening up the door, "Alright, lets roll. They'll be getting up in an hour or so." Rachael was squealing and flailing her folded-over arms, confused as to what has happened to her, and what is going on - She was in the air after all, and was very aware of how she's been sexualized - Toyified.

They loaded up into Rachaels car, to spite it all, and Big D drove over to the local Frat house. "Ahh, here we are. My brother is gunna love this." the Doberman's stubby tail was wagging up a tiny storm. It was only a 25 minute drive, and the sun had just barely been rising for a short period of time. They backed the car right up, and Big D went around to the truck to lift her rubber fuck toy out - Lindsey was extremely sheepish and taking small steps around in her high heels, taking out a key and wiggling it right in - The trio was inside in no time, the whole place was dark and quiet, except for a disco lamp still spinning on the floor - The small white beams of light passing over several passed out members of the Frat house - From felines, canines, avians, and equine, all the way to a large wingless dragon sprawled out over the couch. "Wow, sure are a lot of guys.." said Lindsey, and Biggie immediately bumped her shoulder a bit hard, "Shh, unless you want to be here too when they wake up." Big D was serious, pointing to where Lindsey should stand - Right at the door step. She shook Rachael a bit to settle her down, and plopped her right down next to a fellow canine - He was a handsome black lab, and a bit of a pretty boy, but right next to him was Biggies brother, an even larger Doberman that put Big D to shame physique-wise. "Alright, she'll start walking around, and wake'em up." The basket now utilized as a whole ton of pre-lubed condoms are tossed into it, at least two dozen, but certainly more. Biggie dropped a note in the side of the basket as well, and ushered Lindsey out of the house - Closing the door quietly and getting them back to the car. "Okay, now why did I have to dress up like this? Nobody is even awake, nobody saw anything!"

Big D stood outside the car with Lindsey and smirked, "Because you got a long walk home." it was a rather curious statement, but was made quite clear as Biggies door opened, and the doors were locked. The doberman simply got in, closed her door, and drove off. It was a straight shot down the road, no turns at all, but it'd be a matter of time. "Oh that BITCH!" Starting to chase the car as it drove off, but quickly stopped and kicked her heels off. Scooping them up, and bolting after the car, unable to really keep up - The dalmatian slowed and stopped again, turning towards the Frat house with a loud huff. "Going to fucking KILL her." she shouted, and shuffled back towards the Frat house, she'd have to convince one of the guys to drive her back. Noticing now as well, that her purse was IN the car! No phone, no wallet, no money! "GREAT!" she shouted and approached the door of the Frat, knocking fairly loudly and peering through the windows. The glossy pink rubber fuck toy was crawling around alright, nudging and bumping into everything - including several of the males. They had perked up and sat up, rubbing their heads, and the drunk out of their eyes. Lindsey continued to rap against the door rather noisily, when one of the guys shouted, "GO AWAY"; to which she immediately replied with, "I NEED A RIDE, I'M WITH BIG D!" of course the shouting woke the rest of the house up, and everyone piled into the first floor to see what was going on. Big D's brother was awake now, and stood up to go to the door - Having heard his sisters name used. "It's fucken six in the god damn morning, and you're shouting - This better be GOOD." The male Doberman had to be at least two whole feet taller than Lindsey, and least a hundred pounds on her. "W-Well I um, Biggie...B-Big D and I were..." she could hear the hoots and hollers of many men with morning wood for sure. "..Dropping off-" gesturing to the pink fuck-toy that was being immediately mounted by a calico cat. "...And she sorta drove off with my phone...and yeah...I would hope you'd be willing to give me a ride? I have money, just uhm, it's in my wallet.." The Doberman was barely listening, it was a long story that he couldn't give a fuck less about. "Look, I don't know how you know my sister, but we don't need your-" He gestured up and down at the whore-ish outfit Lindsey was wearing, "-Paid services, we have a free one with three holes." It was sinking on Lindsey that he's probably done this before. "S-Services? N-No no, I'm not...No, I'm her friend, and I'm NOT a whore! Nor a slut! Biggie told me to dress like this, so we could drop our friend Rachael off for you guys, and I questioned her about it, she drove off!' throwing her hands in the air. The male Doberman still had a look of apathy, "...Yeah, that sounds like a personal problem. You don't have money, you don't offer escort services, and you want me to drive you home, when I'm up next on one of my sisters toys?" More groaning, and hollering, even cheering on could be heard in the back. The male was massive, so Lindsey couldn't see, but Rachael was currently being spit-roasted by a black lab and that wingless dragon.

"Okay! Okay! Fine! A blow job. I'll suck you off, and you drive me home. Hell, I'll blow you on the way!" It was a knee-jerk offer, but the Doberman didn't seem to accept it. "That's real cute, it really is." The Doberman stood back from the door and invited Lindsey in, "A blowjob's not going to cut it." he said matter-of-factly while leading Lindsey up the stairs. "Frankly, I'd shoot straight for anal, but ehh, I think you could squeak by with a good'ol fashion fuck - At least if you work hard enough." Lindsey was just dreaming about how great of a deal this was, turning her head to avoid the view of the men rotating turns abusing the high-gloss Rachael as her every hole is abused with joy. "No way, a blow job! I'll fondle your balls, and drink every drop if I have to." The Doberman was simply riling Lindsey up at this point, urging her onwards while keeping her distracted. "Look, you're going to have to try harder than that if you want to get home - At least show me the goods!" He non-nonchalantly reached up her skirt and tugged upwards on her thong, eliciting a quiet yelp and a very harsh smack across the man's face. The Doberman picked her up, kicked open the door to his room, and tossed Lindsey onto his bed. He shut his door firmly and locked it. "Strip down, and don't make me ask twice." he said with the same sort of tone Biggie used to get her to dress like that in the first place! "O-Okay fine, a quick fuck, but wear a damn condom!" The man had a room to himself, he owned the house, and thus the largest room. Lindsey stripped down quickly, it was only three pieces after all, but was stopped as she hooked her thumbs in her thong, "No no, leave that. I like to see'em get soaked." The doberman smirked, and approached the bed, still in his pants and loose shirt from the night of partying. "Now then, my sister left me something special just for you- Two things, actually." Going to his closet, he tossed out a form-fitting one-piece suit of latex that covered the same amount as a professional swimmer or diver, but had long latex sleeves without holes in the end, just lots of buckles. "Okay, three things; put this on." Lindsey sorta knew what it was, and was locked in a room by a man that could very much snap her in half.

Unzipping the back, putting it down, and stepping into the leg holes - She pulled it up quickly and pushed her arms through the sleeves. Thankfully her fur made it really easy to slide into the latex construction; she flapped her arms as her hands nearly reached the end and there were no holes for her hands to go through. The Doberman made his way without a word and started tugging up on it, fitting it over her shoulders and zipping it back up so she was sealed inside. "Oh yes, she got your measurements down perfectly." As he started to pull several buckles very taut along the back of the latex straight-jacket, they covered the zipper, and made sure she couldn't bust the seams. Once the three on her back were set, he tightened the one around her waist, and twisted her arms rather harshly behind her back - Sliding their buckles through the slots and tugging them 'til Lindsey nearly yelped. Locking them down after that, and applying small key locks to each buckle to ensure she'd remain like this. "Sorry if the crotch is a bit tight, it'll loosen up though-" he said with actual little care in his voice. Lindsey had noticed how tight the suit was, but while the crotch did dig into her, it was into the sides of her crotch - Not straight down the middle where her slit was, meaning it was a crotchless suit. "God damn, this is too tight!" she grunted at the Doberman, "Yeah, well, get used to it. You're going to be trai-" he Oop'ed loudly and grinned, showing that the 'slip up' was indeed intentional. "No no, I'm just kidding though. This'll be a week, maybe two weeks tops." he gave a soft laugh and pushed the girl towards the wall. Keeping a grip on the buckle that was battened down tightly across her criss-crossed arms as he tore down a few posters to reveal a black bed - On the wall! "This is where you'll be sleeping." There was also a set of pictures along the wall depicting a certain skunk in a similar situation. Except that the colours of his bindings were bright, and he had been forced into a sleepsack, while Lindsey had remained in just a straitjacket. "Y-You're what?!" She couldn't find the words to say, and it came out now in an obviously confused, angry manner.

The Doberman pushed her against the curious latex wall mount, stepping her up on a little built-in platform, and throwing a heavy black sheet over her. The wide zipper that traced the entire rim of the box was zipped all the way before her head was pulled out of a barely large-enough hole. "Yeah, I know it's a dude and all, but the concept was so hot, that I had her get this for me. It was initially for Rachael, but as you can see, you're the special chosen one." She could see a hood held in his free hand as a very loud vacuum pump sound kicked in. Making her gasp as the latex all around her started getting tighter, and tighter, sealing her motions into tiny little increments - mere centimeters when the vacuum hit a high-pitched whine - Signifying that there was no more air to suck out, and it'd keep this level steady. "And one final touch." he pushed her chin up, slapped her cheek, and forced a hood down onto her head as she was about to respond with vile words. The rubber cock embedded into the hood was fairly large, and reached nearly to the back of her throat, while the snout of the hood clamped her mouth shut tightly down so that she was forced to suck on it. The Doberman wrapped the back part around, zipped it shut, buckled the guard flap over it and put little matching locks on that too. Immediately afterwords, he began to rub her head a bit. "I'm going to go enjoy your friend, I'll be back for you soon enough." He wasn't about to satisfy her, nor himself using her, but leaving a quick message to his sister as he headed down the stairs. "Thx D, SJ fit perfect. Vacbed wrks grt! Rachaels nearly out of condoms" Lindsey was left to struggle against the straitjacket pressed tightly against her body, no chance she could possibly escape like this, and even worse was the inability to see or hear anything - Just sucking on a hard rubber phallus, keeping her trained and prepared for what was soon to come.

(Rubber) bound...for fun.

All characters listed do not exist, and do not represent anything to anyone, outside of these words, and this story. They do not belong to anyone. This story is purely fiction, and should not be taken as fact, and should probably not be fapped to more...

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Read the fine print.

Click, click, tappity-tappity-type! Click, screenshot, and saved! The pearly white wolf leans back in his chair, and sighs happily; he's been visiting this website for weeks, and finally had the balls to order something. Stroking his sheath with...
