One With The Woods Part 2: The Commander

Story by Charlie Writes For You on SoFurry

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#2 of One With The Woods Series

Commander Billy Anderson may have escaped the bear attack on his illegal logging camp, but he can't escape retribution from the deity that protects the forest, or his karmic debt.

While not a direct sequel to part one, it takes place on the same night as Chay's attempted sabotage of the Rugged Way Militia's illegal logging camp, following the events from the perspective of the camp's commander.

Once again a huge shoutout to my editor and friend nightfox1090 for helping me edit this one.

One With The Woods

Part 2: The Commander

By Charlie Wolf

Every year over a thousand people go missing in the state parks of North America. Some are overcome by bad weather, others succumb to starvation or hostile wildlife, still others fall prey to a stranger fate.

The cold mountain air seared commander Billy Anderson's lungs as he ran through the old growth.The roars of the half ton grizzlies that had been chasing him had receded a while ago, but the combat vet took no chances. Finally, he came into an open clearing lit by the moon and took a second to catch his breath.

He leaned up against an ancient pine and listened for any sounds of pursuit. The only sounds that fell on his ears were the distant screams of his men, presumably being mauled to death by the pack of bears that had destroyed their camp. However, as he listened, he started to hear things even more terrifying and strange. Some of the screams seemed to be morphing into inhuman roars, grunting, and even moaning that sounded almost pleasurable. It had to be some trick of the acoustics in the valley, the commander thought as he began to take stock of what supplies he had on him. The answer? Nothing. It wasn't like he'd had time to plan an expedition before the camp was attacked. He sat down on the ground with his back against the tree, still catching his breath, and began to replay the nightmarish events he'd just witnessed.

It had been a fairly routine evening. An exotic wildlife broker had driven in from the city to inspect some cubs captured from a female grizzly they'd killed earlier that week. Their logging operation hadn't been as profitable as promised and the commander had hoped to net a nice windfall from the little runts. Something to show his superior officers in The Rugged Path militia that he wasn't a complete fuck up. The broker was snooty, but not a half bad piece of ass. Billy had tried to lay the charm on her, but the bitch was too high and mighty for a rugged alpha like him. After he showed her the merchandise, he went to have a drink with his men, and that's when the trouble started.

An explosion from under one of the logging trucks nearly knocked him on his ass, and he and the rest of the boys scrambled to put out the fire and find the culprit. It turned out to be a distraction set by some scrawny little half breed, native, PETA, fuck. The little shithead had broken the cage open and released the cubs before anyone noticed. He was able to put a bullet in the brat's kneecap before he could escape at least. They took the kid up to the cliff's edge and Billy was just about to put one between his eyes and let the river take him, when it all went to shit. He heard a great roar erupt from the forest that sent sheer electric terror through every bone in his body. Even the 45 year old marine vet couldn't help but quake at the monstrous sound. It was almost ursine, but sounded like something from the depths of hell itself. Suddenly a pack of the biggest grizzlies he'd ever seen began attacking his men on all sides of the camp. Billy managed to shoot one of the bears in the leg and was about to make the kill when felt a bullet graze his shoulder.

The PETA brat had wrestled a rifle away from one of the guards and had sent one of his men over the cliff in the process. The kid was trying to set up for another shot, but Billy was too fast for him. The commander took pleasure in the look of pure shock on the kid's face as he tumbled over the edge of the cliff with a fresh hole in his torso. However, Billy quickly realized he'd made a huge mistake. As soon as the shot rang out, every bear in the camp turned and began to chase him. He cried out for back up, but the camp had devolved into pure chaos and his men were running in every direction except to his aid. He tried to sight and shoot the half ton monsters, but his rifle jammed. Not seeing another option, Billy dropped his weapon and ran for the trees.

Billy kicked himself for being so cowardly, but at least he was alive. As he sat there, the inhuman sounds in the forest around him began to die down until a silence fell over the old growth once again. After a few minutes, Billy stood to his feet and began to plan his next move. A few of the trucks back at the camp should still work, and maybe a few of his men had survived the onslaught. They could regroup and get the hell out of this god forsaken forest. He walked into the center of the clearing to try and get a good view of the night sky. It'd been a couple of decades since he'd done any pathfinding maneuvers, but Billy figured he remembered enough of his training to get a rough idea of what direction camp was in.

Suddenly he heard a branch snap on the other side of the clearing. Billy whipped his head in the direction of the noise, hand automatically on the pistol holstered on his hip. The commander's blood turned to ice as he watched the largest bull elk he'd ever seen wander into the clearing. At least 6 feet tall hoof to shoulder and perhaps 11 feet from snout to rump, he was a behemoth. Billy unconsciously put his hand on the old wound across his sternum. He'd been nearly trampled to death by a bull elk much like this one during a hunting trip as a kid. The attack had left permanent scars, both mental and physical. To this day elk were the only creatures Billy had any true fear of, including the grizzlies.

The bull meandered into the clearing until it sighted Billy. It lowered it's head and huffed pawing the ground with one of it's front hooves. Billy realized with horror that it was rutting season which made the males particularly aggressive. He froze trying not to seem like a threat to the giant elk, but the great animal continued to stare him down. Suddenly it began to plod towards him. The commander tried to make himself look as large as he could and screamed at the top of his lungs at the creature, attempting to scare it. The ploy just angered the Elk further. It lowered it's head and charged at Billy full speed, it's massive antlers in attack position. Billy pulled the pistol from it's holster and tried to shoot the charging beast, but for the second time that night, his firearm jammed. Billy screamed and attempted to turn and avoid the hooved freight train speeding towards him, but it was too late. The elk caught him beneath both arms with its antlers and tossed him almost completely to the other side of the clearing. He hit the ground with a bone crushing thud. Disoriented and in massive pain, the commander rolled onto his hands and knees and tried to crawl as quickly as possible from the hailstorm of hooves he knew would be coming at him next. But as he tried to move, his body suddenly stopped responding to his brain. No matter how hard he tried, he stayed paralyzed in position on his hands and knees, backside facing the great elk. Suddenly a deep feminine voice entered his mind overriding all his racing thoughts.

Trying to run away so soon? What's wrong commander? I thought you loved the thrill of the hunt!

"Who's there?!" the commander shouted "Show yourself and fucking help me!"

I don't think I will, Commander Anderson. You owe me and this land for the many transgressions you've made against it, and I intend to collect every cent!

Suddenly a fiery pain began consuming every cell of his body causing Billy to let out a blood curdling howl. He felt his bones and internal organs begin to rearrange and shift. It felt like he was being torn apart and put back together again like some hideous jigsaw puzzle. The commander watched in horror as his fingers began to harden and fuse together, becoming hoof like. Each bone made a sickening crack as they fused together. Brown fur began to push against his clothing as it sprouted all over his body

"Oh my god what's happening to me?!" The commander screamed

I'm changing your body to suit your punishment. You and your men killed many of this bull's herd for meat and sport. Now you're going to help replenish what you took.

The commander's mind raced. This couldn't be happening, It was some kind of nightmare! Maybe he'd drunk too much moonshine and this was some sort of hallucination. All his fevered rationalizing began to falter as pain continued to erupt throughout his changing body. The sounds of his bones cracking and contorting into new shapes became replaced by the sounds of fabric ripping as his body began to take on mass. Cloven hooves burst through the toes of his combat boots. His shirt ripped down the back as his chest and shoulders broadened. The seat of his pants tightened, then finally let loose with a great tearing sound as a brown furry rump with a sprouting nub of a tail pushed through the camo fabric. The bones in his face began to crack and shift, he felt his jaw and nose begin to elongate into the shape of a snout. The commander was completely at the mercy of whatever force was changing him. For the first time in his life, the helpless militiaman began to beg.


Billy heard the sound of leaves crunching a few feet in front of him. He craned his head and was momentarily distracted by his painful transformation as he watched a figure out of a story book emerge into the moonlit clearing. The creature towered above the cowering commander. Half ursine, half woman. Simultaneously ferocious and beautiful. Billy was shocked into silence as the creature walked up and knelt in front of him. He was temporarily transfixed by the 6 pairs of massive breasts covering the creature's chest and stomach. A large paw grabbed Billy under his increasingly snout-like chin and pulled his head up to look into the face of his torturer.

"My eyes are up here commander" the creature spoke in the same voice that had invaded the commander's mind a moment ago.

"A..a..are the one doing this to me?" he sobbed "P..please make it st..." The words caught in his throat as his voice box shifted and his begging was replaced by a series of high pitch whines and bellows. Though he could no longer speak, the forest deity kneeling in front of him could still hear every panicked thought in Billy's mind.

"I'll make you a deal." The bear woman said with a teasing smirk, "If you can resist succumbing to the pleasures of mating with that strong alpha behind you, I'll return you to your human form. But if he brings you to orgasm, you'll belong to his herd forever and will forget you were ever human."

"Mate!? What do you mean mate??", Billy's mind cried out "I ain't like that, I ain't fucking no elk!! I don't even have the right parts for that anyway!!"

"Oh? Are you so sure about that?" The bear woman said with an acidic sweetness in her voice "Why don't you check between your legs Mr. Alpha Male."

Billy's eyes grew wide as he whipped his head down to look at himself. By now the remains of his clothing were nothing more than shreds of fabric on his rapidly growing furry body, giving him a perfect view of his nethers. Billy let out a horrified bellow as he saw his still human penis, a part of his body he'd always taken a pride in that bordered on obsession, start to shrink and recede inside his body along with his testicles. Tears streamed from his eyes as his manhood disappeared into a pair of swelling black vaginal lips, the tip of his former penis shrinking and becoming a throbbing clitoris. Four black nipples appeared just below what had formerly been his waist line and began to swell into a nice set of teats ready to feed any young that emerged from his new womb. His back suddenly cracked, sealing Billy's body into a new quadrupedal posture. He was now almost completely indistinguishable from any other female elk in the forest, save for his still blue human eyes.

"NOOOOO!" Billy's mind howled in horror "ANYTHING BUT THIS PLEASE!!"

"You know the deal." The bear woman said matter of factly "Just keep from cumming and you'll get your manhood back, and it looks like that alpha is about to put you to the test."

The bull elk who had been watching the proceedings from a distance suddenly caught the scent coming from the freshly minted cow and began to approach with increased interest. His thick foot-long phallus began to emerge from its sheath. The former human stood up on four shaking legs, but was still unable to move from the spot. Tears rolled down the cow's cheeks as she bellowed in distress at the approaching male.

"Now now, none of that." The bear woman chided teasingly "Who knows? You may even enjoy this experience. Try to have an open mind!"

As the male elk grew closer a deep musky scent began to fill Billy's increasingly sensitive nostrils. It smelled warm, inviting, and safe. The scent of a strong, virile male ready to rut. Though the former human's mind still fought hard, her new body began to betray her. The scent of the male caused her new vulva to swell and lubricate, producing more of her own sweet musk, letting the male know that she was fertile and ready for his seed. The male approached her backside and began to chuff warm breath against her sex causing Billy to gasp at the unexpectedly pleasurable sensation. The male continued to inspect his potential mate, taking in her scent. He then proceeded to press his snout into the pair of swollen black lips and started lapping up liquid arousal with his tongue in a gesture that was both designed to stimulate and also served as a health check. She tasted healthy and was most certainly ovulating.

Billy let out a long bellowing moan. The sensation of the male's wet nose parting her lips and his dexterous tongue exploring her new genitalia caused the former human to momentarily become lost in overwhelming pleasure. Her still human mind recoiled in horror, but her new body relished every lick from the alpha bull.

Satisfied that his perspective mate was ready, the bull removed his snout and tongue from the cow's sex and in one swift motion mounted her and proceeded to insert his entire length into her well lubricated canal. There was no poking or prodding here, this male was well experienced after many seasons of mating and knew exactly where to aim. The feeling of all twelve and a half inches of girthy elk cock sliding into her sex sent Billy's mind reeling. She began to pant and mewl as the bull started pumping his hips against her. A deeply suppressed corner of the former human's mind had always wondered what it would be like to have sex as a female, and now she had an answer. It was pure ecstasy! The walls of her sex began to swell and tighten around the thick cock of the alpha bull. Warm waves of pleasure began rolling through her body. Her tongue flopped out of her mouth as she began to lose herself fully to the pleasure of mating.

"Oh come now, try harder than that!" The bear woman said smirking as she watched the pair of rutting elk "You'll never get your human body back at this rate. Or perhaps you'd rather remain a breeding cow? Tell you what, I'll even make it a more fair fight." She waved her paw and released the invisible shackles that had kept Billy rooted to the spot.

The forest deity's words snapped the still human part Billy's consciousness back from the revelry. The cow started trying to extricate herself from the rutting male's embrace. She took a few halting steps forward and attempted to buck the male from her back. The bull responded by wrapping his front legs more tightly around her waist and bending forward to nip the tender part of his mate's neck with his teeth. The feeling of being bitten by the male sent shivers of both pain and pleasure through her increasingly supplicant body. It felt good to be disciplined by the strong alpha. Billy stopped trying to escape and let pleasure fill every corner of her consciousness.

"Maybe just a little longer." Billy thought as what little resistance was left began to drain from her mind.

"Yes it feels good to give into the pleasure doesn't it?" The bear woman cooed in her ears. "Why not just let go and let this strong male take care of you. That sounds so much easier than fighting, right?"

Upon hearing the sensual tone in the deity's voice, the last bit of fight left Billy's consciousness. The cow gave herself fully to the pleasures of rutting with the male on her back. Her tongue once again fell out of her mouth as she began to drool from the intensity of the rapturous copulation. Her walls constricted more driving the pleasure of the male, causing him to pump faster. A euphoric feedback loop drove both the elk closer and closer to climax until Billy felt the Elk's sheft begin to spasm and release thick ropes of seed into her womb. The feeling of her mate's climax was enough to finally send billy over the edge. Her walls contracted then released in indescribable pleasure. What was left of Commander Billy Anderson was washed away by wave after wave of orgasmic bliss. Every personality trait and memory, snuffed out by the unrelenting pleasure of being bred. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and their blue color melted away into a sea of deep brown. Any traces that the female elk had ever been human were gone forever. What was left behind were the instincts and personality of a supplicant young elk cow who'd just enjoyed her first mating with the herd's alpha.

The new couple panted from the exertion of their copulation for a few minutes before the bull dismounted. Thick ropes of seed mixed with natural lubricant flowed from the cows still swollen vulva causing the cow to mewel in pleasure at the sensation. She turned around and stuck her snout between the male's legs. In a gesture of both affection and submission, the female began to clean her mate's still swollen member, licking every trace of his seed and her arousal from it, making sure he was ready for the next female in their herd that needed to be bred. The male in turn bent his head down to the female's dripping sex and began to clean and gently nip her rump affectionately.

Smiling in satisfaction at her work, the bear deity walked over and began to pet the happy couple behind their necks.

"Well it was a valiant effort I guess," she said to the oblivious cow. "To be honest you never really stood a chance, but I do enjoy when you humans fight being taken into my domain," She then turned to the male. "Take good care of her, teach her the ways of your herd, and she'll be a loyal and fruitful mate to you for the rest of her days." The male nodded, acknowledging his goddess. She then turned back to the cow as she finished licking her mate's sheath clean.

"You belong to him now." she said sternly "You'll remain in his herd for the rest of your life replacing every elk you and your men ever took from this forest, and then some." The cow pulled her snout from between the male's legs and nuzzled the she-bear's paw. The deity smiled at her new devotee.

"Don't worry, you'll be well taken care of here. I'll make sure you have a full and happy life. You'll work out your karma here in harmony with nature until you're ready for your next life." She scratched the pair of elk affectionately behind their ears, then said to the cow,

"Now, I must be off to attend to the rest of the interlopers you brought here. I'll be back to check on you in a few days." The deity then melted back into the forest leaving the two elk standing in the moonlight.

The rest of the Alpha's harem, who'd been waiting patiently just beyond the clearing, began to meander into the moonlight to greet their new sister. The former human was welcomed into the herd and was soon indistinguishable from any of the other cows, save for the pair of dog tags left hanging around her neck. Over the next few days, her new mate would breed her many more times, ensuring that next summer's birthing season would be a fruitful one.

A few days later the deity returned, this time with a human companion. A distant pang of hazy recognition registered in the cow's mind when she saw the human, but it soon faded as she went back to grazing. New life had already begun to grow in her womb and her only priority was putting on enough weight to make it through the coming winter. She barely registered when the goddess of the forest removed the last link she had to her former life from her neck and tossed it to the human. The next day the entire herd perked up when they heard a pair of great roars from across the valley. It appeared that their deity had found a mate of her own.

The next May, she gave birth to a healthy male calf. The first of many she'd birth over the next few years. As she lay in the meadow, her newborn gently suckling at her teats, the cow felt something akin to pride. Her mate was strong and so was she. Her son would grow up to be strong like his father, eventually making a harem all his own. She gently licked and cleaned the newborn calf. Her alpha walked up to her and nodded approvingly. As the cow looked up at her mate, she felt a subtle stirring in her loins. Soon it'd be time to rut and the cycle would begin again. The cow was happy. She was fulfilling her destiny and her karmic debt.

All was right with the world.