New Pride, New Priorities 1

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#1 of New Pride, New Priorities

It isn't entirely unknown that a certain dragon likes lionesses, and one of his subordinates decides to treat that certain dragon to a show. But first he has to find all the lionesses that he might need...

Commissioned by Repanbo

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New Pride, New Priorities

Part 1

for Repanbo

by Draconicon

Sura was one of many lionesses that had been banished from the savannah to the Endless Sands, though she was one of the few that didn't mind it that much. Already something of an outsider among her pride and well aware of the fact that the more established lionesses were 'concerned' over the time that the males spent around her, she knew that something or other would happen before long.

She just hadn't realized that they were that nervous about her being around the males. One second, she was giving one of them a little fun, the next, banishment.

Leaning back from a kill, she stabbed her machete into the dry earth, rubbing her forehead clear of sweat as she looked across the land around her. The desert was blasted with sandstorms, leaving some places dusty and hard to breathe in, while others - usually within two to three miles from an oasis - had ground that had been cracked and smoothed over by all the passage of the sand and cooking of the sun. She grunted as she shifted from one bare foot to the other, never managing to keep her feet on the ground for more than half a minute before it was too hot for her to stand.

But she needed to take at least a few cuts of meat from the beast before her, or the hunt would have been pointless. And if she didn't take the meat, some other predator or scavenger would. Best to get what she could, while she could.

But a moment's rest would not hurt. Not as long as it was just for a few moments. After all, the fight for the kill had been a hard one.

As Sura rested, she wondered if the lions of her pride missed her at all. Very unlikely that anyone but the males did. They were eager for her, or at least, her services, but the others had been rather...distant. They found her personality, distant save for matters of sex, to be rather off-putting, and they thought that she should have been more social, more focused on being with them, being part of the group.

Heh. As if she wanted to be part of what they did outside of the hunt. There was much to enjoy while they were chasing down prey, but aside from that, it was sleeping, and chatting, and doing nothing more than just being. For all that they were lionesses, she wanted more than that. Even fucking the males had been less about the pleasure of things and more about the fact that at least they were doing something, enjoying something.

Banishment, while hardly a gift, at least kept her busy. If she spent too long sleeping, resting, or lazing around, she'd die. It really was that simple.

Speaking of which, she'd rested long enough. Time to get back to work.

She reached for the machete, but just as she lifted it out of the ground, something else cut the air. Sura leaped back, her ragged wraps flying backwards as she pulled away from the kill, a split through the shimmering air cutting the beast deeper than anything that she might have wielded. For a moment, she saw a land of green, a place of plenty, and then, it disappeared, leaving behind someone - or something - that didn't match anything that she had ever seen before.

He - and he was definitely a he, with what lay between his legs - was some sort of scaly beast, with pebbly scales that ran across his body from head to toe. There were places where it seemed that he was speckled in some sort of pink color, and places where the speckles seemed almost green. Depending on where she looked, one or the other dominated, and it was hard to tell just which was the right color for him.

If she couldn't tell what species he was, she couldn't tell what he was dressed in, either. While he wore no proper clothes, and thus exposed quite the manhood, he did wear something that ran from his feet up to his thighs, a sort of net that crisscrossed itself and made his legs look like they had been captured. Long, but thick in the thighs, and with wider hips that pulled the eye to them, this male portrayed himself almost like a female, swaying as he walked toward her.

"Hello, hello," he said, his voice soft and friendly, though perhaps a little bit sultry at the same time, almost like one lion that she had met that had shaved his mane to live as a lioness. "Sura, right?"


"What's the matter?" the scaly thing asked.

"What are you?" she asked, holding the machete in a low, defensive posture. "And what the hell was that?"

"Oh? That? That was magic."


"You have magic here, I think?"

Sura slowly nodded, though the realm of magic was the realm of shamans and those that communed with spirits, not lionesses that were banished to the Sands like her. And her other question still hadn't been answered.

"My name's Gann," the intruder said, as if that explained anything. "And I'm here to -"

"What are you?" she asked again.

"...Do you not have dragons here?"

"What is a dragon?"

"...Well, that explains a lot. Um, scaly things, usually with wings - I hate heights, so I don't bother - and very powerful with magic."

Magic lizards that flew, then. That was something, even though it didn't really explain how or why he'd come here. But if he was magical, then her machete didn't matter in the slightest. She slowly lowered it, though her legs were ready to leap, to carry her away from this stranger before he did something else that might be more dangerous. The mark in the beast's carcass reminded her of what would happen if she tried fighting that magic.

She put the machete back at her hip, looking the dragon in the eye. He looked back with a smile on his face, clearly completely unaware of how intimidating he actually was. Or perhaps he knew, and that was the entire reason for his smile. It didn't matter; one way or the other, he was still dangerous.

"What do you want, Gann?" she asked.

"Oh, that's the easy part. I want you to come with me."

"Why? And why me?"

"Well, it's less just you, and more you and a lot of other lionesses. You see, I'm putting together a surprise for another dragon."


"Oh, he's my master, and he likes lions."

That...really didn't sound like something that she should be involved in, and a moment later, Gann rubbed his forehead, shaking his head.

"That came out wrong. Sorry. I'm just in a big hurry and really excited right now. It makes me get ahead of myself."

"Then slow down and get behind yourself."

"Oh, if I did that, I'd be too busy admiring my own cutie-bootie."


"Heh...little joke there..."

"Are you always so...light-hearted?"

"...Geez, tough crowd." The dragon shook his head. "Ooooookay. Well, how about I just put my cards on the table, then?"

"...Does that mean that you will be blunt with me?"

"Okay, note to self. Improve the translation spell so that it picks up idioms better than an idiot..." Gann nodded. "Yes, that's what it means."

"Then do so."

"Right. That - what - oh, that's blood. That's gross. That's really gross."

The dragon waved his hand, and the earth shifted beneath them. Sura's eyes went wide as the ground cracked and the earth itself seemed to drink of the blood oozing from the dead body, carrying it away into the depths and caverns buried deep beneath the sands. The world seemed to shift in response to Gann's gesture, only to settle again as soon as he lowered his hand to his side once more.

And he didn't seem bothered by it in the slightest, nor impressed with it. He treated it entirely as routine.

Is this what dragons...

Sura had seen many creatures of power. The shamans of the tribes were magical, yes, and were capable of great things. They healed the sick, treated the young, and ensured that the warriors of the tribe would grow with strength. Their paints and markings adorned warriors that went to battle, the lionesses wearing little but the paints of the shaman and fighting as if they were sheathed in armor.

But she had never, ever seen a shaman do what this dragon had done so casually. The fact that he did so, and then claimed that he had a master, one that might be even stronger than him, shook her to the core. She was trembling when he focused on her again.

"What's wrong? Are - oh. Oh. That - you haven't seen that before, have you?" Gann asked.

She slowly shook her head.

"Oh. I'm sorry. That was really - oh, geez, I'm kind of messing this up. I'm sorry. Um...let's start again." He offered his hand. "I'm Gann. What's your name?"

It was an attempt to start over, she realized. She took it, and his hand.


"Well, Sura, I have an invitation for you. My master is in need of...well, something. It's hard to explain here, but he has a thing for lions and lionesses, and I'm going around the worlds to gather a bunch of you for this."

"There is no lioness that will leave her pride willingly."

"That's the fun part. I'm going for the lionesses that aren't really part of a pride any longer. A lot of you really do cause trouble for their prides, apparently; no shortage of banished lionesses, in this case. But, um, I'm gathering you all for something special, something to really show my master that I'm paying attention and I know what he wants. And it means that you'd have a pride again. And a very different kind of pride, too; the kind that doesn't fit in with everyone else, and knows it, and doesn't care if they don't fit in 'properly.'"

Sura had to admit, that sounded almost improper. She had been raised to fit in with everyone, but that raising obviously hadn't taken the way that it had for most of the rest of the pride. The fact that she'd been banished rather clearly showed the evidence of that. She rubbed the back of her head, looking around her at the desert.

Was there any real reason to stick around?

Not really.

"Where is this master of yours?"

"Well, technically, he's on the other side of the portal I just came through, but you won't be meeting him in person for a little while. I want to make sure that we get this all set up properly, so we'll be doing the first parts of this somewhere different."

"...How different?"

"Well, that depends."


"Whether you want to come."

"...You're giving me a choice?" Sura asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Well, duh. I'm not a jerk. I want anyone doing this to want to come along."

"...And you know that offering a choice makes it more appealing."

"Well, um..." He blushed. A being of such power blushed. "Is that a bad thing?"

"...No. Take me with you."


They stepped through another portal, though this one did not lead to the green, lush lands that she had seen through the first. Instead, it led to another sort of wasteland, though one that was notably less heated than the one that she'd just left. Perhaps another fifth cooler, now that she thought of it. The air was still dry, lacking the humidity that had come from the nearby oasis in her world, and it meant that she felt...better. Particularly in the shade of the nearby trees.

Gann fanned himself with one hand, but he had almost been forgotten in favor of the others waiting there. Other lionesses, most of them different to what she expected, but some few wearing similar marks of banishment as hers. The black mark on the side of the neck, of a circle broken in four places, was unmistakable.

However, most of the lionesses were clearly from different deserts than hers. They did not bear the marks of banishment that she was used to seeing, but rather held themselves in a way that clearly showed that they weren't used to being around other lions any longer. Some stood in nothing but loincloths, their chests bared to the sun and their bodies scarred from long hunts. Some wore leathers that covered them from their necks down to their ankles, and wore boots that covered their feet, with scars like whiskers along their faces. Others still were unscarred, but naked, stripped of all that they had once held, but walked without shame.

Well, perhaps a little shame. They blushed when they looked around, but they didn't bother to try and cover themselves. Sura imagined that it would be hard for them to do something like that, considering that they were surrounded.

Some of the other lionesses that bore the same mark as she did looked her way. She glanced back, though she didn't recognize them. Not from her pride, or any of those that had been near her people. They nodded in acknowledgement, and she did the same for them.

Gann split from the group, moving to stand just outside of the shade. He smiled, clapping his hands for attention, and all the lionesses gave it to him.

"Alright, everyone. Thanks for waiting. I know that it's not the most comfortable here, but it was the best place I could find for this at short notice."

None of the lionesses answered, though some of the more mature females did smile at the dragon. Sura supposed that there was something that was sort of endearing about him. There was a good nature there, something that made him seem innocent, even when she was all but sure that he was anything but. He looked around with that same happy, hopeful smile that he'd worn for most of their encounter, meeting every lioness's eye.

"Now, um, some of you asked questions before we got here, and some didn't, so please forgive me while I go over this again. I'll make this quick, I promise."

Sura leaned back against one of the trees as the dragon spent a little time clearly gathering himself. He was a bit nervous, but at the same time, quite eager. And confident enough to be the only male among a group of lionesses - she did a quick count - numbering twenty. Despite his magic, their numbers would have been sufficient to tear him down quickly if they were so inclined. She knew that there were hunters here that had the skill if they were able to take him off-guard. She was one of them.

Then the dragon spoke, and she listened. No hunter would dare miss out on information for something so strange as this.

"My name is Gann, and I'm working as a representative of my master. He's been rather...I wouldn't call it 'depressed' of late, but definitely down. And I know the sort of things that he likes, so I wanted to make you a deal. You help me put on a show for him - a really fun show - and I'll make sure that you all get something that you want. Those that can't stick around, or lose, I'll make sure to send back with all the supplies and weapons and food that you'll need for over a year. And those that win...well, I'll make sure that my master has a good offer for you."

"And what kind of show are we going to be putting on?" one of the heavily-armored lionesses asked.

"Oh, that's the fun part. You'll be doing a sex-show for him."

One could have heard a tuft of fur hit the ground with the silence that fell after that. The reactions of the lionesses varied, ranging from utter shock and general disdain from those that were armored to a slightly smug smile on the part of those that were completely undressed, but the silence was universal. Some moved their mouths, trying to find the words to respond, while others were just so dumbstruck that nothing came to mind.

Sura was one of the first to find her voice, cocking her head to the side.

"Why would we agree to fuck for the pleasure of someone else?" she asked.

"Oh, um, it's not fucking. Not for a while, at least. The first part - the part that's more of a competition, you see? That part's more of a fetish thing."


"Um, that means the sort of sexy stuff that you watch and make a story about, and have other people do to themselves instead of doing it yourself."

"Oh, I know what a fetish is, Gann," one of the naked lionesses, pale-furred to the point of being nearly white in color. "But I didn't expect to be asked to do something like that. I don't think any of us did...particularly the prudes," she said, nodding to the armored felines.

"Prude - you're calling me - you bitch," the one that had asked about the show in the first place growled. "Oh, if you think that I'm going to just -"

"Please, please, calm down," Gann said, holding up his hands. "I promise, it's not going to be bad. I've studied this. I know how to make this good for everyone. And I know that my master can make it even better if you get past the first round and start really showing off."

It was odd. Sura had always been at least a little bit interested in the sex that she had with the males back home, but she'd never considered herself the sort of 'slut' that the other females had accused her of being. Sex had been a thing to do, not necessarily to pursue, and she'd never used it as a way to get influence over the other lionesses back at the pride, or the lions themselves, for that matter. It was just something to keep the boredom at bay.

But here...

She looked around. Though she had expected there to be an outcry against that sort of behavior, against the sort of competition that Gann had proposed, there was none. Oh, there was shock, there was embarrassment, and there was outright anger, but there was no real outcry. The only anger seemed to come from the fact that people were surprised at what they were being asked to do, not that they were outright against it.

And even she was...intrigued, to say the least, something that she wouldn't have expected of herself. She casually reached down, pressing the wraps that ran between her legs against her sex -


And hissed softly as she felt the wetness through the wraps. That...that was new.

...I think he's cheating, she thought, and rather respected him for that. The dragon had snuck some sort of magic upon them, making them rather intrigued and interested despite themselves. Very clever.

The argument between the armored lion and the naked one had been eased away while she'd been thinking, and Gann had their attention again.

"Look. Look. I'm not going to keep anyone here that doesn't want to be here. That's not my style. I don't like to make people upset. I want people to be happy, and if that means that you'd be happier going back to where you were, then I'll open those doors and send you right back. Promise. But if you want to stay, I'll make sure that you get everything that you need for a year, just for trying. And if you do well, if you don't get kicked out after that for losing - and yes, this is a competition, some of you will lose - then you'll earn even more.

"My master loves to reward those that do good things for him. I'll get a reward, too, but he'll also pick the ones here that he likes best. I bet you anything that he'll make you into your own pride, keeping you close as new friends. Think about it. A brand new world. A brand new family. Everything you need taken care of."

Even the survivalists and more severe females in the group seemed a little curious, at least, though not all of them seemed reassured by the offer. Sura could understand why. There was a joy of sorts in providing for oneself, particularly after their previous 'family' had thrown them out. They were not good at trusting a second time, though whatever Gann had done to make them listen was ensuring that they were at least allowing it as a possibility.

"...What kind of master do you have?" the armored lioness asked.

"I have a better question," Sura said, stepping away from her tree and joining the rest of the lionesses. "What kind of reward is Gann going to get for putting us through all this?"

The other lionesses looked at her, then back at the dragon in his strange leggings and exposed...everything. Gann chuckled nervously.

"Um...he'll fuck me."

"...That's it?" Sura asked.

"Well, it'll be more like a month-long vacation where he fucks me real good, and gives me all the attention that I could want, but...yeah, pretty much."

"...A meager reward," the armored lioness said.

"I kinda have to agree," the pale-furred naked one said. "I mean, I enjoy that sort of thing, but I'd hardly put out that much effort for sex."

"No male is worth that."

"Well, no male, no female, no -"

"Are you insulting my master?"

Silence fell again. Despite their various backgrounds, every one of them could hear the barely-concealed protectiveness in the dragon's voice. It was like hearing a beast warning someone away from its cubs, oddly enough. To hear someone that was ostensibly an underling making a sound like that was quite strange.

The naked one spoke first.

"I wasn't trying to insult him. I just mean, if that was the only prize for me, it wouldn't be enough."


"It's not as if he can be that good. There's good lovers out there, yes, but -"

"Oh, he is."

"I...suppose he could be, but really, what does he have to offer that you can't get from someone else?"

Gann arched an eyebrow, then reached behind his back. He fiddled, as if with a pack - though there wasn't one, as far as Sura could tell - and then snapped his fingers. Something rippled in the air, sending a minor shockwave through the air around them, and then he pulled -



"Oh, my..."

The gasps and soft whispers of the lionesses grew loud and grew quickly at what Gann revealed. Though many of them had used 'tools' to take care of themselves in their travels, they had never seen one such as this.

It was slightly over a full foot in length, with a diameter that forced Gann's fingers apart. Even the largest, burliest of the lionesses would not have been able to close her fist around it, though she would have come close. The dragon slammed it down on the earth in front of them, and Sura was sure that she wasn't alone in imagining a male beneath it, in thinking of what it might be like to have someone attached to that fake shaft.

As it stood there, wobbling slightly, she could see other details. In addition to its pure size, the rounded head seemed to shine with implied slickness, and there were little ridges down the side, like veins but stronger, things that would ripple the lips of a woman's sex, or the rim of another hole. At the very base were hints of something almost like the great wolves and wild dogs of the desert, something to trap the chosen mate of that shaft for some time.

The pale-furred one whispered.

"That...that must be an exaggeration."

"It is. Exaggeratedly smaller than him. The real one is a few inches bigger," Gann said.


"I take it, and so does the rest of his harem. If you win, then you might get the chance to enjoy this yourself. If you can endure it."

Sura felt a shiver going down her spine, and it was only partially a shiver of fear. There was something to the threat-promise that the dragon was offering them that appealed when it most certainly shouldn't. She didn't know why it did in the first place, but there was something to the idea of being allowed to take something that large that hit her deep down inside. Her breath caught in her throat, and she had to force herself to keep breathing.

Am I...really so interested in that?

Some part of her blamed whatever spell that Gann had cast, but it was only a partial answer. The greater one - and the one that afflicted most of the females around her - was the fact that they had all been alone for a very, very, very long time. They had had nothing but their hands, if they were anything like her, and the occasional traveler that they could trust and cajole into giving them something for a bit of time.

It was a lonely life, to be banished. Very lonely.

She looked up from the toy, looking Gann in the eye. The anger was shifting to something more like pride, and she knew how that felt. To be able to say that you could take something that most could not, to be able to show off, to say that you were so good that the owner of such a shaft would prefer you to the others -

A harem...

Gann was competing against others, just as the prides competed against each other for their males, sometimes. The strongest and the best females were given time with the males, while the others were left to lesbianism and the touch of their own hands. She smiled.

"Are you not worried about competition?" she asked.

"...Oh, you think that you can be better than me, do you?" Gann chuckled. "Well, well. Don't start getting ahead of yourself there, Sura. I brought you here, remember?"

"And you said yourself that your master enjoys lionesses. Do we enjoy an advantage that you don't?"

"Maybe, if he knew you. He doesn't."

"Does that matter to him?"

"Knowing someone matters more than anything," Gann said, shaking his head. "He is very different. He might enjoy the sight of you, the view of your asses as you run around, and more, but it wouldn't mean anything to him compared to us in the harem. He loves us. He might lust for you...though that may change if you stick around.

"But I still know him." Gann smiled. "And that means I know his buttons. Like bringing you in and letting you perform for him."

Sura smiled, and Gann did the same. She could already feel the slow rivalry that he was trying to instill among the different lionesses. Of course, she knew that he didn't need to try. They were competitive by nature, and they would compete for this just as much as they had for their own males. This was just something different, something that put the lions that they had seen before to shame.

But her rivalry? Well, for her, it went a little bit deeper. Now that she had seen what he was doing, now that she saw what he was putting together, she wanted to see just where it would lead. It was something that was more than just sex; this was somethign to do, a puzzle to solve, a game to win. And if Gann was going to be taken somewhere for a month, she wondered if she could find a way to intrigue his master enough to win something similar by coming out at the top of these games.

As she stepped back among the crowd, Gann looked around. Every lioness was at least half-interested, and most were more than that. He picked up the toy and tossed it into the air. Another gesture and ripple followed, and the toy disappeared from sight.

"So, now you know some of what you'll be doing. I want to make sure that you're all willing. If you don't want to be here, tell me, and I'll open the door back to your place. I'll give you a month's worth of stuff just for coming here and listening to me. If you take a shot at the first round, I'll up that to a year's worth of supplies. After that, the prizes only get bigger. But then again, so will the things that you're asked to do."

"I'll stay," Sura said. "I have nothing better to do."

"Me, too," the pale-furred lion said.

"...I guess I don't have anything that's too pressing back at home," the argumentative armored lioness said.

The same sort of agreement, more or less, spread through the assembled group. Only two lionesses - one of the armored warriors and one more mature naked female - declined the invitation, and they were allowed to leave. Sura was sure that she'd never get used to that earth-shaking feeling of Gann using his magic, particularly when it involved just ripping holes in existence and sending them back. The armored one returned to some metal-walled settlement, while the naked one stepped into a scene of utter debauchery, where the females were surrounded by males of all species and where she was seized by a zebra almost as soon as she stepped through.

Gann shook his head as he closed the portal.

"I guess that was always a half-chance, at best. She wasn't going to be tempted by sex, that's for sure, though it'd be better for her here than there." He clapped his hands. "Alright, everyone. No more second-thoughts?"

Sura shook her head. So did the other lionesses.

"Alright then. Everyone get naked."

"What?!" the armored one shouted.

"Well, you'll get some clothes back, but come on. I told you that this'd be sexy and fetish-y. That means that you have to be a lot closer to naked than you are. Oh, and all the shoes come off. We're staying barefoot for this, girls." He clapped. "Come on, come on, don't have all day now. Everything off."

Shaking her head, Sura commenced disrobing with a small smile on her face. Gone was the embarrassed, slightly less than confident dragon. He had been replaced with someone that knew what he wanted and how to get it. There was a feeling of a pride-hunter in him, someone that had already sighted his prey and was working to take them down.

It was refreshing. She hadn't been around someone like that in a while.

As she undid her wraps, she let the ragged, half-rotted bandages fall to the ground. She had less scars than most of the females assembled, though there were still a few. Lucky slices from some of the monsters of the deserts criss crossed her stomach and sides, and there was one big one that ran along her hip. That had been less of a dangerous hunt than a liaison that had gone tits-up, but she had come out well in the end. The asshole responsible hadn't.

She dropped the last of her wraps to the ground, letting herself be exposed. She rested her hands on her hips, fingers clenching just a bit to keep them from being tempted to go further down and cover herself. The last thing that she needed was to feel self-conscious, and Sura was sure that the more embarrassment she tried to hide, the more that she'd feel. She looked around, seeing that the already-naked lionesses were eyeing some of their competition up and down, and it wasn't all in the way of checking out who was going to be hard to beat. They were looking around with just as much hunger as some males, and Sura chuckled.

Well, we are all showing it off...should expect there to be some lady-lovers around...

It wasn't entirely her thing. She wouldn't turn it down, necessarily, but she had her preferences, and they ran towards the males. She deliberately shifted her stance, allowing her own juices to be seen. Not enough to dribble down her legs, but enough for a single strand to hang from her clit.

The confidence that she was putting off finally pushed the more-clothed lionesses to give up the ghost and start stripping down. They were clearly not happy about it, but they did it. Sura nodded, moving around them to the pale-furred lioness. She offered her hand.

"Sura," she said.

"Nilu," the other answered, taking it. "So, first time?"

"Competing for sex? Kinda."

"Third time."


"Heh, no, but my old pride did something like this. Should be fun."

"Easy for you to say!"

They both turned to face the argumentative one. She had stripped down, and - well, it was safe to say that she'd had the armor for a reason. She had the biggest pair of breasts that Sura had seen in a long time, almost matronly in sheer heft, and they looked like they were trying to spill past her arm as she covered her chest. Biting back a laugh, Sura shook her head and offered her hand.


"The name's Ra'jira." She nodded. "And I swear, I'm only here for the supplies. Everything else is -"

"When everyone's done getting naked, come over here," Gann called. "I have plenty of accessories that you're going to need."

"...Accessories?" Sura asked, slowly turning before going wide-eyed. "Oh, goddess..."

The End

Summary: It isn't entirely unknown that a certain dragon likes lionesses, and one of his subordinates decides to treat that certain dragon to a show. But first he has to find all the lionesses that he might need...

Tags: F/solo, Dildo, Lioness, Dragon, Exhibitionism, Nudity, Stripping, Series, Competition, Tribal, Wet, Introduction,