Making a Slave Out of Sister (Ch 1)

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#2 of Making a Slave Out of Sister

DISCLAIMER: The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might be considered objectionable. The author(s) of this work do not advocate or condone any of the acts depected in the writings present. None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. The stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such. If you do not wish to view such content, please navigate from the page immediately.

NOTE: This was written by MasterAaran and Eirene. Trynnia is copyright to Eirene, while Aaran, Frelth, Relenth, and Father are copyright to MasterAaran. Posted with permission from my co-author.

Trynnia had grown up in a family of males, her mother having died shortly after giving birth to her. It was just her father, brothers and herself. However, the males in her family were slavers and she usually stayed home while a pair of the males went on slave hunting trips. A few times, she'd caught some of her brothers with the slave girls, but she would just ignore things like that. She'd been too young to understand at first, and then as she got older, the slaves would tell her about a male's needs and since then, she just went about her own chores. However, today, things seemed different. Something hung in the air. She just didn't know what was going to happen today.

Aaran stood under the tent that they had erected behind their home, in an open field. The middle of three brothers, he was also the tallest, topping at 6', and almost the strongest. For an elf, his muscles were large, probably from his years of helping his father and brothers with the slaves that was their trade. His brown hair hung just past his ears, and his yellow eyes stared out unblinkingly. Under the sun, his younger brother, Frelth, was helping a caravan load the last of their latest batch of slaves into a carriage for selling at the large town off to the south. The female they were loading was one of the more troublesome ones from the last batch, and it took a couple of good strong whips and a vicious slap to the genitals before the woman succumbed to the orders and followed her fellow slaves into the cart.

Frelth returned from the heat and wiped his brow, "Some bitch she was... gosh it's hot today" and so saying, he grabbed a water skin from the table and took a large gulp. Aaran nodded, "She's not our problem any more... she's theirs... and now we need to head back out for another set... I think that last was a bit too many... we should concentrate on doing one or two at a time, and making them excellent quality. We would probably get more money from them... and that goes along with what I've been talking about these last weeks. Trynnia is old enough now... we wouldn't sell her of course...."

Frelth nodded, "Aye... we could use her as an example to the traders of what we are capable of..."

Aaran nodded, "that's right... I will speak to father again"

Frelth went about picking up the instruments that they had laying around, and putting them back on their racks in the small shed behind the house. Aaran found their father inside, writing a letter to the governor of the city, in response to a special request for a slave girl that would be his.

Aaran knocked on the door and their father beckoned him inside. "Ah Aaran... come on in... you have seen the last of them off?"

Aaran nodded and he smiled, "Good boy... your brothers can get the next group, you need a rest from your work..."

Aaran sat down, "Father... I want to speak of Trynnia... Frelth and I have been talking and she could not only benefit us, but also the business... we can use her as an example of our work... with your permission I want to train her."

Father nodded, "I have also been thinking... and I agree... very well then... you can have charge of her slave training... we will all do it of course... but you are in charge."

Aaran nodded and smiled, "Thank you father.... "

His father nodded, "Your welcome son... now get going..."

Trynnia was inside the house, up in the bedrooms, airing them out and cleaning them before going down to start dinner for her family. She was dressed in black, as she usually did when doing housework, though she knew that after getting the kitchen help started on dinner, she had just enough time to clean up and change into her dinner outfit.

Father was strict in that the family dressed up for dinner. She'd already done the farm work, the cows milked first thing in the morning after the chickens were fed and the pigs slopped. After the cows had been milked, she'd fed the horses. Her brothers took care of the slaves, freeing her from one duty. Luckily, she was working on the last bedroom, her own, before going to get dinner started. She always followed a certain pattern in her cleaning, and her brothers knew it by heart.

She finished her room, then headed down to the kitchen and gave the menu for dinner to the kitchen staff. Giving a soft sigh afterwards, she headed up to her room, and went into her private bathing area, stripping her dress off and setting it to the side. The next day was the day she did the laundry, so she wasn't too worried about what she did with it today. She stretched out, and then felt the water in her tub, finding it just perfect and stepped into the claw-footed tub, letting the water soothe her as she closed her eyes and leaned back.

Aaran sighed deeply as he left their father's room and began organizing in his mind just how he was going to begin. He rubbed his hands together and cracked his knuckles, then passed through the kitchen, smiling as the staff stopped what they were doing until he had left. He went up the stairs, feeling the hard floor under his bare feet (he had removed his shoes when he came in). He heard the sound of Trynnia slipping into the water in her bathing room and nodded. Quickly, he stalked down the hall to his room and stripped his breeches and tunic off, switching it for a light shirt and pants. He picked up a sharp knife and belted it to his hip, then walked back out and down the hall to her room. He pushed open the door, sniffed and smelled the scent off her body, his elven smell detecting sweat and the normal bodily smells. He nodded and stripped his shirt off again, dropping it on her bed, followed by his pants. His knife he kept, and then stepped behind the door to her bathroom and waited for her to come out.

Trynnia sighed to herself, opening her eyes after a few minutes of relaxing and soaking in the tub. She leaned forward and started washing, every inch of her tanned skin scrubbed raw as she washed the sweat and grime of her day off. Finally clean, she stood up and grabbed a towel, stepping out of the tub and drying herself off. After drying off, she walked towards her room, her body glistening from her bath, still slightly damp from the water, and fully nude. Her long brown hair flowed down her back to end just above her firm ass, drawing attention to her toned legs and rear. She passed her brother, unaware that he was there, waiting for her...

Seeing that she had not bothered to redress in the bathroom, he set the knife down on the table against the wall and followed her silently. The only indication that he was even there were the clothes of his lying on the bed, and the shadow that he cast as he passed in front of the window. His hand darted out, grabbed a handful of her hair and twisted it into his fist, knowing that it hurt her. He knew that he must use force with her, even though he loved her more than the whole world, and would never harm her in any life threatening way, he would have her for himself and for the family.

Trynnia let out a cry as her hair was grabbed and she was pulled backwards. She struggled against him, unaware as yet that it was Aaran and not some stranger. "Let me go!" she demanded, kicking back with her legs, her hands coming up to cover herself from sight. She opened her mouth to scream, planning to get the attention of her brothers and father to deal with the intruder...

Aaran shoved her forward onto the bed, bodily forcing her over it while his other hand pinned one of her arms to the small of her back. He leaned down, saying, "Trynnia... don't struggle"

Hearing her older brother's voice, she stopped struggling, craning her neck around to look at him. "Aaran? What are you doing?" she asked, relieved that it was her brother and not some intruder, but worried that her brother was... "AARAN!! Put some clothes on!" She blushed deeply as she turned her head back to look at her pillows, and not at his hard, lean, toned body.

"you might as well look, Trynnia... you'll be seeing a lot of me this way from now on..." he said, not letting go of her hair, but pulling her head back to look at him. He released her hand and ran his down the middle of her back, ending above her asscrack, then pulling it away and laying a finger between her ass and pussy, teasing her flesh.

She turned her head to ease the pull on her scalp, her eyes meeting his. "But why, Aaran? It's not right for me to see you like this," she questioned, then gasped, feeling his finger teasing the flesh between her ass and pussy, both virgin holes, though not for much longer. She knew that when males touched females down there, they wanted one thing from them...

"If I tell you its right, it is... Trynnia from now on you're not just my sister..." His fingers continued to tease her, running down toward her pussy, hitting the very edge, and then back up to near her asshole. He did not let go of her hair.

Trynnia used her natural agileness to wiggle around under her brother, turning into his hand that was in her hair so she wouldn't pull it anymore. Her body rubbed against his as she moved. She looked up at him, her eyes wide as she asked softly, "WH...What do you mean, Aaran? I...If I'm not just your sister, then what am I? I...I can't be your lover. Incest is illegal..."

"You're going to be my slave Trynnia... I'm going to train you like the other girls..." he revealed to her, and then twisted her head back and kissed her on the lips and released her hair. His now free hand traveled down to latch onto one of her naked breasts, still damp from the bath.

Trynnia was too stunned to make a noise when her brother's lips claimed hers in a kiss, then his hand moved down to her breast, cupping and massaging the healthy globe of flesh. Her breasts were C Cups, just a little more than a good handful, so the flesh spilled out some around his hand. Her back arched as she couldn't hold back a groan as her breast was groped by him. It was the first time her breast had been touched by another hand other than her own.

He broke off the kiss "And as a slave... you are going to obey without question... you are no longer your own..." he said, squeezing her breast viciously to press his point home.

Trynnia gasped as her brother squeezed her breast, her back arching from the bed. She didn't want to be treated like this, and started struggling under him. "Aaran, no... Please... I'm your sister... You don't want to do this to me... Please stop..." She struggled, trying to toss him off her, her slit rubbing against his cock as she twisted and wiggled.

The rubbing on his cock caused it to grow larger than it already was from the whole situation, and he growled a bit as she argued, although he liked it. He flipped her onto her back and pinned her to the bed with one hand on her shoulder. His other hand slipped down to her sex, sliding along the folds with one finger, "you think to argue.... You are my sister, and I love you... but from now on you are also my slave and I'll expect to be treated as a master."

Trynnia struggled as her brother started rubbing her slit, teasing her. She was a strong willed girl, so when she did capitulate, it would be entirely. Nevertheless, until then, she would fight, struggle, and refuse to just give in. "I am not a slave, Aaran. I am your sister, and I am a free woman." She twisted under him, trying to throw him off her.

From her struggles, Aaran could tell she would not give in easily, and truth be told he liked it that way... a fight made it all the better when the girl gave in. He shook his head, "You're my sister, but you are NOT A FREE WOMAN!" he growled, slapping her sex hard, and then her left breast too, impacting the nipple.

Trynnia gave a yelp as he slapped her sex, then her breast. She gave a low growl and struggled harder, trying to get him off her. "Why are you doing this, Aaran? What did I do to deserve this treatment from you?"

"You did nothing Trynnia... I still love you... and I'll take care of you like any slave... but you have to learn to obey" her struggles were turning him on, and he roughly grabbed both of her hands, pinning them to her sides, "I can see you won't submit... I'll have to deal with you like any other slave..." he grabbed her by the hair and dragged her out of bed, tossing her to the floor and then shoving her back onto the bed so that she was bent over it with her ass sticking out. He sat over her, and began to slap her ass with his bare hands.

Trynnia let out a yelp as her brother pinned her hands to her sides, her body twisting and bucking against him, trying to throw him off her. As he dragged her from the bed by her hair and threw her to the floor, she tried to scramble away and get free of what was happening, but her brother was too quick for her, flinging her back onto the bed, her torso the only part of her on it as he sat on her back, pinning her beneath him before he started spanking her. Her eyes widened as he slapped her ass, and she bucked harder, trying to get him off, disbelief written on her face. "AARAN!! Stop! Please!"

He did not get up, did not stop spanking and most surely didn't get less determined. His slaps became harder, longer, and more accurate, slapping the edges of her ass, her crack, near her hole. He spread her cheeks and delivered five strong blows directly to the hole. Then he went back over where his hands had been, harder yet again. "YOU. Will. Submit."

Trynnia yelped as her brother kept spanking her, twisting under him as she kept trying to free herself. "No. I. Won't," she cried out as he slapped her cheeks then spread them to spank her little asshole directly. Her body writhed in pain; no one in her family had ever spanked her before. She took care of the house because she loved her brothers and father, not because she was made to. Moreover, she wouldn't just give in to her older brother.

"Yes." he began with one hard slap to the left cheek, "You." he did another to the right, "WILL" he shouted, spanking her directly on her pussy, which he could see winking at him between her legs. "I gave you a chance Trynnia..."

Trynnia yelled as her brother spanked her pussy, the tender flesh there not expecting it, and easily turned red from the single spanking, while her ass was just starting to turn pink from his spankings. She twisted more, trying to get him off her, unaware that his first slap to her pussy had met with some of her juices as well.

Aaran paused on his spanking for a moment, letting the pain in her ass subside before he continued. He felt the wetness on his fingers, and he put them to his lips, tasting her, "Mmmm..." he said. He ran the fingers back over her pussy once more, getting more juice, and then wiped them clean on her ass. Leaning over as far as he dared without letting her up, he snatched her wooden hairbrush from the bedside table and held it against his palm. Her frantic twisting was beginning to annoy him, as it actually had hit his balls a couple of times, and had hurt. He pulled the hairbrush back and prepared to bring it down on her flesh.

Seeing what her brother had reached for before he moved it to where she couldn't see, she screamed. "AARAN!! Don't!! Please..." Her body stilled under his, not moving an inch, scared for the first time in her life.

"You pushed me too far Trynnia... now you will pay for it..." he growled, sounding angry. He wasn't as angry as he actually sounded, but he was upset and rather frustrated. Raising it another inch or two, he let his hand fall. It seemed to fall in slow motion for him, but when it hit her ass, it made a loud SMACK! And her bottom turned instantly darker. Satisfied that this would have the effect he desired, he slapped it down on the other asscheek.

She howled in pain as her brother spanked her with her own hairbrush, her ass turning a dark red. She buried her face into the mattress, sobbing and screaming in pain. Her beaten ass pulsed as he spanked her other cheek and she clawed at the bed beneath her.

With a nod, he knew that he had begun to teach her what she needed to know. Of course, it would still take a long time, many spankings and many fuckings before she was ready. He smiled and, although he felt the tiniest twinge of guilt for the way he was treating her, continued lower this time. Directly below the last two, he planted two more swats.

She screamed again as he kept spanking her with the brush, sobbing and clawing at her mattress. Tears stained her cheeks as she screamed at him, "I hate you, Aaran! I always will! I'll never forgive you for this!" She couldn't believe her beloved brother was doing this to her. But beloved no more, at least not now.

At her words, Aaran stopped his beating of his sister's ass and put the brush down on the bed. He stood and turned to look at her, running a hand over her red skin gently. Putting a hand to her pussy, he slipped his fingers through the juices he found there.

Trynnia gasped as she felt her brother getting off her back and running his hands over her reddened ass, her skin prickling under his gentle touch. Then moaned as her brother slid his fingers against her inflamed pussy, finding her juices and her tiny clit.

His fingers indeed found her small nub, and concentrated on it for a moment as he was rubbing. The next thing of course, was for her to lose her virginity, and he would do it right here, right now. He let his fingers find he hole, small as it was, and he slipped the tip of one inside.

Trynnia moaned as Aaran rubbed her clit, her hips rising from the bed as new sensations flooded her young body. Sensations she had never felt before. She almost whimpered when he moved his fingers from that spot and up to her hole, the tip of one slipping into her tight virgin pussy.

He shoved his finger into her up to his knuckle, until he found what he was searching for, her hymen. Symbol of her virginity, soon to be no more. He moved up behind her and took her hips in his hands, pulling her ass up so that her knees were on the bed, he lined up his cock with her pussy and rubbed the tip across her folds.

Trynnia gasped and wiggled as her brother shoved his finger into her tight snatch, soon finding her hymen. But her eyes still held tears in them from his earlier beating on her ass, and she didn't move unless he moved her. Maybe if he thought she was broken completely he would stop. But that wasn't the case as she soon found out, feeling him pulling her up some, and then felt his tip rubbing through her wet slit, ready to take her virginity.

Holding her hips so he had a good grip, Aaran began to press his cock into her pussy, the folds beginning to spread around him, and the wetness beginning to lubricate the way into her for the raping of her virginity... His hands moved up farther, to grab a hold of her tits, using the soft globes as leverage to begin pulling her backwards.

Trynnia stiffened as her brother started to slide into her wet cunt, stretching her entrance around his tip, then his length as he pushed deeper into her. She bit her lips as she felt his hands grip her breasts, not wanting to give into the need to scream just yet...

Aaran had seen this behavior before in slaves. He had seen just about all behaviors... his sister evidently thought he would stop if she froze and pretended to go along with it. He shook his head and continued to push himself in, soon coming to her holiest of places, her hymen. He tightened on her tits, and with a grunt, he pulled back, only to shove into her again, breaking the hymen and stretching her out.

Trynnia screamed as her brother found her hymen, pulled back, then thrust into her again, tearing through her virginity. Her innocence stained his cock as tears flowed from her eyes again. She bucked and wiggled, trying to pull away, but he held too tight a grip on her breasts for her to get free. She clawed at her bedding, trying to pull herself forward as her brother raped her.

With a chuckle, he grabbed her tits harder and wrenched her back against him. Soon enough he was pulling out again, only to pound his full length into her tight cunt. His hands twisted her breasts and one let go to slap one side of her sore ass.

She had no choice as he pulled her back by her breasts, his cock pulling back from her, then slamming deep into her, his balls swinging up to smack against her clit. She let out another cry as he twisted her breasts, then slapped her tender, sore ass.

"Will you submit now Trynnia?" he demanded as he began to fuck her cunt mercilessly. Blood and wetness coated his cock as he pistoned into her. Each time, his balls slapped her clit, and his hand twisted her tits. His hand on her ass rubbed around and he spit on her backside... his finger swiped it up and massaged it into her asshole

Trynnia sobbed as her brother raped her, fucking her mercilessly, her cunt stretched around his thick cock. Her breasts ached from his torturous twisting and pulling of them, and her ass throbbed from the beating he gave her earlier. She squirmed as she felt spit hitting her back, then her asshole being rubbed. Her body trembled as he took her, and her head dropped, a simple sign of her resignation of what was happening. She wasn't submitting, not fully, not yet. But for now, she was resigned to being a slave to her brother.

At last, Aaran pulled himself out of her swollen cunt, his cock still rock hard and throbbing, "Get up and turn around, Trynnia" He waited for her to comply, slowly masturbating his cock to keep himself hard. He was not near finished with her... but her ass would come later... for tonight, he would take their newest slave to dinner with him.

Trynnia felt a sense of relief as her brother pulled out of her, her body sore, swollen and aching in places she never imagined she would ache. Sliding to the edge of her bed, she stood up, and slowly turned to face her brother, her back straight as she tossed her head, her hair falling down her back as she looked up at her taller brother. Tears still streamed down her face as she looked at him, defiance in every line of her body.

He took her by the shoulders and shoved down, forcing her to kneel in front of him. With hardly a word, he began jerking his cock again, and suddenly he came, spewing cum all over her face, hair, tits and a bit on the floor. It was at least a couple of cups of cum, maybe more, and it got everywhere... his cock was stained with her blood, and juices.

He grunted and groaned as he came, and when he finished, he picked up her hair and wiped his cum off of his dick. "Now get up, we're going downstairs for dinner" he ordered, grabbing his shirt and pants to put them on

She looked at her brother and asked, knowing that they had never brought a slave to the table naked, "What am I supposed to wear, Aaran?"

Aaran looked down at her, "Wear? You're not wearing anything Trynnia... get up and follow me," He said, moving to the door out into the hall.

Her eyes widened as her brother told her she wouldn't wear anything. She thought about refusing to go, but knowing Aaran's temper earlier and the beating her poor ass got, she decided not to argue, though she crossed her right arm over her chest, hiding her nipples, while her left hand went to cover her pussy. Her ass was already covered by her hair, so she didn't have to worry about that. She rose to her feet, her body graceful in every line, and followed her brother from her room...

As then went into the hall, he looked back at her, "Did I give you permission to cover yourself?" he demanded, without stopping. He actually thought it was cute the way she tried to preserve her modesty... but he wouldn't have it for long...

Her eyes flashed at him, but before he caught more than a glimpse, she looked down, then stopped. "Aaran, you say I'm your slave now, but you aren't treating me the way you treated the others. You never had any of them go to dinner with you naked. But you're making me go naked. At least, to be fair and equal, let me either cover myself or wear clothes. Please, Aaran."

"You'll see why I'm treating you differently Trynnia" He simply said, "And if I had decided, any of those girls could have come to the table naked... I just chose not to...." he turned, "Come on... You are under a different set of rules than the rest..."

Her shoulders slumped as he refused to let her cover up, but decided to keep her right arm across her breasts and her left hand over her pussy. She started following him again, going down to the dinner table, naked and embarrassed by her lack of clothes. Her father and brothers hadn't seen her naked since she was a tomboy playing outside in the middle of summer, skinny-dipping in the lake behind the manor. But she'd been skinny and flat then, completely unlike her curves and breasts now.

As they passed a mirror in the hall, he saw that she had refused to stop using her hands to cover herself. Spinning on her, his eyes flashed with rage, "I thought I told you to stop covering yourself!" he said, deathly quiet.

She shook in fear as her brother spun on her, and shook her head. "No, Aaran, you just said you hadn't given permission, and then you refused to allow me clothes. But you never once told me to stop covering myself," she said softly, looking down. She knew the lower his tone, the worse things would get. Moreover, right now, she did not feel like being killed over anything. She slowly lowered her arm and moved her hand to her side, her nipples hardening as the cool air caressed her breasts.

"When I don't give you permission, it means that you don't. Do. it." he said, in the same tone, watching her remove her hands. "Better. Don't do it again," he said, and then his voice got a bit louder, "Get up here next to me, I want to keep an eye on you." They were almost to the dining room, and from there they could hear the sounds of the table being set and their father and two brothers talking.

She nodded, moving up next to him, her cheeks turning a dark pink from embarrassment as her body was on display like this. Two guards stood by the entryway to the dining room whistled as they saw Trynnia nude, and her embarrassment grew. She shifted from foot to foot, feeling like she wanted to sink into the ground. No one would ever take her seriously now...

Not bothering to tell the guards to be quiet, since she was as good as a slave, he pushed open the door and shoved her through before him. Aaran followed immediately behind her, entered the room and stepped to the side, "May I present our newest slave... Trynnia" he said to his family. Their father stood and bowed to Aaran, but ignored her for the moment. His two brothers stood Frelth, the youngest, and Relenth, the oldest. Both boys gave a single nod, as they would if she were no different from any other slave. Aaran stepped forward and took his place at the table, motioning for her to move close.

She stumbled as he shoved her through the door, catching herself and stopping herself from glaring at him, knowing her other brothers and father would further punish her if she did. She didn't understand why her father and brothers were acting like this, as if she was nothing more than a piece of meat to be passed around, which she knew her father and brothers did with the slaves they trained. Here it was, her fate sealed by her brother's actions and words, and she couldn't help but bite her lip before letting any sound escape her as tears fell down her face. Slowly, she stepped forward, her head down, not looking at anyone.

Aaran pointed to a barely padded cushion on the floor instead of her usual chair at the table, "Sit" he said with an air of command. "As you can see she's starting to learn a bit already."

Frelth nodded, "You always were the best worker Aaran... "

Relenth leaned over and patted his shoulder, "He's just following MY example!" he said smiling.

Their father laughed and sat again, "Let's eat shall we?"

The boys agreed and each dug into the plate of food before them. Their father talked about where the brothers would head next for a new batch of slaves, to the south where many of the darker skinned elves lived... they were wild and there was great demand for them in the north regions.

Relenth agreed with the plan and then turned to their father, "Dad, does Trynnia being a slave mean we are all entitled to her?"

Their father nodded, "Yes Relenth... we all are, but Aaran is in ultimate control over her training and so you must default to him."

"Aye" Relenth nodded, patting Aaran's shoulder again, "Lucky you... but as I said my footsteps"

"More like Father's footsteps" argued back Frelth, "He started the whole tradition..."

Trynnia sat on the cushion, a low whimper slipping from her as her abused ass found the hard floor under the cushion. She shifted, her tender ass aching in every position she tried to get into, then settled for tugging lightly on Aaran's pants. The moment she felt his attention turn to her, she asked, almost too low for the others to hear, "May I lay down, Aaran? Sitting hurts too much." Her head tilted at the words of her brothers, unsure of what they meant, but shrugged it off. She wasn't their sister any more. She was nothing but a slave to them, and knowing that hurt her heart. She thought they all loved her, but they were treating her like she didn't exist except to sate their needs. She felt like her heart was breaking. She'd done everything to make their lives easier since she got old enough to take care of most of the household chores, but now, she didn't exist. Well, that part of her, at least.

Aaran looked down at her, just a hint of kindness in his stern voice, "Yes Trynnia, but I want you listening" He turned back to the conversation, "Aye... actually father's father started it if I am right... he got Mom and Dad together"

Their father remained silent; he had no need to speak of something that was common knowledge to the brothers, although usually they would not speak of it since Trynnia was there. The brothers bantered back and forth over the subject, Frelth raised a finger, "That's right... I remember seeing Mom do Dad... although I was pretty little"

Relenth smirked, "You never got into the whole thing like Aaran and I did though, she died too early... Dad taught us everything we know using Mom..."

Frelth's eyes widened, "Really? Damn i never did get to do that..."

Relenth nodded, "And now Aaran is carrying on the tradition with Sis even like Dad did with mom"

Trynnia curled up on the thin cushion, making sure her reddened ass faced Aaran, her body just barely fitting on it in a fetal position, though she did listen in as Aaran wanted. However, what they were talking about confused her. A tradition? Mom and Dad? She shook her head, confused over the matter, and laid her head down, her eyes shutting, though she wasn't asleep. She was listening to every word. She wanted to ask something, but she wouldn't do it now. She knew that if she did, her backside would be even sorer, and he would not show her any kindness for a long time. Something clicked in her mind and her eyes flew open, and she turned her head to look at Aaran, asking with her eyes if Mom had been Dad's sister.

Aaran looked down at Trynnia when she looked at him, "Yes Trynnia?" he asked, and "You have something to ask? I give you permission to speak"

She didn't ask the first question, the one she knew that if she asked in front of their brothers would get her beaten again. Instead, she looked at Aaran and simply asked, "Relenth said that you are carrying on the tradition with me like Dad did with Mom. Was Mom Dad's sister?" The answer to this question would steer her in the right direction, the one they wanted her to go down.

Aaran nodded to her and answered, "Yes she was... also his slave... and our toy as well as his..." he said, looking her in the eyes, "Anything else you want to ask? And NO LYING" he said... "That's another rule... the whole truth... all the time"

She sighed, cornered into asking the question she would have rather waited to ask. Nevertheless, Aaran knew her too well, could read her better than Relenth and Frelth. "Just remember you wanted me to ask, Aaran. I would have waited to ask until later. But did Dad ever have to beat Mom with a hairbrush?"

"If you didn't want to ask, you shouldn't have thought of the question in the first place," he said. "But yes... he did, many times... and with many other things as well..."

Frelth and Relenth glared at her. Punishment talk was never done at the table... ever... not to mention she was asking questions that she had no right to ask.

Relenth pointed this out, "She needs a tanning for that Aaran..." Frelth nodded.

Aaran looked at both of them, "I know... but I had her ask, I'll let it pass this once. Is everyone done with their dinners?"

They nodded.

"Then perhaps Trynnia would like to get up here and show off her nicely reddened ass and pussy."

Aaran looked at her and whispered, "I hope you know that the beating they suggested would have been on your pussy and ass..."

Trynnia didn't like to get up and show off what Aaran had done earlier, but she knew that it wasn't a request, but an order. Therefore, she rose to her feet, and looked around a little, wondering where she was supposed to get up on to show off. She hadn't really caught the glares from her other brothers, not until she stood up, and she trembled as she saw the intensity behind their looks.

She knew that the times she spent with them would be harder on her than with Aaran. He said he loved her. He was helping her learn what she could and couldn't do in her new role in life. Maybe her words earlier were hasty and too harsh. She loved her family, but Aaran had always been the brother that had been there for her when she scraped a knee, or rode her first horse by herself. Moreover, he was the one standing by her now, refusing to beat her for asking a question that he'd asked her to ask. She would have waited, as she said, until they were alone, and Relenth and Frelth wouldn't have gotten mad at her. She was still trying to figure out where she was supposed to go to show off her reddened ass and pussy, and turned to Aaran, the question in her eyes.

Aaran looked at her, waiting for her to obey, but he could see she was confused, having never been there when they played with the slaves after dinner before. He nodded subtly toward the table, which was just finished being cleared by the servants.

"Come on bitch..." Frelth called, "Get moving!"

Relenth tapped his fingers on the table, nodding, but staying silent.

Trynnia bit back a retort, her temper flaring in her. However, she fought to keep it from escaping as she moved to the table and climbed up on it, her head down. She crawled to the middle of the table, and then slowly turned around, facing Aaran. She looked up at him, and he could see the fury in her eyes at what Frelth called her, and her struggle to keep her fury in check.

Having faced Aaran, her entire bottom and slightly reddened pussy were completely visible to the two other brothers, and their father. Aaran was the only one that could see her face, and it was a good thing. He smiled, both to her and to them, showing no sign of any compassion or remorse to them. He did lean into her face and whispered, "Shhh...." then walked around the table to stand near the others.

Their father was first up, examining the red marks on her ass and touching them lightly, "Indeed you learned well Aaran... you didn't bruise or break the skin..."

Relenth felt her ass up a bit and then ran a finger along her pussy slit, "And I can see you already used her, you lucky bastard... But that's all right... we're next" he said.

Frelth chuckled and slapped her ass, "Nice marks, how did it feel cunt?"

Aaran spayed quiet through most of the comments, his eyes going a bit hard at his youngest brother's comment.

Trynnia felt her father and oldest brother touching her lighter on her reddened skin, then Relenth's fingers stroking through her slit. Her back arched down, lifting her ass and cunt for them, a tremble racing through her before she had to bite back a cry of pain as Frelth slapped her already tender ass. Fury flared in her eyes again, and she fought to hold it from her voice as she whispered, "It hurt, Frelth." If this was what her life was going to be like, she would refuse to call any of them what the other slaves would.

Before Aaran could say anything or stop him, Frelth viciously whipped her ass with his hand, "You will not address me by my name any more Slave... you have no right!"

Aaran's lip curled in anger... she was new, how could she know? He sighed and waited to see what she would do... hoping she would have the sense not to bite back at him. She was a fiery girl...

Trynnia screamed as her youngest, though still older than her, brother whipped her ass, already tender and red from the spanking and brush beating from Aaran. She scrambled from the table and backed off, her eyes large and swimming with tears. Despite her sudden intense hatred of her youngest brother, and wanting to cover herself, she kept her arms by her sides as she fought, trying not to bite back at him. They could all see her struggle, then her body slumping to the ground. She'd made herself pass out to keep from snapping at her youngest brother.

Aaran pushed Frelth out of the way, his eyes on fire, and rushed to her side, checking to make sure she was all right. He sighed when he found she was, and spun around, "Frelth... she doesn't understand yet...." he said, quietly, "I think that's enough for this evening... She'll be with me." he said, and lifted her from the floor, "She just started, I'll deal with any punishments..." and he left the room, storming out, and heading upstairs to his bedroom. He gently laid her on the bed and then pulled over a mat that they kept for slaves. He put her on that, and then sat down, waiting for her to wake up.

After he left the room Frelth's eyes were wide, "Gosh... wow... she has a long way to go."

Relenth nodded, "He was right though... she doesn't know yet. It probably would have been better for Aaran to wait to bring her down until later in her training."

Their father simply stayed quiet... he had been through it all before, and wasn't going to interject; it was his son's time to be the head now. He did clear his throat, "You two had better get ready for the expedition for new slaves...I think perhaps I will go with Relenth..." and he left the room.

Trynnia slowly woke, feeling the mat under her bare skin, and the memory of what happened flooded her mind and she scrambled to her feet, her eyes wide as she looked around, scared that she was being punished by Frelth. Her mind slowly registered that she was in Aaran's room and she looked for her brother, finally spotting him on the bed watching her. "Aaran?" she whispered.

He had undressed and lay down while waiting for her to come to, and when he saw that she was awake, he sat up in bed, looking at her with a mixture of emotions in his eyes. They were hard, but not as stone, "Yes?" he said, his tone a bit quiet.

Trynnia looked down, half-afraid that her brother was mad at her for what happened at the dinner table. "I...I'm sorry, Aaran. I..I didn't mean to upset Frelth downstairs. But the names he called me... I couldn't stop my fury from rising... But I did good.. I didn't snap at him..." She wanted to cross her arms, but remembering his fury when she'd done it earlier, held herself back, keeping her arms at her sides.

He looked at her for half a minute, staying quiet, watching her fidget a bit. He stood and looked her in the eyes. "You're right. You didn't snap at him, or do anything physical, and that's good." He walked completely around her, hands at the small of his back, "But at the same time you should have stayed put. I don't care what he calls you." Actually, he did, but just because of the way Frelth said it. "You're going to have to be punished for it," he finally said, standing behind her.

Trynnia looked up as her brother stood up, a tremor of fear racing through her, her body trembling for a moment before his first words. She gave a hesitant smile, staying still as he started to walk around her, then her head lowered as he reprimanded her for moving from the table downstairs. She heard him moving behind her and her trembling started again.

Punished... for moving from her youngest brother as he beat her already tender ass? Her fury flared again, her body stiffening, then relaxing as she held back the growl that wanted to come out. She truly hated her youngest brother now. "May I ask for one thing, Aaran, before you punish me?" Her words were soft, held no hint of her fury at Frelth, just her resignation to what was going to happen.

Aaran came around to face her, looking into her eyes with his piercing gaze, "What is it Trynnia?"

She heard him moving back in front of her and looked up, meeting his eyes, though hers tended to look just below his, not quite meeting his. She would never be able to look her brother directly in the eyes again. At least she would be able to see the gorgeous brown shade of his eyes, even if she wasn't able to look directly into them. "If I must be punished, may I only be punished by you, or maybe Father, Aaran?"

Aaran looked into her emerald eyes, he loved their color, he always had, and he listened to the fear in her voice as she asked him to allow her to be punished only by himself or father. He lowered his head and then looked back up, "I'm sorry Trynnia. I will do it whenever possible. Nevertheless, Frelth will be able to also, and Relenth. Father may leave it to us. And if I'm not here, or not around when something happens, I can't stop them." He took a breath. "Anything else? Keep in mind that I may let you ask questions that you won't be able to around others. However, be careful what you ask."

Trynnia closed her eyes, her trembling starting again. "I wouldn't mind so much if Relenth had to, but Frelth scares me. I've seen him with the slaves. He's brutal and vicious. What good will I be when he snaps and kills me while punishing me? Besides that, what was his problem? What else was I supposed to call him? He's always been Frelth to me, my entire life! I wasn't raised as a slave. I was raised as your beloved baby sister! You only changed my status from your beloved baby sister to slave maybe two hours ago!! In addition, I am NOT a cunt! Moreover, the next time he calls me that, he had better be ready to run from me, because I will kill him. I don't care that I'm a slave or not. I'm not a cunt! And he better realize it!" While she kept her voice down so it couldn't be heard outside his room, her temper had sparked again and until she vented her rage, she would be on a hair trigger. However, Aaran had always soothed her out of her rages, and he knew she needed to vent before she exploded and ended up dead from Frelth's beatings.

Aaran ran a hand over her head and through her hair, and then kissed her on the forehead before backing up and sitting down again. "Frelth is indeed brutal. And I don't want to know what he would have done to you if I had let him. But he had better be careful just how far he does go if he ever punishes you." He looked at her, "The proper way to address us is Master, or Sir, or by no name at all." He stood again and placed his hands on her hips, "Whatever he calls you, you now have no right to harm him. Moreover, it would be dangerous; I know that he is stronger than you by far"

She tossed her head, her hair flowing around her some as she looked at her brother, the silken locks brushing over his hands as he held her hips. She was more than a head shorter than her middle brother, and easily fit against him when he held her close to him. "You are my only Master, Aaran. But I'll show respect for Father and Relenth by addressing them as such, but Frelth will not get that level of respect. I hope he goes out to get the next batch. I'd rather not have to deal with him for a while. And while he may be stronger than me, I'm faster and more agile. But I won't attack him. Not because he's my better, which I don't think he is, but because you're asking me not to."

She paused, looked down for a moment, then looked back up at him, defying normal convention of slaves not looking into their Master's eyes as her green eyes looked into his brown eyes. "I'm sorry for my words earlier, Aaran. I don't hate you. And I've never been able to be upset with you for long anyway. It's just that everything happened so fast. My head spun, and I lashed out. You're my favorite big brother, and I love you. Can you ever forgive my hurtful words...Master?"

He smiled down at her for a moment before becoming somber again. "I know not who father will send for the next group, I think he may go with Relenth." He sighed and lowered his head to kiss her lips. "I will forgive your words Trynnia... and I love you too." He ran a hand over her cheek, "Trynnia, you must understand something. I'm training you to be a slave; a slave in every way. Sometimes I will hurt you, with punishments, or if i am angry." He blushed a bit, "I may even enjoy it some. However, I will never stop loving you. Moreover, Trynnia, be careful how you act in front of the others. I will allow you more freedom than they will, but punishments will not go unadministered. And you had better say nothing that will make them think you have committed yourself to me alone."

"If Frelth stays behind, may I stay in here to avoid any situations, Master?" she asked softly, looking up at him. "Didn't mother make the same choice? Father over the rest of her brothers?" She looked down for a moment, and then said, "I'm ready to take my punishment for earlier, Master." Her body trembled though, denying her claim.

"From now on you will be sleeping in here... on that mat or the floor or in my bed, wherever i tell you to... When I'm not with you, I may have you stay here anyway... I'll think about it." he kissed her on the lips again, "Mother Did, but her other brothers continued to use her until... I'll tell you later... but Frelth and Relenth will expect to be able to use your body as well, and I have no right to deny them that because Father wants you for all of us... I'm just in charge of the training." He finally stepped back and opened a drawer in his dresser, the bottom one where he kept his tools for slave work. He pulled out a long wooden slat, like a ruler, and put it on the bed. "Alright then... hands on your head, legs apart"

Trynnia licked her lips after her brother kissed her, tasting him on them. She listened and sighed softly, finding out her other brothers would be using her as well. A soft sound escaped her as she heard that Frelth would get her too. "I just hope he's not as brutal in bed as he is out of it," she said, seeing no way to escape the situation. "At least Relenth didn't smack my already tender ass earlier. He shouldn't be a brutal lover in bed." She looked at the slat and trembled, her hands moving up to her head, her fingers interlacing behind her head as she spread her legs apart, her eyes closing, refusing to see what was going to happen to her.

He flexed the wood, making sure that it was in good shape and not going to snap, and then he stepped to the side of her, looking at her body. Standing the way she was, she turned him on more than any other slave ever did. He smiled a bit, and then lifted the wood so that it was in line with her breasts. With a SWISH-SMACK!, it affected the top of both of her tits equally.

Trynnia gasped as he smacked her breasts with the wood, tears springing to her clenched eyes as she held back a scream. She was not a weak little girl, crying out at the first smack of her punishment. Nor did she move her arms from the position he'd told her to put them in to cover her breasts from more beatings. She figured he'd already reprimanded her for covering up when he wasn't punishing her. What would happen if she covered up while being punished? Nevertheless, damn, it hurt, and her breasts throbbed where he'd hit her.

With another SWISH-SMACK, he moved the wood lower, crossing below her breasts to mimic the same marks above. He smiled as she managed to hold back the first, and wondered about the continuing ones. He had seen slaves that took as many as 10 on their breasts before finally turning into a blubbering mess. He didn't plan on turning her into one, but it had to hurt. SWISH-SMACK! Harder this time, above again, but right above her nipples... he was so accurate that the wood was laying next to the nipple without hurting it.

Tears fell freely from her clenched eyes as she held back her screams. She didn't know how long she could hold back, but she was built from the same material as her brothers and she refused to let Aaran see her as a blubbering mess again like earlier. She was nothing like Frelth, brutal and hard, nor Relenth, stoic and quiet. She'd always been more like Aaran, fun-loving, outgoing, happy-go-lucky. She thought about the years when she and Aaran would go swimming and play together, despite the age difference between them. The fond memories brought a smile to her lips, and she was able to open her eyes and nod to Aaran.

He had waited for a few seconds after the last swat to see how she would react, and when he saw her open her eyes and nod, he knew that she understood why he was doing it, and that she could take it. He nodded back and brought the stick down again, This time directly across her nipples, SWISH-SLAP!

She inhaled on a hiss as he smacked her nipples this time, her body trembling from the pain there, but not one noise escaped her lips. She was taking her punishment because she loved her brother, would do anything for him, and she just let her mind go to the fond memories of her time with her brother, knowing she would have more than just those past memories with him, but future ones as well. And she wasn't going to ruin this for either of them. She didn't want Father to take her from Aaran and give her to Frelth or even Relenth. Only Aaran understood her completely.

His eyebrows raised as he repeated the last strike, landing directly on the nipples, and then immediately switched hands and brought it around his head in a looping arc that sent the wood slamming into her ass, three times. SLAP, SLAP, SLAP! He began silently counting to 20.... while watching her. He smiled thinking how she was taking this....

Trynnia shuddered under the smacks, holding back any noise from the last one on her nipples, but flinched with each one on her ass, already tender from her earlier beating, and felt her legs quiver, and she dropped to her knees after the third one, biting back the screams of pain. She heard footsteps outside Aaran's room, but didn't move from the spot, her ass on fire, the pale skin there even redder than before.

He watched her fall to her knees, finished counting and then walked in front of her, "Stand up Trynnia...." and he waited for her to comply. Outside the room, he heard footsteps come to a stop, and he looked toward the door to see who it was.

Trynnia gasped for a moment, and carefully moved onto one knee as she brought her other leg around and placed her foot on the floor. Then pushed herself back to her feet, her hands still in place behind her head, her legs trembling under her. Outside his closed door, the person knocked, giving Aaran some respect by not barging in.

Aaran watched her stand on shaky limbs and contemplated if he should finish the punishment with the last of his planned strikes. He hated to do it to her, but she had to know the consequences for her actions. With a swallow, he swung the slat around in a last, powerful stroke, and it landed squarely on her exposed pussy lips. He put the wood down calmly and went to the door, opening it a crack.

Trynnia gasped in pain as the last smack hit her pussy, bringing tears to her eyes as her exposed lips throbbed from the smack. She bit her lip not to make a sound as he laid the wood down and she gave a look of hatred to the wood, focusing her hurt into anger at the wood. She didn't move, but if she thought she could get away with it, she would destroy that piece of wood.

As he opened the door a crack and looked out, whoever it was on the other side could only see Trynnia's backside, her hands still interlaced behind her head.

Their older brother Relenth stood there, peeking in, "Hey Aaran... did you need any help?"

Aaran glanced back at her, then shook his head, "No, her punishment is under control... She'll learn Relenth..."

Relenth nodded, "I know... but they were expecting more this evening..."

Aaran shrugged, "I can't help it, and the decision was only made today... "

He nodded "would she be ready for..." and he cut himself off.

Aaran shook his head emphatically, "No... Definitely not... I have to start that part of her training immediately... perhaps now, or tomorrow morning..."

Relenth peeked in again; silent once more, looked Trynnia up and down from the backside, nodded, and walked away. Halfway down the hall he turned, "Aaran... I'm going with father tomorrow... Frelth is staying here to manage the few slaves that were too untrained for the slavers to take..."

Aaran closed his eyes and sighed, "Alright Relenth, thanks." and with a nod, he closed the door soundly, locking it.

Trynnia stood there, listening to what was being said, but unlike earlier, she held still while Relenth was at the door. She refused to move, even after she heard her brother locking the door. Her body ached and trembled from the pain, still holding the sounds of her pain in. She wasn't a terrified little girl. She was her brother's slave, his sister. She was her father's daughter. And she was her mother's. If her mother had done this, then so could she.

Aaran came around to stand in front of her, looking at her pained face, seeing the emotions that she kept inside. His eyes swept her body from top to bottom, noticing all of the small trembles and jerky movements that kept her standing. He gave her a small smile and took her arm, then sat her on the bed. "Trynnia... you don't have to be afraid to cry... Father said mother cried when she started... he said she cried terribly" He ran a hand over her jaw and sat on the bed as well, then laid back and watched her.

Trynnia hissed as he pulled her down on the bed, her ass too tender to sit properly on it, and sat more on her side than ass. "I hate that piece of wood, Master. I beg you not to use it on me when you're just upset and need to vent. I understand that when I'm getting punished you might use it, but not when you're stressed for other things. Please." Hearing his words about her mother, she nodded, letting out the tears that she'd been holding back. "I'll only let them out for you, Master. Frelth won't get any cries or screams from me." She looked at him, pleading with her eyes as well as her words. "May I lay down, Master? It hurts to sit."

He cocked his head to the side as she spoke her feelings about his choice of implement. He nodded slightly, "I'll consider not using it... no, I'll probably use the hairbrush or something" he patted her leg as she started to cry, and the tenderness in his eyes spoke of how much he cared for her, "I understand Trynnia" he said, sitting to wipe a tear from her eye, "You may lay down, on the bed" he said, pointing to next to where he would sleep... "We're going to start your sex training..."

Trynnia smiled and wanted to show her love with a hug or a kiss, but slaves weren't supposed to touch their Masters. But she could show it in her swift obedience to his commands. She moved up on the bed, lying on her back with a slight hiss as her tender ass moved over the bedding. "Right here, Master?" she asked softly, her love in the tone.

He watched as she quickly obeyed him, moving up to lay on the other side of the bed, "Yes, that will do fine... your going to have to get used to having sex, or being fucked, if you prefer, in many different ways, and whether you want it or not. Sometimes it will feel like your being raped again, other times like the other person loves you... and other times, like you're just being used." He ran a hand down her front, between her tits, "For tonight, I'll do a short lesson on making love... gentler than earlier" he smiled at her. "Above all, it's your job to make sure that your partner is enjoying himself..." he lay back next to her

"Depending on what the partner wants, you start in different ways... for instance, if I just wanted to fuck you right now, you would need to either let me put you where I wanted you, or anticipate what I wanted and move into a position to offer yourself... since I want to move a bit slower, we'll start softer..." he leaned over and kissed her directly on the lips, "You do what you think is right, and I'll tell you if you do something wrong..."

Trynnia listened to his words, and mentally arranged her brothers into the way she would feel as listed by her Master. Her eyes closed as he kissed her, a low moan slipping from her before whispering against his lips, "Does this mean I can touch you, Master, when we're having sex or making love or fucking? I know, from watching you and our brothers and father with the other slaves, that slaves are not supposed to touch their Masters." She wanted to make sure she knew exactly what she was allowed to do and when, before she touched him and got in trouble.

His face lit up as she asked, a grin cracking itself on his face, and he leaned back a bit, "Good question, your right, your not supposed to touch your master, at least not without permission... for instance, if I wanted a massage, you would HAVE to touch me in order to do that. If your master wants you to give him a blowjob, you'll have to ask before you touch, because he might just want you to use your mouth. It's always best to NOT touch until they tell you that you can. With me..." he scratched his chin, "when we are alone, you can ask, and depending on my mood, i'll most likely let you touch me. Anytime you or we are around others, assume that you can not touch until you have been given permission, and don't ask... wait for permission. In most cases, your feelings will not matter to the person fucking you, and they will expect you to lie still as they use you." He trailed a line of kisses across her chest, "Right now... i give you permission to touch me. This will be the lesson on making love... Making love is for the pleasure of both partners, but no matter what, your first thought should be for your master's... MY.... pleasure." He laid next to her, putting an arm next to her head, and then rolled onto his side so he was facing her, still smiling, "since you have permission, go ahead and touch me, try to get me all hot and bothered...."

Trynnia smiled softly as she leaned up, her hands lightly stroking over his face, then down his neck and over his shoulders. A giggle escaped her as she whispered, "I need you to lay on your back, Master. Since I have permission to touch you, I want to explore every inch of you that I can." While she spoke, her hands hadn't stopped moving over his shoulders, neck, jaw and cheeks. "And does my permission to touch include kissing, Master?"

He flopped over backwards, feeling her hands play over his body, and he sighed. Of course, he had had sex with many a girl before, but they had all been just slaves...just another girl he was training or playing with. None had held the love he heard in her voice as she spoke. He lay still on his back; letting her explore him fully, discover what he liked... "Yes, you can kiss me Trynnia"

Trynnia smiled and moved to sit on her brother, her recently deflowered cunt just inches in front of his cock as her hands roamed over his body and she leaned down, brushing her lips lightly over his. She wiggled against him, his body soothing the hurt to her pussy and ass as she explored his chest with her hands, and then lifted her hips and scooted back some, sitting just behind his cock. Her lips trailed down from his lips, over his cheek, over his jaw, slowly kissing and tasting his skin and the unique flavor of his sweat. Her lips moved slowly, kissing down his neck, then over his collarbone, and down to his chest. As she kissed him, her breasts rubbed against his stomach and chest, her nipples pebbling under the light friction.

He stayed perfectly relaxed under her, at least, most of him did. A certain part of him, which she expertly slid over, was getting quite hard just from having her attentions on him. He realized that he didn't know her body that well yet either, and was eager to learn every part of her. He let her continue on, feeling her breasts and aroused nipples rubbing his chest and stomach, her mouth following. He lifted his hands to grab a hold of her breasts and squeezed both of them before rubbing her back. He dropped his hands, and leaned up on his elbows as he watched her, still smiling... she was doing great...

Trynnia moaned softly as he grabbed hold of her breasts and squeezed them gently, then rubbed her back. She scooted lower, her hands, lips and breasts moving down, her breasts on either side of his cock while her hands and lips kissed and stroked his stomach and lower belly, but didn't touch his cock yet. Then before he could stop her, she turned around, facing his feet and working her way up his legs, giving him her reddened, tender ass to look at, just barely in fingertip reach as her hands stroked over his lower legs, up to his knees. Then she scooted back a little more and ran her fingers over his knees, her slit just barely not touching his balls.

He watched her explore his body with a smile on his lips. His sister, who just that morning would have never thought of doing anything like this, was now all over his naked body. He shook his head in amazement, and thought that she still had a long way to go, even if she was doing great. he was surprised as she spun about and began working up his legs. He savored the sight of her ass and the tiniest peek of her slit that she gave him. He stretched, and the ends of his fingers just managed to brush the warm skin of her ass, but he couldn't reach her slit. He waited for her to continue... knowing that she was going to give him all she had.

Trynnia gave a low moan as she felt his fingertips brushing over her soft ass then she moved back some more, her slit sliding over his length as she wiggled up more, until his cock pressed against her belly, her hands working on his thighs as she turned her head and kissed his inner thighs, moving up to lightly brush her lips against his balls.

Aaran gave a low groan as she slid over his length, the sensations of her damp pussy making it jump a bit reflexively. He smiled as she took her time to kiss her thighs and brush her lips along his balls. His own hands were not idle, one continued to gently rub her ass, the other was making its way slowly down to her slit, where it proceeded to stroke the entire length of it.

Trynnia gasped as she felt her Master's fingers touching her slit, gently sliding over the entire length of it. She wiggled back a little more, and soon her slit was over his mouth, and her hands slid over his hard length, gently lifting him up and licking his cockhead slowly, seeing if she liked the taste of his hard flesh on her tongue.

With an appreciative nod of his head, he admired how her pussy glistened in the light from the candle he had on his bedside table. He could smell her juices, and her sweat, and he sighed at them. He raised his head, stuck out his tongue, beginning at her clit, and gave a firm lick up her pussy to the other end. He ran his tongue up and down like this several times, and then licked around her hole and pushed his tongue into it.

Trynnia moaned softly as he licked her slit, moving from her clit to just past her hole a few times before his tongue slid into her entrance. Her head came up as she moaned, her back arching in pleasure, then she focused again on what she'd been doing, and lowered her head again, licking her Master's cock, swirling her tongue around the tip, then hesitantly slipped her mouth around him and sucked lightly, listing for any indication that she was doing the wrong thing.

He smiled at the effect he had on her, she moaned and then arched up off his cock. He almost tapped her ass once, but she quickly put her mouth back onto him, swirling her tongue and then just barely beginning to suck. He gave a groan as she did so and stuck his tongue back inside her wet folds again, a sign that she was doing well. His hands began to roam her ass slowly, and move up toward her breasts, just at his fingertips.

Hearing her Master's groan, Trynnia gave a last lick to his tip before slipping a little more of him into her mouth. What her brothers didn't know was that the slaves talked in front of other females, and she overheard a lot, learning about what she was doing from their conversations. In addition, she would put all her memories of those conversations to good use practicing on Aaran. She moaned around his cock as she felt his tongue sliding back into her slit.

Her moaning around his cock made his cock jump to its full size, it felt almost bigger than it ever had before. He had never had this good of a blowjob before, and he thought he knew why. Giving a smile, he jammed his cock into her, and then hummed, vibrating his tongue in her pussy. He stretched hard, his hands found purchase on her breasts, swinging below her chest, and he gave a squeeze.

Trynnia moaned, her slit sending out a small gush of her juices, not enough to say she came, but enough to let him know she was loving what he was doing to her. She gagged some as he thrust up into her mouth hard, his hands finding her breasts and squeezing them. Her mouth slid up his length to swirl her tongue around his tip a moment, then slid back down before finding a good rhythm of her bobbing.

Aaran was surprised when her pussy above him suddenly gave a small squirt, and his tongue was coated in slick fluid. It tasted heavenly of course, everything of her that he had tasted was wonderful... and her pussy juice tasted strangely of vanilla and strawberry to his senses. He smirked and gave another hard lick, this time not going in, but resting on her clit and giving it a rub. His hands didn't leave her tits, which he continued to squeeze. He bucked his hips into her mouth, showing that he loved the attention that she was giving him.

Trynnia gave another moan as her Master gave her a hard lick, this time focusing on her clit and rubbing it, making her back arch again. She fought to keep her head from lifting, wanting to scream in pleasure, but knowing she needed to give him pleasure, she kept sucking on his cock, her head bobbing up and down. His thrust up into her mouth came at the same time as one of her downward swoops, and his cock pushed at the back of her throat and slipped in it a little.

Every time she moaned, his cock would jump, the sensations just being too great for him to handle. He smiled as she worked him toward an orgasm... his orgasms weren't anything to be laughed at either. He could easily cum as much as a half a gallon... multiple times in a row... he had always been able to... and some of the slaves absolutely hated him for it. He smiled softly, wondering if he should tell her, but deciding not to... yet. He did buck his hips again, continuing to lick her clit

Trynnia gagged as her Master thrust up into her again, sliding a little further down her throat, cutting off her air for a moment. Her clit was getting hard under her brother's constant attention to it, and her hips bucked slightly, more moans slipping from her as he teased her and got her ready for what was about to happen.

He let his cock fall out of her mouth and he rested his ass back on the bed, knowing that it wasn't long now until he would explode... Seeing her clit above his face, hardening under his ministrations, he latched onto it with his lips and gave a mighty suck while shoving his face into her cunt.

Trynnia screamed, her orgasm hitting her hard, her cum juices gushing from her to coat her Master's face. Her hips bucked as she tried to refocus herself, but failed, her head dropping to rub against his cock. She was supposed to make sure of something...

She was supposed to make sure that no matter what, she stayed on his cock, and kept pleasuring him. He jerked back as her hips bucked into his face, and she came hard, squirting all over him. He didn't mind the squirting so much... he found it hot... but she hadn't stayed put. He stopped licking and put his hands down, having no contact with her except where she was touching his body...

Trynnia moaned softly as she felt his hands leaving her and his tongue stop his licking, and shifted herself back into position, her mouth slipping back onto his cock. It took the lack of his hands and tongue to remind her of the number one rule... see to her Master's pleasure before her own. She started sucking on him, hoping he wouldn't punish her for this. It was, after all, her first orgasm of such magnitude.

As she resumed her sucking, he still didn't touch her again, letting her know his displeasure with his lack of contact. Still, his cock had remained mostly hard, and was back to full attention immediately. Her sucking had its effects, and soon he was ready to spurt. He had been going to warn her, but he decided that her punishment would just be no warning... and then the dam burst... her cocksucking had made him so built up, he knew it was a big one. His sperm flew out of his cock, spraying into her mouth with a lot of force and down her throat.

Trynnia gave a soft whimper as he still didn't touch her, but she kept sucking on him, determined to do whatever she had to, to make her Master happy with her again. It was only her first time in this kind of position, and her first experience outside of her brother's rape of her earlier. Before she could contemplate anymore, he came, and she had no choice but to swallow, since his cock was in her mouth. Repeatedly he shot into her mouth, his seed soon swelling her belly as she swallowed as fast as she could. Huge gulps of seed slid down her throat and into her belly as she kept sucking, drawing everything out of him that she could.

He heard her whimper at his lack of contact, but he was too much in the throws of his orgasm to say anything. She swallowed his cum as he shot into her mouth, without even being told. For that, he was proud of her, and as she sucked him clean (not quite dry) he placed a hand on her pussy and slid it along her folds, then pinched her clit. He sat up then, pushing her down a bit farther so he could be comfortable as he looked at her, "Trynnia..."

Trynnia moaned softly as she felt his hand sliding along her slit and then pinching her clit. It was only as he pushed her down some more so he could sit up that she lifted her head, slipping his cock from her mouth before looking back at him. "Yes, Master?" she purred, licking her lips clean of stray drops of his seed.

He looked at her, "Remember to keep your focus on your master..." he paused, then smiled, "And good job... you swallowed it all... no slave has done that before" he winked at her, and motioned for her to turn around, "Get up here..."

Trynnia nodded, "Yes, Master." Her head dipped down then looked up at his praise, a smile on her lips. She crawled off her Master and turned around then crawled up next to him. "No one's ever done that before, Master? What? We're they good for nothings, Master?"

As she came up next to him, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, "No one ever swallowed it all, Trynnia... they couldn't do it... so yeah, they were good for nothings... not like you.." he whispered, and then he rolled back, leaving one arm under her, "well... it's late... we should sleep... tomorrow will be a big day I'm sure..."

Trynnia smiled up at Aaran and nodded. She lay against him, closing her eyes and falling asleep with him.