Orange Slices 4: A Celebration

Story by Benji Bay on SoFurry

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#4 of Orange Slices

Hey folks! This little story is a continuation of my Orange Slices series and also a contest submission for the Hoofprints Valentine's Story Competition.

I hope you enjoy this addition, I know I enjoyed writing it.

I've always been terrible at giving gifts. For my mom's birthdays as a kid, I'd always go the easy route and make a card. Surefire success: moms love that kind of thing. For my three siblings, I'd usually get them gift cards for whatever online game they were playing at the time. I only started getting into trouble when I got my first girlfriend.

Her birthday fell on the same week as Valentine's Day that year. Being a horny teen and filled with romantic comedies, I thought the best gift for my new girlfriend was my virginity. I had the perfect plan. We had been getting a little handsy during our mutual "study" sessions. On our next one, I made sure to beat her up the stairs to my room and stripped quickly, placing a large red bow over my junk. No way to fail, my powers of seduction would carry the moment!

My confidence lasted all of three seconds when she opened the door and almost immediately slammed it back shut again. Turns out, she wasn't that into me. That relationship lasted until she got to her car and left. I look back on that moment and can't believe what kind of idiot fifteen year old me was.

Granted, I haven't been outrageously successful in giving gifts since then either. In the ten years since that hilariously misfired attempt, I've stuck to store bought cards and cash. No way to embarrass myself when they can buy their own gift and get words crowd-researched for maximum inoffensive impact.

Which brings me to today's problem. My boyfriend, Steven, and I have been together almost a year now. He has made my life so full of love and fun that I barely can believe the life I tried to lead without him. His birthday is a couple weeks off, conveniently a week before our anniversary. I want to give him the best birthday he's ever had to repay all the fun and new friends he's given me. I've convened a war council of sorts, the collection of friends I've made since coming to Seattle and working at the club Steven co-owns.

My co-conspirators are Marcus, the elk and Tyler the bunny, the couple who Steven and I spend most of our time with, and Ellie the mare. She's the other part-owner of the club and impromptu leader of our friend group. All three of them agreed to help me plan the best possible birthday for Steven and even offered to help me brainstorm gift ideas.

Some are very thoughtful and I'll be thinking them over. Others, not so much and are a little too close to my previous failures. In fact, Tyler bounces eagerly on his toes, neon green fringe flopping over one eye as he wraps up detailing his perfect plan.

"And then he comes into the room and sees you naked on a bed of rose petals!" His eyes twinkle mischievously as he finished.

"No. Just, no," I groan, teenage cliché fresh in my mind. Tyler giggles, enjoying my exasperation.

Marcus takes this opportunity to chime in, "Maxie, you know whatever you do, he's gonna love it cause it's something you did, right?"

Ellie nods in agreement, "You know he doesn't do much for his birthday anyway. He'd probably love a quiet night in as much as a huge display."

I furrow my brow as my tufted ears flick unconsciously, "I do know, yeah. But that was before he and I got together. I want this one to be something special because I get to share it with him."

Tyler sucks noisily on his milkshake as I finish, "Gay!" Everyone at the table chuckles and I decide to answer his slight with a carefully aimed French fry to the nose. He sputters into the remains of his drink as his elk boyfriend rumbles in deep bass laughter. Ellie takes that moment to clear her throat.

"Listen, you agonizing over this isn't gonna get you anywhere. I suggest you sleep on it and maybe try to subtly fish for ideas from the big husky himself," she says, pausing a moment to nibble on her onion rings. "I know he can be sentimental when he wants to be, try asking him what his favorite memory of you two is."

I perk up, "I can't believe I didn't think of that." Ellie smiles warmly as the waitress comes by to clear the remains of our lunch. The bill paid and our bellies full, the four of us step out into the late August air.

The three Seattle natives show no sign that they are bothered, but even after a year in this town, I still cannot handle the fact that it begins dipping into the low 60s so soon. My more southerly hometown was still posting temperatures in the high 80s and my desert feline ancestry screamed in protest as I drew my collar higher up my neck. We parted ways as the three of them loaded into their respective vehicles and I began the short trek back to my shared apartment with Steven.

A quick ride up the elevator and I was turning the key on the door. I stepped inside and sighed in content as I felt the wash of warmth from the heater hit me. I pulled off my coat and began to hang it up. The apartment was dark, so I padded softly into the living room; headed for the lights. I was about to flick them on when a pair of huge, white-furred arms wrapped around my midsection and hoisted me off my feet.

A wash of warm breath played over my ears that turned into a shiver that went from the top of my head to my tail tip. "Heya, Kitty Cat. I missed you!" The big husky said, squeezing me to his muscular chest. I immediately began purring on reflex, going limp in his warm hug.

"You know, for a giant white monster, you are a fucking ninja," I said, nuzzling under his chin.

Steven chuffed with amusement, rubbing his jaw into my head, "I've been studying your ways, Kitty Cat."

I giggled softly at that, "Oh? And here I thought you were just admiring my lithe form!" He laughed with me, squeezing me again. He dropped me to the floor and my padded feet thumped on the carpet. Straightening my clothes, I smiled up at him, "Hey, so have you made any plans for your birthday coming up?"

Steven shook his big shaggy head, "Nah, I don't really put much thought into my birthdays if I'm being honest. I already hit all the big milestone ones worth observing. The only big one left is 30 and we're a couple years off from that. Why, did you want to do something?"

"No," I said. "I just wanted to see if you had plans so I could take time off from the club." Steven nodded absentmindedly, padding over to the kitchen area and getting himself a snack from the pantry. The gears of my brain turn furiously while I try and come up with a plan to use this information. A few things clicked into place and the hint of an idea formed. I sent a quick text to Ellie to bring her into the loop and began making plans in my head.

A few days later, I was still barely any closer to the perfect birthday surprise for my wolf man. Honestly, it was a bit disheartening that my war council wasn't able to help either. Ellie was busy getting ready for a big event at the club while Tyler and Marcus had decided to take a quick trip to California to enjoy some warmer weather before winter fully set in. Ellie was being as helpful as she could, but she also was at a loss for any real ideas. My only contribution to our mutual brainstorming was relating the hilarious start to our relationship and a vague idea of treating him to a big meal.

"You know he'll eat just about anything, right, Maxie?" Ellie said over the phone.

I sighed, "I know, and it's nearly impossible to get the friggin vacuum mutt to settle on the concept of picking just one food to call his favorite." That earned me a giggle.

"Remember for the fourth of July? You tried to figure out what his favorite grilled food was and he ended up eating 3 meals worth of barbeque before you gave up and joined him," she said.

The memory brought a fond smile to my lips, "Yeah, and for my efforts I was rewarded with this amazing chocolate stout he found at a local brewery. Never knew I could love the combo, but I'm an absolute slut for chocolate so it shouldn't be too surprising."

"Oh! Why not take him to the brewery then? Clearly he likes it if he got you something from there," Ellie offered.

"You know, that's a good idea. We can do a brewery tour, maybe a bar crawl. There's a few hotels down in that part of town, we can drink all we want then crash somewhere over there," I said, tapping a finger on my lip as I mulled over the idea. "I still need a proper gift for him, though."

It was the mare's turn to sigh, "Maybe just you two doing something together is a gift enough for him? He's a simple guy, Maxie."

I agreed with her on that. The rest of our conversation petered out as I had lost the creative steam and hung up shortly after, a new craving for more of that chocolate stout in my mind. I texted Steven under the pretense of finding out the name so I could get more and idly looked through hotels in that area of town, trying to find a good deal.

A week and a half later, I had most of a plan. I had rented the hotel, I had reserved a table at the brewery/restaurant combo, I had picked out a couple other bars with decent drinks and music. There was only one real problem and I was trying to deal with it now.

"What do you mean there's nobody else? What happened to the backup crew?" I said with exasperation into my phone.

"I mean just that. The guys on the backup crew are already booked for overtime next week and Ellie won't approve them for more. I need you to cover me for my shift so I can take care of Marcus!" Tyler whined back.

I groaned and put my palm to my forehead, "Bun, you know that's Steven's birthday, right? The one I've been going insane trying to figure out a proper way to celebrate for, like, most of this past month?"

"I know, Maxie, I know. But I cannot find anyone else to cover and I need to be there for Marcus. You know how much of a bitch he can be," he said, trying to lighten the mood. A smile wormed its way onto my face slightly in response and I had to concede that one point.

"You'd think someone as big as a family sedan would be more stoic in illness than him," I chuckled.

Tyler giggled in response, that high effeminate sound that was such a hilarious offset to his extremely dominant mindset. "So you'll help me?"

My lip underwent a minor assault from my teeth as I tried to find any way I could figure out a solution, "Yeah. I'll just have to reschedule the plans I've made. What's this big event for anyway? Ellie wouldn't tell me when I asked the other day."

"Oh my god, thank you, Maxie! I swear, I'll pay you back somehow," he said, and could hear him practically bouncing off the walls with gratitude. "As for the event, Ellie's been uncharacteristically quiet to me, kitty. Probably some local bigshot who wants it hush hush or something. I wouldn't be worried though, you know she's got a good eye for customers." I nodded slowly, a little deflated at having to put off my plans.

"I'll let Ellie know you'll cover for me Friday. Oh! And I'll pay you back by covering your hotel for you and the Love Pup!" Tyler teased.

"I will hold you to that, Bun," I replied, a little buoyed by his intent to help. I hung up with him and then sent a quick text over to Steven:

Hey, Wolfie. Tyler just told me he needs me to cover Friday so we won't be able to go out for your birthday.

A minute or so later, my phone softly pinged his reply:

Weird. Ellie asked me to help out Friday as well for this mystery event she's got going on. At least we'll be able to hang out!

My tail batted happily at that, a silver lining to the gray cloud over our week. I sent back a quick message:

I promise to keep my hands to myself on the clock!

The husky's response was near instant:

Kitty Cat, you know it's not you that has the handsy problem~

My face warmed and I remembered how much of a physically affectionate canine he was.

Good point. I promise to not distract you for this big event then!

His reply came back a minute later again:

Not a bad birthday if I get to watch you shake your cute butt.

I giggled and told him I'd be home a little later after I'd finished with my shift at the club.

The next 48 hours passed uneventfully, a blur of work and normal everyday life until night descended on Friday in Seattle and the big mystery event was due to start. Steven and I stepped out of our building and started the short walk down towards the club, doing the usual dopey couple things like pushing each other around and snuggling close when the cool autumn air whipped over us. We rounded the corner on the block the club sat at and I noticed with some mild curiosity that there wasn't actually any line built up in front of the club despite this big event starting soon. I mentioned it to Steven and he gave me a disinterested shrug, saying that they probably are the type to show up late to their own party.

We walked behind the building and headed for the employee entrance, Steven punching in his code on the keypad and opening the door for me. Our path took us past the employee locker room where Steven and I first got together and my face warmed as I realized how much fun we'd had since then. The door to the break room swung open and Ellie emerged, a phone pressed to one ear and a finger held aloft to indicate we should wait. I pressed gently into Steven's side as she finished her phone call.

"Ok, so the event should be starting on time, the guests of honor should be arriving any minute. DJ's ready, bartender's ready, backup bouncer is ready," Ellie said, running through a mental checklist. "Steven, can you head to the office and grab the media tablet? Maxie, head out to the club floor and see if the dancers need anything." We both nodded, Steven breaking off from the main hallway and disappearing into the manager's booth as I pushed through the double doors leading to the club proper.

The scene inside was a bit confusing to me though. Easily three quarters of the club's staff was here, milling around and chatting in street clothes. I saw a few friendly faces, waved at them and was about to head over when I heard hooves come through the door behind me. Two pairs, in fact. I turned and saw Ellie and Marcus emerge from the back hallway, Tyler right behind them. I cocked an eyebrow as I slowly tried to put together what was happening. Wheeling back around at the crowd, I suddenly found myself in a see of eyes focused entirely on me.

"What? Guys," I said, turning to them. "What's going on here?"

Ellie smiled warmly at me while Marcus looked mildly amused and Tyler tried, and failed, to contain his excitement. My ears flattened, suddenly uncertain and I almost asked another question when Steven pushed through the double doors, a large pony keg stamped with the brewery's logo we were supposed to go to. He set it on the counter and came up to give me a warm hug.

"Kitty Cat, we're the guests of honor tonight," he said, amusement coloring his deep bass. "Ellie told me how much you were agonizing over my birthday and I told her that the only gift I wanted was to spend it with you." I flushed, the amount of affection making me press myself to him. "She offered to make that happen and to give you a fun night to boot." The big mare nodded silently behind him, confirming his words. Steven grabbed a pair of beer glasses, filling them both expertly before handing one to me. I took a quick sip and nearly melted at the flavor of the chocolate stout. It took a moment for me to realise that Steven had opted to hold his aloft.

"Everyone, a lot of you know the friendly kitty cat here with me. The rest of you, thank you for coming to enjoy a free night of fun!" The crowd chuckled in response, several glasses raised in acknowledgement. I scanned the crowd, watching their reactions. "Now, it's my birthday. This is my birthday party! I don't ask for much, just good friends and good health. Maxie, here, has given me so much more than that. So, this one's to you, Kitty Cat. The best gift I could have ever received. To Maxie!"

The crowd roared in approval, glasses clinking as everyone downed their own drinks. I was practically trembling with emotions, a swirling chaos of gratitude, love, and embarrassment. I turned to my husky and gave him a wobbling smile before hugging him tight. He exhaled slightly as my head hit his midsection and he wrapped his free arm around me. I purred softly into his fur, "I love you, Wolfie."

He smiled down at me, "I love you, too, Kitty Cat." The night that followed was an amazing blur of friends, music, dancing, and the warm presence of the canine I loved so much. Well past midnight, the party was still going on, but I was getting a little shaky from the booze and dancing. Steven must have noticed because he quietly steered me back into the employee corridor and to the break room. I plopped onto one of the couches as he grabbed me a bottle of water from the fridge. Grabbing it gratefully, I drained a few gulps from it.

"You know, Wolfie," I said, wiping my mouth. "I'd almost swear that this party was for me and not you."

"What makes you say that?" He said, an eyebrow cocked.

"You put all the focus on me, duh," I said.

He smiled fondly down at me, "Well that's because you're the most important thing in my life, Kitty Cat." His words forced my face to flush again and I looked away shyly for a moment. When I turned back, he was at my eye level kneeling. "In fact," he said, his words having a sudden immense weight to them. "I couldn't think of anyone else I want to spend the rest of my life with, Max." A small velvet box crashed into my field of vision and I looked at it with widening eyes. His big white paws cracked the lid and a simple gold band emerged. "Will you marry me?"

I threw my arms around his neck, shouting my response into his thick neck fur and peppering his muzzle with kisses. He laughed happier than I ever heard before and he slid the ring onto my finger. I pulled him tightly to me and he collapsed on top of me on the couch. The big canine was so thrilled with my response, our kisses heated up and before I knew what was happening, his shirt was off and mine was tangled around my arms. A mutual chuckle and I was free, my paws immediately homing in on his rapidly-tenting pants and undoing the buckle with practiced ease.

In a flurry of fur and hand, we were nude on the break room couch, his tapered red tip pressed against my smaller shaft, the soft barbs teasing over his sensitive flesh. Our hands met, his big hand wrapping around my small, soft one and we rubbed mutually over our swelling erections. He huffed softly over me as we worked slowly, enjoying the new heat that his proposal brought to our passion. He quickly grew too excited for paws alone, however, and he picked me up and flipped me onto all fours. The big canine slid easily over me, my tail twitching in excitement as I felt his tapered tip press gently into my tailhole, the welcome warmth spreading me gently.

His cock glid with practiced ease into me, my walls gently gripping a familiar presence, but the sensations were somehow all new. I felt more connected to the big canine than I ever had before and as he bottomed out, the hint of his knot tapping my ring, I could feel him trembling above me. My hand reached up and traced his jawline as he wrapped a thick arm around my midsection, his powerful hips beginning to piston in and out. Our breaths came in short pants as he picked up speed, our lovemaking taking a moderate pace so we could better enjoy our closeness. As he sawed his thick dick in and out of me, my hands rubbed and pet all over every part of him that I could reach, each stroke bringing a more pronounced knot.

His heavy sack gently clapped against my own as he dropped his head next to mine, his warm breath washing over one half of my face. My arm snaked around his thick neck and held him close, my body shivering with delight as he fucked me as my fiancé for the first time. He growled softly, earning him a clench around his dick.

"I love you, Kitty Cat," he rumbled.

"I love you, Wolfie," I purred.

With gentle pressure, his knot bore down on my tight star. I hissed gently as I felt the familiar stretch and after a few seconds of force, it popped inside. We both groaned in satisfaction as he tied me and his thrusts became shorter and more urgent. This part never lasted very long, but I didn't mind. I was with my husky and he was with me. His hips gave twitching thrusts before he grabbed me and kissed me passionately, his rod pulsing deep inside me as he painted my insides white. The combination of sensations brought my own climax and I spurted thick cum over the cushions of the couch. Steven grunted as he shot thick ropes deep inside me before wrapping both arms tightly around me and falling onto his side.

I purred heavily, warm both inside and out as his thick coat covered me like a white blanket. My head fuzzed from all the excitement and alcohol and I felt Steven's own breaths levelling out a little too. Without a care in the world, we both drifted off, his knot still lodged deep inside as we spooned on the couch.

We woke several hours later, my tailhole now vacant of his shaft and our bodies covered in a thick blanket. I looked around blearily and saw a note, a bottle of pills, and some Gatorades on the coffee table. I took a drink and some pills for the forming hangover while Steven scanned the note. He chuckled softly and handed it to me, Ellie's looping handwriting covering the page.

Hey Lovebirds,

I'm gonna assume that Maxie said yes from the way I found you two. My engagement gift to you will be not charging you for cleaning the couch. Everyone gave their best to you both and I cleared your schedules for the weekend. Go home and enjoy yourselves, boys.

I propped myself up and looked down at my fiancé. He smiled back up at me, rubbing a thick hand over my back. A small smile crossed my face and I kissed his nose, "So what do you want to do now, Wolfie?"

The big canine gave a deep base chuckle, his other hand grabbing a handful of my ass, "Well, Ellie did say she wouldn't charge us for cleaning this couch. Why not round two to show her how grateful we are?" I purred in response, diving in on him and we enjoyed our new engagement in style: fucking on a dirty couch at work.

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