Electric Touch: Chapter 8 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

Story by Coercer1730 on SoFurry

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#8 of Electric Touch

All chapters in the folder on my profile! (https://www.sofurry.com/browse/folder/stories?by=690916&folder=84498)

Soon, days went by, and Pikachu was kept occupied with new tasks, like finding more Pokémon and giving advice to Eevee and all the other Pokémon, as well as being a second pair of eyes for the other staff as the cubs were being taught at classes. The rest of the week went by with Pikachu checking Eevee almost every day. As Saturday came, Pikachu awoke peacefully and yawned, as he walked through the streets of the residential distict, wondering what could he do today to help the cubs to feel a little better?. As he kept walking, he came to the conclusion that the best thing to do would be to go into the city and take a wall through the commercial district, as the cubs were surprised by the large amount of shops and shops, making them feel very excited about the new surroundings. As he got closer to the cinema, Pikachu thought about going with the kids to the cinema. Definitely worth a chance. As he finished his daily walk through the city, he came back to the orphanage.

"Hello!" Pidgeot said. "Hey guys, Pikachu has returned!" informed to his peers "I hope you have had a good day, Pikachu" added Espeon.

"Thank you guys!" replied Pikachu. "Are there any news today?"

"We have had quite a lot of news this week, Pikachu." Espeon said "It seems that Eevee is doing really well. He hasn't been spending too much time in the corner, and he's been around the cubs a lot more than we had expected. He's even asked to the cinema with a few of them to see Pokémon: The First Movie , which the staff are happy about, as they want Eevee to feel a little more comfortable. Another good thing has happened as well, a new volunteer will help the cubs on a daily basis. The name will be revealed in the afternoon, after having lunch, but we know she is a female!"

Pikachu was incredibly happy with this news. It was finally revealed that he will finally be helped out with helping to improve the orphanage's performance, as she would be part of the team. "Awesome." he said, smiling and raising his head "Can I see her? Oh wait, she's coming later!" Pikachu said in utter excitement. Everyone knew he takes his job seriously, hence the cubs always had a great time with him. Having someone new here would entice Pikachu to instruct her, so he could take his needed rest more often.

After they had left to have lunch in the dining room area, they met Mrs. Millers at the hall. When she was sure everyone interested had arrived and were seated, she began.

"Good day everyone. Welcome to the general meeting I have urgently convoked" Mrs. Millers announced, "Well, I have very important news to tell you, which is that you all are getting a new volunteer."

There was a big round of cheers, as the cubs were incredibly happy, even the most bullied of them. After silence was made again, Mrs. Millers went to the room where the volunteer would live. "She's a very nice pokémon, who likes to play and be active, and she loves to be around cubs and adults. She is also very friendly and will always be a good friend to you all." she said, " And yes, she is very much the type of pokémon that isn't afraid to help others, regardless of who they are or the needs they have. Without further ado, let's give our new volunteer a cheerful welcome!".

The room was filled with cheers and excitement, as Mrs. Millers proceeded to call said volunteer. "Give a warm welcome to Raichu!"

Pikachu just couldn't believe what he was hearing, "Oh my god!" he muttered, and his eyes widened in horror. "Why a Raichu?" he then asked to himself.

A seconds later, he heard the very loud roar from the room subside, as the camera in the room zoomed to the direction of the Raichu. The cubs were a little bit scared when the cameraman first appeared, but they recovered quickly. It could be seen at a glance that Raichu is an energetic pokémon which loved to play and was very eager to interact with everyone. "Hello." said Raichu, giving a cheerful smile.

"Hello, Raichu." replied the cubs.

"Can I have a hug?" she asked, still smiling, then she opened her arms, as lots of kids ran to her to hug her tightly. She seemed to had tears of joy in her eyes. "Thank you!" she said, as her face turned red in embarassment.

"You're welcome, Raichu." answered Mrs. Millers, the contagious smile already in her face. "Now, I've arranged for all the employees to help me give you some of your well-deserved welcome party!" Mrs. Milles said to Raichu and motioned her to come, once the cubs had 'crushed' her a bit.

"All right." said Raichu, as she followed her new boss. She and Mrs. Millers, along with the young ones, walked to the dining room and enjoyed the delicious buffet lunch that was set up. It was a huge feast, with lots of dishes for all types of tastes, which were explained by Mrs. Millers to the cubs who weren't able to tell what they were. "See those plates there?" she asked, indicating a tall table full of fruits and vegetables. "Those are some of the most common types of fruits and vegetables, which we try to add some variety and freshness to our diets." As the cubs were amazed at the sight of huge amounts of food.

"There are a lot of different vegetables, both for regular diets and special diets, for example, grass species which are suited for light foods tend to get sick if they eat spicy food" continued Mrs. Millers. "Those nuts are high in vitamins, they're also high in fiber and calcium and are great sources of fat and protein. The best food for an energetic lifestyle!" She then started picking some fruit which was on the plates. "These apples and oranges here seem like pretty good choices." The cubs didn't really know what a carrot or a bunch of celery was, but didn't have any objections. This way, she ensured that the cubs ate healthy food before desserts, and taught Raichu how to convince them to eat what they need, instead of what they want.

"Now, Raichu, would you like some of those?, I'm sure you're quite hungry by now" asked Mrs. Millers, as the cubs ran to the table and ate their food. Raichu looked around her, and decided on a bunch of bananas. She then walked towards the table, and picked one, and then jogged back to the camera. "Bye!" she shouted, and waved to the camera, as it was shut down. It wasn't a TV show, but it would be a nice memory to remember by the time she grows older. She then went over to the staff table and sat down, where tens of humans and pokémon who worked there shared a meal with one another. She had a nice time there, as she also met Celeste, and so many others. She also heard about a retired volunteer named Carl. Apparently, he was very loved by many of the employees and had a lot of great times with the pokémon who resided there, and visited the orphanage frequently while he was able to.

After the meal was done, Raichu told her new peers in a cheerful voice "That was nice, wasn't it? You all have a good appetite, it seems" she said as everyone laughed at the fact that there were no food left.

Once the night fell, everyone said goodbye to each other before going back to the residential section, leaving the staff alone. "So, Raichu, how was your first day?" asked Mrs. Millers, as she didn't have any obvious chance to ask the new employee.

"It was great. I really liked it here. So many baby pokémon who are all so nice, playful and full of life." Raichu answered, surprised at the great welcome she was given. As Mrs. Millers knew that Raichu listened very seriously what she said, decided to motivate her to do her best.

"We want them to go to loving and caring homes, but, for now their life depends on us. They're still very young, and only a handful of them might walk the correct path in life if we don't teach them the right values. You, Raichu, have a very bright future as a caretaker. I'm sure that with the training you'll get here, you'll definitely change the life of everyone here."

"But, how do you believe in me? I haven't done anything to deserve that." replied the Raichu, remembering that she was offered the position after visiting only once.

"A wise man taught me once how to discern who can really enjoy this job, and you definitely do. But, what really matters is that you keep coming back here, and care for all the pokémon here on weekends, so they can have fun with you, instead of letting their minds focus on their past memories. That's what really matters." Said Mrs. Millers.

"I'll do my best." Said Raichu, who was truly touched by the words.

"Well then, I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of you, and your pokémon family in here, Mrs. Millers." said Raichu.

"Do yo want me to show your new room?" Said Mrs. Millers, who smiled at her.

"Yes! Thank you!" Raichu shouted, with a big smile on her face.

A couple of minutes later, they got to her new room.

"Here it is, Raichu! Your new room! Since you don't obviously don't have to work all night long, this is your own personal place to relax, exercise, or whatever you feel to do in your free time. Feel free to come here anytime you want, this is your second home. Oh! and I nearly forgot it! There are also staff rooms, where you can talk between yourselves without some pesky cubs overhearing you. There's nothing bad in it, but maybe you prefer to talk to the other employees in a more private environment." Mrs. Millers finished. "If you have any doubt, don't hesitate to ask me".

Raichu said nothing. She felt so lucky, being given a chance to feel comfortable doing what she liked the most, and not have to worry about other's hurtful opinions. This made her emotional, and she felt so happy.

"That's all Raichu. I hope you enjoy this new chapter in your life. Now it's a bit late, so get some rest and get ready for tomorrow, okay?" Mrs. Millers said, and Raichu gave her a smile.

"Okay Mrs. Millers." Raichu said, before saying goodbye to each other.

She entered the room, went to her bed, lay down on it, and stared at the ceiling for a while, thinking about the events that happened today. It was a very happy day for her, and she enjoyed her day in all its beauty. But there were some things that she wanted to do next weeks, like finding Eevee a new family, or learn more about her colleagues.