Broadening Ken's Horizons - Chapter 22 - Nice To Meet You (Again)

Story by ErickTheClyde on SoFurry

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Standard disclaimer.

"He says he is Ken," Randy said to Roger. "So when did you transform and how did you do it?"

"I went to one of the new transformation clinics," I said. "I was one of their first customers."

"I call bullshit," Roger replied. "There's no such thing as a transformation clinic. Furs just walked out of the woods years ago. I don't know about Randy, but I suggest you leave before we call the cops."

"Wait," I said. "I can prove I am Ken. Let me show you my wallet."

I reached over and pulled my wallet out of my pants pocket and flipped it open to my license. Then I realized it still had a picture of me when I was human. I made a mental note to get that corrected. I handed it to Randy for him to look at."

"All this proves is that you have Ken's wallet," Randy replied, now looking at me suspiciously. "Maybe I should call the police."

This wasn't working out at all. Neither of them remembered anything from the past several weeks. I had to think of something quick. It finally dawned on me what to do.

"Didn't you read the news this past Monday?" I asked.

"I hardly ever read the news," Randy replied. "What does Monday's news have to do with you?"

"Go check the top headline for that date on the Internet and you'll figure it out," I explained.

"OK," Randy said warily. "You stay right there until I check. Roger, if he gets up, call the police."

Roger nodded and crossed his arms while he kept an eye on me. I could hear Randy back in another room typing on a keyboard. After a few seconds the sounds stopped. I figured that Randy had found the article and was reading it. His next comment confirmed he had found the right article.

"OK, I'm starting to believe you," Randy said as he walked back into the room and tossed my wallet back to me. "But first, answer three questions for me. What's my name?"

"Randy," I replied.

"What's his name?" Randy asked, pointing at Roger.


"What's my other name? The one I use when I'm posing as a girl?"

"Heather," I answered, smiling.

"It is you!" Randy nearly squealed as he ran over and plopped down in my lap and laid his head on my chest.

Randy did his best to hug me, but his arms only extended about halfway around my massive chest. He sat back up and scooted back just a bit on my legs, looking down at my sheath and huge ballsack. My equipment made his junk look absolutely tiny. Randy ran his finger lightly around my sheath as he stared at it in fascination. I noticed Roger moving and looked over in time to see him turn to shuffle back down the hallway.

Randy continued to lightly fondle my sheath, circling the opening with one finger. My cock started stirring and the head of my cock started stretching the opening as it exited. Randy was totally absorbed looking at the big head now pressing up against his own sheath.

Randy slid further back on my legs, allowing my cock to slide further out of my body. He wrapped both hands around the shaft, slowly sliding down the length as it continued to slide out of the sheath. After it was nearly halfway out, Randy pushed the girthy tube up towards my chest and continued to stroke it.

I leaned back on my arms, letting my shaft continue to slide out of my body and up my chest as Randy continued to guide it. Once it was fully extended, I could tell that it was slowly hardening. Randy leaned towards me, laying down on my throbbing member, and slowly started sliding his body up and down the shaft.

Randy's little cock was hard and he was rubbing it against the side of my shaft as he slid up and down. My cock was so long and Randy so short that he could sit in my lap and had to stretch to lick my cockhead.

"Looks like anal is out of the question from now on," Randy sighed.

"We could try," I joked.

"Let me get some lube," he replied as he stood up, straddling my legs.

"I wasn't serious," I laughed.

"I was," he replied as he stepped over my legs and turned to trot down the hall. He came back with a giant bottle of lube and plopped back down on my lap.

Randy rubbed a liberal amount of lube on the head and top half of my shaft. Once he was satisfied, he straddled my legs and stood in front of me. My erect cock was as long as his legs. He put both hands on my shoulders and pushed himself higher, trying to aim his ass at my cockhead.

I grabbed Randy by the hips and helped lift him up and onto the top of my cock. He looked like he was sitting on a barstool. I had to laugh at the sight, but Randy stayed dead serious. He was actually going to try this.

"Randy. No," I said. "Seriously, I don't want you to get hurt."

Randy just shook his head and started squirming his ass around on my cockhead. I felt it start to spread his opening ever so slowly but at the rate he was working it, it may have become an all day event just getting the head of my cock past his tight ring. I was pretty sure it wasn't going to fit, so I just held him up by the hips and let him have his fun.

Amazingly, after about five minutes, Randy squeezed his eyes closed, gritted his teeth and slowly slipped his tight ring over the last little bit of the flared portion of my cockhead. I held him still, hovering over the other twenty-six inches of my cock and waited for him to relax his expression.

Randy's face relaxed a bit and he slowly opened his eyes. He lifted one of his hands from my shoulders, knowing that I was holding him up, and reached down past his own throbbing cock and felt around my shaft as if trying to verify that he had actually gotten the whole head inside.

"You OK?" I asked quietly.

"Oh, yes," he replied. "Better than OK. This feels so good even though it hurts like hell right now."

"Maybe I should pull you off, then."

"No. The pain will subside in a minute. Just hold me still and let me relax. I only want to slide down enough to be able to stand on the floor."

I looked down to see his hooves hovering about six inches above the floor.

"You think you could even take that much?" I asked. He nodded his head quickly and bit his tongue.

"OK, now, really slowly let me slide down," he instructed.


"Yes, really."

I gradually started lowering Randy down, a fraction of an inch at a time while watching his face for expressions of pain. Whenever it hurt too much, Randy would dig his fingers into my shoulders and I would hold him still.

It took a couple more minutes of careful lowering before I saw the tips of his hooves touch the floor. I felt some of the pressure from holding him up start to lessen as he gradually started supporting his own weight. Once I saw that his hooves were flat on the floor I carefully let go of his hips.

My cock was nearly as thick as Randy's thighs. The sight of it buried in his tailhole, now completely stretched beyond its limits, was both scary and erotic. I wasn't sure how his normally tight hole could even begin to accommodate such a massive intrusion. Looking up a little further, Randy's normally taut tummy was bulging outward quite a bit.

Randy stood still, standing on the floor and straddling my cock. His ass was clamped around my shaft about seven inches above my medial ring. There was probably about eight thick inches of cock stuffed inside him.

Randy continued to hold onto my shoulders for support and started slowly grinding around on my cock. I already could feel my balls tingling, building up for release. I assumed I probably would cum like a firehose when the time arrived and should probably lift Randy off before that happened. With my hands now free, I reached down around Randy's tight ass cheeks and massaged them while he continued grinding himself around.

"I'm about to cum," I whispered.

"Mmm, bring it on," Randy replied.

"It will probably be more than your body can handle."

"I don't care," Randy panted. "Fill me to overflowing. I want it all."

I panicked when I felt my head start flaring and grabbed Randy by the hips. I was intending to pull him up and completely off my cock but the head had already flared too much and I couldn't get it past his over-stretched ring.

I felt my balls tighten up as my first load traveled up my cock in a thick torrent, quickly filling Randy's bowels. He moaned and writhed in my hands as the first stream slowed. The second shot felt even bigger as my cock physically expanded, carrying the massive load up and inside Randy's gut, pushing his abs out from the pressure.

I was already afraid he might be hurt but he was still in ecstasy. The internal pressure caused Randy's cock to start to spasm and he shot several small streams of cum onto my neck and chest. With my own cock continuing to pump more cum inside Randy, causing his abs to press out taut, I started to get worried. My own orgasm felt uncontrollable and I didn't want to hurt him.

Nature took its course in the form of backpressure and my flared cockhead suddenly popped free from Randy's ass. I was amazed at the size of it. Randy's scream when it came out scared me a bit, too. My cock was now spewing cum up into the air, soaking Randy's fur as well as my own. When the flow finally subsided and my cock started going limp, I lowered Randy into my lap. He laid his head on my chest and sat there panting for a while. I was afraid he might be hurt. When he looked up at me, his facial expression was one of satisfaction.

"That was truly awesome," he whispered. "But I don't think I'll be able to walk straight for a week."

After we rested for a bit, Randy hobbled to the kitchen and brought back a mop, dish rags and paper towels to clean up all of the cum in the living room. He also sponged off my fur since there was no way I could hope to shower off in the bathroom.

After getting dressed, I decided I needed to go out and find an apartment so I excused myself from Randy's and Roger's company. I headed out to Tank's truck and crawled in. With the seat completely back and down I could somewhat comfortably drive though it was a bit cramped. Fortunately, the truck started and I was off down the street.

I had driven around town and stopped at three different apartment complexes. Though each one was advertised as being perfect for larger furs it became obvious that their definition of a large fur fell short of my definition. Fortunately, the apartment manager at the last place I visited recommended that I check out a new place just outside of town named 'Equus Estates'. At least the name sounded promising, so I drove on out.

As soon as I pulled in, it was obvious this was the place for me. I pulled the truck into an amply sized parking space. When I climbed out and looked around, I noticed that almost every vehicle around was a large truck or van. I stepped inside the office and was greeted by a very nicely dressed and fairly large equine fur. He rose to greet me as I came in.

"Samuel Simmons," he said as he walked around the desk and stuck out a hand to greet me. "Everyone just calls me Sam."

"Ken Hammonds. Nice to meet you," I replied, returning a firm handshake.

I noticed Sam was just a little shorter than me, but not by much. He was a Belgian draft with light brown fur and nearly white mane. After our handshake, he walked back around the desk and sat down, waving his hand towards another chair. I sat down across the desk from him.

"I suppose you are looking for a place?" he asked. "New fur?"

"Yes and yes," I replied.

"Then you've come to the right place," he smiled and laid out a big glossy brochure on the table. "Tell me. Are you still growing, or is this your final height? You look to be just shy of ten feet?"

"Nine foot nine," I replied, curious about the still growing comment. "I have no idea if I am still growing or not."

"Ah, so you haven't been back for the follow-up visit then."

"No. That is scheduled for the twenty-first."

"OK, you'll know more after that visit. To be safe, we'll assume no more than eleven feet."

I was hoping this was my final height, to be honest. Sam flipped through his files and pulled out a handful of glossy brochures and laid them on the desk.

"These are our largest units," he continued. "We have one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments as well as separate three-bedroom garden homes. Each unit has twelve foot tall doorways and fifteen foot ceilings throughout."

"Very nice. Expensive?"

"I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Let me show you all the amenities we offer, first, so the pricing will seem more of a value. We offer covered or enclosed parking, even for oversized vehicles. The clubhouse complex offers rooms for events of up to 100 furs, a heated indoor and outdoor pool and, of course, a full weight room, sauna and showers. Outside we have a two mile long jogging track with a rubber surface."

"Wow, lots of nice extras."

"Exactly. Oh, and I forgot to mention - all our units are fully furnished. You can pick out your own decorating scheme or just move right into one of our pre-decorated units with no delay. Let me grab some keys and I'll show you a couple of the units."

We walked around the place and looked at the various amenities and walked through a couple of the apartments. I settled on a two-bedroom unit that was already decorated very nicely. Besides being thoroughly furnished, the unit also came with all utilities paid, a big flat-screen TV in the living room and even had bedsheets and covers on the oversized bed. I was all set, only needing to move in my personal items which, for now, didn't include much since I didn't have any large clothes. That was to be my next stop.

While walking back to my truck, I saw a couple more large equine furs jogging around the track and another out washing his truck in the area provided for doing that. I waved to each one and they all waved back and smiled. This looked like a perfect place to stay.

I stopped by the clothing store that Doc had given me the address for and picked out a full wardrobe of clothes. They honored the $500 credit and I was out the door with several bags full of oversized clothing with hardly any money out of my pocket.

I decided the grocery store should be the next stop, so I headed that way. I planned on taking the groceries and clothing to the new place, tidy up a bit and head over to visit Tank and Tom.

After a long and expensive trip through the grocery store, I headed back to the apartment, waving at Sam on the way into the parking lot. I unloaded everything into the apartment, hung up clothes, put away groceries and put on a fresh change of clothing. I jumped back into the truck and turned down the road towards Tank and Tom's.

After a couple of miles of driving, I looked in my rearview mirror and saw a police car behind me with the lights flashing. Looking down at the speedometer, I could tell I wasn't speeding. I shrugged and pulled over to the side of the road.

I looked in the mirrors to see two officers open the doors to the car and crouch down behind them with their guns drawn.

"Out of the truck!" one of the officers yelled. "Face down on the pavement and don't try anything funny!"